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Loose Ends: Part 6

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Loose Ends: Part 6
« on: January 17, 2024, 03:17:45 AM »
A week had passed since the defeat of La Malvada and Tamara was still in her sex coma. The others had just decided to take her home and lay her in bed. More specifically, the very same bed that Vanessa and Tamara had their most recent bout in just before La Malvada put her plan into action. They couldn’t just take her to the hospital. After all, what would they tell the doctors? That she fell into a coma from having a two week long fuckfight with a cartel boss inside of a dream world conjured up by a magic potion? They’d be the ones admitted to a hospital if they said that. Besides, she didn’t need any medical care. The only thing anyone can do for a sex coma is to wait. According to Serena, La Malvada has not woken up either. However, she will most certainly be St. Lilith’s prized inmate when she does. Serena has plans for her and her friends, new and old, no doubt do too.

The five cop babes and Ben were all sitting in Tamara’s bedroom alongside the sleeping beauty. When she was awake, Tamara was a shameless flirt and a seductive cougar but she was in such a deep sleep that right now she looked as sweet and innocent as could be. The six of them were watching over her carefully, hoping today might be the day when their gorgeous boss finally comes back to them.

“She looks so peaceful.” Ben said.

“Something tells me you’re not looking for that reason, babe.” Jasmine teased.

Tamara was still naked as the girls felt she’d be more comfortable in bed without clothes. Them getting to ogle her was just a bonus. Jasmine was only teasing. Tamara had defeated her and earned the right to fuck Ben, after all.

“Maybe a good gangbang will wake her up.” Nicole said.

“It was sex that put her in this state in the first place.” Vanessa reminded her. “Trust me, I’d love nothing more but try to control yourself, you little slut.”

Nicole mockingly stuck out her tongue at Vanessa.

“It’s not like any of you were unwilling to take advantage of me in my sleep.” Jasmine teased.

“Yeah, but you don’t sign all of our paychecks.” Vanessa joked. “Besides, if we’re gonna fuck her, I want to her to be awake to enjoy it. She’s earned that much after saving all of our big, bubbly asses.”

“Is there nothing we can do for her at all?” Holly asked.

“Not really, sorry to say.” Christina answered. “Two weeks of nonstop sex will do this to even the most hardened of nymphos, let alone two weeks of nonstop sex with La Malvada, of all people. Besides, I saw this happen to some sicarias who got punished by La Malvada for failing or disappointing her. All we can do is wait.”

Ironically enough, just as Christina finished saying that, Tamara started to moan lightly and shift around a little. The others all went silent and watched carefully. Tamara shifted herself slightly, rubbed her eyes and then slowly opened them to see her favorite subordinates and her favorite man sitting all around her bed. She was still groggy and confused but suddenly remembered everything as she realized she was back home in her own bed. For obvious reasons, she felt pretty proud of herself but she was still exhausted and felt like she could spend the rest of her life in this bed.

“Ma’am?” Vanessa asked. “Can you hear us?”

“Yes, dear.” Tamara said weakly. “I’m not dying, I’m just beat to Hell.”

“It’s been a while.” Ben said.

“That it has.” Tamara said as she stretched.

She then realized she was still naked. Her eyes went wide a little.

“You all didn’t…” Tamara said.

“No. We didn’t.” Vanessa said.

“Good.” Tamara said. “Because I would have fired all of you.”

The others seemed shocked.

“I’m just kidding.” Tamara said with a chuckle. “The precinct would be nothing without you babes.”

“Says the woman who defeated La Malvada.” Jasmine said. “You’re a hero, ma’am.”

“Well, you all held down the fort pretty well without me.” Tamara said.

“But we’d also be getting fucked by La Malvada right now without you.” Christina said.

“Speaking of which, tell us about the fight!” Nicole said excitedly. “What happened in there? What did you and her do to each other?”

“Geez, Nikki. Relax.” Holly said. “She just woke up.”

“It’s alright, my darlings.” Tamara said. “I’ll be happy to tell you all about it…After I take a bath.”

“Oh, yeah. We didn’t bathe you.” Vanessa said. “We didn’t think we had the self control to scrub you down without…doing more than that.”

“Well, aren’t you all sweethearts?” Tamara asked warmly. “I wouldn’t have minded, though. It would be a great thing to wake up to.”

“You see?” Nicole said in an “I told you so” kind of tone.

“You really are an animal, jefa.” Christina said. “After all that, you’d still want more sex?”

“Girls, let me tell you something.” Tamara said. “I will never not want sex. Especially from any of you. I live for it. I live for fucking and getting fucked.”

“Damn.” Jasmine said. “If anyone was gonna bring that bitch down, it had to be you.”

“And I enjoyed every moment of fucking that cxnt.” Tamara said.

The dark skinned cougar then slowly got up out of bed as Ben helped her.

“Thank you, handsome.” Tamara said sweetly as she kissed Ben on the cheek. “Now, it might be hard for my weary bones to carry me to the tub and wash me. I sure could use a big strong man in there with me.”

“Ask and you shall receive.” Ben said.

Ben literally swept the older woman off of her feet and carried her to the bath to give her her welcome back present.

“She saved our lives, honey.” Jasmine said. “Remember that as you show her all of our thanks.”

“Oh, I will.” Ben said.

The man and woman went into Tamara’s opulent bathroom to give Tamara the ultimate get well gift as the others stayed in the bedroom. It did not take long for them all to hear the sounds of frenzied moaning and grunting over the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

“She really is something else.” Christina said.

“I can only dream of becoming a nympho to the same degree as her.” Nicole added.

“She’s honestly the foundation of our whole team.” Vanessa admitted.

“Don’t be modest now.” Jasmine said. “You did a Hell of a job leading us out of that whole mess.”

“No one else could’ve handled it like you did.” Holly added.

Vanessa smiled in appreciation of that statement. The sounds of the moaning aroused them all deeply. They wanted nothing more than to go in there and join them or go at each other in Tamara’s bed but they kept it under control. They respected their boss too much to give into their urges right now. About an hour later, Ben and Tamara came back in. Ben wore a bathrobe while Tamara only wore a loose towel around her voluptuous body.

“Ahhhhh…” She sighed. “Now that was a way to wake up.”

She seemed freshly energized while Ben looked rather drained.

“She give you a hard time, babe?” Jasmine asked teasingly.

“Nothing I couldn’t handle but I’m spent.” Ben said.

“I wanted to enjoy my welcome back gift to the fullest, hun.” Tamara teased. “And you did not disappoint.”

He then sat in a rocking chair Tamara had in her room and began to doze off.

“Boy, do we all have a story to tell you.” Vanessa said.

“Me too.” Tamara said. “But you can go first, my lovelies. I want to hear all about it.”

The girls recounted everything that happened after Tamara left for Mexico. La Cazadora’s true identity, St. Lilith’s being taken over by Las Brujas, Sabrina turning on the cartel and her reasons for doing so, teaming up with 732, sneaking into the prison, fighting their way through La Malvada’s sicarias, meeting Serena, Valerie and Olivia, Brooke betraying La Malvada, having been her intention from the beginning, etc.

“And that’s when you showed up.” Vanessa said, finishing up.

“Wow…” Tamara said. “You girls really did get out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

“No kidding.” Jasmine said. “La Malvada is an animal.”

“And ma’am…” Vanessa said as she uncomfortably rubbed the back of her head. “There’s something I want to know…And I don’t know how to ask without it coming off as accusatory.”

“I had no idea about Brooke, dear.” Tamara clarified. “And you don’t need to worry. I admit that I can be a little sketchy with how I do my police work.”

“Join the club.” Holly said.

“I figured as much.” Vanessa said. “Brooke was super secretive about it. If she didn’t tell me, why would she tell you? Still, it sometimes feels like you know everything about the world of nymphos, Ms. Colby.”

“It’s a massive rabbit hole to go down, sweetie.” Tamara said. “Even when you think you’ve seen it all, something will always surprise you.”

“That’s a big part of what makes it so addictive.” Christina added.

“Yeah.” Jasmine agreed. “No woman has truly lived life to the fullest until she discovers her own nymphomania.”

“Speaking of which…” Nicole said. “We told our story, now you tell us yours! We want to hear everything!”

“Yes!” Christina agreed. “Tell us about the fight!”

Tamara scoffed.

“It was the hardest, most brutal, most draining and most merciless fight I’ve ever been in and likely ever will be in.” Tamara said. “But it was also the most fulfilling, thrilling, intense and rewarding experience of my life.”

She explained everything. The way she recounted the epic battle was like a God of war telling an epic tale of conquest and glory. The girls listened in absolute investment as she went over the shifting arenas and how it started out laidback and fun only for the mood to shift to an aggressive sexual slugfest. La Malvada revealing her real name followed by the two arguing over their very different views on the game. Tamara finished by recounting how her more honorable, respectful and passionate philosophy on sexfighting allowed her to push on while La Malvada’s self-centered, survival of the fittest ideology ultimately made her weaker in the end.

“And you all know what happened after that.” Tamara said.

“Holy shit…” Jasmine said in amazement. “Someone should make a movie out of a fight like that.”

“It would be Hell on the theater janitors if they did.” Nicole joked. “I would have preferred to see it live anyway.”

“Maybe we can ask Felicia to make an improvement on that potion.” Holly said.

“We owe that chica our lives, in all honesty.” Christina added.

“That we do.” Tamara said. “I should be sure to…thank her in person.”

“You get to have all the fun.” Vanessa teased. “But we have more of our story to tell. Don’t we, Jazz?”

“We certainly do.” Jasmine agreed.

“Oh?” Tamara asked. “Do tell.”

Jasmine and Vanessa went over their fights with Sabrina and Brooke respectively, followed by their own match against each other, Vanessa’s victory, the lesbian rgy afterwards and Ben fucking the two 29 year olds to literally end it with a bang.

“Huh.” Tamara said. “Now I wish I was the one to have been there for that.”

“It was both the best and worst week of all of our lives, I can safely say.” Vanessa said. “But it’s finally over now.”

“Well, almost over.” Tamara said. “I do have one more thing to say.”

Everyone looked at her with focus.

“You babes did a phenomenal job of holding down the fort while I was gone.” Tamara said. “You escaped criminals and planned an excellent counterattack, defeating skilled nymphos and while I had to save you, it was from La Malvada. Losing to her is no shame. I just barely defeated her myself. And while Brooke may have gotten away, she’s just a vigilante. Las Brujas is finished. I know Carmen better than anyone and she would happily burn her entire organization down so long as she was queen of the ashes.”

“What I’m trying to say is congratulations to all of you, Task Force 732.” Tamara said. “To Officers Alvarez, Parker, Hanson and Davis…and to you…Sergeant Price.”

The girls’ eyes all went wide.

“I hereby promote each of you to the ranks I mentioned.” Tamara said. “You’ve made both the world of law enforcement and the world of nymphomania proud with your actions. Each one of you has my respect.”

The others cheered and looked at each other with glee. Vanessa seemed particularly amazed. She had been gunning for the rank of Sergeant for years now and was in fact the youngest cop at her precinct to have it.

“Oh and I have another surprise for you.” Tamara said as she got up and walked to her closet.

The girls ogled her thick ass as it swayed with her walking. Tamara then walked out of the closet holding five police uniforms. Four for the rank of Officer and one for the rank of Sergeant.

“I’ve been saving these for this day.” Tamara said. “Go ahead and try them on.”

The girls scrambled for their new uniforms, each one having golden name tags attached to them. They all stripped down and got them on rather quick. They were tight and revealing in all the right ways but also looked very official and badass.

“These are great!” Holly said.

“And hot as Hell.” Nicole said.

“I bet they’d make any crook stop dead in their tracks.” Christina joked.

“Especially the men.” Jasmine added.

Vanessa’s uniform was more of a dark blue in comparison to the light blue the others had. It was to signify the difference in rank. Ben suddenly began to stir and he woke up from his short nap to see all the girls in new uniforms.

“I’m not dreaming, am I?” He said as she eyed up the skimpy uniforms.

“Nope.” Jasmine said. “We all just got promoted. Congrats, babe. You’re now married to a full fledged police officer.”

“Wow.” Ben said. “Congrats, girls.”

“And congratulations to you, Sarge.” Christina said to Vanessa.

“I’ve been dreaming about this day for a long time.” Vanessa said.

“How does it feel, dear?” Tamara asked.

“Like I was born to wear it.” Vanessa said.

“Because you were.” Tamara said. “But as much as I like those uniforms…I’m gonna have to ask all of you to take them off for now.”

The others gained lecherous looks on their faces.

“You heard the Chief, ladies.” Vanessa said.

As Ben watched, too drained to participate, sadly, the beautiful ladies of law enforcement celebrated their victory over Las Brujas on Tamara’s bed for hours on end. By the end of it, their faces and hair were all coated in sweat and girl cum as they laid together in the nude.

“You know, my darlings…” Tamara said. “I think we’ve all earned ourselves a nice, long vacation.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Vanessa said. “Oh and I almost forgot.”

The brunette reached over to Tamara’s night stand and took something out of her purse which she then handed to Tamara. It was a coffee mug with “World’s Greatest Boss” written on it.

“Aww.” Tamara said. “That’s sweet of you.”

“It was Nikki’s idea.” Jasmine said.

“It’s a bit sappy but it’s also true.” Holly said.

“We wouldn’t wanna work for anyone else on the planet.” Christina said.

“Not for all the money in the world.” Nicole added.

“Well, you already live in a hotel penthouse.” Tamara said. “But that means a lot. I live to please.”

“I can attest to that.” Ben said.

“Sorry I was a hog today, hun.” Tamara said to Jasmine. “I really milked his cock dry today.”

“Ah, men.” Jasmine said. “I feel sorry for them for having such weaker sexual stamina than us. They can never truly understand the pleasure we get from fucking each other into unconsciousness for hours on end.”

“Yeah. My life sucks.” Ben said sarcastically, knowing that just about every man on Earth would beg to differ.

Everyone rested up, spending the night at Tamara’s before waking up, eating breakfast, showering and then finally getting dressed in their new uniforms again as Tamara looked at them with pride.

“I expect each and everyone of you to earn those uniforms. Even if you spend the most important part of your jobs out of them.” Tamara said firmly.

“You can count on us, ma’am.” Vanessa said. “The G-cup Brigade is ready to protect and serve.”

“And fuck.” Nicole added.

“Always.” Jasmine agreed.

“Forever.” Holly added.

“To the bitter end.” Christina said.

Tamara nearly shed a tear of pride.

“Las Brujas may be gone but crime will never end.” Tamara said. “And for us women, our greatest weapon is our sexuality. Like any weapon, it can be abused to hurt and oppress others but it can also be used to make the world a better place and take a stand against those who would use their hot bodies for immoral purposes of their own selfish desires. We are not just law enforcement agents. We are women and we are women united. La Malvada was just one of many. Remain vigilant, remain grounded and above all else, remain in control of your libidos, lest you end up like her. Is that understood?”

“Yes, ma’am!“ They all said simultaneously as they saluted.

“That’s what I like to hear.” Tamara said. “Now go on and enjoy your well earned vacation, my lovelies. You’ve more than earned it.”

The girls nodded and left. Ready to finally take a load off and enjoy themselves.

‘Oh, what am I ever going to do with those beautiful sluts?’ Tamara thought to herself as she watched them drive away. ‘Or the better question would be, what won’t I do with them?’