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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 11

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 11
« on: January 18, 2024, 02:41:49 PM »
Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 11
       Sunday Morning

        The near total exhaustion of the two girls led to deep sleep and
        even though they were asleep side-by-side they stirred very
        little. No alarm had been set and the sun had been up for more
        than two hours before either awoke. Even after ten and a half
        hours of sleep both girls were still a bit tired and sore as
        they roused from their slumber. Joy awoke moments before Emily
        and rolled over to see Emily still sleeping. Her face was
        towards her on the pillow and Joy looked at Emily’s pretty face.
        It looked so contented and beautiful, without a care in the
        world. She had a hard time focusing her mind, in its early
        morning fuzziness, but she was aware of the import of today. It
        was the last day of their intended feminine war and she knew it
        could be as difficult as any of the previous days. She knew her
        chances were good, but that Emily would certainly be ready to
        battle her tooth and nail all the way. Her victories in the last
        two contests had given her confidence that remained this morning.

        Confident though she was, she was a little melancholy as well.
        Knowing that today was the last day she might ever confront
        Emily woman-to-woman produced a feeling of sadness. She wanted
        to win and beat Emily to put her in her place, but she also felt
        that the motivation of facing Emily was what had kept her going
        for the last several weeks, and when today was over, no matter
        the outcome, that motivation would be gone. For that reason she
        was sorry to see the morning come. She lay still staring at
        Emily’s face as those fuzzy thoughts, more feeling than words,
        filtered through her brain.

        Emily squirmed a bit and sighed a gentle sigh, which came with a
        small smile across her face. The sight was very pleasing to Joy.
        She smiled herself at the image of the lovely girl so close to
        her. When, moments later Emily stirred a little more and her
        legs stretched out in the early stages of wakefulness, Joy
        leaned over and planted a soft kiss on Emily’s pouty lips. Joy
        lay back on her right side and watched closely as Emily smiled
        and stirred some more, stretching her arms above her head to
        remove the muscle stagnation. She licked her lips and opened her
        eyes to find Joy’s gaze directly upon her face. She smiled again
        and without time to contemplate her position as Joy had done she
        leaned over to Joy and returned the kiss. Both girls roused
        themselves from bed and spent a few moments in the bathroom and
        kitchen before returning to the bed. Emily sat on the bed and
        patted the bed beside her, beckoning Joy to sit as well. Joy
        obliged and when Emily leaned back on the bed, pulling Joy down
        with her they rested a bit more. A quiet peaceful moment passed
        as they recuperated a bit more from the exertions of the last
        two and a half days. Emily smiled a big smile again and blew a
        soft kiss towards Joy.

        That brought a big smile to Joy’s face and the two girls lay
        there in limbo between the intense anger, hatred, combativeness,
        and the pleasant, lustful, peaceful, joyful feelings that the
        two eighteen year old girls felt for each other. The delicate
        position of their bodies on the bed and the soft features
        highlighted by the diffuse light of the morning had them both
        feeling more like lovers than fighters at the moment. Without
        any words being spoken the two let their eyes do all the
        communicating. Their eyes met in a loving clinch and they let
        them wander downward over the lovely contours of their foe’s
        body. Joy scooched her body a little closer to Emily. Emily
        inched a little closer to Joy. The two girls were now scant
        millimeters apart and they could feel the breathing of the other
        on their own faces. Joy breathed a big sigh and her breath
        brushed gently across Emily’s face. Emily’s sigh merged with
        Joy’s and the two girls licked their lips. Leaning forward that
        small distance put Joy’s puckered lips in touch with Emily’s
        waiting lips. This time she did not pull back. Emily returned
        the kiss with a wispy soft touch of tenderness. The touch was so
        soft and gentle that it was barely perceptible. The kiss
        lingered between the ever-so-lovely girls. Emily thought, “Gee,
        this is a pleasurable way to wake up. I could do this everyday.”
        She didn’t really contemplate the import of her thoughts;
        whether it was pleasurable to have Joy there, or was it because
        it was a girl kissing her, or was it just that a real live
        person-partner was sharing the intimate time with her. In any
        case it happened to be all three and the fact that she didn’t
        comprehend any deeper meaning behind her feeling didn’t make it
        any less real. The kiss stirred those deeper emotions we all
        share. She acted slowly and almost without thought in rolling
        her body over the bed and wrapped one arm gently around the back
        of Joy so her hand had access to the back of her neck. She
        gently prodded with her right leg between the thighs of Joy’s
        strong legs. Without any forethought or malice, Joy parted her
        legs a bit so that the two could snuggle closer together. Emily
        raised her head and shoulders off the bed for a moment and Joy
        slid her right arm underneath so that she could hug Emily’s back
        and the girls used their arms to pull one another even closer
        together. Their kiss maintained a delicate and increasingly
        erotic touch and their breasts were now pressed together by the
        arms of the embracing girls.

        Arranged like this in a morning clinch the two girls slowly and
        surely began to rub each other’s backs, pull one another close
        for a more exciting touch, play with each other’s hair, slide
        their tits deliciously across the other pair, wiggle their hips
        to feel their pussies rub against the smooth soft thigh inserted
        between their legs, and kept up their quiet kiss. The
        pleasantries of the soft touch and intimacy made Joy feel a
        natural recurrence of lust. Pushing the competition of the last
        65 hours out of her mind, she wished that this clinch of
        intimacy could last forever. Like Emily she did not bother to
        contemplate the psychological ramifications of her feelings: did
        this make her a lesbian? Was she in love with Emily? Was she
        bonded to her like this forever? No, she didn’t consider all
        this, only the wonderfully warm and fuzzy feeling she had as the
        two slowly writhed together on the bed.

        The delicious rapture rolled from the deepest recesses of their
        brains, controlled by their unconscious. They had become fully
        awake and the pleasure had not dissipated, but intensified. As
        the passion grew, their motions became more spontaneous and
        erratic. Their mouths had opened and tongues danced together in
        the warm confines of their meshed mouths. As the passion and
        intensity continued to grow, the heat from their loins crept
        slowly throughout their bodies, demanding release.

        One problem was present though, one that neither girl had
        contemplated yet. Every previous sexual encounter between the
        girls was a competitive one. Neither had the experience of
        trying to actually seek her own pleasure in a mutually sharing
        and trusting way. So as the passion progressed and the girls
        actions became even more pronounced and desperate for release
        the only thoughts that could come to mind were those of past
        moments like this which were sprung from the roots of hatred and
        jealousy that lived between them. Were they doomed to forever
        forego the pleasures of a real, trusting, and shared lovemaking,
        or could they rise above the history that surrounded them and
        succumb in blissful acceptance in the arms of the other? Only
        time would tell.

        Whatever their immediate motivation, it seemed that their shared
        instinct was too strong, the lack of trust too deep, the joy of
        the present moment not quite strong enough, for them to change
        gears at this juncture. It was with deep unconscious sorrow that
        the two girls edged their way simultaneously toward a more
        hostile clinch. The muscles, now fully awakened, were more
        forceful in hugging, in rubbing backs and necks, in running
        fingers through hair, in grabbing buttocks for control, and in
        parting thighs with intent on intimate contact. Their mouths
        sought more dominant positions, instead of neutral ground.
        Tongues were forcefully plunging at each other instead of
        ticklish dancing. It was almost as if they weren’t even in
        control at all. It was as if the battle of wills between them
        was a living breathing entity that had to be fed. The only way
        to feed it was to compete. No matter if it wasn’t what they
        wanted. So their wake-up clinch intensified, with predictable
        consequences. It became a battle to the finish. The problem was
        that, even though both girls were totally aware of the battle
        being fought, neither had any idea how a victor would be
        determined. They hadn’t set out any ground rules and certainly
        no definitively obvious conclusion was present in their minds
        either. All they knew is that they were competing again. Their
        bodies were matched up from head to toe. Arms snaked around each
        other in reminiscence of an Anaconda mating ball. Legs
        intertwined with each other and torsos and faces were matched up
        perfectly with their counterpart. It was now nearly 10 AM and in
        the back of their minds was the ticking clock. Emily just had to
        start cleaning up after 5:00 and the original plan was for the
        last and culminating event to take place at noon, leaving plenty
        of time for conclusion. The way the morning wakeup was going, it
        was unclear as to how that would transpire.

        Joy had transformed gradually from a compassionate lover to a
        competitive lover but the transformation was now complete. She
        ached to somehow show her superiority to Emily in their Sunday
        morning contest. Her mouth opened wide, trying to inhale Emily’s
        mouth clear inside. As much as a physical impossibility as it
        was, she tried anyway. Her wide-open lips were met with the
        obvious stretching of Emily’s lips to their fullest dimension.
        They pushed and twisted and turned their moistened lips in
        dynamic battle. Their tongues followed suit inside their mouths
        by clashing vigorously. The saliva soaked mouths slobbered their
        faces as they parted to breath and to purposely drip spit on the
        face of the other. Joy drooled a large wet mass of saliva all
        over Emily’s chin and was treated the same in return. Their
        mouths jabbed at each other and the tongues slid along side each
        other, forcing their way deep into the farthest depths. Tonsils
        were practically in play as their tongues found the deep roofs
        of mouths and the gums of every tooth in both mouths. No portion
        went unexplored.

        All the while the arms, legs, and torsos kept up their
        slithering touch. Emily burned with sexual desire, but even more
        burning within her was the desire for sexual supremacy. She
        ached for a release of the tension that had come from Joy’s two
        recent victories, and she wished to overpower her in a
        convincing way. Her thoughts were becoming malicious and she
        knew that even though she had won many battles that she might
        have to ‘explore the limits’ if she intended to better Joy on
        this day. The current battle was being waged in a very fair and
        even manner and she was very comfortable with the prospects of
        continuing the fight on those terms. But, she knew that that
        could change at any moment and she needed to be ready for
        anything from her foe. She knew Joy was equally intent on
        supremacy and she knew that fighting fair wasn’t necessarily a
        given at this stage.

        So, like any good chess match, the end-game had begun. It hadn’t
        been planned to start now, but it was time to prepare for the
        final checkmate. It would be necessary to protect the powerful
        pieces remaining on the board and to also edge the opponent into
        some strategic error. Every pawn and knight would have an
        important role to play. No move would go un-retaliated. The
        chessboard was this house and the players were serious.

        Emily squirmed her tongue to the very back of Joy’s mouth,
        feeling the entrance to her throat with the tip, and she
        squirmed in apparent joy at the success of her invasion. Joy
        recognized the motion for what it was and she tried to find the
        entrance to Emily’s throat, but Emily’s tongue was there to meet
        her own, and they pushed in fierce battle against each other
        inside of Emily’s mouth. Tongue muscles strained and pushed,
        sweat popped up on the foreheads of both girls. Emily ached at
        the tension she had to maintain to keep Joy’s tongue from
        scouring the back of her mouth and the entrance to her throat.
        Joy fumed at her inability to retaliate in kind for the invasion
        she had felt she suffered. Jostling for control between their
        mouths the tongues waged an intense war. Joy thrust forward,
        only to be driven back. She tried to push sideways, only to be
        thwarted there too. Joy’s frustration showed as she shifted her
        focus a little lower. Even while continuing her tongue duel, she
        thrust her chest and massive tits hard at Emily’s protruding
        pair. There was no official scorekeeping now, but it was clear
        that the tongue fight battle was a plus for Emily.

        Between these two, no challenge went unanswered, and this was no
        different. Emily’s response was swift and strong. Her tits
        bashed back towards Joy’s monsters compressing them firmly and
        squashing them out sideways. Joy pulled her mouth back, causing
        a big smile to appear on Emily’s face, but it was short lived as
        Joy clenched her arms around Emily and squeezed her chest to her
        own. The bearhug plastered their tits tightly together. Their
        nipples jabbed into each other and the softer aureoles gave way
        to the distinctly hard nipples. The soft pink of Joy’s
        titty-points and the soft brown of Emily’s titty-points battled
        in the confined space between the heaving boobs. It had been a
        while since the girls’ tits had battled, but the resumption of
        this contest seemed very natural to both of them.

        Their tits had been at the heart of the original friction
        between the two girls, and even though neither had been thinking
        about Mr. Slater or the upcoming play productions of their
        senior year, they both felt they had something to prove in this
        tit-battle. Each badly wanted her tits to be superior. And so
        this phase of the battle was intensely emotional. Emily’s arms
        wrapped snugly around Joy’s upper body and she leveraged her
        tit’s actions with matching hugs and thrusts. She snarled “Mine
        are best!” And Joy responded in kind, “No, MINE are best!” To
        emphasize her belief she wrenched her body to the left and was
        able to roll atop Emily. Now, looking down on her from above,
        she reiterated, “MINE are best!” She ground her tits downward
        with gritted teeth and Emily squeezed Joy’s chest firmly with
        her hands, indicating she wasn’t the least afraid of the
        compressing challenge. Their tit flesh ballooned out to the
        sides and it appeared as if they might burst from the pressure.

        Their legs were intertwined, each with their left between the
        legs of the other, and the heat and intensity of their tit war
        flowed to the rest of their bodies as they ground their tits
        into each other. Emily felt the heat of lust and it fueled her
        anger even more. Anger fueled her lust and lust fueled her
        anger. The centers of their brains, where lust and anger
        resided, were so intricately connected that one couldn’t grow
        without the other. Which would rule? Only time would tell. Joy
        felt her juices start to flow even as she used her boobs as
        jousting weapons against Emily. Squeezing and rubbing and
        jabbing towards each other the girls confronted each other’s
        tits with reckless abandon. Emily’s legs were jostling for
        position, while at the same time she felt her own juices
        churning. She rolled Joy off and in doing so, Joy fell off the
        bed and landed on her back on the floor.

        Emily’s quick move allowed her the freedom to challenge Emily
        verbally. “Let’s go tit to tit kneeling on the bed. Straight
        up.” Joy agreed, “Fine!” With that she knelt on the bed as Emily
        rose and did the same. Inching towards each other they put their
        hands on their hips and began swinging their tits at each other.
        Wham! Wham! Their tits bounced into each other with loud smacks
        as the girl’s intention to win intensified. Wham! Wham! Slap!
        Slap! On they went glaring at each other and watching their tits
        bounce vigorously off their nemesis’ tits. Joy leaned forward to
        impress her tits far into Emily’s heaving monsters. Emily leaned
        in as well, continuing her aggressive side-to-side motion.
        Instead of banging together their tits were now grinding hard
        into each other. The firm tissues underlying their beautiful
        breasts were taking a pounding. The punishment was beginning to
        become painful, but neither slowed her chest movement. Neither
        was even distracted much by the pain yet as their lovely breasts
        became compressed under the force of their two bodies pushing
        and grinding.

        Joy’s nipples were fully distended and she was intent on using
        them to inflict as much pain as possible on Emily’s boobs. She
        pushed and ground them with a vengeance at every part of Emily’s
        boobs, and when they found her nipples the duel took on even
        more emotion. Neither girl wanted her nipples to fail her now.
        Joy had been victorious earlier in their nipple battle, but
        Emily was not backing down from this confrontation. Her own
        nipples were fully hard and as bent on domination as were Joy’s.
        For half an hour the two waged a very even tit battle. They
        would sometimes grind forcefully into each other and at other
        times they would return to using their tits like boxing gloves,
        swinging them wildly as weapons. Now they were sweating as the
        day warmed. Their skin glistened and they slowly tired of the
        evenness of the battle. Practically simultaneously each girl
        began to think of ways to alter the course of the fight. Emily’s
        hands came up, and in response so did Joy’s.

        Their hands grasped each other’s hands and the two added this
        twist to their tit battle. Squeezing and pushing against the
        other girls’ hands took some of the intensity away from the tit
        battle and the focus shifted to pushing each other, as best they
        could with their hands and arms. Only a couple of minutes into
        this battle the two gave a mighty heave and pushed against each
        other as hard as they could muster. Each girl was pushed back
        and as they fell backwards each let go and their bodies fell to
        the bed on their backs. Each was tired and they lay there for a
        moment, collecting their legs from the awkward positions they
        were in. In straightening her legs out Emily’s right foot
        nestled inadvertently right into the crotch between Joy’s legs.
        As Joy’s legs became untangled she too found her foot falling to
        rest in Emily’s crotch. Raising her head and eyeing Joy for any
        funny business, she slid forward to put pressure on Joy’s pussy
        with her foot. Feeling Joy’s foot press against her sweaty pussy
        found her feeling an unwanted jolt of sexual adrenalin. The
        pendulum was swinging again. She felt Joy’s foot slide downward
        against her pussy lips until her toes slid across the sensitive
        area. It wasn’t long before she could feel her labia under the
        manipulation of Joy’s invading toes. In an instant Emily was
        retaliating in kind. Their legs were practically the exact same
        length and the two girls now were laying on their backs on the
        bed with the right foot of each probing and playing with the
        other girl’s pussy.

        Neither had anticipated or even though of a foot-fuck-fight, but
        here they were. Emily immediately began using her big toe to
        spread the lips of her rival’s cxnt. In moments she was able to
        part her labia and begin her toe intrusion inside the wet
        slippery confines of Joy’s cxnt; the cxnt that she now knew
        practically as well as her own, maybe even better. Grabbing the
        two pillows lying nearby she threw one to Joy and lifted her own
        ass off the bed and stuffed the pillow underneath. Joy followed
        suit and the two girls now could probe more effectively into
        each other’s quim. Emily returned to her task, all the while
        seeking to ignore Joy’s toe. She parted Joy’s labia again and
        turned her foot sideways to run all five delicate toes
        lengthwise up and down the slippery slit. Joy’s tangy juices
        flowed and lubricated Emily’s toes. Wiggling her toes in turn
        she was able to insert each one of them inside the outer regions
        of Joy’s pungent pussy. Rolling them around and sliding up
        against her clit, Joy focused on as much total foot-to-cxnt
        contact as possible.

        Joy both loved and hated the feeling of Emily’s foot probing her
        pussy. Love and hate, love and hate. It always came back to
        that. Every interaction between the two was tinged with or
        consumed by these two emotions. With a new twist to the
        interaction they relished the foot-fuck action. Joy kept up her
        digital probing with heavy focus on Emily’s clit. She angrily
        gritted her teeth as Emily’s toes invaded her pussy, causing the
        wetness to flow from her insides. Plying her own toes with as
        much dexterity as she could muster she was able to pinch a bit
        of Emily’s right labia between her two biggest toes and pull it
        outward, stretching it out before the slippery skin slid away
        from between the grip of her toes. She did it again, then again.
        This time she pulled the other labia lip out into an extended
        flap. While the stretching wasn’t all that painful, it was just
        uncomfortable enough for Emily to make a mental note of it.
        Beyond the discomfort was the control Joy was maintaining over
        her labia lips. Emily gritted her own teeth in determination as
        she slid her heel up against Joy’s cxnt and pushed firmly
        against the soft wet flesh. At the same time she pushed her own
        pussy forward in challenge to Joy’s foot, as if to say, “My
        pussy can take anything your little foot can dish out, bitch!”
        Those words went unspoken but the body talk was so well
        understood by the other that the words would have been redundant

        Joy’s heel found Emily’s wetness and she ground firmly against
        it as she too pushed her cxnt back against Emily’s foot. Up and
        down went their feet and the pressure of their two bodies
        against the lovely feet promoted another surge of lustful
        grunting. Now it was hard to tell which was the aggressor. Was
        it feet invading pussies, or was it pussies trying to dominate
        feet. Neither girl had ever been foot-fucked before and the
        surprising, to them, outcome was that they both became so
        aroused that there was no stopping the impending flourish of
        sexual urges. Joy angled her crotch to send her clit into direct
        contact with the now sopping wet arch of Emily’s foot and she
        rotated her clit against it with the kind of wild hedonistic
        abandon of a girl only intent on her own pleasure. The firm
        pressure was killing her clit. The warm surges of pleasure
        radiated out from her clit into her legs, torso and even her
        arms. She wiggled and wiggled against Joy’s foot even as she
        feverishly kept up the pressure of her own foot on Emil’s
        equally engorged and wet clit.

        Emily moaned as the gyrations were bringing her closer and
        closer to orgasm. The wild abandon she noticed from Joy was now
        equally her own. The two bitches kept up their intense
        foot-fuck, glancing at each other occasionally, sometimes
        growling low guttural challenges, sometimes whimpering in
        pleasure. Each felt the ache, the hated ache of impending
        orgasm. The two wildly bucked and pushed and slammed their
        pussies against their hated rival’s foot. Each demanded of
        herself the ultimate measure of control and yet their actions
        were inevitably leading to a total loss of control. Within a few
        minutes the two were thrashing so violently that they found it
        hard to keep up the intimate contact that they sought. Joy’s
        foot began to ache from the muscles that were being called on to
        pummel Emily’s pussy and the same was true for Emily. Each knew
        that the other was very close to the brink and when this stage
        was reached the power of sexual lust took over completely. As
        one they both twisted their bodies trying to find that perfect
        contact of foot and cxnt. Joy was desperately trying to find a
        way to achieve her own release, against all her combative
        instincts, when she felt Emily’s thighs crush her foot between
        them and hold her foot against her pussy with all her might.
        Emily screamed a blood-curdling scream of pleasure/hate as an
        orgasm blasted through her body. Her cxnt pulsed in rhythmic
        contractions against the little toe that had embedded itself in
        her outer pussy and the nervous system proved once again its
        function was intact. Joy yelled out her own pleasure of victory
        as Emily’s cxnt kept up its friction against her foot. Joy
        screamed, “I WIN fucker! I win!” Emily whimpered as she felt the
        waves of her orgasm slide effortlessly through her in
        exponential decay.

        Her own gyrations continuing, it was only a few seconds before
        Joy was blasting off in her own powerful orgasm. She too, had
        clamped on her opponents foot with her thighs, embedding that
        last perfect contact of foot and clit into her being. Her orgasm
        was loud and long and overlapped the final moments of Emily’s
        dying one. The sweat drenched girls and the cum-soaked sheets
        emitted a powerful aroma of feminine lust. The heady odor was
        permeated the room. As they rode out the final stages of their
        orgasms and as they regained their senses, the precise situation
        they were in began to seep into their brains. It was the final
        day and it was now nearly noon. While totally unplanned, the
        morning awakening/arousal/multidimensional fight had ended with
        Emily forced to orgasm first. As Joy recollected this would tie
        the overall score. She sat up and coolly fluffed her hair back
        and looked down on the slowly rising Emily. “Get your ass up and
        over to that scoreboard, bitch! I do believe that the score is
        now tied!”

        “Not so fast, bitch! Who said we were keeping score. That was
        just our morning wake-up.”

        “Fuck you. We’ve been keeping score of every-fucking-thing for
        the last three days and I just out-foot-fucked you and now
        you’re crying about it. I want a picture for my little scrapbook
        and you need to get your scrawny ass over there and write it down.”

        A ton of thoughts raced through Emily’s head right now,
        including the fact that Joy had been losing the kiss battle and
        that the orgasm she had just had was not a conclusion to an
        agreed upon contest ahead of time. She was not about to let Joy
        dictate the results just because she wanted it that way. She
        wanted to make her point, but then her anger built up inside so
        much that she abandoned her use of logic and lashed out at Joy.


        Emily’s right hand swung and caught Joy squarely on her left
        cheek. Emily glared at Joy as she watched her foe recoil from
        the impact. Emily’s eyes told Joy everything she needed to know.
        The staged contests were over. The impromptu contests were over.
        The fact that their sexual lust for each other had generated
        more orgasms for each girl than they had had in the past year
        was now pushed aside. Now it was time to settle the question of
        the ‘One Rose’ once and for all.

        Standing still, hands on her hips, the totally naked Emily
        glowed inside. The hatred she felt for Joy could now be
        unleashed. All the intense dueling for sexual supremacy had been
        great, but now it was time for putting that sleazy bitch firmly
        in her place. Right now, at this moment Emily felt better about
        herself than at anytime in the past. Her loss only a couple of
        minutes before was no matter. The only thing was the girl in
        front of her and the flush of fulfillment she was already
        feeling as she prepared for Joy to react. Tauntingly, she cocked
        her head and stood her ground as Joy put her hand to her face in
        reaction to the blow.

        Feeling the sting on her cheek, surprised by the suddenness of
        Emily’s attack, her mind raced through a thousand thoughts in
        just seconds. She remembered Emily’s comment about the Grand
        Finale. Either girl could have jumped to this at any time, but
        now the final five hours had arrived and it was Emily who had
        succumbed to her anger first. Joy smirked with the knowledge
        that her recent victory had gotten under the skin of Emily so
        severely. The smirk became apparent to Emily as Joy’s head
        turned back to face her after the slap.

        Joy’s smirk met Emily’s glare. It seemed forever but was really
        only a few seconds. The two girls eyes met for the umpteenth
        time and the message sent was loud and clear between them. The
        fight for the right to be “THE ROSE” had begun.

        Emily arrogantly turned her head just a bit to the right,
        offering her cheek to Joy. Joy’s arm flashed across the narrow
        space dividing them and her open palm landed squarely on the
        left cheek of Emily’s pretty face. Both girls immediately had
        glowing red skin where the first impact had been felt. But
        neither girl wasted any time evaluating things. They leaped
        fiercely at one another and their bodies smacked together as all
        four hands went for the hair of the rival girl. They staggered
        around in a small circle near the bed, yanking and pulling on
        their hair for all they were worth. Joy felt the strength in
        Emily’s arms as her head was torqued sideways and down to her
        right. Emily’s hands pulled and pulled with all their might as
        though they were trying to break Joy’s neck. Joy fought back
        with tugs of her own on the now tangled locks of Emily’s blonde
        hair. Emily’s head bent forward from the power of Joy’s arms and
        the two circling tigercats snarled nasty words through pursed
        lips as they focused totally on domination and destruction.

        Joy’s hand tensed and she squeezed as hard as she could and with
        a yank she pulled several strands of Emily’s hair right out of
        her head, eliciting a blood-curdling scream from Emily. The pain
        was heavy and the rage that followed was more intense than any
        she had ever felt in her young life. Letting go with her left
        hand she balled a fist and swung a low uppercut into Joy’s
        belly. The vicious punch connected solidly.

        “Oooff.” Joy felt her tummy give in to the powerful blow and she
        prepared for another by tensing her stomach muscles just in
        time. Emily’s next punch hit the same spot as the first but
        Joy’s muscles prevented such a penetration as the first time.
        Nonetheless, Joy had been made painfully aware of how hard Emily
        could punch and to retaliate she let go with her right hand and
        swung a roundhouse blow to the side of Emily’s head with her own

        Each kept one hand in the hair of the other girl and the blows
        now came fast and furious between them. Joy’s right and Emily’s
        left fists were flying at each other like pistons, pummeling any
        part of their bodies they could reach. Occasionally the two
        hands or arms would collide during the exchange. Cursing and
        screaming obscenities at each other at first, the two quit
        yelling and the only sound was of panting and grunts from the
        pain as the two blondes, still on their feet, traded close-in
        punches. Targets were made of heads, bellies, legs, and when
        possible, their tits. Joy felt a particularly solid blow to her
        right breast and it made her wince in pain. She managed to hit
        Emily’s breasts several times in retaliation and the two girls
        were now both moaning from the pain. After a few minutes of this
        punching routine the arms of the girls tired and it was Emily
        who first changed tactics. Pulling close to Joy she threw her
        leg around behind Joy and tripped her.

        In an instant they were on the floor rolling around and fighting
        for control. Emily had landed on top of Joy and the impact was
        felt throughout Joy’s torso. She almost lost her breath and was
        partially stunned. But she maintained her grip on Emily’s hair
        and with a push managed to roll her over. Emily too was able to
        keep the momentum and they rolled across the floor, each trying
        to remain atop the other, until their rolling was stopped by the
        low table upon which sat the sex toys. Joy was lucky to have
        found herself on top and she took quick advantage by lowering
        her body and opening her legs wide for leverage to keep Emily
        beneath her. At exactly the instant that Emily discerned that
        she was in a disadvantageous position her hand quit punching and
        found one of Joy’s big boobs and with terrific intensity she
        grabbed and squeezed. Joy let out a yell of pain and now her
        anger flushed her into retaliatory action. Without thinking she
        blasted a hard right hand fist to Emily’s jaw. The blow dazed
        her more than any of the previous wild blows and it was all she
        could do to maintain her alertness. When she saw the second blow
        coming she was able to turn her head a bit and to deflect the
        blow with her arm. She had to let go of Joy’s hair to stop the
        blow, because she sure didn’t want another blow like the last one.

        Her jaw ached unmercifully from the solid punch and she was
        lying precariously underneath the fuming Joy. Luckily for Emily,
        Joy had used lots of punching energy. As Joy kept her one hand
        on Emily’s hair she tried to punch, but Emily had managed to
        grab her wrist and was neutralizing her right hand from being an
        effective punching weapon. Meanwhile Emily had not let up her
        tit squeezing and the energy of the first few minutes had now
        ebbed and the two girls struggled and squirmed at each other but
        with less vigor. Joy’s attempts to punch had waned, and her hard
        pulling of Emily’s hair was now slacking off, as was Emily’s
        grip on Joy’s tit. Both girls were still being hurt by their
        predicament but the adrenalin was now diminished and a
        contentious rest period had begun. Both were using the moment to
        catch their breath and relax their tensed muscles a bit.

        In fact, the two girls lay in their semi-intense clinch for
        nearly twenty minutes as each girl let her breathing return to
        normal and they could feel their muscles regain enough oxygen to
        be useful again. Neither spoke during this time and the only
        movement was an occasional wriggle to test their opponent’s
        reaction. Joy kept her hand in Emily’s hair but wasn’t pulling
        vigorously. Emily’s hand stayed directly on Joy’s right tit but
        she wasn’t squeezing. Those twenty minutes seemed much quicker
        to the girls, but since they were so tired from the exertions
        they were not anxious to be forced to resume their battle. At
        the end of the lull, Emily let go of Joy’s wrist and slowly
        moved her hand into Joy’s hair. Joy felt her hand released and
        she slowly moved her right hand into Emily’s hair. Emily still
        lay prone beneath Joy, her head now cleared from the sharp blow
        she had received earlier. She now slowly moved her right hand
        from Joy’s breast up to her head and wrapped Joy’s hair around
        her fingers. The two girls were now locked hand to hair and eye
        to eye.

        Their naked bodies were plastered together by not only the
        weight of Joy atop her foe, but by the sweat that had now
        stickily melted them together. Action was slow to resume. Emily
        knew that each minute Joy was recovering from her exertions, but
        she was very grateful for the renewal she was feeling in her own
        body as time went by. Their legs were intertwined and their
        pelvises in close contact. Minute shifting of body position from
        Emily finally broke the stagnant atmosphere. She raised her hips
        to lift Joy. It wasn’t a violent thrust, more like a gentle
        prodding one might use to tell their lover that it was time to
        get off. Joy felt the thrust and she parried back downward with
        similar intensity. Up again, down again, up again, down again.
        The pelvic thrusts from Emily were met with equal pushes back
        down from Joy. Joy felt that the battle had a long way to go,
        but she was happy to have remained in the superior position for
        so long, and grateful for the recovery she was feeling. She
        maintained her grip in Emily’s hair but was not actively pulling
        at the moment, as she could feel the fingers of Emily’s strong
        hands buried deeply in her own tresses. She could feel Emily’s
        hot breath on her face and she knew Emily could feel her own as
        well. The aroma of their hot bodies permeated their senses.

        The small, almost intimate thrusts continued for a few moments,
        and fatefully, without any forethought, each female felt the
        return of their familiar competitive instinct: SEX. The pendulum
        was swinging towards a sexual battle for fulfillment and they
        couldn’t stop it. Emily noticed the slightly ragged breathing of
        the face so close to her own face, and in a quick move pulled
        hard to her left and thrust up with her right hip to roll Joy
        over. Joy, surprised by the move, but not disconcerted, let
        Emily roll her over 180 degrees and achieve the top position.
        Now it was Joy’s turn to thrust her hips upward against Emily’s
        pelvis. She lifted her hips and slowly held her up a few inches
        and shifted her lower body to the right as she untangled her
        legs a bit from Emily’s thighs. Emily’s return thrust came with
        her legs spread apart a little and she met Joy’s legs in perfect
        mirror symmetry.

        Each pair of hands remained in the other girl’s hair, but were
        pretty much there in a defensive position. Neither girl was
        actively pulling or yanking. Occasionally a small tug might
        weave between them, but the intensity was low and the effect was
        more erotic than vicious. The thrusting rhythm was found again,
        this time with Joy on the bottom, and Emily happy to be above as
        she returned each upward thrust from her foe with a similar
        downward thrust. Now, with their legs symmetrical and apart,
        their lovely feminine pussies were back in wondrously erotic
        skin-to-skin contact. Their pink clefts had moistened and begun
        to become plump and flushed more pink with the extra blood flow
        generated by their arousal. Full breasts mashed together and
        enjoyed the pressure of nipple against nipple between the
        compressed flesh. Their breasts hadn’t parted company in nearly
        half an hour and the exquisite eroticism of their touch returned
        from the contentious feeling of earlier.

        Neither was at full strength. After all they had used a bundle
        of energy and they hadn’t eaten much at all today. With nearly
        68 hours of their “One rose” party behind them, their bodies
        didn’t appear to have a whole lot left. So the small jousting
        thrusts of groin against groin were welcome, even with the
        intensity of hatred that fueled their meeting in the first
        place. Joy pushed upward and held Emily for several seconds in
        the raised position before Emily spread her legs a bit wider and
        pushed back down. As her legs ventured another foot apart, her
        sexy clit poked its gorgeous head gently out between her labia.
        She matched her position perfectly to poke her womanly center
        point directly at the clit of her hated enemy. Joy matched
        Emily’s leg widening behavior and her bulging clit made itself
        visible from between her flushed labia majora. Oooooooh, thought
        Joy as her marvelous nub felt the slippery nub protruding from
        Emily’s upper cleft slide deliciously down the length of her own
        hardened clit. Wonderful Déjà vu!

        The minutes flew by and the two girls continued their slow
        bouncy rhythm. Joy apparently remained content to stay in the
        inferior position. After all she had been in the top position
        herself for nearly half an hour, and she actually found that she
        used a little less energy by lying on the floor as opposed to
        the top position. Their slow-motion activity put the girls into
        a sort of trance: a never-never land where the only reality was
        the reality of their bodies in contact, where they didn’t think
        about the previous days and weeks. They didn’t think about the
        nature of the events that drew them together. They didn’t
        contemplate the need for a definitive conclusion to what had
        transpired between them. They really weren’t ‘thinking’ at all.
        They were just feeling: feeling the power of lust and sensual
        contact grow in tiny increments towards fulfillment. The here
        and now was all there was. Their bodies churned inside from the
        deliciousness of each other’s incredibly sexy body. Not
        consciously conserving energy anymore, but using only enough to
        keep the flame burning, they pushed and slid their bodies
        against each other for another twenty minutes. Moving enough to
        keep the pump primed, but not enough to bring it to a full head
        of steam.

        As young girls, thankfully, they had large reservoirs of
        juice-producing glandular ability. Their pussies were wet
        throughout and the slippery contact of wet clit on wet clit was
        decidedly erotic. During all this slow-motion back-and-forth
        humping Joy and Emily were looking at each other much of the
        time. Occasionally one or the other would close their eyes for a
        while to help focus on the lush feelings surging through their
        loins. Most of the time however they just kept up eye contact,
        staring deep into the soul of the opposing girl. Emily’s blue
        eyes and Joy’s green eyes both showed everything and nothing.
        The souls were visible and invisible. Their eye-dance played
        right alongside the more physical dance of their lower bodies.
        It seemed almost heavenly to Joy to be ‘knowing’ Emily so
        deeply, both on the physical and emotional/spiritual level.

        Joy licked her lips as she was pushed back down by one of
        Emily’s tingly pussy thrusts. When, the next time Joy thrust
        upward, Emily licked her own lips. Their faces were only an inch
        apart and their tongues less than that. Soon their tongues began
        to dart and jab towards each other. Tiny touches and departures
        became longer and longer as the minutes went by. This wasn’t
        really an open mouth exploratory battle like the earlier one,
        but instead was tongues extending out and battling firmly
        against each other. A very slippery and lovely battle was being
        waged between two talented and powerful tongues. Tongues, eyes,
        tits, bellies, pussies, and legs were all perfectly matched up
        with the foes. With so much going on, concentration was a
        problem for Joy (Emily too). She used so much intense energy
        controlling her tongue that she forgot to thrust her pussy up
        against Emily’s cxnt for more than a minute. She finally
        realized she had been neglectful in her humpity bump duties and
        as compensation she sort of pulled her legs up and apart even
        farther and pushed up against Emily’s twat with a gash-grinding
        twist. Her labia lips had parted even more with her legs now
        bent at the knee and pulled up and outside of Emily’s waist.
        Emily growled a low guttural sound as she felt the wetness of
        Joy’s lips slide so wickedly under her own sticky lips. Joy had
        sucked in her breath with a quick “Whooh!” at the same instant.
        Joy, with her supine body holding Emily up with seemingly little
        effort she continued to wiggle her sticky cxnt in small
        gyrations against Emily’s voracious gash. Emily let Joy hold her
        up for a while and then she pulled her legs in closer together
        and forced herself downwards onto Joy for the umpteenth time.
        This time however Joy’s legs were high and wide, opening up her
        cxnt even wider than before. Emily relished the opportunity to
        take the masculine (missionary) position and she immediately
        began a slow rocking fuck-motion that brought her fuzzless mound
        into position to actually part Joy’s lubricated labia lips even
        wider apart. Wiggling from side to side she could feel the
        wetness and slippery lubrication of Joy’s inner lips across her
        outer lips, clit, and mons.

        Joy wasn’t so much competing right now as she was probing her
        own ability to maintain sexual arousal and intensity at a
        near-summit level for an indefinite period of time. It wasn’t a
        conscious decision. It was just doing what her body told her to
        do. She ached for the feeling of incredible lust to stay with
        her indefinitely as badly as she ached for the release that
        would bring it to an end. She wasn’t thinking at all about the
        clock, the aftermath, the score, or even about why and where she
        was. Her body almost felt like a different entity. She could
        feel every nuance of touch and motion across her skin, as though
        it was a supercharged event. Tingle merged upon tingle until her
        nervous system was almost unable to cope with the sensations.
        But as though in a trance, her mind was able to elegantly depart
        a bit from her body and she reached a plateau of incredible
        richness. It was as though her supercharged system could handle
        more sensation, more intense feelings, more desire, more lust,
        more hate, more love, more EMILY without becoming overloaded and
        losing control. So, even as the wicked Emily would pound and
        thrust and move her body so perfectly against her own, Joy just
        kept going higher and higher. Her mind was totally open. Her
        body was totally open. Her spirit was in total acceptance. Emily
        could have done anything at all during this time and Joy would
        have joyfully accepted it. It was like some subhuman,
        prehistoric, ancient power was covering her and cloaking her in
        saturated ecstasy. She was beyond trying to slow down or stop
        any impending orgasms, as she had forced herself to do so many
        times in all those heated sexfights with Emily. A deep inner
        self was doing it all for her, covering all bets, slaying all
        enemies, and vanquishing her foes. Never would she feel anything
        remotely like it again. Her Nirvana reward was at hand.

        As Emily bumpity-bumped her body against Joy, unaware of the
        inner peace and tranquility Joy was feeling, but feeling very
        powerful and sexy herself, she accepted the urgency of her own
        sexual desire as natural and worth achieving. With only a
        fleeting thought of potential consequences, Emily removed her
        hands from Joy’s hair and quickly lowered them to reach behind
        Joy’s upward-and-outward-pointing knees and pull Joy’s knees
        down low clear to her shoulders. Joy was now bent back in a
        totally submissive position. She needn’t have worried about Joy
        retaliating or upsetting the progression, since she was totally
        immersed in her own sensational world. When Emily reached around
        Joy’s knees to grab, once again, Joy’s hair, she was surprised
        to feel Joy actually let go of her own blonde mane and gently
        wrap her arms around her neck. Feeling in control of Joy, and
        enjoying the slow lengthening strides she was taking towards her
        own orgasm, Emily’s ache for release began asserting itself in

        The arrangement of their bodies now was still of close intimate
        contact, but with Joy’s knees pulled up nearly to her neck, her
        pussy was absolutely as open and inviting as it could possibly
        be without artificially pulling it apart. Realizing this, Emily
        ached for even more total contact with the slippery slit beneath
        her. As her legs had been drawn together to achieve the
        masculine fucking motion, her own clit and inner lips were less
        exposed, and she decided to risk (still unkown to her, no risk
        at all from Joy) another shift. She let go of Joy’s hair and
        raised her body upwards slightly so that she too could spread
        her legs wide apart. Her feet were just under and in front of
        Joy’s shoulders and her knees were pointing out far to either
        side. The plush carpet was the perfect foundation for comfort
        and control in this pretzel-like position. She grabbed a nearby
        large pillow and stuffed it under Joy’s lower back to provide
        extra support and comfort. Now crouching over Joy, with her
        elbows wrapped around Joy’s ankles, above Joy’s head, she could
        separate her own plump cxnt-lips, and plop them down directly on
        Joy’s inviting upward pointing honey hole.

        “Ooooohhhhh, Fuuuuuuuuuck, YYYYEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS!” Almost
        unintelligible words lurched out of Emily’s mouth as she made
        contact again. She had pulled her head away when switching
        positions and their faces were no longer close and the tongue
        duel had broken off. All nerves now led to one place: the
        conjunction of their most feminine areas. Emily felt the
        incredible power of Joy’s cxnt accepting every tiny fold and
        every drop of dew from her own drenched pussy. The juices from
        both girls were prodigiously flowing. Similar in kind to what
        the body does to avoid hypothermia, it sends its heat and
        resources to the most important organs in order to maintain
        life. Well, in this case, it was the bodies of both girls
        focusing every available resource to promote the heightened
        sexuality of the moment. Joy had never been so slippery. Emily
        could feel the gushing flow of her inner juices like never
        before and the desire was mounting like a far-off freight train

        In a purely physical sense their nervous systems were not
        linked, but they might as well have been. The bundle of nerves
        just below Joy’s clitoris was matched perfectly up with Emily’s
        clitoris and her bundle of nerves. Unbeknownst to her, Joy’s
        body, in its own Nirvana was sending out powerful rays of
        pleasure that Emily’s body accepted as her own. Emily ground her
        pussy deeply against Joy’s accepting pussy. Joy ground back as
        much as her position allowed. The girls were now on autopilot.
        The pace had quickened a bit as soon as Emily had shifted into
        the more dominating position, but still, nearly an hour and a
        half after locking up like this their bodies were still plunging
        along more like marathon runners than sprinters. The pent-up
        frustration that often accompanies the inability to orgasm after
        marathon sessions was nowhere present. Paradoxically, the
        absence was the perfect solution. Their shared ride was much
        like a pair of surfers who have found the perfect mammoth wave.
        They were riding just below the crest for mile after mile
        without any effort at balance, the amazing power of the wave
        being harnessed by them both as they zoomed onward and onward
        towards the shore. Their clits were in control and their bodies
        had become one. Whatever Joy’s clit wanted it got from Emily.
        Whatever Emily’s clit and pussy wanted it got back doubly from
        Joy. Their pussies slid and ground greedily into each other
        providing a perfect coupling.

        Joy maintained the ‘zone’ of pleasure as she let Emily plunder
        her pussy with her own. She humped back against Emily’s grinding
        and pounding, but not out of animosity or hatred, but out of the
        most basic inner needs of her life at that moment. In fact, the
        control that Emily had been feeling began to wane, and she too
        found her body responding delightedly to the pulse-pounding
        rhythm of cxnt against cxnt. She never quite reached the plateau
        of Himalayan proportions, but it was at least Andean in its
        altitude. Maybe it was the forced need to keep balanced atop
        Joy, and maybe it was something else, but she never felt
        compelled to be upset that Joy was not being forced into orgasm.
        Likewise, lack of orgasm from Emily had not been thought one in
        Joy’s brain. On and on they fucked. Emily fucked her hips in
        every conceivable motion against the up-thrusting motions from
        Joy’s perfect pussy. Words were scarcely evident in either girls
        minds as the fucking raged on. Peace, joy, total spirituality,
        one-ness with each other and the world were the feelings:
        wordless feelings, but feelings with power and love all wrapped
        up together.

        Incredibly their loins continued to create fluid far beyond
        usual. Their clits were raging with pleasure as they met and
        parried against each other and into the greasy channels below.
        The fluid prevented any chafing or unpleasant feelings from the
        immensity of continuous contact. Most would be long overdue for
        either relief or conclusion. But these two kept going and going
        and going. Two and a half hours of this, and amazingly Emily
        didn’t have any muscle cramps or pain, and neither did Joy. A
        hand from above was watching over them as they dueled (is this
        the right word) away at each other. It must have been all the
        vitamins they both had been taking .

        The day was heating up outside and the clock was ticking towards
        3:00 when the pace finally began to quicken. Up to now it had
        been slow and steady cxnt bumping and rubbing with only
        occasional forays into faster motion. Tick-tock. When the clock
        struck 3, Emily somehow recognized it through the fog of her
        saturated brain. Even though it didn’t force her to any violent
        confrontational mood, it somehow prodded her ever so slightly
        towards release. Bending her body to accommodate Joy’s wide open
        pussy in the absolute most intimate contact, she began to
        thrust, grind, rub, pound, twist, twirl, and slide her still
        glistening hole against Joy’s never wavering presence beneath
        her. Their eyes locked again in their own embrace and the lust
        of all they had gone through up to now had come roaring back and
        plastered their bodies with an exponentially higher desire for
        release. Neither could have held back now if they wanted to.
        Each body was now like a racecar that had been given five or six
        higher gears, just before the end of the race. They shifted into
        first overdrive, and then second overdrive. Joy’s Nirvana was
        now slowly melting away to be replaced by a desire for fusion so
        great that it was as though the Sun itself, in melding Hydrogen
        into Helium had sent her its energy for seeking the explosive
        release that accompanies a nuclear fusion reaction. Indeed that
        is what it was. JOY and EMILY were fusing. Their bodies were
        fusing. Their minds were fusing. Their hormones were fusing.
        Their spirits were fusing, Their sex organs were fusing and the
        release would be Apocolyptic. Third overdrive: Joy began
        bouncing her back off the floor to achieve harder contact with
        Emily’s pounding pussy. Fourth overdrive: Emily felt like her
        whole insides were being exposed and swallowed up by Joy’s
        pussy. Joy thrilled to feel that Emily was being sucked inside
        her. She ached for THE WHOLE EMILY to be vacuumed into her pussy
        so that she could be part of her forever. Amazingly these
        overdrive sensations weren’t speed-shifted, but were like the
        cyclist picking up speed over a long, long straightaway. Nearly
        a half hour more passed as the gears wound their way up to final

        Fifth overdrive: Screaming, Bouncing, Wiggling, Rubbing,
        Thrusting, Pounding, Accepting, Opening, Desiring, Releasing,
        Hammering, Grinding, Bumping, Melting, Gushing, Slipping,
        Palpitating, Sucking, Sloshing, Penetrating, Clit-Banging,
        cxnt-Busting, Pussy-Sizzling, Hot, Boiling, Noisy, Slapping,
        Pulsating, Convulsing, Time-Stands-Still, Nasty, Wicked,
        Heavenly, Angelic, Body-Devouring, Mind-Overpowering,
        Nerve-Overloading, Release and Rapture.

        Yes! Fusion had happened at last. The orgasmic experience lasted
        beyond five full minutes before the senses of the girls began to
        return to normal. The orgasmic bliss had pounded away at them
        for what seemed like forever and hereby wrapped up the most
        intensely harmonious event of their lives. No amount of hatred
        or animosity could hide the fact that each had enjoyed a
        pinnacle of pleasure that would forever go unmatched. These
        feelings stirred within them without any spoken words passing
        between them. As their bodies’ energy slowly ebbed away and
        their conjoined pussies finally pulled apart they separated long
        enough for Joy to lower her legs back to the ground. Emily
        remained on top of Joy and she lowered her torso to Joy’s. She
        wiggled comfortably into the arms of Joy. Joy willingly accepted
        Emily as she melted down onto her body. With only a soft
        pleasing glance from green eyes to blue eyes, Joy passed her
        acceptance of Emily completely through eye contact. Joy’s head
        rested on the floor and Emily’s head nestled into the notch
        between her head and shoulder. Joy’s chin found a soft nook in
        Emily’s shoulder and the two lay still.
HG Hunt