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School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Interracial Affair

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Online Susanoom

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School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Interracial Affair
« on: January 19, 2024, 01:31:52 AM »

Ana's eyes slowly opened, her head throbbing incessantly as the light entered like a flooding river inside her eyes. The blonde had to squint several times before she got used to it and realized where she was, her vision was immediately blurred but slowly returned to normal.
She was on a bed, clearly that of a hospital judging by the strange machinery at her side. White curtains acted as a partition as light streamed in through the window to her right, a short distance from her bed.
A familiar voice shook the student from the depths, a sense of longing but warm enough not to frighten her. Her eyes searched confusedly for the voice's origin, first finding a dark figure that approached her from the side but slowly took on more defined contours.
The brunette seemed to have seen death in the face, looking at her friend with glazed eyes. The girl let go, hugging her friend and holding her close. Ana could smell the sweet scent of her skin as soft breasts pressed against her face and chest. This triggered a twinge of pain in her, a coughing fit made Claire pull away.
"Sorry, sorry, sorry," said the brunette bringing her hands forward.
That pain, however, had triggered something in Ana's memory. The light from above, coming from the buildings that threatened to close the sky above her head, the cold asphalt with pipes and steam coming out of restaurants around it. The small arena was formed by a group of girls, Demi was there. And then there was Louisa.
Ana's eyes widened slightly, the jolt of her body still causing her to ache slightly, feeling her numb nipples as she regained some of their composure. The blonde felt her eyes burn, she had fainted from straining too hard, her breasts being crushed. She had lost.
"Demi left a message for you," Claire said, taking a piece of paper from a coffee table "I haven't read it, but I think it's for you."
Ana recoiled, kicking back the thought. Her breasts tingled as the idea of Louisa on her smiling, the pair of the brunette holding her breasts flat against her chest slowly receded as Ana picked up a sheet of paper. The handwriting was a bit messy, perhaps written in haste.

"Ana, I don't know when you will wake up but I don't think it will take long. What happened is strange, but at least you didn't lose to someone other than me.
If you are expecting thanks for what you did, you are very wrong. You and I are not friends, I still have in my mind what happened and I am thinking that it is not over.
I'm sure I would have been fine on my own, although your help allowed me to go where I'm going now. Don't worry, but it looks like Kyle is in trouble. I'll take care of it. You get well
Firmed: Demi.
P.S. I'm better than you."

Ana read most of the few lines in her mind, picturing the brunette sitting in the chair in front of her bed, watching her tighten her lips in embarrassment at writing such a thing. She read the last sentence in a whisper, before closing the paper behind her.
"Excuse me, did you say ... Kyle?"
Claire's question was sudden, the Russian student turned to her friend and stared at her without understanding. She had never mentioned that boy in her presence, honestly, she had almost forgotten him due to the asphyxiation following her meeting with Demi.
"Yeah... Demi went because he's in trouble," Ana explained, noticing how Claire's eyes widened.
Sarah stormed into the hospital room, interrupting everything. She had received a message from Claire via Ana's cell phone. Claire had seen the favorite numbers, finding hers and Sarah's, so she thought to call her. A small sense of jealousy settled within her, feeling that there was another girl as a favorite of the Russian student.
"Sarah... Don't worry, I'm fine. Claire..."
Ana tried to turn her gaze to her friend, but she had already left the room with lightning speed, worried about something important. It was not difficult to put two and two together, despite not being at her full physical and mental fitness.
"So that's it..." thought Ana as Sarah peppered her with questions about who and why she was on a hospital bed "... Kyle is..."


"This isn't over, Demi!" shouted Vivi from across the alley, her girls leading Louisa away.
The brunette did not even respond, taking Ana with her toward the main street. Somehow Demi managed to get Ana to the hospital, asking passersby for help, all the while looking for a convincing answer to explain why a girl had fainted in the alley.
Fortunately, she found a gentleman who did not like to take too much interest in other people's lives who lent her a hand, taking her and her supposed friend to the nearest hospital; the man settled for the blatant lie that the blonde felt ill and fainted, going on to think it was some kind of drug.
The doctors, however, believed her more, recognizing fainting as a form of healing one's body when fatigue exceeds a person's maximum limits. Having clothed her in such a way that no one would arouse suspicion, Ana would never be caught for fainting during such a confrontation.
"Stupid," whispered Demi, leaning against the windowsill as she looked at the blonde.
Ana was motionless, but she could see the huge chest rise and fall in her breath. That breast was the same one she had faced long ago, one of the few that had managed not to be dominated, and that had changed her status throughout the institution. If the blonde had never existed, she probably would not have had a problem.
"So why am I still here?" the brunette asked herself.
Her cell phone vibrated, Demi did not recognize the number but opened the message anyway. A video, the preview was completely black and suggested nothing about the content. The brunette had the lucidity to plug in a headset before starting the video, not wanting other people to hear anything important.
She pressed play, and Demi stood by. The screen went black for a few seconds before a faint grunt came out in the headphones. The voice was male, but somehow she could recognize that tone of voice. The video moved to the side, coming out of what looked like a cover and Kyle's body appeared in the center of the screen.
Demi's eyes went wide when she saw him, sitting in a chair his hands tied behind it as if to keep him from running away. Kyle was not an athletic person but neither was he the first person who would get caught like that without a fight. A voice from behind the screen confirmed his thought.
"I have to thank my girls and their friends, he has not been very cooperative."
The screen moved closer and closer to Kyle, his head down and his hair covering part of his sweaty forehead. His body was naked, but he appeared to have suffered no particular violence; no bruises or gender cuts were visible in the video.
"Oh, don't worry" the voice again, then the screen turned to the interlocutor "He's in good hands after all."
Vivi's face appeared before Demi's eyes, her mischievous smile as she seemed to circle Kyle's body as she spoke. She had somehow had Kyle kidnapped, wanted to use him against Demi, and would do so without qualms. The bulla did not know how she had found out, but Kyle might indeed be her weakness.
"You see, he and I have fun together" Vivi knelt next to Kyle, the screen showing her face close to the boy's erection "I have to admit he has a lot of stamina, this little prince."
The ebony girl smiled, tickling the boy's manhood with her lips, getting excited when he grunted again as his manhood grew. Rising slightly, Vivi brought her breasts into contact with the shaft, revealing that she was already topless as she shot the video.
"Mmmmm yes, champ," whispered Vivi softly, hearing a soft moan from Kyle, "Why don't you tell me what I want to know?"
The girl's breasts slowly rose and fell over Kyle's manhood, Demi could hear the boy's pleasurable moans, the same ones she had heard when his breasts were wrapped around her erection. The brunette felt the blood boiling in her veins as she continued to watch.
"Come on, beautiful. Tell to Mommy," smiled Vivi, turning toward the screen, her eyes looking directly at Demi's "Who's got the best tits?"
Kyle groaned again, panting as he threw his head back. He looked as if he were drugged, his movements uncertain and his gaze confused. The only input his body gave was to follow the movements of the chocolate breasts around his erection. Kyle's lips parted, as if in an attempt to speak. Demi stared fixedly at him.
"D-Demi... please."
The screen jerked awkwardly as if Vivi had jerked up. Effectively that was what had happened; then again, the girl had not expected that response. Not again. Not for the umpteenth time. The screen returned to focus on Vivi, her breasts in plain view.
"Asshole," hissed Kyle, "All right, Demi. Let's male this thing simple. Come here, alone, if you think you can get your little boyfriend back, but make it quick..." Vivi smiled "I won't stop until he says my name."
The video ended with a picture of the location where Kyle was standing. Demi did not know whether to scream or cry, to be happy or sad. Inside she had a constant swirl of emotions. The only thing she felt was that she had to move as fast as she could.
The brunette still looked at Ana lying on the bed, feeling that she could not leave her like that. She had to go, however; she could not stay to nurse the girl. She took out a piece of paper and wrote a few words on it, before taking the blonde's cell phone and writing to the first number in the address book.
"Claire, huh?" thought Demi.
She texted him, telling him who she was and why she was texting from Ana's cell phone. She explained about her message and that she would be leaving at that time. The brunette did not even wait for a reply; if Claire had been friendly enough she would have rushed straight to the hospital.


The outskirts of the city were rarely looked upon favorably, even people like Demi preferred to avoid it because of the absolute lack of intelligence and moral obligations in people. Vivi chose that place for that very reason, no one would approach and no one would interrupt them.
Demi entered the building quietly, looking around as she took the longest route. She did not trust Vivi, so it was likely that there would be other people in the building as well, all ready to protect that girl.
The brunette met no one; it seemed that Vivi had chosen honor for once, showing up alone to face Demi. This struck the brunette, although the idea that the black girl had done it because she was sure she would win simply annoyed her more.
It looked like a scene from a movie, Kyle was the hostage and was sitting in the center of the building where the beam of light illuminated the immediate area, leaving the rest of the building in shadow. Demi approached slowly, his footsteps echoing on the stone floor as the boy weakly raised his head.
Kyle did not know if he was still dreaming or if Demi was real; he did not even have the strength to speak while his erection was still hard. Vivi must have been tormenting him even before Demi's arrival, draining more of the boy's stamina, now close to emotional breakdown.
"You're finally here."
Vivi's voice made Demi freeze in place, just a few feet away from Kyle. The black girl stepped out of the shadows behind the guy, a cocky smile on her face as her 38F bounced naked and perfect. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and sneakers, her usual outfit that seemed to mimic Demi's.
"Bitch... let him go," hissed the brunette.
"Oh, honey… No!" smiled Vivi, moving past Kyle but grabbing his manhood with her hand, "He's yours, so I want to take him from you. He’ll be here when you fail."
Demi growled, starting to remove her T-shirt and bra to match her rival right away. Her pink breasts bounced gently on her chest as Vivi did not stop smiling. The brunette shook her breasts, her flesh trembling invitingly as she challenged her rival with her gaze.
“Get your hands off him,” Demi hissed, moving closer.
“Make me, bitch,” Vivi hissed back.
The brunette came to hit her rival, their breasts met with a small slap and they remained still together as the two girls stared at each other with hatred, the ebony pair was bigger by at least a cup, making the black girl confident. Demi's hand comes down on the ebony girl's, grabbing her and pulling her away from Kyle. Vivi simply laughs, pushing her tits harder into Demi's.
“You'll get destroyed, you slut,” Vivi growled.
Demi hissed as she pushed forward and made their breasts match, both pairs doing their best to maintain their perfect shape. The two girls looked down to see how neither seemed to move for the first few seconds before Demi's flesh seemed to give way slightly.
Vivi's larger tits seemed to slowly push back the smaller brunette pair. Demi let out a moan, watching her flesh give up slightly, incredulous that her rival was so hard.
Demi tried to thrust her chest forward, matching her rival's thrust, making her twins struggle against the chocolate pair. If she went back to push again it would be like admitting a defeat of firmness between them.
Both girls remained motionless pushing their tits together, their flesh mingling as heat began to be felt through their chests, radiating down their bodies.
Demi bit her lip, continuing to stare hatefully at the girl in front of her, watching Vivi's will to want to win this fight, she wanted to prove that her breasts were the best.
Growling Vivi pushed hard, sending her pair against her rival's with greater force, Vivi's breasts slowly expanded as the rosy-skinned girl was forced to step back with a grunt.
"Looks like you're not so strong, cxnt!" sneered Vivi.
Without waiting, the brunette sent her tits into the chocolate pair with a quick thrust, causing her to pull back again.
Vivi pushed forward, but this time Demi met the enemy pair with a different motion, slamming her breasts from below and using them as a battering ram into the bottom of the rival pair.
Their tits met halfway with a meaty slap, and this time Vivi moaned as her twins lost the confrontation, being thrown upward.
The brunette repeated the move, making her rival moan again as she moved back, then thrusting her pair into the chocolate one forcefully, aligning the nipples as the breasts joined.
Vivi moaned, gritting her teeth and twisting her chest so that her dark tips pierced the pink flesh. The brunette responded by thrusting her nipples forward and sinking them into the rival areolas
"Does it hurt, slut?" growled Demi "Do you feel my perfect nipples in you?"
Vivi grabbed the rival shoulders, feeling the girl do the same and locking herself now in an embrace, continuing to grind and gnash her breasts together, using her nipples to cut others' flesh mercilessly.
The ebony girl arched her back, lowering her huge boobs atop Demi's smaller pair; the brunette gritted her teeth, attempting to oust the rival pair. Vivi was quicker, swinging her breasts to the side and connecting them to the brunette's left tit.
"Feel that, bitch? That's a real woman's breast," smiled Vivi mischievously as the rival groaned.
The ebony girl connected another overpowering blow to Demi's pair, staggering the girl backward but holding her back with her arms. Their bodies collided as Vivi's huge tits pushed Demi's pair back into her chest.
"You'll be flat, whore,” hissed Vivi menacingly.
"Fuck you!" moaned the brunette "I'll be the one to crush you!"
The brunette felt she was on the defensive against the girl's heavier pair, wincing after a powerful blow against her right breast. Vivi grinned wickedly, urging her rival on as her breasts seemed to advance again.
Suddenly, Demi tightened her grip to rub her tits hard into the ebony pair. Vivi moaned, loosening her grip as the brunette's tits pushed the rival pair to the sides.
Demi smiled again as she forced her rival back with a new thrust, using her body to force Vivi to step back. The chocolate flesh seemed to separate as the vanilla pushed her from the center.
"I can feel your bags falling, bitch," hissed Demi.
"Shut the fuck up, cxnt," growled Vivi.
The ebony girl pushed forward, wrapping her arms around her rival's back and holding her close. Both girls moaned with their mouths closed as their breasts pressed together.
Demi immediately stepped forward, slamming her 36EE into Vivi's chest with a slap, the ebony girl grunted in pain but responded in kind.
The sound of flesh slapping resonated in the building for several minutes, the two girls continued to slam their breasts together, moaning and grunting as their bodies danced in the huge space around them.
At one point, Vivi pushed Demi away by pushing her from behind. Demi lost her grip with a surprised grunt, finding herself taking two steps backward to regain her balance. Her body was tired, but she could still fight.
"What the...?"
The ebony girl charged forward, Demi found her rival's body crashing into her, her chocolate tits slammed hard against the vanilla pair, and the brunette let out a guttural groan.
Vivi charged a second time but Demi managed to recover in time to collide with the ebony girl, meeting with an incredible slap. They began to charge violently, crushing their breasts together in a brutal manner.
Each exchange, each collision was accompanied by the pained moans of both girls. Kyle lifted his head weakly, watching as the bodies of the two girls in front of him shattered together, coming back from the force of the impact and charging again.
Quite quickly their pace slowed, each taking more time to catch them. breath before launching forward. Both felt their legs shaking each time.
Neither wanted to give ground to the other, meeting each blow as sweat began to show on their skin. One violent collision and both collapsed to their knees. Impulsively, Vivi pulled Demi to her in an embrace, beginning to rub their breasts together.
"I'll grind… you flat… bitch," Vivi growled.
Demi hissed in pain, grinding back and clutching her rival to herself in turn. Their breasts swelled as the two couples tried to crush each other unsuccessfully.
The brunette's eyes began to moisten, the pain in her chest continuing to grow as Vivi still seemed far from surrendering. The brunette began to wonder if her determination was enough against her rival's larger pair.
Clutching Demi to herself, the ebony girl felt her rival's body jerk as the rival's reddened pair leaked out to the sides during the pressure, then returned to its form a second later.
Desperate, Demi furiously pushed her tits into rival ones, repeatedly slamming her breasts forward. Vivi gasped as she felt the girl's rush as she threw her head back. The reddened 36EE shattered into the ebony 38F with a wet slap.
The brunette sank her breasts into the chocolate pair, hearing Vivi moan more, suffering as she felt Demi's pair grinding and folding her flesh inside her chest.
"Mmmm, finally," Demi smiled, a tear streaking her face, "Can you feel… your bags failing? Feel how my… better breasts crush yours?"
Vivi yelped as her breasts receded, feeling Demi's pair overwhelm her breasts, wincing as her huge breasts flattened under Demi's better breasts.
"" whimpered Vivi.
"You're finished… whore," hissed Demi, thrusting again.
The ebony girl shook her head in absolute pain and humiliation. Kneeling before Kyle, her tits had been pulverized by Demi's smaller pair.
She had been defeated by the girl she was supposed to humiliate and destroy, she had done all this to succeed, and yet she had been unable to do so.
Demi pushed forward, causing Vivi to fall onto her back. The girl brought her hands to her defeated breasts, whimpering as Demi struggled to get up.
Watching her from above, Demi planted her foot on Vivi's right breast, the flesh sagged completely as the girl crushed her rival's breast. The ebony girl moaned again.
"Don't you… dare...touch Kyle... again… whore" ordered the brunette.
Demi allowed herself a tugged smile as she walked slowly toward Kyle, lowering her gaze to the boy's full erection.
Demi could fuck Kyle with her breasts, she wished. That gesture would have been the proper crowning achievement of her victory, but just touching her aching pair with her own hands sent twinges of pain throughout her body.
"You were... magnificent," whispered Kyle, looking down at her.
Demi stared at him intently; she still felt her feelings were genuine toward this boy; she loved him. The brunette nodded, starting to untie Kyle's hands.
"Don't talk, we have to leave."
Vivi watched helplessly as Demi's back pulled away, supporting Kyle as she left the ebony girl defeated in her humiliating silence.


The Sun was setting, Demi had lost track of time no matter how worried she was about Kyle.
Fortunately, the boy seemed to have recovered enough to walk on his own, although he made his way staggering as if drunk.
Vivi had joined him along with some other boys, bigger and more muscular than poor Kyle, who found himself forced to follow the ebony girl.
Once pinned to the chair, Vivi started making him drink water. It looked like ordinary water, but it contained a powerful tranquilizer; a friend of Vivi's had horses, and that was administered to the animals.
"I hope there are no side effects," sighed Kyle.
Demi giggled, perhaps her first hearty laugh since she had begun this strange adventure. Her laughter, however, was interrupted by an aching twinge in her chest.
"Fuck," thought the girl.
She was close to being defeated, if Vivi held on for two more minutes, she would be defeated. She could feel it in her numb flesh, the image of ebony tits engulfing hers.
She banished those thoughts from her head; she had won. She had saved Kyle, she had succeeded against Vivi. It was a magnificent day. There was only one thing left to do.
"Kyle ... um ... listen ... I ..."
The couple looked forward to where a girl was running breathlessly toward them. The brunette's heavy breasts bounced wildly but she didn't seem to care.
"Kyle! Oh my God, are you okay? What happened?"
The boy sketched a smile, trying to search for words in his head to make the story seem as truthful as possible, even though it almost sounded like the plot of a movie.
"Wait. Who are you?"
Demi's question was legitimate, especially since she had been interrupted on an important matter. She was about to confess to Kyle, but that girl got in the way.
The brunette finally turned her gaze to Demi, squaring her from head to toe, before approaching Kyle. She took one of the boy's arms, hugging him and pulling him toward her protectively.
"I'm Claire..." she said "...and I'm his girlfriend."
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Offline Voluptuous Eden

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Interracial Affair
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2024, 03:55:49 AM »
Yo ....... Claire and Kyle? when did that happen??  :o
Really good work though. Good to see Demi win after a long time.


Offline lofbiop

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Interracial Affair
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2024, 05:57:00 PM »
Good story. It reminded me of one of my earliest women fighting fantasies. The man, kidnapped by a woman, has to be rescued by his girlfriend (in this case ex-girlfriend). In my fantasy, there was always a henchwomen working for the kidnapper that the girlfriend had to fight first. It was the similar for Demi, who had to fight off Vivi's henchwomen. It was great to see Demi defeat Vivi and save Kyle.

Now that she has Kyle's gratitude, something could develop between the two of them again, maybe they'll get back together as a couple, and since Demi isn't done with Ana either, there could be a fight there along the lines of the first story of this series. At least that's what I thought...until Claire suddenly reveals herself as Kyle's girlfriend.

I'm definitely hoping for a fight for Kyle, a fight for the man's love. But I can hardly imagine that Ana would be cold to the fact that Claire is with Kyle. After all, Ana's feelings for him were also very strong.

There might even be a triell between the women. Three women, 6 tits, fighting over Kyle at the same time. Either way, I think there should be a winner in Kyle's love at some point (or even the next fight). Would not like to see Kyle end up empty handed because of a draw!

Thank you so much for this story!


Offline BlondeCurves

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Re: School Days, Lifetime Rivarly - Interracial Affair
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2024, 07:02:19 AM »
It was really fun..