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Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)

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Offline Dalia.Scribe

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Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)
« on: January 19, 2024, 01:11:18 PM »
As Hilary sat down at her desk, she couldn't shake the image of the previous day's meeting from her mind. It was unlike any she had ever witnessed: Mira and Daniella, the insanely beautiful and equally capable co-founders of their fast-paced start-up firm, locked in a heated argument. Their bodies tensed, their voices raised, their eyes blazing with intensity. It was as if they were two prizefighters in the ring, each determined to emerge victorious. But what struck her most was the strange pattern that seemed to emerge after each verbal clash: they would glare at each other for a moment, seemingly sizing each other up, before breaking into a wide grin and agreeing to "discuss further later." It was almost as if they were playing some sort of twisted game.

Hilary couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be going on between them. Were they actually secretly lovers? Or perhaps they had some sort of dark history together that she wasn't aware of? The more she thought about it, the more she felt compelled to investigate further. But at the same time, she knew that she had to be careful. If she wasn't careful, she could end up ruining everything for everyone.

The next day, Hilary arrived at work early and decided to follow them, trying to find any clue that might shed some light on their mysterious relationship. To her surprise, she discovered that they had a secret meeting spot in the basement of the building: a small, dimly lit room with worn-out wrestling mats on the floor and a few pieces of broken furniture strewn about. The air was thick with the smell of sweat and adrenaline.

As she watched from a hiding spot, she saw Mira and Daniella enter the room, their bodies still bruised from the previous day's meeting. Without any further preamble, they began to wrestle, their bodies sliding across the mat in a fluid motion. Their hands were locked together, their legs wrapped around each other's waists, their lips just inches apart. The fight was savage, intense, and incredibly erotic. It was clear that this was no ordinary sparring match; this was a deeply intimate part of their relationship.

Hilary couldn't tear her eyes away from the spectacle before her. She had never seen anything like it. The fight escalated, their moans of exertion mingling with the sounds of flesh smacking against flesh. It was clear that they were not only fighting for dominance, but also for some deeper connection. The air was charged with sexual tension, and Hilary found herself becoming aroused despite herself.
Unbeknownst to Hilary, the wrestling matches are part of an ancient ritual that Daniella and Mira inherited from their respective families. The fight serves as a way to maintain balance between their respective powers, ensuring the success of the start-up. As she watches them continue to grapple, Hilary realizes that understanding this hidden aspect of their relationship could be key to unlocking the true potential of their business.

The match finally comes to an end, with neither woman able to pin the other. They collapse onto the mat, panting heavily, their bodies slick with sweat. As they catch their breath, Mira turns to Daniella, a wicked grin spreading across her face. "Well, my dear, I think it's time we discussed that new marketing strategy again." Daniella smirks in response, a glint of amusement in her eye. "Oh, really? I was thinking we should focus on expanding our team instead." They exchange a knowing glance before erupting into laughter, the tension between them seemingly dissipating as quickly as it had built up.

As they continue to navigate their complex relationship, both Daniella and Mira find themselves growing suspicious of Hilary's presence at the secret meetings. They devise a plan to confront her about her knowledge and decide whether she can be trusted to keep their secret.

Hilary, oblivious to their suspicions, continues to observe them closely, trying to gather more information. She notices that Mira and Daniella have become more cautious around her, often speaking in hushed tones or shooting sideways glances her way. The tension between them is palpable, and Hilary can't help but feel like she's walking a tightrope herself.

one day Mira and Daniella summoned Hilary in their office and confronts her that they knew she watched them fight and they told her about their ritual. Hilary was curious and told them how all that began and they looked at each other and started to tell her their first fight that was very brutal.

it was 12 years ago when both Mira and Daniella were fresh graduated from university and had the idea of having their own businesses. their family encouraged them to do so and they face their first dispute. what should they name it. they agreed to use their initials D and M but would it be DM or MD. when their mothers knew about their dispute, they looked at each other and told them about their ritual in the family and in this day, they knew that only one thing would decide the name of the firm. Hilary was listening eagerly. Mira continued telling her the story. she told her that they were astonished but then they decided to have a fight between them. they met at the basement of the firm one day in the morning both were wearing light clothes a top and hot short. with no other words they ran into each other like eild animal and the fight began. Mira pulled Daniella's her and at the same time Daniella pulled Mira's hair.

they were rolling on the mat. Mira's hand was on Daniella's neck while Daniella's hand was on Mira's face. they were sweating and breathing heavily. their moaning filled the basement. they were not only fighting for the name of the company but also for the respect of their families.

their bodies were intertwined. their hands, legs, chests. they were like a single creature, fighting for survival. their breath was hot on each other's skin, their hearts racing. they were not going to give up without a fight.

Daniella felt Mira's hand slip from her neck and quickly moved it to grab Mira's arm, pulling it behind her back. She then rolled them both over, pinning Mira to the mat with her legs. "Give up, Mira?" she taunted, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "I thought you had more fight in you."

Mira squirmed beneath Daniella, her face flushed with exertion and determination. "You'll have to get me off first," she ground out, trying to wriggle free. With a burst of strength, Mira bucked her hips upward, throwing Daniella off-balance. As they both scrambled to regain their footing, Mira grabbed a nearby weightlifting bar and swung it menacingly above her head. "You want a real fight?" she challenged, her voice hoarse. "You got it."

Daniella didn't flinch. She stood her ground, hands on her hips. "Then bring it on," she growled, bracing herself. Mira charged forward, swinging the bar with all her might. Daniella dodged nimbly to the side, the bar narrowly missing her. In response, she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around Mira's legs and tripping her. With a loud thud, Mira hit the mat hard, the wind knocked out of her.

Daniella pounced on top of her, pinning her down with her knees. "Give up yet?" she taunted, her breath hot on Mira's face. Mira glared up at her, spittle flying from her lips. "Never," she gritted out. "I'll never give up." Her fingers dug into the mat as she struggled to break free from Daniella's hold.

Their bodies twisted and writhed, each trying to gain the upper hand. Sweat beaded on their skin, mixing with the dust and grime from the basement floor. They fought with a savage intensity that was both terrifying and exhilarating to watch. Their moans and grunts echoed through the empty space, punctuated by the thud of flesh against flesh.

Daniella felt Mira's nails raking across her back, drawing blood. She cried out in pain and fury, rolling them over so that Mira was now beneath her. Her hands curled into fists as she pummeled Mira's sides, trying to force the air from her lungs. Mira bucked and squirmed, desperate to escape the punishing blows.

Their wild struggles sent weightlifting bars and dumbbells clattering to the floor, creating a cacophony that echoed through the basement. The air grew thick with the stench of sweat and fear as their fight became a primal dance of pain and fury. Mira managed to free one arm and reached for a nearby dumbbell, wielding it like a club as she swung it toward Daniella's head. Daniella ducked just in time, feeling the wind from the heavy weight whistle past her ear.

With a roar of fury, Daniella grabbed another dumbbell and met Mira's blows stroke for stroke. Their weapons clanged against each other, the impact vibrating through their bodies. They circled each other warily, seeking an opening, a weakness. But in their desperation, they only seemed to grow stronger.

The fight raged on, each woman landing blow after brutal blow. They were beyond exhaustion now, beyond the point of reason. It was as if some primal force were driving them, compelling them to keep fighting until one of them could no longer stand.

Daniella's knuckles were raw and bloody from punching Mira, her own breath coming in ragged gasps. She had never fought like this before, never known such raw, unadulterated anger. It was as if all the pain and frustration of her life had been channeled into this one, desperate struggle.

Mira was no better off. Her face was bruised and swollen, her arms aching from the relentless assault of Daniella's blows. But she refused to give up. Somehow, she found the strength to keep fighting, to keep pushing forward.

The clanging of metal on metal filled the air as they continued to wield their makeshift weapons, their bodies moving in a blur of motion. Sweat stung their eyes, making it difficult to see, but they didn't dare slow down for fear of losing their edge.

The fight raged on for what seemed like an eternity, each girl refusing to give in to the other's relentless onslaught. Their mothers, watching from the sidelines, grew increasingly worried. They knew their daughters were both skilled fighters, but they had never seen them like this before. There was something primal and terrifying about the way they were fighting.

Finally, their mothers could stand it no longer. They rushed onto the matted surface, their faces etched with concern and anger. "Stop it!" their mother cried, her voice shrill with fear. "You're both going to kill each other!" The two girls hesitated, panting heavily as they met each other's gazes.

Their mothers moved between them, their bodies forming a barrier as they tried to separate the two combatants. "This isn't how you solve your problems," their mother said to Mira, her voice shaking with emotion. "You can't just attack someone like this." Mira's face was streaked with tears, her body still tense from the exertion of the fight.

Daniella's mother knelt beside her daughter, her eyes searching Daniella's face for any sign of the pain she knew she must be feeling. "I'm sorry, sweetheart," she said softly. "I should have known better than to bring you here." She reached out to brush a stray hair from Daniella's sweat-streaked forehead, and for a moment, Daniella felt the warmth of her mother's touch.

Mira's mother knelt beside her daughter as well, her voice gentle but firm. "You shouldn't have provoked her like that," she said, her eyes meeting Daniella's mother's. "We'll talk about this later, but right now, we need to calm down." She placed a hand on Mira's shoulder, feeling the tension in the girl's body.

Daniella's mother turned to her daughter, her expression stern. "I'm disappointed in you, Daniella," she said. "I thought you were better than this." She gestured for them to stand up, and the two girls reluctantly rose to their feet. Their mothers stood between them, their bodies forming a barrier once more.

Mira's mother glanced at Daniella, her expression softening slightly. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier," she said. "I should have known better than to bring it up in the heat of the moment." She put a hand on Mira's shoulder, reassuring her daughter that everything would be all right.

Daniella's mother turned to her daughter, her own expression less severe. "You're right," she said, her voice quiet. "I should have been more understanding. We'll talk about this later, but for now, let's just try to move forward." She looked at Mira's mother, nodding in agreement. "Thank you for helping us here," she said gratefully.

Daniella's Mother looked at both of them and said "we solve our problems with fighting yes. But with bare hands not with weapon. we hurt each other but not killing each other. we do this to make a decision not to destroy each other. Now both of you hug each other and continue the fight but this time with no weapon"

The two girls looked at each other for a moment before slowly hugging each other, their bodies trembling with exhaustion and emotion. Their mothers exchanged glances, relieved that their daughters were finally showing some sense. As they held each other, they felt the weight of their anger and hurt begin to lift, replaced by a sense of understanding and connection.

"I'm sorry I hurt you," Daniella whispered into Mira's ear, her voice hoarse from the fight. Mira nodded, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. "I'm sorry too," she managed to say after a moment. "Let's just forget about all this, okay?"

Their mothers watched as the two girls hugged each other, feeling a sense of relief wash over them. It was clear that their daughters had come to some sort of understanding. Their own fight had taken its toll on them as well, and they knew that it was time to step back and let the girls work things out on their own.

As they stood there, watching the girls hug, their own emotions began to stir. They felt a sense of camaraderie, of shared experience, despite the fact that they were on opposing sides. They had both been through the same thing, after all. The pain of seeing their children hurt, the frustration of not being able to fix everything for them.

Now the place was clear for Daniella and Mira to continue their fight for the name of the firm but as agreed they will fight only with hands not with any weapon. The two young girls who were once the best of friends were now standing face to face with anger and hatred in their eyes. Daniella took a deep breath and said "I am not afraid of you Mira, I will show you who I am and what I am capable of." Mira nodded and said "I am not afraid of you either, I will show you that I deserve this name more than you do." both rushed into each other and buried their hands in each others hair.

With their hands buried in each other's hair, Mira and Daniella stumble to the sand, Mira lands on top of Daniella. In one quick motion Daniella pulls down Mira’s top. Mira’s hanging breasts provide an easy target for Daniella. Mira howls in agony as Daniella's right hand grasps her full left tit and squishes it again and again like a sponge.

Mira releases Daniella's hair and latches onto Daniella's breast meat right thru her top. Daniella growls from the pain being inflicted on her soft delicate boobs. After a minute Mira manages to pull down Daniella's top exposing her white titties.
Mira’s fingers start to scratch Daniella's tits. Mira grabs Daniella's hard brown nipples and tugs upward on them, stretching the soft tit flesh like elastic.

Daniella has now countered by latching onto both of Mira’s swaying breasts pulling them downward and in opposite directions at the same time. Mira now sinks her fingers into both of Daniella's reddened breasts. Her fingers are imbedded completely into Daniella's pliable, tender breast meat.

As the two girls continue to fight, they become more and more aggressive. Their movements become less controlled and more wild. Their breathing becomes labored and their faces flush with exertion. Sweat beads on their skin, making their bodies slick against each other.

Mira feels Daniella's hand squeezing her tit so hard that it hurts, but she refuses to let go. She digs her nails into Daniella's back, seeking some relief from the pain. Daniella cries out in anger, her body tensing as she pushes against Mira's weight.

Their breasts are now covered in sweat, making them slippery against each other. Mira's fingers leave red marks on Daniella's skin as she claws at her, while Daniella's nails dig into Mira's soft, sensitive flesh. Their hips grind together as they roll around in the mat, their legs tangled in a desperate struggle for dominance.

The pain becomes almost unbearable for both girls, but neither one is willing to give up. They continue to fight, their movements becoming more and more frantic, their breaths coming out in ragged gasps. Their bodies are drenched in sweat, their hair stuck to their faces.

Mira feels a sharp pain as one of her nails accidentally digs into Daniella's flesh. She pulls her hand away, hissing in pain as blood trickles down her wrist. Daniella, seeing an opening, lunges forward, her free hand grasping Mira's hair, pulling it so hard that she yelps. With her other hand, she squeezes Mira's breast even harder, making Mira cry out in agony.

Their struggle continues, growing increasingly frenzied. Mira manages to push herself up onto her knees, using her superior leverage to pin Daniella down. She places one hand on Daniella's breast, pressing down as hard as she can, while with the other she reaches between Daniella's legs, searching for her most vulnerable spot. Daniella bucks wildly, trying to throw Mira off, but Mira's grip on her breast is unbreakable.

Daniella, feeling desperate, bites down on Mira's shoulder hard enough to draw blood. Mira cries out in pain, momentarily losing her grip on Daniella's breast. Daniella takes advantage of the opening, scrambling to her feet and spinning around, her hand still gripping a fistful of Mira's hair. She uses her body weight to slam Mira into the mat, pushing the air from her lungs in a sharp grunt. With Mira pinned beneath her, Daniella's left hand finds its way back to Mira's breast, her nails raking across the sensitive flesh as she squeezes and twists with all her might.

The pain is almost unbearable for Mira, but she still manages to grab hold of Daniella's leg with both hands, digging her fingers into the soft skin of her inner thigh. Daniella's breath comes out in ragged gasps, her face flushed with exertion as she continues to batter Mira's body against the mat. Mira's face is contorted in agony as she tries to wriggle free, her nails scrabbling uselessly at the floor.

Their fight has taken them to the edge of the mat, close to the wall. Daniella's back is pressed against the cold, unforgiving surface as she leans her weight into Mira, trying to crush her. Mira feels a sharp stab of pain in her side where Daniella's knee has connected, but she refuses to give up. She reaches up with one hand, desperately trying to grasp at Daniella's hair, anything to make her loosen her grip on her breast.

Daniella feels Mira's nails raking across her back, leaving red lines in their wake. She grunts in anger and frustration, her body shaking with the effort of holding Mira down. Her other hand continues to squeeze and twist at Mira's breast, the soft flesh yielding beneath her nails. She glances down at Mira's face, contorted in agony, and takes a perverse pleasure in the sight.

But then, something shifts. Mira's grip on her leg loosens, and she feels a sudden surge of hope. She takes advantage of the opening, rolling them both away from the wall, back toward the center of the mat. Their bodies slide and writhe against each other, their limbs tangled in a desperate struggle for dominance. Daniella's free hand finds its way to Mira's throat, fingers digging into her skin as she tries to choke the air from her lungs.

Mira's vision blurs, her throat burning with the need for air, but she refuses to give up. She reaches up with both hands, clawing at Daniella's face, trying to force her off. With a final, desperate heave, she manages to push herself on top of Daniella, pinning her down. Her chest heaves as she gasps for air, her muscles trembling with the effort of holding Daniella down. Her left hand finds its way to Daniella's breast, digging into the flesh as she squeezes with all her might.

Daniella's face is flushed with anger and humiliation, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tries to throw Mira off. Her right hand searches wildly for purchase, finding purchase on Mira's leg. She digs her nails into the soft skin, trying to force Mira to loosen her grip. Their bodies slide and writhe against each other, the sound of their labored breathing filling the room.

With a final, desperate heave, Daniella manages to roll them both away from the wall, toward the center of the mat. Mira's grip on her throat slackens, and Daniella gasps for air. She takes advantage of the opening, pushing herself up onto her knees and swinging her legs around, wrapping them tightly around Mira's middle. Her left hand finds its way to Mira's face, pushing her back into the mat with a resounding smack.

Mira cries out in pain, her eyes watering. Her own hands flail wildly as she tries to break free from Daniella's vice-like grip. But it's no use; Daniella has her pinned. With one final thrust, Daniella forces Mira's shoulders down onto the mat, pinning her arms beneath her. She leans forward, her weight pressing down on Mira's chest, and locks eyes with her defeated rival.

"I win," she growls, her voice husky from exertion. "The firm takes the name DM."

Mira finishes the story and looked at Daniella and said "but since then we learnt that we can solve our problems by fighting each other and the winner her decision is the one we choose. but we never fight like that brutal fight." Daniella smiled and said "No, the next fight was like that remember Mira. when we were fighting who will take be the CEO and you won that one we end at hospital but you won that one and you are the CEO" Mira replied "yes and that's why we never fight like that again"

Hilary was listening carefully and said "It's good to know that you can work together even after such a brutal fight. I'm sure you both have great leadership skills. I'm interested in hearing more about your company and how you plan to keep it successful in the future." She smiled at them, showing her genuine interest in their story.

Daniella smiled back and said, "Thank you, Hilary. We've certainly come a long way since our early days. We've learned a lot about each other and ourselves through our struggles and triumphs. As for keeping the company successful, we plan to continue to focus on our core values: innovation, teamwork, and adaptability. We're always looking for new ways to improve our products and services, and we know that we can't do it alone. Our team is our greatest asset, and we'll continue to support and empower them to reach their full potential. But Keep in mind all what you see and hear here is a secret." She glanced at Mira, who nodded in agreement.


Offline bikemanrick

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Re: Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2024, 02:33:47 AM »
Quite an impressive story you whipped up there, Dalia. Even with AI, you had to outline what you wanted in the story. Well done.


Offline FCF4x4

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Re: Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2024, 11:51:53 PM »
This is only the second acknowledged AI-generated story I've seen on FCF. It is a great story-line with a good description of the fight(s). However I'm now seeing clues to its non-human implementation,
For example: I think Hilary is the "third person observer", but she is treated like an employee at the start and a potential investor at the end. Also, minimal description of how she got to observe the introductory fight. And the AI generator seems to behave like a human author who is being paid by the word; why use one word when you can use two.

Could you tell us what you had to supply as 'prompts' to the AI generator, so we can judge how much control you had over the final AI-generated product?

Finally, while there has been much written about AI in the past year, I have seen no mention of a product that would be most useful, but perhaps more challenging---an AI PROOF READER.


Offline Dalia.Scribe

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Re: Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2024, 10:23:12 AM »
Quite an impressive story you whipped up there, Dalia. Even with AI, you had to outline what you wanted in the story. Well done.
Thank you dear.. i had the whole idea and give it to it.. he helped me making the fighting moves


Offline Dalia.Scribe

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Re: Firm fight (I wrote it with AI)
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2024, 10:25:42 AM »
This is only the second acknowledged AI-generated story I've seen on FCF. It is a great story-line with a good description of the fight(s). However I'm now seeing clues to its non-human implementation,
For example: I think Hilary is the "third person observer", but she is treated like an employee at the start and a potential investor at the end. Also, minimal description of how she got to observe the introductory fight. And the AI generator seems to behave like a human author who is being paid by the word; why use one word when you can use two.

Could you tell us what you had to supply as 'prompts' to the AI generator, so we can judge how much control you had over the final AI-generated product?

Finally, while there has been much written about AI in the past year, I have seen no mention of a product that would be most useful, but perhaps more challenging---an AI PROOF READER.
I had all the idea and feed the AI with it .. and how the main story goes but the fight itself the AI did it almost on his on withh little directions from me