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Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge

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Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge
« on: January 24, 2024, 07:32:08 PM »
A month after Anne was able to beat Betty (by the tip of a nipple!) in their titfight. There was another community gathering. I wasn’t to ready to go, but Anne insisted. Wasn’t sure what that was about. But once we got there, and became surrounded by a host of other (almost exclusively female) members, Anne even more than me. I got the idea. Anne already knew how fast word got around the community about things. There were women who were interested because Anne beat Betty titfighting, others because of Anne’s battle with Jasmine, others because she went toe to toe with Betty in a catfight, and still others about how Anne performed during the 3some. There was certainly interest in me, regarding my own 3some performance. There was even a couple who were curious if we swung.
We spent hours talking, drinking, exchanging numbers (damn, looks like I need business cards again) and generally enjoying being around the center of things. And every time I looked, there was another good looking woman whispering something in Anne’s ear, and Anne was making mental notes (I could always tell) and sometimes even writing on cards. Things were slowing, and the crowd was thinning, when I felt a hand grabbing me. I looked, it wasn’t Anne, I turned about, and facing me, her hand still massaging my growing cock, was a Raven haired beauty. “I hear your redhead is pretty protective of this” she whispered as she looked at my tent. “Yes, very much so” I replied “And I never go anywhere without her consent”. “That so?”
With that, the woman grabbed me so tight I let out an audible groan. Anne turned to look, and the woman pulled me by my crotch towards Anne. “Honey, hands off the merchandise if you know what’s good for you” Anne smiled as we got to her. “Well, Ms redhead thing, what’s good for me is what’s already in my hand, I believe” came back the Black haired vixen. The, she pulled a fancy card from her ample cleavage, and pushed it between Anne’s magnificent tits. “Let’s talk about what I do with this big present from you” She turned, and gave me a wet kiss, another cock squeeze, and sauntered away, a magnificent ass trailing her. I expected Anne to be fuming, but she was a bit red faced, that was it.
Once we got home, she pulled out the card. “Sophia, huh” I looked at it. She lived on the far side of the community. Obviously still close, but further than we have gone thus far. “Well, I suppose this comes with the popularity. Some come out friendly, and others want to see about pushing buttons. So what do you think?” Anne asked. “I don’t know..pretty face, but she had my dick so tight, I really didn’t look that close at her. I can tell you she has strong hands” Anne laughed loudly at that. Then gave me a big kiss. “In our age range, probably a shade less full up top, definite good tight ass” “Wonder how thick the black bush is” I chimed in. Anne punched my arm (her favorite playful ‘shut up fool’ move) and grabbed my dick herself, giving it a squeeze “This hold is just for me lover” and proceeded to lead me into the bedroom by it.
After a full fun night, we got up and made coffee. Anne looked at the card “This time, I think I’ll let Sophia stew for several days before calling”, and went about her business. A few days went by. I went out and after discussing with Anne, got business cards with both our names on it. Anne kept meeting various community members, becoming more and more popular (??) and talked about. Finally she came home from a lunch “Sophia has been positively Bristling last last couple of days..perfect!” Then she found the card, and gave her a call, on speaker. “Is this..uh Sophie?” “Sophia!, you little slut! And you KNOW IT” “Now now, hun (Anne got good at this game quick) No need to get all huffy. This is Anne”
“Yes, I know..and I was expecting your call earlier” Sophia’s voice had settled down. “Well, I had things to do hun” Anne lightly responded. “We’re on speaker correct?” “Correct” “good, then here it is. I am challenging you, for Dave” “I’ve heard that before hun. So what is you’re challenge?” “Well, dear” Sophia was back into her element it seemed. “I have heard you are pretty strong, hands and arms” “You heard correctly” “Well, Dave can tell you that I have the best grip around, can’t You Dave sweetie” “er..umm” Anne laughed “That remains to be seen Sophie” Sophia muttered back “Sophia…well, anyway, this is my challenge. 3 Rounds of fights, best 2 of 3” Now Anne was getting more interested “Oh, and how would it go?”
“Well” Sophia went on, “All rounds are on knees only. WE can go to ground, but no standing. You are taller, and that would give you an advantage” Anne replied “I can accept that, knees and ground, no standing, OK” “Round 1, a true test of hand and arms..a test of strength. Lock fingers, and whichever can get the other’s hands or arms in a painful position they can’t get out of, wins, when the loser submits. And if the loser refuses to submit, any real damage to muscles, tendons, joints..That ends in a forfeit of the remaining rounds, and of course a trip to the Dr.” “As long as the one hurting is able to attempt to reverse before submitting, that is fine” came back Anne. “And the other rounds? Also similar tests?”
“Oh no dear, not quite” Cooed Sophia, now feeling in control “First, we take 30 minute breaks between rounds, to recover. Round 2, is a straight hands on titfight. But no punching slapping, elbows. None of that. WE both grab a hold, and can shift and move, but hands remain on tits, mauling and digging..oh and no nails. You can lose grip of one hand, but if both come off at the same time, it is a forfeit. We go until one cannot take it anymore, and quits, or hands come off” “Sounds perfectly fine to me, and definitely intriguing” replied Anne. “And the final round, if we get to it?”
“Oh, sugar, we get to it, no matter the first 2” came back Sophia. “The final is a ‘rules’ catfight” “Rules, in a catfight over cock, you must be joking” “Oh, no dear, there are some specific rules, that make this a true test of strength, not necessarily just pure catfight ability” “Really?” “Yes, on our knees standing, or a DQ. Knees and ground only. And, no punching slapping, kicking. Nothing to the face, at all, and no choking. Head hair can be pulled, yanked, whatever you wish. And hands and arms can go after everything..EVERYTHING, from the shoulders down. Again, this goes until someone submits, or in this instance, passes out from the pain. Do you think you can accept that?” Anne shot back “Honey, that is Great with me. I am so looking forward to this, but it will have to wait a while, we have some things on schedule for the next bit” “acceptable, now take me off speaker and shoo Dave away, there are some specifics that we need to agree just between us”
Anne got off speaker, and I was sent for a walk. She held up the phone and was talking as I left. When I returned, I was ushered directly into the bedroom again. I think I enjoy this phone calls! WE did have some engagements over the next few weeks, and Anne still needed some time for her chest to fully recover from beating Betty. But, she went back to our exercise room with a vengeance!. Initially, there were a lot of groans, but over time, it became a symphony of weights in machines clanking loudly. With under a week until the anticipated encounter, I looked at Anne as she stepped from the shower, water glistening on her body. Her chest..her chest..unbeilevably looked fuller, firmer, and higher than I remember when we first got married. She smiled as I stared, and then flexed. Her arms, which had always looked solid, now featured powerful looking muscled biceps, and even forearms, and shoulders. “Think I am ready for that Raven haired Bitch?” For an answer, I fell to my knees, and pulled her open V to my face. She slowed her excersize for the next couple of days, in anticipation.
The day finally arrived “This is going to be long and drawn out, so let’s get to it” Anne said matter of factly over morning coffee. We prepared, packed up a little bag to bring, and headed out. WE drove to Sophia’s getting there just before noon. I helped Anne out, and went and rang the doorbell. Sophia opened the door “Hello Sophie” Anne smiled Through gritted teeth Sophia shot back “You know my name you obnoxious redheaded skank..and when I’m done, you won’t forget it” She ushered us in, and walked to a back bedroom. The 3 of us did our stripping outside the room doorway, then stepped in. It was a nice sized room, with a queen bed against one wall, and some furniture against the next. It left a fairly large space in the rest of the room, for whatever Sophia did with her opponents.
Sophia walked to the center of the space, and got to her knees, she glanced over at me, and smiled “The grapevine didn’t do you justice Dave sweetie” Anne stepped between us “ Maybe so, but You won’t find the truth out anyway” Then she took her position facing Sophia. I stepped to them, “Positions” I had been given my job for the beginning of each round by Anne, as discussed with Sophia. The two combatants moved forward on knees, and lifted their arms. “Join” That had them spread fingers and interlock, hands above heads. “And…FIGHT!” I stepped back. The ladies then grunted, and closed in. I could see their arms and hands already start to strain. They moved again, and their chests came together. While I would have expected the power of their arms pushing, would have had their magnificent girls mushroom out between them, in face they stood proud. It actually sort of pushed their shoulders back.
They continued struggling. Anne had more defined arms, her muscles stood out as she fought. Sophia, not as defined, but still held her own. I could make out that Anne’s hands were a bit bigger, which might come into play. Her arms were also a touch longer, giving her back some of the advantage Sophia had removed by insisting on knees. There was grunting and groaning, but it was a stalemate. Then I could Sophia, start to pull her hands outward. After much work, Sophia had arms out, like a cross. I saw her lean her shoulders forward, and then push her hands ever so slightly forward. Anne’s wrists were bending.
A look of determination crossed Anne’s face, and with great effort, she moved their arms out of the cross, and got them back above their heads, both sets of wrists straight again. Both women were sweating heavily, both were breathing hard. Again, Sophia, put a maximum effort, and got their arms to the cross. Then she managed to bring them to their sides, hands down. I moved and saw the look of strained determination on Sophia’s face, but, she could not bend Anne’s wrist. With a strain of her own, Anee got their arms above their heads again. At this point, I felt that Anne’s endurance and determination would eventually win out.
Then I noticed Sophia moving her hands within the fingerlock grip. Anne almost got her wrist she did!. But something was going on with Sophia’s fingerlock grip.. Then I heard Anne cry out “AAHHH…Ohhh…AACCCKK..YOU BITCH!” Sophia now had her index and middle fingers together, between Anne, middle and index. Anne’s index fingers seemed out of the fight. I could see her struggle, but she obviously had less power in her hands because of this. Sophia now had control. She was able to get a bend on Anne’s wrists. Then she brought their arms into the cross, and achieved a better bend. Anne was hurting, and her struggle to right her wrists was unsuccessful. Sophia finally brought the arms down. Then with a powerful push of Sophia’s shoulders, I saw Anne’s elbows bend. Then Her hands went behind her back, in Sophia’s control. The agony on Anne’s face was obvious, but my wife was determined not to submit. I moved to look, and saw as much as she fought, her situation was only worsening. Finally, I said something I had almost never said before “Anne, give up” She shouted “NO!” “Anne, you could get badly hurt, and risk forfeiting the other rounds!” That took a few seconds to sink in, but finally my Anne screamed “OK, I GIVE!!, LET GO!!”
Sophia held for a bit, until I yelled “Enough, the rules..I will declare a DQ on the match if you don’t let go!” Sophia released Anne’s hands, and let her go. She shook out her arms and smiled “One for the stronger arms dear” Anne’s arms were quivering, but she starred daggers at her foe. I helped Anne up. Sophia walked out and to the left “Water and bathroom on your right..30 minutes” I walked Anne to the kitchen Grabbed ice a dish towel and 3 bottles of water from the fridge. Anne sucked down a bottle, then put her hands on the counter. I laid the icy dishtowel on them, and the cold water bottles on her shoulders “Fucking Bitch” Anne fumed “She knew she was going to make that move, never mentioned it in the rules. Now I see how she does things”
She drained another water bottle, and shook her arms and hands out. Then after 15 minutes, she went into the bathroom, peed, and started the shower. She came out, drying herself off. Drank another water bottle, waited a few minutes, then went back to the bedroom. Sophia was already on her knees. “# minutes late. I was thinking I would declare a forfeit” “Not a chance you Raven Bitch” Spat Anne. She paced a bit, came and whispered to me :I’m sure she has some fucking thing she thinks she can pull for this round also..that’s not gonna happen” Then Anne took her position. Once again I approached “Positions” and they knee walked closer. This time with bent elbows, their hand formed talons just inches from each others pride and joys. “Join” and they moved their fingers to just touching breast skin. “And…FIGHT!” again I stepped back. The gasps and groans were clearly audible as 20 fingers took hold of 4 magnificent mammaries.
Again I saw that Sophia had smaller hands. And Anne was firm, so that while Sophia was able to dent her titflesh, it was Anne, who had flesh ooze between her fingers as they sank deep into globes. But Sophia was strong, and her hands were doing a job. After a bit, the 2 started to moan, then came the curses, the threats, the tit trash talk. And the sweat. The sweat was pouring off them. Both combatants were having tougher times applying their holds, and maintaining. Several times it looked like one or the other might lose grip and dislodge hands, a forfeit/loss.
Then, I noticed the splotching. Red angry marks on both pairs of jugs. After a bit, those red marks started to discolor. Looking closely, Sophia’s tits had more marks than Anne’s. And that’s when I also notice Sophia’s hands move and change her hold. She had moved her hands to the top of Anne’s melons. I saw her arms tense a bit, then heard Anne “OW, FUCK!” and saw that Sophia was pushing down onto Anne’s tits, stretching the skin on her chest just above those beautiful babies. Was this Sophia’s titfight strategy? While it seemed to be working, looking closely, her hands were moving again. Soon, she had worked fingers into Anne’s cleavage, between her big tits. In all of Anne’s titfights that I had seen, that was one area that rarely came into play, and when it did, it seemed to create a big advantage for the one that did it.
Obviously, Anne knew that too. So when she felt Sophia’s fingers going there, she shifted her own strategy. She moved her hands to the end of Sophia’s tits, and found Sophia’s big round, bumpy areolas. And her long, thin nipples. Anne worked on those areolas, and Bent and shoved Sophia’s nipples. I was a bit worried, because with all the sweat, it seemed this hold might have Anne’s hands slip off. But for the first time in the entire fight, Sophia reacted “OOHHHSHIT!!! My NIPPLES!...YOU FUCKING COW BITCH!!” Anne seemed pleased and kept at it.
But Sophia was not done herself. The look on Anne’s face told me, Sophia got where she wanted to be..her hands inside Anne’s cleavage! Then looking closely I was amazed at what Sophia did. Somehow, without losing her grip, she managed to cross her arms. Her right hand was on Anne’s right boob, her left on Anne’s left. And then I really saw her strategy come into play. She started to force her arms in. That pushed Anne’s tits apart. And aside from the tit pain it obviously caused, I also saw that Anne’s own tits were pushing at her arms that were working Sophia’s tits. Sophia’s plan was that Either Anne couldn’t take the pain of her cleavage being shoved open, or that her own tits would dislodge Anne’s hold. Either way, it appeared Sophia would take the second round as well.
But Anne, my gorgeous determined wonderful fighting wife, was not quite done herself. Her arms where they were, were being pushed by her tits, in Sophia’s hold. So Anne, also without letting go, ended up working her hold to underneath Sophia’s mountains. That not only took pressure off her arms being forced away, it obviously brought new pain to Sophia. Sophia still had her hold, and if unchecked, would no doubt win, because Anne could not take her cleavage being opened wide that much longer. The look on her face told me that. That’s when I saw Anne hunch her shoulders, and then heard her  grunt. And saw a shocked look come over Sophia.
Anne’s powerful arms and shoulders, along with her viselike hands gripping Sophia’s undersides, began forcing Sophia’s magnificent mounds up. That was painful enough. But as Sophia was separating Anne’s cleavage, that brought HER arms together, and they were now being forced up by Anne pushing up Sophia’s tits. Anne had managed to convert Sophia’s unique strategy to use against her! And, because her arms were over her own tits, she had no good way of changing her hold. Sophia tried, oh she tried. But Anne’s power, in her arms, and through her upper body, was too much in this position. Between the force, the pain, and the sweat. Finally, Sophia’s hands came off Anne’s tits. Anne Won! And at playing Sophia’s own game!
Both women collapsed to the carpet, holding aching tits, actually sobbing, and breathing hard. I looked at both warriors. “Ther is no way you 2 can continue in half an hour, finish another a few weeks?” Both looked at me with daggers. Sophia blurted “No, if the bitch leaves she forfeits, we agreed” “That’s right, it was agreed, we finish today” “well, then, how about an extension of time?” they looked at each other, pure hate in both sets of eyes. Sophia spit out “Fine, how does and hour and a half sound whore?” “You’re on you dirty slut!” Anne spat back. Sophia then crawled out of the room, and to her right, I helped Anne up and we went into the kitchen.
After cooling her off, and giving her plenty of water, I let Anne lay down for a bit in another bedroom. Before I turned around, both ladies were fast asleep, and the hour and a half turned into almost 4 hours, before both started stirring. I had ordered in some food, but both women opted for some salad. And right away, the name calling, threats and curses began. It was almost 5, after a noon start, but neither warrior was going to let this go. So we reviewed the rules, and stakes. Then both nude ladies, and my self, went back to the fight bedroom.
Once in the room, the fighters resumed their positions. Then I stood between them. Sophia tickled my erect cock, and Anne hissed “You haven’t earned that whore” “Not yest, but soon enough” replied the Black haired temptress. Hands come up, forming talons, and I yelled “FIGHT!” Those hands went into hair immediately. Since both women were on their knees, there was little body movement, but heads and necks were yanked side to side and front and back. Screaming and cursing were the order at that point. Sophia managed to get a good side to side yank, then doubled up on pulling Anne to the left. Both warriors went to the carpet. They began to roll back and forth. Soon hands left hair, and were grabbing body parts. In addition to squeezing, pulling and twisting, soon they were yelping, as pinches came in.. Then the rolling continued.
Finally, Sophia rolled on top of Anne, but Anne continued the roll, and Sophia het the wall. She was now trapped between my wife and the wall, and Anne went to work Anne had better leverage, and I was able to see she had her bottom hand on Sophia’s tit, and the upper hand trying to trap Sophia’s arm. If she was able to, that might have given my lady the win. But Sophia managed to use her legs against the wall, and created a roll back towards the middle of the room.
Now they stopped in an open space, with The Raven hair on top. Her hands grabbed 2 handfuls of Red, and banged Anne’s head to the carpet. Anne seemed to be a bit stunned, but still managed, probably because of the slickness caused by sweat, to have Sophia slide to her side. Then Anne grabbed black locks, and rubbed Sophia’s face into the carpet. Sophia, reached down, and I caught her push her hand between Anne’s legs “you Dirty BITCH!” MY wife screamed, and moving, I could see that Sophia had her opponents lips pulled and twisted in her strong hands.
Anne, not one to yield, moved her own hands down. And then I could see that she had one hand in between her foe’s lips, and the other twisted in the dense black fur of her mound. Now both women were screaming like banshees. Eventually, even as it violated the rules, they both used their feel to shove the other off and away, Anne taking some bush with her.
They both were a little teary eyed, as they got to all fours, and began to stalk their ’prey’ like the 2 jungle cats they had become.  They circled, hissing, snarling, and even spitting at each other. It felt, at this point, I was an afterthought to the war that was being waged. Suddenly, both women raised up and lunged at each other. Their bodies collided, with Sophia a bit more upright. She threw her arms around Anne’s back, and began pinching. Anne, got her hands on Sophia’s magnificent ass, and also was pinching.
Sophia worked, and eventually was able to push Anne lower. She then leaned onto my lady’s back, forcing her to the carpet with her weight. From that position, The dark haired Amazon had access to the V between Anne’s legs again. But Anne had managed to keep her hands on Sophia’s ass. So while the fighter on top was again attacking lips, the fighter underneath went for between the butt cheeks. This went on for a few minutes, until again they separated.
Again, they were a few feet away, and got to their knees. As they approached each other Sophia reached for red locks, while Anne went for tits. This attack had Sophai begin to back away. The look on Anne’s face said she had her. But then, Sophia released the hair, and tuned her hands, and with Anne reaching to keep mauling her opponents tits, Sophia plunged her fingers into Anne’s armpits.
Anne’s face went a bit white, and her mouth opened.  Sophia grinned, as if she was now in control. I saw the muscles on Sophia’s forearms working, as Anne yelped. Then, suddenly, the redhead let go of tits, and slammed her arms to her sides. The hands were then trapped. And Anne was able to use her hands on Sophia’s thick black bush. Sophia’s face took on a panicked look, as I heard some ripping and popping.
Sophia screamed, but she twisted her body hard. With Anne holding her hands against her side, the twist pulled her to the Raven haired foe. Then a move down, took both back to the carpet. Again all 4 hands were free, and mauling at whatever they could grab. Sweat was falling off them like a waterfall. Somehow, Sophia, managed to get to Anne’s back. She grabbed Anne’s hair, and pulled back. Both fighters ended up on their knees, with Sophia behind Anne.
Anne was reaching up to try and fight Sophia’s hands from her hair. Sophia let go. Anne must have felt she had gotten free, but she reached back and pulled at Sophia’s hair. With Anne’s arms in that position, I saw Sophia’s next move. I tried to scream out a warning to Anne, but it was too late. Sophia plunged her thumbs straight up and deep into Anne’s armpits. Anne froze, her arms went limp. Sophia pulled her hands away, then put Anne into a full nelson, and forced her face first into the carpet.
Then Sophia went to work. Anne was giving muffled moans, and Sophia rubbed her abused tits into the carpet, then her face. The Sophia pule up, and pressed Anne’s head forward in the nelson. I could see Anne turning red, then blue. Finally, Anne went limp, and Sophia released her. Anne fell face first to the floor. I could see her breathing. “Get me 2 bottles of water hun” Sophia barked. In a bit of a trance, I complied. Sophia guzzled on bottle, then rolled Anne to her back, pouring water on her face and into her mouth. Anne coughed, and came to.
“Remember hun, stakes included you watching” Sophia snarked at Anne. Then she reached, and grabbed my baals in her hand, yanking me to her. Another hand in my hair forced my face down. Soon I was facing her already wet pussy. She grabbed my hair “Have at it sweetie” I not to reluctantly obliged. Soon, my face was dripping. Then Sophia pulled my hair with both hands, and my body followed. She turned to Anne “now watch his face when he feels a real woman’s pussy, you weak cxnt” and she slid down on her back, her legs wrapping my body, and plunging me into her. WE spent the rest of the night like that, with Sophia taunting Anne, as she had her way. Anne and I left in the morning. I know this is matter needs to be settled another time.
To be Continued


Offline DavidG

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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2024, 09:06:02 PM »
Been awaiting the next chapter and was definitely worth it
Anne’s first loss as well Clearly no love lost between these 2 and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them matchup again down the road
Excellent work and buzzing for more


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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2024, 02:16:50 AM »
Spacing is important. Reading a text wall is brutal on the eyes.


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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2024, 06:37:40 PM »
Enjoying this series... thank you for posting
Here to wreck your hair, not your heart


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Re: Tales of Mature Cats - The Raven Sets a Challenge
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2024, 01:00:31 AM »
These get better with each installment