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Bring It On - Cheerleader Challenges Older Cowgirl to Fight

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Offline bikemanrick

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Bring It On - Cheerleader Challenges Older Cowgirl to Fight
« on: January 28, 2024, 11:06:15 AM »
Just a short one today.

High school girls are cocky today. I guess they elevate their status on social media, plus many girls fight on a regular basis. It's just the zeitgeist today, or general attitude. On this particular day, Bella, a 30-year-old cowgirl heads to the local high school to pick up some books for her much-younger sister. The poor girl's been sick for a week with Covid and can't seem to shake it. After retrieving the books Beth, her sister, needs, she heads out to the parking lot toward her car.

Bella is parked on the far northern section of the parkting lot. She's just bought a new truck and didn't want it to get scratched. Bella arrives at her vehicle, then tosses the books onto the front seat. She then climbs up into her Ford F-150 and cranks her engine on. When she gets ready to pull out, some blonde cheerleader about 18 is standing behind her truck, blocking her way. Bella hops out of her vehicle, walks to the back of the truck and confronts the girl.

"What are you doing?" said Bella.
"Waiting for my mom to pick me up. My car's in the shop."
"How soon is she coming?"
Bella looked at her Apple watch. It was 4:15 p.m.
"Why don't you let me drive you, then you can just call your mom and tell her."
"My phone's broke," said the cheerleader.
"Okay. I know. I'm just a stranger to you, and you think I'm going to kidnap or hurt you."
"Hurt her," some girl said.
Bella turned around and saw another cheerleader. This girl had dark hair. She was about three inches taller than Bella and much more muscular.
"I didn't say I was going to hurt her," said Bella. "I said . . ."
"I don't give a fuck what you said, cowgirl bitch," the brunette said. "Nobody threatens my friend like that."
Bella rolled her eyes. She'd had enough of the insolence. She turned around and started strolling toward her driver's side door, when someone grabbed the waistband of her jeans and pulled her backwards. It was the muscular girl, and she was strong as hell.
"What the hell do you want?" Bella shouted. "If you're looking for a fight, I'm not going to fight you."
"Good thing," said the girl, "because I'd knock you the fuck out."
Bella raised her hands in frustration. "I've had enough of this. I'm going to talk to the principle. Bella started to walk toward the school, but the brunette stepped sideways and blocked her way.
"Move, you stupid high school girl!"
"Oh, so I'm stupid because I'm in high school."
"No, you're stupid for being your a big bully."
The brunette smirked. "So, you're afraid of me, aren't you?"
"Maybe," said Bella. "You're a lot bigger than me."
The girl chuckled. "Hell, I wouldn't waste time fighting a skinny wimp like you anyway. Tricia's gonna fight you."
Bella turned to look at the blonde, who was now smiling.
"You set me up didn't you?" said Bella. "You deliberately blocked my way so you could pick a fight with me."
The blonde walked toward the cowgirl. "You're on our turf, so you're fair game."
"Game? What turf? It's a school."
"After four, this school belongs to the cheerleading squad. And we don't like anyone on our turf."
Bella shook her head. She didn't understand the rudeness of these girls today.
"So, you wanna fight, cowgirl?" said the blonde.
"Are you afraid of me?"
"No . . . ooo."
"Don't be afraid. I'm one of the smallest girls on the squad, and the other girls pick on me all the time."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because if I can beat you up, I'll gain more respect around here."
The brunette cackled. "Don't let her fool you, cowgirl. Tricia has kicked plenty of girls' asses. She's just not as tough as me or the bigger girls."
Bella's throat churned, then she looked back at Tricia. "But she'll mop the pavement with your little ass."
"Let's go, you little shitkicker," said Tricia.
"I'm not fighting you," said Bella. That's when the other girl opened the door to her truck and shut the engine off. Bella turned it back on with her fob.
The brunette glanced at the truck, then eyed Bella. "You can start your truck, but you have to get around me to get in it. Figure that one out, you dumbass cowgirl."
Bella started panicking. She scanned the perimeter of the school. No one was around.
"You're pretty well fucked, bitch," said the brunette. "The administrators and teachers have all gone home, and we've got you surrounded."
Just then, five cheerleaders started ambling toward the truck.
"Fight . . . fight . . . fight," they chanted. "Fight . . . fight . . . fight."
"Come on, Tricia!" one girl shouted. "Kick that cowgirl's ass."

The fight appeared to be on. Bella was shaking. She felt faint. The blonde raised her fists and took a step toward the cowgirl.
"Put up your dukes, cowgirl, because I want to knock your head off."

So, we'll leave the scene as Bella contemplates fighting the girl. Frankly, she has no choice. If she doesn't fight, the other girls will probably gang up on her and whip her ass. Poor Bella. She needs your support. Do you want to see what happens?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2024, 11:18:51 AM by bikemanrick »


Offline Pinnerdown

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Re: Bring It On - Cheerleader Challenges Older Cowgirl to Fight
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2024, 05:36:40 PM »
I get the sense Bella is tougher than she looks. I say she wins this one as long as the other girls don't get involved.