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Bethan's First Fight

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Offline CTCF20

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Bethan's First Fight
« on: January 27, 2024, 09:04:47 PM »
While I was making my polls, Bethan had her first fight and surprisingly for me it was against Stephanie. I wasn't there but someone sent me the vid (I can post a screenshot of it on here). Apparently they had an argument and arranged to fight the same day.

First some info about them; Bethan used to be my friend but when I got together with my current GF she became a total bitch towards me and we fell out. Stephanie is just someone she doesn't get along with. They're practically the same height and weight from looking at them.

The video starts and Stephanie walks up to Bethan and they start fighting. Both start swinging wild punches with both hands. It looks like both are landing but Stephanie is the one going forward driving Bethan back, before they come together and Stephanie takes Bethan down and instantly, Stephanie is firmly on top. At first she isn't throwing punches, she tries to take Bethan's arms to put them under her knees, but she fails to do that so she gives up and starts throwing big punches down towards Bethan's head and face. Bethan at this point isn't really blocking anything, she's just squirming, kicking her feet up and trying and failing to land punches from below. Then Bethan's friend stepped in and was calling for round 2. Stephanie reluctantly got off, and they started to get ready for another round.

After they had their break Bethan walked up to Stephanie. Again they both starting swinging, with both hands, Stephanie definitely landing the better punches this time, then they came together and both grabbed a load of each others hair in one hand while using the other for punching, Stephanie kept landing more good punches and she had a good grip of Bethan's hair where she could hold Bethan's head far enough away to make it hard for Bethan to land any hits of her own. Stephanie kept swinging as she took Bethan down again but she landed awkwardly and Bethan had a good grip of Stephanie's hair and she was getting some good hits in on Stephanie from the bottom but it didn't last long as Stephanie managed to get onto her knees, pulling Bethan with her, they were kneeling side by side with each other, Stephanie had a handful of Bethan's hair but Bethan landed a good couple of hooks but then Stephanie finally managed to push Bethan down for one last time and lie on top and land a good few punches more in before it was broken up again and for the last time. I noticed after Bethan had a black eye and a bloodied mouth while Stephanie looked ok.

A good thing to come from this is that Bethan might be fighting again soon because I was talking to her about the fight and she was saying some dumb things like she didn't lose because Stephanie didn't hurt her and things like that. Me trying to stir the pot said something like, "Leah (my GF) would do the same to you" to which she strongly disagreed haha. Leah always said she would fight Bethan if it came to it, but it never has, but now she seems like she wants to really fight Bethan now because how Bethan was talking to me saying she could beat her in a fight. Also I showed the vid to another adversary of Bethan's, Amelia, who has been making fun of Bethan about it, and they've been arguing now. Hopefully you know who they are from seeing my polls from not so long ago.

Thank you for reading.


Offline CTCF20

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Re: Bethan's First Fight
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2024, 09:07:38 PM »
Bethan in the red skirt. Stephanie in the black skirt. In the fight screenshots, Stephanie is in black.


Offline Capguy

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Re: Bethan's First Fight
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2024, 03:36:05 AM »
How about a picture of Leah.  Think she could take Stefanie?


Offline CTCF20

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Re: Bethan's First Fight
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2024, 11:15:23 AM »
How about a picture of Leah.  Think she could take Stefanie?

I've posted her on a poll here before.

I'm not sure if she could beat Stephanie but those 2 don't dislike each other so they aren't gonna fight.


Offline Fighting Lisa

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Re: Bethan's First Fight
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2024, 12:35:45 AM »
Sounds like Bethan got her ass kicked.