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A rivalry worth consuming

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Offline Susanoom

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A rivalry worth consuming
« on: February 10, 2024, 01:48:09 AM »
This story is a tribute to an author who is no longer present on the site.  It was his idea for all of this, but he never saw the completion.  I hope I was able to give the rivalry the right amount of authenticity as the author would have wanted.
After a long wait, the poll declared the winner (You can find the poll here:


I still couldn't believe it.
The day had started quiet, I had woken up just before the alarm clock. It was obnoxious when this happened, and the thought that the day had started on the wrong foot crept into me.
Once I drank the nectar of the gods, the anti-sleep created in the image of coffee, I threw myself into the morning traffic. Although I lived fairly close to the company where I worked, it took me half an hour to get there every morning.
Once I was inside, however, I could relax; every evil was extracted from my essence and catapulted away from me. Certainly it was not because of the work, but because of its presence. Ashley. Her dark hair fell over her shoulders while her breasts were hidden in vain behind a black shirt.
She was the dream of every man within that company, and despite her godlike appearance, she was still single, news that appealed to everyone. It was difficult to approach her, however, her character was cold to those she did not like at first glance, making a brutal selection from the first "Hello" said.
I was one of the lucky few who was not cut off from her circle. Luck perhaps the fact that she and I were "obliged" to work together most of the time. I was in charge of production, she was in charge of logistics. Two different departments but they must be quite cohesive.
Listening to other colleagues, it seemed Ashley was more interested in me than others. We were close in age, I wasn't the company cutie but I was funny, and that was enough for her. We laughed together during coffee breaks, lunchtime scares we spent together. It may have been a normal working relationship for her, but I was falling more and more in love. She was the second person for whom I felt such strong feelings.
"The truck has arrived to load" Ashley had appeared at the door, a clipboard in her hand.
I looked up from my computer, crossing hers. She smiled at me, and I gaped for a few seconds before recovering. I went back to looking at the PC screen, sending the request to my department to prepare what was needed.
"A few minutes and we're there," she nodded several times, returning to look at her.
Ashley entered the office, leaning against the doorframe. She gave me a warm, sweet, amused look. I began to think she liked it when I was embarrassed. Her lips opened in a small smile.
"I think I will accept your invitation," she said.
I looked at her with a confused look, I had barely managed to answer her--how could I have invited her to do anything!!!?
"... I..."
"Oh, after work," she smiled, "At your place. A"
Ashley smiled and winked at me, before leaving and going back to work. I stood there, dumbfounded, looking at the closed door. I couldn't get her words out of my mind. Me and her, in my house. Had I invited her? No, she had invited herself maybe she wanted me to invite her but cut out that awkward part?
The whole day went on like a slow movie of a mundane life, I was so out of touch with the world that I watched everything in the third person, seeing myself as my humble figure trying to focus on work but still thinking about Ashley.
When the time to go home finally arrived, I ran to the exit. Ashley had not yet arrived, so I waited for her while I tried to put on a less desperate demeanor.
She came calmly, looking at me and smiling at me as she approached. God, how beautiful she was. Her long legs, slender body, and those ample breasts.
I tried to sketch a fairly dignified smile as she took me under her arm, walking together to the car.
I felt on fire but tried to keep my composure while driving. I had never respected the speed limit so much.
Suddenly, I felt Ashley's hand rest on my leg. I lowered my gaze to the hand and then to the girl beside me. Her eyes stared at me, telling me everything I wanted to know. She licked her lips.
I went back to looking at the road, pressing the accelerator, and becoming a professional. I felt the urgency to reach home as soon as possible, the hand on my leg was a clear signal.
I pulled into the driveway, running into someone I never imagined I would see. By the front door, facing me with a smile, was Sophie.
She was a precious friend of mine, it had been years since I had seen her but I could never forget her face. She had been the first to fall in love of my life, which, however, never saw the light of day.
She had moved away shortly after high school, losing sight of us. I felt empty without her, I used to see her every day. It took a long time to move on.
"Sophie! Is it really you?" I said, approaching with a smile.
"Yes, it's me!" she laughed "Long time, I've missed you.”
Her laughter was a magnificent sound to listen to, nostalgic and thrilling. She hugged me tightly, feeling her body pressed into mine, smelling her delicate scent.
"It's been years. I find you ... well."
Once the embrace was loosened, I pulled away to look at her, remaining open-mouthed. A white blouse open enough to show an unflattering cleavage, tucked inside a dark brown skirt from which her toned legs emerged.
She had become truly sexy, a magnificent girl who would turn anyone's head. Inside me came back the feelings and emotions of years before, a torment as much as a pleasant memory.
"Thank you," smiled Sophie, "I missed you, so I decided to come see you. You remember the promise, don't you?" she giggled.
My mind traveled back in time, at least a decade ago. We were together at my parents', Sophie's parents were family friends so it happened often that we were all together.
I don't remember why but Sophie and I used to joke about getting married, teasing our parents about their monotony.
"Let's make a promise," I said laughing, "When we are older we will get married!"
"Alright!" agreed Sophie with a smile "If neither of us is busy, we will become a couple!”
The promise seemed almost like a joke, amid laughter and tears of joy. Yet I felt it was important, a decision made and a promise that would stay with me forever.
When Sophie moved away, however, that promise seemed to be erased by her presence. I could no longer imagine us together now that she was away.
Sophie stood before me, however, in the flesh, grown up and still convinced of those words. I smiled, opening my mouth to speak, but a soft feeling against my back silenced me.
"Who do we have here?"
Ashley hugged me from behind, resting her head on my shoulder and planting her eyes on Sophie. I immediately noticed how my childhood friend stiffened suddenly, staring at the stranger.
"Um, Ashley, she is my childhood friend..."
"And her best friend," Sophie said in a neutral voice.
"... Sophie, she is a colleague of mine," I said, stepping out of Ashley's embrace.
"And his work wife," she finished, with a small smile on her lips.
I looked at Ashley, shifting my gaze then to Sophie. All of a sudden, the air had become heavy. The two girls looked at each other without blinking, the cold expression on their faces.
"Well!" I shouted, drawing attention to myself "I guess we'd better go inside, no?”
My hands trembled as I inserted the keys into the house lock, behind me Ashley and Sophie looked at each other in silence. I let them in and closed the door behind me with a small sigh. A hostile visit lay ahead.
I turned after the door was closed, joining the two girls in the kitchen. Ashley had found a place by the sink, leaning back with her arms crossed and raising her heavy breasts.
Sophie was still by the door, both of them staring at each other in silence. My childhood friend turned to me with a smile as I entered.
"It's a beautiful house," she said, stroking my arm.
I looked into her eyes and saw a kind of urgency. That light was the same light I had seen in Ashley's eyes when we were in the car.
"It's spacious," Ashley said, starting up and taking my arm, "I'd love to see the rest of the house."
I felt my partner's breasts press against my arm, causing me to turn toward her. Her eyes flashed as if to tell me to end this encounter and make the other girl move away.
Before I could respond, Sophie grabbed my other arm and pulled me to her. I looked into her eyes, noticing the same light again. I was in a tricky situation.
"It would be wonderful to see the house," smiled Sophie.
Ashley turned me toward her, looking at Sophie in silence. My childhood friend returned the gaze, pulling me in turn toward her. Ashley did the same.
"Perfect!" I said, untangling myself and pushing the two girls out of the kitchen, "Let's start the tour!"
My voice was trembling; I didn't know whether to be afraid or curious. The situation seemed like it could explode at any moment, and I didn't know what to do.
We went around the various rooms; my house was spread over two floors. The ground floor consisted of a large living room, the kitchen, and an empty room that I normally used as a storage room. The second floor, on the other hand, consisted of a bedroom, a guest room, and a fairly large bathroom.
"And that's it," I said, turning toward the two girls.
Ashley walked inside the bathroom, looking around while Sophie stood by the door with her eyes constantly fixed on the other girl.
Ashley lingered over the bathtub, her hand caressing the white porcelain and ending on the water faucets. I saw my colleague turn on the hot water with a quick gesture, the sound of the jet of water falling against the tub filled the room.
"I'm really in the mood for a hot bath," Ashley smiled as she looked at me.
Shifting her gaze to Sophie, she began to unbutton her shirt, her two fingers opening the buttons as my eyes remained glued to the scene.
As the shirt opened, I could make out more and more of the black bra trying to hold back Ashley's enormous amount of flesh.
I was entranced by the sight, the shirt fell to the floor and Ashley smiled mischievously at me as she gave her breasts a shake, the flesh trembling invitingly. Her hands finally untied her bra, which fell away in front of her.
My eyes widened as Ashley's bare breasts stood before my eyes, a treasure that men would kill to see for themselves.
"That's a great idea," Sophie's voice made me turn toward her. The girl walked over to the bathtub, unbuttoning her shirt "A hot bath is a panacea."
I was dizzy, looking at something impossible to imagine. Sophie dropped her white bra after a few minutes, lifting her breasts with her arms as she turned to me with a smile.
My eyes fixed on those dense and majestic tits, watching as the nipples pointed gluttonously toward me. I could not understand what was happening but it was damned hot.
Ashley giggled, causing Sophie to turn toward her with a growl. My colleague unfastened her skirt, removing her panties and remaining completely naked, looking at my childhood friend with an arrogant look.
Sophie squinted her eyes, unfastening her skirt and removing her panties so that she remained naked like her rival. My eyes registered their majestic bodies turned toward me as the two girls cast cold glances at each other.
With a smile, Sophie took the soap and added it to the steaming water, fairly quickly creating a lather on the water.
Ashley turned off the faucet; the water had almost reached the highest level of the bathtub. I swallowed hard, looking at their magnificent bodies as I felt my arousal ache at how much it was rising.
Staring at each other, the two girls entered the tub in strict silence, sighing as the heat of the water warmed their skin.
The water swayed as their bodies submerged, each on one side of the bathtub, their eyes fixed on the other girl.
"We can stop pretending now," hissed Sophie.
"Whatever. I was having fun though," smiled Ashley, leaning her head to the side.
"You won't be doing this much longer" growled my childhood friend "bitch"
"Prove it" hissed Ashley, losing her smile "bitch"
Moments of silence accompanied the next movements. I watched their bodies rise slightly from the water, there was foam on their wet skin vaguely concealing their breasts.
Approaching slowly, I watched as Ashley and Sophie brought their majestic breasts together, crushing them very slowly on each other.
My eyes watched as their flesh mingled together, foam smeared on each other's skin as the two girls sighed.
Pushing again, Sophie and Ashley increased the pressure more, bringing their hands to the other girl's hips, grasping them underwater.
Clenching their lips, the two girls continued to fight as their flesh dueled for position, rubbing and changing shape in that crushing battle.
The sound of swaying water was accompanied by the light grunts of the two girls, watching as their eyes were fixed on each other.
It must have been a test of confidence, each kept pushing her breasts into the other's without ever lowering her gaze. I imagined the confidence they must have felt in their breasts to keep reciprocating the rival arrogant gaze.
"Whore," hissed Ashley.
I watched as Sophie responded by rotating her shoulders to force her wet tits harder into her rival ones. Judging by the moan that escaped my colleague's lips, I imagined Sophie's nipples had struck deep into her flesh.
She heard Ashley growl, pushing back and probably plunging her tips into rival flesh. Sophie sighed gravely as Ashley's larger pair pushed against hers.
"Is that all you got?" growled my childhood friend.
"I got more than you, bitch," Ashley squinted.
I saw the girl move her chest into the water, then let her breasts hit from below. Sophie moaned, closing her eyes for a second as I watched her pair get pushed upward.
"Do you feel how much better I am?" growled my partner.
"I don't feel anything, cxnt," hissed Sophie.
I watched as the two girls began to squeeze their breasts together more, squeezing them as hard as they could. Their faces came so close together that they could touch forehead to forehead, their flesh swollen between them.
The two girls took to pumping their breasts together, grunting as the water moved relentlessly along with their bodies.
I suddenly saw Sophie wince with her mouth open, moaning. Ashley smiled as she rotated her breasts against her rival ones and thrust once more.
"Did you feel my nipples stabbing yours, whore?"
I widened my eyes at the very thought. With each pass, immersed in that fleshy, wet union, their nipples kept cutting into each other, stabbing deeply. My partner's tips must have caused my childhood friend pain during the last exchange.
"I'm going to break you, bitch. If it's the last thing I do," Sophie hissed.
Ashley giggled in mockery, continuing to thrust her boobs into her rivals'. I saw Sophie do the same, creating little meaty slaps as their tits met. My eyes were fixed on the trembling flesh of the two girls fighting.
I saw how the two girls kept pressing each other, trying to keep their breasts together as much as possible and forcing their pair against their rival's.
I heard Ashley moan in frustration as she wrapped her arms around her rival's back, watching as she began to send her tits into her enemy's.
I saw Sophie bite her lip as she grunted in annoyance, probably feeling the weight of Ashley's pair on hers, grinning mischievously.
Sophie squinted her eyes, sliding her breasts over and under the rival pair, growling as she squeezed Ashley's back in turn.
Both trapped each other in a tight bearhug, I watched their flesh swell between their bodies and spill out to the sides, unable to find any more space between the two wet, hot bodies.
I could hear their grunts of effort as they fought relentlessly, trying to force each other's breasts back. I watched them push forward, keeping their breasts pressed together more.
Gritting their teeth, continuing to crush their breasts together. A few seconds passed before Ashley and Sophie released each other, moving a few inches away with breathlessness.
All three of us remained silent, I listened to their quickened breaths slowing slowly as the two girls continued to watch each other jealously.
There was now only water left in the bathtub; the soap had disappeared completely. Probably the temperature of the water had dropped.
Figuring that the little dispute in the bathtub was over, I grabbed towels for the two girls. Ashley and Sophie took them with a smile, getting up and getting out of the tub.
I watched as the water fell from their naked bodies, sexy and still ready to wrestle, before they were wrapped in the towel.
I stood motionless as the two girls stared intensely at each other, exchanging venomous glances as they dried off.
"Bedroom," Sophie said, breaking the silence.
Ashley simply nodded, and the two girls turned toward me as if they were waiting for my move. Taking matters into my own hands, I led the group at a brisk pace toward the room.
The king-size bed towered on the wall opposite the door; Ashley passed me as we entered, lying down on the bed and inviting me to do the same.
Once I was lying beside her, I saw Sophie join us on the mattress to my left, finding myself between the two girls. I could feel their warmth as they whispered in my ear.
"Take off your clothes."
It took a few seconds before I was naked with them. Sophie began kissing my neck, sending shivers down my spine. Ashley nibbled my ear as I heard their moans.
The previous fight had aroused them and now they were showing how they both longed to have me. The idea of sharing me, however, was not in their plans.
"Watch me smash her tits," Sophie whispered, kissing me on the lips.
After a kiss of only a few seconds, Ashley turned me around and kissed me the same way. I could feel their need to have me completely.
"You will see how my breasts are better," moaned Ashley softly.
Without another word, the two girls stood up slightly, letting their breasts slide over my chest.
The feel and weight of the two pairs was incredible, I could feel the excitement exploding inside my body as the two pairs of breasts moved closer together for another conflict.
The two girls brought their firm tits together not far from my eyes, Sophie's flesh pushed inward while Ashley's pushed outward before stopping the loss of shape.
Biting her lips, Ashley pushed forward once more, making Sophie grunt as I too felt the weight of Ashley's pair on my chest.
Somehow I could now understand what each felt as the other girl pushed her tits forward. That oppressive weight as one pair carried forward, imagining the uncomfortable feeling of their firmness struggling with their opponent's.
The two girls kept their tits pressing together, moving them from side to side, occasionally crushing them against my chest.
Their movements seemed to mirror each other, grinding constantly as the breasts were sandwiched between a pair and my body changed each time.
Up close I could see how Sophie's tits squished inward as Ashley's breasts flattened a little more.
I heard Sophie grunt when my partner pushed forward hard, pressing her right tit into my childhood friend's left one.
Sophie's thick flesh resisted the blow, eliciting a sigh of frustration from the girl to my right, who pushed forward again.
I heard Sophie hiss as she responded to the attacks in the same way, meeting each blow with her breasts, moaning when my partner's pair connected with hers hard.
I saw Sophie reach out an arm to pull her rival closer, my eyes registering the moment Ashley's eyes went wide as she felt my childhood friend's breasts push into her tits.
The sound of flesh rubbing accompanied Sophie's movements as she gnashed her breasts into her rival's, pushing back my colleague's body.
On my chest I could see how Sophie had stolen some of the space, forcing Ashley back onto the bed more as her tits jiggled.
"You're going down," smiled my childhood friend.
She quickly pushed her tits into Ashley's, making her moan as Sophie's breasts continued to invade the space on my chest.
"No," moaned my colleague, pushing back.
Both pairs met with a little slap, the heat of our bodies pressed together had begun to create little beads of sweat.
Ashley pulled back and slammed her tits into my childhood friend's dense pair, repeating the motion as Sophie moaned.
I watched as my friend's flesh molded for a second before regaining its perfect shape. My colleague sent her tits into her rivals' once more with a pop.
Sophie responded at the same time, listening to their moan as their breasts met.
I watched Sophie move back, slamming her pair into Ashley's, feeling a bead of sweat fly down my face.
I heard Ashley's grunt as she slammed her tits back into my childhood friend's pair, pressing her with greater intensity as she smiled to see the discomfort on her rival's face.
"Fuck," Sophie muttered.
Gritting their teeth, the two girls thrust their tits forward, partially ramming my chest into the movement as well. Their breasts pressed against each other, molding each other.
I stood staring as the two girls tried to push the other pair into their rival's chest. I watched as Ashley brought her breasts under Sophie's before pushing them from below, distorting their shape.
My childhood friend pulled back and pushed her tits forward hard, I watched my colleague's flesh swell as she let out a low moan.
I saw Sophie repeat the move, forcing Ashley's pair to squeeze outward. She heard my colleague's annoyed grunt in response to the smile on my childhood friend's lips.
"You're going down, bitch."
"I'll rip that smile off your face, cxnt."
I felt Ashley recover, slamming her huge breasts forward, invading the space on my chest, and driving Sophie's pair back suddenly.
I watched as Sophie gritted her teeth as she winced from the blow, her tits being pushed to the side, pressed uncomfortably against me. I gasped as Ashley smiled when she saw the discomfort on her rival's face.
"I warned you," she growled.
I heard my colleague repeat the move, slamming forward again with renewed aggression, sliding her breasts around her rival's.
I saw Sophie thrust forward, bringing her tits directly into those of my colleague, seemingly crushing her flesh.
She felt Ashley push back, watching as the two pairs bent and lost their shape together around the enemy pair.
I could hear both girls breathing laboredly from fatigue. The position in which they were fighting was not natural, leaning on one arm and my body as they sent their breasts against each other intensely.
I watched as Ashley's breasts were held against my childhood friend's pair, Sophie grunted as she responded by thrusting left and right into the rival pair.
Their flesh trembled incessantly as the two pairs remained in constant contact. She felt Ashley gasp as my childhood friend seemed to pierce the enemy pair.
The next second I saw Sophie gasp in despair as my colleague's tits enveloped my childhood friend's breasts, listening to her labored grunts.
The sound of slapping flesh filled me, followed by the desperate moans of the two girls. My eyes were fixed on the two pairs of sweaty, flushed breasts that were slamming just inches from me.
Only I could see the scene perfectly, but I could imagine the sensations of the two girls as they continued to fight.
The breasts in extreme struggle crashed again and again, and moans came from the lips of the two beautiful girls. Slowly one girl's moans increased in intensity.
A pair of breasts seemed to be starting to lose more ground on my chest, pushed back to the rival pair, shifting the fight more and more to the left.
I looked at the desperation in the eyes of the girl to my left as my colleague's lips began to curl into a forced but arrogant smile, pushing her rival back slowly.
Sophie and Ashley continued to slap and throw their boobs at each other, but I could see how my childhood friend's flesh yielded more against the firmer pair.
Sophie's moan sent shivers down my spine, watching her eyes close with her mouth open as Ashley's tits slammed against hers.
My colleague pushed her tits into Sophie's again, keeping them together and allowing me to see her flesh engulfing and flattening that of her rival.
"Who's the better woman, bitch?" smiled my colleague arrogantly.
I could hear Sophie moaning again, watching as she tried to push her tits into those rivals in vain. Pushing their breasts together, their tits also pressed against my chest and I could feel the difference between them.
I could distinctly feel the firmness in Ashley's breasts, her weight bearing down on my chest and her rival's. Sophie's breasts, on the other hand, had lost their shape, looking like a water balloon sagging without shape.
"Who has the better tits?" growled Ashley, pushing harder.
Sophie yelped in pain, being pushed off my chest. Ashley lay on top of me, smiling and looking down at her defeated rival. I heard Sophie's sobs as she curled up next to me, her hands clasped on her breasts.
I turned to Ashley, meeting her lust-filled gaze of victory. She brought her face closer to mine, kissing passionately as my hands grasped one of her breasts.
I heard her gasp, probably from pain mixed with arousal, before I felt how she pushed her tit harder against my palm.
"You are mine," she whispered, returning to kiss me.
I nodded as I responded, finding her tongue with mine. Our bodies melted together, giving each other pleasure as Sophie continued to cry beside us.
She opened her eyes only to look at Ashley's hand clasped around Sophie's wrist as if to keep her from running away. She wanted the defeated rival to stay there and suffer.
This only made her victory more exciting.
Ashley had won, her tits were better.
It’s over…?
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Offline sonalee

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Re: A rivalry worth consuming
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2024, 05:41:40 AM »
Nicely written ????????
Waiting for next chapter...


Offline Duke

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Re: A rivalry worth consuming
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2024, 06:52:11 PM »
It's an amazing story! Thank you~
But I don't want this match to be the end..