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Let it rain

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Offline man-of-sea

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  • May be in my younger days
Let it rain
« on: February 10, 2024, 11:36:29 PM »
Let it rain

As the rain pours down outside, Mandy and Brad are stuck in their cozy apartment, bored out of their minds. They've already watched every movie they own, played every board game they can think of, and even cooked a gourmet meal together. Mandy decides to text her friend Jan, one of the few people she can rely on for a good time. While Brad is engrossed in his phone, she slyly types out a message to Jan, inviting her over for a girls' night in. Mandy knows that with Jan in the mix, things are sure to get interesting.

A few hours later, there's a knock at the door, and Mandy answers it with a grin. Standing before her is Jan, dressed to impress in a tight black dress that hugs her curves and shows off her long, toned legs. She's wearing a pair of stiletto heels that click against the hardwood floor as she walks into the apartment. The sound is music to Mandy's ears, and she can't help but feel a surge of anticipation rushing through her body.

"Hey, girl! Thanks for coming over," Mandy says, giving Jan a warm hug. "You look amazing!" She turns to Brad, who has set his phone aside and is now eyeing Jan with a mix of curiosity and surprise. "This is Jan, my friend from college. Jan, this is Brad, the guy who's been putting up with me tonight."

Jan steps forward and extends her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Brad," she says, flashing him a dazzling smile. Brad takes her hand and gives it a firm shake, feeling a stirring in his groin as their eyes meet. He's not sure what kind of relationship Mandy and Jan have, but there's definitely something going on between them.

As they exchange pleasantries, Mandy excuses herself to the kitchen to grab some drinks. In the living room, Brad and Jan continue to chat, finding they have a lot in common. They both work in the same industry and have a shared love for movies and music. The conversation flows effortlessly, but Brad can't help but notice the way Jan keeps glancing at him when she thinks he's not looking. It's making him feel self-conscious in the best possible way.

Jan takes a seat on the couch next to Brad, their shoulders and legs almost touching. As they continue to talk, her leg brushes against his, sending a shiver down his spine. He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks, and he's having a hard time focusing on what she's saying. He's never been so drawn to another woman like this, and he can't help but wonder if it's just the alcohol talking, or if there's something more going on between them.

Meanwhile, Mandy returns from the kitchen with a tray of drinks. As she hands one to Jan and another to Brad, she can't help but notice the charged atmosphere in the room. She exchanges a knowing glance with Jan, who grins back at her mischievously. Mandy feels a surge of excitement course through her veins. This is exactly what she had in mind when she invited Jan over.

The conversation continues, but it takes on a newfound intimacy now that the lines of friendship and attraction have begun to blur. Brad finds himself caught up in the thrill of it all, feeling more alive than he has in months. He can't help but wonder what Jan is thinking, feeling. The way she touches him, the way she looks at him... it's intoxicating.

Mandy can see that Brad is taking an interest in Jan. Mandy taps Jan shoulder  can you come with me I want your opinion on this new outfit. "Excuse us Brad I going take her away for a few minutes" as she leads Jan to her back bedroom. The bedroom is dimly lit by a couple of candles. Mandy closes the door behind them. "I knew you were going to try something" Jan giggles. "I'm glad you didn't disappoint" she continues as she pulls Mandy close and kisses her passionately. The kiss deepens and their hands wander over each other's bodies. They are both dressed in lingerie that accentuates their curves.

Brad waits nervously in the living room, not sure what to do with himself. He keeps glancing at the bedroom door, hoping to catch a glimpse of what's going on inside. The anticipation is driving him crazy. After what feels like an eternity, Mandy and Jan emerge from the bedroom. They both look flushed and disheveled, but there's a new sense of intimacy between them. They sit down on the couch, their bodies close together. "So," Jan says with a sultry smile, "do you think we should tell Brad what we've been up to?" The question hangs in the air, and Brad can feel his heart pounding in his chest.

Mandy leans in closer to Jan, her hand gently caressing Jan's thigh. "Well," she says, "I think we should let him draw his own conclusions." Jan nods in agreement, her eyes never leaving Brad's. He can feel the tension building between them, a delicious sense of anticipation. They're playing a game with him, and he's not sure how much longer he can last.

Mandy brings out a silk rope that she and Brad has used in their own games. "Jan you get Brad tied down to the dinner table chair will you" she asks while handing her the rope. "I'm sure he'll be more comfortable that way." Jan nods, taking the rope from Mandy. She kneels down beside Brad, her face inches from his. "You're going to be a very good boy, aren't you?" she asks, her voice low and seductive. Brad nods, unable to form words as he stares into her eyes.

Jan expertly ties Brad's hands to the chair, binding them tightly but comfortably. She then gently guides his head back against the chair, securing it with another length of rope. His body is completely exposed now, and Mandy can't help but admire the way Jan caresses his chest, teasing him with her fingertips. "You like that, don't you?" she asks, her breath hot against his ear. Brad moans, arching his back in response.

Mandy came back again from the backroom this time carring two of Brads best dress shirts "Shall we tell him what we were were talking about Jan" as she tossed one of the shirts to Jan. "Why don't you start Jan I'm sure Brad would like to hear it from you" as she took a seat next to Jan. Jan looked at Brad as she began to speak. "Well, I was just telling Mandy that I have always been interested in bondage, and I've never really had the chance to try it out with someone before. And, well, Mandy said that you were really good at it."

As Jan spoke, she unbuttoned Brad's shirt, revealing his chest. She ran her fingers lightly over his skin, sending shivers down his spine. "And," she continued, "she said that you might be interested in... experiencing it yourself." She paused, letting the words hang in the air. Brad felt his heart racing, his breath coming faster. "Is that true, Brad? Would you like to try it?"

Mandy smiling "I also told Jan here how you like watching cat fights so I convince that we should have one in front of you darling Brad' as she gives him a wink. Jan then continues "Oh yes, Mandy told me all about how you like to watch two girls go at it. It turns you on so much." She leans in closer, her breath hot against his ear. "And, well... we thought we'd put on a little show for you."

Without further warning, Mandy and Jan begin to kiss passionately, their tongues tangling as they writhe against each other. Their bodies are pressed tightly together, and Brad can feel the heat emanating from their skin. He struggles against his bonds, unable to tear his eyes away from the sight before him. "Do you like it, Brad?" Jan whispers in his ear, her voice low and husky. "Do you want to see more?"

Mandy breaks away from the kiss, her chest heaving. She looks at Brad, her eyes narrowed and flirtatious. "We can do whatever you want," she says, running her fingers through her hair. "Jan and I are here for your pleasure." Jan nods in agreement, her breath hot against Brad's neck. "Anything you desire," she says, her hand slipping down between Mandy's legs, teasing her.

Mandy hands one of Brad shirt to her as she to pull her sweater off over her head, revealing her black lace bra. "So, what do you want to see us do, Brad?" she asks, her voice husky. "Anything you want. We're here for you."

Jan, meanwhile, has moved around behind Mandy, her hands running up and down Mandy's bare back. She kisses a trail of moisture from Mandy's shoulder to her neck, then nibbles gently on her earlobe. "Mmm, I think I know what he'd like," she whispers, her voice thick with desire. "He's been such a good boy for us tonight."

Brad's heart is pounding in his chest as he watches the two women before him. He feels a mixture of desire and helplessness, unable to do anything but watch and enjoy the show they put on for him. "I... I don't know," he manages to stammer. "I mean, I've never... I've never been part of something like this before."

Mandy smiling "Well you are definetly in for a treat big boy as she feels Jan un hook her  black lace bra  and then Jan running her hands to  cup and explore her firm 36D  breasts "MMM that feels so good  babe yeah go and pinch my nipples like we did in college" as she arches her back into Jan's touch. "So Brad what do you want to see? Would you like to see us 69 or maybe Jan can tie me up while you watch or maybe you would like to be part of this?" as she winks at Brad.

Jan leans forward to whisper in Brad's ear, her hot breath sending shivers down his spine. "I think Mandy's right. I think you should join us, Brad. You've been such a good boy tonight, and we want to reward you." She moves around behind him, her hands running up and down his chest, teasing the buttons of his pants. "We want you to be a part of this. We want you to touch us, taste us, feel us."

Mandy pushing back on Jan  not so fast we have  some more fun things for him before he can join us... as she starts to help Jan out of her black dress revealing her black lace bra and matching panties underneath. "Brad would you like to see us 69 or maybe you would like to be the one to take Jan's place?" she teases him. "Or maybe you'd like us to take turns pleasing you?" She leans forward, her breasts pressing against his chest as she whispers in his ear. "We're here for you, Brad. We want to make you feel good."

As Mandy helps Jan out of her dress, revealing her lacy black bra and matching panties, Brad can't help but feel the heat rising in his groin. He struggles against his bonds, desperate to touch them, to feel their soft skin beneath his fingers.
Mandy gets behind Jan and like what Jan did to her starts to softly kiss her neck and running her fingers gently up and down her sides.MMMMM  let's get you in to Brads  shirt shall we? she whispers into Jan's ear as she helps her slide it on. She then takes her bra off and runs it across Brads face  to have Brad to smell. She then cups her breasts with her hands and slowly rubs her nipples with her thumbs. Her other hand slides down between her legs to play with herself while her mouth finds its way to Jan's ear. "Brad would you like to see us 69 or maybe you would like us to wrestle?" she whispers to him before kissing Jan passionately.

Jan moans into the kiss, her body pressing against Mandy's. Her eyes are closed, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she feels the touch of Mandy's fingers on her skin. She arches her back, grinding her hips against Mandy's hand, wanting more. "Maybe... maybe we could do both," she manages to say between gasps. "Let him watch us wrestle, then see who wins... and who gets to please him next."

As Mandy continues to tease Jan, she glances over at Brad, his bound hands and feet making him even more helpless and aroused. She smiles wickedly, the thought of dominating him making her heart race. "Brad, would you like to see us wrestle? Or do you think you could take one of us down?" she taunts, her voice low and sultry. "Or maybe you just want to watch... and imagine what it would be like to be in control?"

Jan giggles, her breath hot against Mandy's ear. "Oh, I think he'd like that... but don't worry, I won't go down easy."  Jan helps Mandy out of her jeans " Do want to do full commando as she peels Mandy's thong down her legs. "Now let's see who gets the pleasure of being on top." As they both get on their knees and start to wrestle, their soft supple breasts bounce and rub against each other. They slap and claw at each other, grinding their hips together as they try to gain the upper hand. "Oh yeah Brad, watch this." Mandy moans as she rolls on top of Jan and pins her down. "I think I've got this one." She whispers in Jan's ear before crawling over to where Brad is. She leans down takes his box's shorts in her mouth to show his cock in her  as she teases him with her breath. "Want me to take care of this for you?" she asks, her voice a sultry whisper.

Mandy's words send a shiver down Brad's spine, and he arches his back helplessly, desperate for release. He nods frantically, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. As Mandy leans in closer, her breasts brushing against his chest, her warm breath tickling his skin, he feels a surge of desire unlike anything he's ever experienced before.

Jan moans from behind them, her hips bucking against Mandy as she watches the exchange between Mandy and Brad. Her own arousal is only heightened by the sight of Mandy teasing her boyfriend, and she wonders what it would be like to have Mandy's full attention. She reaches out, trailing a finger down Mandy's back, feeling the softness of her skin beneath her fingertips.

Mandy taking her focus away from Brad "MMMM my little kitten wants to  play does she" Mandy turns to face Jan both on their knees with their breasts freely swaying You did like it a little rough didn't you bitch" Jan looking start at Mandy " You remembered didn't you as she  slap Mandy across her cheek sending her breast forward. Mandy lets out a soft moan from the pain. "Fuck me like that Jan fuck me" Mandy moans as Jan slap her breast again.

Meanwhile, Brad watches the two women wrestle, his cock throbbing painfully in his hand. He arches his back, trying to relieve the ache as he imagines the feeling of Mandy's wet pussy surrounding him, he is brought back to reality when he hears Jan scream as Mandy has Jan's nipple in her mouth and is sucking hard. "Fuck yes!" Mandy yells before taking her mouth away from Jan's breast, "I've got you right where I want you." She whispers before pushing Jan onto her back, straddling her hips and lowering herself down onto Jan's waiting pussy.

As Mandy begins to ride Jan, their moans fill the room, their bodies moving in perfect sync. Mandy leans forward, her breasts brushing against Jan's as she thrusts deeper, her hips bucking wildly. Jan reaches up, her fingers tangling in Mandy's hair, pulling her closer. The floor creaks beneath their weight, Jan's feet slamming against the wall in rhythm with their passionate lovemaking.

Brad watches in awe, his cock twitching in his hand, close to the edge of release. He feels an overwhelming desire to join them, to feel their soft, supple bodies wrapped around him. He's torn between the urge to cum and the need to watch them, to savor every moment of this erotic spectacle.

Mandy's movements become more frenzied, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she loses herself in the pleasure of being on top. Her hips undulate faster, her breasts slapping against Jan's chest with each thrust. Jan moans loudly, arching her back off the floor, her fingers digging into Mandy's ass cheeks. The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, of moist flesh rubbing against moist flesh, of two women lost in a passionate embrace.

Brad can't take it anymore. He needs to join them. With a growl, he over turns the chair  Mandy smiles at Jan I think he's ready do you want to do the honors as they watch Brad struggling in the chair trying to get free. Jan smiles as she reaches down and undoes his belt before unbuttoning his pants. As his pants fall to the floor she pulls his boxers down revealing his hard cock to her. She takes it in her hand and strokes it slowly as she looks into his eyes. "You've been such a good boy, haven't you Brad?" she asks, her voice sultry and sweet.

Brad nods, unable to speak, his eyes fixed on Mandy and Jan as Jan slithers on the floor positions herself in front of the over turned  Brad. With a sultry smile, she brings her mouth to his stomach   guiding her tongue  back and forth on his skin slowly working her way to his  shorts. The sensation is overwhelming, and Brad gasps as he feels her tongue  teasing  him.

As Jan continues her descent, Mandy climbs to the side of Jan She starts kissing her back as her hands find their ways to Jan's sweaty tits and hoping to find some rock hard nipples. As she finds one, she begins to gently pinch it, moaning into the kiss as Jan moans out in pleasure. She can feel the wetness between her legs as she grinds her hips against Jan's. The heat from their bodies is almost overwhelming as they move together, their rhythm matching perfectly with Brad's thrusts into Jan's waiting mouth.

Jan pushes Mandy away for a moment, just long enough to look up at Brad, his cock deep in her throat. Her eyes meet his, and she can see the raw desire in his gaze. She moans around his cock, feeling him pulse in her mouth. She's never been more turned on in her life as she watches Mandy ride her, their bodies moving together in a dance of lust and passion.

As Mandy's movements grow more urgent, Jan reaches down between their bodies, guiding Mandy's hips with expert precision. She feels the heat of Mandy's wetness on her hand, and the sensation drives her wild. She thrusts her hand harder, faster, matching the rhythm of Mandy's hips as she rides her. The floor creaks underneath them, the feet slamming against the wall in time with their cries of pleasure.

Brad's thrusts into Jan's throat become erratic, his hips bucking wildly as he nears his release. He can feel his balls tighten, the hot rush of cum building in his veins. He looks down at the sight of Jan's pretty face, her lips wrapped around his cock, her eyes locked on Mandy's, and he knows he's going to explode.

As he feels the first wave of orgasm wash over him, Brad reaches down to grab a fistful of Jan's hair, holding her in place as his hips drive forward powerfully. He growls in pleasure as he releases his seed into her mouth, feeling her throat ripple around him. He watches in awe as Mandy's body convulses, her back arching as she cries out in ecstasy.

Jan savors the taste of Brad's cum as it fills her mouth, her throat, her body. She looks up at Mandy, their eyes meeting for a moment before she pulls her mouth away from Brad's cock, licking her lips. She crawls up between them, straddling Mandy's hips as she rides her. She leans down, their lips almost touching as she whispers, "You're so beautiful when you cum."
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.