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Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ

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Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« on: February 14, 2024, 08:00:47 PM »
Life on the Farm. (Pam mothers champ)

It took Pam a few days just to both mentally and physically really function again after the series of fights.  They were way to close together and as a result her breasts took the brunt of it.

Mentally Pam would tear up every time she nursed the baby, her husband was in almost as much shock, he had never seen Pam beaten so badly. As much as he was concerned for her, he couldn’t help but want her in more action.  He wasn’t going to rush though, he knew if he tried she might give up on the idea all together.

That’s when he decided a break from the area and all of it was what they needed. He came home from work Thursday helped her pack and out the door they went. There was no sure plan, he just drove and was hoping to see a smile come to her face.

They stopped at a motel around midnight, Pam questioned where he was taking her, but all Mark said was “who cares, i have time from work and you deserve a break.”  The next morning after breakfast they hit the road again, slowly they were coming to farmlands, along the route Pam saw a sign for fresh fruit from a local farm.

The couple pulled over and bought more than they would eat, after a few laughs with the older gentleman at the stand Mark asked how far it was to the nearest motel or hotel. The old farmer rubbed his neck thinking then looked up, “ got a long long drive before you hit a town.”  Pam was tired and the baby was getting cranky, Mark tried to assure her it wouldn’t be to bad.

The old farmer rubbed his chin, “well I’ll tell ya what you ca do, the next farm is a friend of mine, i can make a call for you folks , he allows boarders from time to time. If you folks are ok with it i am sure he will let you stay the night”. Mark looked at Pam and shrugged as he says “its a warm bed why not”. Pam rolled her eyes but needed time out of the car, so she nodded yes. Mark looked at the farmer “that would be great we really appreciate it”.

The farmer took out his phone and made the call, the chat was quick, “harry its Jerry, you still allow a boarders from time to time right?, i have a couple with a baby need a place for the night you ok i send them your way?”, great I’ll send them your way”.

The farmer smiled “ok he said no problem, so what your gonna do is drive 2 miles straight down this road, when you see the fence line end make a right drive straight up till you see the house, he’ll be waiting for ya”. The couple thanked the farmer and headed out, Pam jokingly said to Mark, “fine but first sign this guys an axe murderer and i am leaving”. They laughed and drove on.

The couple pull up to the farms house, a younger man then they expected was sitting out front on the porch. They stepped out of the car, Mark approached the man whose name was Mike, Mark explained the story and Mike nodded.

Pam wearing sneakers and jeans and a black and white checkered thin flannel top, her black bra under it and hair blowing in the breeze. Mike as he heard Marks explanation was listening intently right till Pam walked from around the car.

When he saw her thin yet fit busty figure his eyes widened. But there was something that Mark noticed about the typical stare men gave Pam. It wasn’t just the glare of lust he noticed Mike raised an eyebrow. It wasn’t earth shattering , but Mark felt like Mike was comparing as he looked Pam up and down.

Mark only picked up on it cause he had done it himself more than once. Pam maybe didn’t catch it, or was just so use to having men stare at her, but she stretched a bit and just smiled.
Mike invited the couple in and showed them around and the room they could stay in.

When Mark asked how much for the night, Mark smiled and said “lets worry about that later. Uhmm if you want to stay for diner your welcome to, and your not putting us out, just two more plates, when you guys settle feel free to come relax in the living room.”

Mark and Pam thanked Mike a hundred times then sat on the bed to just take a minute. Pam was hoping to nurse the baby before going down stairs but their daughter was playing finicky again. Pam groaned as her huge H cups were so full the ache combined with the weight was a discomfort in her pride of her veiny bust swelling over the bra cups.

Pam sat her daughter back in the car seat, she had a worried look this time, Mark asked her what was wrong, Pam looked up and huffed, “since my loss, and that bitch fed her she has been this way.” Mark rubbed her back as he says, “its just a phase her taste s off , its like going from your milk to formula or real milk, it would have to be acquired.”

Pam frowned but a she thought about it Mark was probably right. Pam then had Mark take hold of the car seat, and they ventured downstairs. Mike was watching t.v. And he smiled when the couple joined him. “Come on in guys please grab a seat kick back, my wife will be in shortly and her mother is starting supper”.

The couple sat and though a little nervous at first Mike was engaging in mutual conversation to avoid any silent awkwardness. Pam while not exposing a lot of cleavage couldn’t hide her swelling mass at the top as she sat with her arms in and hands on her lap. Mike kept stealing that same look at Pams bust, but yet again Pam was use to it and truth be told , kind of took pride in it.

As the three of them sat talking Pam noticed a pick up truck pull up out front, she looked to Mike as if to ask who was here. Mike took a quick look out the front window , “oh just in time its my wife our baby and my Dad, thats who you were suppose to meet”.

Mike opened the front door, his Father entered first, a some what older man obviously plagued by age and ailments. He said his hello’s and welcomed Mark and Pam. He then went to go rest in room.

Then in walked Terri, Marks wife she was carrying their baby in a car seat. Terri was 5’10” 150 and a 36H-28-38 hour glass body, she had bright blonde hair almost white. Wearing white jeans and sneakers and a thin sky blue checkered top much like Pam’s.

Under it was a matching colored bra that Terri was making work over time. Mark instantly raised both eyebrows as Terri bent forward to set the car seat down. Her mass was bulging and spilling from the cups as did Pams.

Terri was a little put off that Mark didn’t give her a call about the couple, but more so when she saw Pam sitting so posture perfect and her own mass swelling to be free. When Terri saw the car seat beside Pam , Terri instantly knew Pam was filled with milk as she was herself.

After a somewhat fake smile and greeting, Terri locked eyes with Pam and both inhaled. Though nothing was said between them, each had that feeling that neither was going to like the other. Terri inhales and decides its only one night she can tolerate the city chick for that long , no matter how snotty she seemed.

Terri went to the kitchen and Mark kept the car seat near him for now. Terri returned with four beers. She handed Mike and Mark theirs first making a point to let Mark look up at her swelling breasts just under the thin top.

Terri gave a wink and a smile then turned and stepped to Pam with two fingers holding the bottle Terri leaned forward to Pam making Pam look into her top and at her immense being cleavage .

Pam inhaled and made a point that Terri got a bit of a glance as well. As Terri straightened up her eyes traced all of Pam then she turned and slowly stepped across from Pam and sat down.

For the first time since arriving the conversation became a stand still, all four were just looking at the other. Finally Mike broke the silence , “so Pam and Mark just the one night for you guys?, i mean if you need the rest after tonight your welcome to stay another night.”

Terri cleared her throat for Mike to shut up, but then Pam with a sly smirk says, “well thats really nice and generous of you Mike, We might just take you up on that, but i guess it all depends what tonight brings like you said. “

Terri glares at Pam, then Pam adds “ i mean if we all get a good nights sleep and such, you know our daughter here has been a little off on her nursing times.” Mike scoffs, “you know thats so weird you say that, our son has Ben doing the same , it might be a upset tummy our Dr. Said.”

Pam looks Terri dead in the eye, “that so?, hmm sounds like it, i hope its not something contagious and one or the other gets it worse”.  Terri almost turning red glares back, “oh i wouldn’t be to concerned of that, see out this way with a lot less people around, you have to have really close contact for anything remotely to spread, but when it does you will feel it…trust me” .

To ease the chatter despite both husbands thinking their wife is the only one in the room to compete. Mike again breaks the lull, “so Terri what do you wanna do for dinner since we have guests”. Terri now rocking her ankle slowly a she sips on her beer, “well since i had no idea we would have guests , why don’t we order some pizza but have it delivered “.

Mark gets up and calls the nearest pizza place and orders 3 pies, with the fridge stocked with beer, the 2 couples wait for their order. As they do Mike and Mark start to watch a game as Pam and Terri just sit in silence and stare. Each mother glaring as they read the others look, its one they can almost see the writing saying (anytime honey).

After a few beers the pizza finally arrives and it is Mark that grabs the plates and more beers. He calls everyone to the dinning room including the Dad. Every one sits and after a few slices each sit back and enjoy a few laughs from Marks Dad.

As the chatter goes on Pam and Terri again with fake smiles sit and stare, each silently telling the other to make her move. Terri finally being confident in the home says “honey can you turn the a/c up please it is so hot in here “ with that Terri using her fingers pops another button on her top.

Mike smiles as her deep tight veiny cleavage with a slight glisten is exposed. Terri raises a brow at Pam and not to be out done Pam nods , “my gosh your right is hot in here , good thing you didn’t cook, or i might have had to wear something a lot thinner”, Pam then opens two buttons on her top as she raises a brow at Terri as if to say touché .

Both husbands clear their throats as they refuse to share the fact their wife not only has big breasts but knows how to use them really well. But another fact neither has shared is that each of their wives lost their last fight , and was milked to the point of tears.

But as the women glare and smirk, it is because they know when the news was shared their children weren’t nursing correctly, it wasn’t some stomach bug. It was because the mother glaring back lost her last fight.

As Mike and Mark start clearing empty bottles and plates, both wives sit and stare with confident yet catty grins, a sign they know the others secret. Terri leaning as far forward as she can stands up and then with a sexy tone purrs to Pam, “care to join me in the living room? The boys will be done in a minute or so”.

Pam then does the same posture standing up and smiles her best (F you bitch) she has, “love to maybe we can have a conversation finally “. Terri arches, “oh that would be lovely i think we should break the tension”.

Both ladies swagger back to the living room and each gently sits beside her child in their car seats as they nap. Their eyes never leaving the others Pam finally says softly to Terri, “so you want to wait till they finish up?”. Terri rolling her shoulders “i think its only fair, plus we do have to wait till his dad goes to bed, shall we agree on rules and such?”.

Pam arches in her chair gently playing with a strand of hair, “why not the basics, no hands, no teeth no claws. First to a verbal submission loses and is milked then worships winners tits “. Terri a sly smile, “perfect i agree but you are forgetting the most important part of it”. Pam her finger by her lip, “and that is?”.

Terri as if blowing a kiss, “winner feeds both babies honey”. Pam pauses a second, she had to watch hr daughter suckle on another woman’s breast in her last fight, her confidence and motherhood felt broken. But she couldn’t seem scared she smiles back, “oh of course i figured that went without saying is all”.

Now Terri swallowed as she too felt the same wrath in her last encounter, but she too had to save face. “Oh i am sure you knew it was inferred, i just wanted to clarify we both knew what the loser had coming”.

Pam feeling her thick nipples stiffen and now tent the bra cups and top, decides to add another tie bit, “oh and lets not forget winner takes both bras as well honey”. Terri rolls her tongue in her mouth, “naturally sugar”.

With that the two stop discussing what the night holds, each smiles as the father walks in , “well Pam i am sure my son extended it , but just know if you need an extra night just let us know ok, now i am heading to bed, need my sleep at my age goodnight “.

Pam a loving smile, “well thank you so much and yes Mike did extend the invite, you have a good nights rest sweetie see you in the morning “. Terri staring at Pam “yes goodnight Dad, shut your door okay we are gonna watch t.v. For a bit”.

Mikes dad has no reply as he heads up to bed, a minute or so later the men come back int the room and Mike turns on the television but the volume is moderate at best. The 4 of them kind of silently look between themselves as each sees and yet knows the secret is out without discussing it.

Finally making sure Mikes dad is in bed for the night, Terri looks to Mike, “you might as well stop hiding it, she and i discussed the rules and stakes everything’s agreed on”. Mike looks to Mark who nods as he opens his hands as if to say ( oops ).

Mike nods and looks to Terri, she adjusts in her seat , “since your the guest here why not start us off, make sure your daughter isn’t in need of a milk, yet”.

Pam lifts her daughter and cradles her, then looking into Terri’s eyes slowly undoes her top till she can part it and expose her bra cups to Terri.

Then Pam pulls her right breast free of her bra cup and proudly displays it to her new rival. As always she caresses around it and then her index finger and thumb glide down to her stiff nipple and stretch it with a pinch then flicks it at Terri.

As she glares at her Pam gently rubs her nipple tip at her sleeping daughters lips, knowing she won’t be taking it. Then softly Pam says “nmm i am so full of milk i thick the pressure in my nipples are to much for her to take right now. Why don’t you see if your son is still having tummy issues”.

Terri gently scoops her baby up and opens her top, she eases her right breast free, caresses around the ballots perimeter, then like Pam pinches her stiff nipple stretching it then gently rubs it at her sons lips as he sleeps. “Well this is a shame, i have so much milk as well, i guess he can’t handle my breasts either. Think you can ?”

Pam and Terri continue to caress their round breasts then ease the babies back in the seats, after which they then ease their left breasts free and now with both round veiny laden breasts free their hands caress them as they glare hungry to use them in a mothers fight.

Pam lifts her breasts to her lips as she licks and kisses each then allows her breasts to drop with a solid CLOP one at a time. “Oh sugar i can handle yours with mine for sure, think you can at least give me a fight ?”.

Terri wants to pounce but she arches as she lifts her own and kisses each nipple then drops both breasts at once , an equal loud CLOP rings out, “trust me honey your in for a long fight and a heavy loss tonight”.

Pam arches her breasts swell outward, “so where do you fight without waking that nice man?”. Terri smiles, “oh don’t you worry he will never know or hear us, i have a fight room in the rear of the house, with the t.v. On we can fight all night if we have to, or till one of us can’t go on”.

Pam then slowly stands up, “why don’t you lead the way then?, Mark bring the baby please”. Terri stands up and the two mothers start to pose for the other modeling their exposed breasts, Terri smiles “of course, Mike you got him , now you can follow me “.

The two women with breasts out over bras head down the hallway, the men carry the car seats and whisper, “damn dude i wish i knew you guys were into this, i would have called Terri home earlier”. Mark smiles “yeah same here, i had a feeling but i didn’t wanna come off as some wacko “ they giggle then follow the mothers.

Terri opens a door and a light gets turned on over head, shades cover the windows and the wood floor has obvious stains from other fights held here. Terri slowly moves across to the far corner , her large breasts seen from behind at the sides.

With a smile she turns and removes her top then her sneakers, her bare feet push the shoes aside. Pam enters and takes the corner facing Terri, she eases off her sneakers and top as well, both set hands to hips and Terri tilts her head back a bit, “so city slicker, you gonna take that bra off, or do i have to do it for you?”.

Pam smiles, “oh i wouldn’t mind if we helped each other get them off, but when i win i prefer to wear your bra as i sit up on you, but its your house your choice”.

Terri sees the confidence is shaky in Pam but her own is as well. Terri then arches and eases the shoulder straps off, then reaches back and starts to unclasp her bra. Pam mimics the move as they glare at the other and finally as they toss their bras to their men, each displays her heavy firm laden bust to the other in all its natural glory.

Terri then sets her hands on her head, “ready when you are honey”. Pam does the same “oh just when sugar i am itching for a fight.” Terri takes a breath, “well ding ding , come out fighting “. The two mothers slowly step toward the center of the room, a slow circle as they glare then each stops and they pause for a minute.

Terri softly asks, “care to nipple duel before we get it on, or you wanna get to it?”. Pam licks her lips, “like i said , its your ring , your rules but we are gonna get it on “.

Terri seems to tighten her body a bit as she steps closer to Pam the two mothers barely flick their nipples, and though neither will admit it, the shutter within their bodies was undeniable.

Almost instantly both of them start to firmly collide their nipple shafts side to side, hoping to bend the other either back or down or to either side. But all they manage to do is bend the first little bit from the tips back. Both lick their lips as the feeling is a frustrating combination of arousal and pain as they grow more sensitive by the second.

The two mothers stare at the duel as each doesn’t want a second of lost contact. The speed in which they start to flick quickens. Both mothers can feel their nipples stiffen more than have in a while, and the slight texture scrape noise only they hear and feel drives them to hold out till it is decided.

Terri purses her lips a bit, “whew oh cmon harder if you can”. Pam inhales and starts to jab as she flicks at Terri, “uhnn mm oh yeah bring it if you got it”. Soft grunts give way to slight aching effects in the women's voices, the husbands swear they could hear a level of shaking in them as they got faster. To watch from their point of view, the husbands can imagine the pain slowly building as nipples catch and try to pull the other pair to the side only to have the wieght of their laden breasts hold them still and firm.

Each mother starts to huff , her hot breath building finally Pam in a huff, “we ready hmm?, my nipples are, tip to tip sugar cmon”. Terri swallows “fine lets do it line up with mine honey. I am gonna sink yours “.

The two mothers need to hold their breath in order to line up the tips of their nipples perfectly. As they do Mark sees that Terri looks a bit broader than Pam’s. He is unsure how it might matter but he looks to see if Pam took note of it. Pam has as they stare at the stiff nubs touching and slowly as the pair look up into each other’s eyes they begin to press head on.

Both swallow as they feel the pressure, the sting and the ache as the blood rushes to their already steel like pegs. Both women’s eyes flutter at the feel of her rivals to her own. They slowly press tighter together, their aureolas bulge as the base of their nipples are pressed back.

The thick shafts become almost barrel like under the pressure. Both mothers pant and groan as they feel the resistance of their own stiff nipples against that of their rivals.

Neither wants to look away but the duel is nearing to much to handle. Each takes a quick breath in then eases closer together. Suddenly there is a dense CLOP. But neither drags or moves, they hold and glare deep into the others eyes.

Each searching for a sign of ache, pain or just discomfort, but their stares are to hard to read. Finally after holding for a few seconds, it is Terri who swallows a breath, “well ready to find out ?”.  Pam tries to put on a confident reaction, “as long as you can handle it”.

Both husbands lock their eyes on the mothers breasts, focused on just the aureolas to see whose nipples still stand firm. Slowly the two women start to eases back, their aureolas slowly reshape, and the base of their nipples seem to straighten back out.

As Pam and Terri hold their glare they ease apart more, slowly Pams lips start to smirk, and Terri’s lose lips part in dismay. Finally fully apart Pam arches her back and breathes in deeply, a smile of pride she hasn’t had in a few weeks. Terri however once again all to soon is feeling that familiar taste of a loss.

Terri cups her breasts just under the aureolas and her lips purse as she feels that deep ache. She breathes out slow as she has to admit the shame of another loss in front of her man, she hisses in a groan as she gently pinches her nipples to bring them back out from being inverted.

Pam swaggers from Terri and steps to her husband , gives him a hug and a kiss and he whispers “your back baby”. She smiles “nmmm i will be once i crush her tits”., pam then turns and with a smile slowly steps back to center of the room, she purrs with a catty tone, “are your nipples ok? I would really like to get this fight going”.

Terri has to massage her nipples back to full stiffness, she can feel the ache at the base of her thick broad nipples, “oh your gonna get a fight , i am ready”. Both mothers slowly bring their hands to their own hair again, their full round veiny breasts seem to throb in anticipation.

They each step closer giving the other another side to side pose before the fight starts. Finally as each knows its time, they both gently slide the outer walls of their breasts along the others.

As they do each adds a little pressure to test others resistance, then they pull till nipples flick, and they repeat the same move on opposite outer wall of their breasts. Each satisfied in what they feel they lock eyes and give each other a firm but slow bump.

Terri softly purrs, “nmmm i can feel my tits are going to hurt yours”. Pam licks her lips, “oh honey don’t bite off more than you can chew”. The smiles ease away and then both arch and then lunge ahead. The CLOP is loud and both women grunt, but neither pauses for a second as they instantly begin to grind head on and roll their breasts against the opposing pair.

Grunts and groans and a few moans fill the room as the two busty mothers start their battle.
Terri breathes out, “uuhhh ohh cmon cow mmfff fight”. Pam replies right back, “mmff mfff mff cmon uuhhhnn that all your tits got hmm?”.

The husbands watch intently as their proud wives step about slow in a circle, their breasts wrestling in between them, bulging and swelling , ballooning and being forced to shift to either side. As their breasts are forced into odd shapes they reshape even faster once the contact is paused even for a second.

Both mothers start to feel how the weight of their rivals breasts on their own might prove to be to much. As a result each starts to jam her breasts in an alternating pump motion into the opposing pair.

As flesh collides, the sounds of slaps, and claps and clops ring out, as do the reactions of the two mothers. Both are strong and their laden firm breasts are taking as much as they hand out.

Ten minutes into the duel, and each mother is still going strong with no sign of slowing or that deep aching pain that makes a woman retreat. As their breathing gets faster both of them start to taunt with confidence, in hopes their rival will make a crucial mistake.

But each knows it is way to early for either to get to hurt to come right back from. Pressing the attack this soon could be a mistake they pay for later. But Terri is feeling ashamed after a loss not long ago and now being inverted, she is fighting with anger instead of pride and cunning.

She wants to make Pam pay and hurt, she steps into her rivals space, she made an upward jostling move. Though she was to close to Pam to deliver any real damage, her heavy breasts still had as much power as Pams. Their was a firm SLAP then Pam pursed her lips, she still felt the move.

It was firm enough that Terri caused Pam to take a step backward. Mark wasn’t sure if his wife truly felt a hit, or if she was a little scared of being hurt like at the club so early into the fight.
Whatever it was Pam’s step back gave Terri a little bit more room to start a real assault. With a sense of power making her rival lose a step, Terri came into Pam, head on again she powered her breasts straight in. A second firmer CLOP rings out and Pam loses another step and her bust is visibly wobbled, “uuugghhhh bitch”.

Terri now feels a smile on her lips, “stop running honey i wanna fight”. Terri doesn’t hesitate, she Perseus Pam and instead of taking her time, tries to make Pam feel her so much, she will be sorry she agreed to fight and rethink her strategy.

Pam tries to use a swaying motion as Terri comes at her again, but she miss timed it and her left breast was met with the full force of both of Terri’s heavy twins. SLAP rang out and Pam curled her shoulder in and down to pull her breast away from her rivals.

Terri hissed, “you scared bitch turn and fight “, Terri was like a boxer light on her feet, and shuffling to get at the front of Pam. Both women bumped and used shoulders and hips to get the position they felt was best. Pam was no longer smirking , the look of concern was etched in her face now as it seemed every angle she thought to turn, had her rival waiting for her.

Finally Terri closed in tighter again and was now concentrating her attacks on which ever breast was facing outward, as Pam alternated her shoulders to avoid the heavy hits.

But there was a method to Terri’s madness, she was slowly walking Pam back toward the corner of the room. Terri knew if she caught Pam in that corner with almost no to little way to fight back fully, she could literally smear, drag and pummel her rivals tits into submission.

Terri was getting so close to her plan becoming reality she was starting to smile and seem to swell in confidence. Pam wasn’t sure just how close to the corner she was, but the sounds of the duel around her were obviously closing in.  Pam was becoming worried, for a brief second she saw the fear in her husbands eyes. She knew she either had to fight her way from the corner or turn this around before she was even pinned into it.

But Terri was as hungry for a win suffering her own losses, her mouth seem to be salivating, her breasts were now working Pams at every angle, just waiting to unleash on them.

Terri had Pam about a step and half away from the corner, she was tired of working to get her rival in the position she needed. Terri thrust up at Pam and her heavy breasts swung aimed to crush just under Pams aureolas.

Pam saw it coming as if slow motion, she knew the collision would certainly drive her back more and very possibly allow her rival to make quick work of her. Pam thankful for her experience in these duels, instead of twisting to either side which might have worked fairly well, needed to make Terri feel what a threat she really was.

Pam dipped by bending her knees, instead of bending at the waist, Terri was already in motion toward her to stop. As Terri was about to crush head on Pam thrust upright, the SMACK rang out as loud as the sudden cry from Terri’s lips.  As Terri’s head was thrown back, her mouth fell open , “AGHHHHH BITCH!!!”.

Pam side stepped after the hit and spun on her heel, she heard a solid thump. As she spun to she saw Terri on her knees on the floor, her head hanging low and shaking no.

Pam sauntered around Terri slow, her big breasts that firm laden wobble, “well when you said you wanted a fight i was hoping you meant it, will you be getting up or you done….honey?”.

Terri stayed on her knees a few seconds, her chest heaving as she was hoping she could go on. Finally as she shifted her body to get to her feet, the reality of the hit woke her careful trance and she winced, “aahhh ohhh you bitch my tits”.

Pam stood thighs apart a bit breasts up and out hands on her hair as she waited to see if there was any fight left in her rival. At twenty five minutes Terri managed to get on her feet and wisely kept her back to Pam, so as not to be crushed as she reset herself.

Pam waited patiently, she was positive the hit made an impact, just how deep or how damaging she had yet to learn. One thing she knew for sure, if Terri was able and willing to go on, it was going to be a battle and not an easy one for either.

Finally Terri turns and sets her hands back on her hair, the two mothers again circle in closer. Pam with a sly taunt, “choose wisely honey, my next hit to your tits you won’t be getting up from”. Terri a curled lip, “oh you landed a hit sugar, but it is gonna take more than one solid hot to make me give to you, lets fight .”

The two mothers close in and then as it started a solid more dense CLOP rings out. Both grit their teeth and start to freely grind, drag and smear as they pump, press and shove their breasts as hard and aimed as they can while enduring the others .

As their husbands gently rock the car seats and watch their champion wife take on the other. The two mothers are grunting and wincing as they exchange move for move, as they look to hurt the other and make her give.

They almost stand center room for more than another twenty minutes, going toe to toe and tit to tit. Heavy fleshy globes are pulled, pushed, swelled and pumped freely. Neither makes a defense other than to out power the other.

As the fight is looking as if it will be a stalemate, Pam now turns up the heat. She steps into one of Terri’s side to side drags and jams her powerful tits directly into her rivals cleavage.
The SPLAT is heard and Terri shakes her head as she starts to retreat. But Pam knows not to give her an inch, she stays step for step with her rival, all the time forcing her tits to spread Terris at her cleavage.

Pam is hungry to win, “uummfff uummmfff ummmfff umfff cmon bitch fight my tits”. Terri a look of doubt in her position, “uuughh ughh ohh uuwww uugghhh, Bitch get back”.

Terri knew she was being directed into the very spot she wanted Pam, but she fell short and now she was about to endure what she planned for her rival. Pam jammed her heavy round laden breasts into the cleavage, she spread Terri’s breasts around her own.

Terri gasped loudly , “aaahhhh oh my tits”. Before she could make any counter, Pam drove head on and Terri’s bare back slapped against the wall.

While not directly in the corner Pam had her rival close enough with a little extra work she make Terri step into her trap. Terri was now starting to feel panic, her breathing was becoming to fast, her chest was stretching outward to both sides.

Terri tried to get in Pams head, “cmon bitch fight my tits, once i get you from my cleavage i am gonna put you down”. Pam almost hesitated a second, unsure she was actually doing the damage she needed to.

But that thought was cleared as she forcibly shoved into Terri then with rapid speed, yanked her breasts to the right  pinning Terris left breast to her side and making a stretched out breast suffer both her breasts rolling pin across that inner breast wall.

Terri out of the pain it caused followed the move to try and ease the effect. In doing so she fell right into the trap. Her shoulder to the corner, Pam instantly stepped in between her thighs and stood Terri upright by dragging a sequence of X designs across her rivals breasts.

The move made Terri’s right lift then drag her left low and reverse the other way. Terri felt it and more she felt the chest pull on her muscles and tendons, as her own milk filled glands were loosening and slowly but heavily sloshed by Pams move.

Terri winced and was breathing harder, her face red as were breasts. Her husbands fear of another loss boiled over as he let out, “cmon babe fight back”.  Terri had a sick feeling in her tummy, her body was being worked yet again, and Pam wasn’t the type to pull off and take this back to the center, she was a closer and an aggressor for sure.

Once Pam could feel the move made an effect she slowed and made the suffering even more unbearable. Her eyes stared with menacing hunger to win, her voice dripping with cruelty, “uhnn uhnn mmm feel my tits country girl hmm? No? Your about to . I’ll give you one chance, you give?”.

Terri sure she still had some fight left if she could get free shook her head no as she yelled, “fuck you bitch my tits are still strong, uughhh ohhh “. Pam inhaled, “fine have it your way”.

The next 10 minutes may not seem like much, but if your the one being hurt they seem like an hour. Pam pinned her tits to Terri’s and rotated clockwise against her rivals moving them in tune with her motion.

Then after a tight pin for about 5 seconds Pam arched from Terri and both of their breasts swayed down and out. Pam saw her rivals breasts while red might put up a good fight if allowed to.
To make sure or hope it didn’t happen, Pam quickly began a side to side swing of her tits and began pounding Terri’s side to side. Like a boxer with the rival on the ropes in a corner , Pam was firing her breasts into Terris like blows.

Terri winced and and yelped at the beating that started, but Pam was right about one thing, Terri still had fight in her and her tits. Terri was able to buck her shoulders forward and it slowed Pam enough that Terri started to sway her shoulders and swing her own tits back.

What was looking like a beating suddenly became a fight again. The two mothers stood in the corner and exchanged a hellacious pummeling of their breasts. The constant quick SMACKING of their breasts filled the room drowning out and encouragement from their men.

Both women grunted and gasped and cursed as the fight reached its most unleashed segment. Both women knew from this heavy exchange both were going to be hurt, but only one was going down for good.

The sound of flesh colliding was steady and fast, it started to look like the more the two mothers heard and felt their breasts hitting together the more it drove them to go faster and harder.

Both are sweating, faces are red and their breasts are becoming bruised and swollen. At one point during the exchange Terri actually battles her way from the corner and shoves Pam into it and the two carry on as if nothing changed.

Both husbands without raising their voices cheer their girl on to beat the other. After the two switch positions , it begins to look like Terri is starting to pummel Pam more and more. Pam at one point lets out a sharp yelp, “aaaaieee My Tits!”. Terri now knowing her rival is as good as she herself is, doesn’t add a taunt, but instead growls , “give Bitch now”.

But Pam has been here before she just needs to hang on and make her rival turn back into the corner and she can win. After one hour the two mothers are gasping in ache and pain, but neither feels she can just give up.

With Pam refusing to give up, Terri was now feeling like she might pass out from the heavy exchange. Both women nearly dead on their feet drop their hands and grab each other by the back of the shoulders in a mutual hug.

They lean forward so their breasts could still sway and swing. They stutter step from the corner, struggling as if wrestling, they swing their breasts to continue the exchange. To stop from staggering and neither wanting to be pinned in a corner they slowly snake their calves around the other and widen stances to stay still.

Grunting and tears hidden by sweat, the mothers are still trying to out power each other. Both their bodies rock back and forth, the husbands can see whoever goes down from this point will lose.

Suddenly both women let out a painful yelp. Then as if planned they drop to their knees, their breasts squashed between them, bulging to the extreme and the veins looking ready to burst.
Grinding their breasts and smearing, the pair refuse to let up an ounce.

Terri pushes on Pams shoulders and starts to push her back on her haunches. Pam looked up as if she was about to give. Their breasts still mutually bulge trapped between their entwined bodies.

Terri starts to pump into Pam in an upward motion, looking to lift and get under Pams breasts to finish her off. Pam felt what was being done, she knew if her rival achieved the position, she was going to lose for sure.

As Terri goes for the move their bodies twist, with their legs still snaked neither could spread her thighs wider to keep her balance. Pam with all she has jammed her breasts on top of Terris and then pressed down.

Terri felt her breasts having to hold the weight and her breasts stretched downward. Terri arched and her head tossed back, as she did the pair fell to the floor and Pam managed to push at Terri as they went down. The two women hit the floor, and Pam lands on top, Terri tries to buck and kick free but Pam widens her free thigh and stabilizes her top position.

Once she pins Terri to the floor, Pam gets her leg untangled from Terris. Pam then grabs Terris wrists and pins them looking down she takes a much needed deep breath then hisses down at Terri, “i am. Gonna crush your tits bitch”.

Terri looks up in fear, then Pam lines her nipples to Terris and drops her heavy swollen tits onto Terris. Their nipples stab together one more time then Pam starts to lower herself tighter on to Terri.

Slowly like a wine press, Pams breasts now bulge as they begin to crush Terris breasts into her chest.

Terri her legs in between Pams, kicks but can’t buck Pam, more and more as slow and torturing as she can, Pam continues to lower her breasts onto Terris. The men watch as Terris breasts are looking flattened under the weight of Pams.

As more and more of Pams breast and body weight presses down, Terri is gasping out for breath to take in. She barely manages to say, “get off my tits and fight” before coughing and feeling like her breasts are crushed.

Pam tilts her head as she stares at Terri, “oh you still wanna fight my tits?, ok bitch lets go”. Pam eases her upper body up just enough, then starts to thrust her tits up under Terris and then back down.

Pam continues to slap her rivals breasts up to her chin then back down. Over and over Pam continues to hurt her rivals breasts. Every third or so times Pam would spit, “cmon fight back , lets go”.

But something happened no one expected. Pam stopped and just glares down into Terris eyes glaring up at her. With no taunts by Terri, Pam suddenly gets up on her knees and then slowly stands up.

She pushes her bangs back and hands on hips looks at Terri, “well get up and fight my tits”. Terri lays there a minute , then seeing its not a trick starts to get up onto her hip.

As her breasts drop to natural position Terri feels the ache deep in her chest and breasts. After swallowing deeply, Terri gets to her knees there finally stands up. She pushes her sweaty bangs back, and has to rub her sore breasts as Pam sneers seemingly ready to fight.

But like Terri, Pam knows the crushing move took a toll on her own breasts, Terri eases her hands to her hair and arches, her red swollen breasts stand out. Pam sucks in and mimics the posture then hisses, “lets finish this”.
As the two women come into each other the babies start to fuss, both mothers know their child will need to be nursed. The big question for each of them is which will nurse both babies as the other watches in defeat.

Slowly they inch together then as if the fight just began, CLOP erupts again. Both mothers toss their heads back in pain. Their breasts bulge between them again, as the pain is tolerated they lower their heads and glare into others eyes. Then the slow enduring dance starts a new, with their sinewy legs straight and shoulder width apart.

They smear, drag and roll their breasts up and down against the others. Pushing with whatever strength they have left. Every crushing bulge makes both wince and grunt and gasp.

The duel continues another 15 minutes past the hour already fought. First Pam and then Terri is pressed back by sheer strength and the firmness of the heavy laden breasts crushed between them.

Slowly Terri starts to take control yet again. She rolls her shoulders each time she drags up and down into Pam. Pams thighs are seen quivering, then start to fail as she is taken a step backwards again.

Terri breathing hard snarls, “not much of a fighter when your not on top are ya bitch”. Pam gasps, “uuhhhh ohhhh you Bitch damn it”. Pams husband seeing things turn bad for his wife shouts , “cmon baby get this fight back”.

Pam yelps out , “ohhhh uuughhh my tits you bitch”. Terri hearing this seems to get recharged , “your so mine you weak cow”. Terri breaths in, the end is upon the women, one good move and Pam is going to be fed yet another loss.

Terri flexes her back and inhales, she grins an evil grin as she hisses, “say goodnight bi….”.
A sudden SMACK rings out, Pam has dipped and thrust in and up with all she has left. Her breasts slam up under Terri’s breast catching the wide exposed undersides of Terri.

Terris breasts are smacked up to her chin and slap it, they quake and jostle back down, bouncing off her own body only to be rammed head on by Pams.

Pam grinds walking Terri backwards till Terri’s back slaps on a flat wall, then Pam drags a figure eight design and then an X design then standard side to side motion. Terri head drops onto Pams shoulder. But Pam refuses to ask her rival to give, she swore she wouldn’t but how much more she herself can go on is questionable.

The last minute to seconds is anyones fight as both mothers are dead on their feet. Both are in tears but as Terri starts to drag back at Pam, Pam dips and drives up again, this time its not a sharp smack, but a dense THWACK of sweaty flesh.

Terri rears her head and mouth drops open with a shriek “STOP PLEASE STOP I CAN’T GO ON I GIVE I GIVE MY TITS ARE RUINED”. Pam presses firm to Terri crushing her rivals breasts again then shoves off and stagger steps back a few steps.  Terri falls forward on her knees then all fours in pain and crying.

Pam quickly gets behind Terri straddles her then lays on her bare back, her hands slap onto each breast hard and she begins to milk Terris breast. Slowly , painfully Pam squeezes, twists and pulls on the swollen breasts. It was a short wait as Terris breasts explode her milk and she is drained till Pam is satisfied.
Pam stands up and Terri drops onto the wet floor, Pam turns her over and straddles her again , looking down Pam waves to the men. Both husbands hand Pam a baby in each arm, she makes sure Terri is looking then eases her thick stiff nipples into each of their hungry mouths.

Pam is hurting but seeing Terri weep is worth the added pain. As each child is full, Pam hands off the babies again and then scoots up Terris body. She eases her daisy duke shorts aside and smears her wet pussy on Terris face.

Pam moans, “eat me bitch”. Terris tongue slides out and Pam undulates on her rivals face. Once pleasured Pam smirks down at Terri, then lowers her breasts onto Terris face, she pulls her arms in and bulges her tits, covering Terri’s entire face.

Pam whispers to her rival, “suck my tits cow”. Pam positions her breasts and nipples at Terri’s mouth and with no choice Terri worships her rivals breasts, milk still spritzing in to her mouth.

Pam smears her wet tits on Terris face then sits up, she arches her back, hands in her hair she shimmies her tits over Terri. Then Pam stands up and grabs the bras and her man as he carries her full baby in the car seat.

They go to the spare room set aside for them and both pass out. The next morning as the sun rises Pam wakes up and her breasts are resupplied. She gives her baby a feeding then goes to the fridge for ice. As she opens the fridge she sees Terri has bottles made to feed her baby.

Pam dumps each bottle down the drain then rinses the bottles. She then milks her own sore breasts, refills each bottle and replaces them in the fridge.

After packing the 2 couples and the old man have a full breakfast, he looks at Mark, “you all staying another night?”. Pam winks and Mark says no but we appreciate all of you for a great night”.

The old man nods “your welcome and if your ever back this way don’t hesitate to stop in, you all were so quiet i forgot you were here. Oh and Terri you need to run into town and grab heavy cream and milk”.  Pam interrupts, “oh that won’t be necessary, i made sure the bottles in the fridge were filled and the glass bottle as well, your good for at least two days”.

The old man is overly thankful having no idea how or when Pam managed that. But as she smiles and looks at Terri, she sees Terri tear up and mouth bitch as she gets up and storms off to her room.
Mark packs the car and loads the baby, Pam hugs the old man and then Terris husband, as she is leaving they all hear Terris baby crying. Finally the old man yells “for Christ sake Terri there is fresh milk in the fridge feed the baby already”.

Terri walks down with her baby, and her husband brings her a bottle, she cradles the baby and stares at Pam as she offers the bottle nipple, the baby tastes the mothers milk from Pam and starts sucking down the milk. Pam smiles proudly, “well we are off , thank you so much for your hospitality last night it was so rewarding, you take care of that precious one “ she winks at Terri then leaves.

As they drive to the main road, Pam sore , aching smiles in pride, “i think i am back baby” she says to Mark. Mark looks at her smiling.  , “you never left baby, but from here on out you fight one fight at a time, agreed?”. Pam looks at him, “yeah your right i agree”.

The End
(But not for Pam)


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Re: Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2024, 10:19:12 PM »
Another well written story and a perfect match up, well done!!!


Offline DavidG

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Re: Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2024, 11:22:55 PM »
Great to see more of this and like the final 4 words in the brackets


Offline diane p

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Re: Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2024, 07:43:45 AM »
awesome dottie d great story seems pam might have a rival waiting soon ? :)


Offline DottiD

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Re: Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2024, 03:42:18 PM »
Thank you all, you have no idea how far and appreciated your feed back is and goes.


Offline TexFan1

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Re: Life On the Farm Pams a mothers champ
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2024, 04:07:59 AM »
Another great story.  Glad to see the continuing adventures of this character.