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The setup

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The setup
« on: February 21, 2024, 09:14:43 PM »
Here is the setup story that explains why Marc is going to fight her mom  I hope you enjoy ;)
The Setup

The air in the therapist's office was thick with the heady scent of jasmine, its perfumed tendrils seemingly climbing up the walls and curling around Marc's nostrils. The 38 year old statuesque 6'3" blonde couldn't help but wonder if the fragrance was deliberately chosen to heighten the senses, to make one more vulnerable, more open to the revelations that were sure to come. She glanced at the clock, willing time to speed up, to hurry her closer to the moment when she would finally spill the secrets that had been weighing so heavily on her soul.

Marc, who had been seeing her the last ten years, regarded her with a steely gaze. "So," she began, his voice low and measured, "you find yourself attracted to your mother's boyfriend, Brad. A man who is nearly four decades your senior. A man who could, quite literally, buy and sell you a dozen times over." She paused, watching as a flush crept up Marc's neck and into her cheeks. "And you're wondering if it's wrong to want him."

Marc leaned in, her elbows resting on the armrests of her chair. "Now, I'm not one to judge," she said, "but it seems to me that there's more to your attraction than just finding Brad physically attractive. You mentioned security, and the possibility of him being a father figure to you. Those are powerful draws, to be sure. But," she continued, her voice softening, "what if Brad wants more? What if he wants a physical relationship with you?"

The blonde woman shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean, he's... he's been very supportive, and he's always there for me. I don't want to ruin that. But... I can't deny that there's something between us. Something I can't quite explain."

Jan studied her face, trying to gauge the depth of her feelings. "And what about the other part of this puzzle?" she asked, her voice taking on a more business-like tone. "You mentioned that Brad wants you to fight your mother for him. What do you think that's about?"

The blonde woman's face twisted into a grimace. "I don't know," she admitted. "He says it's about proving his dominance, about showing that he's the man in the relationship. But I think..." She trailed off, searching for the right words. "I think it's also about possessing me. About making sure that I belong to him, and him alone."

Jan nodded understandingly. "That's a difficult situation to be in," she said. "On the one hand, you have these feelings for Brad, and on the other, you have this need to please him and make him happy. It's a delicate balance."

She leaned back in her chair, steepling her fingers. "I want you to think about something, Marc. What would happen if you were to tell Brad that you're not interested in fighting your mother? What if you were to tell him that you don't want to be a part of this power struggle between him and your mother?"

The blonde woman's eyes widened, a mix of fear and hope flitting across her face. "But," she stammered, "he'd be disappointed. He'd think I wasn't committed to our relationship."

Marc's therapist, Jan, gave her a knowing smile. "Maybe he would," she allowed. "But maybe he'd also be relieved. Perhaps he's not as confident in his own dominance as he'd like you to believe. Perhaps he's just as afraid of losing you to your mother as you are. It's possible that he's using this power struggle as a way to assert his control, when in reality he's just as scared and vulnerable as you are."

She paused, considering her next words. "You need to ask yourself if this relationship is truly healthy. If it's based on mutual respect and love, or if it's founded on fear and manipulation. Because at the end of the day, Marc, you need to be with someone who will love you for who you are, not because they want to possess you or use you as a pawn in some twisted game of dominance."

The blonde woman's eyes filled with tears as she struggled to process everything. "But I... I don't want to lose him. I don't want to be alone."

"I understand that," Jan replied gently. "But you need to ask yourself if being with someone who wants you to choose between them and your mother is really the best way to find happiness. You deserve better than that, Marc. You deserve someone who will love and support you unconditionally, no matter what."

She leaned forward, her expression softening. "And if you do decide that you want to continue with Brad, then I want you to go into it with your eyes wide open. Make sure that you understand the implications of what you're getting into. And if at any point you feel like you're losing yourself in this relationship, or if you feel like he's not treating you the way you deserve to be treated, then you need to speak up. You need to let him know how you feel, and what your boundaries are. Because ultimately, it's up to you to take control of your own life and find happiness."

The blonde woman nodded, wiping away her tears. "Thank you, Jan," she said softly. "I appreciate your help. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Jan smiled warmly, patting her hand. "I'm here for you, Marc. You can always come back and talk to me, no matter what. Now, why don't you take some time to think about everything we've discussed today? You don't have to make any decisions right this second. Just consider your options and how you feel about each of them. And remember, I'm always here to listen and offer my advice."

As Marc left the therapist's office, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for him. It was a difficult situation, to be sure, but Marc was a strong woman who had the potential to find happiness, no matter what path she chose. As for Jan, she knew that she would continue to be there for her, guiding her through the rough waters of her personal life, just as she had been doing for so many years.

In the days that followed, Marc found herself unable to stop thinking about their conversation. She knew that Brad would be disappointed if she told him how she really felt, but the thought of continuing down this path, of constantly having to choose between him and her mother, was beginning to weigh heavily on her. She wanted so desperately to please him and make him happy, but she also needed to find a way to be true to herself.

She considered talking to her mother about her feelings, but the thought of betraying Brad's trust was almost unbearable. Instead, she tried to focus on their relationship, spending extra time with him and trying to show him how committed she was. But deep down, she knew that something wasn't right. The tension between them was palpable, and every time her mother called, she could see the fear and uncertainty in Brad's eyes.

Brad was sensing that there was something that was becoming more uneasy between them, and he didn't know what it was. He tried to talk to her about it, but she always managed to change the subject or act as if everything was fine. He knew that she was still close with her mother, but he had hoped that with time, their relationship would change. He wanted her to choose him, to put him first.

Brad finally brought up the topic again about Marc having a fight with her mom Julie in front of him. "I don't like the way you and your mom were arguing earlier. It's not healthy." He said to her.

Marc sighed and looked out the window, avoiding eye contact with him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I just... we have a complicated relationship, you know that." She hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Look, I love you, Brad. More than anything. And I want to be with you. But my mom is always going to be a part of my life, whether you like it or not."

Her words hung in the air as she waited for his reaction. Brad studied her face, trying to gauge how sincere she was. He wished he could believe her, but the doubt lingered. He knew that she had been spending more time with her mother lately, and he couldn't help but feel like he was losing her.

"I just want to be your priority, Marc," he said softly. "I feel like I'm always competing with her for your attention. I want to know that when I need you, you'll be there for me."

She reached over and took his hand in hers. "I am there for you, Brad. You know that. And you are my priority. But my mother is important to me too. I can't just cut her out of my life like that." She paused, searching for the right words. "I want us to find a way to make this work, where we can all be happy. For your sake, for my sake, and for our sake."

Brad looked into her eyes, trying to read the truth behind her words. He wanted to believe her, but the doubt lingered. He knew that their relationship was fragile, and he was terrified of losing her. "I love you, Marc," he said softly. "I want this to work too. I just need to know that you're committed to us."

Marc nodded, her expression conflicted. "I am committed to us, Brad. I promise." She leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips. "I want nothing more than to make a life with you. Together, we can find a way to make this work."

Brad knew that she was trying to reassure him, but he still couldn't shake the feeling of unease. He wished there was some way to make her understand how important it was for her to choose him, to put him first. He wanted to be the most important person in her life, just like she was the most important person in his.

The next few days passed in a blur of activity. They went on dates, spent time with friends, and tried to maintain the facade of a normal, happy relationship. But underneath the surface, tensions were high and the air was thick with unspoken words. Marc could feel the weight of her decision hanging over them, and she knew that eventually, it would have to be addressed.

One evening, as they sat on the couch watching TV, Brad shifted uncomfortably and broke the silence. "Marc, I need to talk to you about something." He hesitated, searching for the right words. "I feel like... I don't know. Like something's been off between us lately. And I want to know what it is."

Marc took a deep breath and turned to face him. "I know this has been hard on both of us, Brad. With my mom and everything." She reached out and took his hand in hers. "I want you to know that I am trying. I am trying to balance everything, but it's not easy. She's my mother, and she's going through a tough time right now."

Brad's expression softened slightly, but he still looked unsure. "I get that, Marc. I do. But I need you to understand how I feel too. I need you to choose me. I need to know that when things get tough, you're going to be there for me, not her."

Marc sighed heavily and leaned back against the couch. "I am here for you, Brad. You know that. And I will always be here for you. But my mom is a part of who I am, and I can't just cut her out of my life. I want us to find a way to make this work for all of us."

Brad's expression softened slightly, but he still looked unsure. "I just want to be your priority, Marc. I feel like I'm always competing with her for your attention. I want to know that when I need you, you'll be there for me."

Now Marc feeling cornered like a wild animal brought the subject up of  her having a fight with Julie about the whole situation.

"I did have a fight with her about it. I told her how it made me feel like I was being pushed aside for her. That I needed more of your time and attention. She got defensive at first, but then she apologized and said she would try to do better. But Brad, I can't just cut her off. She's my mother and we have a complicated relationship. I need to find a way to balance everything."

Marc paused, searching for the right words to make Brad understand. "I want this to work between us too. I do. But I can't just choose one of you. I need all of you in my life, in different ways. And I hope that one day, we can find a way to make it work for all of us. A way where my mom doesn't have to feel like she's losing me, and you don't feel like you're losing her. We're all in this together, Brad. We have to figure out how to make it work."

Brad feeling more about his physical needs finally says to Marc "What if the two of you had a actual physical fight"  "I mean where the two of you go head to head in you know a catfight" he continues "I think it's obvious who'd win and it'd put things into perspective for her about how much time and attention she should give you" he says looking directly into her eyes with a hint of playfulness in his voice.

Marc took a deep breath, trying to process Brad's words. A part of her was shocked by the suggestion, while another part found it slightly amusing. "Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" she asked, trying to keep the anger out of her voice. "You think it's a joke to watch me and my mother fight?"

Brad looked surprised by her reaction. "No, I didn't mean it like that. I just thought... I don't know. Maybe it would help. Make her see how much she's been neglecting you." He paused, searching for the right words. "Look, I'm not trying to start a fight here. I'm just trying to find a way to make us all happy."

Marc let out a long sigh. She knew that Brad was coming from a good place, but the idea of watching her mother and her fight still made her uncomfortable. "It's not that simple, Brad. You don't understand our relationship. Our fights are never just about one thing. They're about years of built-up resentment and unresolved issues. It's not something you can just watch and then decide who won."

Brad taking a deep sigh " Look Marc what Im trying to say is I had a real knock down drag out fight with my brother as we were in disagreement about the company. We ended up going bare knuckles against each other I ended up with a bad bloody nose and swollen eye but we became a lot closer and did resolve the issues once we cleared the air" he continues "It's just an idea something that would make her see the error of her ways if she saw that you two were serious about the relationship"

Marc raised an eyebrow at Brad's story. It was a bit dramatic, but she could see where he was coming from. "I get that you want us to be more like you and your brother, but my mom and I are different. We've had our fair share of fights, but they're not always physical. And I don't think she's going to change her behavior just because swe start punching each other in physically fighting."

Brad looked a bit taken aback by her response. "Okay, well I just thought it might help. I guess I was wrong."

Marc could see the disappointment in his eyes, and she regretted coming across so harshly. "Look, Brad, it's not that I don't appreciate your concern or your ideas. But my mom and I have a complicated history, and I don't think a physical fight is the answer. We're working on it, trying to find a way to make things better. It's just going to take time."

She paused, considering her words carefully. "I understand that you want to be involved, and I'm grateful for that. But please try to be patient with us. We're all just trying to navigate this new situation the best we can."

Brad nodded slowly, taking in her words. He knew she was right. There wasn't a quick fix for their problems, and forcing them into a physical confrontation wouldn't solve anything. "Okay," he said quietly. "I'll be here for you, whenever you need me."

Over the next couple of weeks Brad being a persistent  bastard who bring up the idea for Marc  actually fighting  her mom to prove his love and devotion a couple of times. Each time Marc politely rebuffed him. She was grateful for his support but she knew that their relationship was not something that could be solved by physical violence. Instead, they focused on spending time together, going out on dates, and talking about their feelings. Slowly but surely, Marc began to feel more secure in their relationship and less worried about her mother's disapproval.

Meanwhile, her mom seemed to be taking notice of the changes in their dynamic. She would occasionally make snide remarks or try to undermine their relationship, but it was becoming less effective. Marc had grown more confident in herself and her decisions, and she was no longer as easily swayed by her mother's words. She knew that she had made the right choice in being with Brad, and she was prepared to face whatever consequences might come from it.

Brad new plan of attack to get his way and to have Marc fight her mom he started to get Marc to get involved with going to his boxing classes and become his sparring partner. He would tell her that it was a good way for them to spend time together and that it would help them communicate better. Marc was hesitant at first, but she eventually gave in. She knew that Brad was a skilled boxer, and she trusted him to take care of her.

As they began to spar, Marc found that she actually enjoyed it. The physicality of it felt good, and she appreciated the focus it required. Brad was a patient and supportive trainer, always making sure she was comfortable and not pushing her too hard. They spent hours in the gym, sweating and grunting together, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. It was during one of their sessions that Marc realized something important: she was falling even more in love with Brad.

Her feelings for him had been growing steadily since they had gotten together, but spending so much time in such close quarters with him was intensifying them. She found herself looking forward to their sessions as much as she did their dates. It was during one of these moments that Brad finally confessed his true intentions: he had been hoping that by teaching her how to box, she would be better prepared to stand up to her mother if it ever came to that.

Marc was surprised by his honesty, but she wasn't angry. She understood his concerns and the lengths he was willing to go to protect her. She also realized that if she were to ever confront her mother, she would need to be prepared. So, she decided to take things one step further. She started training even harder, pushing herself to her limits and learning as much as she could from Brad.

As Brad trained with Marc he was amazed at how well she was able to learn te various techniques of ciiovering up and defensive moves as well as learning when to go on the offense. Marc was a natural born fighter and had the determination and focus that was required to be great at the sport. She was also incredibly strong for a woman of her tall stature. Brad knew that if the day ever came where Marc had to face her mother, she would be more than capable of handling herself.

Their time together in the gym began to take on a new dynamic as their relationship grew closer. They would spend hours sparring, sweating, and breathing heavily against each other, only to retreat to the locker room where they would collapse into each other's arms, their bodies intertwined and their hearts racing. It was a strange mix of aggression and passion that they both seemed to crave, and it only served to deepen their connection.

One afternoon Marc showed up at his place and she was twirling a couple of pair of Supple leather gloves Smiling Marc said " hey babe I have been wanting to have a whispering softly a a erotic  boxing match with  you I found some matches that you hav on your lap top and well you"ll be great at it I know you will be" she smiled and took his hand " I brought my own" she showed him a pair of boxing gloves that were almost identical to his.

The two of them retreated to his boxing room and they stripped down to their underwear and put on their gloves. They touched fists and started moving around each other. Brad felt her power and strength in her arms and legs, he could tell that she was going to be a formidable opponent. They started the match, moving slowly at first, feeling each other out. But as the match progressed, their movements became faster and more intense.

Brad moved in close, pressing his body against hers, their chests heaving as they panted for air. He circled around her, using his height to his advantage, trying to find an opening. Marc was quick to react, slipping past him and landing a sharp jab to his side. The impact of the blow sent a thrill through her body, and she found herself wanting more. They continued to circle each other, each one trying to gain the upper hand.

As the match progressed, their movements became more fluid and less controlled. They were no longer thinking about the techniques they had learned; they were simply reacting to each other's movements. Brad lunged forward, throwing a powerful right hook that caught Marc off guard. She stumbled back, but quickly regained her balance. Her heart raced with a mixture of fear and excitement as she realized just how aroused she was becoming.

Marc looking at him and seeing him all sweaty and showing a hint of erection "It's ok babe if you go after my tits I kind of enjoy it it really turns me on to tell the truth' she said and then before he could react she grabbed him and threw him against the punching bag. The impact made the bag swing back and forth and Brad's head went dizzy for a moment. He looked at her and saw that her eyes were glowing with passion and desire.

"You're so fucking sexy when you fight," she whispered, moving in close. She circled around him, her body brushing against his. Brad felt a surge of power course through him as he regained his focus. He ducked under her arm and tackled her to the ground. They landed in a heap, their bodies intertwined. He felt her breasts pressing against his chest and the heat of her skin against his own.

Marc arched her back, pushing herself up towards him. "Yes, harder," she moaned. He could feel the wetness between her legs and it only served to fuel his desire. He slid his hand down between their bodies, feeling her smooth, wet skin. With a growl, he thrust his hips forward, grinding against her. She cried out in pleasure, her nails digging into his back.

Their movements became increasingly frantic as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment. They rolled across the floor, their bodies tangled together. Marc wrapped her legs around Brad's waist, squeezing tightly as he drove into her. Their breath came in ragged gasps, their skin slick with sweat and passion.

Marc taking the lead moan softly "go ahed babe bit m my nipples I want you to own me as she reachs to rub his fully erected cock in his trunk. Brad obeyed, grasping her breast and rolling his thumb over her nipple, feeling it harden beneath his touch. He moved lower, freeing his cock from his trunks and positioning it at her entrance. With a powerful thrust, he buried himself inside her, crying out in release as their bodies finally joined together.

They moved together now, their bodies in perfect rhythm. Marc arched her back, meeting each of his thrusts with a moan of pleasure. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she held on tightly, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Brad's movements grew more urgent, his pace increasing as he neared his climax.

He looked down at her, watching her face contort in a mixture of pain and ecstasy. Her breasts heaved with each labored breath, and her lips were parted, revealing her swollen tongue. He leaned down, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth, eliciting a sharp cry from her.

As their bodies moved together, he could feel the tension building inside him, the approaching climax that would leave them both spent and satisfied. He thrust harder, faster, his hips slapping against her ass as he lost control. Marc met his intensity, arching her back and wrapping her legs tighter around him, urging him on.

Their sweat-slicked skin made every touch more intense, every movement more sensual. He leaned down, kissing her neck, nipping at her earlobe as he thrust deeper inside her. Her moans filled the air, each one sending a shiver through him. He could feel the heat between their bodies, the wetness as their sweat mingled, and it drove him wild.

Brad losing his load Marc clawing his back she forces Brad to rollover. She climbs on top but in a most peculiar way to where her ass is facing him and she's looking down at his cum wet half erect cock. "you ready for your special treat" as she starts lowering her head and massaging his cock with her hands, then takes it into her mouth, sucking and licking it clean. "Mmmm that's the taste of a real man" she moans around his cock as her hands grip his hips and starts bobbing up and down on his cock. "Fuck yes that's it" Brad groans as he feels her tightness slowly engulfing him.

She moves her hips in a circular motion, grinding her ass against his face as she deep throats him. Her lips and tongue caress the sensitive head of his cock, driving him wild with desire. He watches her in awe, admiring the way her dark curls splay across her back and her breasts bounce with each thrust of her hips. Brad is presented with a new target for his tongue as Marc is waving from of his face as she continues giving Brad his well deserved blow job. He reaches up, wrapping his hand around her waist and pulls her closer, guiding her movements.

Brad spreading Marc's ass cheeks he starts teasing her  little round orifice He had her before several times and knows this is a special treat for her. He circles his tongue around it, teasing her and making her moan louder. He then inserts his tongue, feeling the tightness and warmth of her insides. Marc arches her back, pressing herself deeper against his face as he thrusts his tongue in and out of her. She's close, she can feel it building inside her, and with each thrust of his tongue, she gets closer.

Her hands grip his hair, urging him on, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She starts bucking her hips wildly, meeting each of his thrusts with a moan of pleasure. Her legs quiver as she nears her climax, and she begs him, "Please, Brad, make me cum." He speeds up, knowing she's close, licking and sucking on her sensitive nub with expert precision.

Her body tenses, and she cries out his name as waves of pleasure wash over her. Her muscles relax, and she collapses onto his chest, their sweaty bodies sticking together. They lie there for a moment, catching their breath, before she slowly pulls away and rolls off him. She looks down at him, a satisfied smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Well, that was quite the workout," she says, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. "I'm glad we took the time to do that. It's been too long." Brad smiling at her Marc continues "I think am ready to go after mom" she says with a mischievous grin. "But first," she continues, reaching down to stroke his now-softening cock, "let's make sure you're good and ready for whatever comes next." She gives his erection a few firm strokes, eliciting a groan from him.
To be continued …. Net part will be in the catfight form
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.