This is a family fighting story from the old days. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the other parts of the story. Hope you like it? Martin.
Recently my wife, daughter, and I engaged in a fighting contest with another family. They are from New York and my wife and I had lost to them last year. This year we included our daughters, Kelly and Katie. We met at a Disney hotel and arranged the furniture in the suite to give us plenty of room to fight. The wives went first, my wife Kay in a blue bikini and her opponent, Rachel in a brown and white bikini. Kay has 38DD tits and Rachel is a 36 C .
Kay and Rachel met in the middle of the room and began gut punching each other. Kay then got caught with three good rights to her tits and took three steps back. As she steadied herself and came for-ward, she was met with a hard kick to her pussy that sent her to her knees. Rachel then kicked Kay's tits nearly ten times, knocking the left tit from its cup. Kay pitched forward face down on the floor and was stomped and kneed in the back seven times. Rachel then removed the bikini top and rolled my wife onto her back. She jumped up in the air and landed with both feet into Kay's belly, knocking the wind from her.
Kay rolled onto her side and was met with kicks in the belly and back as Rachel circled for the kill. She rolled Kay back onto her back, removed her bottoms and dropped both knees into the pussy.
My wife was gone and it was now up to Rachel to finish it. She jumped onto my wife's tits and bounced on them several times. She then fell onto Kay and Kelly counted three, ending the match.
The look on my daughter Katie's face was one of fear. I should have let the girls go first. The sight of her mother beaten like that seemed to take any fight out of Katie. We helped Kay to a couch and they were ready to fight.
After seeing her mother beaten soundly, Katie was in no frame of mind to fight Kelly. But after talking to her and having her mom tell her to win it for her, she seemed a little more anxious to fight.
Katie wore a robins egg blue bikini and Kelly was in black. The met at the center of the room and lo-cked up. Katie went for a side headlock, but missed. As the girls separated, Kelly looked down at her chest and noticed that she had been scratched. It didn't bleed but there was a mark there.
She went crazy, attacking Katie with fists and feet. She punched katie at least thirty times in the tits and belly. katie is a 34C and Kelly is a 36 C. katie slumped to the floor and was then met with about twenty kicks in the belly and tits.
After the assualt, Katie was flat on her back. A knee to the pussy ended the fight for katie. But Kelly was not through. She stripped the bottoms off katie and mauled her pussy with her hands, ripping at the inside of Katie's pussy. Katie was moaning and sceaming. Kelly then ripped the top off Katie and began to twist the big nipples of my daughter. She then tired of that and began to scratch my daug-hter's tits with her short but sharp nails.
Katie was motionless on the floor, nearly unconscious. Kelly then pulled katie to a sitting position and pulled her to her feet by her hair. She then pinned Katie to the wall and punched and slapped her. Ka-tie had to be held up because she could not stand. I told Sam that I think he should stop it, as we ag-reed only the winners family could end a match. It was clear katie was finished.But he refused, telling Kelly to go ahead and end the match herself. She let katie slump back to the floor and slapped her face until Kelly came to. She then began to again stomp Katie's tits and pussy.
She did so until katie went limp again. At that point Sam grabbed his daughter and pulled her away. The fight was over.
Katie was out for about 10-15 minutes. When we got her revived, we put her on the couch and it was my time to try to salvage our family honor. Sam and I stripped and our wives massaged us to a full erec-tion. Kay measured Sam at just a hair under 9 inches. Rachel measured me at 8-1/4 inches. We were ready to do battle.