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Offline topgear15

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« on: August 18, 2024, 01:39:35 AM »
     Ann gets up and Zoe rises, both women meet in the middle of the room.  Ann slaps at Zoe and as she ducks Ann gets her in a reverse headlock. She has Zoe's head at her waist. Zoe has her left arm around her mother's waist. Zoe reaches up and pulls Ann's hair causing her pony tail to come out. Ann is holding Zoe in tight. They are stumbling around as Zoe uses her other hand to slap at Ann. Zoe slaps at Ann's pussy in a desperate attempt to get free. Ann trips up Zoe and they fall to the floor. Ann still has Zoe in a headlock with Zoe on her side with Ann somewhat on her back and side laying on Zoe.  Zoe reaches around and grabs one of Ann's tits, she slides her hand inside Ann's top and this pushes her top away from her boob. Ann ignores this and squeezes Zoe's neck even harder.  Zoe thrusts her legs trying to get free. She pulls hard on her moms arm and is able to break free. Zoe quickly rolls away. They both stand and attack. Ann has one tit about half exposed, she adjusts her top as it was uncomfortable. Zoe attacks as Ann was doing this. She jumps on Ann wrapping her legs around her waist. She grabs Ann's neck with both arms and  ends up with her back on the floor. Ann still has her legs straight with Zoe hanging from her waist by her legs. Ann who is supporting herself by her arms decides to just drop on Zoe. This startles Zoe who did not expect this. She then reaches behind Ann and unties her top. They are chest to chest breasts smashing breasts. Zoe tries to squeeze her mom with her legs but is getting nowhere.  Ann gets Zoe by the hair and is pulling hard. They are leg fighting with neither gaining control. Zoe's scalp is burning as her mom pulls her head side to side. Zoe is body slapping her mom and Ann now sits up and grabs both of Zoe's tits. Zoe reaches under her moms loose hanging top and grabs both of her tits. They are squeezing with their faces grimacing. Ann slaps her daughters face twice then goes back to ravaging her tits. Zoe takes the hits and keeps working over her mom's tits. Ann seems to be tacking the pain better then Zoe, who grabs moms hands to get them off her breasts.  Ann takes advantage of this and moves up to face sit Zoe and rubs her pussy into her face. Zoe kicks Ann in the back with her knee. Ann leans forward to make that more difficult. Ann shakes her butt grinding her pussy hard into Zoe's face. She pulls her hair pushing Zoe's face into her crotch. Zoe' legs are kicking and thrashing and her arms are slapping at Ann and reaching blinding for her hair. Ann moves her head trying to avoid Zoe's hands. Zoe slaps the floor as she is being smothered.  Ann quickly stands, looks at Zoe and smiles letting her know not to get to confident. This time Zoe is laying on the floor catching her breath. Ann sits by Dale and removes her loose top and tosses it on the floor.  Zoe gets up and takes her seat and notices her mom just looks over at her then gets a drink. Zoe is wondering if she had gotten over confident or not to over think this and just go back out there and fight.  She knows mom will not give her any mercy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     Zoe stands and is walking out her mom walks out to greet her. They approach and Zoe slaps Ann's breasts causing them to jiggle. Ann grabs Zoe's hair and yanks her around by her pony tail. She trips her and they go to the floor and are rolling around in a cat ball. They are rolling around pulling hair and slapping. Ann grabs the string on the back of her daughter's top and pulls causing it to go limp from Zoe's breasts. As they continue to roll around Zoe in one motion pulls her top off and tosses it away. Both women are now topless with firm breasts mashing each other. Ann has worked hard at keeping her body tight and firm. All these fights over the years has also helped. They have stopped rolling and are on their sides. They are pulling hair and slapping each other. They are both trying to get a leg over the other to no avail. They are moaning from the pain of the hair pulling  Zoe gets one leg over mom and pulls her in tight  They are  now chest to chest hard nipples pushing into soft tissue of the others breasts. Ann pulls a hand full of Zoe's hair causing her to groan in pain. Ann slaps Zoe's leg hard causing her to groan again. Zoe tries to roll her mom over to mount her but Ann is able to continue the roll and is now on top. She is able to sit on Zoe's chest and slaps her face while pulling her hair. Zoe's scalp is burning and her head hurts. She is pissed that she is in this position again. She is able to bring her legs up and wraps them around mom and pulls her to the side. This has Zoe on her side as well. Ann is able to pull Zoe's feet apart and rolls away. They both are able to get to their knees as they go after each other They lock up arms around necks and waists. They are in a bear hug as hands come up to grab hair. It is getting intense as both want to win this round. Zoe reaches down and grabs Ann's crotch. Ann   AAAHHHH   " You little bitch "   Zoe has a claw hold on her mom hoping to get her to give. Ann is able to get a hand free to get Zoe's hand off her pussy. This has caused some pain and Ann keeps Zoe from getting back at her sure spot. Ann wraps her legs around Zoe and squeezes. She pulls them over on their sides. She now has Zoe in a scissors but not the way she would like. She is around her sides and not her stomach, which she could squeeze the out of her easier. Zoe slaps her mom and is pulling her hair. They both grab one of the others tits and is doing their best to cause as much discomfort as they can. They are looking into the others eyes as they are moaning in pain. Zoe is twisting to try to break free, being careful not to let Ann get in a better position with her scissors. Zoe decides to take a gamble and tries to roll away to break free, and to her surprise it works. She is free from the scissors but mom is all over her from the back. Zoe is thinking to herself damn mom is still fast. She gets Zoe face down on the carpet and sits on her back. She is pulling her hair and has her head pulled back  She has Zoe's chest  off the carpet as she has her in a bow. Ann now grabs one of Zoe's tits and is working her over. Zoe  OOOWWWW   " Damn you "   Ann is working her over and giving her no mercy. She is pulling her hair hard and has her head pulled back. Zoe is reaching trying to get to Ann's hair. She is trying to do something to get out of this situation. Ann is trying to move her head around to avoid Zoe's hands, she is trying to do this blindly. By using both hands to get to her mother's hair she is finally successful. She gets a handful of hair and pulls hard causing Ann to lean to one side  Zoe is able to pull her legs in tipping mom enough to fall in that direction. Zoe gets free and they roll in opposite directions. They look at each other and stand. They straighten their bikini bottoms and go after each other. They come together with a smack as they collide.  Ann picks up Zoe and carries her a few steps backing  her into the wall. She attacks Zoe's pussy and grabs her crotch, causing Zoe to raise up on her toes. Zoe instantly reaches down to get Ann's hand away. Zoe " Fuck you "   Ann smiles at her as if to rub it in, and she will do whatever she needs to to win. They trade a couple of slaps to the face, but without much force as they are so close together. They both go to the hair and Zoe tries to turn Ann to get her against the wall but gets nowhere. Their chests are rubbing together  and they can feel the others hard nipples pressing into their own breasts. They are working their legs trying to maintain their balance or trip up the other. The action against the wall lasts for what seems like a few minutes but really isn't that long. Ann takes charge by pulling and turning Zoe and as she does takes her to the floor. She gets her in a grapevine and has control of her arms and legs. After a little while of no progress Zoe gives. She is pissed at herself as she thinks she has let her mom get the better of her. She does not want to think that maybe mom is better. As they are taking their break Zoe is wondering what does she have to do to beat her mom. Ann is sitting toweling off and getting a drink and talking to Dale. Zoe has done the same and has decided not to hurry back out there  The loser of the round decides how long the break will last within reason.                                                                                                                                                                               
     Zoe is ready and both women return and face off. Zoe is cautious as she knows her mom is cunning. They have their hands up and Zoe makes the first move. She goes to tackle Ann but gets side stepped and Ann gets her from the back taking her to the floor. Zoe is surprised by this as she is now getting her hair pulled as mom sits on her back. She has Zoe arched up and grabs one of her tits and is working her over. Zoe AAHHH Zoe's scalp is burning as Ann is pulling hard holding Zoe's chest off the floor. Zoe is kicking her legs and gets to her knees to unseat mom. Ann falls forward but still holds on to Zoe's hair. She gets her in a head scissors and now Zoe is really pissed. It seems everything is going wrong. She slaps at Ann and is able to grab her pussy and claws at her trying to get her to release the scissors. This works as the pain was to much and Ann rolls away from her daughter. Both take a few seconds to recover. They stand and look at each other with looks of determination. This fight is winding down and neither wants to lose. Other then their hair being a mess they both look good the sweat glistening from their toned bodies. They attack each other as if it is now or never. They are in a bearhug and struggling for control. They are trying to trip the other and now hands go to the hair and heads pulled back. Their firm breasts mashed together as they try to knee each other in the crotch. This does little as they are staggering around. Zoe is able to trip mom and they go to the floor. Zoe has control and tries to get a grapevine on mom. Ann is able to avoid this and tries to roll Zoe over. Zoe counters and is able to stop this and gets on Ann's stomach and grabs both her tits. Ann does the same and the intense look of determination an each has Dale wondering who will win this fight. They are working each other over pretty good. The pain is starting to set in and can now be seen on their faces. Ann slaps Zoe hard on her face and pulls her hands from her breasts. They are now in a hand fight to keep the other from grabbing anything. Zoe uses her legs to wrap up Ann and they fall to Ann's left. Zoe has a scissors on Ann at her chest. She squeezes hard mashing Ann's tits  and trying to take her breath away. Zoe has never had anyone in this position before. She sees it seems to be working and hopes her mom will tap out. Ann uses Zoe's trick and grabs her pussy causing Zoe to react and Ann gets free. She rolls away and gets to her knees quickly to see where Zoe is. She finds her starting to stand and holding her crotch. Zoe has a look on her face that lets Ann know she is pissed.                                                                                                                                                                                               
     Ann is thinking to bad. Ann also stands and she goes after Zoe and gets her in a reverse headlock. She has Zoe bent over with her head bent down. Ann is facing towards Zoe's back as she takes her to the floor  Ann tries to get on Zoe's back but she rolls over causing Ann to fall to the side. Zoe tries to get to Ann but she is to quick. Ann grabs Zoe's hair and pulls her down.  Ann tries to get to Zoe as she starts to get up. Ann grabs her from behind and gets her in a bearhug. They are on their knees She tries to squeeze the breath out of Zoe to get her to submit. She now slides her arms up pushing up from under Zoe's tits  She smashes her breasts as she comes up around them causing pain in her chest as she is squeezing the air out of her. She is crushing her breasts and Zoe is gasping for air. Zoe can take no more and whispers  stop  stop.  Ann releases her daughter and stands. Ann looks down at Zoe and says " I am proud of you, but I am still the better woman."   She goes to Dale with a big smile on her face. He is proud of both women and knows his wife is the alpha. Zoe is content for the time being but she knows as does Ann they will have to have a rematch sometime in the future.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2024, 02:11:46 AM by topgear15 »
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.