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Cindy vs. Diane: Boxing At The Dance

by Lucky Guy

The Tale Of The Tape

          Cindy                       Diane

Htg.      5'2"                         5'1"

Wgt.      140                         125

Age          40                           44

Chest      44(36D)                 35(34B)

Waist      28                            22

Hips        36                            36 1/2

Biceps      14                           14

Thighs      22 1/2                    23

Calves       14                           14 1/2

Hair        Blonde                       Brown

When we last left Cindy, she had give her beautiful co-worker Ann, a beating,
with her fists, after their cock sucking wrestling match, went to anything goes.
Cindy and I were going to box, the following weekend, to settle, "a problem"
that had "come up" prior to fight with sexy Ann.

I came home from work, on Thursday and found Cindy working out, on the heavy bag
topless, when she saw me, she stepped up her punching, until the bag nearly
rocked off the hook! "Hi, lover, you're not intimadated....... are you?", she
cooed sweetly. I gulped and said no and she flexed her rock solid biceps and 36D
chest, in my face and laughed. "You know I'm the head of the house, in more
ways, than one", Cindy said as she pulled my pants off, and started sucked my
swollen cock. I no time at all, I blew a huge load of cum down her throat, and I
declared her "The winner and still champ". As she stood up, she told me that the
annual club dance was tonight and that we should get ready to go.

I asked Cindy, if Diane and her husband were going, and she said yes, we will be
sitting with them and I'd better keep my eyes off of her! Cindy then flexed her
hard right bicep and told me to feel it. It was rock solid and Cindy said, "Any
flirting and both of you are going to get your asses kicked!"

We got to the dance around 8:00PM. Cindy looked fantastic, in a red mini and low
cut white top, that showed off her big chest and attracted alot of attention! We
went to the bar, got some drinks and in walked Diane and her husband. Diane
turned everybody's head, wearing a black mini, almost cut up to her ass and a
skimpy red midrift top, which showed off her sexy flat hard stomach. Cindy was
pissed, although Cindy is very pretty and built, Diane's legs and ass always
seem to attract a little more attention than Cindy.

They came over to the table, we exchanged hugs and kisses and sat down and
talked. Diane said her top was a little too big and looser than she wanted, but
when you're a size 4, it's hard to find tops to fit right. Cindy told her that
if she would stuff her bra, maybe she wouldn't have that problem! I
thought"Damn, they're starting already!"Diane asked Cindy if she put on some
weight, Cindy shot back asking if Diane was out of training bras yet?' The music
started playing and we went to the dance floor.

Cindy said"I'm going to kick that bitches ass, right here, right fucking now!" I
told her to save it for later. Diane had a similar surly look on her face, as
well. The catty remarks continued, at a slower pace, as the night went on and
then the shit hit the fan. When Cindy went to the bathroom, Diane asked me to
dance and it was a slow number, I hesitated, but she flexed her solid bicep and
said she would take care of any problem Cindy had with us dancing. Diane fit in
my arms like a dream, and danced as close together, as two people could possibly
could, without fucking! Diane slowly rubbed her shapley, solid thigh against my
stiff cock, until I felt a load go in my fucking pants! "Shit, I came in my
pants", I whisped into Diane's ear! Diane smiled, kissed me deeply and said
"Save the next load for me!" At this time Cindy came out of the bathroom and
found us playing tounge wrestling. Cindy pulled Diane away and punched me
square, in the stomach. As I hit the ground, Diane said "Now you're gonna get
the beating of your miserable life, you pudgy bitch!" The two went after each
other, but several people kept them apart.

As I got up, Diane's husband told me that he had 2 sets of boxing gloves, in his
car. While he went and got them, I announced that their was going to be a
special "entertainment" tonight. A topless boxing match between Cindy and Diane,
to see who the better woman was. The crowd loved it and started to split, into
Cindy camps and Diane camps. Cindy told me"I gonna kick her flat chested ass and
win your cock back for own exclusive use!" After saying that she striped her
clingy top and sheer bra off and flexed her biceps and big nippled chest, to the
cheering club members. Not to be out done, sexy Diane removed her top and flexed
for her fans and got a big roar of approval back!

We laced the 8 oz. black gloves on the girls, and called them to the center of
the dance hall. This fight is to go to a 10 count knock out, no rounds, no rest
periods, and no submisions. In this corner.....standing 5'1" and weighing in at
125 lbs. of solid sexy muscle, measuring 35-22-36 1/2, the current "Better
Woman" and Boxing champ......Dynamite Diane, and her oppenent standing 5'2"
weighing 140 solid sexy pounds, measuring an eye popping 44-28-36.......Silver
Dollar Nipples Cindy.

May the best woman win, box! Diane came charging out at Cindy and hit her with 2
solid shots to the face, when Cindy went to cover her face, Diane rocked her
with an uppercut to her fleshy belly and Cindy hit the dancefloor hardwood with
a thud! Diane flexed her muscles and yelled for me to start counting.
1..2..3..4...5...6..Cindy got up on her hands and kness and Diane said,"Get the
fuck up bitch, I want to give more of a beating!"...7...8...9... and Cindy was
up to beat the 10 count. She was groggy, but said she was OK to fight on. Diane
came at her again, and connected with a shot to Cindy big breasts, Cindy
countered with 2 jabs to the ribs, that backed leggy Diane up, a bit. For
several minute these 2 sexy warriors pounded each other solidly. Most men
couldn't handle the punches these 2 beauties were throwing.

They broke from their mutual punching bag positions and proceded with more
caution. Cindy was tired and frustrated that her older smaller rival was beating
the stuffing out of her. Diane sensed this and began taunting her, "Hey Pudgy
Pig, I gonna fuck your husband right here, in front of every one after you  eat
my sweaty snatch!" Cindy snarled back "You'll be tounging my asshole whore!"
Cindy charged after Diane, and they started exchanging solid punches to the
chest, belly and head. It was a great last burst of energy, that Cindy hoped to
knock out her leggy rival with, but Diane was too tough for her! Diane got her
against the wall, and procede to beat her to a pulp! She pounded her huge
breasts and her belly, until they were black and blue, and she finished her off
with a right cross, to the jaw, that lifted my 140 lb. wife off of her feet. She
hit the ground like a ton of bricks! The count was a mere formality.

The winner and still better woman.........Dynamite Diane!!!! We didn't fuck on
the dance floor, she had taken a beating from Cindy's hard fists, as well. I
took Cindy home and we fucked long and hard, and promised to keep fighting
Diane, until she could beat her.

Diane paid me a visit, while CIndy was at work and we picked up were we left of
on the dance floor, and as much as I love my wife.... I declared Sexy Lady Di,
the better woman, as she riding my cock. After we were done, Diane told me she
threw her husband out and asked me to move in with her......hmmmmm.....

To be continued

Lucky Guy