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Ali Larter vs Shannon Elizabeth

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Ali Larter vs Shannon Elizabeth
« on: May 04, 2024, 03:17:13 PM »

Ali Larter squeezed into her all-leather attire from Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.  Shannon Elizabeth came in and was in the same attire.  “I beat Jodi Lyn O’Keefe just to get one more shot at you… She and I both knew that if you fought either of us one more time it would be your last fight because you got lucky beating me and you can’t beat her anymore.”

They were going to fight in a seacan.  All emptied out, certain areas protected, a padding on the floor and sides.  Shannon had her gym bag as did Ali.  The suits were just a starting point, they walked up and studied how great they still looked in those suits

“Before we fought, I drove myself up the wall at the thought of losing to you.  Then it happened… I lost... to you.  Losing a fight to the likes of you”

“Is that why you cost me my revenge on Milla.  She humiliated me years ago and cost me my acting career.  You took my ultimate vengeance away and I can’t have a third shot but what I can get is the pleasure of retiring you here tonight you will know forever and a day I’m better than you!”

“You are going to have to beat me to do that and do it straight up.  You can’t beat me straight up and in here you won’t find another lucky route and beat me I’ll sign this thing and you can fucking keep it knowing you owned my ass.”

“I already own your ass but yeah I’ll take that souvenir as a permanent reminder.”

“I want yours when I win, this is likely my last fight regardless and I want to look at that knowing I fucking proved once and for all I’m better than you.”

They walked away from each other and opened a door that led to a small changing area.  Suits were off and they’d fight in sweat pants and t-shirts.  Both had the suits on a hanger and they both walked outside and hung them up there.  “Winner gets both!”  Ali said

“Winner gets both!” Shannon agreed.

“Loser signs it over admitting what the winner always knew.”

Shannon stepped forward “God Damn right and Ali”

Ali stepped forward “What Shannon”

“I’m going to retire you then I’m going to retire Jodi and then after that.  After I have yours and Jodis blood on my hands I’ll retire knowing I’m simply the best at destroying other people’s careers.”

“From a woman who never had a career.  I end you tonight and when you sign that outfit, I want you to wipe your blood with your hand and wipe it in what will be MY outfit my souvenir”

“After you sign my outfit, I will wipe your blood on it and you know what I end fighting other weak bitches by beating the only woman who ever actually broke me and that’s your final act.  You are forced to set Milla up and help me do that.”

“Since you wont beat me I agree to that.”

Shannon smiled then looked at Ali “Extra Motivation… Ali you really should not have done that.  I wanted to hurt you enough when it was just about revenge.  I wanted to beat you when it was about ending a twenty year old rivalry. I wanted to end you because you think my win over you was luck… Now you add that I get one more shot at Milla.”  Shannon stepped forward as did Ali so they were chest to chest “You gave me to much motivation.”

“Take all the motivation you want if you fought me first vs fighting Jodi you would have never had any fame.  I would have kiboshed it right away.  If you came at me when your career was dwindling I would have drowned you.  Does that motivate you more I hope so because when I leave here with both suits I want to take all that motivation shove it down your throat and break whatever pride you have left.’

“I retire you and retire Jodi and you get me one more shot at Milla who I know I can…”

“I agreed I’d help but she is done she is done with this world and its her daughter shes getting ready now.  She knows how desperate you are and by some chance you get past me which you wont because I hate you more than you hate me.  You wont get past Jodi who hates you more than me but fought me based on her feelings toward me and not you.”

They had made their way to go nose to nose.  Zero intimidation “Come on Shannon enough about everyone else.  Enough about Milla enough of me reminding you Jodi.  Enough of the past, enough of our last fight.  Enough do you see a bit of fear in my eyes of you.  Do you see I’m in the right now and I’m here to end this and you.”

“I see it all and I see all the future outcomes and been thinking about all the shit you say which isn’t much different than last time… I beat  you once this time I’ll make it last so lets stop talking go inside and get to fighting.”

Shannon walked through the open door and ali took a deep breath.  All she wanted was to beat up Shannon Elizabeth but now it was time to face the very real chance that Shannon could indeed win.  “fuck it I showed up for a reason time to find out.”

Ali went inside the sea can and got grabbed by Shannon and thrown to the floor where she rolled.  Shannon heard the door shut and lights come on and saw ali rolling.  Shannon began stalking her “This is going to be a beating and you will beg me to stop you will beg my forgiveness.  I WAITED YEARS FOR A REMATCH WITH MILLA”

Ali faked a takedown as she was rolling to get up and Shannon jumped up for a knee.  Nothing was there and both were on their feet “I know you did and I took it from you and I finish what I take in here.  That only opens when one of us begs for it to open… BEGS”

“Shannon was so quick with throwing a jab but actually using that to close the distance and hit a knee under the ribs.  “You talk about hurting me I’m just going to fucking hurt you for all you cost me.”

Shannon pulled back on the blonde ponytail to see the pain in Alis eyes to see the fear.  All she was determination and hatred.  Ali grabbed Shannon’s tits pushed her into the barely padded wall then gave the tits a hard inward twist.  “I want all that you have to give because you’re getting all my rage.”

Shannon grabbed the wrists and pushed them down.  She threw a head but and Ali pulled enough away it hit the lips and didn’t do much damage but got Shannon to step outside.  Shannon let got and hit overhand left then a right hook to the tit and when Ali went for a back hand Shannon ducked it pushed forward for a takedown.

Ali tried to fight it but ended up down lifted her hips and reversed.   They fought all the way through the sea can got up and Shannon pushed Ali into one wall then Ali pushed Shannon back and Shannon pushed back and hit Ali hard into the wall and hit two hard fast punches to the face then ripped the top off of Ali Larter

Shannon pressed her body into Ali’s and Ali turned Shannon around used her own body to slam Shanno who smiled “Ok so you aged as good as me if not… You might have a chance here.”

“Theres a reason I had a career beyond early 2000s bitch and you what…”  Shannon turned Ali around after that stomped the blondes foot grabbed the blonde’s ears and slammed the back fo Ali’s head twice.

“you bitches have insulted my career for to long.  You kept getting roles good for you but you are not me.  You are not good enough to take me out of the world I barely want to be in.  I’m Shannon Elizabeth an all time great and legend at this fucking game.”

Ali grabbed Shannons top and pulled then slipped her way to the side and sent Shannon face first into the seacan.  “I know who you are, I know who you’ve beaten but bitch I’m Ali Larter my resume is greater not just at fighting but …”  She got behind Shannon and her other hand was on the shirt and she ripped it open.  “I acted as well.”

Ali pulled Shanno away to slam her to the opposite wall but Shannon was not going down easy and hit a back elbow.  A spinning back fist but Ali stepped back away “Want it off”  Shannon removed her torn shirt “Its off and soon your lights will be out too.”

Shannon threw the shirt hoping to get it over the face.  They never had time to study the others body but for where they were in life and for any age these were two incredibly fit women.  Ali was going low and hit a cobra punch and went for a overhand got hit with a quick short uppercut.

Ali had to back away her nose felt like it got busted.  She touched it and it was sensitive but no blood.  “Never got the blood on me yet.”  Ali said knowing Shannon was as ready as she was for what t his fight had to be.

“Don’t worry bitch, you will be losing a lot of blood for what you did to me.”

“Oh, bitch I am ready to lose blood because I’m taking more of yours.”

Ali stepped forward a jab to the tit and a over hand right.  Shannon was stepping in with a fake knee and a over hand right they ended up colliding heads.  A stumble and Shannon was first a uppercut that sent Ali reeling and crashing back.

Ali tried to bounce off, but Shannon intercepted her. Hands on tits Ali got lifted off her feet and slammed into the wall of the sea can .  the powerful Shannon Elizabeth dug her nails in and Ali screamed “Get fucking used to this You came for me.”

Get a firm grip on Ali’s tits Shannon pulled Ali away and slammed her back then twisted inward getting a louder scream.  Shannon let g of the tits stepped her right foot back and turned into a perfect left hook watched cork screwed her body ready to uncoil and then threw a overhand right to knock Ali out cold

Ali got both forearms in front of her face and blocked the blow then moved in tied Shannon up to stop punches “Thought you were going to own me.”  Shannon brought her leg outward then swung the knee into Ali’s ribs.  “Retire me.”  Another but Ali hit her own two.

“Whatever it takes whatever I have to take I’m ready bitch… Ready to…Humhg.”  Ali got hit with a knee then hit her own “Ready to do it I’m ending you.”

Shannon kept hearing that and she knew what it would take because she did this to Heather graham.  She wrecked Heathers body and confidence.  She took Heather apart and would contact people working on movies or tv with her.  Heather was scared of every other woman on set because of what Shannon did to her and no way would ali do it to her… She was doing it to Ali.  Shannon Elizabeth since her first fight Ali Larter was undefeated.

Shannon was desperate to get her arms out of the tie up but she was hitting knees to Alis ribs and stomping a foot.  Ali was hitting her own knees to Shannons side and keeping Shannon tied up.  She also stomped a foot then hit a inside knee.  Shannon was not having this but Ali was tying her up and almost laughing. 

Shannon was able to get her arms free and threw two hooks.  Ali was ducking under both then slammed her forearms into Shannon’s tits.  Shannon hit hard into the wall and ali her right hand under Shannon’s right tit and left hand under left tit.  “Thought of this one a long time ago when new attacks were needed.”


Offline Interac

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Re: Ali Larter vs Shannon Elizabeth
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2024, 03:23:30 PM »

Ali then slashed wards and like an X.  The gasp from Shannon was all Ali needed to know how good that attack was.  Stay in the present Ali said internally and hit knee between Shannon’s legs.

Right hand on Shannon’s face.  Thumb on one cheek fingers on the other Ali pushed and slammed Shannon head into the sea can pulled back then pushed and slammed again.  For no reason Alis hands went into Shannon’s pants and she started clawing.

“You getting it Shannon... I just don’t care what you do I don’t I don’t care anything for you I want this pain on you.”

Shannon got her hand to under Alis chin and around the neck.  She pushed and that made Ali knock the hand away.  Hand in pants doing damage to pussy meant no defence and Shannon hit a left hook.

Shannon dropped down into a catchers squat got the hands out of her shorts grabbed Alis shorts and pulled sending Ali  facefirst into the wall.  Then Shannon pulled Alis shorts down and bit her belly button and dug her nails into Alis ass.

Shannon escaped form under Ali and scratched her ass more then stomped her in the back.  Shannon took a deep breath “Know what you had enough.”

Ali barely knew where she was, the impact of Shannons few moves were high.  Very high but those words cut through and like a targeting system her hand found Shannon Elizabeth shin and grabbed it.  Shannon tried to pull away but Ali was holding on “Oh you haven’t had enough yet?”

“Not even close.” Alis voice was as defiant as ever.

Shannon smiled “Blondes… So stupid”  Shannon reached down grabbed the back of the hair “So stupid they don’t know just when they’re out matched and Ali”  hard pull so she could see Ali’s eyes “I will always be more than you and got you outmatched.”

Ali droved her right hand between Shannons legs jerking the brunettes face forward “Outmatched…”  She squeezed “Outmatched by..”  Ali stood up got the other hand on the throat “Outmatched by you!!!!”

Ali dead pressed Shannon Elizabeth “I’m Ali Larter and I am not outmatched at anything by a has been actress who blew her career.”  Shannon hit the roof, Ali pressed down and knew what happed and hit Shannon harder into the roof.

Ali then threw Shannon downward got down on a knee, so Shannon stomach landed across her leg “I am Ali Larter bitch. I work out more, I act more and I’m more famous.  I’m tougher and I’m going to fucking end you.”

Ali pushed Shannon off her knee then got on top of her stomach and began twisting and clawing at Shannon’s tits “Nothing is off limits in you admitting all these worlds are no longer yours… I beat you Shannon, why because I’m better than you.”

Shannon ate the pain began to reach for Alis tits but Ali grabbed Shannon’s arms slammed them down.  “Every style needed.”  Mma style elbow on Shannon’s face then a second.  Then Ali grabbed Shannon’s hair lifted the head and began slamming it into the floor of the sea can.

Left hand pushed down on Shannon’s face and Ali used all her strength in the right and began ripping large clumps out of Shannon’s face “You actually almost had me, but you thought it was over… I forgot you are damn near my equal and what separates us is this… I’m better at everything.”

Ali larter actually shoved some on shanons hair into her mouth and Shannon began moving like a fish out of water.  That embarrassment was to much and Shannon was still strong to strong for Ali to keep her down as angry as Shannon was at the indignation.

Shannon got out and was going straight for alis eyes with her nails leaving long scratch marks.  That set Ali off and the two were rolling around the flor ripping at the others face.  Strong women who made sure their nails were ready specifically for a ‘I’m going to retire you’ style fight.

When they went on a hips knees would pump right between the legs.  They were going for it more than they ever went before.  Shannon Elizabeths acting career may have faltered but from the time she started this comeback at this she showed why she was a true legend who just slightly fell of the tracks.  Far Ali she was as good as Shannon as strong and to her she was more vicious but now feeling blood in her nose from Shannon attacking she knew this was a woman who earned her way and it would take everything she had to break the bitch.

Up on their feet “Get your clothes off whore.”  Ali said slamming Shannon into a wall and ripping the pants off

Shannon turned Ali and slammed her three time then ripped her sweat pants off “You wanted this bitch… You wanted it all and for the rest of your dayyyyyyyyy.”  Ali bit into Shannons bicep.
Ali then got a arm up on her cheek slid and hit a back elbow to Shannons jaw.  That backed Shannon up and Ali went for a head kick which Shannon caught.  Shannon stepped inward and bit the inside part of Ali’s thigh then got her arm under Ali’s leg lifted her up and suplexed her across and down the sea can.

“yeah bitch now I know you can beat me but bitch you wont beat me.  You fucking will not beat me.”  Shannon ran kicked Ali in the ribs so hard she lifted Ali up and it flipped ali Larter.

Shannon stared down at ali.  Shannon was filled with so much rage but all she could do was stare down at Ali.  A breathing from her nose felt like fire there was so much she wanted to do to Ali but she had to calm down a little as most of what was in her head was to end Ali permanent.

“You are not going to end me” Shannon said, and Ali was pushing herself up wanted to say “Yes I will.”  When Shannon jumped and hit both knees onto Ali’s back

Shannon grabbed Ali by the hair and yanked her head up “I want an apology … Hear me ali” Shannon shook the head “Say you’re sorry for wanting this rematch.”

Right-handed slaps “Say it bitch I want you to apologize to me.”  Shannon’s knees were digging in and slaps stinging.

Shannon bit Alis ear “I will start biting things off unless you apologize and leave everyone alone you overrated blonde bitch.”

“FUCK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.”  Ali lifted her ass slid her knees inward quick while grabbing Shannon’s wrists.  Ali took advantage of Shannon desire to dig her knees into Alis kidneys.

Ali was able to throw Shannon off her back.  They got up and Ali slammed her body into Shannon’s “You must be livid… knowing where you fucked up.”

Ali stepped back went for another body on body slam but Shannon got her knee up blocked Ali.  Then grabbed Ali’s hair turned quick slamming Ali into the sea can “Tell me where I fucked up.”  Shannon slammed her tits into Alis

Shannon grinded her body into Ali’s then bit her cheek.  Letting go of the bite “You haven’t told me where I fucked up because why… Cause I’m fucking you up.”

After she let go and Ali let Shannon say that she sunk her teeth into Shannons chin and pushed away beginning to hit knees into the pussy before letting go and swinging her arm full windmill into a crotch claw on Shannon “You should have sat knees on the ribs not kidneys.”

Shannon gasped at the crotch claw and the impact of how it hit, she tried to go to a knee but Ali kept her up “No bitch no not happening you feel everything.”  Ali went to bite Shannon again and Shannon got her hands near Alis eyes and scratched.  Ali closed her eyes enough but it still hurt bad and dazed her vision.

Ali blinded covered her head and immediately felt the impact of a Shannon Elizabeth over hand right.  Shannon bounced off Ali’s arm then switched levels and hit a jab to just below ali’s pussy.  Ali groaned but knew what was next because it was what she would do and has done to Shannon.

Shannon went for a knee between the legs it was caught and Ali kicked the other leg out sending Shannon face first to the floor.  Ali kept a hold of the other leg had it bent put her foot on the back of the knee and threw it down getting extra oomph from the stomp

“Stop.”  Shannon pleaded that was a pain she never had before.

“No.”  Three more stomps each harder than the last “No I wont stop until we both know whaat we are.”

“Please you are wrecking my leg this is to far… Its to far.”

“Then I want you to really beg me…. You KNOW what I Want!”

Ali waited and Shannon wasn’t saying or doing it so she switched legs and started to destroy that knee of Shannon Elizabeth “I will not stop until I GET what I WANT!!!”

“Ok I apologize for ever thinking I could beat Milla… She won fair and square she is better than me.”

Ten minutes later.  Ali walked out of the sea can and looked back in at a beaten down Shannon Elizabeth.  She then looked at her arms the forearms and  hands filled with hair and blood so she looked at Shannon until Shannon could lift her head to look up then Ali slicked the blonde hair back so now it was more red “Say it again Shannon”

“I cant beat you I got lucky… I’m pathetic and I …I.”  Shannon Elizabeth passed out.

Ali got the suits put both over her shoulders got her camera and took a selfie of her beaten up bloody self and a beaten broken Shannon Elizabeth in the back “Its done.”

Jodi Lyn O’Keefe got the text “She fucking did it… She ended Shannon Elizabeth, she beat Shannon more than shes ever been beaten before.”

Ali Larter got Shannon to admit this was over.  Any confidence Shannon had was as broken and mangled as it would ever be.  Ali beat Shannon and it wasn’t just the last fight for Shannon but Ali was done as well she thought if there were anyone left and knew there was one more someone she had words and competion with over the years but Leslie Bibb was not coming for her so need to go for Leslie.  End it on top… End it on top of Shannon Elizabeth just like Ali wanted.

(Upcoming: Danay Garcia vs Elyse Levesque; British Fight Pit main event Rose vs Avgeroplous; Emma Watson vs miley cyrus 3, Kelly Monaco vs Sara Jean Underwood rematch)