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In Defense

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Offline ninjoe42

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In Defense
« on: December 19, 2019, 07:10:45 PM »
Just had to urge to write a quick little story, hope you like it!


Beth found herself in a dangerous situation. She had moved to a new highschool in her senior year and was alone, dangerous enough for any teenager. But as soon as she walked past the woman she would soon learn was named Natalie she knew she was in trouble. Natalie exuded an aura of confidence and menace, she was a shark that walked the halls of the school, and when she laid eyes on Beth for the first time she saw prey. The first time Beth saw Natalie she was distracted by Natalie's enormous chest and, frankly, obscene cleavage. She had looked up and made eye contact with her as they passed each other in the halls, and knew something dreadful was going to come of it. Natalie's long black hair and powerful frame dwarfed Beth's B cup chest and slim figure, so she had known in advance how things would likely end. She just wanted it over with.

Beth had asked around and learned that Natalie was a bully of the highest order, she used her chest to intimidate and boss other girls around and the few girls who had stood up to her had either gotten their asses kicked, had been flattened in a titfight, or had been fucked near to death in a sexfight. Natalie apparently had a preference for sexual domination of people who were defiant of her. The only saving grace they had was....well Grace. Grace was the perfect blonde Barbie doll head cheerleader of the school, the one that proved stereotypes exist for a reason. Natalie and Grace had never tangled, not that anyone knew, but Grace's bombshell figure was apparently threatening enough to keep Natalie from running rampant. Grace didn't interfere too heavily in Natalie's predations either, stepping in only to stop the worst of the abuses, she likely also feared Natalie's power.

Beth's fact finding had gotten around, and Beth had been assured that Grace would keep an eye out for her. But after a gym class that coincided with the last period of the day, Beth was wondering what that was worth. She had been cornered by Natalie when she was slow to change and leave. Natalie had walked up to her in only a bra that accentuated her incredible bust to mythic levels, and had thrust them out into Beth's face while making small talk the way that bullies do.

"Make any friends yet new girl? Any good buddies?" Beth found it almost impossible not to look at the immense valley of cleavage in front of her, they were just so big! She had a desire to touch them, to just experience them in some way. They looked so powerful and commanding.

"No, not yet. I have to go, excuse me." Beth tried to slip past Natalie, but was blocked by an arm that shot out like a punch. Beth jumped at the crash when Natalie's arm his the lockers.

"So soon!? And after ogling me like that? That's real rude new girl. You're not trying to make an enemy of me are you? You want to be my friend right?" Natalie licked her lips.

Beth sighed, and her dignity wouldn't let her capitulate, she decided she needed to take a whupping like a woman, regardless of what that meant. She pulled her shirt off and exposed her own baby blue pushup bra. She was proud of her tits, they weren't very big but they were round, perky, firm, and exceptionally cute. She thrust them out towards Natalie,

"Listen bitch, I know who you are and I know what you're doing. I'm not gonna be your friend, you wanna tangle then let's just do it and get it over with."

Natalie was frozen in shock for just a second, but then moved like lightning and yanked Beth's bra up, her perky tits jiggling as they sprang out. Beth shrieked in surprise, and Natalie reached up and twisted the clasp on the front of her own bra, and her enormous tits exploded outward! Beth's eyes widened at their shape and heft, they were so perfect! They sat high on Natalie's chest, they looked firm and beautiful. Natalie's nipples were hard and long, the entire rack just commanded your respect and admiration. Beth was already reeling from Natalie's speed and bust, and barely heard Natalie when she spoke.

"How DARE you point those tiny tits at me bitch?! Are you fucking blind?! Have you SEEN me?! You want to titfight me bitch?!"

"No." replied Beth, realizing the trouble she was in. She had lost titfights before, her old school was no stranger to them, but it never really bothered her. She wasn't big enough to be a juggernaut, and at her size the competitions were just for pride or bragging rights, not queen bee level of status.

"Too late slut!" out of nowhere Natalie thrust her chest into Beth's, and Beth had the wind knocked out of her by the impact. Her back immediately hit the lockers, and she counter thrust her own petite breasts out to meet Natalie's next drive. The results were immediate;

She was crushed. Beth had never lost a titfight on first contact before, but Natalie's incredible tits flattened her to nothing immediately, without even a hint of resistance. She felt Natalie's tits spread across her own chest, and she moaned at the ache and humiliation of being conquered so immediately.

"Boom! Another flat bitch! You like that you tiny tit whore?!" Natalie leaned back and grabbed Beth's shoulders, pinning her to the lockers. She swung her tits back and forth into Beth's, clobbering and destroying them with every swing. Beth howled as she tried to thrust back at all, but it only made the pain worse. She cupper her hands around her tits to protect them, and Natalie aimed higher and slammed her heavy tits into Beth's face, beginning to smother her while shimmying back and forth. Natalie moaned while she did it.

"God I love breaking little tit sluts like you! You feel my big titties bitch? These fucking queen titties own you! I'm gonna make you suck these big titties so hard!"

The domination, pain, and humiliation was starting to get to Beth, she was starting to get hot from it. A part of her wanted to submit and please these godlike tits. But before she could she heard someone shout, muffled through the big breasts covering her face.

Natalie pulled back and Beth gasped for breath. There at the end of the row of lockers was the legendary Grace. Standing with her legs spread and hands on her hips like a superhero, her own massive breasts already out and challenging.

"No picking on new girls." Grace commanded at Natalie, straight and to the point. Natalie growled and rolled her eyes,

"Ugh! Come on Grace, don't you have something better to do? This bitch challenged me, I'm just defending myself over here!"

Grace began marching toward Natalie, who squared up and thrust her own chest out, not backing down.

"Put those away Nat, go home. She's just a new girl."

Beth could now see both immense pairs of tits up close. They were only standing a few feet apart, nipples hard and protruding, and she saw that Natalie was definitely a little bigger. Her rounder boobs were high and powerful, Grace's were sloped and pointed, but looked dangerous, beautiful, and impossibly firm. She felt the same desire to serve them that she felt for Natalie's, to see two pairs of incredible tits at the same time was mind boggling to her. The idea of them fighting made her light headed.

"No." said Natalie, in pure defiance, "In fact, I'm glad you're here. Soon enough you'll be going to some fancy Ivy school, and I've been wanting to make sure we both know where things stand between us."

Grace swallowed and thrust her chest out more, "You really want to do this Nat? You really want to put those big things on the line with mine? You know there's no going back once by tits pop those jugs of yours, you'll know mine are better forever."

Natalie ran her hands over her tits and tweaked her nipples seductively, "I think I do, if you're woman enough to face them. Aren't you curious? Don't you want to know how bad I'll beat you? You know I'm gonna flatten you and dom you right?"

Grace began matching Natalie's hands over her own, lifting and shaking her tits to intimidate. "You might break me, I know that. If anyone in this school can it's you. But if there's anyone here that can finally put those jugs in their place, it's me." Natalie laughed and stepped closer to Grace, their nipples only inches apart.

"Bust my big tits then, flatten me, crush me, make me say yours are better...if you can."

There was a silence so intense Beth wanted to scream, she was enraptured by this imminent clash of titans. She had never been present for a queen battle, and her body was electrified at the idea. She urged them forward, she prayed neither would back down.

With a shout Nat and Grace came together in a head to head ram! Four enormous breasts crashed together, and both of them grunted in pain as their tits were assaulted. They began maneuvering and swinging their tits at each other, trying to out box the other. Beth was astounded by their speed and technique, they were clearly experts in a titfight. She watched as Grace threw jabs into Natalie's tits, her sloped breasts punching into them and causing Natalie to let out tiny shrieks as her tits were penetrated .She watched as Natalie threw haymaker bombs into Grace's tits, sending them flying around her chest and causing Grace to groan in pain.

Grace grabbed Natalie's shoulders and began pulling them directly together, her sloped tits piercing into Natalie's over and over again. Natalie shouted in pain, but couldn't dislodge Grace's hold, her head rolling and eyes closed in agony.

"Oh god! How are your tits so fucking hard! You bitch! Oh fuck!"

Beth got closer and watched Natalie's tits bend inward with each thrust, loving the sight of Grace's tits puncturing the integrity of Natalie's round powerful tits. But the tables turned as they always do, and Natalie was able to force Grace back into the lockers and take the offensive.

With no room to maneuver Natalie started swinging her tits wildly into Grace's, and Grace had no way to answer the swings but to meet then defiantly. Grace looked down and moaned as her tits were pounded and rattled by Natalie's assault.

"They're so big! Fuck you they're so big! Fucking hurting me, oh god no!"

Beth got close again and found she loved seeing Grace's tits get pounded just as much as seeing Natalie's get speared. The  way they jiggled on her chest and deformed to Natalie's power and size was watch.

Grace shoved with all her might and sent Natalie back into the lockers. They paused and each ran their hands over their tits, soothing the ache.

"We both know whose losing, don't we bitch?" asked Grace.

"Yea, I think we do." answered Natalie with a nod. "Let's just fucking finish it then."

"Yea," said Grace, "fucking finish it."

They charged each other and slammed chest to chest, but both recovered immediately and began swinging their tits into each other, meeting each other blow for blow. They both shouted and screamed, they both howled in pain and frustration, and Beth saw that one pair of tits was beginning to dominate the other. The losing tits bent more and more with every blow, and the owner was forced back step by step. Beth was enthralled watching a pair of tits that glorious succumb to its betters. The losers back hit the lockers and was left vulnerable to a continued onslaught of blows that battered them senseless. The fight paused, and the winner and loser stared into each others eyes, both still defiant.

"Well?" asked Grace.

"Well what bitch?" asked Natalie, with a growl.

"Fucking finish me." demanded Grace. Her arms went down by her sides and pressed against the cold lockers, leaving her ravaged tits defenseless. Natalie roared in triumph and proceeded to obliterate Beth's savior while she watched. Grace's look of defiance never left her face, even when Natalie turned her tits so pliable she was able to lift them and point her nipples straight up at her.

"Say it bitch!" Natalie shouted while pinning Grace's tits.

"Your big tits are better Nat, I knew the minute they hit mine that I'd be losing. They've always been better, and bigger. You fucked by big tits Nat."

Natalie grabbed Grace by the hair and pulled her head down,

"Lick your own beaten titties bitch!" Grace's tits were pinned so high up her chest she was able to reach down and tongue her still hard nipples. Her eyes were glaring up at Natalie's the entire time, and Natalie saw this. She stepped back, releasing Grace's tits, and pulled grace toward the bench that ran between the lockers. Grace allowed herself to be moved, she knew her place as a conquered whore, but her defiance was still palpable. Natalie put her onto her back on the bench and mounted her pussy with her own.

"Woah! What the fu-AAH!" Grace screamed as Natalie's dripping wet pussy met her own soaked pussy, and began riding and grinding on it.

"I'm the fucking queen bitch! I'm the fucking queen bitch! Feel my big boss clit you whore!" Natalie screamed at Grace and fucked the shit out of her.

"Oh god..." whispered Beth, who was now dizzy with lust and fingering her clit frantically, torturing her own nipples with her free hand. She darted forward and took Natalie's huge bouncing breast into her mouth and sucked on it desperately. Natalie put a hand to the back of Beth's head and pushed her face deeper into her warm tits, taking her prize from both women at once.

Grace's look of defiance wavered as her pussy was fucked with an incredible level of dominance, but soon defiance turned to fear as her screams started to peak.

"MY CLIT! Oh god bitch you broke my clit! Fuck! Oh fuck it's so good! Your clit is the boss clit! Your clit is the boss clit!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!"

Fear was replaced by nothing as Grace's eyes rolled to the back of her head from a tremendous orgasm, her broken pussy spraying all over Natalie's. Beth watched her savior get fucked and dominated and started to cum herself, moaning and screaming into Natalie's big tits and she stroked her clit at a feverish pace.

"Cum for me you dumb sluts! Cum hard!" shouted Natalie. As Grace started cumming Natalie rolled Grace's legs up over her head and began fucking her pussy like a man, powerful aggressive thrusts that rocker her body. Natalie's tits fell upon Grace's and flattened them yet again.

"Take it bitch! Take it take it take it!" Natalie growled at Grace's spasming body, lancing Grace's beaten clit with her own. Natalie grabbed Grace by the hair and fucked in a sudden rush, harder and faster, and she started cumming against Grace's body. She orgasmed like a man as well, with gritted teeth and grunts as she finished herself off on Grace's pussy.

The post orgasmic quiet settled over the three of them, only the sound of panting and whimpering. Natalie dismounted Grace unceremoniously and gathered her clothes. Grace lay with an arm draped over her face, panting and mewling pathetically, a broken woman. Beth was leaning against the lockers, slowly stroking her clit and trying to mentally recover from what happened.

Natalie was about to leave, but noticed Beth again, like she had forgotten she was in the room completely. She walked over and roughly put two fingers up inside Beth's pussy, lifting her up on her toes. Beth's mouth hung open and her eyes went wide as Natalie finger fucked her hard and fast, stroking her g-spot expertly. Beth grabbed Natalie's arm to make her stop but the sudden intense pleasure prevented her from doing anything. Just as she was about to cum, which only took seconds, Natalie released her and let her fall to the ground with an outraged cry. Natalie walked out, twisting Grace's nipple as she passed.

"Good fight slut."

Beth's body was burning with unspent lust, and she saw Grace was starting to absently stroke her own clit while still lying on the bench. Beth began rubbing her own pussy while sitting on the floor and softly moaning. Grace looked over at her and they held each others gaze, Grace started squeezing and crushing her own tits in her free hand, moaning at the pain. They watched each other touch themselves, spurred on by the depravity of it.

"That bitch broke my big tits didn't she?" moaned Grace

"Oh fuck yea she did." Beth moaned back, "I watched her pound and flatten your weak tits." they both moaned as the dirty talk was returned, and began touching themselves faster and moaning louder.

"You liked watching me get beaten? Liked serving her bigger better tits?" moaned Grace, twisting her nipples.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes, her tits are so much better then yours. She beat my tits too, she owned our tits so hard!" they both moaned again, never taking their eyes off each other.

"She fucked you too," said Beth, "Did she break your clit? Did she dominate you with her big clit?!"

"Oh FUCK!" Grace moaned louder, approaching climax, "She fucked me! She owned me! She made me her bitch! AAAAAH!" Grace started cumming as the eroticism of dirty talking her own humiliating defeat overwhelmed her. Beth joined her as she began cumming too, squeezing her own tits and reliving her brief domination.

They both went limp and panted for a while, clarity returning to their cum addled minds.

"Fuck," breathed Grace, "My boyfriend is gonna fuck my brains out when I tell him about this. You ok?"

"Yea. I've been beaten before."

"Well, I have too, rarely, but never like THAT!" Grace sat up and ran her hands over her body, Beth was stunned by how amazing she looked even in defeat. "Thank god I'm going to college, she's going to be intolerable after this. God, her tits were unstoppable!"

"Yea," agreed Beth, "Hopefully she leaves me alone." She started dressing herself again.

"Oh don't you worry," Grace gave a little chuckle, "I think I'm going to be her prime target for a while. She's got years worth of frustration to take out on me, and a rematch would likely go the same way."

They walked out together, making small talk and sharing experiences, and began a long and pleasant relationship.


Offline Drake8

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2019, 09:01:36 PM »
Astonishing story. That clash between two alphas narrated by Beth, an observer, was brilliant. You also explain how breasts can affect a girl confidence: Beth shy and scared, Natalie a bully who wants to dominate the school and Grace absolutely gorgeous but loving and kind. The only thing
I didn't like it so much was how happy Grace was after losing that crucial match. I love Grace defiance and how she tries to mantain her dignity even after losing, that's why I found it weird how happy she was after being conquered.

I hope you decide to write more chapters of this amazing story, as you said at the end it was the beginning of a long and pleasant relationship, maybe in next chapters Beth could tell us how that relationship developes. Grace said "I think I'm going to be her prime target for a while", I would like to see that, or maybe Natalie now claims Grace´s boyfiend as the better woman. Congratulations for this amazing story.


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2019, 09:10:43 PM »
Thank you very much! It wasn't supposed to be Grace liking it, just that she was so turned on afterwards it scrambled her brain. She got the post but clarity though lol.


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2019, 10:24:19 PM »
Great story I enjoyed it from start to finish!


Offline EJB

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2019, 02:00:40 AM »
Excellently crafted and intriguing arcs for each character in such a short space.


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2019, 11:40:54 PM »
Thank you very much! It wasn't supposed to be Grace liking it, just that she was so turned on afterwards it scrambled her brain. She got the post but clarity though lol.

That makes everything make sense. As I said previously hope you write more chapters. Grace needs to regain her confidence back, its obvious now she thinks its impossible to win against Natalie in a titfight or sexfight: "God, her tits were unstoppable!" "She's got years worth of frustration to take out on me, and a rematch would likely go the same way.", but in a catfight she absolutely can win, she is a cheerleader so her body is toned and prepared to battle, and that defiance attitude shows she is a wild girl not fearful to a catfight even with people watching. The problem is all girls who had stood up to Natalie had gotten their asses kicked...


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2019, 04:01:23 PM »


Offline Jon Grey

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2019, 01:58:44 AM »
Great story! Wonderfully described, and it was easy to see the warring women's breasts battle!

Thanks so much for this!


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2020, 11:48:25 PM »
I just came across this story!!!! All I can say is that it is a masterpiece!!!!!!! Like Tiffany in the BFS series or Fleur in the TA series Grace's character totally intrigues me!!!! I truly hope that inspiration strikes and another chapter is created!!!!! I sooo want to know how Grace's senior year will be affected after this devastating defeat!!!! To the author, great story and stay safe!!!


Offline ninjoe42

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2020, 11:41:52 PM »
I just came across this story!!!! All I can say is that it is a masterpiece!!!!!!! Like Tiffany in the BFS series or Fleur in the TA series Grace's character totally intrigues me!!!! I truly hope that inspiration strikes and another chapter is created!!!!! I sooo want to know how Grace's senior year will be affected after this devastating defeat!!!! To the author, great story and stay safe!!!

Sir! You humble me my including my name in the same sentence as those masters!

If you liked that one check out the earlier one I did too, might be up your alley.


Offline griffin

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2020, 12:22:01 AM »
I enjoy your stories ninjoe42, just wish you would write more. Would love another one about pretty high school teacher Rebecca Powers titfighting and losing to a better endowed rival.


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2020, 08:55:11 PM »

Any chance of a sequel!!



Offline Augur

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2024, 06:23:42 PM »
I just came across this story!!!! All I can say is that it is a masterpiece!!!!!!! Like Tiffany in the BFS series or Fleur in the TA series Grace's character totally intrigues me!!!! I truly hope that inspiration strikes and another chapter is created!!!!! I sooo want to know how Grace's senior year will be affected after this devastating defeat!!!! To the author, great story and stay safe!!!

Sir! You humble me my including my name in the same sentence as those masters!

If you liked that one check out the earlier one I did too, might be up your alley.

I have to concur with Reddd here; the character of Grace is indeed a fascinating one, and bears a significant resemblance to Fleur and Tiffany. It's a shame this appears to be her only appearance so far - the story badly deserves a sequel, maybe even an entire series if you have the time and energy, lol!

As proof of this story's enormous potential, and as long as it's okay with you, the author, I thought I could post here my 'expanded & embellished' personal edit of "In Defense"? (I've made a habit of saving particularly interesting works on my hard drive for safe-keeping, and sometimes like to make minor additions and alterations of my own to those copies, for my own enjoyment. This particular piece, due to just how intriguing the setting, the plot and the characters you've created are, has received a rather extensive treatment over the years. I've also posted a similarly 'edited version' of Jon Grey's "Two Elviras" last Halloween, in case anyone wants to take a look:

Anyhow, let me know if that's something you'd be okay with!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:28:11 PM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline ninjoe42

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Re: In Defense
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2024, 07:40:14 PM »
I just came across this story!!!! All I can say is that it is a masterpiece!!!!!!! Like Tiffany in the BFS series or Fleur in the TA series Grace's character totally intrigues me!!!! I truly hope that inspiration strikes and another chapter is created!!!!! I sooo want to know how Grace's senior year will be affected after this devastating defeat!!!! To the author, great story and stay safe!!!

Sir! You humble me my including my name in the same sentence as those masters!

If you liked that one check out the earlier one I did too, might be up your alley.

I have to concur with Reddd here; the character of Grace is indeed a fascinating one, and bears a significant resemblance to Fleur and Tiffany. It's a shame this appears to be her only appearance so far - the story badly deserves a sequel, maybe even an entire series if you have the time and energy, lol!

As proof of this story's enormous potential, and as long as it's okay with you, the author, I thought I could post here my 'expanded & embellished' personal edit of "In Defense"? (I've made a habit of saving particularly interesting works on my hard drive for safe-keeping, and sometimes like to make minor additions and alterations of my own to those copies, for my own enjoyment. This particular piece, due to just how intriguing the setting, the plot and the characters you've created are, has received a rather extensive treatment over the years. I've also posted a similarly 'edited version' of Jon Grey's "Two Elviras" last Halloween, in case anyone wants to take a look:

Anyhow, let me know if that's something you'd be okay with!

By all means! I'd be honored for real. I'm an actual author with deadlines, so I haven't had time to write for fun in quite a while.


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Re: In Defense
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2024, 07:50:08 AM »
By all means! I'd be honored for real. I'm an actual author with deadlines, so I haven't had time to write for fun in quite a while.

Oh, I fully understand your pickle... I've been all too busy with my day-job as well, and seem to lack the inspiration and energy to start any new chapters of TA or BFS Tribute. And Jon Grey isn't doing any better. Luckily, making small tweaks to existing stories is much less time-consuming, and represents a far lower 'hurdle' to clear.

Anyhow, here goes:

Augur's "edited, expanded & embellished" version of
In Defense
by ninjoe42

Beth found herself in a dangerous situation. She had moved to a new high school in her senior year and was alone, precarious enough for any teenager. But as soon as she walked past the young woman she would soon learn was named Natalie, she knew she was in trouble. Natalie exuded an aura of confidence and menace. She was a shark that walked the halls of the school. And when she laid eyes on Beth for the first time, she saw prey. The first time Beth saw Natalie, she had been distracted by her enormous chest and, frankly, obscene cleavage. She had looked up and made eye contact with the girl as they passed each other in the halls, and instantly known that something dreadful was going to come of it. Natalie's smooth dark brown hair and powerful, shapely frame dwarfed Beth's C-cup chest and slim figure, so she knew already in advance how things would likely end. She just wanted it over with.

Beth had asked around and learned that Natalie was a bully of the highest order. She used her chest to intimidate and boss other girls around, and the few girls who had stood up to her had either gotten their asses kicked, had been flattened in a titfight, or had been fucked near to death in a sexfight. Though only the first two tended to take place in public, Natalie apparently had a personal preference for sexually dominating those who tried to defy her. And given her fit yet dangerously curvaceous physique, as well as her raw, natural erotic prowess, the resulting action was usually quite lopsided. The girl not only looked like a succubus, she apparently also fucked like one. The only saving grace they had was... well, Grace.

Grace was the perfect blonde Barbie-doll head cheerleader of the school, the one that proved stereotypes exist for a reason. Her amazing, sporty but at the same time highly feminine figure was widely envied by her female classmates, as were her wavy, golden curls, which framed the girl's cute, almost model-pretty face. Though not quite as eye-poppingly voluptuous as Natalie, the blonde's athletic curves never failed to turn heads as she traipsed through the hallways. She was hot stuff, and everyone knew it.

Natalie and Grace had never tangled, as far as anyone knew anyway, but Grace's bombshell figure was apparently impressive and threatening enough to keep Natalie from running completely rampant. For her part, Grace didn't interfere too heavily in Natalie's predations, either, stepping in only to stop the worst of the abuses, which suggested that the blonde was likely also wary of Natalie's power. Then again, she would've needed to be blind not to have been.

Beth's fact-finding had gotten around, and some of the girls had assured her that Grace would keep an eye out for her. But after a gym class, which coincided with the last period of the day, Beth found herself wondering what that was actually worth. She had been cornered by Natalie when she was slow to change and leave. The overly well-endowed brunette had walked up to her, wearing a bra that accentuated her already incredible bust to near-mythic levels, and had thrust them out into Beth's face while making small talk the way that bullies do.

"Make any friends yet, new girl? Any good buddies?" Beth found it almost impossible not to look at the immense valley of cleavage in front of her, they were just so big! She had a desire to touch them, to just experience them in some way. They looked so powerful and commanding. They were beyond gorgeous.

"N-no, not yet... I have to go, excuse me." Beth muttered as she tried to slip past Natalie, but was blocked by an arm that shot out like a punch. Beth jumped at the crash when Natalie's arm hit the lockers.

"Bailing out so soon!? And after ogling me like that? That's real rude, ginger. You're not trying to make an enemy of me are you? You want to be my friend, right?" Natalie licked her lips. Aside from those huge, magnificent breasts, the brunette's full hips, long, luscious legs and thick and meaty butt made the girl look like a veritable goddess of sex.

Beth sighed. Her dignity wouldn't let her capitulate, to just fold without any semblance of a fight. She decided that she needed to take her whupping like a woman, regardless of what it meant. She pulled her shirt off and exposed her own baby blue push-up bra. She was proud of her tits. They weren't very big, but they were round, perky and firm, and exceptionally cute. Guys certainly seemed to think that they looked nice. She thrust them out towards Natalie, taking a deep breath and inflating her chest to maximum level. Which, due to her otherwise slender physique, did make her appear at least moderately busty.

"Listen, bitch. I know who you are, and I know what you're doing. I'm not gonna be your friend. And I'm not gonna be your doormat, either. You wanna tangle, fine. Let's just do it and get this over with."

Natalie was frozen in shock for a moment. It was obvious that she hadn't expected the thin, quiet newcomer to stand her ground. But then she snapped into action, moving like lightning. She yanked Beth's girly-looking bra up, the sudden move causing the redhead's pert, round tits to jiggle as they sprang out. Beth shrieked in surprise, and Natalie reached up as she twisted the clasp on the front of her own bra. The dark-haired girl's enormous boulder-like tits seemed to explode outward like two cannonballs, popping free with a supple, exceedingly pliant bounce that belied their substantial size and weight. Beth's eyes widened at the sight of the girl's bared breasts - they were so huge, and so perfect! Despite their obvious heft, they sat high on Natalie's chest, looking full, firm and beautiful. No, majestic. They seemed to feature precious little sag, and maintained a shape that was very similar to Beth's. Only they were several cup sizes bigger! Natalie's nipples were hard and long, and the entire rack just commanded your respect and admiration. Beth was already reeling from Natalie's speed and bust, and barely heard Natalie when she spoke.

"How DARE you point those tiny bumps at me, bitch?! Are you fucking dumb?! Have you SEEN me?! You really want to titfight THESE?!"

"No." replied Beth quietly, realizing the trouble she was in. She had both won and lost titfights before - her old school was no stranger to them - but the losses never really bothered her. She wasn't nearly big enough to be a juggernaut anyway, and at her size the competitions were just for pride or bragging rights, maybe an occasional challenge over a boyfriend, but certainly never about queen bee level of status.

"Well too late, slut!" Out of nowhere, Natalie thrust her chest into Beth's, and the redhead got the wind knocked out of her by the impact. Her back immediately hit the lockers, but she counter-thrust her own, nice and round but suddenly rather petite-looking breasts out to meet Natalie's next drive. The results were immediate.

She didn't stand a chance. Thanks to her above average firmness, Beth had never been knocked out of a titfight on first contact before. But Natalie's incredible tits seemed to overwhelm her set almost straight away. Those two huge, unyielding globes slammed against Beth's with tremendous force, and the redhead could only groan as she felt her young, tightly-packed boobmeat compress and get displaced. The pressure was unbelievable. Beth looked down, watching in stunned amazement how her pert boobs slowly disappeared beneath a mass of titflesh, struggling and failing to maintain their shape against the invading avalanche of boob. Through their sheer size, weight and density, the other girl's thick, massive orbs appeared to be trying to simply steamroll her own pair flat, and were threatening to pancake Beth's supple breasts right against her chest. The redhead desperately tried to arch her back and counter with some shoving of her own, but it was of little use. Her boobs' resistance was melting away, and fast. She could feel her badly strained breastmeat already starting to spread across her own chest, gently oozing out to the sides as it made way for the rivaling set. The space between their busts was being decisively overtaken by Natalie's much bigger tits, which were eclipsing Beth's once-round C-cups more and more obviously by the second. The redhead moaned at the uncomfortable yet also oddly arousing sensation, as well as the humiliation of being so utterly dominated.

"Boom! Another flat bitch! Just like that! Isn't that what you wanted, you tiny-titted whore?!" Natalie leaned back and grabbed Beth's shoulders, pinning the slim girl to the lockers. She swung her enormous tits back and forth, smashing them into Beth's and pummeling the redhead's visibly outmatched boobs with every swing. The smaller girl howled as she tried to thrust back, but it only made the pain worse. Soon, she had to cup her hands around her tender, reddening tits to protect them from further abuse, but Natalie simply aimed higher, and began to slam her huge, heavy breasts into Beth's face instead. With a cackle, she started to smother the stunned redhead while shimmying back and forth. Natalie moaned while she continued her assault, with a rhythmic series of wet, meaty smacks and thuds accompanying her aroused moans.

"God I love breaking small-tit sluts like you! Can you feel my big boobies, bitch? How heavy and firm they are?! So much better than your weak little pillows! These are fucking queen bee titties, bitch! They own you! I'm gonna make you suck these big titties so hard!"

The domination, pain, and humiliation was starting to get to Beth, and she was getting seriously turned on from it. A part of her wanted to submit so she could start pleasuring these incredible, divine tits. But before she could do that, she heard someone shout; a muffled cry just barely audible through the huge, meaty breasts covering her face.

Natalie pulled back and released Beth from her fleshy prison, leaving the light-headed redhead gasping for breath. There, at the end of the row of lockers, was the legendary Grace. Standing with her taut, strong-looking thighs spread and hands on her hips like some superhero, the blonde's own massive breasts were already out in the open, as if challenging any woman to try and match them.

Few could hope to succeed at that, Beth thought. They looked amazing. Perfect, even. All of Grace did, in fact. Even among hot and shapely high school cheerleaders, the blonde managed to stand out as the most attractive. She was very, very good-looking.

"No picking on new girls, Nat." Grace commanded, straight and to the point. Natalie growled and rolled her eyes.

"Ugh! Come on Grace, don't you have something better to do? This bitch challenged me, I'm just defending myself over here!"

"Somehow, I doubt that..."

Shaking her head slightly, Grace began marching towards the bully, who immediately squared up and thrust her own chest out, not backing down an inch. Despite her thick and ample curves, Natalie's waist was quite slim, almost uncommonly narrow, giving the brunette highly pronounced hourglass proportions. Her body also looked surprisingly solid for someone so voluptuous, with only a bit of sexy jiggling in the right places, and it was obvious that the brunette kept in shape. She wasn't as visibly sporty or fit as the head cheerleader of course, but definitely didn't look like a slouch, either.

Seeing the brunette's imposingly curvaceous physique in its full glory was often enough to make any potential challengers reconsider their options, Beth had learned. But to her relief, it didn't seem like Grace was so easily swayed. She continued to approach Natalie with steady steps, and didn't look too concerned about the danger she might be placing herself in. Then again, few girls had bodies that could rival the brunette's - Grace being a rare exception.

"Why don't you put those away, Nat, and just go home?" The blonde half-asked, half ordered, her strikingly blue eyes glued onto Natalie's darker counterparts. "She's only a skinny little redhead. Pretty cute, I'll admit, but nowhere near your weight class. Hardly worth your time."

Cute? Had Grace really called her cute? Beth could feel her face starting to burn up, but her attention was quickly diverted to more pressing matters. With all three girls standing only a few feet apart from each other, she could now see both immense pairs of tits fully bared, and up close and personal. The brunette's large nipples were hard and protruding, and the blonde's slightly shorter counterparts looked no less turgid. From her vantage point, at this point-blank range, Beth could tell that Natalie's set was definitely a little bigger. Her rounder, fuller boobs were high and powerful, while Grace's breasts seemed a bit more sloped and pointy at the tip, but they also looked dangerous, beautiful, and impossibly firm. She felt the same desire to serve them that she felt for Natalie's. To see two pairs of incredible tits at the same time was mind-boggling to her. The idea of them actually fighting over her made her heart race.

"No, I don't think I will..." said Natalie, slowly, as she stared back at the blonde in pure defiance. "In fact, I'm almost glad you're here. Soon enough you'll be going to some fancy Ivy League school, and I've been wanting to make sure we both know where things stand between us."

Grace swallowed and thrust her chest out more, meeting Natalie's intense, smoldering gaze with a steely look of her own.

"You sure you wanna do this, Nat? You really want to put those big things on the line against mine? You know there'll be no going back. Once my tits pop those overinflated jugs of yours, everyone will know that mine are better, forever."

Natalie ran her hands over her tits and tweaked her nipples lazily. "Oh, we'll see about that... if you're woman enough to face me. Aren't you curious? Even a little bit? Don't you want to know how bad my bigger, better boobs will squish yours? You do know I'm gonna flatten and dom you, right?"

Grace began matching Natalie's handiwork over her own orbs, lifting and shaking her tits in an effort to intimidate the dark-haired girl in front of her. "Sure, you might be able to break me, I know that. If anyone in this school can, it's you. But on other hand, if there's anyone here that can finally put those big balloons in their place, and pound your precious rack to mush, it's me..." the blonde trailed off, a distinctive warning edge to her voice.

Natalie laughed and stepped closer to Grace, the girls' stiff, engorged nipples hovering only inches apart. To Beth, it seemed like the blonde's slightly smaller and more conically shaped breasts might've sat just a hint higher on her chest than Natalie's bigger, fuller and more rounded boobs did. But the dark-haired girl also appeared to be just a tad taller than the blonde cheerleader was, so their tips met at almost the exact same level. In terms of their general physiques, Natalie looked both a bit heavier and more voluptuous, while Grace's body was more toned, featuring plenty of visible muscle definition, and her curves didn't fall far behind her rival's, either. The blonde's finely sculpted ass, in particular, was the stuff of legends; almost as big as the brunette's, and every bit as attractive. Of course, the exact same thing could be said about their breasts.

To Beth, both girls looked absolutely sizzling hot. Two gorgeous young babes of the highest order. Every guy in the school, and quite a few of the girls, too, openly lusted after them - and with good reason.

"Go on, then. Bust my big titties with your perfect barbie boobs. Flatten me, Gracie. Crush my jugs, make me say yours are better... if you can." The dark-haired teen's smirk was mean and predatory, and her tone left no doubts as to whether the words had been intended as a threat or not.

The resulting silence was so charged and intense that Beth wanted to scream. She was enraptured by this imminent clash of titans. She had never been present for a queen battle before, and her body was electrified at the mere idea. She mentally urged them to leap forward, and prayed that neither girl would back down.

She would not be disappointed.

With two simultaneous shouts, Natalie and Grace came together in a sudden but forceful head-to-head ram. Four enormous breasts crashed together, and both females grunted in pain as their prodigious tits collided and compressed against one another. They quickly began maneuvering and swinging their big, dense breasts at each other, trying to out-box the other. Beth was astounded by their speed and technique; it was obvious that both girls were true expert titfighters. She watched in stunned arousal as Grace threw rapid jabs into Natalie's tits, the head cheerleader's sloped, slightly pointy-tipped breasts punching into them and causing Natalie to let out tiny shrieks as her magnificent boobs were penetrated, the blonde's dense breastmeat appearing to dent their fleshier rivals in a decidedly unpleasant manner. Beth also watched how Natalie threw retaliatory haymaker slams against Grace's tight, perky tits, the heavy blows from her large, meaty globes sending the blonde's best assets flying around her chest, and causing the busty cheerleader to groan in pain as she felt her breasts get rocked violently with each impact.

Apparently deciding that she didn't really want to be caught in a full-out boob-bashing contest against a set as huge and heavy as the one she was now facing, at least not this early on into the fight, Grace made her move. She grabbed Natalie's shoulders and began pulling, the toned muscles in the blonde's lean, smooth arms bulging visibly from the exertion. Beth watched the cheerleader bring and force their torsos directly together, the girls' big, meaty boobs meeting tip-to-tip as they mashed tightly into each other. This close and confined embrace pitted Grace and Natalie's breasts against one another in a distinctly intimate-looking struggle, and the lack of space for jabbing or slamming meant that any tricks or tactics would play a very limited role. It was now all about the clash of breast-tissue versus breast-tissue; a simple, primitive test of raw boob quality.

The girls wore on their faces identical, strained grimaces, both using their arms to squeeze and pull their rival more tightly into the already close hug. Neither fighter could fully muffle the grunts and groans that left their lips with each incremental surge in pressure, though they were careful not to break eye contact with their opponent, and risk showing even hint of weakness. Beth, however, didn't have to worry about that. She watched greedily how the girls' large, powerful breasts continued to compress and balloon out, two masses of firm, thick boobmeat gradually reshaping as they struggled to press their opposition backwards.

Beth looked on in rapt attention as the blonde's pert, slightly conical tits appeared to slowly sink into the centers of Natalie's bigger globes, gradually starting to force their way into dark-haired girl's pride and joy. Beth glanced up briefly, taking in the cheerleader's tense but confident grimace as Grace kept up the pressure, squeezing hard while she tried to work her big, solid orbs deeper into the glorious mounds before her. Her rival resisted fiercely even as the blonde kept drilling her boobs into the larger-chested girl's bountiful assets, piercing Natalie's thick flesh over and over again. Natalie grunted and cursed in pain, clearly not liking her new predicament one bit, but couldn't seem to find a way to dislodge Grace's hold. The brunette's head rolled back, and her eyes closed in clearly discernible agony.

"Ohhhh gawwwd!! How fucking firm are your boobs!?! Ahhhh, you bitch! Those fuckers are harder than fucking iron! Ohhhh ffffuccckkkk! Get those fucking steel balls off my tits!"

Beth could feel her jaw slacken a bit as she stared at the scene. Natalie's grunts turned into gurgles as her ample breasts seemed to be slowly getting pulverized, the blonde's somewhat smaller yet also perkier, undeniably firm-looking tits appearing to burrow their way deep into the rivaling breast-tissue, and spearing the dark-haired girl's majestic, huge globes with their superior density.

Beth carefully crept closer to the action and watched how Natalie's full orbs bent inward with each thrust, loving the sight of Grace's tits puncturing the integrity of those round, powerful mammaries. The blonde cheerleader seemed to be almost pumping her boobs into Natalie's strained titmeat, drilling her more pointed breasts into them center-to-center, and making the dark-haired girl's massive, proud globes morph deliciously around her own tits with each shove and pistoning movement. The breathless groans coming from the bigger-chested female confirmed the approach's effectiveness.

But inevitably, the tables turned, as they always do. Despite her obvious athleticism, Gracie's stamina still had its limits, and she could not maintain the physically taxing assault forever. The blonde's arms, as fit and toned as they were, slowly began to shake with the effort of maintaining her hold, allowing her beleaguered - and visibly irate - opponent to forcibly muscle her way out of the embrace at long last. Quickly making good use of her wide hips and thicker, more curvaceous frame, Natalie was then able to force Grace back into the lockers, and finally go onto the offensive herself.

With a little more room to maneuver, Natalie started swinging her tits wildly into Grace's, who, her back pinned against cool metal, had no way to answer the swings but to meet them stubbornly. The busty blonde looked down and moaned as her tits were bounced and pummeled by Natalie's violent assault.

"Unnnhhhh they're so fucking big and heavy! Fffuccckkkk me those tits hurt like hell! They feel like fucking boulders, fuck!"

Beth got closer to the action again, and found that she loved seeing Grace's tits get pounded just as much as she liked seeing Natalie's set get speared. The way the blonde's firm, perky boobs jiggled on her chest and deformed to the power and size of Natalie's mammoth jugs was intoxicating to watch.

Grace shoved with all her might and sent Natalie back into the opposing row of lockers. The girls paused and each ran their hands over their tits, soothing the ache.

"We both know who's losing, don't we, bitch?" asked Grace.

"Yeah, I think we do." answered Natalie with a nod. "Why don't we just fucking finish it, then?"

"Yeah," agreed Grace. "Let's fucking finish this."

They charged at each other and slammed their racks forward, chest-to-chest. A loud and distinctly meaty 'smack' echoed off the locker walls, that titanic impact causing both girls to howl and groan as they felt their large, mighty breasts spread out and mold around their rivals. But each female recovered almost immediately and began swinging their tits into the rival pair, meeting the other's attacks blow-for-blow. Natalie and Grace groaned, cursed and screamed, shrieking in pain and frustration as neither their opponent nor their opponent's boobs seemed willing to submit, despite their best efforts. They went at it for a good while, with each girl continuing to slam, bash and ram her boobs against the other's unyielding set. Ultimately, it seemed to Beth like the duo finally started running out of steam, and the action slowly evolved from violent pounding into more of a wrestling type engagement, with wide haymakers giving way to intimate close-quarters boob-grinding.

It took a few more minutes of big tits rubbing against big tits before Beth noticed a change in the fighters' demeanor. Curious, she leaned in for a better look. It hadn't been just her imagination. She could tell that one pair of tits was at long last starting to dominate its rivals. The other set of breasts seemed to be losing its firmness more rapidly, its inner tissue suddenly loosening up as it began to morph more and more with every thrust and grind, bending to the pressure from the opposing bust. The owner of that now noticeably more pliable rack was forced to take a step back as she sought to give her softening boobs some respite, perhaps hoping to catch a second wind so that she could turn things back around. But it wasn't to be.

Beth was enthralled, watching a pair of tits so glorious, so perfect and powerful, succumbing to its betters. Thick, dense breastmeat gradually wilting and breaking down, its prized resilience slowly fading away as it surrendered to an even more dominant set of jugs. The rattled girl's back hit the lockers, and she was left vulnerable to her rival's continued onslaught of intimate, grinding boob-bumps that caused the loser's increasingly malleable titflesh to wave and wobble all across her chest, unable to resist the opposing mass of boobmeat any longer. The fight paused, and the girls stared into each others' eyes in silence. Both still wore defiant expressions on their faces.

"Well?" Grace hissed.

"Well what, bitch?" asked Natalie, with a growl.

"Let's fucking finish this," demanded Grace. Her arms went down by her sides as she pressed them against the cold lockers, leaving her tenderized, unmistakably sore-looking tits defenseless. Natalie roared in triumph and proceeded to do exactly that, gleefully obliterating what remained of Beth's savior while the slender redhead watched on. Grace's look of defiance never left her pretty face, not even when Natalie turned the blonde's formerly perfect tits so loose and pliable that she was able to lift them with her own, and point the beaten cheerleader's nipples straight up at her face.

"Say it, bitch!" Natalie hissed as her bigger, better jugs pinned Grace's vanquished breasts against the blonde's chest.

"Your big, gorgeous tits are better, Nat. I knew the minute they hit mine that I was going to lose to you. They've always been bigger and stronger than my pretender boobs. You pounded me to mush, Nat. You have the best rack."

Natalie grabbed the beautiful, busty cheerleader by her hair, and pulled her head down. "Goddamn right! Now lick your own titties, you saggy bitch!"

Grace's tender, thoroughly ruined boobs were pinned so high up her chest that she was able to reach down and tongue her still-hard nipples. Her eyes were glaring up at Natalie's the entire time, though, and the dark-haired girl noticed it. She stepped back, releasing Grace's conquered tits, and pulled her to the side, toward the bench that ran between the lockers. The blonde allowed herself to be moved - she knew her place as a defeated whore, but her defiance was still palpable. Natalie laid the curvy, athletic girl down onto her back on the bench and mounted her pussy with her own.

"Woah! What the fu-AAH!" Grace screamed as Natalie's dripping-wet pussy met her own, equally soaked pussy, and began riding and grinding on it. Beth couldn't help but stare, the brunette's big, meaty ass cheeks bouncing and jiggling deliciously as she picked up her pace. Natalie's butt wasn't as tight or toned as cheerleader's, but had a very appealing, fertile and bulbous shape, and definitely looked attractive. Real damn attractive.

"I'm the fucking queen bitch! I'm the fucking queen bitch! Feel my big boss clit you whore!" Natalie screamed at Grace and fucked the shit out of her, the dark-haired girl's magnificent, shapely body writhing above the blonde's now prone figure, looking like a very thick and extremely sensuous constrictor snake.

"Oh god..." whispered Beth, who was now dizzy with lust and fingering her clit frantically, torturing her own nipples with her free hand. Acting on pure instinct, she darted forward and captured one of Natalie's huge, bouncing breasts into her mouth, starting to suckle on it desperately. The dark-haired teen put a hand to the back of Beth's head and pushed the redhead's face deeper into her warm tits, taking her prize from both of her conquests at once.

Grace's look of defiance wavered as she felt her pussy get assaulted with an incredible level of sexual power, but soon that defiance turned to astonishment and fear as her screams started to peak. To describe the scene as deeply arousing would have been an understatement, the blonde's svelte, exquisite 18-year-old cheerleader's body trembling from a sensory overload the likes of which it had never experienced before.

"MY CLIT! Ohhh gaaawwdd, bitch, you broke my pussy! Fuck! Oh fuck it's so good! Your clit is the boss clit! Your clit is the boss clit!!!! Holy shit Nat, you're taking me apar-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!"

Fear was replaced by nothingness as the shrieking, spasming blonde was driven over the edge, her mind and body completely overwhelmed by an intense wave of bliss. Grace's eyes rolled to the back of her head as the tremendous, body-shakingly powerful orgasm hit her with full force, the blonde's conquered pussy spraying its juices all over Natalie's. As Beth watched her would-be savior get her brains fucked out, totally surrendering to the busty brunette above her, she started to cum herself, moaning and screaming into Natalie's big, round tit while she stroked her own clit at a feverish pace.

"Cum for me, you beaten sluts! Cum hard for your queen!" shouted Natalie, her slightly breathless voice high-pitched and hoarse with need. As Grace started cumming beneath her again, Natalie rolled the cheerleader's sleek, taut legs up over her head and began fucking her pussy like an amazon would, her powerful, primally aggressive thrusts rocking the blonde's gorgeous body and causing the girl to yelp and mewl in tandem with the movements. As Natalie leaned down to bring her face closer to Grace's, her large, heavy tits fell upon the blonde's softened counterparts, flattening them yet again, this time without much discernible resistance.

"Take it, bitch! Feel my pussy conquer yours! Take it, take it, take it!" Natalie growled at the head cheerleader's spasming body below her, lancing Grace's beaten clit with her own. Natalie grabbed the toned, visibly sporty-looking blonde by her hair and continued to fuck her with wild abandon, somewhow managing to quicken her already rapid pace in a sudden rush. She pumped and ground her crotch into the blonde's, harder and faster, until she herself started cumming against her long-time nemesis' perfect body. She orgasmed like an amazon as well, roaring through gritted teeth and grunting as she finished herself off on Grace's pussy.

A post-orgasmic quiet settled over the three of them, with only the sounds of panting and whimpering breaking the silence. Natalie, her exceedingly curvaceous physique glowing with perspiration and heat, was lounging satedly on top of the now-vanquished cheerleader, tracing lazy circles across her victim's bare skin while she caught her breath.

"Mmm, quite the body you've got here, Gracie, gotta give you that," the dark-haired succubus murmured. She smirked a bit as she brought her mouth to her rival's left breast, sticking out her tongue and giving it a quick, sultry lick. The blonde made a sharp gasp and shuddered beneath her, causing Natalie's grin to widen. She licked her lips seductively, and then wrapped them around the cheerleader's stiff, hardened nipple, proceeding to start sucking softly on it. Grace's moan was as lustful as it was pathetic.


"Hah, what a slut. You're way too easy," the curvy teenage temptress declared, snickering down at the beaten cheerleader. "You do look the part, Gracie, but having just a great body ain't enough. I bet half the girls on your team could tame you in the sack. Danielle definitely would."

"She's quite feisty, that one," Natalie added as she leaned back and slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, straddling the blonde's hips possessively. "Gave my pussy a proper workout. Way better between the sheets than you are. And almost as stacked."

Natalie dismounted Grace without further ceremony and began to gather her clothes. The shivering, visibly shell-shocked blonde continued to lie on her back with one arm draped over her face, and the other cupping her big, tenderized breast. She was panting and mewling weakly, sounding every bit the broken woman she looked. A few feet over, Beth was leaning against the lockers, slowly stroking her clit and trying to mentally recover from what had just happened.

Natalie looked like she was about to leave, but then suddenly seemed to notice Beth again, almost like she had completely forgotten that the redhead was even in the room. Which she probably had. She walked over and roughly put two fingers up inside the slender girl's soaking-wet pussy, making her moan and lifting her up on her toes. Beth's mouth hung open and her eyes went wide as Natalie finger-fucked her, hard and fast, stroking her g-spot expertly. The thin redhead moved to grab Natalie's arm to make her stop, but the intense, brain-addling pleasure prevented her from actually doing anything. Just as Beth was about to cum, which embarrassingly only took a few seconds, Natalie released her and let the oversexed redhead fall down to the ground with an outraged cry. Not appearing fazed in the least, Natalie began to walk towards the door, only pausing for a second to twist Grace's nipple as she passed the still-shivering, audibly randy girl.

"Good fight, slut. Almost caused me to break a sweat. You'll make a decent sparring partner for some mid-level sorority babe, no doubt. Hopefully she'll train you to finally offer some competition in the sack, too."

"If you ever want to get those pert things flattened again, just let me know. I'd love to squash them in front of a proper crowd, next time."

"Be seeing ya 'round, bitches."

With one last dismissive wave, the shapely, dark-haired teenager strutted off, Natalie's mouth curling into a smug smirk as she left her two reeling victims to gather their wits.

Beth's body was burning with unspent lust, and she could see that Grace was also starting to absently stroke her own clit while still lying on the bench. Ahh fuck it, Beth decided. The redhead began rubbing her pussy as she sat on the floor, moaning softly. Grace looked over at her, and the two held each others' gazes for a moment. Coming to the same conclusion as the redhead, the blonde started squeezing and kneading her right, visibly discolored tit in her free hand, quietly groaning at the pain that had to be emanating from her sore-looking mammary. They watched each other touch and pleasure themselves, spurred on by the depravity of it all.

"That bitch broke my big, perky tits pretty good, didn't she?" moaned Grace, idly tweaking one engorged nipple between her fingers, while her other hand kept up a steady rhythm between her taut legs. Despite their unmistakably athletic, even muscular appearance, the blonde's well-built gems seemed to be quivering a fair bit, Beth noticed. She let out a shuddering breath of her own.

"Oh fuck yeah she did..." Beth admitted readily. "I watched her pummel and flatten your perfect boobs!" They both groaned as the dirty-talk was returned, and began pleasuring themselves faster, moaning more and more loudly.

"You liked watching me get beaten? Seeing my rack just ooze around hers? Like you enjoyed worshipping those huge, firm tits?" moaned Grace, twisting her nipples.

"Yes! Oh fuck yes! Her tits are so fucking gorgeous. And so fucking powerful. She turned your amazing titties to mush like they were nothing. Just pounded them flat. And she beat my tits, too! She owned both our tits, she fucking squashed us!" They both moaned again, never taking their eyes off each other.

"She fucked you real good, too," rasped Beth, her voice low and rough from arousal. "Did she break your clit? Did she conquer you with her stronger, better pussy?!"

"Oh FUCK!" Grace moaned louder, approaching climax, "She fucking destroyed me! She took me apart! She fucking made me her bitch! AAAAAH!" Grace started cumming as the sheer eroticism of dirty-talking her own humiliating defeat to another girl overwhelmed her. Beth joined the blonde as she began cumming as well, squeezing her own breast and reliving her brief domination in the hands - or tits - of that same teenage juggernaut.

Having reached their badly-needed releases, they both went limp and panted for a while, allowing clarity to slowly return to their lust-addled minds.

"Fuck..." breathed Grace as she ran her left hand through the curls of her mussed blonde mane. "My boyfriend's gonna fuck my brains out when I tell him about this... Hearing about my wins always gets him going, I can't even imagine how hard he's gonna be tonight..."

"You okay, Beth?"

"Yeah. I've been beaten before."

"Well, I have too, but only rarely... and never like THAT!" Grace huffed as she sat up and ran her hands over her body. Beth didn't even try not to stare, stunned by how amazing the blonde looked, even in defeat. Or maybe especially in defeat? Either way, Grace looked absolutely smoking hot. So fucking hot.

"Thank god I'll be going to college soon, Nat's gonna be intolerable after this..." the cheerleader sighed, shaking her head. "God, her tits were freaking unstoppable!"

"Yeah," agreed Beth. "Hopefully she'll leave me alone..." the redhead murmured as she hopped to her feet and started dressing herself again.

"Oh, don't you worry about that," Grace gave a little chuckle. "I think I know who's going to be her prime target for a while... She's got several years' worth of frustration to take out on me, and a rematch would likely go the same way."

"Likely? But not definitely?" Beth asked, her tone curious. "So you might be able to beat her?"

Grace made a small shrug. "Well, yeah, sure. It's not like it's a done deal or anything. I mean... don't get me wrong, she's got an insanely good rack, no doubt about that. But my boobs DID give her a lot of trouble, and even had those monster jugs on the ropes for a while. With a bit of luck, and as long as I can keep boob-boxing to a minimum, I reckon there's a decent enough chance mine could get hers back..." the blonde mused, pursing her lips and tilting her head slightly as she, too, finally got up and began to look for her clothes.

"But I wouldn't particularly fancy my odds in a rematch. I've fought lots of girls, flattened nearly all of 'em, and not one has had tits like those. The bitch is SERIOUSLY stacked."

"Ugh, you're telling me... she pretty much crushed me in one shove," Beth grimaced. "I know my boobs aren't in the same league as yours, but that's still a first for me... Usually I can at least put up some kind of a fight."

"No need to sweat it, Beth, you've got a perfectly nice set. Trust me, I can tell. I'm something of a pro," the blonde guffawed, a friendly smile playing on her lips as she glanced down at the other girl's sore, reddened bust. It was a fair bit smaller than her own, but didn't seem to sag nearly as much as the blonde's loosened teats did just then. "You were just unfortunate enough to bump into Miss Titty Destroyer 9000. Could've happened to anyone."

"I guess... Just my usual luck," the redhead sighed, making a face. She lifted her girlish baby blue push-up bra to her sore breasts carefully and reached behind to clasp it on - only to find that the other girl had beaten her to it.

"Mmmhmm, tell me about it," Grace muttered wistfully as she closed the redhead's clasp for her. "But if you want, I could always give you a few extra pointers... Maybe even some private tutoring?" she offered, her tone soft and tentative. "I mean, not right now, obviously - it's gonna be a while before my boobs have healed enough to even think about putting them against another set."

Beth's rapid and enthusiastic nodding caused the blonde to crack a smile. "Good. That's settled, then. Hit me up next weekend, and we'll see if my puppies are ready for a bit of close quarters grinding. No slamming or bashing, though - that rack of yours looks pretty firm, and I'd hate to get flattened twice in a row. That'd be a serious blow to my ego, you know..." Grace added conspiratorially, though her smirk betrayed a good deal of playfulness.

"Deal!" Beth exclaimed, her face flushing at the mental image of her boobs mashing against the blonde's big, perfect breasts. She could picture their flesh ebbing and flowing sensuously, waving back and forth with each thrust as the two sets strained to displace each other. Grace's pretty mouth opening slowly into a silent moan as Beth's tits crept forward, advancing ever-so-slightly towards her territory, and causing the cheerleader's round, insanely sexy globes to begin spilling out...

Beth swallowed. She had a hard time believing this was real. That she was actually going to get to rub tits with the gorgeous blonde bombshell. In private. And under conditions where she might, however improbably, have some a remote chance of grinding the busty goddess out. Beth managed to resist the temptation to pinch herself, but just barely.

Grace didn't seem to notice the redhead's excited fidgeting, or if she did, she at least hid it well. Given the current state of her own, totally wiped out and exceedingly tender-looking set, the blonde quickly abandoned the idea of even trying to put on a bra, and threw a loose gym hoodie over her head instead. She would have to be careful not to make any sudden movements in it, but the garment should otherwise prove quite comfortable. Way less painful to wear than a bra, anyway.

The girls walked out of the locker room together, making small-talk and sharing experiences, and even comparing notes on some of their past opponents. So began a long and pleasant relationship.

« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 08:57:31 AM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

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