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Hyrulean Training: Link vs Zelda

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Offline Dragneel27

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Hyrulean Training: Link vs Zelda
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:29:28 AM »
Link was stirred from his slumber by the sound of Zelda gasping softly. He sat up to see her reading by candlelight at the desk near the top of the stairs. The girl in question was too engrossed in her book to notice him stirring. As he approached her, he noticed her eyes scanning the pages at Mach speed, her face noticeably red even in the light of the flames. She only wore a blue tunic that belonged to Link, long enough to come down to her thighs. This made her squirming easy to see, her bare thighs rubbing against each other, and her toes curled as if in anticipation. When the Princess heard the creaking of the floorboards, she immediately slammed her book shut and held it close to her chest before turning towards Link.

“Link!” She gasped in exasperation, a nervous smile plastered on her face. “Did I wake you? I’m so sorry! I will keep it down now, so why don’t you get some sleep?” Zelda seemed all too eager to hide what she was looking at, piquing Link’s interest. He looked at Zelda with a raised eyebrow before leaning over to get a better look at the book she held so close to her chest.

“No!” she exclaimed, turning swiftly to block his view. This really caught Link’s interest, making him peek around her shoulder to try and look at her prized possession. “Link, please! It’s just a silly romance novel!” Zelda insisted as she turned away from him to shield the book. “There’s no need to see it!” Her growing blush said otherwise, so he kept poking his head around each of her shoulders, making her turn repeatedly before she had enough.

“Okay! Okay!” Zelda sighed in defeat as her knight stood over her. When she turned, Link’s well-defined pecs were merely inches away from his face, causing the princess to stare at them hypnotically. Her gaze ran up and down Link’s body, taking note of his tight shorts around his thighs and crotch, and the lean yet muscular arms resting on her desk and her chair. Eventually, she shook herself back to her senses before continuing.

“How about this?” She proposed while looking up into his eyes. “You have a small hunting trip tomorrow, correct?” Link nodded in response. “Well, if you drop the subject for now, I will tell you about the book tomorrow, is that fair?”.

Link sighed in defeat and nodded, causing Zelda to sigh with relief. As soon as he made his way back to bed, Zelda immediately opened the book back up, resuming her squealing and gasping. Link watched her read for a bit before deciding to lay his head down and go back to sleep.


Link and his hunting group returned to Hateno village with a plethora of game, the men singing his praises for the skill he showed with a bow. When they offered to buy him a drink, he turned them down to go and see Zelda back at his home. He was very concerned about the princess. She had a habit of staying up late at night to work on different projects, a habit he was always concerned about. More than anything, however, he didn’t want her to feel like she had to hide anything from him. Nothing she did could ever change how he felt about her, not even some dirty book.

When he entered the house, the first thing he noticed was that all the furniture had been moved, and in the center of the main room was a blue mat. He looked at it quizzically for a second before walking to the kitchen to drop off some of the meat he obtained from hunting.

“Link, is that you?” Zelda called from the top floor. “How was the trip?” Link let out a grunt, his tone expressing how happy he was with his haul.

“That’s great!” Zelda replied as she came down the stairs. Link came out to meet her at the foot of said stairs and was taken by surprise when he finally laid eyes on her. She wore a two-piece outfit that consisted of light-blue sports bra and black hotpants, the latter seemingly made from some sort of spandex-like material. The garments hugged her body tightly, accentuating her bust and her butt. Her midsection was also left bare and exposed, a sight Link was not used to seeing.

 Zelda had a prominent blush on her face, her green eyes staring at the ground to try and avoid Link’s gaze. She also had the book she was reading last night in her hands, which were crossed over and in front of her lap, where she was twiddling her fingers. Link stared at her briefly with wide eyes before turning his head, his face growing red himself as he rubbed his head.

“It’s….It’s okay, Link…” Zelda uttered as she built up the courage to look at him. “I don’t mind…if you look…” With her reassurance, the knight turned his head back towards her, both Hylians now staring at each other while blushing profusely.

“You…wanted to see this book, right?” Zelda asked as she held out the book in question for him to take, her gaze averted once again. Reluctantly, he took the book from her and began to read it. It had no title on its leather-bound cover, instead he found it on the first page:

The Royal Hyrulean Family’s Guide to Wrestling

“Uuuhh…?” Link gasped in surprise as he looked up at Zelda, who was still too embarrassed to look at him. Link was no stranger to wrestling, it was a small part of his knight training, but to imagine the demure princess doing any of the harsh training he underwent seemed almost impossible. His curiosity got the better of him, and he continued to skim through the book.

Keep your center of gravity low to the ground, making quick takedowns or counters easier if need be. That was solid advice, Link thought.

Moves requiring large feats of strength can be taxing, Use these techniques sparingly. Also good advice.

Targeting an opponent’s crotch is a good way to drain the fight out of them. Wait, what?

Breasts are a common target for wrestlers, keep your arms at shoulder level to guard them.

Arousal can distract an opponent during a fight. If you are successful at arousing them, attack at the most opportune moment.

Torn clothing can not only demoralize a fighter, but it can also make for rudimentary binding material.

What in the world was Zelda reading!, Link thought. Was she sure this wasn’t just smut? The princess could tell what he was thinking, and she sighed.

“I know! I know! I found it appalling at first!” Zelda exclaimed with her hands waving around frantically. “I found it in the castle, and I thought it a sick joke, but the more I read it, the more I was fascinated by all the knowledge it provided!”

Link had closed the book and was now giving Zelda his full and undivided attention, but he continued to show a nervous smile on his face. Zelda was holding her hands behind her back and twiddling her thumbs again as she continued.

“I just….I am always getting saved by people, I want to learn how to protect myself,” Zelda sighed as she hung her head down in shame.  “Can’t you understand?”

Link sighed and nodded, understanding how hard the princess can be on herself. Seeing that brightened her up a bit, which caused her to reach out and grab his hands and hold them.

“Thank you!” she exclaimed, flashing him with her bright white smile before titling her head down again in embarrassment. “N…now that you understand… must realize that I need to practice what I learned….preferably with a sparring partner…”

Link looked at her quizzically before realizing what she was asking. When he did, he shook his head vigorously.

“Please, Link!” Zelda begged, her grip on his hands tightening. “There is no one else I trust enough to do this!” When he shook his head again, she sighed and put her hands on her hips in frustration. “I know you’re supposed to protect me, not hurt me, but wouldn’t teaching me how to fight be the best way to make sure that I am protected, even when you are not around?” Link looked off in thought before nodding reluctantly.

“And furthermore,” Zelda continued. “If you fear hurting me, that is of little concern. I stalked up on healing items today. Besides, after all I have been through, I can handle some pain. Do you think of me as frail?” The hero shook his head again in response, thinking too highly of Zelda to ever have that notion.

“Then what are you worried about?” she huffed before crossing her arms and furrowing her brow. “Are you that afraid of losing to me?” Link let out a snort that he immediately silenced with a hand over his mouth, but it was too late. The princess’s frown turned into a glare as her eyes bore through his head.

“I’m sorry…” she said in a low tone. “Is the idea of me beating you amusing?” Once again, Link shook his head vigorously, arms waving to give the gesture more emphasis.

“So, you do think of me as weak, is that it?!” Zelda continued as she marched towards him, Link backing up until his back hit a wall. Link truly did not think she was weak, not after everything she endured. He just found it hard to believe that studying a dirty wrestling book would put her on par with a knight of his caliber.

The swordsman never got the chance to express that however, as Zelda giggled sinisterly while smiling sweetly, a combination he thought was only reserved for imposters like Phantom Ganons or Yiga clan members.

“How about this…” she began before poking her finger into his chest. “As Princess of Hyrule, I order you to face me in combat, and if you do not oblige, I will simply find a new knight. Do you understand?”

Link did not believe her for a second, but he didn’t want to anger her any further. He sighed and nodded in defeat, brightening up the princess’s face. “Good! Go ahead and get ready upstairs!” She ordered with a smile, Link following her orders with a heavy head.


When Link came back downstairs, Zelda was sitting down and stretching on one corner of the mats, legs splayed out so she could reach forward and touch them. Link got a good view of her bare legs and midriff, along with her cleavage as she bent forward. He tried not to leer at her as she did so, feeling bad about the impure thoughts running through his head. He decided to start stretching himself, mimicking her own position.

He had followed Zelda’s orders and stripped to his bare essentials, his black undergarments that came down to his thighs. Ther were tight but breathable, making movement easy for him. Aside from the hairband holding his hair up in a ponytail, Link wore nothing else, his lean and slightly muscular body on full display. As Link continued to stretch, he looked up to catch another brief glimpse of Zelda, only for his eyes to meet hers, the princess turning away quickly as if she had been caught doing something wrong.

“Okay!” Zelda cleared her throat after she and Link finished stretching. “Here are the rules: We go until one of us surrenders. There will be no scratching, gouging, or anything of the sort. This is just a sparring match, after all”. Link nodded in agreement, turning away and blushing when he realized that he was leering again.

“Well…shall we begin?” Zelda asked, her nervous tone apparent. Both fighters made their way to the mat’s center where they stood at attention and faced each other, their faces nearly identical shades of red. Zelda broke the awkward silence when she held her hand out. “If you truly care about me Link,” she began, “….then don’t hold back, okay?”

Looking into her determined eyes, Link couldn’t help but be moved, grabbing her hand firmly and shaking it with vigor as he nodded his head. Zelda beamed once more before backing away to crouch to a grappling stance. Link mimicked her and extended his arms out just like her.

“Ready…?” The princess began, leaving both fighters on edge for a few moments before she finally shouted: “….Begin!” And so, the two Hylians rushed forward to clasp their hands together in a test of strength. As they pushed against each other, Link was pleasantly surprised by how much force Zelda was exerting, making him grunt with effort.

“Is something….the matter, Link?” Zelda asked between grunts, smirking at Link’s surprised expression. “Did you think I was merely reading all this time?” Before Link could respond, Zelda removed one hand to grab one of Link’s wrists, following it up by turning around and flipping Link over her shoulder in a Judo throw.

“WAAAAHHHH!!!” THUD! Link wailed as he was slammed to the mats, gasping in pain and surprise as the wind was knocked out of him. This surprise allowed the princess to jump and land her thigh across his neck with his arm still in her hand. “ACCCCKKK!!!”

“Sorry Link,” Zelda apologized before positioning her legs across his chest so that his arm was in between them. While her knight was coughing up a storm, Zelda wrenched his arm in an Armbar.

“AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” Link flailed and wiggled under the princess’s weight as she pulled on his arm enthusiastically. He felt as if she was trying to wrench it out of his socket, leaving him with one arm like Ganondorf did.

“Come now, Link!” Zelda grumbled as she looked down on him. “Training is pointless if you don’t put up a fight!” She went back to laying down on the ground while pulling on Link’s arm, his hand resting against her cleavage, much to his embarrassment. Growing tired of her torture, the knight pounded on her legs with a closed fist to get her off.


“OOWWW!!!” Immediately, Zelda reeled back, removing her legs from Link and letting go of his arm to roll over and caress her calf. Link sprang to his feet, ready to fight, but he faltered when he saw the princess lying on the ground in pain. As he worriedly approached her from behind, Zelda turned swiftly to punch him in the nuts.

“OOOOHHHH!!!!” Link keeled over while his mouth formed an ‘o’ shape, caressing his jewels all the while. This allowed Zelda to get up and lock him in a side headlock, choking him out once more. “AACCCKKK!!!”

“Come on, Link!” She grumbled once more before proceeding to punch his face repeatedly. THUD! THUD! THUD! “You said! You wouldn’t! Hold back!”  Each blow was followed by an exasperated remark, making the frustrated Link remove his hands from his testicles to lift Zelda into the air by her thighs.

“Woah!” Zelda exclaimed as she was lifted into the air, stopping her assault momentarily as her knight slowly fell backwards with her in tow.

“Wait, wait, wait!”


“GAAAHHH!!!” Link supplexed her, slamming her back first into the mats as he arched his own. Getting the wind knocked out of her caused the princess to release her hold on the young man, allowing him to get up swiftly in order to elbow drop her on her stomach.

“OOOFFFF!!” Zelda huffed as the air was expelled from her body, eyes going wide from the sudden blow. Before he could roll off her, the young woman lifted her leg up to knee Link in the back of his head.


“AAAAHHHH!!!” This caused him to roll away from Zelda while holding his head in pain, writhing for a little bit before hearing the girl laugh.

“That’s more like it!” Link turned to see Zelda on her knees holding her stomach, her face showing off an excited smile. “Don’t let up, Link!” she encourages as she got up to a crouching position. “That is an order!”

Link nodded in understanding, getting to his feet to crouch over like Zelda, the duo proceeding to circle each other once more before Zelda dashed forward. Unfortunately, Link anticipated this. He crouched even lower than her before dashing forward himself, scooping her up off the mats in his arms.

“Woah!” Zelda was taken aback from Link’s counter, but she didn’t have time to ponder it. The hero was currently squeezing her in a Bearhug, making her gasp from the pressure. “GGGAAAHHH!!!!” Zelda howled as Link forced all the air out of her body, her back and midsection hurting significantly from the hold. She tried to fight back by pushing against Link’s shoulders and prying his arms off her, but his hold was too tight. In her struggle, she noticed that the man’s face was buried deep in her cleavage, making her go red once again.

“L…Link!?” she exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing!?” The tips of Link’s elongated ears went red, signifying that he knew what she was talking about. Still, that did not dissuade him form jerking his hold on the princess, making her huff as she threw her head back. “OOOFFFF!!!” Embarrassment turned into frustration, as Zelda gritted her teeth and slapped both of her hands against Link’s ears.


“GGGGAAAAHHH!!!” Link dropped her and immediately covered his ears in pain, but Zelda took advantage of this by grabbing his shoulders and kneeing him in the crotch. THUD! “GGGGAAAAHHHH!!!” Link’s eyes nearly popped out if his skull as they met the princess’s cocky gaze.

“‘Targeting an opponent’s crotch is a good way to drain the fight out of them’,” Zelda quoted as she grinned down at the shorter man. “I’m sure you read that part of the book, right?” Zelda did not wait for a response, shooting her knee into Link’s ball sack several more times.


“OOOOFF!! GAAAHHH!! DOOOHHH!!!” The swordsman slowly sank to his knees, his hands weekly grasping at Zelda’s sides to gain a grip. Zelda’s giggles at his sorry state turned into a gasp as Link firmly grasped her hips.

“What are you…?” THUD! “OOOOOOOOHHHHH~!!!!!” Link sprang back to his feet to drive his knee into Zelda’s crotch, gripping her hips tightly to make sure he hit his mark. This paralyzed the princess, leaving her with her mouth wide open in an ‘o’-shape.

“Uuuhhh….” When her knees finally buckled, Zelda began to fall backwards, only for Link to grab her wrist and drag her forward into a Clothesline. “AACCCKKK!!!!” His arm crashed into her throat, making her eyes and tongue pop out comically as she gagged.

THUD! “* cough* *cough*” The princess then fell to the mats, coughing up a storm as she laid there holding her throat. Link tried to press his advantage by falling forward in an elbow drop, but Zelda had enough sense to roll out of the way.

SMACK! “MMMMMMPPPHHH!!!” As soon as he fell, she lashed out with a mule kick to Link’s face, making him roll onto his back while clutching his face in pain.

“Too predictable, my dear Link!” Zelda mocked as she got up and walked over towards him. When Link removed his hands to look at Zelda, she was already falling through the air to land knees first onto his solar plexus.


“OOOOOOOOOFFFFF!!!!!” Link let out a mighty heave as Zelda landed, jerking up from the blow before falling back to the ground, spread eagled and delirious. “Uuuhhh….DOOHH!!” He was brought back to his senses when the princess punched him across his face.

“Stay focused, Link!” Zelda giggled as she straddled his waist and proceeded to unload a barrage of punches that knocked his head from side to side.



Link endured her assault until she overextended herself with one of her punches, giving him the chance to grab her head and rock his own head forward in a headbutt.


“OOOOOWWWWW!!!” Zelda wailed as she reeled back from the blow, turning around to caress her forehead. Link was rubbing his head as well, but he recovered quicker than the princess, getting up so that he could wrap his arms around her from behind.

“H-hey!” Zelda protested as she was lifted into the air, struggling to pry Link’s arms away from her waist. When that failed, she shot an elbow back into his abs repeatedly. “Let! Me! GooOOOOOOOO!!!!”


“Uuuuhhh….” Zelda was lifted over Link’s head in a German Supplex, everything above her shoulder exploding in pain as she landed. The knight released her from his grasp, letting her fall to her side with a grunt.


Link continued his assault by crawling forward and dragging the princess up to her knees by her hair, the young woman putting up no fight as she stared at the wall blankly.

“Uuuuhhh…OOOFFFF!!!” She came back to life when Link punched her in the stomach, making her eyes widen and her cheeks puff up with air. Link followed it up with a few more punches scattered across her body: her face, her sides, even her breasts were treated to his fists.

“AAHHH~!!!” That last punch infuriated Zelda, making her elbow Link in the gut to back him up. When he did, she turned and rushed forward to pick him up by the waist, carrying him over her shoulder.

“WAAHHH!!” Link shouted in surprise as the princess carried him around the mat.

“How dare you touch your princess like that, Link!” Zelda huffed. “You will pay dearly for that!" Realizing where this was going, Link pounded on her back to make her drop him, but it was no use. Zelda fell backwards with Link in tow, slamming him headfirst into the mat.


“GGGAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!” As soon as he landed, Zelda released him, letting him fall to the mat. As he lay there, dazed, Zelda stayed splayed out on the mat in a similar manner. Both fighters were catching their breaths, listening to each other’s shallow breathing, and looking at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity.

Zelda was the first to turn over, pushing herself up on all fours to start crawling towards Link. The hero himself followed suit, pushing through the pulsating pain in his head. They got within a few inches of each other before sitting up and standing on their knees, hands outstretched and ready.

“Ready…to continue?” Zelda panted as she wiped a strand of hair stuck to her forehead back into place.

“MMMMM!!” Link grunted, fixing his own messy hair by patting it down. And so, they locked up while on their knees, pushing against each other’s clasped hands. The sound of their grunts filled the house until it was replaced with Zelda’s surprised scream.

“GAAHH!!” Link had pulled Zelda forward to lock her in a side headlock, leaving the princess grabbing at the arm around her throat and her ass wiggling around in the air. She tried to retaliate with an elbow to Link’s side, but she got nothing more than a grunt out of him.

“OOOOFFFFF!!!” In response, the knight proceeded to piston his fist into the trapped Zelda’s face.


“DOOOHH!! OOOOFFF!! GAAAHHH!!” As he continued to pound her, Link dragged the princess and himself to their feet, only to rush forward and slam her face into the ground in a Running Bulldog.


“MMMMMMPPPPHHHH!!!” Link immediately got back to his feet as Zelda raised her head slowly, her eyes crossed and delirious.

“Uuuuhh…..OOOOWWW!!!!” Zelda was awakened from her stupor when Link fell across her back with an elbow, making her jerk up momentarily.

When she fell back down, Link immediately grabbed her ankles and sat on her back, pulling her legs back so that he could tuck them under his arms in a Boston Crab.

“NNNNNOOOOOOOO!!!” The princess screamed in pain as she pounded the mat in frustration. In this position, Link found himself staring at Zelda’s crotch, noticing the outline of her plump pussy lips in her shorts. He leaned back farther to avoid looking at it, his face flushed with embarrassment as he bent her back even further.

“GGGGGAAAAHHH!!!!” The princess wailed some more, feeling her toes graze her long ears as she was nearly folded in half. Luckily, Link was leaning far enough for her to grab his hair and yank on it, pulling him off of her back.

“AAAAHHH~!!” The hero winced as his hair was pulled, forcing him to slide up Zelda’s back and causing him to release her legs in surprise.

“Finally!” Zelda gasped in exasperation as she quickly rolled over, forcing Link to the ground and sitting on his back in one fell swoop. After getting on top of him, she then grabbed him by the chin and pulled back, wrenching his back in a Camel Clutch.

 “AAAAARRGGGHH!!!” Link groaned through gritted teeth as he was contorted just like his opponent was, the girl in question grinning maniacally while looking down at him.

“You can submit whenever you want, Link!” She taunted, drawing out the hero’s anger. With maximum effort, Link managed to draw his leg forward and rise onto one of his knees, Zelda still sitting on his back.

“Woah!” Amazed by how much he could move when in pain, Zelda wrapped her arms around his neck in a Sleeper hold, ensuring that she wouldn’t fall off and that she could choke him out. “You won’t get rid of me that easily!”

Link ignored her and grabbed her by the thighs, since his arms were already resting across them in her hold. He then pulled his other leg up and got on his other knee, gaining enough purchase to sit up straight with Zelda hanging off his neck.

“AAACCCKK!!!” The princess immediately tightened her hold around Link’s neck when they went vertical, making him gag. Still, he persevered and got to his feet with Zelda on his back, the girl wrapping her legs around his midsection to maintain her grip. Doing so squeezed what little air he had left out of his body, making him go purple in the face.

“That face looks unbefitting of you, hero~” Zelda teased as Link’s tongue hung out like a panting dog. “Perhaps submitting would fix thaAAAAAAAHHH!!!”


“OOOOFFFF!!!!” Link had fallen backwards to slam Zelda against the mats with him on top, knocking the wind out of her. Upon landing, she released Link immediately, allowing him to get up and cough sporadically. When the knight turned around, his princess turned opponent was splayed out on the mat, moaning as her head shifted from side to side.

“Uuhhh….” Link eventually got up to drag Zelda to her feet, but he was taken by surprise when she lashed out with a foot to his crotch.

“DDOOOOHHHH~!!!” Link heaved as he keeled over, giving Zelda the chance to get up on her own and grab him by the hair again.

“You…should really…learn… protect your crotch!” She panted out before drawing her leg back to rocket her knee up into Link’s nose.


“MMMMMMPPPPHHH!!!” Link reeled backwards, holding his bloody nose int the process. The devious princess didn’t let him go far before grabbing his wrists and forcing his arms down. The swordsman looked at her quizzically before she jumped into the air and extended her legs out in a modified dropkick, pulling him towards her in the process only to kick him back.


“OOOOOOFFFFFFF!!!!!” Link nearly coughed up a lung as the princess kicked him in the midsection, the other lung following suit as he landed roughly on the mat. “Uuhhhh…”

Zelda landed roughly as well, but she recovered quickly to crawl to Link’s side, panting with a grin as she looked down on the dazed champion. “I did not think I could pull that off!” Zelda exclaimed with pride.

“Uuuhh…” Link moaned pathetically, feeling a bit of pride in her himself, although it was hard to notice.

“Sorry Link,” the princess apologized with a look of concern before turning around to snake her legs around his neck and clamping them tight. “But I need a submission from you!”

“AACCKKK!!” Link gagged as he was trapped in a Head scissor, Zelda’s squishy thighs clamping down on his neck like a vice. He tried to pry them off, but the young woman reared back on her hands in response, increasing the pressure of the hold.

“HMMPH!” Zelda grunted cutely as she looked down on her opponent squirming in between her legs, savoring every moment of it. “Do you submit, my dear Link~?” She mocked. The man in question shook his head as much as he could to indicate that he wouldn’t.

“If you insist~” Zelda sighed before jerking her legs to the side, jerking Link’s head along with them.

“AAACCKK!!” Link kicked his feet about in a panic before slowly going limp, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he began to lose consciousness, his vision going fuzzy.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Zelda exclaimed as she removed her legs from his neck, allowing Link to cough up a storm once more. “You don’t get the luxury of simply passing out~” The vindictive princess taunted as Link simply laid on the mats, floating in and out of consciousness.

“Uuuhhh….” Ignoring his pathetic moans, Zelda dragged Link towards the center of the mats by his ankle. With him in position, the young lady dashed off the mat and towards the stairs, snickering all the while. She then climbed the stairs and walked towards the loft containing their bed, looking over the banister to gaze at Link’s prone body from the second story. Seeing that he was still motionless, the princess carefully climbed the banister to stand on top of it, crouching down when she finally found her footing.

“Prepare yourself, Link!” Zelda warned from above before finally jumping off the banister towards Link. Upon hearing her voice, the knight regained his senses enough to lift his head up and focus his eyes on something falling towards him. When he realized what it was, his jaw dropped in disbelief.


“OOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!” Zelda splashed down against his body from the second story, slamming against him so hard, that all the air in his body was immediately vacated. Mere moments after she landed on him, Link’s head fell back to the ground, his eyes glazing over as he moaned pathetically. “Uuuuhhhh…”

“Owww….” Zelda moaned herself as she lifted herself off of Link, rubbing her chest and midsection in pain. “I may have been overzealous with that last move…”  As she said that, she noticed Link lying motionless beneath her.

“Well, I think that taught you not to underestimate me, didn’t it, Link?” She haughtily declared with her hands on her hips. When she didn’t get a response, her expression softened, and she leaned forward towards his face. “Link?” she asked with more concern in her voice.

“Uuuuhh…” Link let out another low moan as his eyes closed shut.

“Oh dear! Did I overdo it?!” Zelda asked herself worriedly as she covered her mouth in shock. She then sprang up and off Link’s body to the other side of the room, where she kept some of the healing potions in a bag on top of a dresser.

“Don’t worry Link!” She reassured him out loud, not caring if he could hear her. “I’ll give you a potion right awa-EEKK~!!” Zelda was interrupted when she felt a strong grip around her waist, turning to see Link behind her with a frustrated look on his face.

“You faker!” Zelda gasped in shock as she dropped the potions to try and pry herself free from his embrace. “I will not let you get the best of meEEEEEEEE~!!!” THUD! “GAAHHH!!!”

Before she could do anything, Link swiftly dragged her back towards the mats and heaved her over his shoulders in a German Supplex, slamming her head and shoulders into the padding once more.

“Uuhhh…” When Link let her free, Zelda stirred and turned over, trying to push herself up to get back in the fight. Immediately, Link dashed forward to drop an elbow across her back.


“GAAAAHHH!!” The princess wailed as she was smashed back onto the floor, groaning into the mat in frustration.  While he laid across her back, Link took the opportunity to crawl forward and lift her foot up and wrench it in an Ankle lock.

“EEEEEEKKKK~!!!” The young woman squealed through her teeth as her foot was twisted by her knight, pounding the mat in frustration. “Curse you, Link!” Link persisted for another minute until Zelda slumped onto the mat face first, moaning into it.

“Uuuuhhh!” Link decided to stop wrenching the foot, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he grabbed the other foot and got up, turning the motionless princess over so that she was lying on her back.

“Wha…what…?” the young woman muttered as she stirred herself awake to see Link standing over her and spreading her legs apart with a grimace.

“Oh no!” She gasped softly as she extended her hand in a stopping gesture. “No, no, no, nOOOOOOOHHHHHOOHOOOO~!!!!” Zelda’s pleas fell on deaf ears, as Link fell forward to drop his knee onto her crotch, crushing her pussy lips through her pants. The royal threw her head back as she moaned, eventually falling back to the mats with her eyes growing heavy from fatigue.

“Uuuhhhh….” Link dropped her legs and looked down at her apologetically, but that did not last long. The princess raised her foot back up almost immediately to kick him in the balls again.


“GGAAAHHH~!!!” Link backed up to caress his junk again, furrowing his brow at the princess who was struggling to push herself up.

“That….was….for tricking me!” Zelda panted out with a tired grin on her face, clearly egging Link on to continue.

The frustrated swordsman was happy to oblige, grabbing her by the hair and lifting her to her feet while she winced. “Ah~! Ah~!” When she got up, Link then maneuvered her so that she laid across his back in a Torture Rack, allowing him to push down on her chin and thigh to contort her.

“AAAAAARRRRGGG~!!!” The princess wailed in her trapped position, limbs hanging limply as she was bent like a pretzel across Link’s shoulders. The hero added more pressure to the hold by occasionally squatting, almost making Zelda pass out from the pain.

When he finished, Link lifted the princess above his head, leaving her propped up in the air until…

“GGAAAAAHHHH~!!!!!” Link dropped her across his knee, giving her a rude awakening as she went wide eyed and started screaming. Before her head could fall back, Link grabbed it by the hair again and looked her in her eyes, as if he was asking for her surrender.

“I…..I’m….” She panted out, one eye scrunched shut as the other one looked at him lazily. “…I’m…not done….yet!” Link sighed at her refusal before lifting his fist and shooting it into her toned belly.




“OOOFFF!! DOOOHHH!!!” Link repeatedly pounded her belly, making her huff from each blow as she continued to lay across his knee. Eventually, he changed things up by letting Zelda’s head fall backwards only to push down on her chin in a proper Backbreaker.

“….AAAAHHH~!!! AH~!!” Zelda moaned as her back was subjected to bending again, but it was interrupted by another round of belly punches.



Mixing things up this time, Link lifted her top up to expose the princess’s perky breasts, already tinged red from the torture they’d been subjected to during the match.

“Link~!” Zelda gasped as she felt her naked tits get exposed to the air, her nipples going erect from anticipation. “You deviant~!”


“AAAHH~!!!” Zelda’s protests were silenced by her boob getting squashed by a punch, making the princess tense up as her face grew a different shade of red. And so, the hero proceeded to trounce the tits of his princess, much to the mortification of the both of them.



Link continued to pound Zelda’s stomach in until he left a bright red splotch on her fair skin and indentation started to form in her midsection. Her cleavage was also smashed in until they looked dark red, her nipples still prominently erect. When he finished, he propped Zelda up with a hand on her shoulder, looking into her dazed and tired eyes, wordlessly begging her to submit.

“Is…that…the best you can do?” She panted out when she regained focus, speaking at a slower rate this time. “I….expected better….from my knight!”. Link sighed, as he realized what he had to do. He rolled Zelda off of his knee, the girl giving little reaction beyond a groan as she landed back first on the mats.

“Uuuuuhhh….” Link then dragged the prone Zelda towards the center of the mats, the girl too weak to do anything but breathe heavily and keep her eyes closed. After that, Link climbed up the stairs and made his way to the loft, looking over the banister to see the princess stirring slightly from the second story in her exposed, disheveled position. With a huff, the swordsman climbed the banister and jumped off, screaming as he flew through the air.


This finally woke Zelda up, but by the time she opened her eyes and saw Link hurtling towards her like a meteor, all she could say was:

“Oh, shi-”


“DDDOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!” Zelda let out a massive grunt as Link landed atop her, her naked chest and midsection getting crushed underneath his weight. All the air in her body was immediately ejected, and her eyes nearly popped out of her skull.

“Uuuuuuuhhhhhh…..” Moments after impact, Zelda’s head fell back to the mats, a look of delirium returning to her eyes as Link sat up atop the splayed princess. As he rubbed his chest and abdomen in pain, Zelda finally uttered the words: “I…..concede”.

Link cheered as he flexed his arms with glee, but he soon realized the position he was in, straddling the indecent princess as he celebrated beating her in combat. With a flushed face, he quickly got off her and grabbed the potions she had stored away, coming back immediately to kneel down and help her drink the concoction in her addled state. When she finished, Link carefully carried the potions and the girl up the stairs and into the bed, pulling the nearby chair up to sit by the bed.

“Uuuhhh…” Zelda moaned a few minutes later, waking up as Link finished his potion, nearly spitting it out in surprise. Immediately, the hero grabbed Zelda’s hand and caressed it, expressing worry all over his face.

“Hello, Link….” She uttered with a faint smile. “No need to look so concerned” She sat up slowly with Link hovering over her, ready to catch her if she needed it.

“That was quite the match! As I expected from my capable knight!” Zelda praises as she rubbed the back of her neck. “But I must admit, I may have gone overboard with my desire to wrestle you….”

Link shot an incredulous look at her that screamed: “You think?”, drawing a sheepish laugh out of her before she turned to face him while kneeling on the bed.

“I’m terribly sorry for the things I said!” She apologized while bowing her head. “I do hope that you don’t think any lesser of me after….” Link stopped her with a hand on her shoulder, making her look up to see him shake his head and wave his hand, as if to say: “’No big deal!”, making the princess smile.

“Thank you!” Zelda beamed before her smile fell, her head dropping again as she twiddled her thumbs in her lap. “With that being said….I thought this was a great experience! I learned quite a bit about fighting….and I had fun with you….” Zelda looked up to reveal a blush forming on her face, which was identical to the blush on Link’s face.

“If…you also enjoyed it….” Zelda continued. “….would you like to spar again sometime?” Link scratched his head and sighed before nodding. He couldn’t deny that while he didn’t want to hurt the princess, sparring with her was fun. Seeing a new side to her made him feel even closer to her, and he wanted to continue to explore that side with her.

“Thank you, Link!” Zelda squealed as she jumped forward to hug the young man, taking him by surprise. He hugged her back until he realized that their bodies were rubbing close together, her bare chest squishing against his, and his crotch poking hers. He tried to push her away, but Zelda realized quickly enough that something was poking against her.

“Oh, my!” Zelda gasped as she looked down to see Link’s erection within the confines of his shorts, making the girl cover her mouth in shock as the boy covered his eyes in embarrassment.

“It’s…okay Link!” Zelda reassured him, causing him to peak between his fingers to see her cover her breasts with her arm while looking at his crotch out of the corner of her eye. “I am partially to blame for this….between my current appearance and the intimacy of our match!”

They both held their heads down for a short period of time before Zelda took a deep breath and removed the arm from her breasts. She then reached out to grab Link gracefully by the chin, lifting his head up and pulling it forward to look into his eyes dreamily.

“I….I can take care of that…for you….” Zelda muttered as Link lowered his hands, wanting to ask what she meant by that before she planted her lips against his.

“Mmm~!?” Link moaned in surprise, but quickly went along with it, wrapping his arms around Zelda’s waist as their lips mashed against each other, their tongues becoming intertwined as they moaned into each other’s mouths.


“Hah~! Hah~! Link~!!”

Eventually, Zelda began to lean back onto the bed, Link following her onto it as she pulled his shorts down and caressed his now exposed cock.

“AAHH~!” Link’s panting increased as the princess jerked his dick off while they continued to make out. Not missing a beat, the knight grabbed one of her perky breasts, squeezing it as he broke the kiss to suck on the other one.

“OOHH~!! Liiiink~!!!” And so, the two fighter turned lovers stripped themselves of their clothes, continuing to make love just as the sun was setting across the Hyrule sky.

(More stories like this can be found here:
I enjoy fantasy fights involving anime women (wrestling or fist fighting) but my fantasies are not limited to one genre ;)

Big on stories and art, open to RP's (but I'm picky)

Any critique on my stories are welcome