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To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl

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To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« on: April 18, 2024, 09:22:05 AM »
To What Extreme 5
Cougar on the prowl

Rita sat at her vanity staring at her reflection.  Her fingers lightly tracing the old cuts and scars from her fights. Her thoughts were conflicted over them, part of her felt she paid a heavy price for engaging another cougar, yet part of her filled with pride. She had a love she wanted and was able to defeat, not one but two other cougars who tried to take what was hers.

A small yet proud smirk came to her lips over it. She not only fought for what was hers, but her man loved her more for doing so. As she stared at her reflection, Rita hisses to herself, “and I’ll rip any bitches face off that tries to take whats mine”.

But the truth was, while Rita was in love and ready to fight for that love. Her man still wasn’t the type to settle down again. In fact he was more infatuated with Rita and the fact she fought in such a vicious way, then actually in love with her.

His ultimate dream was to see her in a fight, but truth be told , he never thought the first two would happen. And now he was sure there would be no more, Joe while still dating Rita, didn’t consider himself “exclusive” to Rita.  He liked her , loved her body and loved that she fought for him. But beyond that, Joe felt no obligation to just be with one woman.

After her last fight, Joe was obsessing over Ritas account of it, and often when they were in bed , would ask Rita to tell all the minute details of not just what she did , but what and how the other woman did to her.

Rita really didn’t mind doing it, besides she won both times and she knew how savage a fighter she was, and to what extreme she would go to, in her mind there was no limit or how far.  Besides she knew telling him, kept him hard as they made love.

For Joe hearing and having a woman that would fight that hard for him and to have him, the thought to end it was never an issue. But he wasn’t going to be a saint, if another cougar came along he wasn’t going to brush her off, who ever she was and if at all.

Everything for the couple was going along perfectly. Rita was always smiling, mostly in pride of herself. But also cause she had what she wanted and fought for.

Joe was at work one afternoon and was out for lunch. He ate at a bar he often frequented. For the most part the bar/grill, was a stopping point for other workers and a few early drinkers.

On this particular day as Joe sat eating and having a beer, a woman was taking notice of him. Joe wasn’t aware he was being eyed up, and slowly the woman decide to make him aware.

The woman was  5’9” 147 and a 36F-28-38, with blood red hair and emerald green eyes. She saunters to Joe and eases onto the stool beside him. Joes eyes were glued to the t.v. Then as the woman waved the bartender over, she ordered in a sexy voice, “ uhmm two beers please”.

The bartender pours two beers and sets them in front of the woman, she smiles and clears her throat, “hey handsome this is on me, you know in case your interested.”

Joe sits up and wipes his mouth, he says thank you, then his eyes look at her. They widen at the vision of the woman and her busty hour glass figure. She smiles as she sees Joe is impressed.

He says thanks, and the woman offers her hand to shake his. “Names Joy, and you are?”. Joe turns slightly, “well hello Joy, my names Joe”. The two start to have a flirtatious chat, then before Joy can ask, Joe tells her that he has a girl he is seeing but they aren’t officially together.

Joy breaths in and her cleavage swells, her clack blouse hugs her bust, inside is a red bra, a red mini skirt black thigh highs and heels. Her red nails, softly tickle the mug, “well tell me Joe, is this woman you just see, the jealous type?”.

Joe nods then replies, “yeah you can say that, in fact thats a full yes. I hope thats not a issue”.

Joy smirks, “well i would hate to be the one to cause any issues between you both, but if she doesn’t have her claws in you, i certainly would set mine in”.

The two engage in a long chat, before Joe can realize it his cell was ringing. He glances at the phone and it was Rita. Joy a sly smile, asks “is that her ? Do you need to take that?”.

Joe swallows then replies, “i mean i guess i should.” Joy stares at him, “oh no please do, i don’t mind at all. In fact i appreciate your open honesty”. Joe picks up the phone , “hey Rita whats up?”. Rita in a sexy purr, “hi honey wanna grab lunch?”.

Joe swallows, “oh i would hon, but i am just finishing lunch.” Joy leans closer, “Joe i have an idea for us”. Joe looks at Joy like she was crazy, meanwhile Rita yells , “who the fuck is that?”

Joe clears his throat, “oh just someone next to me, trying to be funny”. Joy raises a brow and her hand pulls his close, then presses the hang up button. Joe nearly jumps off the seat, “what did you do?”.

But Joy knew what she wanted, and she wanted Joe. She holds Joe hand and purrs, “are you up for desert?”. Joe sees her smile and shakes his head, “well i wasn’t planning on it, but why not”.

Joy stands up and takes his hand and they walk out of the bar. They take a walk down the street a few blocks and then Joy tugs him to the right. They walk into the lobby and Joe is confused, shocked, and yet excited.

It was Joy who gets the room, and then turns to Joe, she holds the card key, when suddenly his phone rings again. Joy raises a brow and purrs, “so you need to get that again, or can we go have that desert now?”.

Joe breaths in, “its fine, lets go”. Joy smiles as she thinks and feels she just beat this woman and took what she wanted from her with no effort or fight. They go up to the room, and Joy pushes Joe on the sofa, she stares and slowly strips her dress down. She poses a minute in her lingerie and then eases off her thong.

Joe stares in awe, then Joy slowly straddles him, eases his hard cock out of pants and sinks it in herself. As she looks down at Joe, she is slowly riding him, her hips undulating. Her breasts swelling , she reaches behind her back and unclasp her bra.

Joe feels his mouth fall open, and his hands reach up and start to caress and squeeze her breasts. Her nipples stiffen more and she leans forward, “nmmm suck my tits honey”.

Joe like a hungry animal goes to her breasts, as the two get heated , Joes phone dings again and again. The texts continue to make the phone ding, and with each ding Joy rides him faster.

As Joy starts to moan and goes faster the phone rings, Joy frustrated grabs the phone, she answers it for Joe, and in the heat of their free sex passion pants into the phone. “For the love of god , he is busy “. And hangs up, Joe looks up huffing, “holy shit what did you just do?”.

Joy presses her breasts to his face a she starts to ride his cock faster, she gasps out loud to him, “forget her baby, just make me cum”. Joe and Joy have a second session and finally both exhausted just collapse on the sofa.

Joy pushes her hair back breathing heavy, “oh baby you are good, nmm that was great.” Joe while happy starts to remember Rita called and Joy answered, he puts his hand on his face and says, “oh fuck”.

Joy rubs his chest as her breasts bulge between her arms and his chest. “Whats wrong baby?”. Joe shakes his head and Joy smiles, “oh i am sorry , are you upset i took that call, i hope your not in trouble.”

Joe not thinking looks at the ceiling, “not as much as you might be”. Joy licks her lips and then nibbles Joe’s ear, “oh honey don’t give it a second thought, your little girlfriend doesn’t want to test me.”

Joe smirks and turns his head to look at Joy. “I am not trying to defend her, but trust me when i tell you Joy, Rita is not the type of woman to have this happen, and just let it go”.

Joy slowly starts to rub Joes cock, “well when you talk to her , you tell her i am willing to have a chat with her woman to woman. Unless your afraid she might get hurt”. Joe starts to get hard and starts to play with her breasts, “i am more worried you might”.

Joy kisses him and hisses, “I’ll give you my number and you let her and i worry about the rest” then Joy drops forward and starts to give Joe head. All Joe can do is picture Joy and Rita locked in a fight, but if he only how vicious two mature cougars can fight , he might not want them to.

After Joe is brought to an orgasm and explodes on the bountiful breasts of Joy he gets ready to leave. He didn’t even look at his phone till he stopped near home to read any text he may have from Rita.

Rita did leave a text that read, “well i have no idea why you were with another woman, but you tell that whore, i am willing to meet her to discuss this woman to woman”. A second text was sent by Rita, “that Bitch dares hang up on my , while i am trying to get you on your phone? I don’t know who this whore is but i want her name and number right now”.

Joe was debating this in his mind, he could easily send a text saying she meant nothing to me, but if these two cougars did get into a fight , and Joy wins, he doesn’t want Rita sending anything negative he might have said about Joy.

At the same time, the thought of these two curvy wild cats in a fight had him hard again before he started the car again. Finally he decides to stop being the go between, Joe sends Joy a text, “hi again Joy just wanted to say i had a great time and hope we get to see each other again”.

Joy sees the recent text and replies , “i had a great time as well Joe, but i think before we continue down that path, something needs to be done about your other relationship, don’t you think?”.

Joe feels his fingers tremble, then he copies Ritas text to him and sends it to Joy with the following. “Yes Joy about that, i agree and it is the only reason i am forwarding this to you along with her number. Please understand i am not asking you two to have a conflict, but i can not be the one to say its you or her.”

Joe sends the text from Rita then her phone number. Joy sees the text and the reply and the number , she replies as she sneers. “Joe this will never be your decision, even if you were to say outright you choose me or her to both of us, her and i will not be satisfied. As well we both will always be wondering if your with one of us when not with us, its no way for a relationship to flourish so somehow someway, her and i will find a way to sort it out, and don’t you worry bout it anymore.”

Before Joe has a chance to get in the shower at home, his cell dings again. He opens his phone to see a message from Rita. “Well just want to offer you the chance to tell this whore goodbye, as of Saturday her and I meeting woman to woman to sort it out. If you have any feelings for her , tell her not to show up and forget you. Cause if she shows up to meet me , i will do far worse than the last two you were with.”

Joe shakes his head at the message , he knows Rita is willing to fight and till its over. Yet as he reads it he gets a hard on again at the  thought of it. Just then a text from Joy comes over, “hey handsome, i have no doubt your girl friend or whatever she is to you has already sent you word we are meeting up for a “chat”, Saturday . I want you to know whatever takes place you have no guilt on your hands. I want you and when i want someone i do what i must to keep that person. Obviously you she is the same way. If this turns out to be in my favor I will see you Sunday, if it doesn’t , well i loved our date together, hugs and kisses Joy”.

Joe was trying to come up with a way he could see what happens between these women, but with a business trip coming up, he knew he had to wait to hear the after report. His mind teetered as to who would come out on top, but he knew from the last two fights Rita was going to prevail as she had before.

The week seemed to drag for everyone involved. Rita and Joy didn’t need to speak anymore, both knew where to meet and just how if there was no resolution it was going to be decided.

They chose their lingerie and attire and each had a bag for after. Joe was texting both all week, to see if they would try to resolve it via conversation. Joy said she will do what it takes, as did Rita. But between the women there was no communication.

Friday night was the only and the last text between the women. Rita made a text to Joy, “so have you thought about tomorrow? I am sure you will roll your eyes but i think it is fair i give you ample time to rethink meeting me.”

Joy reads it and thinks Rita is feeling worried, she smirks as she replies. “To be honest i haven’t given it much thought. But if you feel you need to rethink meeting with me, i fully understand. If you still want to do this as i do, then i want to suggest we wear lingerie under dresses and just do what comes natural to two adult women in this situation.”

Rita her mouth snarling at the reply, “oh i am not reconsidering this at all, but i will agree we need to show up a if nothing is going to happen. As for what will happen behind closed doors, i think we should go tit to tit first then if neither is willing to give up, we settle it like cougars.”

Joy reads the reply and curls a lip,   “If you want to titfight me thats fine and trust me IF you manage to beat my tits, that will not stop me from seeing him, so i guess we know no matter what you and i will really have a fight for him. As for after the fight, and aside from him, what does the winner get out of this exactly ?”

Rita has a scary cold calmness as does Joy, “well if we do titfight loser milked as should be, as for after the other, i think a full face sit and then winner can have her way?”.

Joy licks her lips she wants to test Rita, “i agree to the first, as for the second ,yes a facesit is fine , but i think loser gets carved up, so she can never look at him again, that is if you can handle it.”

Rita fuming replies, “listen you whore, I’ll gladly scratch my initials in your tits and tear your face up after if thats what you need to agree to this. Just be ready for a fight, your not dealing with some kitten. “. Joy scoffs, “enough of this banter bullshit slut, tomorrow the motel and you be ready as well, your not dealing with a kitten either, your in for a fight honey”.

The two women try to go to bed, but neither gets much sleep, both lay there picturing how this might go, and as many ways as it might end/ before they know it they drift off just a few hours before having to get ready and drive tot he hotel.

Rita showers, then dries her hair and puts it up, she has her attire set out, wearing a blue dress to her thighs , sweetheart cut at the cleavage , blue heels. Under it she chose a blue bra and thong, white garters and thigh highs. She paints her nails blue and applies a dark red lipstick.

In her bag she packs a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and bra. Joy does the same but she wears a maroon dress v cut at the cleavage, a burgundy bra and thong and smoke colored thigh highs and garters, her nails a dark red as is her lipstick, and her hair up.

In her bag is the same as Rita has, both ladies walk out to their cars and head out. They drive as if it was just another Saturday. The sun was a white yellow color and the day was dry , traffic was steady and both were going to arrive a few minutes early.

Joy arrives first, with no other cars in the lot she walks to the lobby and says she is meeting someone, for room 112. The clerk nods slides her a key and points to where the room is, Joy struts to it and opens the door. She allows her eyes to adjust then steps fully in, she is unimpressed with the room , but then she isn’t here to stay long.

With just the bed and a dresser Joy sets her bag on top of the dresser then sits on the beds edge to wait for her rival. Joy wouldn’t have to wait long, she hears a car along the gravel lot then its car door shut. A minute later she hears the distinct sound of heels approaching, she thinks to her self (here we go).

She hears the key in the door and it opens, Rita stands a second in the frame then enters and shuts the door. She locks it and walks to the dresser dropping her bag aside Joys, Rita turns stares at Joy then sits with her on the bed.

After a minute or so, Rita says, “so your Joy, are you still willing to go through with this ?”. Joy stares, “if i was having any doubts honey,i wouldn’t have agreed, are you sure?”. Rita smirks, “oh i am certain, any special way you want to start this?”.

Joy stops herself then softly says, “actually there is, we both know in our hearts we despise the other, and this is going to get nasty, that said before we truly do to each other what need to, i was thinking we see who is the better woman ..sexually”.

Rita eyes her rival, “you wanna fuck fight as well?”. Joy stares “more like finger fuck see who can last longer, and maybe before or after, we pull some hair, down there ?”. Rita breathes in, “i see well thats fine with me, are we ready to get started?”. Joy breathes in “i believe we are”.
Both women stand up and turn to face the other, Joy raises her left heel and sets it on the bed frame. Her dress hem strains tight over her thighs but hikes a bit.

Rita then follows suit, her hem also rides a bit higher but neither has full access to her rivals womanhood. Joy stares at Rita and in a sexy hiss says “well this is an unexpected block”.

Rita hisses back, “whatever will we do?”. Joy reaches to Ritas raised thigh, grabs the hem of her dress and then rips the dress up the thigh to Rita’s hip. Joy raises a brow, “there problem solved.”

Rita then reaches for Joys hem and rips it to her hip, “i can be a problem solver as well”. Joy a bit curious, “oh? Just how so?” Rita runs her fingernails up Joys thigh till she feels Joys thong. The two women stare as Joy breaths in, Rita twists the lacy material in her fingers and rips it till it comes off in her fingers.

Rita holds it up then tosses it at Joys face, “see problem solved”. Joy breathes heavy, she wants to dig her claws in her rivals face but needs to wait. Joy then grabs Ritas thong and tugs it then rips it till it is in her hand. She holds it up stares at Rita and tosses it at her face, “that was a quick way to solve that, shame they were ripped, it would have been nice for the winner to take both to him after this is all over”.

Rita breaths in, “oh i think he will be more turned on hearing about tonight over our thongs being in tacked”. Joy rolls her tongue in her cheek, “perhaps, i guess then we should get this out of the way.” Rita breaths in “i agree”.

They touch the knees of their raised legs and then looking in each other’s eyes they both reach for the others moist mound. They softly run their fingers over the others moist soft folds, both breath in as the touch of their rival is both arousing , and yet made both more bitter.

Their fingers ease the folds open and as they do, their pointy finger nails flick the soft flesh, both swallow at how dangerous this could be for them. Then Joy presses her thumb against Rita’s hood and starts to rub it gently coaxing her clit to engorge from its confines.

Rita swallows and then does the same to Joy. The two women now inhale as they stare they know the duel is on, a test to see which of these proud women was going to last longer as a sign she is the better lover for Joe.

Then as they feel their rivals juices become wetter, they ease two fingers into each other’s wet pussy. Both breath in a quick breath as they feel the sexual act. Then as if it was common place, they start to slowly ease their fingers in and out of their rivals wet warm pussy, pumping it in a slow steady rhythm.

Their lower backs arch to their rival, and they both adjust their planted foot for a wider stance. Then the duel starts deeper. Joy and Rita begin to pump their fingers in and out of each other, faster and faster as they gain rhythm both are willing to test each other and themselves.

Despite each woman wanting to swallow the reaction being pulled from them, they both begin to moan. Joy huffs out, “nmmm oh yes you whore, your soaking wet you will never out last me.”

Rita licks her lips, “uunnn mm cmon whore , your more wet then i am, no way you can outfuck me”. The room other than their hot breathing is silent, then the added noise of their fingers pumping the others pussy, becomes louder, the wet thwacking and clapping.

Their breathing goes from moans and quick to heavy panting at the act of their duel. Their hips can’t help but start to undulate. Rita in a smirk, “thats it whore fuck my fingers , fuck my hand you cheap cow”.
But Rita’s hips slowly join the motion, and now both ladies are fingering the other as fast as their hands can perform the act. As this duel is now a game of cat and mouse, both women try subtlety to pull their ass and hips away from her rival, in hopes to make the rhythm of the pumping unsteady.

Joy grabs Ritas hip by the dress and pulls her into her, “oh no you scared whore stay and fight i insist, uhnn mm mm cum bitch yess”. Rita first pulls at her rivals hand, wanting to get free, but after Joys taunt, Rita grips onto Joys hip and dress and tugs her in close, “you want a sex war slut lets get to it then”.

The wet sloshing is now louder, and steady, Joy starts to pant a bit heavier, “unn unn oh ,nmm you bitch, cum whore”. Rita tries to smile, “whats wrong whore hmm, uuhnn uhnn oh you are a whore cum already bitch”.

Both women are pumping as fast as their fingers and hands can go, their thumbs tease and massage their rivals engorged clit, making each woman start to tremble in the thighs and up their spine.

Joy tries to fight her way from an orgasm, her mouth and lips are getting dry, while her pussy is soaking wet. Her juices drenching Rita’s hand and running down her thighs.

Rita barely notices as her own juices are dripping. But as they continue it is Joy who suddenly quivers, her thighs shaking as if electrocuted. Her spine spasms, and her head thrown back as she gasps outward. “Oh yes yes yes you fucking whore damn it, i am gonna cumm you bitch”.

Rita shaking her head no looks down , her face red as she starts to feel her orgasm build to the point of no return. Rita gasps out loud, “yess yess uuhmmff mfff cum you whore do it, oh fuck i am nearly there”.

Their fingers pumping when suddenly Joy pulls her fingers out of Rita, she tries to slow or stop Ritas hand from continuing. Her face flush and mouth dropping open Joy feels her body spasm, her eyes roll back and she lets her orgasm go. As soon as her fingers stop pumping Ritas wet pussy, Rita knew this duel was all hers.

As Joy loses control, Rita grabs her by the hips and in a twisting motion throws her upper body on the bed. As Joy moans her pussy bared and thighs glistening , Rita pounces on her and kneeling scoots her self higher till she is looking down at her pinned rival.

Joy looks up and Rita hisses, “do it whore make me cum, eat my better pussy”. Not waiting for Joy to call out or shift, Rita grabs her by the hair, and tugs Joys face into he wet pussy. Joys nose rubs then as Rita holds her face there, she starts to gyrate smearing her juices on Joys face and her makeup.

Joys arms are pinned under Ritas knees, and she is being smothered, with no escape she gives in and has to pleasure her rival. Joy sinks her tongue in Rita and her lips start to suck on that engorged clit.

Lucky if she can be, Rita was already close to orgasm, as she undulates the sensual pleasuring shoves her over the edge and she lets her orgasm go.

As she finally slows her hips to a halt, Rita smiles and then slowly eases off her rival. Joy grabs the pillow and wipes her face as Rita takes a moment to parade about the open area of the room. She looks as Joy sits up, “mmmm well i guess that proves whose pussy is the best, still want to go on whore?”.

Joy glares, “oh your really full of yourself slut aren’t you?, you were about to cum as well, just proves your pussy is dead to arousal”. Rita stares daggers at her rival, “i was willing to let you leave , but now your gonna stay and fight me”.

As both women regain their composure, Joy stands up and Rita stands center room a hand on her hip. Their lower dresses torn to the hip allowing their thighs freedom to move now.

Joy slowly rises and sucks in a deep breath, she slowly walks and stands face to face with Rita. Both women glare eye to eye, noses nearly touching. Every breath has their contained breasts grazing, making their already stiff nipples tent out more. Rita hisses in Joys face, “think your tits are ready for a fight whore?”.

Joy nearly snarls, “oh they are but so are my claws slut”. They feel the jealous savagery build more, Rita huffs at Joy, “well we can certainly do both if your not to weak.”

Joy is ready to explode and hearing that taunt lights the fuse, “you read my mind whore”. The room silent is blown up with the sharp Smack of a open hand slap. The slap finds its target, Ritas cheek, Ritas head is turned to the left, she gasps, “aahhohhh”.

Before she can turn her head back, Joy grabs hold of the front of her dress and rips down on it. As Rita hears the material being destroyed she hauls off and returns the open hand slap to Joys face.

Joys head is turned and with two fistfuls of dress tatters feels and hears her dress being torn apart by Ritas hands. Both women are heated now and the erotic duel they planned on is now going to be a war between cougars.

With pure hate both women throw the tattered pieces in their hands to the floor and with snarling faces grab hold of each other’s hair and start to pull with all the pent up hate inside them.

The two women growl,spit and curse as they stagger about tearing out tufts and strands and roots of each other’s hair. Their bodies bump and spin along walls , with faces red and eyes geared up.

Rita as she shakes Joys head like a rag doll manages to yank Joys head down and to the right. The move has Joy staggering to her side, her heels catch the rug and as her legs get tangled Rita throws her to the rug.

Instantly Rita pounces on Joy and the two women are in a catball ripping the others scalp as they roll across the floor and back again. Rita is slowly taking control as she is shredding out clumps of Joys hair and clawing at her scalp.
Unable to give as good as she is getting Joy is losing her grasp of Ritas scalp. Rita gets to her knees and is behind Joy holding her upper body up by the hair as she whips her head by the hair, “want more you fucking whore cmon”.

Joy is wincing and in serious trouble, as she yelps she challenges Rita to a cougar showdown. “Ohhh my hair cxnt, let me up and lets go claw to claw like cougars you slut”.

Rita sneers she has already out clawed two other whores and was fully ready for this fight with the confidence to beat number three. She shoves Joys head down by the hair and stands up, as she pushes her matted hair back from her face she catches her breath.

Rita snarls as she does so, “fine bitch get up lets do this like cougars then”. Joy on her knees rubs her scalp then as she stands pushes her hair back, as both women glare hatred at the other , they re pin their hair up out of the way.

Both take a deep breath and step forward. Their breasts clop together but the time for that is over they want to fight. Both spit at others face as they feel others hot breath on their own face, Rita in a throaty snarl, “lets do it bitch”.

Joy as evil a tone, “oh your in for it now whore cmon”. They curl their fingers as they open their hands, slowly they raise their hands to face level. Breasts rise and fall as the jealous hate boils between them.

Then as if agreed on both women stab their fingernails into others face and start to curl up flesh. They stand stiff legged busts rubbing as they stare into others eyes. All the while they dig, gouge and rake at their nails down others face .

Snarling in pain, fear , and hate h=they refuse to turn away or stop the attacks. Joy claws her nails down Ritas face and then presses her fingers just under the eyes of Ritas face. But Rita a seasoned cougar presses her thumbs under Joys eyes as her fingers press into Joys brow.

Both women are panting as the red furrows swell and mask their looks in reddish pink furrows. Now with both poised to seriously scratch the others face they stutter step as if glued together. Both squeal and growl, knowing the pain to come as they still look in each other’s eyes.

Rita snarling “cmon cxnt fight “. Joy growls “bring it you fucking cow”. Slowly they stiffen their bodies and force the others spine to arch back, as fingers press into flesh. Slowly as both grimace, Rita starts to gasp first, “uuugghh ohhh you bitch my eyes”.

Joy took her thumb nail sand pressed up into Ritas eyes as her finger nails dig into Ritas cheeks and scratch to her lips. “Aahhh you cxnt I’ll claw your fucking eyes out bitch”.

Rita tilts back hoping to evade the damage, as her own nails lose the set position she had on Joys face. As Joy scratches her rival deeply, she shakes her head forcing Ritas fingers to lose their mark.

Rita now screeches in pain , “aaiieeee my face you bitch”!!! Joy is like a savage she cat, she follows Ritas retreat as if stuck to her. “Oh you cheap bitch your running from our fight bitch”.

Rita in fear, “get off my eyes cxnt “. But Joy is here to fight as hard as Rita challenged her. She snakes her calf behind Ritas and slams Rita against a wall. Rita is bent forward now and her hands try to pry Joys from her face.

As the two women struggle Joy finishes the gouge by raking down Ritas cheeks. Rita feels the cuts in her skin, they burn like acid. She grabs at Joys hands blindly, but Joy leans forward on Ritas back.

The two struggle against the wall, then suddenly Joy digs her nails into Ritas breasts and as she squeezes and sinks her nails in, Rita gasps and her hands drop to try to protect her breasts.

That’s when Joy yanks Rita by her breasts and throws her to the rough rugged floor. As Rita lands on her knees , her hosiery shreds open at the knee caps, her hands cup her breasts. Joy looking like a wild leopard over injured prey, teeth showing mouth almost drooling pounces onto Ritas left shoulder.

Instants Joy digs her claws into Ritas chest, then neck and then finally her face. Her razor like pointy nails clawing up and out on any flesh threw can feel.

Huffing as she stares down at her rival, Joy salivates at the cries of her rival. Rita tries to cover and flails her own claws up at her rival , but her nails do little damage. Certainly not enough to slow Joy down, Joy feeling more fight in Rita knees Rita in the back pitching her body forward, and onto all fours.

Joy with wearing a savage grin pounces on Ritas back. She grabs a fistful of Ritas bangs and yanks back on the hair, hard enough she could have broke her rivals neck. As Ritas mouth drops open from that intense pain, she barely has a second to scream from it before Joy stabs her claws into Ritas face at the chin and with pure villainess disregard , drags her nails up Ritas face to her eyebrows.

The blood curdling screech should have made any attacker hesitate, but Joy was in a fight as much as Rita. Rita with tears streaming and deep red furrows streaking her pretty face, weeps not at just the pain, but she knows her features are being torn up as well.

Her hands come off the rug and reach to protect her eyes  and face from more. Joy seeing her hurt and now scared rival cover up like a school girl, glares at the back of her head with disgust. Joy lifts her ass a bit then drops her weight higher up on Ritas back, the move makes Ritas unsupported upper body drop to the rug like a ton of bricks.

After her face smacks on the rug, Rita lifts her head with nose bleeding to turn her red raw face. Joy snarls down at her, “still got some fight cxnt, good to know”. Joy then reaches under Ritas shoulders and stabs her nails in Ritas breasts.

Rita feeling the skin break lifts up on her elbows more with hope of grabbing and stopping Joys fingernails. But Joy slowly drags her claws up the breasts to Ritas chest then neck, “you wanna fight me more Bitch?”.

Ritas head shakes no but her tears and gasps of pain block out her desire to submit . Not hearing Rita wanting to give, Joy grabs Rita by the hair and pulling with all her strength turns Rita on her back under her, lucky for Rita before a fistful of her hair was torn from her scalp.

Now sitting a top Rita, Joy shapes her fingers and hands into claws and starts to swipe at Ritas face and chest freely. With her arms under Joys legs Rita can only shut her eyes and cry out in pain and in between those yells out “enough i give”.

Joy either in the heat of battle or just jealous rage, continues till she tires herself out. Sitting up on Rita staring down over her large bust nipples stiff as spikes, Joy spits at Ritas torn face, “you leave my man alone whore got it, or I’ll carve your face and claw your eyes out next time got it ?”. Rita crying in pain nods and turns her head to avoid looking up at Joy. Finally Joy stands up, then swaggers to her bag and takes out the change of clothes, she steps in the bathroom to wash her own scratched face.

As she returns to dress Rita has her hands on her face crying out, “you bitch, you fucking bitch you scratched my eyes”. Joy changes then takes both bras and as she steps over Ritas prone body rakes her right heel on Ritas breasts.

, Joy growls “Just a reminder whore , call him ever again and I’ll finish you and your face”. As the motel door shuts Joy struts to her car and drives to Joes place. When he opens to door his eyes pop wide open, he sees Joys battle wounds , “are you ok?’. Joy pushes herself past him as she does she hisses, “take me to bed, oh and that whore Rita won’t be coming back in well forever got it.”

As Joy strips nude she shoves Joe on his bed and straddles him, eases his cock in her and starts to undulate her hips, she feels his hands cup her breasts and proceeds to tell him about the fight and how she ripped that whore to shreds. Joe explodes and stays hard for a second round with Joy.

Finally Joy showers as she walks back from the bathroom, Joe hangs up his phone. Joy looks at him “was that the whore?”. Joe stammers “n.n.n no babe it wasn’t Rita.” Joy lights a cigarette as Joe uses the bathroom, she looks at his phone and sees the last call, the name Samantha .

Joy inhales and then looks at the ceiling as she growls to herself, “ok Samantha have your fun for now bitch, once i feel better i am gonna carve you up whore”.

The End


Offline Gerardjames95

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2024, 09:41:02 AM »
Nice story dotti


Offline DavidG

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2024, 11:41:35 PM »
A new top cat
Loved it


Offline bobf

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024, 05:22:10 AM »
No one does fsce scratching like you do. Amaxing work!


Offline sonalee

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2024, 12:52:05 PM »
Another marvelous write-up... Loved that there is a new queen bee now...
Will be waiting for the next part...
The way you describe the scratches is special...


Offline YH5050

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2024, 04:58:58 AM »
Absolutely loved it!
Tremendous story!

I will joyfully read anything you write/wrote.


Offline DottiD

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2024, 05:39:40 PM »
Thank you all, I wasn’t sure adding the viciousness with the erotic would be liked. There will be more chapters coming . Any suggestions on characters please share .


Offline sonalee

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2024, 07:22:08 AM »
Thank you all, I wasn’t sure adding the viciousness with the erotic would be liked. There will be more chapters coming . Any suggestions on characters please share .

Just like you introduce new characters.... Let the old ones have rematches too ... Winning some... loosing some...


Offline sonalee

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #8 on: May 18, 2024, 09:41:50 AM »
Thank you all, I wasn’t sure adding the viciousness with the erotic would be liked. There will be more chapters coming . Any suggestions on characters please share .
So far in this saga, you have introduced female characters who are mostly single and pretty much in the same boat as Joe. They are even attracted to him since they see an ideal match in him : independent, mature and of course very loving.

As a change, maybe you can try introducing characters who are already married. Like say Joe went on a business cruise and find two wives of senior colleagues being attracted to him to the extent of putting their marriage on the line.

Following their confrontation and a winner , you might as well introduce Joe's ex-wife to have another messy affair far away from his 3 love interests. The final confrontation might be the women who started it all ; his first lovebirds: his ex-wife & Rita/Bonnie.

This is actually a great suggestion...


Offline SudistiX

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Re: To what Extreme 5 Cougar on the prowl
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2024, 04:26:03 PM »
I love ur stories the only thing I wish u added more dark skinned girls to ur stories (black, Spanish, middle eastern, Indian)...excettara