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Small Town Catfight

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Offline jozzan22

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Small Town Catfight
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:18:15 AM »
Stephanie (left) is a college drop out who likes to drink and fk around. She has been eyeing this college guy who is currently going out with Lily (right). Lily is a college girl who hits the gym frequently and is not afraid to fight for what she wants.

One day at a college bar, Stephanie show up and saw Lily talking to the guy. Stephanie (left) who is tipsy already walk and got in-between Lily and the guy. Lily (right) visibly angry grabs Stephanie's shoulder spin her to see her face to face and as "WTF is your problem bitch?"
Stephanie, put her hand over Lily's face and pushed her away and said "YOU ARE"
Lily lost it and attack the drunk girl.
Who wins in a "I quit match"?
Stephanie has a bigger ass and has more experience
Lily is stronger, younger and has more stamina
