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The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost

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The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« on: October 01, 2015, 06:36:40 PM »
I am a huge fan of Hank McCoy and in the post thread Menage a Trois there was a request to repost the "The Missing Spark". I have done this below, luckily I still had this as I have lost some of his other stories. There was a sequel, not sure if one or two stories but cannot find them yet. If anyone has these please post. To Hank, I hope you are planning on writing more stories because your long buildups and excellent telling of what the men and women are both thinking is just so enjoyable.

The Missing Spark
By HankMcCoy1 now Hank McCoy 02
Pages 21


Emma tapped her foot impatiently as the elevator whirred its way towards the lobby. While Emma was enjoying her holiday in New York, the long elevator rides that were a part of everyday life in this city, were a little bothersome. As she waited for the lift to reach its destination, she absent-mindedly checked her appearance in the mirror opposite her. She ran her hands through her fiery red hair, smoothing out her copper locks, which cascaded down to her shoulders. Emma was the quintessential English rose. A beautiful, young mother of one, she was married to her loving husband Steve, a well paid advertising executive, whose work frequently took him around the world, and ensconced his wife and son in more than comfortable living conditions, in one of London’s more up-market, well-to-do areas. Her porcelain white skin, stood in stark contrast to the rather striking color of her hair. She plucked the wrinkles out of her tight-fitting t-shirt, before ensuring that her jeans looked satisfactory. Emma wasn’t mad about them, but Steve insisted that they looked perfect (although in truth, he just relished the way his wife’s toned buttocks looked in them). Emma looked the very picture of what Nigella Lawson would probably dub, a domestic Goddess. Due to Steve’s high-flying career, Emma spent most of her days looking after their young son but also took great pride in maintaining her figure. Her toned, sexy body drew many admiring glances, since she and Steve had arrived in the Big Apple.  Her large 34 d breasts garnering no small amount of the attention.
She wondered how little Darren was, back home with Steve’s parents. She had wanted to take him along, but Steve insisted he would be fine back in England for the week. Steve had been eager to take advantage of the week in a foreign country, and wished to spend as much of it between the sheets with his beautiful, young wife as humanly possible. Emma had reluctantly consented, realizing that a romantic break away, could be just what the doctor ordered. While their relationship was by no means in trouble, both Steve and Emma had settled down to a life of daily routine, sporadically interspersed with the odd romantic gesture. Their attraction for and love towards each other remained strong, they needed something to rekindle the spark in their relationship.
 Just as Emma mulled over these thoughts, the elevator doors slid open with an audible Bing sound, confirming that Emma had reached the lobby. She stepped out of the elevator and into the foyer, her long legs covering the ground in purposeful strides as the young Englishwomen headed for the dining area, eager to get breakfast out of the way and get out into the early morning sunshine and do some sightseeing. As Emma entered the dining area, she leaned forward on her tip toes, trying to get the most out of her five foot foot six frame, as she surveyed the room for her husband. After a brief moment, she located Steve, sitting at a booth nearest the window, chatting with a handsome Black man, similar to his own age.
Emma sat down and smiled demurely, acknowledging the stranger, then pecking Steve on the cheek and playfully running her hands through his hair. Steve made the introductions, ‘Good morning honey, sleep well?’ ‘This is Tyrone, we were just chatting while we waited for his missus and yourself to come down for a bit of grub.’ Tyrone reached across the table and grasping Emma’s hand strongly, gave it a good shake, ‘Morning, Mam.’ He said in a laconic Georgian drawl. Tyrone was of athletic build and quite an impressive figure, standing at six foot, an inch or two taller than Paul even. His hair was completely shorn and he sported an immaculately trimmed goatee. ‘You look stunning, first time in New York?’ he inquired. ‘Yes. Loving it so far….’ Emma responded shyly. ‘How about you, Tyrone? Are you a regular visitor or are you a first timer as well?’ Steve enquired. ‘Naw, man. My wife is a local. I know New York like the back of my hand…..’ Tyrone answered vacantly, struggling to keep his eyes off of Emma’s ample bosom and rather pretty features.
‘Ah, this must be her….’ Steve answered as he glimpsed a feminine figure sashaying between the various tables, making her way to the booth. Tyrone winced as he realized that he had probably been caught ogling someone other than his wife. Emma, turned her head to look at the approaching woman. She was greeted with the sight of Tyrone’s beautiful young wife, a dusky, Latina stunner with jet black hair, beautiful brown lips and a curvy sensuous figure. ‘Good morning baby, who are your friends?’ ‘Hey babe, this is Steve and Emma from the U.K., just thought I’d come over and be friendly while I waited for you……. Tyrone spluttered.  ‘I’ll bet you did……..My name is Maria by the way, pleasure to meet you…..’ the raven-haired woman said as she shook hands with Steve and leaned over to hug Emma. Steve looked admiringly at the attractive Mexican-American, as she bent over the coffee table. He caught a good look at her mocha-colored boobs, two generous globes that looked to be as big as Emma’s pair. Her tight, low-cut top struggled to contain the bountiful orbs and her tight little butt was truly impressive, even encased in mere tracksuit pants. Maria’s face bore little make-up, and her hair was done up in a tight pony-tail, revealing her sultry visage to all and sundry, her ears were adorned with smallish hula-hoop ear rings.
Steve reckoned she was probably the sexiest creature he had ever met, since his wife at least. Both women were eye-catching and incredibly desirable, yet visually, they were in contrast to each other. Their hair colors, skin tone, eye color all seemed to clash. Maria was perhaps a little shorter at five foot four, but both women possessed similar dimensions and body shape, if nothing else. Maria sat down, and the couples ordered before engaging in small talk, and getting to know each other.

Getting Acquainted

The two young couples made idle conversation, discussing plans for the week, reasons for being in New York, and just filling each other in on the minutia of each other’s lives. As the conversation progressed, Steve and Emma discovered that Tyrone was in construction, and Maria worked as a receptionist. They lived in New York and were only staying at the hotel because Maria rang a local radio station and won a competition that granted the young American couple an all-expenses paid, two week-long stay, at one of the more pricey hotels within one of the most spectacular cities on the planet. Despite barriers of class, culture and nationality, Steve and Tyrone struck up an almost instant rapport with each other. Tyrone was quite the host, quick with a joke, and well able to break the ice. It wasn’t long before both men were laughing and joking.
Relations between their partners weren’t quite as easy going. They were decidedly more……frosty. Both women sat across the table from one another, their loving husbands at their side, and made stunted efforts at matching their partner’s animated conversation. Emma appraised Maria with a critical eye. She was an undeniably beautiful, young woman. Her body was tight, accentuated by the grey figure hugging track pants which clung to her pert little ass. Her bronzed skin and 34 d breasts rounded off what was already a pretty alluring woman. Her body showed little evidence that she was a young mother to a bubbly toddler. Truth be told……that was part of the problem. Emma’s efforts to warm to her new companion were severely hampered by Steve’s wandering eye. Out of the corner of her own eye, she could see Steve steal admiring glances at the exotic woman’s face, his eyes lingering just a little too long on her glossy black hair, pulled tight into a pony-tail. The valley between Maria’s tanned tits seemed to be getting quite the appraisal from Steve. The clod probably thought he was being subtle. Despite herself, Emma could feel a well of resentment towards the pretty, young, American build up in the pit of her stomach, so much so, that she was barely present in their conversation, instead wrapped up in her petty thoughts.

For her part, Maria was doing her best to engage in the type of banter her husband and his new English sidekick were engaged in. However, it wasn’t proving to be easy. While Tyrone always was a charmer, able to find common ground with almost anyone, Maria lacked her man’s way with people. Growing up in one of New York’s tougher neighborhoods had been the catalyst for Maria developing a somewhat spikey nature. She was closer to the popular stereotype of the fiery, passionate Latina, than she cared to admit. Something Tyrone often playfully teased her about, much to her chagrin. She knew she wasn’t a people person……yet this was a little different. Conversation with the haughty young Englishwoman was bordering on being a chore. Of course, her talkative inclinations weren’t aided by her husband’s insistence on indulging his roving eye. His lustful gaze would travel up Emma’s long, slender legs, pausing to admire the curve of her ass. Occasionally, he would smile approvingly as he stole glimpses of Emma’s luscious, copper hair, pretty face or her tight t-shirt, struggling to contain its bounty of 34 d breasts. Perhaps Maria wouldn’t feel quite so insecure if she and Tyrone weren’t struggling to rekindle the spark in their once, passionate relationship.

Both women were snapped from their thoughts, summoned back to reality as Steve and Tyrone finished their conversation, ending it with a firm, friendly handshake and wishing each other good luck. Maria and Emma stood up in unison, mimicking their husband’s handshake, albeit delivering it with much less affection and enthusiasm. ‘We’ll see you around Tyrone, maybe meet up for drinks at some point during the week?’ Steve enquired as he stood up from the table. ‘Yeah man, we’re in room 334, on floor 16. Feel free to knock whenever…..’ ‘Ha……imagine that……’ Steve responded, ‘We’re next door in 333. I guess we’ll be seeing plenty of each other over the coming week.’ ‘Yeah, that’s cool man…..’ Tyrone replied cheerily.  Both Emma and Maria winced and cursed their luck as the couples parted ways……

An Interesting Development

Later that night, Tyrone scrubbed his teeth, while Maria stood beside him, peering into the bathroom mirror, combing her shoulder length, jet black hair. Spitting and then rinsing, Tyrone made idle chat with his wife as they prepared for bed. ‘That British couple look like they could be fun. We should arrange a night out with them……’ Maria’s brown eyes hardened a little as she retorted, ‘Why? So you can stare at that red-haired bitch? Didn’t get a good enough view of her ass this morning?’

 Maria’s terse response belied the frustration she felt because of the cooling passions between her and Tyrone. This little break was meant to be a chance for them to rekindle their ardor for one another. Instead, events this morning had put a dampener on their attempts to enjoy the break. Sensing the hurt in his wife’s voice, Tyrone sought to soothe her wounded ego. ‘Shiiiiiit sweetie……. You know I’m crazy about you…… You’re the only woman for me……’ Maria remained unconvinced. ‘I hope so Ty. For your sake and hers……if I catch her trying anything, and I mean anything….I’ll kick her pasty-white ass up and down the halls of this hotel!’
Tyrone couldn’t help smirking as he looked over his wife’s shoulder, at her reflection in the mirror. Clad only in an oversized t-shirt which doubled as her nightshirt, Maria looked the picture of impotent fury. Wearing only a pair of white boxers himself, Tyrone stepped closer to his wife’s back. The image in the mirror revealed some interesting aspects of Maria’s mood. Her face was flushed, and her chest rose up and down in short angry breaths. Most intriguing of all, Tyrone could make out the outline of his wife’s nipples through her loose-fitting, makeshift nightie. Talking about the pretty young Englishwoman and what she would like to do to her, seemed to have a stimulating effect on the mother of his young child.
Tyrone decided to probe a little further……… ‘No need for that girl, you know I only have eyes for you…… besides, Emma looks like she could be pretty fit, you know……Girl looks like she could handle herself……..Might not be the best idea hun……’Tyrone’s voice trailed off. Maria’s cute little nostrils flared in indignant fury. ‘I can’t believe you think that snooty, little witch could push me around?’ Tyrone stepped into his wife, pushing his package against her pert little ass, his loins stirring to life. His muscular arms reached around his wife’s waist and fondled her tits through her night-shirt. Her nipples were hard and noticeably protruding. Maria was as horny as hell, and Tyrone wasn’t about to let his wife’s arousal go to waste.
He reached under her t-shirt, his hand moving past her ass, reaching between her legs and grasping her vulva, gently at first. Maria moaned her approval, ‘Fuuucckkkk……..’ Without changing positions, Tyrone began to plunge his index and pointer fingers in and out of Maria’s hot, little pussy at a slow and steady pace. Maria was sopping wet and eager to reciprocate, her hands greedily reaching back behind her and into Tyrone’s boxers, wrestling his eight and half inch cock free and pulling at it roughly. Tyrone’s dark love rod throbbed with excitement. He urgently, spun his wife around. Maria raised her arms high above her head, allowing Tyrone to relieve her of her t-shirt.

Tyrone and Maria pushed their bodies close together and exchanged deep, sensuous kisses, just as Maria pulled down her husband’s boxers and allowed them to fall to the floor. While his wife played with his cock, Tyrone squeezed and caressed her breasts, pinching and teasing her dark, brown nipples. Suddenly, Maria broke off contact and huskily whispered just one word; ‘Bed….Now!’ Maria grasped her man’s cock and marched him to the bed, beckoning him to sit at the end. She admired his gorgeous, stiff, chocolate-colored dick, pointing straight up at the ceiling, just for her. She clambered onto Tyrone’s lap, pulling his shaven head towards her breasts before impaling her moist pussy on his rock-hard penis with a sigh; ‘Let’s see if I can’t make you forget all about that ginger puta……’ As she said this, a rustling sound could be heard coming from the room next door………

Fifteen minutes earlier, Room 333, on the other side of the wall……..     
Emma sat up in bed, reading a book, the only sound in the room being that off the high-powered shower in the bathroom. Steve liked to feel fresh before retiring, so as always, he had a quick scrub before bed. ‘Perhaps that’s part of our problem……..’ Emma mused to herself. Both spouses had allowed themselves to become creatures of habit, far too early in their marriage. Lust, passion and sexual needs had taken a back seat to domestic and familial concerns. Without realizing how, both Emma and Steve had allowed themselves to slip into the respective roles of ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’, and out of the roles of lustful lovers.
This puzzled Emma, so much so, that she closed her book and placed it on the bedside table. It was not as if she didn’t find Steve attractive. He had maintained his athletic build since college, his chestnut, brown hair, green eyes and winning smile all adding up to an attractive package. Not to mention his actual eight inch package, more than enough to satisfy any woman. Steve constantly reminded her how much he loved her and was the very model of a considerate hubby. No the missing ingredient wasn’t attraction….it was excitement.
This trip to America was meant to add that missing ingredient back into her love life. However, that hope had been thwarted somewhat by breakfast this morning. Her husband slobbering over some common slut had enraged her, and soured her mood for the day. Just as her thoughts dwelt on the upsetting incident this morning, the bathroom door opened and Steve emerged into the bedroom, steam billowing out of the doorway behind him.
He looked at his sexy wife and noticed her deep, blue eyes were no longer trained on the trashy novel she had purchased at the airport. Her winter-blonde hair was combed and she had put on her shear, see-through nightdress. Steve could see a hint of his wife’s cherry red nipples, standing out against the background of her soft, snow white skin. ‘The book no good, huh?’ Steve enquired as he laid out clothes for the coming day. ‘It’s okay, I guess…..’ Emma shrugged. ‘What do you want to do tomorrow?’ Steve scratched his chin, ‘I don’t know, a little sight-seeing, take in a Broadway musical, maybe go shopping if you like……’ Emma smiled, ‘That sounds nice….’ her voice trailing off. Steve piped up, ‘I was thinking……. Maybe we could go for a few drinks with that American couple we met this morning. They seem like fun….’ Emma’s mood darkened and her brow became noticeably furrowed. ‘Why? So you can stare at Jenny from the block and her big fucking tits…..’ she spat bitterly. ‘C’mon sweetie, you know I was just being polite…..’ Steve pleaded. ‘Whatever Steve….. Just know that if I catch you with that Yankee slut, I’ll kick her ass…..’ Emma announced with menace.

Steve was a little taken aback by this outburst from his normally demure wife. He looked in her direction, hoping to determine just how vexed she had become, and how much crawling he would have to do to make amends, and put things right again. Instead, he noticed something else, entirely unexpected. Her nipples had become prominent little nubs of arousal. Steve thought they looked stiff as fuck, as they poked their way through her frilly, black nightdress. It seemed that just talking about Maria, the sexy Latina and what she would like to do to her, made Emma more than a little horny. Steve decided that he would have a little fun with this situation, and possibly, get himself the best sex he has had in ages…….

Steve walked over to Emma’s side of the bed and stooped down, kissing his wife while massaging her right breast, teasing her nipple between his fingers. Emma, was a little surprised by this sudden outburst of passion from Steve, but soon responded, eager to have her wounded ego soothed. She returned his kiss with plenty of vigor. Steve did not climb into bed, but instead pulled back the covers and allowed his hand to drop, and snake its way under Emma’s nightdress, caressing, probing and playing with his wife’s pussy. Emma was already wet, her pussy obviously slick and her pulse raised at the mere mention of the raven-haired beauty next door and the thoughts of what she would like to do to her. Emma undid her husband’s white, cotton bath towel, letting it fall to the floor, taking his rigid dick firmly in her hand, she pumped it while tickling Steve’s bright red cock head with her tongue. Steve felt a surge in his nut sack, and let out a tortured moan, ‘Ah……Fuuuccckkkkk!’ Emma smiled, her confidence buoyed by her husband’s enthusiasm. The sexy redhead decided to seize the initiative, abruptly stopping her blowjob and rising from the bed. Steve was a little puzzled until he realized what Emma wanted, allowing himself to be motioned towards the edge of the bed, where he sat down and looked up at his sexy wife. Emma climbed up on Steve’s lap, her red, curly pubes tickling his thighs as she slid close to his erect dick. Steve took his wife’s left nipple in his mouth, sucking it and flicking it with his tongue. Her perky nipples stuck out like pencil erasers, and she delighted in the sensation of having them played with. Not wanting to delay the moment any longer, Emma dropped her moist cxnt down the length of Steve’s eight inch erection, releasing a throaty moan as she did so and lustily telling her husband, ‘I know how to make you forget all about that little Yank tart……’ The words had barely left her mouth when both she and Steve became aware of a noise emanating from the room next door………

Meanwhile, in Room 334……

Maria bounced energetically on Tyrone’s cock, grinding her pussy hard against his fuck stick, trying to force as much of his glorious prick inside her as possible. Her long, straight black hair bounced as Tyrone thrust in time with Maria, eliciting grunts and groans with each movement; ‘uh……..uh…….uh……….OOOOOHHHHH Papi! Fuck me! Fuck me harder Ty!’ Tyrone was enjoying the best sex he had had in years. His wife was fucking like a woman possessed and he what is more, he knew exactly why…..and that was getting him so hot. It seems there was something in the air tonight because Tyrone could clearly hear the sounds of grunts and groans coming from next door. He imagined that little redhead minx fucking her man like a demon. From the noises she was making, Steve must have been doing a good job of it too. Between his wife and the insatiable Englishwoman next door, Tyrone was working overtime on maintaining his ‘composure’. Maria could tell Emma’s moans were contributing to the quality of the fuck she was receiving. She resented Emma all the more, for what she saw as an intrusion into her boudoir, into her domain. She decided to release her pent up frustrations out on her husband. ‘C’mon Ty! Give it to me….. Fuck me like you mean it…… I’m not some snooty little English Princess……. Make me feel like a woman…… Oh that’s it baby….. You like that baby?.........Yeah?........You think that red-haired bitch could make you feel this good?’ Maria’s spiteful dirty talk enflamed Tyrone’s passions even further as Maria gave his big, black dick a thorough workout……..

In Room 333…….

Emma was sliding her pussy up and down Steve’s rod, her wet cxnt lips milking his cock with intensity. She pushed her tits hard against Steve’s chest, and Steve could feel her hot breath on his face with each anguished gasp of pleasure. Emma’s face was a combination of passion, determination and anger. She was really enjoying the best sex she and her husband had had in years, when she could hear that little slut next door moan and groan. The knowledge that Maria and her theatrics were part of the reason why Steve was so turned on, irked her. Not only that, but she could clearly hear that bitch insult and demean her as she fucked her husband. All of these factors contributed to the normally shy Englishwoman abandoning her usual shyness, and deciding to upstage that little harlot next door. She wrapped her legs around Steve’s back, pulling their bodies closer together, and pulled his head towards her nipples as she audibly let her tanned tormentor know exactly what she thought of her; ‘Yes……Yes…..Yes…..Oh Yeah Steve! That’s the spot!...... Fuck me with your horse cock……C’mon honey…….. Oh shit………You like the way that feels baby? You want to come inside me?.......... I’m more woman than that slut next door aren’t I? That little bitch can’t work your cock like I can, can she?…….
Both women had heard each other’s insults, and were irritated no end. Their emotional reactions to each tawdry jibe were amplified by the fact that the man they loved was inside them, as some harlot was questioning their womanhood. Their minds were a haze of resentment and pure lust as they enjoyed the best fuck they had shared with their spouses in years. As each woman bounced up and down on their partner’s dick, they abandoned all pretense of talking dirty to their hubbies and simply addressed each other through the wall, timing their insults with each thrust received from their respective men.
Both Steve and Tyrone could only look on in awe, as their wives indulged in this catty exchange. The passion of their fucking, combined with the intensity of their jibes, translated into an impossibly horny scenario. Both men were on the brink of cumming, unable to last the pace that the girls had set.......when Steve cried out, ‘Oh shit!’ He came hard inside his wife, some of his sperm dribbling from beneath Emma’s pussy lips and back on top of him. Thirty seconds later, Tyrone suffered a similar fate as he voided his scrotum and bellowed his pleasure, ‘Oh Fuck Maria!’ Tyrone came hard, and coated the inner walls of Maria’s vagina. With both their men spent, Maria and Emma collapsed on their respective husbands, forcing them back on to their beds. There they rested, recuperating from what had just happened, each woman wearing a thin sheen of sweat, lying on top of their respective men, separated by just a narrow, hotel room wall…..

The Next Step

The aftermath of that night was not quite what Steve or Tyrone envisioned. Rather than reignite their respective love lives permanently, it proved to be a freak occurrence. In the heat of the moment, both women had said things that they would never dare utter in civilian life. Maria was a respectable young, working mum. As enjoyable as the sex was between her and Tyrone, she felt a little embarrassed at her behavior that night. She never dreamed that she would have loud, angry sex, while not giving a shit if the couple next door heard. Not only that, but she had said some incredibly hurtful and mean-spirited things to an absolute stranger. Such behavior was out of character for Maria, even taking into account her tendency to fly off the handle and speak her mind.
 It was definitely far removed from her normal, hum drum, domestic life. For the next week and a half, much to Tyrone’s dismay, she wouldn’t have sex again, for fear of embarrassing herself. For Tyrone, this was unbearable. They had made a breakthrough in their bedroom problems only to come to a dead stop. He consoled himself over the following week and a half with the notion that Maria might be inclined to role play and talk dirty about what happened, once they leave the hotel and get back to normality. The thought did little to assuage the severe case of blue balls that he was feeling presently.

Life in Room 333 followed a similar pattern, much to Steve’s chagrin. His normally placid wife had morphed into a sex Goddess for one night, and one night only. For Steve, the events of that night must be incorporated into their love life. It was a no brainer. However, Emma was reluctant to follow through. She had had boisterous sex, without a care in the world that absolute strangers, in the room next door, could hear her. Furthermore, she had used language that would make a sailor blush to taunt and degrade some strange woman that she barely knew.
Much as she wanted to make Steve happy, she couldn’t bring herself to repeat the performance. Not now at least, with the American couple next door. What if they heard her and Steve again? What if they registered a complaint this time? Emma was a stay-at-home mum, married to a wealthy professional, and coming from a respectable family. Her behavior that night was out of character and she would not allow herself to repeat it. Steve consoled himself over the next week and a half with the idea that he could talk Emma around into talking dirty about that night. Unfortunately for Steve, the current sex embargo meant he spent the following days walking around with a tent pole in his pants. For a week and a half, both couples had done their best to avoid bumping into each other, at the behest of the respective wives, out of pure embarrassment and mortification. However, the status quo wouldn’t last forever……..   

A Chance Encounter

Steve tapped his foot impatiently, as he looked at his watch, waiting for the elevator. ‘Should’ve just taken the fucking stairs……’ he thought to himself. Emma smiled in amusement as her husband sulked about the minor inconvenience. Although, he did look well in his suit. Both Steve and Emma had dressed up for a night on the town. Whereas Steve had opted for smart casual, Emma had opted for more vampish attire.
Emma’s shoulder length hair fell about her pale shoulders, teased into curls for the night, her face bore a conservative amount of make-up, just a small amount of eye shadow and blush. Her most striking feature was her pink lipstick, which gave her pretty features a seductive and sensual look. As beautiful as the young Englishwoman’s face was, it struggled to compete for attention with her heavenly body. Emma’s snow-white skin was poured into a sexy little mini-dress with a halter neck at the back and a plunging neckline at the front.

 It was quite a revealing ensemble which stretched only as far as her thighs and was possibly the most impractical item of clothing that she owned. Regardless she only wore it to dinner tonight due to Steve’s pleading. Since he had caught a glimpse of it in their wardrobe back home in London, Steve had been trying to cajole and coax Emma into donning it in public. He would tell her that he had a gorgeous, sexy wife and he wanted to show her off to the world. Tonight she finally relented, and Steve was glad she did. The creamy skin of her legs, thighs, bare back, and exposed cleavage made her quite the attraction for all male passers-by in the hotel lobby.

Her decision was partly influenced by her decision to swear off sex since that night. She felt embarrassed and ashamed of the way she had acted that night. She did not wish to make love again in the hotel room for fear of provoking that bitch next door, and having her make a scene, possibly getting them all escorted out of the hotel.  Just then Emma was snapped away from her train of thought, as the elevator made a rather loud bing sound, signaling its arrival. The doors slide open and Emma was confronted with the last person she wanted to see.

Tyrone looked up, just as the doors slid open and was met with the truly enticing sight of Emma in her sultry outfit. He couldn’t stop the shit-eating grin from spreading across his face. His wife fiddled with her mobile phone beside him, before putting it back into her handbag and peering up at her husband’s face. Puzzled by his broad smile, she looked to the front of the elevator and saw the source of Tyrone’s amusement. ‘Shit…..Not Her….’

The young, American mother of one was still mortified by her own carry on the last night she and Ty made love. This slut had lured her into acting out of character and debasing herself. Ever since, she had refused the sexual advances of Ty, for fear of a repeat incident. She hoped this elevator ride would be mercifully brief and uneventful.

Steve couldn’t help eyeing up the exotic Latina, beauty in front of him. Tonight, it seemed, Emma wasn’t the only woman in New York turning heads. Steve looked at Maria from head to toe, his eyes drinking in every inch of her. She was perched atop stiletto heels, and as Steve’s field of vision travelled north he could see she her toned legs and backside were encased in a figure hugging, black leather mini-skirt which extended down as far as her sun-kissed thighs and no further. Her upper body was equally as awe-inspiring, her ample cleavage displayed in a tight-fitting, pale blue blouse. She had left the top three buttons undone, and Steve could see not only a good portion of her breasts but also the fringes of a black, lace push-up bra.
 As that elevator climbed into the New York skyline, the silence was deafening. Neither woman felt comfortable attempting to instigate a civil conversation. The awkwardness of the whole scenario was exacerbated by the fact that both men were quite clearly checking out each other’s wives. Tyrone was the first to break the uncomfortable silence……. 

‘So….. How have you guys been?’ Steve gratefully accepted the olive branch and responded in a cordial manner, ‘Not too bad mate. How about you two?’ Tyrone was glad to see Steve and he were still on good terms. ‘You know man, New York is New York…..If you’re bored in this city, there is always somewhere to go.’ Emma made eye contact briefly with Maria, brown eyes meeting blue. Resentment still simmered just under the surface, between both these women. Neither Maria nor Emma broke their stare, continuing to stare deep into each other’s eyes, almost as if transfixed by the mere sight of each other. Maria could feel the temptation building deep within herself to tell Emma exactly what she thought of her. Her demeanor wasn’t helped by the fact that the auburn English woman kept looking at her insolently.
‘You know, anytime you want to apologize for your behavior….. that’s fine by me.’ Maria uttered, just loud enough to be audible. Steve and Tyrones’ conversation came to an abrupt stop, both men eager to see how Emma would respond. ‘Apologize? I don’t think so……. I’m not the one who made an exhibition of herself……’ Maria fumed at the audacity of the remark. Her chest rose and fell in short angry breaths.
 She ran her hands through her jet black, shoulder length hair, taking a minute to compose herself. ‘An exhibition? Have you looked in the mirror and seen that ‘dress’ you’re almost wearing? Did you wake up this morning, intending to flash every ‘john’ in Times Square?’ The words had barely left her mouth, when Maria felt the stinging lash of an open handed slap, on her right cheek. Her pretty face lurched to the left with the impact, and her glossy hair flitted in a multitude of directions. Involuntarily, she could feel her eyes well up with the pain, as she raised her hand to her jaw.

Adrenaline surged through her body, over-ruling common sense, as she pushed Emma hard against the elevator wall with a two handed shove, hissing one word as she did so, ‘Bitch.’ At this point both men intervened, restraining their respective wives, much to their annoyance, in a vain attempt to defuse the situation. It was obvious to both Steve and Tyrone that once again, their wives were very excited at the prospect of ‘putting manners on each other’.

 Four sets of erect nipples could be seen straining against the pale blue fabric of a revealing blouse and low-cut halter neck. Maria and Emma struggled frightfully as their husbands kept them apart. ‘You foul-mouthed cxnt! You’re lucky we aren’t alone…..’ Emma bristled. ‘Oh Bitch, please…..anytime you want to go….anytime……’ Both Steve and Tyrone tried to hide the quickly emerging boners expanding in their boxers.

The prospect of these normally respectable wives, the mothers of their children, fighting like alley cats, made them horny beyond belief. Judging by the pencil eraser like nipples being sported by both these sexy ladies, it clearly provoked a sexual stirring in them. Maria and Emma could feel their husbands’ erections pressing against their backsides, their obvious desire for their women emboldening the would be combatants.

‘Alright……Ladies, it’s obvious there is tension here, but we ain’t gonna let you brawl like bums in public………Maybe…….Naw …….Forget it, bad idea.’ Tyrone’s unfinished interjection, ceased the struggle temporarily. Steve was interested in what the American had to say. ‘Go on Tyrone…..’ Tyrone finished his thoughts, ‘I dunno man, it’s obvious the ladies have a little bad blood between them…..Maybe if we head back to the privacy of our room, and let the girls scrap for a while, under strict rules of course, release those pent-up frustrations, everyone might feel a little less bitter…..Of course, if it got out of hand, Steve and I could break it up…’ Steve smiled broadly and replied, ‘Call me crazy but that seems to make a little sense. ‘Are you game, bitch?’ Maria spat at Emma. ‘Lead the way, cxnt.’ came Emma’s terse response.


Both couples strode with purpose down the hotel’s hallway, stopping at Room 334. Tyrone fumbled in his pocket for the key card, before excitedly sliding it through the scanner, and beckoning his three companions inside, with barely suppressed glee. Steve couldn’t help smirking at Tyrone’s eagerness to get things underway, and ease ‘pent-up frustrations’ as he put it.

 Maria walked to the center of the room, before turning on her heel and fixing Emma with a steely glare, her hands on her hips, and her chest thrust out, in a confident manner. Emma followed her erstwhile enemy, stopping just a few inches short of the bronzed beauty, matching her pose and bitchy demeanor.
Yet, here they stayed……the repressive role of respectable housewives causing each woman to stop short of giving in to primal desires. Despite the harsh words and brief physical exchange, both Emma and Maria seemed reluctant to give into their spiteful feelings, and brawl like enraged alley cats. The mores of society suggested that women conduct themselves in a more refined manner than this, and deep down, both Maria and Emma knew this. Yet, right now, the mere possibility of physical confrontation made the young American and British housewives feel like a surge of electricity was passing through them. They stood at the precipice, so to speak, unsure of how to proceed……..

Tyrone, and not for the first time tonight, took decisive action, nudging Steve with his elbow and winking, as if to say, follow my lead. Tyrone stepped behind his wife, placing his hands on her hips, and gently nuzzling her neck. Opposite them, Steve reciprocated the gesture, his arms encasing his wife from behind, as he playfully nibbled her ear…….

Maria could feel Tyrone’s erect penis rub against the tight, leather fabric of her mini-skirt. He groaned as he pressed his dick against Maria’s pert little ass, grinding the length of his dick up and down her ass crack. At first, Maria was a little surprised by Tyrone’s amorous attentions, but she soon surrendered to the pleasure of the sensation. Tyrone’s large hands reached up from behind her armpits, and firmly grasped his wife’s breasts over her blouse, sensually pinching and teasing them . He whispered in her ear, ‘Oh baby…..You make me so hard…… You’re the sexiest woman I have ever met……..’

Not to be outdone, Steve was dutifully lavishing Emma with lustful attentiveness. He held the auburn beauty by the hips, and pulled her backwards slightly. This allowed him to slowly press his dick against Emma’s posterior. She sighed with pleasure. As she did, Steve’s arms released Emma’s hips and snaked their way towards her bountiful breasts, roughly kneading them over her flimsy halter-neck top, causing her nipples to rapidly protrude. Steve breathed into Emma’s ear; ‘Fuck baby…….You make me so fucking horny……….’

The lustful efforts of their husbands, and their compliments, filled both women with pride, and inflamed their passions. Their own rising libidos blurring the line between what is taboo, and what is acceptable. Suddenly, the prospect of confrontation didn’t seem quite so far-fetched. The emotions and surge of sexual energy, that last engulfed these women the night they had taunted each other while their men fucked them, had returned with a vengeance. Both Steve and Tyrone allowed their hands to drop below their wives’ waists, search beneath the fabric of their clothes, and delve under the waistbands of each woman’s underwear.

‘Ooooooh fuck…….That’s the spot Ty……..That feels soooo good……’ Tyrone smiled as Maria made her approval of his efforts known. His index and middle finger plunging in and out of Maria’s moist, little pussy. Maria relished the feeling, as Tyrone’s throbbing erection pressed against her backside.

Tyrone ceased peppering his wife’s neck with kisses just long enough to utter; ‘C’mon Babe…..Tell Emma what you think of her…. Tell her some of the things you were telling me when we fucked last……..’ Caught up in the passion of the moment, Maria gave voice to thoughts and carnal desires that she would never reveal under normal circumstances; ‘That’s it Ty…….. work my pussy……..aaahhhhh……… ooohhh…….The moment I saw that limey bitch I knew I wanted to put her in her place…….oh Fuck, Ty…….Red-Haired bitch wouldn’t know what to do with a man……..oooohhh baby…… I want to swing her around the room by her tits while you watch…..You want to watch me fuck her up, babe?’

The Latina stunner’s bold words caused Steve’s cock to twitch with excitement, the coarseness of her challenge at odds with her everyday persona as a suburban housewife, Steve imagined. Emma could feel Steve’s ‘excitement’ press against her ass crack, as his hand gently teased her clit, stroking her already wet pussy to ever higher states of arousal. Steve pressed his lips to his wife’s ear and whispered; ‘Anything you’d like to share, Honey?’ With Maria’s vulgar threats still ringing in her ears, Emma let her own feelings be known; ‘ohhh Steve…… I love the way your cock feels against my ass……ahhh……… yeah……… You want to see the Yank slut bested by a better woman?..........You want to see me make the arrogant little whore cry?........Fuck sweetie………Just say the word….’

Both men knew that the time was right, Emma and Maria weren’t just willing to scuffle, they wanted it more than anything. There horniness and feminine pride promised an intriguing and sexually charged encounter. Both Steve and Tyrone, continued to fondle their wives, maintaining their arousal at fever pitch, in anticipation of battle.

For the first time tonight, Steve decided to take the initiative and dictate the terms of engagement. He spoke in stern terms, ‘Alright Ladies, we came here to determine who the better woman is, right? Well then, we expect you to fight like ladies and not thugs. No biting, no eye gouging, no head-butting or any other crazy shit.’

 Tyrone decided to help Steve with the laying down of the law. ‘That’s right, you’re respectable women, not back-alley crack-hos. I want to see you fight like it. Hairpulling, titty-squeezes, open-handed slaps are allowed all over the body, closed fists permitted below the neck alone. Anything else?’
Steve made one final suggestion, ‘The winner must force the other woman to give. Once the loser submits, the fight is over. Until then, the women fight for as long as it takes, without interference from the men. Agreed?’ Both women nodded their assent through the lusty haze they were experiencing.     

Down to Business

Both men slowly withdrew their hands from their wives’ person, and retreated to opposite ends of the room, in anticipation of an immediate flurry of aggression. Instead both women stared balefully at each other, their breasts rising up and down with each angry breath, blue eyes meeting brown, each woman waiting for the slightest act of aggression.

 Emma broke the deadlock, ‘You ready for the longest night of your life, bitch?’ Maria sneered in contempt, ‘Not even on your best fucking day cxnt…’ The sentence hung unfinished in the air as each women reached for the hair of the other, and embraced in feminine combat.

Emma grimaced as she felt Maria’s slender fingers reach into her auburn hair, and pull hard. The burning feeling in her scalp was matched only by the strain on her neck as she felt a pain not endured since her last school yard scuffle. She felt her neck crane at an uncomfortable angle as Maria pulled her hair back further and further, reducing her field of vision to the ceiling above her head.
 Despite her discomfort, Emma couldn’t deny just how right this felt. Steve had teased her sexually before the clash, yet her desire had not abated with the fight. If anything, the clash further stiffened her nipples through her skimpy halter neck dress. Of course, Emma had hardly been inactive herself during this initial skirmish….

Maria winced as that English witch wrapped her talons in her glossy, black hair. Thus far, the bitch matched her pull for pull, forcing Maria’s head to arc backwards and upwards. It was just the opening seconds of their confrontation, and already Maria was hurting. Paradoxically, she realized that she didn’t mind, Ty’s exploration of her body made her horny as hell, but separated from her husband’s wandering hands, her cxnt was still as moist as before, her heart-rate still elevated….. It would be a long night, and Maria relished the challenge.

Hands buried deep in each other’s hair, neither woman willing to yield an inch, both Emma and Maria pressed forward in an effort to drive the other onto her back, on the soft red carpet below them. Their mutual advance caused both womens’ bodies to press against each other, causing both women to feel unfamiliar sensations.
Emma grunted softly as Maria’s talons tested the strength of her copper mane, her forward momentum making it difficult to maintain balance, and impossible to alleviate the pain in her scalp. The British beauty felt yet another unfamiliar sensation, the feel of another woman’s breasts against her own.
 Emma could tell from the touch that Maria was a buxom woman, her tits every bit as full and voluptuous as her own. The faint scratch of erect nipples told Emma that Maria enjoyed the struggle as much as she did.
Maria could feel Emma’s orbs press against her own, as her copper-haired tormentor did her level-best to separate hair from root. The sexy American could feel a begrudging respect building for her tenacious opponent. Just then, Maria realized something.
That minx was rubbing her tits from side to side, raking her nipples against Maria’s, as they engaged in their hair duel. Sly bitch! Maria released her grip with her left hand, and lashed out with an unmerciful slap, the force of which crashed against Emma’s right cheek, causing both women to lose their terrier-like grip on each other and stumble backwards.
Emma involuntarily raised her hand to her cheek, a reflex reaction to the strike just meted out on Maria’s behalf. Maria smirked. ‘Oooohhh…..What’s wrong sweetie, did you not like your medicine?’ she cooed in mock concern. Emma rose to the challenge. ‘Actually honey, I think I’d like seconds…..if you’re up to it?’

Both women circled each other warily, mere minutes of conflict had elapsed between them, but each woman was learning to respect the fighting prowess of the other. Steve and Tyrone remained quiet, not wanting to intrude on this erotic spectacle, as two sexy housewives threw caution to the wind, and succumbed to basic desires. Each man felt intense admiration and attraction towards their respective warrior women.

Maria broke the momentary silence, ‘Bitch, I’m going to strip that sleazy dress from your body and toss your lily-white ass out into the hallway…..’ Emma bristled at the insult, and quickly replied, ‘You are more than welcome to try….if you are woman enough?’
With that, Emma surged forward and lashed out with her right palm, connecting sweetly with Maria’s cheek, sending her pretty face teetering to the left, and causing her to emit a yelp of pain. Maria’s response to the blow caused Emma to break out in a smile of smug satisfaction.

‘Revenge is a bitch, and so am I…….’ she declared, but before she could continue, Maria unleashed an open-handed haymaker of her own, which due to the force of the blow, was somewhat telegraphed. Emma ducked under it, and side-stepped to the right.

Both women were up on the balls of their feet, bouncing from side to side, somewhat akin to professional boxers. What started as a spirited challenge was escalating to a full-on bitchfight. Both these ladies wanted to mix it up. They approached each other, cautiously at first. When Emma would advance and attempt to double her rival over with a punch to the stomach, Maria would concede ground in anticipation of the blow, and vice versa. This game of cat and mouse lasted up to ten minutes.
Yet each exchange emboldened the female warriors. Each time a stinging slap cracked against a feminine cheek, reverberating around the room with the unmistakable sound of skin on skin, or a fist crashed against a curvy torso, or a smooth leg received the lash of a powerful kick, the fighters grew in confidence. Both women, despite their lack of fighting experience, and relatively cosseted, hum drum, domestic existence, where giving as good as they got.

Their attacks were becoming more daring. Risks were being taken, as each woman began to acquire more and more faith in their ability to catfight. Maria lashed her left shin against Emma’s right leg. Her reward was a howl of pain and frustration. That, and a powerful right handed fist, which crashed against the corresponding breast of the other woman with a dull thud. Emma threw a combination of both right and left-handed slaps, only to see them crash against Maria’s forearms and shoulders as she successfully blocked them. Maria sought relief by sending a powerful fist crashing against the belly of her antagonist.

However, this energetic form of combat came at a price. The strikes delivered and missed, the energy spent on defense and evasion, the emotional toll of testing yourself against a rival, all took their toll. Emma and Maria’s movements slowed gradually, becoming more labored. Beads  of sweat had formed on their foreheads, sweat patches could be seen at various points on Maria’s figure hugging, low-cut blouse, Emma’s trashy, halter-neck dress was tore in places, stained in sweat in others.

The energy expended in fighting had left both women gassed, and uncomfortably warm. The problem was compounded by their alluring outfits. Each outfit perfect for turning heads, for enjoying a night out on the town, but proving to be an annoying handicap when engaging in a hard-fought catfight. This temporary annoyance was put aside, as Emma and Maria stumbled towards each other, eager to settle this, to claim superiority over the other, to prove her womanhood.

Emma flailed at Maria with a tired slap, missing the target as she awkwardly lurched forward. Unfortunately, Maria was too weary to capitalize on the lapse, able only to entrap her opponent in a bear hug. Emma saw the danger in the situation and reciprocated the action, squeezing the bronzed beauty with as much strength as she could muster, at that particular point in time.

There, they stood deadlocked, in the center of the room, their chins resting on each other’s shoulders, caramel-colored boobs squished uncomfortably against snow-white tits. Though neither woman would allow their pride to admit it, they were grateful for the respite offered by the close-up clinch. Maria could feel Emma’s breath on her cheek as she re-adjusted her grip on the Englishwoman’s torso, and squeezed. Pressed tightly against her rival, Maria could feel the flimsiness of the fabric in Emma’s dress. She knew what she wanted to do next, and she wanted to torment Emma with the prospect. Maria grunted in her opponent’s ear; ‘You’re sweating a little, honey……Here, let me help you out of that dress. With that, Maria released the bear hug, and tore at the saucy halter-neck dress sported by Emma…….

The change in tactics, initiated by Maria, forced Emma’s hand. She opted to fight fire with fire, releasing the bear hug in favor of tearing at Maria’s blouse. Immaculately manicured and painted nails tore at garments of clothing, releasing bare breasts from the confines of their clothing. Emma’s dress being less durable, was soon torn away from her body and discarded by Maria.
However, Emma was quick to gain ground, and was not long in parting Maria from her blouse and black, lacy push-up bra. Maria’s leather skirt departed soon after. Both combatants stumbled backwards, exhausted from the intensity of the exchange.

Maria eyed her pale-skinned assailant with barely-concealed resentment. She expected the prim and proper Englishwoman to put up a bit of a fight, but never in her wildest dreams, did she expect to have her clothes torn from her body, and to be on the receiving end of so many bumps and bruises. Yet, she took satisfaction from Emma’s current appearance.

The pretty redhead stood before her, shorn off her racy attire, her hair disheveled and wild, a healthy coat of sweat on her body, her pink nipples jutted out from her cream-colored breasts, Emma’s modesty preserved solely by a pair of sleazy, red, lacey knickers. As she weighed up her options, and decided on a plan of attack, she noticed the formation of a wet patch on Emma’s panties, her ginger cxnt fur looked slick under the shear material of her underwear. The bitch was hot and horny, eager to lock up, claim victory, and then fuck her man in celebration. Maria was determined, as she thought; ‘Not on my patch, bitch….’

Emma caught her breath, glad of the temporary respite from the abuse meted out by her tanned tormentor. Not that Emma had failed to get her own licks in. Maria’s stood before her, naked save for a pair of shear, lacey, knickers. A somewhat sleazy choice, that bore a strong resemblance to Emma’s own pair, except for the color of course. Although difficult to make out, due to the dark texture of the material, Maria’s panties bore the unmistakeable damp patch at her pubic region, which could only mean one thing: intense arousal.

This bitch wanted to lock up, humiliate Emma, and then savor her triumph, by giving her man’s dick a thorough workout. Maria’s coffee colored skin was sweaty, her hair tossed and unruly, and her nipples pointed like bullets at Emma, two little brown nubs  of arousal, darker in texture than the rest of Maria’s bronzed body. They hinted at Maria’s baser, womanly desires, the need to prove herself in front of her man, to see off a rival, to assert her womanhood and superiority over Emma. ‘I don’t think so cxnt…..’ Emma muttered under her breath, in quiet resolution.
Emma glanced backwards towards her husband, and spoke with authority, ‘Strip Steve…..I don’t expect Maria to detain me much longer, and I expect to be ‘rewarded’ for my efforts….’ Steve smiled at his normally shy wife and her new found assertiveness. Maria scowled at the show of bravado, irritated by Emma’s dismissive demeanor. ‘Ty….. take your cock out……I want something to play with when I’m done here….’ Maria retorted bitterly. ‘Yes Mam…’ Tyrone answered cheerfully, stripping to his bare ass. Both husbands were delighted with this development, as it allowed them to release their erections from the discomfort of their trousers. Each husband was transfixed by the two women in the center of the hotel room, two exotic temptresses determined to best each other. The allure of both these amazons was too much for Steve and Tyrone, they idly played with their cocks as they watched the conflict play out in the lush New York suite.

Emma and Maria approached each other tentatively, neither woman looked capable of mounting an offensive flurry like before. The course of the catfight had changed, and both Emma and Maria knew this. From here on, the fight would be conducted in more intimate terms. Fists, kicks and strikes would have to give way to grappling skills, wrestling techniques and close-up fighting.
 Tired, sweaty, and aroused, both combatants would have to fight like women from this point forward; body to body, struggling for supremacy, attacking their rival’s most sexual body parts. In short, these catfighters would fight in a manner that only women could…..

Skin on Skin

Emma and Maria closed in on each other, moving in ever decreasing circles, their backs hunched like jungle cats ready to pounce. Their 34d breasts swayed as they moved, hair clinging stubbornly to the sides of each woman’s sweaty face and back as they approached. Maria’s right hand shot out, quick as a rattlesnake, and clamped around Emma’s left wrist, her lacquered nails digging into the Englishwoman’s wrist, stinging like a bitch. ‘Gotcha now, puta…..’ she hissed.
Emma winced in pain. ‘Well played bitch….’ She thought to herself. At first she attempted to wrench her arm free from Maria’s grasp, but to no avail. Instead, Emma aped her rival’s tactics, clamping her right hand around Maria’s left wrist. Both women found themselves deadlocked, each trying to bring their open hand towards their rival’s face and body, eager to bring their nails into play, but frustrated by the tenacious grip of their opponents other hand.

They pushed their foreheads together, as each woman forced the attacking hand of the other, down to the sides. Their perspiring bodies looked delicious in the soft lighting of the hotel room, their contrasting skin tones a delight to witness as brown tits squished against white. Firm backsides, encased in frilly red and black panties respectively, jiggled gorgeously as each woman shuffled against each other, in their modified test of might. They looked like lithe sumo wrestlers, desperately trying to impose their will on their opponent.

Both women were perspiring heavily by this point, making it hard to maintain a grip. Emma was the first to benefit from this fact. Her left wrist slipped from Maria’s grasp, and Emma saw a golden opportunity to seize the advantage. Quick as a flash, she swung her just liberated left arm over Maria’s shoulder, wrapping it around her neck, and pulling the pretty Latina’s head down level with her rib cage, in a vicious headlock. In panic, Maria allowed her grasp on Emma’s other wrist to be relinquished.

Maria immediately sensed the gravity of the situation. Emma could end their little spat, if the situation was not remedied. Her thoughts were disturbed, by the feeling of a strong pull, on the turf of her hair. That vicious cxnt had not just attempted to squeeze the life out of her with a headlock, but she was also using her free hand to pull Maria’s jet black hair. Maria needed to retaliate, and fast. Her hands groped upwards, as she grasped at Emma’s voluptuous breasts. Even in her vulnerable position, she could hear her efforts causing Emma to grunt and curse in frustration. However, anytime her attack would gain any sort of momentum, Emma would squeeze her neck with renewed vigor, stifling Maria’s aggression straight away. Just as she struggled for oxygen, just as she thought all was lost, a plan dawned on Maria. She would change the direction of her attack. Releasing Emma’s tits, she dropped her hands to Emma’s knees and pushed forward, all in one deft motion.
The move startled Emma, as she was forced to release the headlock, in order to use her hands to break her fall. Emma tumbled forward onto the soft, red carpet, face down, with her hands splayed out in front of her. Maria collapsed on top of her, her soft tit flesh mushrooming against Emma’s back, just below her shoulder blades, with the meaty slap of sweaty skin slapping sweaty skin.

Emma could feel the moist fabric of Maria’s knickers against her left ass cheek, as Maria splayed her legs and used her weight to keep Emma pinned to the ground. Emma moaned in agitation, as Maria moved her mound from Emma’s ass, to the small of her back, and used her weight to keep the Englishwoman immobile. Emma tried to escape her situation by pushing up with her hands, as if attempting a push-up.

 This act was cut short by Maria, as she used her free hands to reach over Emma’s head, grab her wrists, and pin them to the ground. As vexing as this scenario was for the plucky, young English Mum, she was not in pain. Just trapped and forced to suffer the indignity of that whore’s cunny juice on the small of her back…….
Maria gulped air in dramatically, grateful to have found a release from Emma’s vicious grasp. As she recuperated, she enjoyed the feeling of being in a controlling position (not to mention the hedonistic pleasure of rubbing her puckered little pussy against her rival’s rear and back), a few moans escaping her lips, as that little English cxnt squirmed and wriggled like an eel beneath her, in a futile bid to escape. ‘Right bitch…. Let’s up the ante…..’ Maria thought. She released Emma’s wrists, moved her hands beneath her chin, cupped them together, and pulled upwards and backwards with considerable venom, executing a vicious camel clutch, one that the Iron Sheik would be proud of. She had her rival right where she wanted her.

Emma’s eyes widened in panic, as she felt an immense strain, on her back and neck. She could feel her eyes well with tears, as pain surged through her upper body. That vindictive hussy had placed her in an impossible scenario, with no obvious escape. Surely, it would only be a matter of time. Just as the thoughts passed through Emma’s mind, she felt one of Maria’s hands release its grip on her chin……only to latch onto her left boob. Maria’s brown fingers pinched Emma’s nipples with a vengeance, as the American Mum of one leaned forward, and whispered in Emma’s ear; ‘Give slut….but not too soon…..I’m enjoying mauling your udders……’

Maria smirked as she issued the sadistic ultimatum, deriving immense satisfaction from her role as torturer. ‘C’mon bitch…’re done and you know it……Give.’ the tanned beauty taunted. ‘Not yet whore…..Not yet…..’ Emma uttered in defiance. Maria howled in rage, as Emma’s right hand reached up under her chin, and nails were buried in Maria’s one remaining hand executing the painful submission hold.

The Mexican-American beauty now felt tears well in her eyes, as she was forced to relinquish her domineering hold. The redhead slumped forward, her forehead stopping inches from the carpet below. Realizing she was not out of the woods, Emma moved fast, trying to retake the initiative as Maria’s mind was clouded in a fog of pain. Emma’s body was slick with sweat, much like Maria’s. This acted as a natural lubricant, allowing Emma to pivot her body 180 degrees, even between Maria’s legs, so that she was now facing the ceiling, looking up at her foe and sexual rival. Like a shot, Emma’s left hand reached up and grabbed a clump of hair, on Maria’s left temple, and pulled with all her might. Emma’s herculean effort was rewarded with Maria falling to the left, onto the carpet.

Maria regained her composure, her hands shot towards Emma’s tousled hair. Both women lay on their sides, their talons fastened securely to red and black clumps of hair, staring hard into each other’s eyes. Their legs snaked together as each woman sought to kick at the other, or ensnare their rival in a painful hold. Alas, their efforts were for naught, as neither was in position to assert dominance.
After forty-five minutes of desperate struggling, both women were covered in sweat, their hair damp with the strain of their exertions. Neither capable of vanquishing the other. Both women attempted to knee each other in the cxnt, purely out of frustration, only to have the other clamp her thighs around her leg. This left both women in the unusual position of having the other’s thigh pressed against their engorged, panty-clad, vulva. Both fighters were a complicated cocktail of emotions such as pride, lust, resentment, and hatred at this point.

Emma managed to roll over on top of her rival and glared down at her with a venomous intensity. Maria returned the glare with equal intensity, as she peered up at her. ‘Bitch!’ Maria hissed as she struggled under Emma. The Englishwoman was saturated with sweat, dripping down on Maria, and her bulbous tits pressed uncomfortably against Maria’s chest. Not only that, but the whore had the temerity to grind her thigh against Maria’s crotch, tormenting the sun-kissed Goddess, making her pussy ache for the sweet penetration of Tyrone’s big, black cock.
Maria managed to heave Emma off her, and roll the sexy redhead onto her back. Emma bit her own lower lip in frustration, and fixed her gaze on the brown eyes of her opponent. Maria’s coffee-colored tits were wet and slippery as they slithered against Emma’s. Her pert, little ass jiggled as she strove to maintain her throne, atop the English beauty. Emma moaned despite herself, Maria’s insistence on teasing her cxnt with her thigh, was driving her wild. She struggled to keep her mind on the task at hand, forcing herself not to think of Steve’s gorgeous cock and how good it feels to be fucked by it.

This struggle continued for a further ten minutes, as the women


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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 06:40:37 PM »
It cut the story off reposting of rest of it:

This struggle continued for a further ten minutes, as the women engaged in a horny, catballing catfight. Asses were slapped, nipples pulled, tits mauled, hair pulled and more, as the sweaty gladiators continued their epic to and fro wrestling match. The musky smell of the other woman’s sex filled Emma and Maria’s nostrils, as they dueled like bitches in heat. Eventually, they rolled apart, exhausted, having fought like lionesses for over an hour. Both women, on the flat of their back, looking up at the ceiling, utterly spent. Both husbands had watched in awe, watching the woman they loved, their loyal housewife, evolve into a tigress. They were overcome with lust, as they nodded at each other, signaling their assent that the contest had ended a draw, as clearly, neither woman could continue.

The Missing Spark

Both couples were horny as hell, the primal conflict that had gone before, a potent aphrodisiac. Whatever problems that existed before in their respective marriages; to Steve, Tyrone, Maria and Emma, they seemed a distant memory. It was obvious that cat fighting could be a kinky outlet for all concerned, the explosive element both women had hoped to restore in their love lives. Maria and Emma lay side by side, drenched in sweat, their lovely skin exhibiting the tell-tale welts and scratches of an evening spent cat fighting. Steve and Tyrone moved to their wives feet, and looked down at their warrior princesses, their knickers, thoroughly soaked in cunny fluid, the only item of clothing that remained.

Naked as the day he was born, Steve kneeled on the carpet between his wife’s legs, his cock head red and agitated, eager to be plunged between Emma’s nether regions. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of her sleazy, red panties and pulled. The crotch of her knickers clung stubbornly to her honeypot. Evidently, the fight had made Emma wetter than October, making foreplay redundant. As Steve freed Emma from her knickers, he raised them to his nose, and inhaled deeply, drinking in the musky odor of his wife.

He looked down at her and said; ‘You are the sexiest woman I have ever met and you fought like a lioness tonight. As you struggled on the floor, I could think of nothing else other than sliding my cock into your succulent pussy. I believe you’re the better woman and the better cat fighter…..’ 

As he finished speaking, Tyrone knelt between his wife’s legs, and reached for the waistband of her shear panties. Like Emma’s pair, Maria’s knickers parted from her slick, sticky pussy lips with great reluctance. Maria was soaked, her nipples like pencil erasers. As Tyrone liberated his Hispanic sexpot from her panties, he too raised them to his nose and sniffed deeply, savoring the sweet smell of his wife’s cxnt. As he exhaled, he looked into his wife’s brown eyes and said in earnest; ‘Baby……I’m proud of you. You took everything Emma could dish out and more. You fought like a wildcat, and I have never wanted to fuck you more than I do, right now. Shit, I felt that my dick could bust concrete watching you test yourself against Emma. You are the sexiest woman in New York babe, you know that?’

Without further ado, both men looked at each other, before plunging inside their wives. All sense of decorum and etiquette forgotten, as it somehow seemed insignificant in light of the hedonistic display that had just occurred. Both sets of spouses fucked on the floor, less than a foot from each other.

 Their lovemaking was energetic, frantic even, as Steve and Tyrone thrust in and out, with a vigor not seen since the early stages of their respective marriages. For their part, the women remained as catty as ever, trying to upstage the other, attempting to demonstrate their superior skills as a lover.

 Emma would cup Steve’s ass as he pounded her pussy, shouting with glee ‘Fuck my pussy…… Fuck my pussy…….. Fuck my pussy!’ Not willing to allow herself to be outdone, Maria pushed her tits against Ty’s broad chest, bellowing; ‘Oh Ty…….. Work my cxnt…….. Work my cxnt……..Work my cunny…..Oi Papi!’ Both women enjoyed multiple orgasms during the course of their mammoth fuck session. 
Just then both men began to groan, their faces contorted in ecstasy, eager to savor the sweet release of ejaculation for the first time, in a week and a half. Their wives, scratched their husbands’ backs, kissed their men deeply, and practically begged them to cum.

Almost simultaneously, both Steve and Tyrone began to grunt. They groaned deeply as they voided their nut-sacks, enjoying the most intense fuck of their young lives. Both men came hard and long, to such an extent, that their cum leaked from between the pussy lips of their respective wives. Exhausted, each husband lay restless on top of his wife for a moment, leaving his cock inside her, savoring the moment. With Tyrone’s cum dribbling out of her pussy, Maria turned her pretty head sideways and looked straight into Emma’s bright, blue eyes. ‘This isn’t over, bitch….’ She whispered huskily.
‘Count on it, cxnt…..’ was Emma’s terse reply.
The End?             


Offline Wondering48

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2015, 09:19:06 PM »
Found Part 2 this is all I have

Happy New Year
By Hank McCoy1

Part 2 of The Missing Spark


Maria was a flurry of activity as she pottered around the kitchen, setting the table for supper, while her young son giggled and laughed hysterically at some inane, cartoon. Maria’s glossy black hair was tied up in a ponytail, her long, sexy legs clad in comfortable jeans, and her tanned torso encased in a snug-fitting t-shirt. She had spent the day catering to the whims of her tireless toddler, Diego, and his boundless energy, which showed no signs of abating, even now, with bed-time approaching. Still, bath time normally tired the little tyke out, and gave his loving mother a much needed rest. And a rest is very much what the pretty young Latina was looking forward to, after a Saturday spent cleaning, shopping, and playing with Diego.
Her husband, Tyrone, was taking on a job, a considerable distance away. And as such, had elected to stay in a motel while he worked, rather than endure an extended commute from one side of New York, to the other. Unfortunately for Maria, this meant that all parenting duties and household tasks fell on Maria, in his absence. For the last two weeks, this meant Maria was a thoroughly exhausted woman come the evening. Yet, she didn’t mind……

 Tyrone was busy providing for her and Diego, and besides, ’Absence only makes the heart grow fonder…..’she mused. Maria giggled as she thought to herself, ‘That’s not all that grows after Tyrone has been separated from me for a while….’ Since their little vacation, five months ago, in one of the city’s most plush hotels, Maria and Tyrones’ sex-life had received a much-needed shot in the arm. Life in the marital bed had become much more passionate and urgent, Maria’s once-off confrontation with an alluring English redhead, and the memories derived from it, providing both spouses with plenty of fuel for horny bouts of lovemaking…… Maria snapped back to reality, as she realized Diego was wearing more of his supper, than actually eating it. Sighing, she scooped him up, and headed for the bathroom…….
Two Hours Later…..
Maria collapsed on the couch, laying back on the cushions, resting her feet against the arm of the sofa. With Diego washed and put down for the night, the attractive Mexican-American could finally rest. She squirmed on said sofa as she stretched her lithe five foot four frame, and prepared for an idle evening in front of the box.
She reached for the remote, and flicked on the television. She was immediately greeted with the sight of two blowhard politicians bickering like children. ‘Fuck no…’ Maria muttered, as she rolled her eyes and changed the channel repeatedly. As she channel-surfed, the phone rang. Maria quickly muted the television, and answered it, fearful that it might wake her son.
‘Hey Honey, How’s everything back home, on the ranch?’ a cheerful voice queried. Maria smiled instantly, ‘We’re managing…… Miss you Ty……’ Maria answered earnestly. ‘Not too worry, we’ll be finishing up on this site fairly soon, I’ll be back home in no time.’ Tyrone reassured her. ‘Good….What you up to this evening?’ Maria asked. ‘Just killing time, you know, watching T.V. in the motel room……You?’ Tyrone responded. ‘Same here….exciting lives we lead, eh?’ On the other end of the phone, the athletic black man smiled mischievously as he lay back on his motel bed, and decided to make a suggestion. ‘If you’re bored babe, I know what we can talk about…….’
Maria, knew what was coming, it had become a staple of their sex-lives in the last few months. ‘Let me guess……’ she whispered huskily down the receiver, ‘…….you want to talk about a certain ginger whore and what I’d like to do to her……’ Maria smiled as she could hear rustling and the sound of a zipper being undone on the other end of the line, she could visualize Tyrone wrapping his fist around his big, black, eight and a half inch cock.
Maria put the phone on speaker, placing it on the coffee table in front of her, before slowly allowing her hands to travel past her tight, black t-shirt, to her jeans, where she undid the button and lowered her zipper. With her left hand she lazily rubbed her mound over her white, cotton panties….. ‘Well babe…….Why don’t you get our little conversation started……’ Maria cooed.
‘Oh babe….. I was just thinking about the night that you fought Emma……..Fuck….You two going at it…..The anguished look on your face when she squeezed your tits……How determined you looked when you managed to mount her……The two of you on the floor kneeing each other’s cxnts……. Oohhh Fuck……’ Tyrone gasped as he jerked off over the phone, nearly bringing himself to climax, before Maria had even opened her mouth.
On the other end of the line, Maria listened to Tyrone’s recollections with rapt attention. Her husband’s grunts of pleasure combined with the memories of her tangle with Emma, made the Latina beauty horny, as her left hand delved below the waistband of her panties and played with her pussy. Maria moaned loudly over the phone; ‘That bitch…….Insulting me in front of you Ty…..Pulling my hair…..Scratching at my body……’
 Her almond colored fingers plunged rapidly in and out of her cxnt, as Maria’s mind became flooded with vivid memories of her duel with the pale-skinned Englishwoman. She remembered the feel of her sweaty body struggling against her, the pain of her dark brown nipples being tweaked, and the satisfaction of making Emma groan in pain when she yanked her fiery, red hair. Maria arched her back as pleasant sensations washed over her groin, and she roughly tweaked her right nipple, with her free hand, as she moaned down the line to her horny husband……

Tyrone could feel an orgasm welling up, ready to explode from the head of his cock, as he masturbated at a quick rhythm. ‘…….Oh Maria……..Fuck…….. The two of you…….buck-ass nude……sweaty and fighting like bitches…….trying to prove who the better woman is…..oh shit…..’
In her living room, Maria listened to her husband’s gasps of ecstasy while aggressively fondling her pussy, groaning out her sexual fantasies as she pleasured herself; ‘…….Oh …….Fuck Ty…..I’m close baby…….The cheek of that whore…..Challenging me in front of you……. Oh baby…..If I ever saw her again….. I’d make her scream for mercy……Oooohhhh Gaaawwwdddd!!!’ Maria screamed her orgasm down the phone, overcome by her kinky little fantasy, pushing Tyrone ‘over the edge’, as it were, in the process. Both spouses lay, spent, on their bed and sofa respectively. ‘See you soon Honey….’Maria cooed down the phone, before hanging up, thoroughly satisfied.

Across The Pond

Emma tossed and turned in her queen-sized bed, as the rain pitter-pattered against her bedroom window. A typical English winter’s night. Despite being tired, sleep would not come easy. She felt restless. Besides, her bed felt cold in her husband’s absence.  Steve’s work often took him overseas, leaving Emma to hold the fort back home, in London. She was content, spending time with her little boy, Darren, but she missed her husband greatly.
 It was not uncommon for Steve to spend prolonged periods of time on the far side of the Atlantic, working on some important project or another. Recently, however, prolonged absences had become torture. Since their romantic break in New York, and Emma’s impromptu clash with an American woman called Maria, Emma and Steve’s flagging libidos had experienced a miraculous recovery.

Emma smiled as she thought of Steve, and how his cock would harden when she told him about how it felt to have another woman slap and squeeze her ass, to have her tits mauled by a feminine rival, the emotions that surged within, as two sweaty women rolled to and fro, across a New York hotel room floor, threatening and cursing each other as they fought.
The memory had made Emma hot and bothered. She squirmed under her bed sheets, shifting about in the bed, attempting to settle her black, satin nightdress. Emma sat up, sighing in frustration. It was no use, she was awake now. She glance at her alarm clock, and sighed in frustration, as red neon digits told her it was still only half-three in the morning. ‘Fuck….’ She groaned as she lay back on her pillow, her gorgeous, copper hair spread out on the pillow beneath her. If Emma was to get any sleep tonight, she would need a little ‘relief’. And with her loving husband on the far side of the Atlantic, what’s a girl to do……

Emma reached towards her bedside table, pulling open the top drawer and rummaging for her ‘little friend’. She smiled as her hand found its prize, and she pulled a little, purple vibrator from the drawer.
Beneath the sheets, Emma hiked her nightdress up to hip level, and she set to work as it were, slowly teasing her pussy, tickling her clit, and making herself moist with the fingers on her left hand. As she did so, her right hand descended below the duvet, clutching her vibrator. The silence and stillness of the room was temporarily disrupted by the emission of a faint buzzing sound from between Emma’s legs.
The heel of Emma’s hand pressed against her neat thatch of curly, red pubic hair, as she slowly pushed the purple phallus in and out of her pussy, the vibrations sensually tickling her clitoris, unleashing glorious sensations throughout her body. ‘Aaaahhhh Fuck……’ Emma groaned as she pleasured herself, her masturbatory efforts provoking her most debauched fantasies.  As her hips moved in time with her dildo, Emma’s thoughts dwelt on her confrontation with the bronzed, American housewife.
‘…….Oooohhhh… that bitch……’ Emma moaned as she thought about what she would do to Maria, in the highly unlikely event that they would ever meet again. She imagined balling her fist in her rivals jet-black hair, wrestling her to the ground and sitting on her face, grinding her mound into that whore’s arrogant little snout. She could picture herself yanking Maria’s panties from her slutty body, stuffing them in her mouth, and humiliating her in front of both their husbands. ‘Oh shit……..Oh Gawd………I’m cumming……..Oh Yeah……. That’s it………’ Emma moaned, as a combination of her potent imagination and the industrious use of her dildo, pushed her towards a rather powerful orgasm. ‘Fuckin’ Hell!’ Emma thought, ‘I almost wish I could be reunited with that bitch……’


Steve sat at the counter, looking somewhat out of place in his impeccable business suit. His attire somewhat at odds with the relaxed and casual atmosphere of a New York City sports bar, not that Steve cared all that much. He had been working long hours, in an effort to get his firm’s latest project finished, and all he wanted was a few quiet drinks before retiring to bed for the night.
 The bar was a hive of activity, populated mainly by young men in their mid to late twenties, shouting and roaring in broad New York accents at a flat-screen t.v., showing an American football match of some sort. The sport held little interest for Steve, as he kept to himself, and quietly sipped his drink.

Just then, Steve was mildly startled by a strong slap on his shoulder blade, and a particularly warm and enthusiastic greeting; ‘Shit man…… I thought it was you, long time, no see. How you been? How’s Emma?’ a familiar voice chimed. Steve turned to see the broad smile of Tyrone, the friendly African-American with the sexy wife, that he had befriended only months ago. Well, he and Tyrone had become friends, their wives developing a much more ‘antagonistic’ relationship.
‘Tyrone, Great to see you, I’ve been good. Emma is in great form. How’s about Maria?’ Steve answered. ‘Oh you know, same old, same old….. What’ you doing back in New York?’ Tyrone responded. Steve then proceeded to tell Tyrone about his overseas project, life back in London and the other mundane features of everyday life. Likewise, Tyrone filled Steve in on developments State side, how his wife and son were doing, and what he had been getting up to.
However, as the night progressed, and more and more alcohol was consumed, both men started to loosen up, and began to feel comfortable in steering the conversation towards the topic that was on both their minds. Both Tyrone and Steve confided in each other, just how sexy the catfight between their wives had been, and in both cases, how it had acted as a tonic for both their ailing marriages. Obviously, both men shared a fetish interest, and better still, wives who reciprocated their unusual interest.
‘Fuckin’ hell Tyrone, Emma loves to trash talk your wife when we fuck…… You should hear the things she says about her when I’m inside her……Got to tell ya, works out well for me!’ Steve announced. Tyrone laughed, ‘ I know what you mean man, Maria talks shit like that about Emma, whenever she is feeling horny and wants to get me interested. Never….Fuckin….Fails!’ Both men were engrossed in their catfight discussion and its side-effects.
Inevitably, talk turned to who the better fighter was. While both men felt duty bound to plump for their own wife, they were willing to concede that each woman had put up a hell of a fight that night, on the hotel room floor. ‘I dunno Steve, Emma was fierce that night, but I reckon Maria would have wore her down eventually…..Just a matter of time….’ Tyrone suggested.
 ‘What? Not a chance, mate…….Maria was done by the end of the night……Emma had her in the bag…..’ Steve responded incredulously. Tyrone laughed at the conviction in Steve’s voice, diplomatically suggesting; ‘We’ll have to agree to disagree….. Wouldn’t mind seeing a rematch though….Ah well…’
Steve, seeing an opportunity, seized on the idea. ‘You know, while we usually spend Christmas at the folks, we like to spend New Year’s in a cozy little cottage down in the English countryside. A bit secluded, but a nice spot to ring in the New Years. If you and Maria were at a loose end for something to do for the night, and fancied ringing in the New Year in England, we would be only too happy to host……I’m sure we could find some way to wile away the hours….’ Steve said with a smirk.
‘Sounds like a plan….. Leave me your email address and I’ll run it by Maria……. I reckon she’d love to celebrate New Year’s in a different country…..and take part in any party games that you might have planned……’ Tyrone added with a mischievous smile.
With their plans for the holidays set, both men departed, thick as thieves, determined to talk their respective wives into an unexpected reunion, greatly anticipating New Year’s Eve, and the fun it would undoubtedly bring.

Tonight’s Battleground

Steve and Tyrone relaxed, or at least tried to relax in their comfy armchairs. They attempted to make idle conversation, but the minds of both men, were elsewhere. The moment of truth was upon them. Neither man could prevent himself from looking at the grandfather clock, in the corner of the living room, as it inexorably ticked towards half ten. Steve and Emma had arrived at the isolated cottage early in the day, eager to have everything prepared for tonight.
Maria and Tyrone arrived later. Both women avoided each other studiously throughout the evening. Not an easy feat, considering the size of this quaint little country cottage. Neither Emma nor Maria wished to engage in small talk before renewing their ‘conflict’. Both women were wary of dulling their competitive edge, and after the mammoth struggle they had engaged in, just months previously, each woman was desperate for victory. As such, despite occupying the same building for hours at this point, neither Maria nor Emma had clapped eyes on each other yet.
Comically, this left Tyrone and Steve in their roles as intermediaries, passing messages between each other, for the wives’ benefit, along with some choice insults, which Emma and Maria both insisted were delivered. It was by this method, that the terms of tonight’s catfight were settled. Both women had agreed to lock-up at half-ten, and they would catfight until the New Year, in other words, until the clock struck midnight. Unless of course, one of the women submitted, which admittedly, was far more likely.
As such, here Steve and Tyrone sat, like kids at Christmas, willing the hands of the old grandfather clock to turn a little faster. Separated by a distance of twelve yards, each man sat comfortably in their soft, cushy armchairs. The room was dimly lit, save for a Christmas tree, with flashing fairy lights, blinking, in the far corner of the room.

 Elsewhere, strategically placed candles dotted the mantelpiece, bookshelves, coffee table, and other pieces of furniture that had been moved to the outskirts of the living room, in order to provide space for the combatants. However, the main source of illumination in the room was the open hearth fire, loaded to the brink with split logs.
It bathed the room in an orange glow, and provided a fierce, almost uncomfortable heat. A large bearskin rug lay in front of the hearth, and both men reckoned that it would be where the bulk of the catfight would take place, with the warm glow of the fireplace acting as a backdrop for tonight’s ‘festivities’.

 Both Steve and Tyrone were hot, and they were clad only in terry-cloth bath robes. Neither men envied their wives, having to exert themselves in such oppressive heat. They smiled politely at each other, situated either side of the bearskin rug. The conversation that usually flowed between them, had disappeared. Both men feeling a degree of butterflies, on their wives’ behalf.
Boing! The old grandfather clock struck once, loud and clear, reverberating around the room, announcing the arrival of the half hour, with a chime loud enough to be heard in both the main and guest bedrooms. As it did, the door behind Steve opened slowly, and Emma strode purposely into the room. Mere seconds later, the door behind Tyrone creaked open, and Maria sauntered towards the edge of the bearskin rug.  The moment both women had been looking forward to, nay craved, for the last few months, was upon them.


Emma stood in front of her husband’s armchair, her arms down by her side, the only ‘tell’ that she was a little bit anxious to get things started, was the slow flexing of her fingers. Unlike the first fight, Emma was prepared for this confrontation, her attire demonstrating her steadfast refusal to be upstaged by Maria. Steve and Tyrone admired Emma’s inspired sartorial choices for this evening, from the vantage point of their respective armchairs.
The buxom redhead wore thigh-high, jet-black, fishnet stockings. Her sexy little ass and pussy were encased in matching, sheer black knickers, the material was flimsy and see-through, granting everyone in the room a view of the curve of her delicious ass, not to mention her delicately manicured lady garden.
A lacy, black push-up bra completed the ensemble, and like the knickers it matched, the material was relatively transparent, allowing both men the opportunity to see her milky-white breasts and pink nipples through the material. Emma’s pretty face sported cherry pink lip-stick, and black eye-liner adorned her deep, blue eyes, her fiery, red hair she wore loose, and it fell in waves, down just past her shoulders.  She was a truly exquisite looking creature tonight.

On the opposite side of the bearskin rug, stood her gorgeous nemesis. Sheer black stockings ran from the tips of Maria’s toes, along her bronzed calves and stopping at mid-thigh level. Unlike her English opponent, Maria had opted to affix dark red suspenders to the tops of said stockings, which were in turn, attached to a sexy little garter belt which circumnavigated the taut belly of the sexy American.
Between stockings and garter belt, a sleazy little dark, red thong struggled to conceal her pubic region, with a thin strip of lycra dividing Maria’s toned buttocks. Her mocha-colored boobs were held in a lacy bra of the same color. The texture of the material allowed for glimpses of Maria’s dark brown nipples, and the darker pigment of her skin in general. Maria’s full lips bore a dark, red lip-stick, matching her sexy laundrette, dark eye-shadow decorating her eye-lids. Like her English rival, Maria chose to wear her long hair loose, and down past her shoulders.

There was no doubt about it, but both women were dressed to impress. As far as they were concerned, everything was a competition, and neither woman wanted to be up-staged, to look less feminine than the other. Obviously, their choice of apparel was far from durable, in no way suitable for a hard-fought, catfighting marathon. Neither Maria, nor Emma, gave a damn. They dressed to turn on the men in their lives, to show them just how alluring they could be. If that meant fighting naked on the floor of a quaint, English cottage, then so be it.
Without a single word spoken, both women stepped onto the bear-skin rug, advancing until their breasts meet, and engaged in a nose-to nose stare-down. They stood there, deathly still, close enough to feel the other woman’s breath on their face, two pairs of 34d breasts squished together, neither Emma or Maria willing to blink, for fear of breaking the stare-down.
 For over a minute this continued, before Emma broke the silence and said with conviction; ‘Last time we tangled, you just managed to hang on long enough to steal a draw…….That won’t be happening again’. The matter of fact delivery of Emma’s assertion, needled Maria. She visibly bristled as she retorted; ‘Who are you trying to convince sweetie……me or you?’
Emma’s blood boiled at Maria’s little, verbal riposte. She could feel her cheeks redden, as blood rushed to her head, and the urge to escalate this confrontation to the next level, became unbearable. Without thinking, Emma surged forward, unleashing a most unladylike, feral yell; ‘Bitch!’
The fight was on……….

Dueling Women

Emma’s rapid onslaught caught Maria completely off-guard. Emma’s hands latched onto clumps of Maria’s glossy, black mane. Their breasts met as Emma’s charge pushed Maria backwards, her heels awkwardly clipping together as she stumbled, causing her to crash to the rug below. Emma, her talons fixed in Maria’s hair, stumbled after her, a victim of her own forward momentum.
The rug felt soft and yielding on Maria’s back, shoulder blades, and backside, in stark contrast to the feeling of Emma crashing down on top of her, with an almighty thud. Their breasts collided with a meaty slap, and each woman could feel the lace of their bras rub roughly against one another.
The shock of the initial collision now over, Maria slipped into survival mode. She reached deep into the auburn locks of the woman pinning her to the rug, seizing a sizable portion of Emma’s hair, and pulled with menace. Her reward was a pained expression, and a gasp of frustration from the lips of her rival.
Instinctually, Maria’s legs raised until they were level with Emma’s hips, at which point, her legs locked behind the redhead’s ass, the Latina stunner’s stockings making a rasping sound as they crossed together, preventing Emma from gaining a full mount, and assuming a position of power. The entire exchange had taken just over a minute, taking both women from a stage of eager anticipation to anger and resentment, in a miniscule period of time.
While Emma was undoubtedly in the driver’s seat so far, Maria was by no means panicked. She felt confident that she could defend herself from this position, and she knew that this would just be the initial skirmish, in a long and hard war.

Emma grimaced as Maria pulled the turf of her hair, at the back of her head, and pulled it hard. The burning pain in her scalp was excruciating and Maria’s legs held her in a stationary position, unable to leverage being on top into dominance. At least, not yet….. All of a sudden, an idea came to Emma, as regards breaking the deadlock.
She allowed her left hand to release its prize of jet-black hair, and reach downwards, towards Maria’s thong-clad ass. She reached back, and brought the open palm of her left hand, crashing hard against Maria’s left ass cheek. Slap! The sound of Emma’s hand crashing against Maria’s tanned ass echoed around the living room. Slap! Emma repeated the attack, this time, mustering even more intensity and venom into the attack. Slap!
This time, Maria audibly yelps, the meat of her left ass cheek turning as red as Emma’s hair. The pain inflicted so far, along with Emma’s superior smirk, drive Maria to take immediate action. Her right hand relinquishes its grasp on Emma’s copper strands, and reaches down, in anticipation of another strike. With admirable dexterity, Maria manages to prevent a fourth slap by catching Emma’s wrist and holding it, before the Englishwoman could land another blow.
As they struggle against each other, both women’s breasts have been rubbing against each other, stiffening their nipples. The open fire, blazing away to their right, bathing the scantily-clad figures in an orange hue, the heat provided by the flames causing both women to perspire. cxnts covered in lacy black and red material respectively, mash together, pubic bones meeting on occasion, as the women buck and struggle against each other.
Both women can feel their crotches moisten as they fight, their conflict in front of their loving husbands making them feel like women, their pussies starting to yearn for the touch of their husbands.

Once more locked in a stalemate, Emma on top of Maria, keeping her on the flat of her back, by virtue of her body weight, each woman with one hand buried in each others’ hair. The only difference being, that now Maria has a firm grasp on Emma’s left wrist. Maria sought to reverse her fortunes by squeezing her legs together, compressing Emma’s abdomen.
 However, she could not maintain a python-like hold for prolonged periods of time. Instead, she would squeeze for ten seconds, before easing off. When she felt suitably rested, she would renew her scissor-hold with renewed vigor. Gradually, this strategy began to bear fruit.

Emma surrendered her right-handed grip on the turf of Maria’s hair. She leaned back on her knees and shins, sitting upright, her sleazy, black, push-up bra rising and falling as she struggled to suck in oxygen. For her part, Maria had lost her grip on Emma’s wrist and was using her elbows to prop herself up, her upper body slightly elevated, as if she was finishing a sit-up, albeit with her elbows keeping her shoulder-blades from the floor, rather than her abdominal muscles. Maria’s lower body, her legs, remained tightly fastened around the torso of the attractive redhead. As Maria looked up at Emma, she derived considerable satisfaction from the discomfort exhibited by her opponent. She felt even more pleasure at the thought of Tyrone’s cock hardening as she took control of the fight, ready and waiting for her when she did eventually seize victory.
Emma’s pretty features had morphed into the very definition of frustration. She attempted to use her elbows to dig deep into Maria’s thighs, to drive a wedge into her leg lock as it were, so that she could then prise them apart. However, it was to no avail, Maria’s toned legs held firm, becoming ever more constricting.

It was now Emma’s turn to panic. She bucked and thrashed in an effort to break the hold, with no advantage accruing. She dug her nails into Maria’s thighs, hurting the sexy, little Latina, but failing to force her into breaking the hold. Emma pulled wildly at Maria’s sleazy, red suspenders and garterbelt, hoping to anger Maria, cloud her judgment, perhaps force her to forgo her current hold for the sake of preserving what was undoubtedly one of her husband’s favorite outfits.
Yet, not even prising these garments from Maria’s body, would force the Latina from altering her tactics. Beads of sweat were clearly visible on Emma’s forehead, her toned belly sore from the feeling of Maria’s thigh-high stockings abrasively rubbing against it. Emma was in the last chance saloon, and she knew it. Drastic action was needed……
From her kneeling position, Emma lurched forward, hands stretched out in front of her. She found her targets, as each hand roughly gripped one of Maria’s full, 34d breasts. Maria howled in shock and pain; ‘Whore! How dare you?’ Without hesitation, Maria retaliated by allowing her back to hit the bear skin rug again, as her nails were roughly dug into Emma’s wrists in a futile effort at breaking the painful tit squeeze.

In doing this, the application of her scissor hold suffered, and Maria was unable to maintain it, as Emma shook free from it. Maria was now in a position where her shoulders were strongly pinned to the bearskin rug beneath her, her beautiful, sun-kissed tits in the unforgiving grasp of her ginger tormentor. Throwing caution to the wind, Maria ceased all efforts at tearing Emma’s probing hands from her aching breasts, and put all her might into an open-handed haymaker.

In truth, it was a Hail Mary effort, a strike threw from the ground, against an opponent in a domineering position. Maria had no reason to expect it to be effective, such strikes are seen as a waste of time in professional combat, the science of most combat sports dictating in such scenarios, energy would be better utilized in trying to protect oneself, or change your current predicament…….. and thankfully, for Maria’s sake at least, she managed to prove the experts wrong. The palm of her right hand connected flush with Emma’s cheek, knocking her head sideways, and sending auburn hair flitting in all directions, and causing the Englishwoman to elicit a pained whimper.
Emma’s painful hold on Maria’s breasts was lost, and Maria managed to get the soles of her feet between her and Emma’s belly. Kicking with all her might, Maria managed to send Emma scuttling backwards towards her husband with a well-executed, two-footed push.

Just before being propelled backwards, Emma managed to grab at the front of Maria’s bra, hoping to prevent being tossed backwards. Unfortunately for Emma, she was tossed regardless, albeit with a sizable portion of Maria’s red, push-up bra, securely gripped in her fist.
 Maria shrugged out off what remained of said bra, tossing it aside, as she wearily got to her feet. Maria had visibly suffered at Emma’s hands. All that remained of her outfit was her skimpy, red thong and shear black stockings. Her voluptuous breasts bore faint scratch marks where Emma had forcibly squeezed them, and her left buttock was red, enflamed from the hellacious slaps that Emma had doled out. She was by no means out of the fight. Her brown nipples protruded prominently, and the under curve of her panties was starting to exhibit the tell-tale sign of moistness. As far as Maria was concerned, this fight was far from over……

Across from her, Emma slowly rose to her feet, feeling the worse for wear, at Maria’s hands once again. Emma was really starting to resent this, admittedly resilient, little bitch. Thus far, Emma’s sexy, little fuck me outfit, had endured better than Maria’s. Her fish net stockings were still intact. Ditto her see-through black panties and push-up bra. Yet, she too bore the marks of an evenly contested catfight. Her left cheek was sore, a little red, and a throbbing reminder of just what Maria was capable of. The abrasive material in Maria’s stockings had left its mark on her belly. However, Emma was wet and horny, eager to finish this and fuck her man like a catfighting champ….

At this point, both women had been fighting for half an hour, a fact confirmed by the eleven strikes of the grandfather clock in the corner. Once again, the loud boing sound rang out loudly, announcing the hour to everyone in the dimly-lit living room. Despite suffering a little from fatigue, Maria and Emma were eager for seconds.
Adrenaline, feminine pride, and the desire to humble the other woman and claim the passionate victory fuck that would undoubtedly follow, drove the women forward. They knew how much their husbands enjoyed their last catfight, and each woman relished the incredible sex that had followed, as a result of that night.
Maria and Emma circled each other warily, their stocking feet padding across the soft fabric of the bear-skin rug as they eye each other warily, looking for an opening, an avenue of attack. ‘Bitch…..You ain’t shit…..I’ll kick your ass all night if I have to……’ Maria panted at her rival. Emma’s eyes narrowed as she gasped her response, ‘Admit it…… you whore…… you’re done……’
Frustrated with each other, both women charged….……only for Maria to side-step Emma at the last minute, leaving her left leg trailing behind her, for Emma to trip over. Emma went tumbling face first to the rug below, utterly deceived by Maria’s deft movement. Maria hastily bounded towards her. Placing her foot on the small of Emma’s back, Maria grabbed at the back of Emma’s shear, black bra. Pulling upwards with her hands, and pushing downwards with her foot, Maria forcibly snapped the strap, albeit falling backwards as she did so, landing squarely on her ass.
 Emma pushed upwards with her hands, lifting herself from the surface of the rug, leaving the remnants of her bra beneath her. Once upright, she dove headlong at Maria, effectively rugby tackling her to the mat beneath her, Emma’s momentum sending both women rolling along the rug in a jumble of female flesh, hair and fury. Crotch to crotch, chest to chest, Emma and Maria rolled back and forth, alternating between kneeing each other in the pussy, and tearing vindictively at each others’ stockings.
The oppressive heat of the open fire caused both women to sweat profusely, as they scratched, slapped, kicked and insulted each other. Muffled cries of discomfort echoed around the room;
Maria: ‘Ow …… tit, you fucking cxnt!’
Emma : ‘Don’t you dare………. you bitch….. Don’t you dare….....Get your hand off my pussy!’
Maria: ‘How do you like having your big pink nipples pulled, whore!’
Emma: ‘I can take it, if you can…… what’s wrong, bitch?......Can’t take it when someone pulls your nipples!’
Maria: ‘Aaaahhhh…..Fuck….. That’s how you want it……Fine!’
Emma: ‘That’s all you got, isn’t it? Pulling my hair now? See if I give a shit!’
Maria: ‘Let go of mine and I’ll let go of yours……’
Emma: ‘Just tap, you whore……….You know you want too…….’
Maria: ‘Make me, you fucking slut!’

Emma and Maria were fighting with a passion and zest that reminded Steve and Tyrone just why they adored the women in their lives. Both men wanted nothing more, than for their wife to claim victory. This catty little contest obviously meant a lot to them, judging by the effort that was being put forth. Not only that, but both Maria and Emma had abstained from sex, unbeknownst to each other, for approximately two weeks, in anticipation of their second match. Both women had arrived at the conclusion that a little sexual frustration made them a little cattier, and more formidable fighters because of it. That’s how much victory meant to them……
Tyrone and Steve were snapped from their thoughts, as the catballing catfight at their feet, had ceased temporarily. As the women were rolling across the rug, they had slipped from each others’ sweaty clutches.

Unexpectedly, neither Maria nor Emma sought to re-engage. Instead, they slowly backed away from each other, before turning, and walking towards their respective husband’s chair, for a moment’s respite. Perhaps the fighting had taken an emotional toll, and both women sought the affection and reassurance of their partner, in order to see it through. Maybe they just needed a breather? Only the women themselves, could truly know. In any event, the grandfather clock read twenty minutes past eleven, 2014 was approaching, and Emma and Maria had a grudge match to settle……. The next round would be decisive.

Seconds Out

Maria sat up on her husband’s lap, naked save for her thong and stocking combo, curled up in a discreet ball. Her beautiful breasts heaved up and down as she attempted to compose herself, and catch her second wind. Emma, once again, had provided formidable opposition. Maria’s joints ached, her skin pock-marked with red marks caused by Emma’s more savage strikes. However, as before, fighting turned her on, to no end. Each slap, tweak, pinch and insult revved her engine, made her wetter, made her hornier.
She smiled as she thought how difficult it was to subdue another woman, when her mind raced with what she wanted to do with Tyrone. In the midst of battle, it felt as if Emma was intentionally refusing to give, delaying Tyrone from sinking that big dick of his into Maria. Even as the thoughts raced through Maria’s head, she knew they weren’t true. Regardless, the notion had helped fuel Maria’s animosity towards Emma, gave her the drive to keep fighting…..

On the far side of the bear-skin rug, Emma sat snugly in Steve’s lap, running her hand through his chestnut brown hair, as he nuzzled her neck, exacerbating her already highly-aroused state. Her modesty preserved only by her shear black panties and fishnet stockings, Emma’s alabaster skin showed red welts, marks, and scratches where Maria’s probing hands had slapped, scratched, punched, or grabbed her. Fighting that yank slut had been difficult, yet rewarding. Every physical exchange, every tawdry jibe, every physical contact made her feel more sexual, made her feel like a woman. The only problem being that catfighting tactics were hard to visualise when your husband’s prick was on your mind……

As Emma and Maria sat upon their husbands’ laps, Steve and Tyrone set about soothing their wives’ war wounds. Tyrone’s big ebony hands gently caressed Maria’s breasts, as he occasionally kissed her shoulder, her cheek, or nibbled an ear, peppering his pretty Latina wife with compliments, telling her how much he loved her. Likewise, Emma’s milky-white tits were being similarly felt-up by Steve, every contact with her pink aureoles, like an electric current being passing through her body. He whispered in her ear how much he wanted her, how desirable he found her, and what awaited her after the catfight.
Both women felt emboldened by their husband’s devotion. They eyed each other spitefully, as they peered across the bear-skin rug, resentment building once again, as their respective husband’s intimately explored their bodies. The need to prove their femininity in front of the men they loved, to assert themselves in the face of another woman’s challenge, making their hearts beat faster. Slowly, each woman rose from their husband’s lap, their back to their opponent. As they stood, Emma and Marias’ soft hands, pulled at the lapels of Steve and Tyrones’ respective terry-cloth robes, beckoning them to rise from their armchairs.

As they stood, Steve and Tyrone, reached around their wives, cupping their asses, and pulling them tight to their muscular bodies, kissing them deeply, for what seemed like an eternity. Each man wanting to reassure their wife before the catfight concluded, to remind them just how alluring they found them, before they turned and renewed hostilities.

As each couple broke their kiss, Emma and Maria peered over their shoulders at each other, their asses still firmly held by their husbands. They felt desirable, they felt wanted, and they felt the powerful urge to prove their worth as wives, to demonstrate the feminine wiles that they possessed, they felt a need to upstage ‘the other woman’…….
Standing at opposite ends of the bearskin rug, still glaring over their shoulders at one another, both Emma and Maria began to slip the terrycloth robes off their husbands’ strong shoulders, allowing their robes to fall to the floor, leaving both men naked, and sporting potent  erections.
Still staring at each other, each woman slowly sank to their knees, level with the engorged manhoods of their beloved spouses. Minutes before, both women had been aggressive, warrior-like even, now, ironically, assuming an almost submissive role in front of their men.

Freed from the confines of his robe, Tyrone stretched, and pushed his groin forward, presenting his penis to Maria. His dark, brown dick sprouted forth, from a mass of curly black pubes. It stood proud and upright, veins protruding along the length of Tyrone’s shaft, his substantial length and girth topped off by a sizable helmet.
Maria gazed at it fondly, before lustily taking it in her mouth, her head slowly bobbing up and down, as she teased her husband’s erection. Pleasure surged through Tyrone’s manhood as he croaked his satisfaction; ‘Oooohhhhh Fuck, babe………Yeah…….That’s it……Suck that dick……’
Across from them, Steve too had been relieved of his robe, his eight inch cock erect and mere millimetres from Emma’s pretty face. His large white cock extending towards a rather large pink cock head. His ‘mast’ looked stiff and strong, his length and girth, much like Tyrone’s, rather impressive.
Emma licked her lips, before taking Steve into her mouth, tickling his sensitive cock head with the tip of her tongue, before moving up and down his shaft. The sensations Steve was feeling were tantalizing, causing him to grunt his approval; ‘Jesus…….Oh fuck, Em………Oh Gawd……That feels so fucking good……..Oh baby……. Don’t stop…..’
Only minutes ago, the room had been wracked with the sounds of irate women tearing into each other, but now, it had become strangely still. Only the roar of the fire, the thump of raindrops against the window, the grunts and groans of the men receiving fellatio, and the slurping sounds created by Emma and Marias’ enthusiastic efforts, could be heard.
Maria looked up as she pleasured her man, his cock firmly gripped in her left hand, her brown, doe-eyes gazing into her husbands. ‘You like that baby……I know you do……. Are you gonna cum for me?.......Are ya gonna cum in my mouth, baby?’ Maria huskily whispers, tormenting her already highly aroused husband. As she speaks, her mouth is located mere inches from her husband’s member, a thin stream of pre-cum trailing from her lower lip to Tyrone’s slick cock head.
Steve’s cock twitched as he struggled to delay orgasm. God! Emma was good, and she wasn’t letting up, but Steve didn’t want the blowjob to end anytime soon. He huffed and puffed, as he savored his wife’s touch.
 Emma ceased her actions temporarily, allowing her husband time to ‘recover’. Her cherry, pink lips glistened with pre-cum, as she started to ‘talk dirty’ to her husband; ‘How ya doing sweetie?.......Enjoying my lips around your dick?........... Like it when I cup your balls?..........C’mon Stevie…….Give me that cum……Cum on my face, baby…….’
As they struggled to maintain their composure, Steve and Tyrone were able to appraise the other man’s wife, ogle her toned backside, as red and black shoulder-length hair bobbed up and down across from them. Briefly, both men looked up, making eye contact, if only for a second. In that instant, Tyrone winked. Steve understood fully…… ‘Follow my lead’.
As the grunts of the men became more urgent, Tyrone placed his hands on Maria’s shoulders, gently easing her back onto the soft bearskin rug beneath her. Across from them, Steve mimicked the movement with Emma…..
Tyrone sat on his wife’s warm belly, the bulk of his weight supported by his knees, either side of a prostrate Maria, his long, black cock curving up towards the ceiling. From his ‘throne’, he looked down at his wife, her straight, black hair spread out on the rug beneath her.
‘Oh Maria…..I love your tits…….. I want to cum all over your beautiful, brown nipples……’ The words had barely left his mouth, when Maria grasped his dick, and started to rapidly jack him off. As she did, Tyrone leaned forward, allowing his member to be pointed at this Latina wife and her buxom chest, so he could spill his seed all over her…..
As Steve straddled his wife’s sweaty belly, he looked into her deep, blue eyes. Her startlingly red hair spread out on the rug beneath her, she cut a truly stunning figure. Steve moved his groin forward slightly, as if presenting his penis to Emma.
His cock was red, pulsing and looked fit to ‘burst’. ‘I love you, baby……You are the sexiest woman alive……I want to cum all over your tits…….Can I come on your boobs, babe?.....’ Emma’s response was swift, as the fingers of her left hand circled Steve’s dick, and she proceeded to wank him with gusto…….
As if on cue, both men started to gasp, each telling their wife not too stop, and telling them how close they were. Almost simultaneously, Steve and Tyrone let out a guttural moan, signaling the arrival of their orgasms…..
Tyrone leaned back, his gaze raising to the ceiling, as his wife coaxed thick spurts of semen from his cock. Due to the two week abstention from sex, poor Tyrone was pretty backed up. His cum erupted several times, layering sticky streams of sperm across Maria’s bronzed chest. Maria milked every last drop from Tyrone, greedily ensuring that she wore every last drop of Tyrone’s considerable load.
‘Ohhhhh Shiiitt!!!.....Thats it, Em…..Wank my cock…..’ Steve moaned, as his agitated, red cock head spewed its salvo across Emma’s considerable boobs. Like Tyrone, abstinence had made Steve’s cum thick and plentiful. The warm liquid pooled across Emma’s chest, the warm feel of it on her flesh titillating her, driving her crazy……
Both men rose from their wives’ stomachs, returning to their soft armchairs, their dicks flaccid and spent, thoroughly milked. Both men knew that the finish to this catfight would do wonders for their powers of recovery, making them rise in no time, as it were.
Meanwhile, Emma and Maria had assumed aggressive positions, kneeling at opposite ends of the bearskin rug, the open fire, roaring in front of them. The hands of the grandfather clock indicated it was twenty minutes to twelve. The New Year loomed, and these two sexy vixens had ‘matters’ to attend to. Without a word spoken, all parties present in the room knew that this rest period had ended…….

The Final Round 

When they were within grabbing distance, both women lurched at each other, their gooey cleavage and slimy bellies colliding with a wet slap, as they met in a mutual bearhug. Maria and Emma squeezed with all their might, their tits sticky with sperm, sliding about against each other, as they turned and twisted, making audible squishing sounds as they struggled.
Their faces were inches apart, allowing both women to look into the eyes of her opponent, as they attempted to topple each other down to the rug. As they wrestled, the rather pungent odor of cum wafted up from their breasts, making the combatants incredibly horny……
With considerable effort, Emma managed to push Maria backwards , once again, finding herself cxnt to cxnt and tit to tit, on top of the American. From her vantage point, Maria couldn’t exert anywhere near enough pressure on Emma with her bearhug. Realizing this, Maria changed tactics, instead, opting to grab the waistband of Emma’s sexy, black panties, and pulling harshly.
Unfortunately for Maria, this granted Emma a greater degree of freedom, which she took maximum advantage of. She surged forward, dropping her cum-covered titties over Maria’s tanned face, grabbing the black locks at the side of Maria’s head, and pulling her deep into her cleavage. The only sound in the room, was muffled cries of frustration from underneath Emma’s boobs.
Maria bucked fiercely, in an effort to unseat the gorgeous redhead. Emma counter-acted this with minimal effort, matching each of Maria’s bucks with a retaliatory thrust. However, this was not the only weapon in Maria’s arsenal. The pretty American still maintained her grip on the waistband of Emma’s knickers. Feeling the heat, Maria decided to make the most of her grip on Emma’s knickers. She pulled up…..Hard!
Maria’s attack took immediate effect, as Emma’s black panties disappeared between the crack of her ass, her underwear being converted into a makeshift thong, in the most brutal fashion. Seeking to relieve the uncomfortable feeling building between her ass cheeks, Emma let go of Maria’s hair, in favor of grabbing the American’s wrists, allowing her to counter-act the strength of the wedgie she was enduring. In order to reach backwards, and grab the Latina’s wrists, Emma was forced to arch her back slightly, lifting her breasts from Maria’s face, and allowing her to breath freely again.
As Emma struggled on top her, Maria used Emma’s panties to haul to the left, clean off her, and subsequently roll on top of her, assuming the mount position. Once there, a clearly irritated Maria decided to fight fire with fire, releasing Emma’s waistband and shimmying up her torso until her boobs were level with Emma’s face. At this point, Maria pinned Emma’s head to the rug, by the turf of her hair, and then dropped her cum drenched tits over her pretty, snow-white face. ‘What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander…….’ She thought, rubbing her cum-covered boobs against Emma’s pretty features with a vengeance.
This time it was Emma’s turn to reach for panties, roughly grabbing the waistband of Maria’s panties and hauling them up high. Even trapped between Maria’s gooey cleavage, Emma felt a small degree of satisfaction, knowing the wedgie must be causing the Latina the same excruciating pain that she had just felt. Sure enough, Maria was forced to relinquish her tit-smother in favor of combatting the severe wedgie she was enduring. As before, this lead to the woman in the mounted position being unseated, as Emma manage to toss Maria to one side.
Although severely gassed at this stage, both women fought on. Lying side to side, they grabbed each other’s hair and pulled strongly. Their legs snaked together once more, their spunk-laden boobs were mashed together uncomfortably, as they rested momentarily on their shoulders, hissing and cussing into each other’s shiny, sweaty, cum-slick faces. Wet strands of jizz-stained, black and red hair clung stubbornly to Maria and Emmas’ faces. Once again, they launched into another tough, catballing duel, rolling on top of each other, locked together in close combat, hurting each other in any way they could. The sight of their contrasting skin tones mashed together, sending blood coursing to their husbands’ cocks, making them as hard and horny as before. The only sound in the room, the weary trashtalk of the catfighters, as they rolled to and fro, across the rug, over and back……
Emma: ‘You little brown whore….. You cock hungry bitch……Ow…….Fuck you!.....’
Maria: ‘ Oh yeah….Thats it……run your mouth, you pasty-white slut……It will be all over soon….’
Emma: ‘………Aww……I swear to God, if you scratch my ass one more time………’
Maria: ‘You’ll what?.......Cry?.........Don’t like it, Do sumthin’bout it……’
Emma: ‘Do something…..How about this?......Not so fucking smug now, eh?’
Maria: ‘Bitch! Let go of my thong……..Let go…….. I mean it!’
Emma: ‘Ouch!....... Get your hands of my knickers first……Ow…..Fuckin’ cxnt!’
As the women battled, viciously ripping at each other’s underwear, the entire room was startled by the old, grandfather clock in the corner. Boing! Boing! Boing! The chime rang out loud and clear, heralding the arrival of 2014 and the end of tonight’s catfight. The women fought desperately until the last second, even with the chance to claim victory lost for this evening, they continued to struggle. As the bell rang out for the twelfth and final time, the women pulled apart with a tremendous ripping sound.
Both Steve and Tyrone rose from their chairs to embrace their weary, battle-ravaged wives. The final round of catfighting, proving a potent tonic for the after-effects of their respective orgasms. Their cocks were strong and hard, the catty behavior of their wives proving to have a powerful, arousing effect on them.
Emma strutted towards Steve, her red bush on display, matted with her sex juice. Naked, save for her frayed, fishnet stockings, Emma pressed her bulbous tits against Steve’s chest, kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear; ‘As requested, one slutty red thong…..courtesy of that whore……’ As she spoke, she placed the torn under wear on Steve’s dick, giving the tip of his cock a playful squeeze as she did.

Similarly, Maria sauntered over to Tyrone, clad only in what was left of her sheer, thigh-high stockings. Tyrone couldn’t keep his eyes off her shiny, wet bush and flowering pink, pussy lips as she approached. She too pressed her bronzed body against her husband, giving him an affectionate peck on the cheek, before lowly whispering in his ear; ‘There you go babe, a pair of skanky black panties…..Enjoy…..The Bitch was reluctant to part with them…..’ As Maria spoke, Tyrone could feel the lacy, black material being placed on his dark, tumescent cock. It felt glorious, especially when Maria gave his erection a playful little tug.
Both women looked around at each other and visibly sneered, before turning and exiting the living room, through doors at opposite ends of the room, retiring to their bedrooms to clean-up and ring in the New Year in the martial bed, with their husbands between their legs.
Both Steve and Tyrone, stood awkwardly in the living room, alone now, save for each other’s company of course. What remained of the torn panties of their respective wives, hung loosely from the throbbing erection of the other man. Scratching his head, Steve spoke up; ‘Right…..Well……Happy New Year…. I guess……Looks like Emma would prefer if we celebrated in our rooms….’ Tyrone smirked at the understatement, and the oddness of their current situation. ‘You know what, man?.....I think Maria might have the same idea……I suppose we’ll see you in the morning……’
With that, both men retired from the living room, in pursuit of their wives. Both Steve and Tyrone looked forward to what should be a marathon fuck session with the women they loved, smiling as they strolled towards their respective bedrooms, the ‘spoils of war’ hanging from their raging horns……….

The End?


Offline Mindcastle

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The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2015, 11:16:52 PM »
Thank You for posting Part II of the Missing Spark. This is a fantastic story. I thought that it was lost forever. I really appreciate your quick response to my request.


Offline adventerer2003

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 12:32:33 AM »
Hell Yeah!
Life is boring without adventure.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2015, 04:06:41 AM »
Still love the writing, still hate that there hasn't been a winner yet.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2017, 05:50:36 AM »
Hi. As an aside, does anyone know what's happening with several stories, in which the punctuation is coming all fucked up?

I'm getting many ….. instead of the dialogue commas, making the stories unreadable.


Offline JT Edson

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #7 on: December 27, 2017, 03:42:41 PM »
He is an incredible writer. He really knew what could get you going.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #8 on: December 27, 2017, 07:35:07 PM »
Love this story!

I wholeheartedly agree! One of my favorite stories!


Offline karl butters

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #9 on: December 27, 2017, 08:43:20 PM »
Hi. As an aside, does anyone know what's happening with several stories, in which the punctuation is coming all fucked up?

I'm getting many ….. instead of the dialogue commas, making the stories unreadable.

I'm not positive, but I think it is caused by writers copying and pasting from a word document. The message board software is having trouble reading certain characters. I think, if you use the Verdana font, it should copy correctly.


Offline Wondering48

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2017, 03:40:45 AM »
First, I apologize for the font issues, as it was from a Word document. Will try not to make that mistake again.
As for the response from Hank, I am extremely pleased you are working on more stories. You are my favorite writer with other excellent writers such as  DottiD, Felix Gato Anna the Marine Chick. Excellent writers keep me coming back to this Forum, keep it up.


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #11 on: January 02, 2018, 02:33:07 AM »
I'm not positive, but I think it is caused by writers copying and pasting from a word document. The message board software is having trouble reading certain characters. I think, if you use the Verdana font, it should copy correctly.

Thank you. I noticed that a lot of stories got messed up, including all of mine, which before had the correct punctuation but now are all messed up too.

HankMcCoy02: I'd love to read your next stories when they come out.


Offline derwood

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2018, 09:58:20 PM »
I'm a huge fan of wife vs wife with both couples being the only ones there to
get involved in what happens before, during and afterwards.

The only way to make this story better, was to have the husbands fuck the others
wife - afterwards.

And they all lived happily ever after.


Offline karl butters

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2018, 08:08:34 PM »
I'm a huge fan of wife vs wife with both couples being the only ones there to
get involved in what happens before, during and afterwards.

The only way to make this story better, was to have the husbands fuck the others
wife - afterwards.

And they all lived happily ever after.

I always thought a neat change to the Ultimate Surrender videos would be to make it a couples thing. Let the women wrestle, like they do now, but the winner and her husband/boyfriend gets to have their way with the loser.

I realize this is a little off the original topic, but derwood's post made me think of it.


Offline Thommy1982

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Re: The Missing Spark by Hank McCoy Repost
« Reply #14 on: May 22, 2024, 06:39:11 AM »
Has there ever been a third part