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Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 3

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Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 3
« on: May 19, 2024, 06:38:29 PM »

took place in 2018

Stacy Keibler days in the spotlight were over.  She was happy in life and accepted that fighting other women was no longer needed.  There were others Stacy had wanted to fight but the simple fact was she was broken by Adrianne Curry, but the good news was she broke Adrianne.  As usual when she went out people still wanted to know about her fighting days.

“I’m basically done now because not a lot want to challenge me.”  She felt someone’s eyes on her when she said that.  “In WWE I fought the toughest playmates and won, I fought my fellow divas and won.  Then I did Dancing with the Stars and I took a few fights lightly and lost like with Gisele Bundchen. I was like this model has nothing and she beat me, even in the rematch I took her lightly and she bent me, but I won.   I’ve fought actual physically strong athlete and that’s where I truly learned to just win.  Like my first fight with Anna Kournikova, well that one still hurts sometimes but I know on her best day which was that day, she couldn’t beat me.  Since that I destroyed her, destroyed Gisele…When I’m fully engaged you needed something real if you wanted a chance of winning.”

“So, what about Summer Rae?”  A woman had caught Stacy’s eye, after that question was asked

“No need for a rematch, she legit kicked my ass and if we fought again without the rules she put in place she’d beat me.  I can acknowledge that.  Her name is Danielle by the way and in this world, no one will fuck with her”

A voice in the back that Stacy kind of recognized “Erin Andrews?”

“No comment on her, I respect (there was a tone in Stacy’s voice that changed on the word respect) her after the fight she earned it.  We aren’t’ friends and never will be but the fight happened.”

“Toughest fight”

“Definitely Adrianne, no matter what I did she responded.  What she did to me I responded in kind.  We don’t like each other; we fight the same and at the same time we both wanted to end the other.  Split wins but here I am in Hollywood talking about greatness and she’s somewhere else with what I earned in the tournament.”

There was a silence and Stacy looked away and then back to the people almost crying “No that isn’t fair… She hurt me more than anyone else, more than anyone else.  Neither of us have fought anyone since, I have no interest in ever doing it again.  It’s a shame but … It is what it is, she beat me, and I beat her.  If we fought a third time it would be just as bad and really, we’re both out of this game.  I never want to fight anyone else I can’t I put to much into that.  Adrianne Curry put my tank on empty when she put me through the wall then she punctured it after getting the win.  My last fight was a fight I lost and I never did more to win a fight and in the end I lost”

“Any fights you wish you had.”  All these people seemed familiar, and she saw Miley Cyrus there.  She was trying to piece together where she knew these people from, and it was Miley who asked her that

“Victoria Silvestdt is a big one.  Marti Colombari always interested me and when I was dating George we met, and I was impressed by her”

“That it or are you just saying them because it makes you sound worldly, and you know you’d beat those asses” It was Miley again and she was stepped up in front of Stacy “You don’t talk about fights you avoided you has been.”

Stacy smiled “What fight did I avoid”

“You avoided a real fight with me” There was a voice behind Stacy.  Stacy knew the voice, but it had been years since she heard it.  Stacy turned around and there was former model and gameshow host Michele Merkin and why Miley had stepped up became clear.  Stacy remembered that those two were practically family

  Michele was behind Stacy “Of course when we were friends, we had our little exhibitions didn’t we and you know that and know what happened each time we competed.”

“Not interested in fighting you Michele”

Michelle stepped in front of Stacy then another step forward, so she was nose to nose.  “This still bother you when another woman not just looks at you in the eye but also has zero fear of you.”

They stayed there and Stacy put her hands up “I don’t know what you want here but I don’t do this no more.  You know what happened with Adrianne and me.  I don’t have the will or desire to ever put myself through it again”

Stacy backed up “Look at her.  Look at the great Keibler backing away.  Listen Stacy you and I are friends.  We used to hang around a lot and have a talk on nights we drank you know there’s only one thing I want”

“It isn’t going to happen Michele.  You and I used to get drunk and have little tussles for fun and”

“I always won.”

“We would have a few drinks and have some tussles which were primarily for fun and ...”

“It always ended with you on your back pinned or with my legs around your waist and you saying that’s enough…Just admit that Stacy.”

“We would hang out and…”

“Hang out in our primes…IN your physical prime and yeah I said this at a party just like this.  I told everyone what we sometimes did when we had a few to many, you showed up at a party like this and heard what I was saying and what did you say then Stacy?”

Stacy was getting red in the face “I challenged you back then.  I challenged you to fight for real to find out for real and you said not today.  I said if we ever fought for real, I’d retire you and you said maybe I should be your last fight…”

“I was one of your best friends and Miley here reminded me that its ME that should retire you not some Top Model.”

“Miley is a big mouth.  Its clear Stacy is done with fighting so leave her be.”  Emma Watson was coming out of the crowd.

“Look at who the fuck it is.  That the best you can say after the whacking I gave you.”  Stacy clued in how there were a lot of friends of Michelle’s rich husband who hangs out with Hemsworths but also the English.  She was seeing some of Emma’s friends about here so Emma knew Miley would be here.

All attention left Michele and Stacy and went to Emma Watson who stopped first by Stacy “Sorry but its clear they set you up and I…”  She got in Miley’s face “Hate that shit and the best I can say is you have a big mouth and I want to shut it.”

They stood there silent and staring at each and Miley smiled “My Aunt Dolly told me after I lost to you that the real win is getting you to do this and act like this.  She thinks.”

“Everyone loves Dolly, but I hate you and don’t care what she thinks on this subject.”

“You should care especially as this time bitch... This time the message I give you is about what she said.  That if you come at me after beating you then this is the fight… After the beating I gave you and if you…”

“I’m here so do you want to continue talking…”

Stacy Keibler whispered something to the owner of the house and a group of men disappeared.  Stacy looked and somehow this party grew even more massive.  Word spread like wildfire that Emma Watson was challenging Miley Cyrus to a fight.  Whispers were this could be the most equal fight Hollywood had ever seen even more than Keibler vs Curry, more than Greene vs Palmer 1, this had potential to be the greatest fight between two absolute A-listers since the days of Jolie and Theron

“I think you both know what’s going to happen so they’re going to set up the place…I just wonder do you both know what this means.  A third fight do you truly know what it means?”

“Means what it means.”  Emma said

“Emma and I finally agree… It means…What” Miley was getting closer and Emma stepped forward “It means”

So many were asking what it meant and the one woman who knew saw the signal.  “they readied an area.  You both know what a fight this quick and with this much passion could lead to this is…”

“How about you let them fight or you fight me.”  Michele said

“NO.”  So many said then Emma got in Michele’s face “No one wants to see that.”

Miley went over in Stacy’s face “She would kick your butt and you know it but…”

“I’m retired and want to see Emma kick your ass.”

Miley never said anything, but it was like a alarm went off and both Miley Cyrus and Emma Watson walked away and into a area meant for viewing.  Miley was removing her shirt and threw it behind her where it was caught by Michele.  Emma removed her shirt, and it was caught by Stacy

“I guess we got corner women huh.”

“I knew your big lapdog was gunning for Stacy upset that her two fights with Adrianne stopped Stacy from taking part in this anymore and those fights are legendary just like the asskickings I’m going to give you for beating me last time. I’d be honored to have a legend like Stacy cheering me on.”

“Thank you I will...”

“You will be careful.”

“Michele no one here cares about us anymore.  You got your girl and I got mine and since yours set me up I hope she gets what’s coming to her.”

“Watch your… What’s up bitch” Mileys pretend actions defending Michele were replaced with one thought.  Beat up Emma Watson… Again

“This about them no its not this is about me proving you beat me but it’s a one off.”

“You said it I beat you and guess what this time it’ll be worst because now you get all my skills and my lack of care about you.”  Miley pushed Emma

“You won’t beat me ag…”  Emma went to push Miley who caught Emma by the wrists lifted them up then let go driving forward getting her head under a arm pit burying a shoulder into Emma’s tit they went over a chair.

Emma got her legs up used a strong core and flipped them completely off the chair which immediately got fixed and was on top of Miley in a great position.  Emma hit two quick slaps and then grabbed Miley by the hair and hit her head to the floor “Mileys no match” People started saying when Miley grabbed Emma’s tits as Emma reached down or more hair, she gave them a squeeze then turned Emma over.  Miley didn’t go on top instead drove two elbows to Emma’s stomach then went and reverse face sat Emma but actually twerked on her face.

Miley went for Emma’s pants, but it was to soon and Emma was about to push Miley by the ass and thought about the embarrassment of losing to Miley.  So, she brought her head up and bit Miley in the ass.  Miley screeched and looked back and was about to throw a fist where the side of her hand would hit Emma. 

Emma then shoved Miley away

Both were up and Emma caressed her tits “Went for my tits already.  Same ol Miley.”


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 3
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 06:41:45 PM »

Miley had her hand on her ass where Emma bit her “You are who I always said you were and bit my arse… Jealous are you.”

“Of anything about your white trash self NEVER”  Emma stepped in threw some crisp punches but Miley had gotten under her skin and Miley showed she still had one nature but Miley was more than just a emotional dirty fighter now. 

Miley blocked two and slipped right under a big left a stiff jab.  Miley slipped and moved lateral and hit a terrific straight right into Emma’s temple sending her down.  “Look at this Euro trash.  She forgot what happened last time.”

Miley went for a kick to a downed Emma’s ribs but it was blocked and Miley backed away and watched Emma spin for a trip.  “You got it girl.”  Michele shouted encouragement which got a thumbs up from Miley and Emma got up a bit of swelling.

“Did that punch jog your memory.  I’m a better striker.”  Miley said and Emma feinted a jab and Miley moved her head to outside where the jab would be and Emma was going to send a reminder of who she was.  A high kick that got Miley in the ear and dropped her.

Emma foot came back to the ground.  She felt that in the foot and immediately dove on Miley “You grew but its time we went back to the norm of us.”  Emma hit a slap with the left which was as much about pushing miley down  but Miley sat up body locked Emma and got a half guard in.

Emma tried to move but that was a tight guard and she looked back thinking on what she needed to do when Miley hip escaped and got under Emma’s arm and began to sit up.  Miley tried to turn Emma onto her back but rolled and the two began a combination of jiu jitsu and wrestling.  Trying to get into a advantageous position and at separate times were on the others back

Emma had gotten into a position was about to hit some ground and pound when Miley went for a triangle choke.  Emma never panicked, she was choked out last fight with Miley and it wasn’t going to happen again.  Widen her stance Emma began to stand and brought miley up.  Miley could continue the choke attempt or avoid a power bomb.

So, Miley let go and tucked in for a ankle pick.  Emma was trying to get out and Miley went for it harder working her way to her feet.  Miley had Emma’s leg up and Emma was bouncing “What will I…”  Emma never let her finish reached and grabbed the back of Mileys head and pulled.

That got her leg in a more athletic position and Emma smiled.  Then left her feet completely and kicked Miley away and onto a couch.  Emma landed on her shoulders and had both feet up she got hands by her head “Kick up.”  Emma heard that and wasn’t sure if it was a request or a question.  So, she did it and got the crowd going.

“Miley looked ready for me, but no one is ready for the skills I bring when…”  Emma saw Miley just slide off the couch and she knew what she wanted to do.  Run jump both knees with a Meteora then slam Mileys head until she quit.  Absolute display of skill and athleticism.

Emma hit two strides was ready to leap when all of a sudden Miley was up stepped forward.  Pushed at Emma’s hips then bridged back throwing Emma Watson over her with a perfect suplex into that couch.  Miley then did a break dance up to her feet and Emma was moving and got herself down on the couch.

Miley stopped the legs from leaving the couch and quickly got atop Emma while she was down on the couch.  Hands went to the tits and Miley looked at the crowd then Michele and Stacy “Find a picture of me and I probably got my hands grabbing my tits… Mine are much firmer and better than these.”

Slap with the left and hair grab by the right hand from Emma who pulled Miley and herself off the couch.  “Your tits …”  Emma let go of the hair and raked her nails down Mileys chest but was kicked away before she got at the tits.

They both got on their asses took a look at each other.  Emma had a scowl and Miley had a smirk then they slipped back on their asses as they kept eye contact.  The crowd was going crazy now this was going to be a battle and they were lucky enough to see it.

It was clear Emma took this very seriously and it was equally clear that it wasn’t a fluke that Miley beat Emma when they rematched.  Those watching especially the women who had fought said to look at the eyes Emma may have been scowling and Miley may have been smirking but their eyes were the same. 

Only  focused on the other they knew the story of the smirk and scowl.  The eyes said it.  Emma knew Miley never got lucky and this was going to be a true battle maybe her greatest in a long time with a different potential.  A potential Emma was intent on making sure went unfulfilled.  Miley truly was her equal now at this and not just some wild cat who wanted madness.

Miley could see Emmaa was as serious as she had ever seen Emma.  Emma was taking Miley seriously and it was a conversation with two women and the words of Kristen Stewart about a look Emma has it means you better bring it because she plans to and Miley seeing that look made her smirk.

They began to stand up Miley knowing Emma was taking t his seriously and Emma knowing Miley never got lucky and was a true challenge.  There was something else taking them over as they watched for the other to make a move.  A voice warning them of this exact kind of opponent.

That voice went away as they seen the muscles tense.  Emma and Miley sprang and so did the crowd, left hand went into the face smushing and pushing it and the right went and slammed into the shoulder.  They immediately had a bra strap fall down.

Pushing face both wanted the same move, but Miley ended up being fast hitting a loud right hand into Emma.  “Miley got hands’ “Mileys faster’ Miley hit a let knee to Emma’s side after the terrific right punch.

Emma was not going to be outdone and hit a left hook as she knew Miley would be leaning into that punch after the knee strike.  “Here I go.”  Emma said and hit a right uppercut snapped Mileys head up and quickly threw a jab to Mileys sexy stomach.

That leaned Miley forward so Emma threw a kick and it got caught.  Emma prepared for Miley to push her forward and get the takedown.  Miley instead swung the leg away and dove at Emma’s hair and the two went tumbling down.  Miley hit Emma’s head twice into the floor before Emma could get her hands into Mileys hair.

Miley went for a slap which was when Emma turned Miley over and onto Mileys back.  “You like it.”  Emma slammed Mileys head twice went for a slap and Miley reversed positions they traded reversals and ripped out some serious hair.

“White Trash”

“Euro Trash”
They got up to their knees pushed and pulled left to right on the other three times and Emma threw Miley down then tried to pin her like she did Nina Dobrev but Miley turned Emma and they repeated this again now the rolling and hairpulling was faster and body grinding harder.

Back up to their knees and Emma tried to throw Miley down again but Miley stayed they struggled.  Oblique muscles looking like they wanted to pop out from the skin and Miley ended up throwing Emma down on her back.

Miley pressed her body onto Emma’s ‘You like that huh, what id you think this was.”

Emma’s right went into Mileys shoulder and her left arm reached around grabbed Mileys bra.  She pulled as hard to her left with he left and pushed up on the shoulder and was able to turn Miley and reverse positions now it was Emma’s turn to press her body into Mileys.  “I’ve been here before I know what I can and can’t do and what I can’t do is lose to you again what I can is prove my body just like me is superior to yours and that’s what this is.”

Miley hand went to under chin and other at bra buckle.  She got Emma onto a hip, but Emma was pushing at Mileys face, and both got the same idea and went to get their foot into the pussy or stomach.  For those who have them the benefit of the doubt it was the stomach for someone like Stacy Keibler watching this closely and experienced she knew what both wanted there.

Foot met foot and they pushed away rolled backwards.  Easily got up on their feet from the roll which got a ooh and ahh from the people watching.  A deep breath and the bras were stretched, their tits barely left in the cups.  Emma stepped in before they could trash talk each other try to get in the other head and hit a hard right-handed slap then the right back hand.

Emma went for Mileys hair, but Miley ducked under nearly got her head to her ankles it showed off her ass and she rolled back up went for a slap. Emma caught the slap at the wrist “Fight night bitch and I see…”  Miley hit a push kick sending Emma away.

Miley put her hands out like a hair grab.  Emma ducked down went to back up, but Miley faked her and hit a kick to a bent over Emma Watson snapping her upwards Emma’s boobs flying completely out of the bra.  Miley eyes went wide seeing the boobs leave the bra the way they did.  Emma could not defend Miley going for her tits the kick was good.

“YES, I knew these were soft and I feel it more” Nails dug downward and broke some skin.  Emma chose to fall back before Mileys attack sent her down.

Before hitting the ground Ema raised her legs turned her shoulder and sent Miley to the side where Emma reached for Mileys bra.   Miley tried to kick Emma away, but Emma got her leg over Mileys and pushed Mileys leg down.

Emma got her knee to the ground inside Mileys knee and pushed up and was on Mileys back.  She didn’t know why but she dug her nails into Mileys hair and pushed the back at the neckline toward the floor then hit a headbutt between Mileys shoulders “I can get nasty to you bitch.  You white trash bitch.”

Emma began hitting hard slaps to Mileys neck and head and down the spin wherever the straight down slap and hit would land.  The impact was making people wince and those that saw Emma’s face were shocked at the scorn she had the malice she was showing.

Miley was wincing and in pain but was not giving in.  She came here to watch a fight then seeing Emma she wanted to beat an ass silly, and that ass belonged to Emma Watson.  Everyone here watching was going to get new respect for her and that would be respect she took from Emma by taking a beating and delivering a worst one.

Miley grabbed Emma’s arm and pulled to the side to get Emma off her back.  Emma grabbed Miley by the back of the bra and the two tumbled around and it ended with Emma tossing Miley over her by the bra snapping the bra.  Miley ended up her shoulders crashing into a chair.

Emma stood up her tits hanging out of her bra with a scratch mark on each breast.  She held Mileys bra up like a trophy “HUH …HUH… What did people think would happen here?” She threw the bra at Michele Merkin and said one more time “HUH?”

“Bitch time to end this.”  Emma jumped at Miley who batted her away and turned with the bat so she pushed on Emma’s shoulders pinning them to the chair.

“Huh what Emma… Huh look at whose pinned down maybe don’t play to the crowd.  You came here looking to what get you cheeks smacked with my tits.”  Miley leaned forward and heard

“I’ll bite you.”  Emma couldn’t believe she said that and it shocked Miley from doing the slap with the tits.  Emma slid down turned her hips and Miley hit the arm of the chair but was being forced down by Emma Watson.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 3
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 06:44:50 PM »

“I would have” Emma wanted to say something when Miley turned her head and bit the arm above the wrist then pulled at Emma’s bra the two went rolling around and Emma’s bra couldn’t handle it and snapped off.  “She’s biting Me” Miley screamed at one point then Emma screamed it shortly after.

Their rolling changed and both were trying to get under and behind the other go from the side to get to the back.  Pants began being pulled down and asses smacked and the grappling was not showing any advantage and they hit a similar move and both ended up on their feet with pants pulled down below the ass

Bodies sweaty and deep breaths from both.  Hair disheveled they stared daggers at the other.  Bodies had scratch marks on arms and bite marks.  Everyone watching who had ever watched a catfight had been mentioning how intense and personal this was seeming.  They were waiting for one to ask the other if they had enough.

They kicked their shoes at each other .  Each shoe hit and behind the second kick when the foot landed they went forward and hit slaps.  Hands in hair and knees hitting and stomping bare feet they were going after it very tight and grinding tits on the other.

Both were trying to lift the leg of the other.  Throw the other down take over the fight and they were all over that fighting area.  The crowd was going crazy this fight was raising its intensity levels. 

Pants were slipping down but they scratched at face and grabbed hair then went for a knee and that was to much and both tumbled to the ground.  They rolled around got on their  knees and got the right hand out of the hair and both flashed their teeth like vampires and everyone stood in shock as they bit down on the wrist.

The full fury of Emma Watson was on display.  She went further than others thought she could.  Miley said what Emma was when she was pushed.  Mileys biting Emma is wht people though Miley was.  What they saw the entire fight was a woman who could fight, and no one was asking who else they could match up with but why they matched so well together.

Emma stepped up with her knee put it on Mileys pants and pushed down.  That broke Mileys strong stance on her knees and released the bite.  Emma released her bite and sent Miley down face first to the floor.

Emma got to Mileys feet raised the shins up and pulled the pants off but kept them on Mileys Feet then looked at Mileys ass.  “Only way to learn.”

Shins trapped by Emma’s hamstring Emma leaned forward I will teach you bitch... I will fucking teach you who the fuck I am you white trash whore.”

Emma grabbed the back of Mileys panties as small as they were she still was able pushed them upwards Miley proceed her head up and screamed and Emma sadistically smiled staring at the underwear going into the crack of Mileys ass.

“Its not enough.”  Emma snarled and her other hand went up and came down with a loud smack on Mileys cheek then the nails dug in.  Scratch down the ass “You will learn White Trash.”

Slap ass scratch it.  Then the other cheek.  Four times she did this and Miley was trying to get away but Emma wasn’t letting her.  She was going to humiliate Miley Cyrus in front of everyone.  She had to send a message.  Had to.  The panties finally gave away.

That caused Emma to lose her leg trap and Miley immediately pulled away.  Emma jumped and hit both hands down on Mileys ass “Not so perfect of an ass like you think… Mine is much better.”

Miley had been trying to get away so she could regroup and continue the fight.  That comment turned her around and Miley was disgusted “Your ass is…”  Then everyone winced as Emma jumped into an amazing, loud, perfect slap right across Mileys face putting Miley down flat and causing Emma to perfectly sit just below Mileys belly button.

“your face against my hand… my god that just felt right.  Everyone heard that right everyone heard my hand rearrange her face.  Now she liked to claim her tits were better.”

Emma rotated the palms of her hand over Mileys tits “Not sure where she got that information from, but I’ll have to remove this selfie from her for a few weeks unless she wants to just surrender now.”

“go for it bitch. go for it.”

“You don’t think I will Miley.  I can’t stand you don’t think I will do this.”

“You got your hands on tits that are actually firm for ...”  Miley felt Emma add the pressure waited for what she knew Emma would say.

“I’ll show you.”  Emma went to twist and instead screamed Miley got her hand up on a Emma Watson ear and gave that a twist then bucked her hips.  Emma was sent off Miley.

Miley rolled and was on Emma’s hip and all fight she had the instincts going all fight.  It had helped her up until she got tripped up in her own pants and Emma took a big lead.  Now she wanted to do everything.  Rip and push at the back of Emma’s hair, she wanted to milk those tits and she wanted to attack the panties and ass of Emma Watson.

Her panties were off so Emmas panties had to go.  Miley went for them and Emma stepped her right leg under her body dropped a hip.  Emma kicked and pushed Miley away and they got up Miley completely naked and Emma with just her panties on

“Poor white trash Miley I think she finally is understanding what is going on here.”

“You’re a bitch….”  Miley was not thinking right. The nudity the words, the embarrassment of what was just done to her.  Miley threw a big slap and Emma stepped in hit a right that sent Mileys head back.  Miley tried to prepare to have her hair grabbed but Emma got a knee to the stomach and then pulled Miley down so she was over Emma’s knee.

“I’m going to spank her in front o everyone because I’m Emma fucking Watson and Miley Cyrus is not as challenge.”

Emma spanked Miley once before she could get a second spank as the crowd began to mock Miley.  Miley twisted her torso and sank her teeth into the lower part of Emma’s ass.  That froze Emma and Miley got her hands down and scorpion kicked Emma in the cheek.

Miley said, “Ok bitch I won’t let you put down me anymore.”  Miley head was straight she went over that knee and it woke Miley up and got her to get Emma out of her head.  She was able to twist her body and pull and grab at Emma, so Emma went face first to the ground and Miley was on her back knees.

“Slap that ass” Mileys right hand landed on Emma’s ass with a loud impact “Slap that flat ass”  Left hand on the ass “Euro trash flat assed having”  Double slap “I can remove your panties if I wanted but Emma.”  Miley reached and pulled the panties upward for a wedgie.

Emma let out a shriek and Miley smiled “I have made my decision in regard to your panties.”  Miley let go and scratched at Emma’s back then leaned forward “I’m going to win and when you know you are defeated and crying about losing to me again after you quit I will keep going until its you who removes those panties for the crowd.”

Emma reached back found hair and pulled down getting Miley off her back .  The two were in a position on the floor and Miley was on her back Emma on her stomach.  When Emma went to get atop Miley for a potential reverse face sit but Miley got her hands in Emmas hair slid her ass back and the two began rolling around arms extended full and hands in hair no body contact other than a hand in the hair.

Back to calling the other the name and all people could really hear was trash. They knew Euro or White was being said.  Emma started it and Miley responded it got under Boths skin and it was clear this could go on for a long time.  They were defiant in delivering pain and taking what was dished out with a similar skill set and while bodies were different, they were hard to tell just who was stronger and fitter.

They were working t heir way inward, arms going to a weird angle.  Both wanted to get on their feet.  The crowd was going wild this was beyond what anyone could expect between these two and people were talking how much longer they could go or how many times they’d fight.  It seemed to be turning into a eternal conflict in front of everyone.  Stacy Keibler could especially see that fact forming.

Emma was getting under and said “I will not be giving up my panties but I will.”  Emma pushed forward and both went into the air and crashed over the arm of a sofa and onto the full sofa.  Emma slapped her chest down on Mileys three times “I will win I will make you cry and surrender.”

Emma was trying to neutralize Mileys strong legs thinking her top half was superior to Mileys and if Miley couldn’t use her legs, she just had to attack Miley long enough with an attack to make Miley refuse t was over.  “that was close as you’d ever get from having me beaten like I got you “Emma was hitting the back of Mileys head into the sofa “Into having to stand up when this is over naked and embarrassed whether you won or lost.  You should have gotten that small victory because I can feel you getting ready to cry.”

Emma was concentrating on other things and left a gap between their bodies.  Mileys hands went to the outside of Emmas hanging tits and slammed them together.  That got a wince and a slam from Emma then Miley could feel Emmas body debate whether to keep slamming her head or to press bodies down.  That kind of debate cost Miley earlier now it was her turn to hurt Emma for indecisiveness.

Miley took a deep breath focused as much strength into her arms down into her hands as possible and pulled Emmas tits outward.  Miley biceps were on fire and she dug in harder with her nails to hold onto Emmas tits as she stretched it like dough.  Miley kept her eyes open waiting for the pain to over take Emma.

Miley saw it, the mouth slightly open and the eyes get wider.  Miley trapped Emmas outside leg with her legs finally able to use them.  She pulled her legs inward and turned her core up and outward and the two ultra famous known since childhood stars hit the ground hard.  Miley on top of Emma her tits decompressing Emma’s.  The unique tit pull and tit on tit slam was a great combination

“you are such a ..” Miley opened her hands and grinded her tits hard onto Emmas then got her body up enough and hit a thunderous right-handed slap to Emma’s face “Euro trash Bitch and you fucking lossssssssssssssssssssssssssss….”

Emma got her hand up and into Mileys mouth.  She wasn’t losing t his fight and whatever she found herself grabbing she would grab.  Turn the wrist and fishhook the mouth.  She knew what she had, and Emma heard the losssss and knew what to do and got her nails on the inside of the cheek ass she pulled Miley off of her.

Emma got Miley off her and turned on her hip to kick Miley in the shoulder blades then rolled away.  That was a impressive move and she could hear Miley curse at it “You done bitch, that what your white trash saying?”  Emma was pulling herself up by the sofa.

“Ill never be done.  you will never make me done.”  Miley was tired her stamina was nearly up and the pain was intense, but she wasn’t joking.  This fight was everything she was told to fear a fight with Emma becoming.  Miley was pulling herself up by a chair and didn’t want to look at the crowd.


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Re: Emma Watson vs Miley Cyrus 3
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2024, 06:47:52 PM »

Emma and Miley were up. Miley completely naked, her hair completely disheveled.  Emma with just her panties on, her hair covering her face.  Their finely done up hair was nowhere to be seen, the sheen of sweat covering their bodies, scratch marks and blood stains on both.  Michele trying to warn Miley, so Stacy was coaching Emma.

Emma and Miley took a step back knew they were close, and Michele wanted Stacy’s attention “You stay out of…” 

“White Trash” “Euro trash”

Michele Merkin desire to get Stacy involved got put on pause again.  Emma and Miley were up and fighting again exchanging slaps.  It was impossible to tell who slapped harder and whose slap caused more spit to fly out of the others mouth.

Then the other hand hit on the other cheek.  “Euro Trash” White Trash.”  They said the focus so much on these two celebrities who people had literally watched grow up now watched savage each other.  No idea who was going to win this third fight but word around was no way was this a rubber match this was a third of many.

The hands went into the hair, and they were tossing each other around in a circle.  Trying to get under and throw the other woman down.  Emma and Miley wanted to get at a angle to throw the other down.  Kicks to the ankle push and pull. Emma pushed Miley five feet, Miley pushed Emma back five feet.  They couldn’t help but have a tear or two from what was being done to their hair.

Miley ended up getting lower, she pushed up and got her heel on Emma’s calf and took Emma down hard.  “Got you now… They know it too.”  Miley lifted Emmas head up threw the back of it down hard

Emma rolled and they went fast around got to the middle and Miley was on top hands in hair.  Miley lifted Emma’s body  up then slammed it to her right “Over I won.”  She went to do it to her left, but Emma was not done and twisted her body the two rolled around again.  Emma doing everything she could to get on top of Miley lift the body up and slam it down.

They struggled around and Miley tried to stand up but was to close to Stacy Keibler and she tripped up.  “What the hell.”  People stopped Michelle saying it was accidental and some didn’t notice because Emma dove into a punch then clawed at Mileys tit.  Miley tried to push Emma away getting her feet to the ribs

Emma wasn’t having it, she had the fight over.  She had to end this and she moved her hip back taking away Mileys leg power then kicked Miley in the back of the leg.  “Just give up Miley.”  Another kick “I’m going to destroy your best asset and yeah White trash I include that voice.”

Emma had a firm grip on one leg now and pulled and twisted it then kicked Miley in the back of the leg.  Miley tried a up kick and Emma would lean back let it hit the shoulder pull hard on Mileys other leg “You lost just deal with it.”  Emma had dragged Miley around half the area they fought in.

Miley tried to bait Emma into dropping down on her leg.  She had little ways to escape this, Emma kept blocking up kicks and dragged Miley.  If she tried to twist her way-out Emma would turn her ankle and twist the hip.  Emma thought about driving down on Mileys legs bending it until she got that sweet surrender, but it would leave her hair open and a potential escape for this bitch and a leg lock on the ground would give her face up for kicks.

“I’m telling you Stacy is why Miley is losing she…”  Emma bumped into Michele Merkin not paying attention to what was happening behind her “Sorry.”

Emma took a big step back and wanted to pull Mileys leg out of her hip, but the step was to big.  She hit into Micheles calf.  Emma stumbled looked at Michele “What the…”  Emma never got to finish as Miley connected with an up kick to the face.

Miley staggered Emma with the up kick.  Emma nearly went to a knee and the crowd was talking there was a split of opinion on what happened.  The general consensus was that Miley had Emma before she accidentally tripped over Stacy and Michele being upset about that caused Emma to accidentally trip. So, no punishment or calling the fight would be needed let Miley and Emma find a winner after all this they earned that.

Miley saw the difference in Emma. She tightened her mouth held in her breath getting a hip up leg back.  If you could take ever bit of power and transfer it to one specific point it was what Miley was doing.  Miley had her thigh powered up ready to release through her foot and Miley released her weapon.  That foot connected into Emma’s ear and dropped her forward and Miley had a foot ready to catch Emma Watson.

“Hey Emma.  I dealt with it now its your god damn turn.”  Miley brought her legs down so Emma was closer “Euro trash.”  Then powered her legs straight sending Emma Watson flying through the air and the Hermoine actress back of the head crashed hard between cushions and tailbone hit the floor.

Emma was in a complete blur, two kicks one harder than the last and that throw.  She was on knockout lane.  Her mind couldn’t even comprehend where she was then she let out a tonne of air as Miley jumped on her stomach “I said how this ends… I said how I accept her surrender does everyone agree and will let it happen.”

“Everyone said yes bitch… This ends with you taking off your own …” Miley grabbed Emma by the hair and slammed her head three times between the cushions it hurt Emma even more.  She wasn’t being protected by cushions.

Miley wedged Emma’s right hand under Emma’s ass then slapped Emma four times and grabbed Emma’s hair and Miley put even more into hitting Emma’s head into the sofa frame.  Miley sat up took some deep breaths and Emma was crying “She’s crying but that won’t make me stop.”  For the women there they knew in a war like this the tears truly meant it was over.  All your reserves for energy were gone and you were defeated.

“I’ll help her” Miley grabbed the damp panties the fight was sweaty; it was long and the panties were easy to rip.  The waistline popped and Emma tried to free her hand it wasn’t, and she went for Mileys tit with her left it was grabbed and placed so she could just easily pull the panties off for surrender.

“Please Miley stop.”

Miley really began hitting the head and shaking it ripping out hair and not stopping “Beg me hard as you want bitch… Beg me more BEG ME MORE I WANT YOU TO .”  Miley had stopped and was hitting slaps she wasn’t punching because she didn’t want to knock out Emma and end this.  Miley got her anger out and took a deep breath and Emma was crying uncontrollably “You won…. you won.”

“God damn it Miley Cyrus she acknowledges you the winner.  Just…”  It was Stacy Keibler she stepped forward and over Miley Cyrus who was about to start slamming Emma Watsons head again.  Stacy never got to finish what she was saying as Michele Merkin hit a high roundhouse kick into Stacys jaw the crack reverberated around the house knocking Stacy out.

“Finish it Miley… Finish her once and for all I got Stacy down you prove who is the best I just did.  Beat her so bad she shows you the panties then we put Stacys face in her …”

Miley was going frantic drilling Emmas head into the sofa frame pulling left and right.  “I’m not stopping this time Emma… GIVE THE PANTIES uP”


Miley kept finding higher and higher gears she was livid.  Her hatred of Emma Watson made her stronger she chose this attack because it wouldn’t knock Emma out, she stopped slapping Emma because she wanted the panties and finally someone screamed.  “Emma took off her panties.”

Miley rage stopped, she had drool coming from her mouth she was so in focus and in rage doing that to Emma she felt like a rabid animal.  A glance to her side and Emma was shaking holding the panties out for everyone to see.  No doubt now Miley Cyrus not only beat Emma Watson in a fight she made Emma Watson quit.

“I did it…. Michele, I can’t wait to tell Aunt Dolly… I did it I made her surrender like the weak euro trash bitch I knew and said she is.”

“Just leave me alone already.”  Emma Watson was crying, and Miley kept where she was others asking her to get up.  She just thought of what Aunt Dolly said ‘You will know what this is if you win the third fight or she does.  If its over, you will get up and walk away the winner of two out of three but if there’s more then well…Sweetie you might not like what you and Emma truly are…’

Emma heard everyone asking Miley to let her up she looked up she was crying but there was still so much rage in her eyes staring up at Miley.  Miley had rage left but Aunt Dolly was in her head “What do you think?”  Michele Merkin had Stacy Keibler clothes off and legs up in the air and finally Miley made her decision.  She wasn’t done with Emma Watson rivalry.

“The fights over Miley… You won now get off me and leave me alone or next time.”  Emma said next time she knew it she wanted more she was forced to surrender, she cried, she moaned she was beaten but right now all she could think of was this wasn’t done.  Miley flipped out and before anyone could stop her hit two hard rights knocking Emma Watson out then Miley stood up dragged Emma Watson by the hair

People were demanding Miley to stop “No I stopped last time.  I didn’t do more, I walked away I was classier than this bitch who beat me and wouldn’t leave me alone.  Now she needs to know you fuck with me I will make you cry; I will rip your hair; I will punch your lights out and I will fucking humiliate you.  Now get those Keibler legs spread. Emma you euro trash whore Enjoy this!!!!”

“Stacy, you will fight me, we were friends, but that girl right now is family and she wants to humiliate her bully its on me to help.”  Stacy Keibler had her pants removed by Michele Merkin legs held up in the air and no one was stopping Miley as Miley could ruin a career.

“Emma Watson is Euro trash. I beat her I did it I beat her, and I do this to her because that face isn’t going in my pussy.”  It was not gently Miley powered Emma’s face as hard as she could between Stacy’s legs.  “I did it right I walked away from this bitch.  I beat her fair and square and proved a better human than her she jumped me after beating me.  She won and never walked away so you come for me again and lose again this is what you get.”.  Miley was grinding Emma’s face into Stacy’s pussy with all the power she had left.

Miley looked up ant Michele  “You should be sitting on her face, I know you would have kicked her ass I came her for you not to …  “  Another hard grind and then hauled Emma away turne her and “Want to make Stacy eat Emmas ass.”

“No… and everyone heard that so tell Stacy I said no.  I want a fight I want a one on one fight we promised each other when we were younger.  Anytime Stacy denies me this it will get worst for her.  She is a friend, and I don’t need to humiliate her like that.  Miley is not friends with Emma Watson.  I am friends with Stacy Keibler.”

Michele got up took off her jacket and covered Miley “Come on my girl its time for us to leave.  You just made a lot of new fans.  Its over between you two you proved once and for all…”

“Hear that Emma, she thinks its over I saw your eyes… I saw you will come for me and if you do that’s your future.  No matter what else is done no matter the escalation I talk you cry.  I win you lose…”  Michele Merkin had to force Miley away “Tell her not come for more because I will have more.”

While they got between the four.  Michele was able to get Miley away and when she did Miley calmed down a little “I did it I thought I could, but I didn’t know if I would… I beat her.  I can absolutely totally defeat Emma Watson and now everyone knows it and when she comes again I’ll… No right now I just I beat her didn’t I.”

“You did and I’m so proud of you.”

Left in the house they got Stacy Keibler and Emma Watson into the beach house.  A note that it would be best for them to leave when they were ready.  Stacys clothes were taken off and left with her and a change for Emma who had her friend Kaya Scodelario crying watching Emma try and get up and then saw Stacy start moving.  Kaya thought about coming her and knew Emma had never been more motivated, so eager when she walked in and seeing her so defeated was as hard a thing as she had ever had to do.

Emma was conscious first but was refusing to move.  The entire fight played over in her head, and her hair.. She lost by the hair pull and she quit.  Miley Cyrus made her cry out a surrender “I know what your friend is thinking.”  It was Stacy Keibler and she was up and sitting up putting back on clothes and looking up at Kaya.

“And if your friend wants my help next time she goes for Miley… I am done fighting others but I’ll help someone else.  That fight was amazing, she and Miley are…”

“I accept but keep that bitches name away from my ears.  To challenge her again I will need to do some kind of special challenge and you can …You will help me she can have that other tall one whatever her name was.  This is not over between me and Miley Cyrus.”  Emma stood up, her face showing the stains from the tears and fight but she found a way to stand up straight and make Kaya and Stacy inspired just looking at her “She made me surrender to her next time I leave her humiliated and crying and wishing she had surrendered here.”

(Upcoming:  Katherine McNamara vs Kathryn Newton; British Fight Pit; Danielle Harris vs Lacey Chabert; Beau Garrett vs Jaimie Alexander; Dina Meyer vs Victoria Pratt rematch_)