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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!

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Offline Becky Sunshine

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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!
« on: May 19, 2024, 06:40:11 AM »
I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!

Part 1 or 7: Teacher

There exists a secret place of dominance and submission for sapphic women called The Isle of Lesbia.

Its hidden shores are timeless; it existed during the time of The Mighty Sapphic Greek Women Of Old and of The Amazons and continues on until this day.

An ancient noble race, ruled by many Queens for it has many provinces.

These Queens are called The Pride of Lesbia because they have proven themselves her greatest lionesses by their prowess in the art of sexfighting.

But there is one and only one High Queen of Lesbia.

Only she sits on The High Throne. 

All other’s bow to her and bend the knee, acknowledging her as its supreme ruler whom they must always obey without question.

My family is one of the very oldest in The Isle of Lesbia, dating back to its foundation in the ancient world.

I was therefore a woman of great royal bloodline and noble birth.

Born and raised to rule as a Princess, but just as every Princess desires to become a Queen, so to did I.

But my ambitions were even higher.

Though stil a Princess I have the body of a Dominant Queen, equal to or greater than the older The High Queen of Lesbia. A woman who has sat on The High Throne for 20 years.

That is way too long.

By all accounts I am a rare beautiful royal Princess of Lesbia. My family rules an entire region consisting of many provinces. I have been fully groomed to replace my mother as  Queen when she passes.

But I don’t want to be “a” Queen.

I want to be “The Queen” and I deserve it.
I have the body, skill, might, and bloodline to be The High Queen of Lesbia, which is only won by might.

I am much much more beautiful than she who sits on The High Throne right now. Being a nation of lipstick lesbians beauty is essential to rule. I far outshine High Queen Magdalene

I have lovely long brown hair the color of honey with pretty blonde highlights.

Although I tan easily my complexion is naturally fair, creamy pink  and my skin is smooth and soft.

I have a heart shaped face with a perfect little chiseled nose,

very full sensual lips,

the high cheek bones of my royal bloodline,
and at my hairline I have the sexy “v” of a widow's peak which so many Dominant Queens before have had. Most think it is a very sexy characteristic.

My eyes are very unusual and special as well. They are mostly green with small yellow flecks inside of and all around my irises.

When I am aroused sexually or in anger the yellow flecks blaze and my eyes take on the appearance of the striking yellow eyes of a large cat. I am then revealed as the large female feline apex predator I truly am, and I’m now ready to make the orgasmic kill at just the right second, to take my rival’s cum for my very own.

My body is very feminine but also very strong.

Being 18 years old, 5’6”, 130lbs, and 36DD-24-36 I am a rather full figured, voluptuous, powerful woman.

My body possesses a great amount of girl muscle, covered over with smooth soft white baby fat to give me a pleasing feminine appearance.

But the shapely girl muscles beneath, which to a large extent gives me my womanly curves, are extremely strong, always ready to flex to full size and power in just a heartbeat and conquer any female who challenges me or tries to start a fight.

My shoulders are wide and strong and my chest, which my great white breasts sit upon, is very broad, powerful and deep. All those things together make me a devastating tit fight champion.

My breasts are indeed large and white with big round  pink areola covered in little bumps. My nipples get very big and thick when I am challenged by another female to a “Royal Contest of Sex and Might”.

My waist is small and with my other measurements gives me a perfect hourglass figure as all the great beautiful womanly sexfighters must have. It is simply irresistible to all lesbians, bi-females, and the male slaves we keep on The Isle Of Lesbian for stud.

My hips are full, womanly, and wide at 36 inches. There is great power in those hips and thick legs. Power to trib my enemies down beneath me then pin and fuck them there as we fight pussy to pussy, making them cum again and again against their will as the slowly give their weaker will over to mine.

Now I will tell you a bit about how a Princess like me began her training as a sexfighter with the goal of one day taking The High Throne Of Lesbian away from Evil Queen Magdalene.

My journey began when I was only a student of martial arts at Mistress Kimiko’s dojo. A woman from Japan in possession of considerable skill and might.

She was an exotic beauty the like of which could not be found anywhere else on our beautiful Isle Of Lesbia.

As for her hair she had the beautiful shiny black mane of an Asian Queen, for she was in fact Japanese royalty. Being a lesbian and a martial arts teacher she had found this the perfect place to make her home and start her school.

Her eyes were very large and mysterious. Black as night and exotic with a slight slant that made her look incredibly powerful and magical.

Nowhere else on our entire Island could you look into beautiful eyes like her’s. It was impossible to hold her gaze for long because when she saw you she seemed to look right inside of you. Both your good intentions and your darkest secrets seemed to be revealed to her piercing gaze when she looked deeply into your eyes. Her gaze was hypnotic and mesmerizing and because of her great beauty you could not look away from her until she released you from her magical eyes.

She too had a perfect hourglass figure the same size and shape as my own since I matured to adulthood.

Her skin was a beautiful tan color that seemed to glow with power and light.

I began to study Jujitsu and Karate when I was 18 years of age under Sensei Kimiko..

It was quietly rumored among her advanced students, that when sexfighting she could control her chi, or life force, and direct it into or draw it from her opponents as if by magic. Only her advanced students, and among them only the elite who attained some measure of her sexfighting skills knew this for certain.

Until the day that I….

Princess Rebecca..

 was found worthy to become her greatest creation and her protegee.

Therefore I was groomed for the throne in a way unlike any who have ever come before me, by this magical lady from distant Eastern shores.

This part of my story tells of the beginning of my journey and how I was chosen to be this great lady’s pupil in the secret arts of The Lesbian Geishas and all the sensual sexfighting arts of women loving women.

But in the beginning it was not so for me…

To see High Queen Magdalene fight in all her glory was to be aroused sexually and it would make your blood boil with desire for a match with her.

She was ruthless.

A match where you could satiate your intense desire to sexually beat her down, take her crown, and be the new High Queen of Lesbia.

She was just one of those women you love to hate.

So she had many many challenges over her long career, many from far away places,  and they all ended the same way. With her challenger shamed by proclaiming:

 “You are my Queen and The High Queen of Lesbia… You are the Better Woman and I am your slave”.

I had watched her all my life. When I was small I admired her for being the greatest of champions in our whole realm.

As I became a woman all my admiration for her turned into something more. I didn’t realize it for a long time. I just knew when I saw her fight I got a strange feeling in my loins.

Eventually after a few years of this I started watching her recorded victories alone and touching myself.

And what better starting point to begin my tale?

One day at the dojo after jiu jitsu practice, I was alone in my Sensie’s office, who had told me to study Queen Magdalene’s physical martial skills.

 As I watched a match, I got caught by Sensei just as  I was about to cum during one of her victories.

I was so ashamed.

“Is that what you want?!!” Sensei chided

“You know I told you to concentrate on her martial art skills not on her sexuality, that is not what you were signed up for!!!”.

I blushed red and hung my head down. I never wanted to displease or disappoint Sensei Kimiko.

“I ASKED YOU IS THAT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT?? TO TRY TO SEXUALLY DOMINATE STRONG WOMEN????” She yelled loudly at me, forcing an answer from me.

Suddenly when she said “sexually dominate strong women” my inner thigh muscles clenched tightly and my whole body tensed, it was all I could do just to hold back the orgasm which had been building and building while I was watching Magdalene sensually destroy another Queen in The Royal Bed.



I was breathing hard from all the excitement and waiting to hear what my punishment for such an outburst would be. Would she turn me out of her school because I lacked self control not only for touching myself in her office but also for my outburst?

My Mistress’s voice had changed and her words were nothing like I had expected…

“Then stand up and let me look at you” she commanded  and I complied.

“Now strip to your bra and panties”

Embarrassed, I did so.

My Mistress looked me up and down, she made me turn around and around. She made me bend over and touch my toes as she eyed and evaluated me.

Whenever I could catch a glance at her, I eagerly watched her face in hopes I would meet her approval and be told I was good enough physically to do what I had wanted to since becoming a young woman.

From the gleam in her eyes I realized she had found out something new about me, something she was very pleased with and had never considered before.

Then she made me raise my arms above my head, my large breasts rose up high and proudly.

She ran her hands up under my sports bra and found my thick young erect nipples.

The moment I felt her touch them a fire awoke in each one. Without realizing it my arms came down and encircled her neck and we embraced in a sensual kiss that made me dizzy.

Then she stepped back a pace and took one more look at me and smiled.

“If you want to rule The High Queen you will need the very best teacher…” she said

“One who has studied the Geisha Art of women loving women.”

Then she gave me a knowing smile and said “I will teach you..”

“Now it’s time for lesson one my little one..”

She pulled my sports bra over my head, releasing my large tits and led me to her couch. It felt good to be out of that thing and have my breasts free again. I was told to lay down and spread my legs and I did so.

I wondered how I suddenly found myself on my back with only my panties on and my legs open wide.

Then she mounted me and even through our panties I felt the raw power of her clit and vagina.

I had tribbed with girlfriends many times before, and I was always the dominant female but I had never felt anyone even close to being as powerful and sensual as this woman. .

Her magnificent body, the supreme look of confidence she had in her exotic asian eyes, her regal bearing, her vast experience in what I wished to learn, all  left me awestruck.

I felt I was entwined with a goddess of limitless power and sensuality.

Now here I was, with one even more powerful than High Queen Magdalene!

One who had different skills, greater sexual knowledge and sensuality than that unworthy whorish woman who sat on our highest throne.

Mistress Kimiko, for my Mistress now she was,  began to teach me how to move. It was like a dance and it was like a fight. I learned to jab, to parry, when to thrust, when and how to rub with my tight young pussy..

As we had our first pussy duel I learned what was advantageous and what was a mistake. At first it seemed unnatural, almost painful but as I learned my lessons my body responded to hers and soon we were in sync.

We continued our first duel for a long time.

Sometimes I was just holding on, hardly able to catch my breath or hold back my orgasm. At times I almost thought she was experiencing the same thing but I knew that was an impossible goal which would take me years and years to achieve.

Then suddenly I realized I was now in a match with a woman of infinite experience and power and for the first time I felt a strong urge to compete with her. 

Soon I was matching her move for move, because I felt I had to, or be shamed after only one effort and be sent home for good.

Our panties were soaked now but to be honest I could not have lasted very long if our panties had been removed. After a long while I noticed that my teacher’s face had become very flushed, I began to rock my hips faster and she met my pace… faster.. faster… faster….

Then suddenly my Mistress gave out a long low guttural moan….

With one hand she grabbed one of her large heavy breasts and squeezed it, very  hard. With her other hand she grabbed my leg and pulled it to her breast tightly,

I could feel her body quivering on the soft inner thigh of my shapely young leg as she hugged it to her large soft breasts. .

Then her whole body tensed then shuddered.

She had a spectacular orgasm delivered by my stronger pussy!!!!!

She seemed as shocked about it as I was...

I had just a moment to be supremely pleased with myself when suddenly she reached down to where I lay and snatched my panties right off of me. She began to eat my vagina with great skill.

Lesbian Geisha skill...

My Mistress and teacher made me cum over and over and over with a ferocity I had never experienced before.

As I lay there panting, my body drained of all the dominance I had suddenly felt when she had cum for me, she explained right then and there that it was not just about the body, It was also about the skill, and the mind if you desire to sexfight a queen for glory and honor.

I weakly nodded my head that I understood as she draped her lush body over mine and kissed me gently.

“This was the first lesson, little one.

Only the first of many many more to come.

You are powerful.

You are physically gifted like no other young woman I have ever trained. But you also need many royal skills of sensuality and sexfighting if you one day truly wish to rule your homeland.

The skills that only I have, and I will give to you and you alone. You are now my protegee and all my skill and knowledge will pass to you.

When it is time, you will pass these skills down to your own successor.

So it has been for many generations.

Yes I will teach you and give you all my skills, holding nothing back.

If you can endure it all, and not give up or drop out, one day you will indeed be ready to fight and challenge she who now sits on The High Throne of Lesbia.”

I looked deep into her most beautiful dark eyes, eyes like no one else in Lesbia has. So very exotic and full of wisdom and sensuality, then once again I put my arms around her neck,

I raised my chest and rubbed my 36D cups on hers and realized now I not only admired her, I was hopelessly under her spell and in love with her.

Though my body might indeed be more powerful she was still my mentor and Mistress.

She would teach me, she would train me, then one day she would set me free to fight for myself as a royal free woman and Princess.

But not until I was ready.

Not until then.

But as for now…

I hoped this moment and our embrace would never end.

End Part 1

« Last Edit: May 19, 2024, 11:19:59 PM by Becky Sunshine »
Please be aware I'm definitely a Queen, not a Princess...


Offline YuriLesboLover

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 06:27:07 PM »
Not bad at all but I think you could do more to describe the characters’ appearances. Hair color and length and such. Paint more of a picture in our heads.


Offline YuriLesboLover

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2024, 03:10:27 PM »
Glad to see that you took my advice.