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The society family vs family (WARNING)

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Offline Sean Diaz

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The society family vs family (WARNING)
« on: May 14, 2024, 07:30:40 PM »
this story is extreme violent including death fight. everyone in this story is above 18.
this is a story I took inspiration from a writer from hostboard.
Its my first attempt.

The society
family vs family

“today we have a special spectral ladies and gentleman” the announcer spoke. The Arena was full to the max, the room smelled of heavy body odor of sweat, you could taste the metallic
 taste of blood in the air, could tell you of what happens here.

The room was lit by touches hanged on the wall filled the senior workers , investors, share holders.  Sitting on wooden branches circling a levitated square sand stage giving the scene like it came out from a 17 century. “today we have seen demonstration of the most basic act of human savagery. But tonight we have a once in a months or even years battle.”

many of the fights and some would even call it “war” comes here from the need to settle a dispute. These disputes can vary from the 2 million dollar contract deal to fighting for the right to fuck some lady or block. That is why the arena located under the city bank.
“today we host an “ALL GOES, 2/3-TAG FAMILY MATCH””

Today the Society host a one of a kind match. The match will consist of 2 families going  to war on one another till only one family remain. In this match the “ALL GOES” refer to what moves are allowed which mean.. everything. That means moves under the belt, gouging  out eyes,  biting,  maiming, tearing skins ANYTHING that will get you to win. The 2/3-TAG parts means there will always be 2 members of the family of each fighting it out.  Changes to a member will be every round or till one member can no longer be considers a fight in in this case the only way is if you are dead. Till a person takes it last breath you can whatever you want till you finish them.

In the center of the sand pit a big iron cage was built, the fizzing sound came out of it gave the impression the cage was electrified on the sides. In two  opposite  side a smaller cage was adjacent which housed the 2 families in each sides.
The announcer continued “on the Red corner we have the Williams Family”
The father and husband Jamar stood straight and broad with 12 inch cock, curly pubes mane the snake. And they came with set of balls which were perfect fit. The 155 kg chocolate tone built sweaty hard 6 pecs and devolved pecs he vastly over weight any fighter in the upcoming slaughter.

His wife Trish was a smoking hot was doing stretches giving the crowd a perfect view for here big sets of heavy of brown tits. She stood at a head short from here husband and are pussy was full with bush as her were armpits. She had a slim figure but she was quick and lethal putting in the ground 3 cxnts and 1 man same her size.

Finishing the set was Darius.  the stud had a ripped body, dread unlike his bald dad, and a 10 inch snake between muscled legs. He was staring daggers across the bigger cage to the other family cube. More specifically Tyler.

“on the blue side we have the notorious Johnson Family”
The family was led by a matriarch. Standing tall at an 185CM her blond hair reached her shoulders, she had big bust implants crowned with a pink nipples with erect areola. She was currently in a split position showing off her vagina stretch at the ogling looks of the crowds. Making almost every man jealous to her husband David.
David stood tall in 182 CM and wight 98KG. David was what you would consider as a Greek god. Long fluffy hair to his hard nipples, curved muscles but not as hard as his counter part. He waved to the crowds giving kisses and flexing. His cock was was long with mild girth.
Their son Tyler was 180 CM tall. Slim muscled body of 80 KG with a curled hair. He dreamed of this day is entire 21 years. Blood started to pump into His 9.5 inch cock. He loved the smell of the arena. He loved the honesty it provided, to be his true self. He loved inflicting pain to both women and men. Especially with his girlfriend a petite blond daughter of business partner of his mother.

Both of them had destroyed a lot of would be competition to their family business. He remembers now their debut tag team against foreign twins from Japan. The brother was beaten bloody, head was smashed, legs was twisted wrong with an iron bar bleeding out in the corner while in center of the arena, Ashley was sitting on the Asian chick, knees crushing on her breast with closed fits just pummeled the girl left right left right spitting and cursing her all the way. Leaving a red mess as a once beautiful face. Not even giving her time to scream. Meanwhile I focused on her cxnt and clit penetrating with my thick tongue giving her arousal, when finally I barred my teeth and gnawing them in her flower.  Ashley actually wanted to hear her so she stopped he pounding session to hear her anguish and begging for mercy. Obviously falling to deaf ears. When I drew blood I started licking again before inserting my throbbing into her. She started to cry probably more out of pain then pleasure. Ashley meanwhile face-sitting her brother and started biting on his limping cock which awoke him screaming right into her wet pussies. Crazy bitch that one.
They both survived of course, it is was our first match but that match only amplified their desire for cruel and ferocious battles.

 The Johnson and Ashley's family were good allies and panthers throughout the Society history. In times wiping out entire bloodlines in order to remain in power and statues. That is until Darius Williams. You see the Williams are up and coming family rising rank in the society. Jamar was Martha business rival. They fought more then one always inflecting have damage to compete for a contract or further status. Jamar was getting more and more wins so much so that Sam, Ashley's father started wondering if he needed a new partner. Quite surprising giving the two families long partnership but, what was more surprising was Ashley the dirty cheating bitch who was poising her father ear. Cause she wanted them paired with her Fuck-toy Darius family! It came down to this match. Us versus them.
In an office meeting a fight between Jamar and Martha broke in the end they agreed enough is enough. Its either the Johnson or Williams Who ever gets out from this blood bath gets the position.

Both families were entering now the bigger cage. In a row they paired father vs father, wife vs wife. Son vs son. There were 4 big men with black hoodies to keep everyone in check. The announcer presented everyone stats and the rules. The two boys walked closer and closer to each other never breaking eye contact.  Then it was the turn of the families to pick who their starters pair. Jamar with a static face said his wife and son will start. Then when the voluptuous blond declared she was the one stepping out as well, not one second passed before Jamar took a left hook into the bitch face. David was so shocked by the act he was about to jump on Jamar only to be kicked with a wooden dildo with rough texture into his side. Trish picked it from the ground quickly enough to stop her husband to retreat to the red cage. Meanwhile Darius took the moment of Tyler outrage for his mother to spit into the blue eyes.
Tyler, cursing,  threw his right hook blindly but Darius crouched, grabbed Tyler left leg, and turned his entire body so the young flash fell to his back. Darius position himself on the white man chest and started elbow his pretty face.
A hood man took the dazed naked blond to her side of the cage to wait her turn.

While his son was being savagely trashed he had a crazy vixen on his back trying to gouge out his eyes, her her legs were hooked across his firm body, David started striking her head with his fists and the side of her body with his elbow but the bitch wouldn't budge. The dark wife started biting his ear, tasted sweet blood on here lovely lips. That put the stallion into a rage. He spotted a wooden pole covered pyramid metal studs. He took a sprint to it turning his back to it. Trish cried out as her back was exploded with pain. She let go of David and fell to the ground face on the sand. David taking deep breath spitted a blood loaded spit at the bitch. He kicked her, on her back and started stomping her while holding on the taking more power to each attack. He aimed at her soft belly, her bloody tits started to swell and redden.”fucking bitch.” he looked at her husband taking the scene and started to smile.

Then came a scream he knew well, turning he saw his kid on the ground. The Williams boy had started tearing off his left nipple drawing blood as he was full erect. Seeing red he looked around the arena, noticing medium black dildo. He pulled the smaller women to her feet took the dildo and shoved it straight up her snatch. It took a few struggling pushes till he managed to shove it all in. A shrieking coming from her caught the attention of the her stud son. The bull put his weeping victim in front of him. Cupping her left tit starting to squeeze it hard, leaving groping marks as he stared down the son. Darius rose up and started running to her rescue. David found a button, thinking it was going to just move it actually started electrifying the women with non lethal but excruciating volts making her spasm. Feeling delighted he left her and started advancing on the boy. They both started to box, kicking legs trying to score hit, mostly hitting in the ribs, kidneys, chests. Protracting their vital heads and groins.  both hunks started looking red and purple. David ducked to the sand and with a left fist drove in inside the younger man lower abs. Darius fell to his knees, David took his locked hair and knee kicked his beautiful face hoping he broke his perfect nose. David towering  over him was about to started kicking like he did his mom when Darius from the ground kicked his heavy jewels making him wheeze into his knees.

Tyler started to clear his eyes at the time feeling heavy numbness on his face, he got up, saw his father and Darius on the ground. Both were striking each other , his dad head locked under that cxnt hairy armpit as he pummeled his back bloody with the other. Tho his father tried to get away, strike with his hands on the younger man sides, aiming for the kidneys. He then spotted the dark vixen wobbly rise to her fit making her way to the sweaty locked fighters. Two heavy breast were red and blood poured down her body and her split. He felt his strength returning to him, quickly he spotted a glove with sharp metal on each finger. Picking it he stated to sneak behind her as she was about to stick her sharp nail into his dad hairy pink arshole. He punched her ribs from behind with brutal force, hoping to crack a few. before she could fall, he warped his arm around her red belly. He draw her back to his hard muscled abs. Then flipped her horizontally. She was half delirious, not realizing her danger. With a swift move he turn her and flip her now vertically. Making a standing 69. he starts licking her injured red flower as he looked eyes with an enraged Darius barring teeth, he swore he could see foams on the mouth which makes him even more turn on. He shoves his erect now 10.5 cock into Trish head making her started puking as he hit the back of her head. Darius distracted, looses grip on David. The older man takes his head bashes with his own causing them both saver headache. Tho David manages to put Darius down for know.

David took the Brass knuckles from his son and started to aim fists on to the younger man ribs, Tyler meanwhile started gnawing at her pussy, tearing flash, drawing blood. When Trish gave a hint of teeth, his dad to knocked a few of them out. After a blow to her face, David started to tear off Darius Dark brown hard nipple causing him scream. Tyler noticed the round time and decide to end with a splash. His dad only tore half Darius nipple and drove 2 finger inside him when his son told him to stand back.
Tyler took his cock out. walked with Trish still tangled 180 degree to Tyler. And with minor jump pile-drived the bruised vixen in to her son abs making the mother going dark and son to puke. as they were about to continue their punishment they bell rang. Inciting the first round was over.

At the families cages Jamal was fuming over his family failure, while an awaken with a bloody nose Martha was pleased. David and Tyler regrouped with the head family deciding it would be mom and son in the next round. The hooded man took Trish in to red cage while Jamal stepped out, going to his son with a wet cloth cleaning him up. Father and son to met with the mother and her son. Jamal stood smirked at the bloody nose he gave Martha. Darius and Tyler exchange snarled faces full of hate and disgust. When the bell rang they paired parent vs parent and child vs child.   

Martha and Jamar started to circle each other. Then like two hippos charged at one another started to wrestle to catch a hold, Jamar took focus on his two biggest targets, every 3 throws managing catch a side boob punch, leaving a mark and staggering back Martha. The blond woman was about the same size as the dark bull, focused her attack on his sides,  even his groin but he kept his distance. Their bodies started to bruise and bleed. Martha then without Jamar notice took a fist full of sand and blew it into his eye, staggering him back. She then with full force kicked his shins, making him kneel on one knee on the sand. She then with her teeth bit into his nose, rupturing the skin as she tore a big brown junk of the tip nose skin leaving a gashing red wood. Jamar yelled his lost of skin and blindly attack left and right. She was already behind him, she then palms strikes The bull to the ears causing him minor hearing loss. Then she took hold of him by his ass split and right hairy armpit, and  drove him to the electric fence. As volt surged his body, he fell back into the sand sweaty and bloody. Admiring his muscled body she saw a flopping chair straight out of a wwe. Only that one had nasty metal sharp blunts all over it. She picked it up and started aiming at his left Knee. That woke him up with a scream trying to crawl away backward but she just hammered it down  again and again making her pussy wet. At one point she opened the chair, and jumped off it. Her large wet ass landed right into his chest. She pulled his head into hairy pussy, choking his mouth and nose as she scratched her talons opening his hairless skull. Making her blond pubes flare with red paint.

Meanwhile Darius and Tyler were having a pretty even out match. The white boy was still feeling euphoric getting sucked by his enemy's mom and inflecting pain on them. More over he saw his mom starting beating up Mr. Williams. When he saw Darius glanced to their parents, He reached with both hands to his foe locks pushing his head down right into his rising leg into a crushing jump Knee. Like father like son. A squirt of blood flew as he flopped to his back. The prick followed with both knees into his foe heavy balls, and punched right into his gaping mouth seeing two teeth flying out. Tyler then pulled Tyler into a kiss, catching the man tongue between teeth, and with a strong chomp he tore a piece off the dark red meat of the mouth. Darius mouth gaped a red liquid hole, screeching. The stud wanting to help his mom dominate the bigger bull started chocking the injured bloke in a Camel clutch pushing back hard he started hearing wheezing and groan of pain. As Darius was strangled to sleep and Tyler was about to finish him when he heard his mom groans. The big Muscle started to get in an even match with his mom again even with his bad knee. His mom chest was starting to bleed and Jamar finger had a red glow and his mom pussy dripping blood he realized he must've tore into her with his big sausages fingers at one point. When Darius finally stopped struggling, he made his way to the parents when he saw a glitter pair of lather mate-tipped boots. Smiling he wore them and started to creep behind Jamar.

“BABE BEHIND YOU” Trish yelled

Jamar turned around just as Tyler was about to aim to the man balls. Tyler seeing the muscled menace felt genuine scared for his life, stated to back away when a rough hand managed to grasp his entire neck. But big mistake focusing on his kids foe, the blond beast kicked his abused left knee which made let go. Tyler then fired the boots right into the side of Mr. Williams, removing even more teeth then his son. Martha then took her enormous ass and sat on the dark bull face started to chock his neck again. Smearing her fluids and pubes over him. Meanwhile Tyler stomped with his boots on his left knee causing the stud great pain. Then he parted his legs, and dropped his knee on his balls and cock. Jamar tried to react but his face was filled with Vaginal fluids which made him hard but he took air less and less. The son then saw the pink-brown hole, he spitted red-spit into his raging cock and split into the older stallion. At the same time he grabbed the heavy set of ball and started to pull squeezing and breaking the eggs inside. Tyler then started to bite them! In that moment, Jamar knew it now or he will die leaving his wife and son dealing with the massive blond bitch. With broken teeth he chomped down hard on Martha lower lips that caused her to loosen his hold on him. He then managed to grab the nearest thickest dildo he saw. Tyler jolted up trying to get away but Jamar crossed his heavy sets of leg locking him in. Inside him. when the blond tried to get up he pulled her legs, she fell right behind him on her back. He then pulled the scared white male and stated head butting him until his face was a sore bloody mess not giving him any way of escape. When he was sure the pale boy was unconscious he started to get up from his back only to find the large vixen already up with  a baseball bat. Right before she could strike him, Darius with a metal gloved struck right into her bruised genitalia. She went down to her knees bat taken by the lad and beat her across the right side. Darius took a couple swings at Martha right tit. Making it bleed and swell.

The crowd roars on the amazing comeback of the father and son. Jamar took his kin hand to get up. Darius smirked at his dad “the glove is not the only thing I found pop” pulling out two sets of handcuffs. The black hunk grinned a toothless smile he chose a pole that was right next to the blue cage.  David started cursing at them saying not to touch his family and he will make them both wish for death. Jamar never breaking David sight, took the blond son by the hair. Tyler face all bloody gasped “” trying to reach to him. David reached but didn’t touched the bars as they are electric. He could only watch as Jamar in one hand took the son by the neck and the other by the pink ass raping in three sausages like fingers into the pink hole making Tyler scream! Without mercy he lifted him above his head. Jamar started to move his finger feeling blood. And put more pressure on his neck. Meanwhile Darius woke the now the cuffed Martha up so she could see her son demised. He held her swallows right side with force causing her to  grunt. David with angry tear yelled for the dark bodybuilder man to put him down. Jamar only said. “ok man” throwing the squealing youth into his father to be electrified just as he was by his bitch. Jamar took another two stomps at Tys balls to make sure he remain down for the count.
That left the father and son focusing on the mother. She was tied to a pole standing. The father and son side by side punched her huge watermelon making them all red and blue. The left implant even looked destroyed from the inside given the boob a weird shape that made the young stud laugh. Groping it, pulling it making the woman yell. Then he started to lick her pussy wet only to then start biting her, drawing blood taking a few tears out. The father started to payback for his broken mouth he took iron glove the Johnson's boy terrorized his wife with. He seem to see another one less menacing looking and started to beat her face. Shutting her right side completely. She couldn't stand anymore from the abuse which left the duo taking hold on the pole and started to stomp on her heavy chest. Darius then looked at Tyler, he saw his pink bottom bleeding red, he took a full fist of his the blond bitch vaginal fluids, lubed his cock. He grabbed Tyler head up. He first pounded his head in to the sand over and over. The with his fist punched his nose finally manged to break it.As Tyler cried out he shoved his Cock hitting the back of Tylers neck. Tyler puked and gagged wanted to get away  but Darius hold was unbreakable. He then jizzed all over his face and then he started to piss just laughing all the way. When he wanted to go for his ass hole he stopped hearing the bell ring making the end of the 2 round.

When the doors to the cages opened Tyler was dragged in by his father. David gave him water and told him he is going top make them bleed. Martha was in no better shape but was more stronger to recover and step upright for round 3. Darius after a quick chat with his dad switched places with his mom. Trish recovered, tho felt sore across her petite body.

With the start of the 3rd round everyone was surprised when Martha rushed at Trish with force crushing her to the nearest metal covered pole. She started thumping her Already red mallons with might, making purple bruise on her dark chest. Trish started to react to her foe blitz,clawing at her swollen right side face, reaching to the abused lumpy ruined chest that her son and husband destroyed. cursing Martha with cxnt, bitch, slut all along the way. The blond then aimed her shoulder right into the dark hair belly and started like a bull charge her back into the metal pole wall making her skin tear. While Trish started scratching the back of the bigger women and clawing her in the head and neck.

Jamar wanted to go to the help of his wife but David already took a hold on his bad knee managing to use his own weight to drop him face down into sand.  He then recovered  a knee pad cover rough wood. Putting it on he spread his foe asshole and aimed right into his brown hole, Jamar screamed as he felt splinter needled into him. He turned on his back only to receive an elbow drop right into his throat. David then clawed Jamars nose. Causing the wound to bleed again. David took a pose one foot on Jamar cheek, flexing in front the arena. 
David resumed punching the bigger bull face, managing to shut one eye up by the time he finished. He found the chair his wife used, picking it up he and scraped across the massive chest so tear of skins started to bleed out, he also aimed to the ribs  . Jamar was screaming in agony.
Darius eyes gasped opened seeing his parents been handled like this, while Tyler could only Imagine to do the same to Darius.

Trish, trapped in the metal pole, found and plucked out from the pole a rusty nail. She knew she needed to get out of the blond hold or she is finished. When the blond bull came in for another shoulder blow she managed to drive the scrap right into her ruined left tit, Martha staggered back in anguish holding her punctured, trying to remove the nail. Which left enough time to Trish to dig three sharp fingers right into her bloody snatch. Martha bend over her penetration and then fell over when Trish with full force pulled her grip causing her to fall on her face chest. Trish knew she had to act quick, scouring she found the dildo her bastard Husband used on her, dry with fluids and blood.
Without any remorse like done to her, she forced the dildo up her foe massive ass and turned it on making the blond scream with pain. She started to rape her with the dildo enjoying the power she had on the larger woman. With the other hand she found the left tit. She drove her talon into the hole of the rusty nail made.
Then she was on the air, being pulled up and then thrust down full force on her hairy kitty on a rough surface. An explosion of pain came between her legs as she felt splinter in her ruined lower lips. No time to recover she was in the air again, and David again Atomic Bomb her on his wooden pad. She finally started to scream, she felt David was about to drop her again, quickly she twisted her legs mid air to wrap around his neck. His nose right in her stink hole, managed to trap him. He tried to push her off but managed with maneuvering to flip them both to the ground. her landing right into his beautiful face. David dazed she started to claw and punch on her foe sack and snake. David managed to push her off his face but then Jamar with fury dropped all his 155 KG of hard muscle on David build abs making puke blood. The beast was furious, and started ruining the handsome face of the white bull.  Jamar lifted the hunk by his fluffy hair, and shutter his jaw on his right knee over and over. With closed fist he punched into his throat and check, David couldn’t even scream. His blond hair and face started to be painted with dark red.

Martha was beginning to recover on her knees to assist her husband when she felt a lather spiked boot being crushed in her asshole, another kicked now to her side making her turn on her back. Trish was on top her wearing boots and spiked metal gloves smiling down on her. Trish started stomping on her red purple balloons, then with the gloves she pretty much knocked out most of her teeth. Then she dropped he hairy blooded pussy into her gaping bloody mouth and smeared lip to “lip” giving her orgasm. While reaching back hooking Martha pussy pulling it making it starch. Hurting the blond.  Then Trish saw her husband forcing his cock into a crying David face. Jamar must've targeted the ears cause blood were coming out of him. The bull couldn’t even hear his son cries out to him. She positioned the blond bitch on her knees mocking her to save her darling. Tyler was sobbing in his cage, trying to get in only to be zapped backward. Darius had a major hard on looking at him.

Martha was starting to crawl on her knees to her husband That when she felt barbed wire on her neck, Trish was on her put a leg on her back and started to pull hared tearing the neck flash of the blond, she felt her pussy getting wet. Martha started bleeding out holding her neck, trying to reach her husband. Her husband was now getting stomped by the black bull, breaking bones, hurting. Then dropped her.
The Arena rejoiced the cruelty display, the husband and wife started wave for the crowds, flexing their ruined bodies, full of their blood own and their foes. Then the final act began. Finding a strap on as large as her husband. The black duo took position behind their foe husband /wife on their knees. Jamar took Martha by the hair still breathing wearily, with 2 muscled arms he choke-hold tight the devastated neck and with forced himself inside her, ram her, stabbed her more then fucking her. Meanwhile the vixen wife shoved the strap on into David, he wanted to scream but found he was being chocked by some wire already covered with blood of someone.
The groups faced each other wife saw her husband being violated and vice versa. Husband saw wife violating giving him more drive to straighten his hold.
Finally when they both climax Jamar twisted Martha neck, breaking it. The light in the eyes of the blond went out and dropped to the sand. Filled with his sperm. Then Jamar jacked off as he saw his wife taking her time slowly strangling her prey.
Trish relished the sight of the blood coming out David ass. Sweet pay back for the beginning of the match. She considered to maybe making the white hunk her slave for a while then finishing him off. But there was another Johnson in the ring. She didn’t was to take any chances when her son could pay for. With a nod to her husband. Jamar came over and with the metal chair he bashed in David head in as she continued tearing his neck with the wire cord. She was amazed he had a hard on pressed on the sand and gave it a few stroke. The last thing he did was cumming and pissing as he drew his last breath.
They piled the parents up one another. And started kissed as bell rang and round 3 finished

Tyler was crying hard, losing his parents was his worse nightmare. He knew his odds, he would not get out of this cage alive… should he plea for mercy? But then again.. Would he give any if it was reversed. As he saw the monsters making out and started to fuck on his dead parents he vowed he would take at least one of them. But he forgot all about the fucker Darius which he was the cause for all of this. He would make him remember him as he rip off his cock.

Darius almost jizzed at the sight if Mr and Mrs Johnson brutal end. But now came the moment he waited for. He finally have Tyler all for himself. All he ever wanted was to kick in his beautiful face in the second he laid his eyes on him. And after today he will have a life time.

Tyler and Darius go into the arena as Darius mom went back in. Jamar after a chat with the son stayed back as requested by son. “I AM GOING TO TEAR THAT PENCIL BETWEEN THAT LEG OF YOURS” Tyler said with blood tears eyes. Darius only snorted “I am going to fuck you next your dead mommy and daddy, bloody cock sucker”.
Tyler sprinted to Darius aimed fist to his head. The young dark buck evaded all his fists reading all his moves. He  started to reply with fists to the head but it seemed it didn’t affect the enraged orphan. Darius then kicked high on his ribs feeling it maybe crack a couple. But Tyler only let it so he could catch the leg, with a momentum of the kick he threw the muscled young man to the fence causing him to scream as electricity hit him. Tyler jumped and landed knees first on the Darius spine. He flipped him to his back and again landed knees to the stomach. Causing Darius to puke blood and stomach acid. Then Tyler started to dig into his eyeballs drawing blood.
Before he could gouge out the dark eyes. Jamar slammed a closed fist on his lower chest cracking a few ribs. Then with a hard slap on the inflated right side of Tyler face Tyler got off off Darius.  Tho he pushed through the pain Recovering quickly. And Jamar was slow with a bad knee and a ruined body. Tyler spotted a sledge hammer. They started circling one another. Then as Jamar drove in for a fist Tyler duck inward and attacked Jamar left knee. He Screamed. Went down quick and that is when Tyler started pummeling again and again aiming mostly to the knee. Jamar cried his pain, music to Tyler. When he was finished the knee was completely ruined. Bone chunks coming out of it.

He found the bloody wire next to his dad, warped it around the hammer. Tyler then drove the hammer on Jamar body, tearing of skin every swing. Jamar was begging to be have littler red flash tears all over his muscled tone body. Tyler then started kicking with lather boots at the man balls crushing them. He started to insert inside this fingers starting at 1 then 2 and 3 then with his fist he started to force the bigger man. Unfortunately he was unconscious so he didn’t react as much as he wanted to but he still like the fact he would walk with a limp if only a while.
He inserted the hammer handled into his ass when Tyler felt explosion at the back of his head.

Darius with furious face kneed his head with the same wooden pad that his dad wore. Covered with his dad and mom juices. Darius then took him by his hair and started to strike his face. Darius picked his dazed foe. And threw into the metal pole at the ribs causing him pain. Then Darius started to bite at the left nipple. Tyler screech tearing begging him to stop falling to deaf ears. Like a work of art Darius gnaw at the wound, tearing and drawing blood till he bit off the entire teat. Darius entire face was red with Tylers blood.  The one tit hunk was too tired to continue. With one eye not shut out his looked at Darius cursing him telling him to finish him off.

Darius smiled, few teeth missing and blood dripping leaned down on Tyler and dug three fingers in his blood full ass. He pulled out three red fingers, he lubed the blood on his hard on and started to fuck Tyler. The blond cried in pain, forced being jerked off by Darius by one hand and chocked by the other. After few ejaculating most with blood, Darius picked Tyler next where his father was. His father couldn't walk anymore and wanted to repay to the boy. Ty was held by Darius. His back on his hard belly. Darius took both legs behinds his hand. Levitating Ty ass with The bloody gaping hole was in front of the Big bull man.

Jamar slowly pushed one finger then two, when he pushed his enormous hand in, Ty cried for mercy. That they let him die but Darius only started to bite his ears bloody and with legs abused his cock and balls. Punching them with his sole feet. That ordeal was about 5 minutes that Tyler thought was an hour.
Many of the spectators left after the fighting was over, some after women left the Arena. Now only these who got off the with that sort of thing stayed. With them he saw that bitch Ashly, she was been fucked by some butler, groping her tits as she looked at him being raped. Only if he could at least kill her. But as he felt Jamar pulling out, with a brown hand covered with his ass-blood and shit he finally hoped for death. But then Darius did the most bizarre thing. He started to kiss him, pushing mouth into his. Feeling a weird shape tongue after he bit a chunk out of it. He wanted to vomit but he pretty sure he had nothing left to puke. Darius then talked to one of the man outside the fence. Then the announcer spoke “After a brutal fight between two proud family only one remained. Tyler the only survivor to the Johnson bloodline is to become a slave entirely to Darius Williams”
he could hear disappointed groans in the crowd and even Ashley was shocked, apparently he wasn't meant to survive.
As Medic professionals took care of his parents, Darius with a hard grip carried Tyler outside the arena. He whispered to the white hunk he was gonna rape me day in day out. He would train him to be his blade. And maybe he could get revenge on these who sold me out. Tyler said he was going to kill him which earned him a crushing fist to my sack.
Darius only replied “I like them feisty, more fun to break them“