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Two Mature Mommies brawl

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Offline underdogKu

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Two Mature Mommies brawl
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:08:30 AM »
Hannah (44 y/o, 5'6", 150lbs) and Frankie (46 y/o, 5'2", 152lbs) are friends from college. Frankie always led the way in terms of looks, and the lines of boys surrounding her proved it. Hannah resented her for it. After so many years, they still have arguments about their looks and the amount of attention each of them gained.

Hannah ended up becoming a career woman, and Frankie used her talents for her own passions.

Considering they get into a smaller than regulation ring with the intention of pinning the other, who comes out on top?

Over 14000 word e-book of breathtaking female fighting of all styles available at:

Available in both epub and paperback.


Offline HourglassHannah

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Re: Two Mature Mommies brawl
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2024, 11:48:40 AM »
As someone who's also 5'2", Frankie should really pick on someone her own size