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One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)

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Offline DottiD

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One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)
« on: May 27, 2024, 01:26:56 AM »

One Close Call

(Pam a mothers champion )

Pam is once again feeling her confidence swell as much as her huge bust. She is taking more pride in her growth and the supply of milk she holds .  Feeling unstoppable , she isn’t blind to the fact out there somewhere or someday, another busty mother will crush her and she will have to rebuild again. But for now Pam is confident of her ability.

Weeks after her recent fight , Pam is at home relaxing after a solid workout. Mark came home early from the office smiling. Pam greets him at the door with a kiss and hug, “what has you smiling so big?”.

Mark drops his briefcase, “well i just heard that our neighbor Jill, is going to be throwing a “special party”. Pam eases away, “Jill? From next door ?, wow she doesn’t seem to the type to do that”. Pam swallows at hearing this, Mark still doesn’t know Jill literally beat Pam up in a titfight then pounded her breasts after milking her.

Pam while not the type to refuse a fight, is a little worried about Jill, as she was like a professional, and barely gave Pam any room to fight back hard. Pam turns as she bites the carrot she is eating, “well i am sure she won’t be inviting us, she hasn’t said two words to us since we moved in “.

Mark knew it as well, but he also knew if Jill was cornered she would have to or be shunned for not engaging , especially at these “special parties”. Pam was feeling almost sick that this news came to her. But she never let another woman intimidate her and now being bustier she felt if push came to shove, Jill at the very least would get a fight.

But Pam later that night after a shower, stared at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her hands slowly caressed her heavy firm laden mothers breasts. Her mind instantly went back to that day in the park pump house, how Jill was hurting her and then after pummeled her breasts .

Pam purses her lips as she can recall how it felt to be left on the cold cement floor, her breasts dripping milk, as the bruised blotches from Jills fists swelled. But Pam knew if she and Jill were to meet again at a party, the rules and style of fight would be more structured and Jill might not be as good when having to play by the rules. To top it off Pam would be well rested unlike that day, after having 2 other fights.

The thought of that alone made a slight smirk come to her lips as she slowly caresses the entire circumference of her veiny round laden mass. She climbs into bed and Mark starts to kiss her neck, Pam holds him back a second, “just when is this party ?”.

Mark looks at his phone, “uhmmm in one week why?”. Pam smiles “you can have me and my glorious weapons after, i want to be at my best for her”.

Mark was so hard Pam smiled and gave him head to hold him over, as he exploded on her amazing breasts she purred, “make sure you reply yes to us attending’’. Mark was overjoyed but mainly cause of not knowing he short history between the women, but for Pam sitting there in her rivals yard with the baby would make Jill think twice, or she would be over confident and make a big mistake allowing Pam to brutalize her this time.

Over the next week Pam did every exercise and lotion she could think of. She made sure to make bottles so her nipples and breasts wouldn’t be tender. Finally the night of the party arrives, Pam is upstairs getting ready when Mark walks in to ask if she’s almost ready.

Pam turns slowly, wearing a silver dress V cut, her veiny breasts all but swelling from the dress and the bra cups underneath which were black. The dress straps were strained to the limits taught off her chest.

Her black thigh highs to her silver heels hugged her strong legs. Pam set her hair up at the back of her head and her cherry red lipstick and silver claws looked like fresh wet paint.

Mark nearly fell over and was only allowed to run his hands over the dress cups for now, Pam purrs to him, “nmmm they are all yours as long as i win tonight”. She kisses him lightly and asks him to grab the baby and they head out.

Obviously the drive was short and the couple pull into the drive and park. Pam holds Marks hand asking him to wait a minute, she wants to be sure they aren’t among the first there.

As they see a few familiar faces walking in, Pam nods and the coupe exit the car. Mark grabs the car seat and they walk into the yard. Pam smiles at those she knows have seen her fight  and when they see her sit with the car seat at her feet, the word spreads like wild fire that Pam is here for a fight.

Jill and her husband walk out and make the rounds welcoming the guests. As Jill slowly parades in and out of the guests she suddenly sees Mark then Pam seated, their baby in the car seat at her feet.

Jill also takes note how much fuller Pam seems, but she can’t be sure of that yet. Both mothers know to let the party go on for a bit before anything starts, not all the guests here get to see the after party event.

But Jill whispers to her husband to make sure the baby is ready to come out when the time is right. To add to Jills frustration, her husband sees it is Pam waiting for his wife. He also sees her breasts swelling for action, he raises his eyebrows and forgetting Jill is beside him grunts “damn she’s bigger than I remember “.  The observation gets him an elbow in the gut from Jill, then he walks to the house to tell their maid to get the baby ready to come out back.

The party goes along as any would expect, and as Pam sits waiting for whats to come, Jill must put on a show as if all is well. But it is clear to those fortunate enough to have seen both these women have duels, tonight will be no less entertaining.

Jill and Pam continue to share glares and make a point the other sees her tight swelling cleavage. But both know it means nothing till one is being milked as others watch and her baby nursed by the winner.

Finally as the night drags on, couples start to leave the party. Both Jill and Pam can see who is waiting to see this play out. Finally as the same couples stay behind, Jill nods to her husband to have their baby brought out.

Mark and Pam sit waiting, as they see Jill and her husband kiss, then she walks over with the car seat and sits facing Pam. Jill no idea Pam kept their little scrap a secret, purrs softly, “well Pam it has been a minute, feeling ok?”. Pam a smile, “oh it has been indeed Jill, and i am feeling so good, i hope you are “.

As the two mothers stare, Pam softly says , “we know the rules and the stakes, shall we just skip to the comparing and hen fight ?”. Jill a sneer, “oh i have to agree with you there lets get going, your the guest so by all means do your best”.

Pam eases her baby from the car seat, and as she is bent forward her dress nearly explodes. She sits upright again and then cradles the baby, as her free hand reaches up to her shoulder and slowly pulls the taught dress strap off then down her arm, till she can ease it free.

Everyone looks on knowing what a match up this will be. Pam then eases her bra strap down and off her arm and exposes her left breast, and thick stiff nipple. She rolls her stiff nipple in her index finger and thumb, then pinches it as she pulls on it.

Jill watches as it snaps back to shape and stays stiff, then Pam eases the baby to her nipple, knowing she won’t drink as she had a bottle before. The baby turns her head and avoids the broad nipple, Pam moans , “nmmm i guess i am to full and firm for just her appetite, is yours hungry?  I’ll gladly fill her up as well”.

Jill holds a smile but so wants to dog her claws in Pam. Instead she brings her baby up, cradles her and then eases her dress strap off, then her bra strap. Her thick nipple springs out stiff, and she teases it with her finger then pinches it pulling on it, making Pam see it snap back to stiff attention.

Jill doesn’t even give an honest try , as she brushes her babies lips over the broad nipple only to glare at Pam and say, “nmm i am so full and firm and heavy she can’t take all my milk, but i am happy to nurse yours “.

Pam nods to Mark who takes the baby, Jill does the same to her husband. Now with the babies safe, Pam slowly eases her other dress strap off, then her back arches as she reaches behind her and slowly starts to unclasp her 4 clasp bra. Jill is doing the same as they glare, finally both women see the others elastic band spring open and the bras go slack.

Then with eyes locked they each ease the other bra strap down and finally they pull their bras from their round veiny full laden breasts. Both sets sway free and a slow short wobble as they settle.

Pam cups her breasts and caresses them slow a slight lift before letting them drop each with a solid CLOP. Those watching are wide eye at how much fuller and heavier Pam is from the last big party.

Jill notices as well, and she also knows this isn’t the same size she so easily beat a few weeks ago. But keeping with her confidence, Jill eases her bra away then cups her breasts and caresses them as she lifts. She then lets both drop with a louder CLOP, a way for her to remind Pam just how heavy they felt the day they fought.

Pam and Jill stare when Pam asks, “so tell me where do you and your special guest enjoy each other’s company?”. Jill breathes in “oh come with me and i will gladly show you “.

The two wives with their heavy round veiny laden breasts out proudly, walk beside one another toward the large home. As they approach a stone sun room with large windows, a maid suddenly opens a door and allows Jill and Pam to enter.

The husbands stand center of the outside windows, then the other guests fill in around them to watch from outside as well. Once the door is locked, Pam and Jill now stand across the stone floor room. Then seeing the other in better light they strip out of the dresses and set them in the corners along with their bras. Now in just heels , thigh highs and garters the two women slowly circle in towards the center. Each notices the heavy wobble yet firm quake in her rivals laden breasts.

Their eyes mostly locked also scan the others breasts, then Jill softly says, “from the look on your husbands face , he has no idea you and i spoke not to long ago, does he?”. Pam breathes in , “no he doesn’t, but its fine, he knows my thirst for competition”.

Jill a side smirk, “i hope your actual thirst is as heavy dear Pam, cause after i break your tits again, i am going to nurse those babies then force feed you the rest , and this momma has a lot of milk”.

Pam swallows slowly then softly replies, “well we will have to see if you can break my tits, or if it is yours that get destroyed tonight, and if so? You will be drinking my juices and milk “.

Jill nods subtly , “well lets not argue , ready to fight mother to mother ?”. Pam slowly squares to Jill making their nipples flick slowly, “oh Jill i been longing for you and i to have a full on titfight since that day in the park”.

The two mothers now inhale deeply, their thick warm nipples flick and gently spar as they step closer. Their nipples now poke and pull the aureolas, both lick their lips, the time has come and as their husbands and guests look on, the two mothers nod and there is a solid firm CLOP!

Both women grunt out loud, then they thrust again CLOP! CLOP! CLOP! Both now feel just how full, heavy and firm her rival mother is. As expected Jill becomes the aggressor, she steps closer to Pam and starts to heavily rub and drag her tits across and into Pams.

Jill glares at her rivals eyes as she starts the fight. Pam a little hesitant at the start, allows her rival to feel what she needs to. But Pam is also feeling her rival, unlike last time they fought, Pam is now Jills equal, and her breasts aren’t being shifted nearly as much.

To top it off, Pam feels stronger within, she smiles as Jill looks at her and is still looking to make Pam retreat, but Pam is holding her ground and now is pumping, rubbing and dragging back into Jill as firmly.

Their taught flesh shows little effect being done, but within they can feel how heavy, and form and strong the others breasts are against her own. As the slow arousing duel goes on for 5 minutes, the two mothers now start to use their bodies to direct their heavy breasts for more effect. Hips, shoulders, and backs are being used to direct where the breasts thrust, meet and drag.

Both women steal glances between them and see the forced bulging from her rivals breasts crushing into her own. Their breathing begins to get heavier and the action passes a slow act into a more forceful aggressive attempt o control the fight.

Pam feels Jill thrust in then presses upward, pulling her breasts with her own.  Pam does a slow head shake, and emits a sound, the move had an effect no matter how small.

Jill sees but more hears the effect, she smiles and Jill purrs with blood lust in her tone, “uwww feeling my tits so soon?, oh Pam i do hope when i punch the rest of the milk from your pathetic tits you won’t cry like such a baby”.

Jill then presses her short advantage, she uses her breasts to do a upward rolling motion as she walks into Pam. Their full breasts CLAPPING firmly and more frequently . Jill in a catty tone, “ummff cmon mfff fight my tits Pam, fight me”.

Pam had a look of doubt , maybe one of fear. The thought of losing to Jill again has her bothered deeply. As Jill starts to take control , all Pam can think of is how badly Jill battered her in the park that day , then after pounded her breasts to swollen bruised pulps.

Jill was feeling powerful as she guides Pam in retreat with little effort. Pam was looking between them, she watched Jills breasts come against her own. As she watches their breasts bulge, and swell and smear and grind. She realizes Jill isn’t hurting her yet, and to add to that, Jills power doesn’t seem as she did that day in the park.

Pam inhales and suddenly stops Jill cold, by dragging her tits up under Jills, lifting them and then smears away, they fall, she drives her own tits head on into Jills.  There is a firm CLAP of flesh, Jill grunts a bit , then is slowly being guided backwards as Pam starts to fight back.

The guests outside of the room, watch with smiles. Inside Pam is now bulging her breasts into Jills. Slowly as Jill is being worked backward she pants hotly, “UUGHh ummfff bitch”.

Pam smirks, “whats wrong Jill? Not the push over you remember am i?”. Jill swallows as she won’t agree to it, but inside she was thinking just that, (was she this strong last time?).

The two mothers spin, and seesaw side to side of the room, their firm laden breasts slap, clop and clap between smearing and grinding as they both refuse to ease up on the other.  After nearly 30 minutes of pure back and forth titfighting, every one watching and the two mothers are elated at the  fight, but the mothers are starting o feel each other.

Jill arches and rolls her shoulders back, Pam sees an opening and lunges at her, but Jill wanted her rival to do just that. As Pam steps in Jill drops her tits on Pams and the weight and the force cause Pam to stagger forward.

Jill moves aside and Pam nearly falls on her knees, if not for the wall of glass she would have. As Pam helps herself upright, Jill was waiting for her, Pam turns and Jill dips and SMACK uses her powerful tits to upper cut Pams heavy champs.

Pam arches as she feels the pounding deep in her glands, stiffened and hands at her sides, Pam leaves herself open to Jill, who was ready to oblige her rival.

As Pam is being knocked backwards along the glass wall everyone looks in from. Jill is using her breasts to shove Pams as far to either side as she can, hyper stretching Pams breasts which takes a toll on her chest.

Pam is wincing and as much as she tries to avoid being cornered , Jill is forcing her to the corner seemingly with ease/ the guests hear the flesh SLAPPING together, they hear Pam grunting as does Jill. Their all wide eye as it looks as if Jill might just put Pam down and out .

Pam was looking in distress, her breathing was heavy, her body sweaty and her breasts red. Jill widens her thighs and is slowly breaking Pam down again.  Jill was looking possessed as she could taste victory over Pam yet again, she hisses in Pams face, “problems bitch hmm? Cmon you wanted this rematch now fight “.

Pam is being beaten , she can feel her shoulders bow inward and down as the rooms corner traps her. Her breasts swell out fuller between her arms as she tries to push Jill back by her hips. Jill hands behind her head still slowly but firmly is rocking her breasts side to side, though slow in the sway, there was no mistaking how heavy and solid they collided into Pams.
The solid clops,slaps ring out as does Pams gasping from the attack.

Pam arches up but is quickly bowed forward again s Jill uses her breasts to pummel away at Pams. Becoming frustrated by Pam leaning forward, Jill grabs her rivals wrists and pushes Pams hands over her head. The move forces the two mothers to collide head on, Jill glares at Pam, then slowly begins a rolling pin motion up and down into Pams breasts.

Its clear to all watching Pams breasts are as heavy as Jills, since Jill can barely jostle them. Pam squirms between the walls but every movement forces more contact. As things seem to slow, Jill dips then thrusts up, her round breasts deliver a sharp blow to Pams undersides.

Pam throws her head back as her tits are pounded then lifted. Jill smiles as she is hurting Pam no matter how slow, “nmmm wanna give bitch?”. Pam rocks her head side to side then manages to huff “fuck you Bitch”.

Jill dips and thrusts up again, Pam nearly bursts into tears and her knees buckle, she drops to her knees in front of Jill, who still has her by the wrists. Jill looking down “i am glad you want more, i am going to destroy your pathetic tits for them to see.”

Pam sits on her hip, her knees tucked under her. Her heavy round laden breasts red hang outward, still full and firm, her thick nipples still stiff. Her breathing heavy as her breasts rise and fall freely.
Jill shakes the arms of Pam, “well Bitch? You wanna fight or cry ?”. Pam swallows then without looking up huffs , “let me go and let me stand bitch, i wanna fight”. Everyone close to the glass are either happy or shocked. Jill releases Pams wrists, she steps back, cocks her hip, then hands to hips smiles as she waits to finish the fight.

Pam slowly gets to her knees , then finally stands up. She caresses around her breasts as she steps from the corner, then finally after a deep breath places her hands on her hair and does a slow shimmy. “Well Bitch lets fight”.

Jill stares unsure if this was a joke or was Pam firmer and stronger than she was just not long ago. Jill assumes the same stance, the two mothers step straight into each other. This time an equal louder firmer CLOP!! Rings out.

Both women roll their heads, and pant heavily. Then as it began, Pam and Jill are smearing, sliding, grinding and pumping their breasts . Each time they collide harder, their sweaty flesh sealing together then peeled apart.

As it seems these two are so well matched, Jill again starts to make Pam work harder to stay in this fight.
Everyone is seeing Pam struggling to fight her rival. Its like everything she does is barely having much effect. While they see Jill is working hard, her fight seems much easier. As Mark covers his mouth, he watches and sees his busty wife being forced to retreat about the small room .

The fleshy, CLOPS, SLAPS, SMACKS ring out through the glass, as does Pams grunts at taking the pounding from Jills big breasts.

Others who look on shake their heads and a few are heard saying , “oh well Pam had a good run, but looks like she met her match “. Pam is sweating much more than Jill, and she is looking at Jill in both fear and confusion . Just then Jill lunges forward and snaps her shoulders side to side, forcing her big breasts to pummel Pams hard.

Pam arches in pain and Jill hisses , “cmon you pathetic tinted bitch titfight me”. Pam cradles her tits  as she huffs for air and relief. She looks at the glass and she’s her husbands worry and fear.

Finally as she sees her daughter squirm and knows she will need milk soon , Pam nods to herself, its time to put up or be shut up for good. Pam caresses her breasts then inhales, she shimmies her heavy big tits at Jill, and snarls. “Ok whore put your tits up, lets have it out”.

Jill arches hands on her hair but her husband sees a look of (how is this woman still wanting to fight), she accepts the challenge and the two mothers step center room an once again jam their tits together.

Their sweaty ballooning breasts bulge, get pushed, smeared and dragged as rough as two can do. Jill still looks to be running the fight as Pam is gulping to hold on. They spin, step and stagger about closer than the entire fight thus far.

Grunts, taunts and curses fly between them, then a solid SMACK, rings out then a second and then a third in a row. Jill suddenly is hunched forward as Pam is slowly pushing her rivals breasts upward.

Then as Jill has her own tits in under her chin, Pam splits her rivals cleavage and as Jills, breasts drop, Pam starts a horrendous, side to side pummeling, pounding the inner walls of Jills tits hard and steady. The slapping, smacking are almost sickening to hear as each collision has Jill weeping and gasping for some kind of help.

Jill steps to Pam and tries to hug into her to stop Pams attack, Pam shoves her rivals arms and shoulders away and steps in to batter Jill more and deeper. Finally as it seemed neither would win this, Jill shakes her head no, swallows a deep empty gulp, then drops on her knees in front of Pam.

Pam breathing heavy stands over Jill, “get up Bitch, lets fight like mothers”. Jill starts to lift on her knees, her breasts droop and sway and she nearly screams out, as she curls and cups her tits in agony.

Jill gasps, “NO MORE I AM DONE MY TITS ARE TO HURT YoU win”!!. Mark lets out a sigh of relief. Peggy grabs Jills hair and yanks her onto all fours, she straddles her rivals bare back, then like Jill did to her, Pam milks the mother and half way through snarls to Jill, “pay backs a mother fucker bitch”.

Jills eyes drop wide as Pam balls her fists and starts to slam away at the hanging breasts of Jill. Jill screams and cries out but everyone just watches. Finally content she hurt Jill worse then she was. Pam yanks Jill on to her back straddles her and summons the babies be brought in .

Jill cries and shakes her head no, “Pam slaps her face to look up, and cradles both babies and starts to nurse them, as Jill cries in shame. Finally as the babies are content nursing off of Pam, she hands them back to the men.

Pam glares down at Jill, “i was going to end it here, but i know you will want to try and fight me again, i have much better and tougher mothers to fight bitch, so i am going to end our feud right now”.

Jill looks up in total fear, Pam like a well aimed wind mill starts to pound her fists up into the undersides of Jills red swollen breasts on her chest.
Jill screams and cries out for help, Pam a gleeful smile hammers away. Finally as Jills breasts look like wet hamburger meat, Pam drops her tits on Jills face smothers her and hisses in her rivals ear, “ask to fight me again bitch and I’ll bite your pathetic tits off got it?”.

Jill barely getting fresh air and red faced can only nod and tap on Pams shoulders to stop. Pam finally lifts up, then stands . She glares down at Jill, then jams a heel into her breasts as she raises her arms in victory.

Everyone claps at the win and the fight, Mark grabs the two bras and helps Pam get situated, then grabs the car seat and the family walks to their car. Jill lays weeping , hurt and sorry. Her husband helps her stand, then tosses her dress on his arm, grabs the car seat and his wife and she hobbles weakly into the home.

The next morning Pam wakes swollen, sore and bruised, but otherwise a huge smile. Jill wakes starts to turn over and grabs her breasts in agony, the bruising was grotesque.

Other than ice and heat packs, Jill couldn’t tolerate a breeze across her breasts.

The End


Offline Titfight_fan67

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Re: One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2024, 03:36:16 AM »
Another great Pam story


Offline snw

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Re: One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2024, 05:21:58 AM »
Nice story and fight. I was pulling for Jill though! I think she could’ve finished Pam off but she seemed to be trying for a show rather than just ending the fight. Now it’s tied between them. A rematch to break the tie is in order. Maybe a tie breaker that is witnessed by the husbands only and stakes that really will make the two women fight till they can’t go on any longer. Feeding babies and then husbands as the loser has to watch her hatred rival enjoy the only two things they value more than their impressive racks. Seeing your man and child getting their necessities from another woman is the most humiliating and embarrassing way to prove which is the alpha. Anyway these two certainly have to go head to head more. Whether Pam’s husband saw it or no, Jill beat Pam soundly.  Pam has to tell him about their first fight now. I’m sure if she doesn’t Jill will tell him for sure. Could be the threat she will tell him if Pam refuses a rematch can be the leverage of forcing Pam to agree. I absolutely love fights that have stakes that are very personal like your stories do. Looking forward to more of them.


Offline BadBitchDana

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Re: One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2024, 04:49:33 PM »
It would be hot to see Pam lose badly once.


Offline DottiD

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Re: One close Call. (Pam a Mothers Champion)
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2024, 08:23:00 PM »
Thanks for the feedback as always, Dana Pam has lost really bad more than once already, you will have to go back in the series to read about it.