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Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila

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Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2024, 02:28:20 PM »
Sheila's face contorts and practically goes purple with rage. Everyone can see it -- the sheer disparity in size, the incongruity of Dahlia challenging her like this. Dahlia's limbs are shaking! Her skin is slick with sweat all over, and even her outstretched hands are trembling slightly. And yet, she is still issuing this challenge to a test of womanly strength...!

She is wide open -- all Sheila has to do is to ignore the foolish challenge and charge forward for a takedown. And then, at last, Dahlia Kwan will surely crumble. She will be crushed beneath Sheila Steele, made to submit and join her mother in captivity. And that will be the end of this feud. Has Sheila's pride been stung sufficiently, though...?

Yes, it has. Before everyone's rapt eyes, Sheila steps forward and raises her own thick arms in the air, ready to lace fingers with her rival's daughter and match muscles with her. Her arms are trembling, too. Her legs are shaking maybe a tad less than Dahlia's. This isn't going to be a test of strength so much as a test of endurance...

They lock hands and begin. Everyone can see the precise moment they wordlessly commence their contest. The muscles jump out in sharp relief all over both bodies, and immediately they are both scrunching up their faces, jaws hanging open as the pain shoots through their straining sinews and tendons. Dahlia and Sheila press their faces and upper bodies close together and sway slowly from side to side.

Sheila is the fresher, thanks to Sylvia's mouthwork. Her energy level and her bulk begin to tell, very quickly. Bit by bit, Dahlia's arms are pushed backwards and down, at what must be an increasingly painful angle. Her upper body also begins to bend, as Sheila presses forward relentlessly. Her slightly larger breasts are pressing on Dahlia's smaller ones, seemingly flattening them out to the sides.

Sheila begins laughing breathlessly with delight, clearly feeling dominant. "Haha... hah... hahaha! How... how do you like that... huh... huh?? Test of strength? Test of strength? You? Against me?" She is practically breathing those taunts into Dahlia's mouth, since their faces are pressed together.

It is heartbreaking to watch, especially after Dahlia's spectacular showing in the last 3 contests of strength. She has come so far, equalized when no one -- not even her mother -- thought it possible... and now, to lose like this...

A moan is heard all through the audience as Dahlia's knees suddenly buckle and she begins sinking. "No," Camellia wails, and begins weeping. "No. Come on, Dahlia. Push, darling, push. Fight back. You can do it, darling. Push, Dahlia, push." Dahlia's muscles flex mightily as she fights to obey her beloved mother. But slowly, so slowly, her legs bend until her knees are almost touching the mat.

Sylvia leans in close, one hand pressed against her clit, practically slavering. "Ohh yes. That's it, Mom. Crush her. Crush her flat."

"Ahh... ahh..." Dahlia moans piteously.

"Haha... haha..." Sheila's hot breath blows right into Dahlia's open mouth.

Then Dahlia's head shifts slightly and her lips close around Sheila's. Their faces are now fully pressed together in what looks like the most passionate of kisses between lovers.

Long seconds pass. Dahlia's body shivers and shakes. Her knees remain just barely above the mat. The strain on her lower back must be incredible. Sheila's body is hunched over hers like an engulfing wave. Every muscle on their bodies is fully flexed and strained to the limit.

The muffled grunting from both women gets louder and louder. "Mff. Mfff! Mffff!"

And then suddenly... Dahlia is straightening up, pushing back! Her trembling legs begin to unbend. Her arms begin to move forward again, jerkily pushing back against Sheila's, until they are almost level with her chest once more. Sheila's face is unmistakably dark red now, almost purple. She seems to be trying frantically to jerk it away, to turn away from Dahlia. But Dahlia's mouth stays plastered on Sheila's. The veins and cords on Dahlia's neck are bulging and writhing.

The watching women leap to their feet with a roar, surging forward and craning their heads for a closer look.

Dahlia has applied the Kiss of Death! Sheila can barely breathe through her still-damaged nose. By locking lips with her opponent, Dahlia forces them into an oxygen duel -- the woman with stronger chest muscles gets more air into her lungs. But she can still breathe through her nose, unlike Sheila. Sheila's pride has already broken and she's trying to escape the liplock, but Dahlia is tenaciously staying on point, keeping the contest going. And more: as Sheila tries to draw back and lean away, Dahlia gets to regain the ground she's lost and push back against Sheila's muscles.

A few seconds more, and the two women are even again, straining with arms out to the side, feet braced to push forward. They are still kissing. Sheila has gone bug-eyed with panic. She's trying to free up some space to breathe through her mouth, but every time she manages to escape Dahlia's lips it is only for a split-second before Dahlia determinedly latches on again like a limpet. She is flushing crimson as well, and not breathing easily. But the duel of stamina appears to be favoring her heavily, and more with every passing moment.

It is bedlam. Camellia on her rack is screaming for Dahlia to push with all her might, her own tired muscles tensed up in sympathy. Sylvia is alternating between yelling imprecations at Dahlia and screaming incredulously at her mother. The spectators are all cheering and shouting, some for Sheila still, but most for the plucky, indomitable Dahlia upsetting all their predictions and putting up an incredible underdog fight.

And now it is Sheila starting to bend over backwards...!

But abruptly, Sheila staggers backward a giant step, and just like that the liplock is broken. Dahlia loses her balance too. The two wrestlers lurch around for a few moments, still locking hands, before they fall to the mat in a tangled mess of flailing limbs. Sheila has apparently decided to abandon her pride entirely and break off the test of strength this way, instead of allowing Dahlia the chance to see it through and push Sheila down onto her knees.

Down on the mat, with both of them too tired to even mount a proper "ground game", it becomes a simple matter of weight, mass and momentum. Soon, Sheila has managed to pin Dahlia down, despite Dahlia's desperate struggles.

The crowd subsides, watching quietly as the struggle continues, seeing Dahlia succumb slowly, bit by bit, to Sheila's weight advantage. The exhaustion on Dahlia's face is heartrending to see. Sheila has pinned her arms down successfully, and is now maneuvering to clamp her thighs around Dahlia's. Sheila is not having an easy time of it either, breathing so heavily she is snorting with every breath, but gravity is now on her side. Try as she might, Dahlia cannot dislodge her heavier opponent, not from this position.

In just a few moments, the tide has turned and the Kwans are plunged once again into despair. Sylvia is now heaving sighs of relief, grinning as she looks at her mother's undulating back muscles and licking her lips. Camellia is now hanging limply, tears running silently down her cheeks, still whispering words that look like "Fight, Dahlia, fight" to anyone who can lipread.

Finally, after long minutes of wrestling around on the floor, Sheila manages to get one thigh, and then the other, on the outside, hooking her calves underneath Dahlia's. She has subdued Dahlia's movements almost entirely by now. Their struggling has subsided. Sheila looks down at Dahlia, sweat dripping from her nose and chin down onto Dahlia's face.

"That's it..." Jasmine murmurs, sounding disappointed. She sits back in her chair and reaches for her vibrator. "That's it then. She's had a good long run, longer than we thought she'd have, but she's finished now."

Florence can only murmur in agreement. If the match were for a pin, Dahlia would have lost already. In this position of total dominance, Sheila has every advantage. All she has to do now is to wring the submission from Dahlia's lips.

The end of the Kwans is near. How will it come?
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


Offline Ben19c

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2024, 02:18:23 PM »
This battle has been amazing including the latest chapter.  Amazing how Dahlia has used her endurance to push Sheila so close to exhaustion.  Thanks for creating this epic struggle.   ;)


Offline katietay

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #32 on: May 31, 2024, 02:40:01 PM »
The groans of dismay from Dahlia's supporters and the murmurs of speculation subside after a while, and still there is no movement from the two women, other than the heaving of their chests. Sheila remains perched atop Dahlia, pinning her down. Their legs are still entwined, with Sheila applying a dominant grapevine lock.

Dahlia glares defiantly up at her opponent, her face a mask of despairing courage, heartbreaking to see.

Sheila's sadistic grin grows wider and wider as she gazes down at her helpless opponent.

"I win," she says at last, still breathless, but gleeful.

"No," is all that Dahlia says in reply.

"Wanna give up? Huh? Say you submit to me, Dahlia Kwan."


Sheila looks up then and turns to look at Camellia. Sylvia has taken up position behind the helpless woman; her hands are poised at Camellia's nipples and pussy. She grins and gives her mother a sharp nod of readiness. Sheila is about to wring a painful submission from Camellia's daughter, right in front of her.

She locks eyes with Dahlia again, and everyone can see how her hamstrings begin curling and flexing. Her large, slightly flabby glutes quiver as she tenses up her whole lower body, the hard muscle still visible beneath the layer of fat.

Dahlia's legs, stretched out, begin trembling. She presses her lips together and clenches her jaw. The trembling spreads slowly through her torso, and then up through her pinned arms, until her whole body is shaking.

Almost a minute passes this way. Dahlia's breathing gets heavier and heavier. Beads of sweat appear on her skin all over. Sheila begins grunting with effort, relentlessly flexing her legs to apply the grapevine hold as agonizingly as she can.

Dahlia's lips are trembling now. Sheila bares her teeth ferally. "Graaaarrgghh!" she growls and begins jerking her whole body, flexing her hamstrings to the max.

Another minute passes before finally...

"Hnnnhh... hnnnn.... haaaarrr... aaaaarggghh..." The cries of pain are finally wrung from Dahlia's stubborn lips. She can no longer conceal it on her face. She is too weak to bridge successfully against Sheila, though she tries a few times. All she can do is flex her legs to resist... it is not enough.

Sheila lowers her face to Dahlia's and begins to kiss her helpless opponent ferociously, almost devouring Dahlia's mouth. "You like to kiss, huh?" she gasps in between long, hard kisses. "You like to kiss? Thought you could beat me with kissing? Huh? You thought you could win like that? How do you like this, huh... how do you like kissing now..."

Dahlia can only lie there and take it... all of it. She tries to spread her legs wider to escape... it doesn't work. She tries again to bridge and buck Sheila off somehow... it doesn't work. She tries to turn on her side... it doesn't work. Sheila is in full control now, of the kissing as well. Soon, Dahlia is sobbing full force as she thrashes in pain beneath Sheila's sweaty bulk.

Meanwhile, Sylvia is stimulating Camellia to what threatens to be a powerful, utterly unwanted orgasm. Her fingers and hands are hard at work, rubbing Camellia's exposed nipples and pussy, and Camellia is completely helpless against her. Camellia whimpers involuntarily as her arousal grows and grows, even though her anguish is growing as well.

"So sopping wet," Sylvia giggles in Camellia's ear. To the crowd and the wrestlers she cries out, "She's sopping wet! She's so turned on, watching her girl lose to my big, strong mom! She's gonna cum any moment now! You hear that, Dahlia? Your mom's about to cum... to the sight of you losing! Why don't you submit already? Give up, Dahlia, give up!"

"Submit, Dahlia!" Sheila echoes, throwing her head back and cackling.

"Aarggh... aarrggh..." Dahlia's face turns this way and that, as the pain wracks her body. But her eyes open, and she glares up at Sheila. "Never!"

"Gnnnn..." Sheila glares right back and redoubles her hamstring flexing, doing her utmost to pour on the pressure.

Tears of pain are squeezed from those defiant eyes. "N-never..." Dahlia says in a weaker voice.

How much more can she take, everyone wonders. Almost everyone has something -- hand or vibrator -- pressed against their own pussies and clits now. And Camellia, too -- how close is she to climaxing? She looks as though she is flexing every muscle in her body to resist... as though her resistance is about to crumble any moment, under Sylvia's cruel and merciless assault.

"Submit," Sheila demands yet again, hoarsely.

"N-n-never..." Dahlia croaks. Her voice sounds so feeble now. "I'll... never... give in... to you..." Her whole body is shaking, shivering, quivering, as if she is having a fit.

And finally... after almost five minutes... Sheila's legs relax and she slumps. Dahlia's violent trembling gradually stops, not straightaway. Sheila continues lying atop her, breathing even harder than before, sweat pouring off her body. Her weight is visibly making it harder for Dahlia to catch her own breath.

Their legs are still in the grapevine position, but the strain has abated... for now. Dahlia has somehow managed to withstand almost five minutes of unrelenting flexing by Sheila. The watching women can only imagine the state her legs are in...

"You know you've lost," Sheila whispers into Dahlia's ear, not loudly enough for anyone to hear. "Just fucking submit already. Are you such a sucker for pain, girl?"

"I won't submit to you," Dahlia manages to say, after gulping in a couple of breaths with difficulty. "I won't lose to you."

"You've already lost," Sheila snarls.

"No. I won't. Because... I'm fighting... for my family."

"Well, so am I," Sheila growls. "And my family... my girl and me... we're just plain better than yours, Dahlia," she says, leaning in close to practically spit the words against Dahlia's mouth. "We're stronger and sexier and better. I beat your mom completely. I pounded your pussy while she held your legs open. I broke her. She's mine now. And my girl... we both know she should have won her matches against you. She's stronger and better than you. You just keep winning with flukes. You should lose." Anger thickens her voice. "You should lose. I'm bigger and stronger than you. I should win. You should lose. Just lose. Lose, Dahlia! Lose!"

Dahlia's breathing is still ragged, but she manages to reply. "Never." Looking Sheila straight in the eye, she says, "I'm stronger than you. You know it. Everyone knows it."

Sheila's eyes blaze, then narrow. She says in a low voice, "Do you remember the first wrestling match you watched between your mom and me, Dahlia? In that ring, when I got her up against the turnbuckles? And my boob crushed hers right in front of your eyes? And you remember what I did next?"

Dahlia's eyes widen.

Sheila repositions her limbs slightly. Then, she raises her entire body off the mat, launching herself up with her hands and her toes.

Her entire body flops down heavily on top of Dahlia's.

Dahlia goes goggle-eyed. Her mouth opens, but no sound comes out. Her battered body convulses a couple of times as the air is completely driven out of her.

"Oooohhhhh!" the crowd exclaims at this move. Camellia utters a choked wordless cry of denial, frantically pulling and pulling at her chains and cuffs, to no avail.

Sheila is using the biggest advantage at her disposal: her sheer weight advantage. Her whole body is now a short-range battering ram. "Submit, Dahlia!" she yells.

Dahlia takes a moment before she weakly shakes her head in negation.

"Ooh... not a good sign... she can't even speak now..." several of the women comment, in between their moans.

Sheila gathers herself for another body slam.

"No... don't..." Camellia cries out, her voice cracking.

Sheila turns her head. "What's that, Cammy?" she says breathlessly. "You want to submit? You want to give up on your daughter's behalf?" Beneath her, Dahlia stirs weakly, her muscles tensing uselessly against Sheila's.

"Do it... do it..." Sylvia urges Camellia while rubbing and pressing. "Cum right as you throw in the towel for your Dahlia..." she suggests, breathless with excitement at the prospect.

Camellia shakes her head violently all of a sudden. "Dahlia! Get up! Get up, my love! Fight! Get up!"

"All right, she asked for it," Sheila snarls, looking down at Dahlia. "You too! You're asking for this!"

Again, her body goes up, and her weight comes crashing down on Dahlia's. This time, Dahlia has a second to brace her entire body against the impact, but it seems to do little good. Once more, the wind is driven out of Dahlia's muscular but much-weakened body.

Dahlia gags and coughs. Her torso heaves helplessly beneath Sheila's bulk.

"Wanna kiss? Huh?" Sheila dives in for a lip-lock, a predator going in for the kill. She smothers Dahlia's mouth with her own, cutting off Dahlia from much-needed air. "Mmmf... mffff..."

"Who wants to bet? Camellia cums first, or Dahlia submits first?" Sylvia calls out to the crowd.

Sheila comes up for air, gasping. "Submit," she pants.

Dahlia's head lolls from side to side. She is barely conscious now. It is beginning to look as though she is KOed, rather than slowly shaking her head, refusing to quit.

"One more for the road," Sheila chuckles. She braces herself, and does the body-flop again.

The meaty smack resounds throughout the gym room. This time, there is barely any reaction from Dahlia -- her body jerks once, and then goes still.

Camellia starts shaking her head. "No... no..."

"Yes... yes..." Sylvia rubs away at Camellia furiously as Sheila clambers to her feet, with an unmoving Dahlia stretched out on the mat. Looking straight at Camellia, Sheila plants a foot firmly on Dahlia's unresisting belly, raises her arms up high, and pulls them into a powerful, dominant double-biceps flex of supremacy and triumph.

And watching her nemesis like this, flexing with a foot on her daughter, Camellia... cums.

She whimpers and sobs as she does so, climaxing so powerfully after resisting so hard that she squirts onto Sylvia's fingers. Her whole body convulses with spasm after spasm, quake after quake, rattling the cuffs and chains. It seems to go on forever. Sylvia meanwhile keeps laughing and laughing with spiteful glee, while Sheila continues flexing, mouth twisted with dark satisfaction.

While Camellia is still in the throes of this extended forced orgasm, Sheila reaches down and drags Dahlia's unresponsive body over, closer to the rack, and repositions her. She then lowers herself onto Dahlia's face in a schoolgirl pin, her shins trapping Dahlia's arms underneath. Dahlia's eyelids flutter. Sheila smiles again at the sight of Dahlia's face trapped in between her thighs, then looks up at her defeated, humiliated rival.

"It's over between us, Cammy dear," she says, as Sylvia finally stops over-stimulating Camellia and steps away, licking her fingers. Camellia, hanging limp and broken, does not respond. "It's over at last," Sheila repeats emphatically. She flexes her arms again, the picture of womanly dominance. "You're both ours now. You're both... arrkkh!"

Her words are cut off in a choked cry as abruptly, Dahlia's leg appears and snakes itself around her neck.

In the blink of an eye, the two combatants are again thrashing around on the mat in a tangled mess, but this time head-to-crotch. They twist and turn, limbs flailing, turning and tumbling.

Somehow... somehow! Against all reasonable expectation... when everyone had already given her up for gone... when by all rights she should have been considered KOed...

"This is beautiful," Jasmine whispers. She is on her feet, eyes shining, moist fingers hanging forgotten by her sides. She has already rubbed herself to four wet climaxes, and her inner thighs are coated with the juices of her indulgence. She no longer seems interested in deriving more sexual pleasure from the scene unfolding before their stunned, incredulous eyes.

"Impossible," Florence gasps, beside her. "She didn't submit. She never submitted! She's still fighting!"

"Beautiful. Just beautiful," Jasmine repeats, her voice thick with adoration as somehow, Dahlia's and Sheila's tangled forms settle and resolve themselves into...

A 69 double head-scissors.

Sylvia is shrieking, running her wet fingers thoughtlessly through her hair, inadvertently coating it with Camellia's juices. Camellia has lifted her head wearily to see what is happening, and seems to be slowly taking it all in. Everyone else has stepped forward for a good, close look at that rarest of sights before their eyes.

Sheila is trying to free her head, pushing and clawing at Dahlia's trembling thighs. Dahlia has wrapped her arms around Sheila's midriff and is squeezing, seemingly not very hard -- it is all too obvious that she has barely any strength left in her arms. Or her legs, come to that. Her own head is trapped securely between Sheila's thighs -- she could not prevent or escape the hold.

They roll around, first one way, then another. It is hard to say who has the advantage; the one below may have a more comfortable posture for squeezing, but the one above has gravity on her side.

After a while, they stop rolling. Each is now on her side. Dahlia's trapped, crimson face is facing towards her captive mother. Camellia has the full view of Sheila's huge glutes and hamstrings slowly crushing Dahlia's head and neck. She can also see how poor Dahlia's tortured legs are quivering so violently, after all they've been put through. How much strength can her daughter still muster, still channel through her terribly weakened leg muscles?

The two women settle into their final, final test of strength. Sheila has also wrapped her beefy arms around Dahlia's trunk. Now, all that is left for them to do... is to squeeze, and squeeze, and be the last woman squeezing.

Which will it be? Who will squeeze her opponent into the final submission?
My Literotica profile:

Strong, muscular women engaged in grueling battles for dominance and supremacy, in various settings. Sound good? ;)


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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #33 on: May 31, 2024, 03:57:09 PM »
Fabulously intense & incredibly hot & & sweaty!  ;D :-* :D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Ben19c

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Re: Fighting for Family 01: Dahlia vs. Sheila
« Reply #34 on: June 01, 2024, 03:50:04 PM »
Amazing chapter  ;)