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School days, International Affairs - Dethrone

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« on: May 20, 2024, 12:53:30 PM »

Louisa awoke in the hospital bed with more impetus than expected, bending forward from the pain in her head. Jessica and Jem quickly rushed to the girl's sides, helping her sit up.
"Oh, Ana..." thought Louisa amused, "you are more dangerous than I expected."
The Ukrainian student smiled, thinking about her next encounter with the blonde and how sparks might fly.
Looking up, she met Jessica. Beside her was Jem looking at her with surprised eyes, not expecting to see that girl in that state.
"Good morning, Lu" smiled Jessica "I trust you are well."
"Never been better" sneered the Ukrainian girl.
Jem grunted in amusement. The girl looked like she had been thrown up from hell, yet she still showed no sign of weakness.
"Good, because it looks like our friends won't be attending the ICF," Jessica said in an icy tone.
Louisa looked up at her, leaving her breasts. The sharp image of Ana's face, sweaty and tired, and the blonde's body refusing to surrender to hers remained in her mind.
"Then I won't be there either," declared the girl.
Jessica squared her completely, surprised. Louisa's attention was back on her breasts, silent as she continued to work her mind. The head cheerleader stared at her friend for a few seconds before sighing.
"I guess I don't need your presence," huffed Jessica, drumming on the hospital bed, "but you'll have to bring me a viable alternative. We have an empty seat after all."
The head cheerleader heard her friend grunt in amusement; somehow they both could understand each other. Jessica knew that Louisa would not stop until she found Ana again; at the centre of her crosshairs was only her. Everything that came to stand in her way was merely a contingency to be destroyed. Why not use it to her advantage then?
"Tell me who," Louisa asked.
"Oh, you'll love it" smiled Jessica, leaning back "Have you ever gone to a 24-hour gym?


Louisa crossed the threshold of the school as usual, everyone's eyes were on her as usual but this time she felt something different.
Before it had become monotonous to hear the boys' arousal-rich stares as they stared at her huge bouncing breasts. Even the girls' envious glances did not make her feel fulfilled; behind that envy was always a deep fear of confrontation.
That day, however, everything seemed different. Louisa could feel it, the excitement of the boys had remained the same but the fear that used to dwell in all the girls...was gone.
It was as if her image no longer appeared as invincible as before, a poorly made copy of what she used to be. She could see it in the girls she met, any of them would lower their gaze but not now. They all held their gaze on her as if screaming to the world that they were no longer afraid.
It was ... strange.
Louisa shook her head, pushing that thought away. After classes, she was supposed to rest until the evening, before going to a 24-hour neighbourhood gym.
The Ukrainian student wondered what kind of girl Jessica wanted to grab at all costs and why she would confront her at that gym.
She attended the same school as Louisa but Jessica seemed averse to the involvement of the school environment.
"Her true nature is revealed in different places," the head cheerleader had said.
Louisa could not understand, but in her mind, she could only imagine how much fun it would be to face that girl.
The image of Ana, however, kept surfacing.


Louisa showed up at a time that had some absurdity to it, it was 1 a.m. and she was crossing the threshold of the gym. It was unbelievable for her that she loved to sleep, being her after all was tiring.
The front desk was empty, probably whoever was supposed to be at the reception had gone to sleep somewhere, simply facilitating Louisa's entrance. The gym was almost silent, and the Ukrainian student did not struggle to spot her target, the only person present at that moment.
Irene was working on the pectoral machine, her sweaty body encased in a black top and tight shorts of the same colour. Louisa's eyes focused on the girl's chest, swelling slightly each time Iri's arms closed.
The gym queen did not give Louisa any looks until she finished the set. She took a long sip of water before focusing her attention on the stranger who remained impaled staring at her with a small smile on her lips.
Iri immediately recognized Louisa; her fame preceded her as did her temperament. It was not hard to imagine why she was there. The Italian girl felt honoured and annoyed about it. The gym was her realm, a sacred place. To give her trouble there was to make her nervous.
Louisa waited for her prey to get up, following her without thinking. Iri had no intention of going to a secluded place to fight, she simply preferred to stretch in the CrossFit room, and the mat made stretching more comfortable.
When Louisa entered the room, Iri huffed annoyed. It seemed that she was going to have trouble that night. The Italian student then turned toward the stranger, staring into her eyes.
"What do you want?" asked Iri in a sour tone.
The Ukrainian girl allowed herself a few seconds to look at the girl's magnificent body, toned and sensual. Iri's legs would have made many a cheerleader envious, not to mention the breasts that stood out high in her chest. Louisa's eyes rose to meet Irene's grim gaze.
"They're sending me the school cheerleaders," Louisa said, starting to approach "They want to recruit you for this year's ICF."
Iri sighed, placing a hand on her hip and looking at the girl with a small, arrogant smile. She was not a cheerleader, did not like to be one, and did not care at all. She felt a tingle inside her, though, at the thought that the group had sent Louisa to ask her. They probably knew she would not accept.
"What if I say no?" asked the Italian girl defiantly.
Louisa's advance came to a sudden halt. She smiled at the girl's words; she wanted to hear them. She was eager for Iri to have to force herself on her from the first moment she saw her. Her body had begun to quiver, she could feel her nipples pushing through the fabric. God, how she loved that feeling.
"I was told to convince you," Louisa said, stopping just inches from the girl, "by any means necessary."
Iri listened to all the girl's presumptions before her, nodding slowly as she pretended to think about it. Louisa's fame had already suggested what Iri would have to pay, she was dangerous but not like before. The Italian girl heard about Ana while she was training, and it was disconcerting to imagine someone who could have silenced a girl like Louisa. Of course, outside of her.
Iri was sure that in a fair fight, Louisa could not have defeated her. She was stronger, more athletic, and certainly her breasts were firmer and more resilient. She was Louisa's kryptonite, but she felt strangely envious of the blonde as if she had stolen spotlights from her that Iri did not think she wanted before.
"I'm afraid then we'll proceed with the bad," Iri smiled.
Louisa's eyes flashed as the Italian girl's hands raised her top, letting Irene's huge 36EE bounce across her chest before stopping threateningly. Louisa could not help but look at the girl's already grown pink nipples. The Italian girl gave her breasts a slight jerk as intimidation.
"I was hoping you'd say that," smiled Louisa, removing her top in turn.
Irene's eyes lingered on the famous school couple, the unbeatable breasts that had, however, known the bittersweet taste of failing to bend a rival. Louisa's 36EEs exhaled before her and Iri cursed herself as she failed to think about how incredible they were.
The Italian girl, however, stood firm on her convictions; she was better. Louisa surely would be a tough challenge, but she would overcome it and emerge victorious as always. Both were proud of their breasts and neither wanted to be the girl with the wrong beliefs.
The two girls stood still and stared at each other arrogantly, their breasts almost touching. Louisa pushed forward and Iri didn’t move as their nipples met with a little grunt from both of them. The Italian student pushed in turn, a small slap resounded at the contact between their huge tits.
Iri smiled and drew back to push again but was met by the rival pair before she could move. Louisa smiled arrogantly, thrusting forward again as her rival did the same, two perfect and huge couples pressed together, swelling at the sides without being able to occupy more than the available space between their bodies.
Their lips parted in a soft grunt before they both began to grind their breasts together, the sound of flesh slowly rubbing wet as sweat began to show on both girls' tits.
"I can't wait to see you in your uniform," Louisa growled, pushing forward hard.
Iri huffed as she felt her body being pushed back, followed by another push from the Ukrainian student to continue pushing the girl back. The smile on Louisa's lips grew with each thrust, disappearing once Iri herself planted her feet on the floor to push back. The Ukrainian tits swelled at the sides for a moment before returning to their original shape, fighting for space between the two sexy bodies.
"Then I'm afraid you'll have to keep waiting," hissed Iri, pressing forward.
Louisa gasped when she felt her rival's pair press harder against hers, the flesh rippling toward her chest until Iri pulled back for another stroke.
The Ukrainian student growled low as the Italian student struck again, rattling rival flesh before Louisa thrust forward sending her right tit into Iri's left.
The girl grunted at the impact, failing to respond in time before Louisa landed a second blow with a small wet slap. Iri's pair trembled on her chest but her pair was still as firm as at first.
Iri pushed back, throwing her breasts into the lower part of Louisa's counterpart, who winced as she felt her rival begin to shift her shoulders from left to right to alternate direct blows.
Louisa gritted her teeth, forcing herself to retreat from the contact to let the enemy's offensive momentum end, but the Italian student seemed to be unfazed and followed her in the movement.
"Oh, you bitch," growled Louisa with a forced smile.
The Ukrainian student's hands grabbed Iri's shoulders, then launched herself at her rival. Louisa's thick, heavy breasts crashed directly against the rival pair with a pop.
Iri gasped as she felt her breasts being crushed by the weight of the rival tits, her body backing away a step, leaving Louisa with the opportunity to strike again.
The Italian student's eyes widened in pain as Louisa's breasts rammed hers forcefully, eliciting a moan of surprise mixed with pain as the Ukrainian student stabbed the side of her enemy's right tit with her nipples.
"Come on, Irene!" smiled Louisa mischievously "Show me what you can do!" Louisa felt the tingle inside her arise and grow, her heart was increasing its beats as the blood was pumping faster. She felt Irene was another girl who could take her to the limit like Ana "Come on!"
The Ukrainian student threw her breasts from the opposite side, meeting the enemy pair with another slap, dragging her heavy 36EE against Irene. The Italian girl's body staggered to the side before she groaned from another blow.
"Fuck you," hissed Iri, reserving a fiery glance for her rival.
Before Louisa could connect another blow, the Italian student thrust her tits forward and buried her tips in Louisa's soft flesh. The girl's mouth went from a smile to an expression of surprise and pain as her flesh sagged to the side.
Louisa's hands left her rival's shoulders as Iri ducked and rose quickly to slap the lower part of her enemy's breasts. The Ukrainian pair flattened on impact and bounced on her chest upward, a second groan escaped Louisa's lips as Iri continued to strike.
A loud meaty slap echoed through the room, followed by a pained groan from Louisa. Inside her, the sensation of pain mixed with the exhilaration of the competitiveness of the fight in a mixture of hatred and excitement that made her torn about what she should feel with each blow.
Iri grabbed Louisa's waist, pulling her toward her. The Ukrainian student grunted as she felt her breasts flatten before the Italian student began to grind her breasts forward.
Louisa responded to the grinding, moaning as their breasts slapped against each other. Neither pair could win the space between them, each breast crushing its counterpart and being crushed soon after in a vicious cycle.
Iri pulled back suddenly and then shot her breasts forward, meeting the rival pair with a meaty slap. Louisa moaned in a high-pitched voice but forced herself to push forward only to be repaid by a pained grunt from the Italian student.
"That's all you haaaaaaargh!"
Iri's arrogance broke as Louisa closed her hands behind her back, resting her heavy breasts on the Italian 36EE and pushing down. The student huffed as she felt the sudden weight increase on her chest.
"I hope Jessica will forgive me," smiled Louisa, licking her lips, "but I will grind her new cheerleader flat."
Irene moaned again, complaining of the pain she felt in her chest as her breasts distorted under the weight of Louisa's pair. The Italian student's hands tried to push her rival away, but Louisa responded by increasing the pressure on her rival.
Iri threw her head back as she yelped and she felt her breasts distort again, the resistance of her chest sliding away from her body. Louisa, however, still saw the fire in her rival's eyes and felt how Irene decided to pull her more against her in defiance.
Louisa's body rose more as the girl stood on tiptoe, letting gravity give her rival trouble. Irene felt her muscles begin to burn as her body slowly bent backwards, trying to support her enemy's weight. The two girls were locked together, their breasts duelling in a contest of sheer strength even though Louisa's pair was getting the better of her.
The Ukrainian girl could not help but smile more, the excitement of that fight was burning like never before, she could feel Iri's arrogance slapping her in the face even though she was winning.
However, Iri was preparing to turn the situation around, using her gym sessions to her advantage. Irene's body dropped, taking her rival with her, but before they touched the floor, the Italian student used all her muscles to spin their bodies in the air.
"Fuck!" screamed Louisa, leaving her rival as she fell.
Their bodies landed with a thud as Louisa's breasts took the worst blow, crushed by Iri's pair during the fall. Louisa yelped in pain, closing her eyes as her rival quickly straightened up, trying to pin her rival to the ground.
Louisa opened her eyes wide, bringing her hands forward with an attempt to grab Iri's shoulders and push her away but her rival managed to stop her in time, wrestling her back in a showdown. The Italian student grunted as she felt the rival arms try to throw her off.
Irene's hands were beginning to push down on Louisa's, the dominant position had been reversed, and the Ukrainian girl felt she was losing the confrontation. Using Irene's move to her advantage, Louisa, stopped pushing with one arm, catching her rival off guard.
Iri yelped as she found herself plummeting to one side before Louisa pushed her to the side, trying from the start to get on top. Irene tried to fight back but Louisa's movement was quicker and the situation returned similar to when they were standing. Irene pushed to one side and then the other to leave no room for her opponent to settle on top of her.
Their bodies began to roll together, each catching the other off guard so as not to leave the top position to her rival, breasts pressed into each other in the process as the two girls exchanged grunts of discomfort with each position reversal.
Eventually, Irene managed to settle on top after a long minute's trial of strength. Both had been put to the test and all the work the Italian girl had done in the gym revealed its fruits at that moment. Once at the top, Iri put her knees around Louisa's waist, squeezing her so she would not move and focusing on the final strength test.
Louisa cursed through clenched teeth, putting all her remaining strength into trying to topple the Italian girl from above her again. The trembling arms stalled for a few seconds before the Ukrainian student's lips parted in a defeated groan. Slowly Louisa's arms began to be pushed back, although the Ukrainian student was strong, Irene was stronger and in an advantageous position.
Louisa's arms hit the floor hard, blocked by Iri's hands as she bent her breasts over the rival pair, still questioning their resistance.
"I hope Jessica will forgive me," Iri smiled wickedly, "but I will grind her bitch flat."
Iri dropped her heavy pair on Louisa's breasts, the Ukrainian student grunted both amused and annoyed, fighting inside her as she struggled against her rival at the same time.
The Italian student began to pound the enemy's breasts with her own, ramming from the side with increasing force as Louisa groaned, her breasts, however, continued to regain their shape as Iri felt anger growing inside her at seeing her rival still in the contest.
Louisa began to meet the enemy's blows, throwing her chest in the target direction of Iri's each time. The Italian student hissed as she matched the attacks.
Again and again, the two couples hit each other hard as Iri and Louisa refused to give up until the Ukrainian student let out a pained scream as Iri let herself fall back on her.
"Yes, whore," hissed the Italian girl, "Your tits are yielding to mine."
Louisa replied with a venomous look, thrusting her breasts out. Iri gritted her teeth in a snarl as she began to throw her breasts at the enemy pair relentlessly.
The Ukrainian student responded to the best of her ability, moaning or grunting with each blow. In Louisa's mind, sharp images began to show themselves of Ana fighting her, sweating and with tears in her eyes. She could feel the pain of that day, and compare it to what she was feeling at that moment.
Impossible to find any difference.
Irene lowered her breasts into Louisa's pair, feeling them finally yield, flattening against her chest. The Italian student continued to grind relentlessly, Louisa's flesh surrendering as she was defeated by the firmer pair.
The image of Ana returned to Louisa's mind, she could see the blonde's eyes burning with determination as she pushed her breasts against her again. The image split suddenly, however, one half was eclipsed by Iri smiling arrogantly as she crushed her.
A burning sensation that was known but showed no sense of longing eroded the Ukrainian girl's chest from within, a clear signal that she no longer had a chance to continue. A motivation that forced her to surrender against her own will.
"I'm going to crush you, whore," growled Irene, letting go of her rival's hands and bringing her down as best she could on her rival's body, making her moan in pain.
Louisa went back to staring at her opponent, feeling her excitement rising from the duel, spurring her to clutch the brunette's body, pulling her to herself and flattening their tits even more. Irene's eyes widened as she threw her head back, her chest burning as the Ukrainian student rolled her onto the mat.
"Fight me!" ordered the Ukrainian student, feeling the same excitement she had felt with Ana, she wanted Iri at her best.
Louisa rolled on top, crushing her rival beneath her as Irene tightened her grip on the enemy's body in turn, trying to match the huge Ukrainian breasts with her equally huge pair, casting an obnoxious glance at the girl who smiled in disbelief.
The girl on top grunted uncomfortably as her grip faltered from sweat on their tightly wrapped bodies, and Iri greeted the rival sensation with a deadly squeeze so that their bodies rolled once more, occupying the top position again. She felt her breasts ready to explode, hoping with all her might that her rival would give in before she did.
"Give..." hissed Iri, tightening her grip more.
Louisa bit her lip, returning to close her grip on her rival's back and bringing the Italian girl's body to her. Irene's mouth ajar in a pained sigh, giving the Ukrainian student a chance to roll their bodies and return to crush her 36EE from above.
"I'm going… to crush you..." hissed Louisa, the feeling of wanting to win making its way inside her.
Squeezing together, the two girls moaned at the same time in pain as the burning sensation in their breasts grew beyond their most pessimistic expectations. Iri thrust her hips upward, managing to unbalance her rival so that she could thrust herself upward to drop the Ukrainian student.
Louisa gritted her teeth as her hip touched the mat again but pushed back to prevent the Italian student from returning to the top, pushing their breasts together relentlessly trying to break the rival resistance at least a second before their bodies had given out. The danger of feeling their breasts suddenly give way made them nervous, squeezing their breasts as hard as they could.
Groaning from the increased pressure, Irene and Louisa pushed their breasts into each other's breasts with the last drops of energy, trying to repel the rival advance with their breasts and erase every drop of the enemy's firmness. Their moans were increasingly uttered in desperation. Irene could feel Louisa's breasts lightly pushing back her own.
"Uugh... I... I..." Irene could not believe that she would give in; her voice was a defeated whisper.
"Stop… stop..."
Louisa felt surprised to hear her voice choked. Had something happened that she did not know to expect? Inside she still felt the excitement ignited to continue fighting but her body seemed unwilling to respond to the commands.
Iri's eyes went wide as she heard her rival's surrender, proclaiming her victory. Louisa and Iri's tits were still sealed together, the Italian student could have pushed again, showing her false dominance, but the pain in her chest was too great. None wanted to continue to endure that pain.
They released each other, each rolled quite far as their eyes filled with tears. Iri began to cry but somehow felt happy that she had won. It was a last-second victory but it was still a victory. The Italian student stood up from her defeated rival, Louisa remained completely still as her eyes began to water, inside she was more surprised than anything else. The taste of that moment was ... bitter.
And she hated it completely.


Jessica opened the door to the room where the cheerleaders had their headquarters. The school had been kind enough to provide the cheerleaders with a room to use as a filing cabinet for the various forms and documents they needed as well as an information point for those who wanted to join the cheerleaders.
"I heard what happened," said the head cheerleader, closing the door behind her, "Really an unexpected outcome."
Jessica walked slowly toward the small table near the window with a smile on her lips, stopping just short when her breasts were brought into contact with a dense pair. The cheerleader could feel the nipples of the girl in front of her poking her breasts, a sign that neither of them was wearing a bra. Well, Jessica had recently taken it off, since she wanted to be comfortable. The girl in front of her, however, had different motivations. She could not put it on at that moment.
"I'm glad you want to join the cheerleaders despite everything," Jessica's smiling expression turned into an icy mask, "but I can't stand people who come in here without my permission."
Iri sustained her gaze, feeling a small sense of dizziness as Jessica's blue eyes seemed to pass through her. She could still feel her breasts throbbing from the challenge with Louisa that had ended not even an hour earlier. Her breasts were so swollen that she could not put on a bra.
"I thought if the end justifies the means," Iri smiled, "it means you wanted my presence here. I thought then that maybe it wouldn't hurt to participate."
Jessica's eyes flashed, she felt that this girl would play an interesting role and not just in the ICF. The head cheerleader lowered her gaze to Iri's hand, smiling as she saw the application form to join the cheerleading squad.
Already filled out.
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Offline Strong Sarah

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2024, 01:59:00 PM »
Awesome chapter. I was so sure about a draw or Louisa winning but I don't think anyone can predict your work.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline Busty Jem

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2024, 06:16:03 PM »
Read it
Loved it
Will read it again


Offline Miafit

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2024, 07:07:38 PM »
This was a hot encounter, i think it will be Ana fighting in the next chapter i hope it is like that i am missing her character in this season.


Offline Maria Curves

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2024, 05:01:52 AM »
Good work till the very end i was sure about this being a draw but a twist of events was not a bad thing here.


Offline CurvyVictoria

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2024, 07:09:51 PM »
This was a good chapter when is Ana coming?
Best Curves


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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2024, 06:48:37 PM »
Love Irene, she's a crazy character! Her trained body makes her able to use the weight of her 36EEs like a destructive weapon, guess she must be the most powerful titfighter, before reading I even expected her to dominate Louisa!


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2024, 08:41:25 PM »
Love these stories as a former cheerleader in high school I had few tit fights. No I am not as big as the girls in these stories but the intensity is there 100 percent


Offline Voluptuous Eden

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Re: School days, International Affairs - Dethrone
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2024, 05:43:10 PM »
Very intriguing this was almost a draw When is Ana fighting?