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Nymphos of the Caribbean: Part 10

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Nymphos of the Caribbean: Part 10
« on: June 09, 2024, 08:26:40 PM »
Jamie had felt largely rested up from the fight in Lexi’s cabin but she didn’t exactly feel good about it. Tying with Michelle just made her resent the other redhead even more and she was positive that the feeling was mutual. However, not much could be done about it for today at least. It was late and all Jamie wanted was to wash up and relax. Recharge her batteries for whatever comes next. She still had plenty of hotties on her list after all. As she got to her cabin, opened the lock and came in, she immediately noticed that the door to the cabin’s rather luxurious bathroom was closed and she could see light poking out from under it. The ginger groaned as she realized that Stacy must be in there. Jamie needed a nice bath to clear her mind after the day she had and this was the last thing she needed.

‘Fuck it.’ Jamie thought to herself. ‘She can make room and it’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked before.’

Jamie then stripped out of her clothes until she was in the buff. Her nude skin was still covered in sweat and cum, both from herself and from the other two girls she had fucked today. Thankfully Stacy had forgotten to lock the bathroom door. Jamie marched in to see the honey blonde relaxing in the rather large tub with her ankles hanging off the edges in that cliche pose. Stacy immediately got startled and pulled her entire body back into the tub.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Stacy asked angrily.

“What’s it look like? I’m taking a bath. Now move over.” Jamie commanded.

“Can’t you wait?” Stacy asked.

“I can…but I won’t.” Jamie asserted. “Now move your big bubble ass aside!”

Jamie slipped into the tub as Stacy glared at her. The tub was big but the two busty bombshells were still packed in pretty tight alongside each other. It was more of a jacuzzi than a tub. Jamie felt a nice, warm sensation as she immersed herself in the hot water.

“Ahhhhh…That’s nice.” Jamie said.

“Glad you’re enjoying it, slut.” Stacy said sarcastically.

“Oh, like you don’t wanna be naked and wet with me in here.” Jamie argued. “Besides, it saves water this way.”

The two were directly across from one another as their legs alternated between the two. From Jamie’s POV, it was her left leg, then Stacy’s two legs and then her own right leg. The perfect angle for tribbing but Jamie just wanted to relax right now. She settled herself deeply into the water. The two nymphos’ long, orange and golden locks swam around in the water. Stacy seemed to calm down and accept the shared bath.

“You interrogate any suspects yet?” Stacy asked.

“Yes. Actually. Two of them. Lexi and Michelle.” Jamie answered.

“What’s your hypothesis on them?” Stacy asked.

“Lexi seems way too naive and innocent to be our girl.” Jamie answered. “But I know she could be putting on an act and that cults tend to target the young. I’m not writing her off just yet.”

“And Michelle?” Stacy asked.

“Her, I’m keeping my eye on.” Jamie answered. “She’s a straight up bitch that only cares about herself. She definitely seems the type.”

“Don’t jump to conclusions just yet.” Stacy advised. “Being a bitch doesn’t make her guilty.”

“I never said it did.” Jamie said with barely contained annoyance. “What about your search?”

“I’m not telling you shit. You’ll use it against me in the bet.” Stacy said.

“Bitch!” Jamie cursed. “This is an assignment first and a bet second! We have a job to do and we have to help each other! Besides, I told you about my findings!”

“Good for you.” Stacy said sarcastically. “Spies should know never to trust other spies.”

Jamie raised an eyebrow at that comment. What was she getting at? Suddenly, a very faint but very familiar scent hit Jamie’s nostrils. She followed the scene to Stacy’s soaked hair. She picked up a lock out of the water and sniffed it.

“What are you…?” Stacy asked, confused.

“Your hair smells like pussy.” Jamie commented.

“Ugh, still?!” Stacy asked in frustration. “I washed it five times!”

“Wait…You did go after a suspect, didn’t you?” Jamie asked.

“Fuck off.” Stacy cursed as she reached for the shampoo.

“You fought her and lost, didn’t you?!” Jamie asked in a mocking tone.

“Mind your own fucking business!” Stacy demanded.

“This is the business of fucking indeed.” Jamie joked. “But denying it is as good as confirming it.”

“And what about you with Michelle and Lexi?“ Stacy asked. “Tell me how that went before you get a big head yourself.”

Jamie sighed.

“Lexi is a complete newbie to the game. Or so she says.” Jamie explained. “I’m coworkers now with her and Michelle at the bar. We both offered to be her sexual mentor and we ended up fighting for her…to a tie.”

“A tie?” Stacy asked with a barely contained chuckle.

“At least I didn’t lose!” Jamie argued. “Which one of the babes on our list outfucked you?”

Stacy sighed. No use running away from it anymore.

“Hannah. The masseuse.” Stacy answered. “I got a massage from her. One thing led to another. We started arguing about who was better. Honey blondes or dirty blondes. She got the better of me and fucked herself with my hair to prove a point.”

Jamie was at a loss for words.

“Well, say something!” Stacy demanded.

Jamie then got a massive grin.

“About time someone took you down a peg.” Jamie mocked. “I just wish I was there to help her.”

“What happened to being on the same side, cxnt?” Stacy asked defensively.

“Hey, it’s called strategy. Get on the suspect’s good side. Good cop. Bad cop.” Jamie answered. “Of course humiliating you would just be a bonus. Don’t think I’ve forgotten Taiwan.”

“I certainly haven’t. You screamed so well.” Stacy mocked. “Besides, she didn’t fuck me into unconsciousness. It wasn’t an official victory.”

“Yeah, keep grasping at straws.” Jamie teased.

“How about I grasp on something else instead?“ Stacy asked rhetorically.

Before Jamie could respond, Stacy reached out in front of her and gave the ginger’s luscious E cups a nice, hard squeeze as they floated in the water.

“Agh!” Jamie yelped in surprise. “You cxnt!”

Stacy grinned complacently before Jamie immediately retaliated by giving Stacy’s equally impressive E cup jubblies the same treatment. Stacy fully expected such a thing. For a while, the two sexy spies just sat there in the hot bath water fondling one another but both knew that it would not stay this way forever. One of them had to step up and take this to the next level. The questions were who and when? The answers were Jamie and right now. She managed to maneuver herself through the tight space until she was tit to tit and face to face with her blonde superior. They stared defiantly into each other’s lecherous eyes, not saying a word but at the same time saying all that needed to be said. Jamie then suddenly rammed her tongue past Stacy’s lips and began raping her mouth with it. Stacy was prepared and used her own tongue to go to war with Jamie’s. The blonde slithered her perverted hands down Jamie’s wet, orange tresses, her toned back and down to her strong, thick, muscle bound cake before she sank her fingers as deeply into the meaty cheeks as possible. Like a child trying to pop a balloon.

“Mmmmmmm…” They both moaned into their kissfight.

Jamie’s soaking, fiery hair curtained their faces as they made out like horny teenagers. The ginger then used her legs to pry Stacy’s legs wide open and used her pussy to go to town on her opponent’s. Stacy responded by bucking upwards back into her rival. The two raging nymphos humped each other back and forth like crazy, causing the water in the tub to wave around and some to even splash out onto the tiled bathroom floor. Stacy wrapped her arms around Jamie and squeezed the younger girl into herself in a tight, constricting bearhug. Jamie could not handle the pressure of the bearhug combined with the heated make out session and finally broke the kiss to give herself a much needed breath of fresh air. Their lips popped off of each other in a spray of sweet spit.

“Haven’t we been over this before?” Stacy asked as Jamie panted like a dog. “You’re simply outclassed, fire crotch. How many times do I need to bust you wide open? The only thing thicker than this dump truck ass of yours is your skull.”

Jamie was far too out of breath to respond but she was deeply aggravated by the taunting.

“Don’t get me wrong, though.” Stacy said. “I’m certainly not getting tired of giving your sweet little twat a nice, hard whipping. I love making inferior sluts like you scream for me.”

Despite her earlier annoyance at her bath being interrupted, Stacy had now realized that this was exactly what she needed right now. Fucking Jamie down nice and hard would take her mind off of things and make her feel nice and strong again after being humiliated and her beloved hair violated by Hannah. It would help her get her confidence back and more ready and willing to eventually take her revenge. Jamie herself was hoping her barging into the tub would lead to a sexual confrontation as well. She was frustrated and felt blue balled by her tie with Michelle. Even if she had never defeated Stacy before, not even coming close, she needed this. Something was compelling her to start this fight and she knew both as a spy and as a nymphomaniac never to dismiss her instincts. Jamie then regained her breath and could not help but notice how driven her blonde rival already seemed so early on into the fight. She decided to take this to her advantage.

“You seem especially bitter about your hair getting fucked.” Jamie pointed out. “What’s the matter? I thought you loved getting came on?”

“I do.” Stacy said. “When I’m the one in control and making the other bitch cum with my own method. Not when she uses every woman’s pride and joy as a sex toy.”

“I take it you plan on fucking her hair in return next time you meet?” Jamie asked.

“You know it.” Stacy answered. “But for how, I just wanna fuck you.”

“Not if I fuck you first.” Jamie said threateningly.

The two busty bathing bombshells grinned at one another deviously before resuming their fight. They crashed into each other, tit to tit as their pink milk buds slid all over each other before eventually getting to the point where they poked harshly into their enemy’s areola.

“Ugh!” Stacy grunted. “I just fucked you yesterday and you still think you have a chance. There’s just no reasoning with you, is there?”

“You know you love it, you beach blonde bimbo.” Jamie argued as she wrestled her rival. “”Besided, any nympho worth the clit she’s been blessed with would never give up.”

“Well then, I’ll never give up on fucking you into your place no matter how many times you try and get one over me, you little orange haired whore!” Stacy declared.

They kissed again as their wet, slimy tongues corkscrewed into one another outside of their mouths. They felt their clits come out of their hoods to join in on the fun. They both latched onto each other’s soaking wet hair and pulled nice and hard. Stacy managed to grip Jamie’s tongue in between her luscious lips and gave it a nice, passionate and lustful suck. Jamie immediately reciprocated the tongue sucking as soon as Stacy was done. Afterwards, they then sealed their slutty mouths together and initiated another heated make out session as they humped into one another with everything they both had.

“Ahhhh!!” Jamie groaned.

“Fuck!” Stacy cursed through grit teeth as she bit down on her bottom lip.

The feeling of their lower lips sealing together as they tribbed underneath the soothing, hot water was beyond what mere words could describe. Each hump made their already hot nymphomaniacal blood boil hotter and hotter. They wanted more. They needed more. Each hump was harder and stronger than the last. Their soaked hair flew all around their pretty little heads as they fucked, covering various parts of their beautiful faces. The water continued to wave and splash around, again often splashing outside of the tub itself. Stacy tongued Jamie’s mouth down yet again, initiating a nice and sloppy make out session in which their drool, which neither of them made even the slightest attempt to control whatsoever, ran down their jawlines and pooled into their joined cleavages. Jamie broke the kiss.

“Your nipples are pathetic. As soft as your cxnt.” Jamie mocked.

“My soft nipples and cxnt are fucking you into oblivion right now, you arrogant bitch!” Stacy shot back. “Just like they’ve already done more times than either of us can even begin to count!”

“Your overconfidence is your weakness.” Jamie said condescendingly.

“Your faith in your pussy is yours.” Stacy shot back.

Jamie resumed their tongue war, grasping onto Stacy’s tongue with her lips and sucking on it passionately as Stacy did her best to fight back. Below the water, their clits did battle as well, bashing into one another as the constant thrashing of the two hot bodies caused bubbles to form under the water and brush against their twats, which felt amazing. Stacy broke the kiss as she palmed Jamie’s ass nice and tight. Jamie returned the squeeze.

“Your ass is flatter than a ten year old drink.” Jamie mocked.

Stacy scoffed at the obvious lie.

“Your hand is telling a different story.” Stacy argued.

The honey blonde then forced herself into Jamie, pushing the feisty ginger over to the edge of the tub as her fiery, wet hair hung over the edge. Stacy then began fucking her up against the edge of the tub.

“Agh!” Jamie groaned.

“You’re inferior to me and you know it.” Stacy bragged. “Both as a spy and especially as a woman. Accept your place as my fuckbitch!”

“Go fuck yourself!” Jamie cursed.

Stacy responded by grinding into Jamie with all of her might. The poor redhead did her best to fight back but it was no use. Stacy had her pinned. She rammed her tongue down Jamie’s throat and raped her mouth as she fucked her helpless opponent. Jamie was now desperate. She clung onto Stacy’s ass and her hair. Anything to try and distract her rival and cause her to leave an opening. However, it was all for nothing as Jamie felt what was about to come. And then it happened.

“Mmmmmmm!!!” Jamie shrieked into Stacy’s dominant mouth as she climaxed.

Stacy exhaled with pleasure as she felt Jamie fill her pussy up underneath the hot bath water. She then pulled away from the hyperventilating redhead as Jamie turned around and rested her upper body against the edge of the tub to catch her breath. While every true nympho knows that it doesn’t really matter in the long run, Jamie was hoping that she would be the one to draw first blood. She was deeply frustrated that she didn’t.

“You never get tired of throwing yourself at unwinnable fights, do you?” Stacy asked mockingly. “Well, that’s fine by me because I’ll never get tired of fucking your confidence right out of you no matter how many times it comes back.”

Jamie was too winded to respond but she certainly had some words for the smug honey blonde right about now.

“Speaking of which…” Stacy said deviously.

The older nympho went over to Jamie, now directly behind her and licked her lips as she eyed up Jamie’s meaty, succulent ass. In the blink of an eye, Stacy then reached out and grabbed Jamie by her drenched orange hair and yanked hard before she started slamming hard into the helpless ginger’s twat from behind, effectively fucking her doggy style against the edge of the tub.

“Ohhhhhh!!!” Jamie shrieked.

“Don’t be such a whiner.” Stacy complained. “You should be used to this by now.”

Stacy slammed her crotch into Jamie’s cheeks so hard and powerfully that it made a clapping sound that could even be heard when muffled by the water. Jamie was at her breaking point now. Memories of the degradation that she and Hitomi suffered at Stacy’s hands for months back in Taiwan flooded her mind. It seemed that no matter how many times she challenged Stacy and lost, it just made her crave sweet revenge more and more each and every time. Right now however, she was in no position to do such a thing. Stacy was having the time of her life herself. She was regaining her confidence after being violated by Hannah. This was exactly what she needed and what she loved. Jamie’s stubbornness never ceased to entertain her. She loved how Jamie kept challenging her, expecting to avenge Hitomi and herself only for Stacy to turn the tables and humiliate her some more. Stacy was a true sexual sadist down to her very bones.

“I love clapping your cheeks, bitch.” Stacy bragged. “Do you feel objectified right now? Weak? Powerless? Like a worthless little sex toy? Good. I love making arrogant little whores like you feel less than human. I love using you for my pleasure. And it will happen every time you come to me thinking you might win this time. No matter how much time passes or how much better you get!”

Jamie was indeed powerless to stop such domination and she knew it…For now. She would let Stacy have her way with her but it would not last. She knew that the blonde wanted to break her confidence and make her give in. She would not. No matter how many times she gets raped by Stacy.

“You came really hard that time.” Stacy said as she caught her breath. “Your pussy’s gonna be drier than Gandhi’s flip flop by the time I’m done with you.”

Jamie was now furious. As she finally caught her breath, she launched a sudden surprise attack on her blonde enemy. In the blink of an eye, Jamie pounced on her and it led to a brief but intense struggle. It eventually ended with Jamie amazingly managing to overpower Stacy and forcing her up against the edge of the bed with her bouncy E cups hanging off the edge. Basically the exact same position that Stacy had just forced Jamie into. Stacy tried to escape but the younger nympho had her pinned down.

“You like doggy style, do you, bitch?” Jamie asked rhetorically. “Well, for once we agree on something.”

The sadistic ginger then grabbed a nice, tight hold of Stacy’s golden, drenched locks and yanked hard just as Stacy had done to her.

“Agh!” Stacy grunted in pain.

“Let’s see how you like getting your cheeks clapped!” Jamie declared proudly.

She then began viciously and forcefully fucking Stacy from behind like the common whore that Jamie wanted to make her feel like she was. Stacy’s eyes were winced shut tightly as her breasts bounced around in circles in reaction to the violent movement and smashing. Stacy had now realized the mistake she had made. A very stupid mistake that nymphos should never make. Underestimating her opponent. She did not just underestimate Jamie’s skills but she had also underestimated her resolve and strength of will. The former was something she could forgive herself for but the latter was something that could very well cost her dearly in this fight. Given that she had already defeated Jamie once and that was when she had to deal with Hitomi at the same time, Stacy had gotten overly complacent. She would not make the same mistake again.

“Don’t think I can’t fight back, you worthless, soon to be cum dumpster!” Stacy warned as she began bucking her ass back into Jamie.

Jamie winced one eye shut in response to Stafy rubbing her thick, shapely ass into her pussy from behind. She cursed herself for not thinking of that back when their positions were the opposite of what they were now. Still, she pushed on. Nothing was going to stop her now. Not even the ship sinking. As she used one hand to keep pulling Stacy’s hair, she used the other to reach around the busty blonde bombshell and feel up her swaying mammaries. She squeezed her fingers deeply into the squishy flesh and pinched, prodded and twisted her nipples.

“You like molesting me, fire crotch?” Stacy asked past her gasping for air as Jamie continued fucking her.

“I love it more than anything in the world.” Jamie bragged.

“Then enjoy it while it lasts, slut.” Stacy advised.

Jamie ignored her and continued manhandling her prey and enjoying every second of doing so. She wanted Stacy to feel every bit of shame and indignation that the sadistic blonde had subjected her to. Not just in this fight or the one before when they first got on the cruise but ever since the two slutty spies have known each other. She wanted Stacy to be her fuckbitch. A sexdoll used only for her own pleasure. Her mind flooded with ideas on how to humiliate her. Maybe cover her in whipped cream and lick her clean. Maybe let Lexi use her as a training doll to build up her carnal abilities. Maybe find Hannah so they could both fuck Stacy’s hair together. And maybe once she caught their suspect, Jamie would force her to watch as she fucked Stacy within an inch of her life. Or better yet, all of the above. She felt the fleshiness of Stacy’s plump ass cheeks smack into the sides of her crotch as she fucked her from behind. She loved that feeling with all her heart. She hoped this would last forever. Stacy however, could not hold herself back for much longer. Jami sensed this and seized the moment.

“Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!” Stacy screeched as she came powerfully, soaking Jamie’s pussy along with her own as it dripped down her leg and into the water.

Jamie grinned with satisfaction as she released Stacy’s hair and the blonde fell forward back over the edge of the tub, this time fully as her hair dropped to the bathroom floor. Jamie knew better than to let her guard down, so she pushed Stafy, still huffing and puffing in her post orgasmic winding, over the edge of the pool and got out herself. The two girls were still hot as Hell but they were also complete messes. Their skin was bright red from the heat of the water and the blood boiling effect of what they were doing to one another. Both of their hair was matted down to their flawless skin and it gave them a primal look to them as they both panted like dogs.

“Not so…high and mighty now…Are you, blondie?” Jamie asked past her heavy breathing.

“You got lucky…you little cxnt…It won’t happen again.” Stacy dismissed.

“Is that so?” Jamie asked. “Then why don’t you bring that sweet, fuckable pussy of yours over here and prove it? cxnt to cxnt. Clit to clit. Woman to woman.”

“If that’s the way you wanna play it, then fine.” Stacy agreed. “Let’s see what you’re made of, fire crotch.”

They got up on their big bubble butts and inched their way towards each other, soaking the tiled bathroom floor as they did so until their legs criss crossed over one another. They looked each other dead in the eye one last time before Stacy grabbed Jamie by her shoulders and pulled her towards her, initiating the vaginal contact.

“Ahhh!!” Jamie groaned.

The blonde and redhead began their little scissoring contest as their bodies flowed into each other like water. The sound of wet flesh smacking together echoed throughout the tiled bathroom as the constant bashing made their tits and wet hair fly around in reaction. Stacy had to admit that she was impressed with Jamie’s resolve. Not just in this fight but in all of their fights. This time in particular. It really seemed as if a fire had been lit under her cxnt. Stacy herself still had the indignation that Hannah had subjected her to fresh in her mind. She was determined to win this and remind herself of how much of a sexual warrior she truly was. Both women started this fight over seemingly trivial reasons but a nympho’s pride was almost as precious to her as the tits and pussy she was blessed with. Neither of them would quit until either their opponent or their own body quit on them. The position was awkward. Between that and the weight of their E cups, it would be murder on their backs if what they were doing right now did not come as naturally as breathing. Which it very much did. The two huffed and puffed, groaned and moaned as they literally put their backs into tribbing one another.

“Getting tired yet?” Stacy asked.

“Not on the best day of your life, slut.” Jamie answered bluntly.

“Good. I don’t want this to end too quickly.” Stacy said.

The two continued to talk shit to each other to keep themselves busy and to distract their minds from the overwhelming pleasure they were feeling.

“Is it wet in here or is that just your twat?“ Jamie asked mockingly.

“You’ve probably creamed yourself too many times now to tell the difference.” Stacy shot back.

“Your tits are like big full water balloons.” Stacy teased.

“And yours seem to have their own gravitational pull.” Jamie added.

This went on for quite some time. The two battling busty babes orgasmed inside of each other more times than either of them cared to count.

“Your clit is so soft, fleshy and weak.” Jamie insulted.

“Then why is it bending yours back inside of its folds?“ Stacy asked sarcastically.

The horny honey blonde reached out to fondle and squeeze Jamie’s jiggling jubblies while she used her other arm to balance herself as she continued grinding pussies with the younger spy. Jamie immediately and happily reciprocated the fondling. The two vicious hellcats did everything that a hand could do to a woman’s breast. They slapped, smacked, pulled, squeezed, pinched and twisted nipples, rinse and repeat. Their labias had become so sealed to each other that it would take quite a bit of effort to eventually rip them apart but that was the least of their concerns right now. All that mattered was fucking the other bitch into oblivion. Nothing else.

“You realize that even if you beat me again, I’ll never stop coming after you, right?” Jamie asked rhetorically. “You can fuck me until I cum like a fountain out of my cxnt and nipples a hundred thousand times and I’ll still never give up! I will outfuck you! If not today, then tomorrow! If not tomorrow, then the next day!”

“Keep your cheesy speeches to yourself, whore.” Stacy said bluntly. “Talk is almost half as cheap as your twat.”

Jamie growled angrily at her commanding officer and they continued thrashing at one another wildly. The physical strain of both the tribbing itself combined with the naturally tiring effects of constant orgasm upon orgasm was beginning to take its toll. Eventually, after one particularly powerful mutual climax, the blonde and ginger finally pulled away from each other as their lower lips ripped apart from their opponent, making them both cry out. They then rested against opposite walls of the bathroom, huffing and puffing. The long days they both had before starting this fight had made them weary enough as is but now they were really pushing themselves. Still, that is what all nymphomaniacs are expected to do by default. Push themselves to the absolute limits of the human body. Their eyes were half closed as they looked at each other with mixed fury and exhaustion. Honestly, if she were fighting any other girl right now, perhaps even Michelle, Jamie would probably be willing to just say fuck it and call it a tie but Stacy just made her blood boil like no other. She could tell that the blonde was having a hard time herself. She had to push on.

“Do you know…What I’m gonna do to you when I win the bet…and claim you as my sex slave?” Jamie asked in between slow, deep breaths.

“I’m sure you’ll…Tell me anyway…” Stacy said as she inhaled and exhaled.

“As soon as I get enough actual vacation time…” Jamie said. “I’ll take you with me to Japan…and share you with Hitomi…And then we’ll do everything to you that you did to us back in Taiwan.”

“I’m sure you will.” Stacy scoffed.

There was an awkward silence.

“Aren’t you gonna tell me what you’ll do if you win the bet?” Jamie asked.

“I already told you, no.” Stacy said. “You won’t know until after I win and I WILL win.”

Jamie knew that Stacy was just trying to psyche her out. She would not fall for it. The two had been sitting down for quite some time and both felt the urge to get up and stretch their legs a bit. So that is what they did. After stretching out their weary muscles, the two stared one another down yet again.

“What do you say we take this into the shower?” Stacy asked.

“You just read my mind.” Jamie agreed.

The shower stall was completely separate from the bathtub and like the tub, it was relatively roomy but the two naked nymphs would still be squeezed in rather tightly together. That was exactly what they wanted. They walked into the shower, careful not to slip on the wet tiled floor as they did so. They then stepped into the shower stall together as Stacy turned the nozzle. They stepped back and waited a bit for the cold water to warm up, which it eventually did. They stared at each other for a bit, as if both were silently daring the other naked nympho to go under the water first. It didn’t mean much of anything who did but Jamie and Stacy truly brought out the worst in one another. As well as the best. Jamie loudly exhaled, her way of saying “To Hell with it” and got under the water first. Stacy watched with mixed annoyance and lust as she watched the water soak her rival. Her already damp, fiery orange hair was now even more drenched and her skin shone from the wetness. Stacy knew that Jamie was showing off and deliberately trying to seduce her…and it was working. The sadistic blonde was both pissed off at the redhead’s arrogance but also captivated by her smoking hot body.

“Plenty of room under here. Just saying.” Jamie said. Basically daring Stacy to join her.

“If you want to cuddle up nude with me, you only have to ask.” Stacy shot back.

She then got under with Jamie, snuggling up nice and close to her, breast to breast as the warm water pelted them. Stacy exhaled at the soothing sensations all over her voluptuous body. She wasted no time as she initiated another steamy, both literally and figuratively make out session with her opponent. It started out slow, sensual and passionate but quickly became heated, vicious and sloppy. Their tongues wrestled furiously as if they were both trying to choke the other woman to death. They swallowed back one another’s sweet, tangy saliva as they sucked tongues with lust. Jamie grabbed herself two nice and big handfuls of Stacy’s muscular, meaty ass cheeks. Stacy immediately did the same as she buried her fingers tightly into Jamie’s thick glutes. The water from the shower made their skin slippery, so it was a big tricky maintaining their grip on their respective opponent’s rear end but they found a way as any true nymphos can and will.

“Mmmmmmm…” They both moaned passionately into each other’s mouths.

As their pleasure increased, their kissing became more intense and their moans of pleasure and grunts of effort increased in volume to the point where they could easily be heard even over the sound of running water. They then used their grip on each other’s asses to pull each other in closer in something of a makeshift bearhug as they rubbed up against one another, grinding their tits and milk buds together as their tongues continued to wrestle and drool seeped down the sides of their beautiful faces. The intense kissing combined with the heat, water and steam eventually made it too much for them and they had to break the kiss to get some air but they kept their tongues outside of their mouths and continued licking each other with them. Stacy decided to take this one step further and pushed herself against Jamie until they were out of the way of the water and the blonde had the ginger pinned up against the wall, still tonguing her throat down until she suddenly broke the kiss in a loud pop and a spray of saliva.

“I’m gonna fuck the living daylights out of you and then I’m gonna fuck you some more!” Stacy declared.

“Not if I do it to you first!” Jamie shot back.

Stacy used her legs to pry Jamie’s legs open and then in one fluid motion, she dropped down to her knees and unleashed a wave of oral pleasure on her opponent.

“Ahhhh!!“ Jamie groaned at the sudden violation. “Yeah, lick my superior pussy, you carpet munching whore!”

Jamie grabbed two big and tight handfuls of Stacy’s soaking wet, golden locks and pulled nice and hard as Stacy tongue fucked her. In spite of her current position, Stacy still had Jamie pinned against the shower wall with no hope of escape. The blonde bombshell was stronger than she looked. All Jamie could do at the moment was ride out the storm. The storm refers to Stacy’s face, of course. She looked at Stacy’s bulbous ass poking as the shower kept pelting it with water. It was such a kinky and beautiful sight. She felt her enemy’s upper lips sloppily kissing her lower lips and encasing her pulsating, pink pleasure bud with them before using her tongue to assault the helpless organ.

“Fuck!” Jamie cursed out loud from the sudden rush of pleasure she felt oozing its way up her spine.

Stacy then slipped her hands in between the shower wall and Jamie’s ass cheeks, allowing her to bury her fingers into her rival’s glutes even more so than what would usually be possible. It was glorious. Even past all the shower water, the redhead’s twat tasted absolutely divine. Stacy opened her mouth as widely as it could go so that she could swallow as much of Jamie’s cxnt as possible. She swirled her tongue all around her opponent’s helpless labia and clit. Eventually, poor Jamie simply could not take anymore of this.

“Ohhhhhhhh!!!!” Jamie screamed as she burst.

Her cum sprayed into Stacy’s mouth as it still devoured her while some managed to splatter all over the honey blonde’s face. It couldn’t really be noticed with how wet Stacy’s face already was from the shower water. Stacy unlatched her mouth from Jamie’s pussy with a pop and a spray of mixed saliva and pussy juice as the ginger’s knees buckled and she sank back down to the tiled floor. Stacy licked her lips with a chuckle as Jamie laid there, huffing and puffing.

“You know what, slut? You were right. I do love getting cummed on…or came on or whatever the term is.” Stacy said smugly. “Thanks for reminding me of that.”

“Fucking…cxnt…” Jamie cursed past her heavy breathing.

“We both knew how this was going to end.” Stacy bragged. “You are weaker than me. I know it. You know it.”

Those words were like poison in Jamie’s veins. Suddenly, doubt had started to flood Jamie’s usually unbreakably confident mind. Was Stacy right? Was Jamie really so hopelessly outclassed? Had she been nothing more than a chihuahua trying to take down a doberman all this time? Her face felt flushed from her powerful orgasm, her muscles ached with fatigue and her head and eyelids felt heavier and heavier with each passing second. The urge to just faint was beyond overwhelming as her entire body began working against her. She was about to finally give her body what it had been begging for, rest, when she suddenly looked up at Stacy standing tall over her. The sadistic blonde just had the smuggest shit eating grin on her face imaginable…as if to tell her “Yes. Give up and accept your place.” That infuriating sight was all it took to make Jamie’s blood boil again and to bring her body back up to speed. She growled out loud and then in the blink of an eye, she got up and launched herself at Stacy, tackling her.

“Oof!” Stacy grunted.

The two nymphos wrestled each other all around the shower stall in a catball as the water continued coming down on top of them until finally Jamie managed to pin Stacy beneath her. She looked down on her enemy’s face from above with a powerful death glare.

“No!” Jamie said with absolute confidence. “I’m not losing to you again! Do you hear me?! Never again!”

“My patience is starting to wear thin.” Stacy said in an annoyed tone.

“Shut the fuck up!” Jamie demanded as she slammed her mouth on top of Stacy’s and viciously tongued her throat down.

Stacy was overwhelmed but did her best to kiss back as Jamie began humping her from above so powerfully that the ginger’s heart shaped ass was bouncing up and down to match her movements. Stacy felt her E cups being mushroomed into her chest by Jamie’s, nipples stabbing almost painfully into areolas but that was nothing compared to what their lower lips were doing at the moment. Stacy felt her pussy being dominated and violated by Jamie’s as she struggled to get herself out of the vengeful redhead’s grasp but failed. She wasn’t going anywhere. She was going to get fucked by Jamie and she was going to like it.

“Mmmmmm!!” She groaned into the heated tongue raping she was being subjected to right now.

Jamie flexed her pelvis to deliberately grind herself against Stacy as she pussy fucked her. Her curvaceous ass flowed like water as she did so. The honey blonde’s attitude towards this fight had taken a complete 180 in just a couple of minutes. She pulled Jamie’s hair with one hand and delivered powerful spankings to her ass cheeks with the other, creating a loud, distinctive sound of flesh being smacked that echoed off the tiled room they were in. Nothing worked. Stacy then felt her clit getting pinned by Jamie’s and at that point, she had just lost it. Jamie broke the kiss to hear her scream and boy ever, did she scream.

“Aggghhhhhh!!!!!!” Stacy shrieked as she came.

She blasted her hot feminine fluids straight up into Jamie’s dominant canal, making the redhead coo in satisfaction. Her orgasm then subsided but Jamie wasn’t even close to being done yet.

“You…fucking…stubborn…bitch…” Stacy cursed in between deep, slow breaths.

“Not so high and mighty now, are you?” Jamie asked mockingly.

The ginger then pulled herself off of Stacy, peeling her labia off of her rival’s, making them both wince. Jamie then grabbed Stacy by her waist and pulled her towards herself until the blonde’s cxnt was directly in front of her face as she buckled Stacy’s body towards her own.

“You got your chance to eat me, so now I’m going to eat you.” Jamie announced. “And I want you to look at your own pussy while I tongue fuck it!”

“Do your worst, you cxnt-licking whore!” Stacy dared as she wrapped her legs in a pretzel shape around Jamie’s head, forcing her face into her twat.

Jamie immediately dove straight into Stacy’s muff, eyes still open. The two battling babes awkwardly looked at one another as Stacy watched Jamie devour her. The redhead deliberately sloshed her tongue all around Stacy’s labia to give her enemy a show. She wanted Stacy to see how much she was enjoying this. Stacy maintained her composure, not wanting to give Jamie the satisfaction of a reaction but there’s only so much a woman can do to control herself while being eaten out and forced to watch it. Jamie bucked Stacy’s body against her own, causing Stacy’s crotch to bounce up and therefore burying Jamie’s tongue deeper into her folds.

“Ugh!” Stacy grunted. “God fucking damn you!”

Jamie responded by spitting into Stacy’s labia and using her tongue to force it deeper inside. Stacy bit down on her bottom lip to suppress her urges to moan. Jamie was going to pay for this. However, she still was not going to tell her rival what she planned on doing if she would win their little wager. She would instead let that uncertainty keep Jamie up at night. Jamie continued licking Stacy’s pussy like it was the sweetest, juiciest and tastiest lollipop in the world. When she was able to reach the blonde’s pulsating, pink pleasure bud, she then went to town and unleashed all of her oral fury on the helpless organ.

“Ahhhhh!!” Stacy shrieked out loud.

Jamie kissed the poor clit as she enclosed her lips on it and deliberately drooled into it while using her tongue to assault it. Just as Stacy had done to her merely a few minutes ago. Jamie looked down and could see that Stacy’s face was flushed as red as a beet. She smiled with self fulfillment upon seeing this and continued devouring her helpless prey like the starving lioness that she was. Her sadistic tongue snaked its way through Stacy’s folds with precise movements, licking in all the right places. Stacy remembered that back in Taiwan when she had made Jamie and Hitomi her sex slaves for months, she forced them to eat her pussy so many times that they had both gained deep knowledge of the honey blonde’s cxnt and its inner workings. Jamie knew exactly where and how to strike. Stacy’s sadism and love of humiliating and dominating her opponents had now come back to literally bite her in the clit. Speaking of which, Jamie began gnawing on the defenseless organ.

“Agh!” Stacy grunted. “You fucking cxnt!”

The older nympho spy just couldn’t hold herself back any longer.

“Ugggggghhhhhh!!!!!” Stacy screamed as she blew her load.

Jamie managed to swallow much of it but a large amount had also managed to splatter all over Jamie’s pretty, smiling face and seep into her already damp hair.

“You know, you were right, bitch.” Jamie said mockingly. “Getting cummed on is fun.”

 Stacy huffed and puffed and expected her ginger rival to release her body and let it fall back down to the tiled shower floor…but that didn’t happen. Jamie STILL was not done with her. The redhead instead held Stacy’s body firmly in place while getting up  herself. The helpless blonde bombshell could immediately tell where this was going. Jamie lifted one leg over Stacy’s body and then dropped herself on top of Stacy, juicy twat to juicy twat.

“Ohh!!” Stacy groaned.

“Ugh!” Jamie grunted.

The dominant ginger began scissoring her helpless opponent from this unorthodox, standing position. She rubbed into her back and forth, wanting her tribbing to encompass every reachable area of the other nympho’s womanhood. Leave not an inch of it untouched or unfucked. Another noticable thing about her position was that she had her back turned to her enemy. Stacy watched as Jamie’s shapely ass waved back and forth as the redhead fucked her mercilessly. She felt Jamie’s clit penetrate her upper folds as well as her own clit penetrating Jamie’s lower folds.

“I love using you as the cum dumpster that everyone knows you are, you worthless whore.” Jamie mocked. “Even after you inevitably pass out from my flawless pussy and superior tribbing skills, I’m still gonna take advantage of you in your sleep until I pass out myself.”

Stacy didn’t say a word. At least not yet. The water continued coming down on the two voluptuous bodies, never having been turned off. It was still warm surprisingly.

“You couldn’t even bring me down when with a Japanese hottie helping you out, you smug slut.” Stacy reminded her. “You think I haven’t been in this position before? I’ve seen more action in one month than you have in your entire life!”

“Well, then I guess I’ll have to make you cum a month’s worth of times!” Jamie decladed as she sped up her grinding.

“Agh!” Stacy grunted.

What the blonde would do to be able to reach up and give that pear shaped ass a nice squeeze. She felt her insides burning with pleasure as she was fucked. Her awkward position made it impossible for her to fight back at all. Like Jamie had to do earlier, all she could do was ride out the storm and just as she did not make it easy on Jamie, Jamie sure as Hell would not make it easy on her. The horny ginger bounced herself up and down, making her ass cheeks and E cup tits jiggle with her rapid movements as she slammed herself back down on Stacy over and over and over again.

“Ugh! Motherfucker!” Stacy cursed through her grit teeth.

“You know you love it, you slut!” Jamie mocked.

Stacy soon could not take much more of this and she stopped resisting as it would just be a pointless waste of precious energy.

“Ohhhhhhhh!!!” Stacy cried out as she climaxed.

Jamie moaned in joy and fulfillment as she felt her hated rival fill up her insides with her hot juices. She then finally got off of Stacy and allowed her body to drop down to the tiled shower floor as she got down herself. The two were panting like dogs. It was clear that they were exhausted and could not keep this up for much longer. Was this really happening? Could Stacy actually lose this fight? Could Jamie actually defeat her all by herself without some busty Asian babe here to help? The thought of that both infuriated and terrified the blonde. She had already been violated by Hannah. She was not going to let herself lose to a bitch that she had outfucked more times than she could even begin to count.

Jamie was rather conflicted herself. On one hand, she was doing better against Stacy than she ever has and she wanted to continue that streak of good luck. Strike while the iron was hot. On the other hand, she knew that her body had its limits. All of her animal instincts were working against her right now. All she could think about was how amazing a nice, long nap would be to soothe her tired body…but she rejected those thoughts. She had to see this through to the end. If nothing else, her progress had shown that she was not hopelessly outclassed. That Stacy could in fact be beaten by her. If not now, then later. She would not give the sadistic blonde the satisfaction of giving up now. The two tired nymphos got up close and personal. Their nipples were very nearly touching as they blew hot breath in one another’s faces. Both of them seemed to wonder what direction this fight was going to go next and what the other woman’s next move was going to be. As it turns out, they both wanted the same thing. Some nice, relaxing kissing to help clear their heads. They locked lips and made out passionately as they hugged each other.

“Mmmmmmm…” They moaned with lust and content as they kissed.

Their more relaxed demeanor when raping each other’s mouths showed just how utterly exhausted they were. At this point, the only thing keeping them going was sheer willpower. Just the desperate desire not to lose after the less than desirable outcomes of their previous fights with their other rivals. That and the pleasure they were feeling which was simply out of this world. It caused them to thank themselves for being such incorrigible hedonists. Only true nymphos could keep going as tired as they were in the pursuit of pure pleasure. They broke the kiss, slowly and sensually but still with a loud pop as a line of girl spit separated their full, gorgeous lips.

“Getting tired yet, skank?” Jamie asked mockingly.

“You wish.” Stacy said, obviously lying. “I could fuck you like this for days. How about you?”

“Not even close.” Jamie answered. Again, clearly a lie. “I never get tired of making pathetic whores like you cream all over my perfect pussy.”

Jamie then gently pushed Stacy down onto her back as she laid down herself. The two grabbed each other’s legs and pulled to force their cxnts into one another even more while also giving themselves an opportunity to give their increasingly tired backs a break.

“I’ll ask again, you beach blonde bimbo.” Jamie said as she tribbed her enemy. “What are you going to do if you win the bet?”

“Are you really that scared of losing?” Stacy asked. “I certainly don’t blame you. I am quite clearly your superior in both spying and fucking.”

“I just wanna know what’s going on in that twisted little head of yours.” Jamie argued. “Besides, when I win, I won’t have any other way of finding out.”

“Is this what you call winning?” Stacy asked sarcastically. “You were pretty quick to push me down so we can scissor like this. Is your poor little back aching?”

“I didn’t see you resisting that, bitch.” Jamie pointed out. “I bet that as soon as I did that, your immediate thoughts were “Oh, thank God I get to lay down!””

“Maybe I just like scissoring you, you fire crotched cxnt. Did you ever consider that?” Stacy asked rhetorically.

“Maybe I just like scissoring you!” Jamie shot back. “And grinding with you, titfighting with you, sucking tongues with you, licking your pussy and making you cum! Maybe I love doing all of that to you!”

“Then show me how much you love it!” Stacy dared. “Do it! Make me spray inside of you like a fire hose! Fuck me, Jamie! Fuck me until neither of us can walk straight for a month! Do it before I fuck your sweet, beautiful cxnt into submission for the thousadnth time in a row!”

Their determined words had both lit a new fire in their clits. They felt their energy returning. Not to the extent they hoped but it would be enough to sustain them for the moment. They wanted to fuck. Needed to fuck. They needed to feel the sweet warm nectar of the other nymphomaniac blasting all over and inside of their womanly caverns. As if they were possessed by some unseen force, they both at the exact same time snapped back upwards, tit to tit and nose to nose and immediately started tongue wrestling again. Their nipples burned with pleasure as they inverted one another. They only broke their vicious kissing to talk shit to each other.

“I know I always clown you for never giving up no matter how many times your pussy gets whipped by mine but I love it!” Stacy declared. “I’ll never get tired of seeing that smug look on your face that tells me that you think you might win this time, only for me to turn the tables!”

“Good!” Jamie agreed aggressively. “Because I’ll never get tired of fighting you no matter how many times the result remains unchanged! And don’t think just one win against you will be nearly enough to satisfy me! I’m gonna fuck you until there’s nothing left and I don’t care how many times it takes!”

The two resumed their brutal make out session as they continued bashing breasts and crushing cxnts with one another. Their bodies felt as if they were on fire with pleasure. If they were both made of wood, they probably would have already caught fire in the literal sense. Nothing was stopping them.

“I’ll always love putting you in your place!” Stacy declared. “I’ll always love pulling your hair, smacking your ass, sucking your tongue, eating your pussy, licking your clit and inverting your nipples but I’ll especially always love fucking your bitch cxnt!”

“Not as much as I’ll always love fucking yours, you beach blonde bimbo!” Jamie shot back.

They resumed their all out carnal war. Pure adrenaline was the only thing driving them now. If for whatever reason they suddenly lost it, they would both assuredly pass out right then and there. They felt the internal heat rising. Higher and higher. Hotter and hotter. All over their flawless bodies. The unusual placement of the orgasmic energy inside of them caused a rather enticing thought to enter their minds but just as it did, it happened.

“Aghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Jamie screeched.

“Ugggghhhhhh!!!!!” Stacy shrieked.

They came like geyers but not just from their twats. Also from their nipples. White jizz blew out of their mommy milkers like tiny sprinklers, spraying each other in the face only for them to immediately get washed off by the still running shower. They had also came the usual way and loaded each other up with hot, girl mess. They both felt half dead at that point. They just couldn’t keep going anymore. They had to stop.

“I can…still…fight…” Jamie said in an exhausted tone.

“Not…nearly…done…yet…” Stacy said in a similar tone.

But that was it. Their bodies had quit on them. They wanted nothing more than to keep going but it just wasn’t possible. They were only human. They felt their heads fall and their eyes close as they struggled to stay in the fight. They passed out on top of each other, labias still connected at the hip as the shower kept pounding down on them.

Sometime later, who knows how long, Jamie felt herself begin to wake up as the sound of running water filled her ears. The sleep she was in was so deep that she had forgotten where she was and what she was doing until it all came rushing back to her as she began to wake up fully. She saw the still unconscious Stacy in front of her as their pussies were still locked together. She then realized that they had never turned off the shower and now the water was freezing cold, making their already hard nipples even harder. Jamie struggled to pull herself away from Stacy, ripping their labias apart from another as the redhead got up, stretched her weary muscles and finally turned off the shower. Being out cold in that awkward position made her body ache. It was then that she realized something. She had actually managed to tie with Stacy. Normally, a tie would frustrate her as it did when she fought and tied with Michelle but this was different. She had never once managed to get one over on Stacy. Significant progress had been made. She was indeed capable of defeating her blonde superior. Maybe not now but at some point. She smiled from ear to ear upon realizing this. She then noticed that Stacy had begun to wake up herself. The blonde opened her eyes to see the ginger standing over her.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Jamie said teasingly.

“What…happened?” Stacy asked as she rubbed her eyes.

“We fucked each other into unconsciousness is what happened.” Jamie answered happily. “We tied.”

“We…tied…?” Stacy asked as the realization began to dawn on her.

Jamie, a girl she was so accustomed to absolutely thrashing sexually and dominating had managed to fuck her to a standstill. So many emotions rapidly rushed through her all at once. Amazement, shame, horror, dejection, disappointment and surprisingly, even a little bit of pride. Perhaps a part of her had wanted to see her subordinate finally reach such a milestone. However, now was the worst possible time given how bitter Stacy was over her loss to Hannah. The honey blonde had to get herself together or she was in serious danger of losing her bet with the redhead.

“What?” Jamie asked. “Nothing to say for once?”

“You got lucky and caught me at a bad time.” Stacy said. “A tie is the best result you can ever ask for when fucking me.”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep telling yourself that.” Jamie dismissed. “Oh and we kept the water on the entire time. I just turned it off now.”

“Shit…” Stacy cursed. “Ah, well. We’ll let Langley foot the bill.”

“Yeah.” Jamie agreed.

Stacy then got up and stretched. The two were both a complete mess. Their long hair was still damp and disheveled and they could barely move with how their bodies felt after their brutal fight and sleeping on the hard tiled floor.

“What time is it?” Stacy asked.

Jamie looked up at a clock on the bathroom wall.

“It’s…10:00 AM…” Jamie answered in a dumbfounded tone.

Their fight combined with their sleep, had lasted 14 hours.

“Fuck…” Stacy cursed in amazement.

“Agh…” Jamie moaned from her aching body. “I could use a massage…Maybe I’ll go visit Hannah.”

“Don’t come crying to me after you get your hair raped.” Stacy mocked.

“Maybe I’ll fuck her hair in revenge for you.” Jamie joked.

The two wanted to continue their investigation into more suspects but they were in no shape to do so right now.

“Let’s get out and dry off before we start to prune.” Stacy suggested.

The two then did exactly that and got dressed in some nice, satin bathrobes before getting into bed.

“We’ll just get some rest before getting right back to it.” Jamie said. “I’m winning this bet, bitch.”

“Yeah, yeah. Keep talking.” Stacy dismissed.

Suddenly, they got a knock at their door. They both groaned and got up to answer it. On the other side was none other than Rebecca Hudson. The chief of the ship’s security who just happened to be one of their suspects.

“Can I help you?” Stacy asked.

“Yes.” Rebecca said. “We’ve received complaints about there being no hot water on this floor and we have discovered an unusually large amount of water being used in this cabin. Might I ask why?”

“We just like to take long showers.” Jamie answered. “We’re sorry for being an inconvenience.”

“Right…” Rebecca said as she gave them suspicious looks.

The strawberry blonde could immediately tell what these two had been doing all night. A part of her wished she was there to see it or better yet participate but she still had a job to do.

“Just try to tone it down a bit, ladies.” Rebecca suggested.

“We will. Thank you.” Stacy said as she tried to shut the door only for Rebecca to hold it open.

“One more thing.” She said. “I don’t mean to scare such…delicate beings as yourselves but we believe that there may be a criminal loose on this ship somewhere. You wouldn’t have happened to have noticed any suspicious activity…Would you?”

“I haven’t.” Jamie answered.

“Nor have I.” Stacy added.

“Alright then…Just keep an eye out and call security if you feel the need to.” Rebecca advised.

“Will do.” Stacy said as she shut the door for real this time.

The two sighed in annoyance at their rest being interrupted.

‘Horny sluts just can’t control themselves.’ Rebecca thought to herself. ‘If I had the time, I’d teach them a lesson…’

Rebecca then sighed and realized that her break was in a short while…Perhaps a nice massage would help release some stress.

‘That bitch Hannah better be ready for me this time…’ Rebecca thought to herself deviously.