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Any fun interactions?

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Offline Amanda Altercation

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Any fun interactions?
« on: July 11, 2024, 03:34:00 PM »
I was asked by another user what my obsession actually was. I tried to temper my answer with just enough unhinged zeal to see if they could keep up. Was it a bit much?

My answer would be legion. One but many. In the narrow scope of this singular obsession I've sought every pleasure from the most tame, to the most depraved.

It's a rabbit hole. You peek your head in, see a cute little fluffy bunny and get excited. You have your fun there, enjoying the little rabbit. But curiosity gets the better of you. You go deeper. It gets a little darker, but sure enough you find another bunny. This one is a bit different than the last. A little rougher, a bit more harsh around its fluffy edges. But you find you love this bunny too.

Before long, you've plumbed to the darkest depths of this rabbit hole. You've encountered every kind of bunny you ever knew existed. And more that science has yet to properly identify. Darker and darker, stranger and stranger. You don't even miss the sun after awhile.

This is where I'm at with my obsession. I'm a bonafide lover of the first bunny I ever set eyes on. In case it wasn't clear, this bunny is named Aggressively Sexualized Competition. The first bunny I ever loved. But I've met so many bunnies since then, that got further and further away from the baseline we all know and treasure. My obsession, is chasing down every bunny I find or hear about and making it scream for me.

To put it bluntly. If the scene is framed as a sexual, mean competition between two subjects, I can get extremely detailed and involved in the darkest or tamest of kinks surrounding it. You saying you're obsessed with sitting on other women's faces has the same effect as a five year old telling me their favorite color.

It's adorable. I can get behind it. Super appreciate it. There's fun to be had exploring that. Just know that while I'm entertaining you and we're writing and fighting, I'll be hunting grotesque bunnies in haunted, dark tunnels with others.