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Latina/Persian vs British Sexfight

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Offline sexfightappreciator

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Latina/Persian vs British Sexfight
« on: June 30, 2024, 11:19:38 PM »
Alice Crawford, a college student from Britain, is on her first trip to Miami when, sitting at a bar wearing a bikini and cover-up, she finds a hot guy to flirt with-and doesn't let Ana-Sofia Yazdi, a mixed Latina-Persian girl who was already talking to him, stop her. The girls stare daggers at each other and get into an increasingly bitchy argument before their would-be conquest's girlfriend returns to escort him away with a dirty look at all concerned. With nothing in between them, the frustrated girls sit awkwardly, giving each other the stink eye as they hostilely check out each other's bikini-clad figures.

"I would have fucked him so hard if that bitch hadn't showed up!" Ana-Sofia triumphantly declares.

"No fucking way!" retorts Alice. "He'd have spent the night in my bed."

"Oh really?!", says Ana-Sofia as she stands up, "cause I don't think anything in the world could make him say no to this!" With hot eyes, she stretches seductively, letting her cover-up fall halfway open as she shows off her curvy body.

"Oh dream on, bitch", says Alice dismissively. "I'd have had him in no time-with this!" She stands up and does a sexy shimmy, swinging her boobs and shaking her alluring booty.

"Fuck you puta" Ana-Sofia almost yells as she steps closer to Alice, her face red.

"Oh look at you all hot and bothered" says Alice dismissively in her sexiest British accent. "So cute."

The girls continue yelling at each other and getting in each other's faces until the whole bar is staring at them and a bouncer tells them to "cut it out and get a room, ladies". Furiously they storm out, only to find that they are both walking toward the same hotel.

"I'm still hotter and you know it, you limey bitch!" yells Ana-Sofia after her opponent.

"Oh yeah?", Alice shoots back, "Prove it."

"Prove what?" yells Ana-Sofia disdainfully.

"Sexfight," says Alice. "You and me, in my bed. We set a timer for four hours, first girl with a lead of three orgasms wins. If the timer goes off without a winner, the next girl to cum loses. Loser belongs to the winner for the night and has to do whatever the winner says."

Ana-Sofia stops in her tracks. "You are so fucked, you British lesbian. I'll give you three orgasms, then make you beg me for another."

"Oh, you're the one whose gonna be lez after this," Alice taunted. "Poor little you, unable to think of anything but my body, forever."

"Oh you want this already!", says Ana-Sofia in a breathy voice, doing a seductive shimmy. "Well, up to your room then! Let's get this little contest over with."
« Last Edit: July 01, 2024, 03:25:53 AM by sexfightappreciator »


Offline sexfightappreciator

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Re: Latina/Persian vs British Sexfight
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2024, 11:48:46 PM »
Forgot to add pictures, sorry. Added now.