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Elisa finds her grove

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Elisa finds her grove
« on: July 30, 2024, 06:05:29 AM »
Here is a new one hope you enjoy....

Elisa finds her grove

Elisa Auburn, with hair and hazel eyes of Russian descent, has lived on the West Coast for six years after getting her green card and works for a prodigious investment bank.  Having coffee with her current boyfriend, Eric, He looks at Elisa. “What the matter, you’re so quiet this morning?"

Elisa, taking a deep breath, "It's this new intern that's trying to take over my turf at the bank."

"You know what, Eric, I think I'll have another cup," Elisa said, pushing her empty mug towards him.

He nodded, his eyes lingering on her momentarily before he got up to refill it. She was a vision, even in the stark morning light of the coffee shop, her hair a rich, chocolate brown that shimmered under the pendant lights. Her hazel eyes, a perfect blend of earthy green and warm amber, had a depth that could tell a thousand stories. Elisa had moved to the West Coast six years ago with dreams as vast as the Pacific Ocean she now called home. With a green card and a head full of ambition, she had clawed her way up the corporate ladder at the prodigious investment bank where she worked. But today, she looked troubled.

The freshly ground coffee beans aroma filled the air as Eric returned with a steaming cup. "So, tell me about this intern," he said, sitting across from her. His voice was calm, the kind that could soothe a stormy sea.

Elisa took a sip, the heat of the liquid bringing a brief flush to her cheeks. "Her name is Nina. She's...different. Russian, like me, but she's got this almost intimidating confidence.” Her eyes narrowed slightly as she remembered the intern's sharp smile. "It's like she's playing a chess game, and everyone else is playing checkers."

Eric listened attentively, his hand gently covering hers. "What's she doing that's causing you stress?"

Elisa sighed, her eyes drifting to the bustling street outside. "It's not just what she's doing; it's how she does it. She's always one step ahead, questioning everything and making brilliant and infuriating suggestions.” She paused, her thoughts racing. "And she's got everyone's attention, especially the boss. It's like she's got this...magnetic pull."

"But you're good at what you do, Elisa," Eric said, his voice firm. "You've worked hard to get where you are."

"I know," she replied, her eyes meeting his. "But it's not just about being good anymore. It's about...staying ahead. She's got some charm that's hard to ignore. And she's everywhere."

Eric looked at her. "Well, let's not let this wreck our weekend. Let’s go to the Gym now and blow off some steam." He suggested, trying to change the subject to something more uplifting.

Elisa nodded, a glimmer of a smile touching her lips. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe a good workout will help me clear my head."

They left the coffee shop and headed to the gym, the cool air outside a stark contrast to the warmth of their conversation. Inside the bustling gym, Elisa felt a sense of comfort in the familiar rhythm of the machines and the scent of sweat and determination. She and Eric parted ways, each going to their preferred workout areas. Elisa hit the treadmill, setting a brisk pace that matched her racing thoughts. As she ran, she couldn't help but think about Nina and the shadow she had cast over her work week.

Eric noticed two girls in the corner doing some punching exercises. One held a pad in her hands, and the other punched it.

"Hey, Elisa, look over there," Eric called out, pointing at the two girls.

Elisa glanced over, immediately drawn to the one with the pads. She was petite but had a fierce energy that seemed to pulse through the air. Her hair was a vibrant shade of red, and her piercing blue eyes dared the world to underestimate her. The other girl was visibly struggling to keep up with the pace, her punches weakening with each hit.

Eric looked at Elisa. "You know we should try this. I'll hold the pads, and you'll focus and see the pads as Nina, and then you'll punch the hell out of her."

Elisa's eyes lit up with a spark of competitive spirit. "Alright, let's do it."

They switched spots, and Eric took the pads, raising them to chest level. The red-haired girl noticed them and offered a nod of acknowledgment. She had the air of a seasoned athlete, her movements swift and precise.

Elisa took her place before Eric, lacing her gloves with renewed determination. "Alright, let's do this," she said, her voice firm.

"Imagine Nina's smug face on these pads," Eric teased a hint of mischief in his eyes.

Elisa took a deep breath and nodded. "Let's go."

The first punch she threw was powerful, the sound of her glove connecting with the pad echoing through the gym. Eric could see the tension in her shoulders begin to melt away with each hit. Her punches grew more precise, each a silent declaration of her resolve to stand her ground at work. The red-haired girl watched them momentarily, her gaze lingering on Elisa before returning to her workout.

As Elisa's rhythm grew more intense, Eric saw the intern's smug smile on every pad he held up. "Keep going," he encouraged, his voice steady. "You're doing great."

The red-haired girl, watching them from the corner of her eye, approached when Elisa took a break to catch her breath. "You've got quite the arm on you," she said, her voice a smooth blend of friendliness and challenge. "I'm Lena, by the way. And I noticed you've got some frustration to work out."

Elisa's eyes snapped to hers, a question lingering. "Thanks," she replied, slightly out of breath. "It's been a tough week."

Lena leaned against the treadmill, her workout towel slung around her neck. "Looks like you could use a sparring partner. Someone to let loose on."

Elisa's eyes narrowed, and she assessed the more petite woman before her. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that," she said, a hint of doubt in her voice.

Lena shrugged, her gloves still on. "It's up to you. But sometimes, a good spar can help you see things more clearly."

Elisa hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Alright, I'll give it a shot."

Lena led her to a sparring area, and Eric stepped aside to give them space. The two women faced each other, gloves up, the air crackling with unspoken tension. Lena's eyes searched Elisa's, looking for any signs of doubt or fear, but all she saw was a determination mirrored her own.

The bell dinged, and they began to circle. Elisa threw a jab, testing the waters, and Lena dodged it easily. Lena's footwork was swift, her punches fast and sharp. Elisa studied her opponent's style before throwing a hook, barely grazing Lena's cheek. The contact was minimal, but it was enough to leave a sting.

Lena's eyes flashed with approval, and she upped the ante, throwing a combination that Elisa barely blocked. The sound of leather on leather filled the space around them, a symphony of power and precision. Sweat began to bead on Elisa's forehead as she found her rhythm, her thoughts of Nina fading into the background.

Eric was getting into it as he watched both women spar. He enjoyed watching Elisa's breast bounce as she threw punches. This was an erection in his pants that started to show his enjoyment.

Their fight grew more intense, each punch thrown with a force that resonated with the frustration Elisa had been holding onto. Lena's red hair danced around her face like flames as she weaved and dodged, pushing Elisa to her limits.

Elisa's breath grew ragged, but she didn't stop. Each hit she landed was a victory; each block she managed declared her refusal to be pushed aside. Her punches were no longer just for show; they manifested her fears and anger about the intern. Nina's face, with its unsettling confidence, swam before her eyes, and she tried to hit Lena harder and harder.

The other gym-goers had gathered around them, drawn by the fiery intensity of their sparring. The room was now hot, not only from the workout but also from the competition. Elisa’s heart pounded, and her eyes never left Lena's.

Lena saw something in Elisa that she liked, perhaps a kindred spirit. She had faced many challenges, and she recognized the look of someone who refused to be beaten. “You’re good,” she said through her panting breaths. But you're holding back."

Elisa's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?" she asked a hint of defensiveness in her tone.

Lena lowered her gloves slightly. "You're not letting go of your anger, not fully. You're fighting like you're afraid of what's waiting for you outside this ring."

Elisa felt a flicker of irritation. Who was this girl to psychoanalyze her? But something in Lena’s gaze made her pause. It was as if she could see right through her, and that unnerving clarity was more challenging to ignore than the burning in her muscles.

They squared off again; this time, when the bell dinged, Elisa let go. She didn't just throw punches; she unleashed a torrent of anger and fear at the intern who threatened her hard-earned place at the bank. Lena met her with equal ferocity, her eyes never leaving Elisa's as they danced around the ring.

Eric was getting excited about this new twist in the match. He always had a thing for women fighting, and this fulfilled his lust for this subject. He was sweating just watching Elisa's body move in such a primal way.

One gym-goer nudged Eric, "You enjoying this is one your girlfriend?" As she points with her eyes at the large erection now showing in his sweatpants.

Eric's face turned red with embarrassment, and he quickly adjusted himself, "Yeah, I've always had a thing for watching women go at it."

The sparring continued, with Elisa's punches growing more robust and less controlled. Lena, the smaller of the two, proved to be a formidable opponent, her agility and precision keeping Elisa on her toes. The crowd around them grew, their whispers and murmurs of amazement adding to the pressure cooker atmosphere.

As Elisa's fists flew, she could feel a weight lifting from her chest. With each hit, she released more tension that had been building since Nina's arrival. The Russian intern's smug face grew fainter in her mind, replaced by the fiery determination of the woman before her. Lena's words echoed in her mind: "You're fighting like you're afraid." And she realized that she had been, but not anymore.

Their sparring grew increasingly intense, pushing the other to their limits. The sound of their breaths and the thump of their gloves filled the space, the air thick with the scent of sweat and adrenaline. Eric watched, his excitement palpable, his heart racing alongside Elisa's.

The gym-goer who nudged him introduced herself to Eric. “Hi, I’m Jody. Well, it seems like you get turned on by women fighting. I would love to chat more about it later." She gave Eric a knowing smile and wink.

Eric nodded awkwardly, his eyes darting back to Elisa and Lena. He was torn between his excitement and his embarrassment.

Elisa and Lena's sparring had become a dance of power and strategy. Elisa's punches were no longer just a release of frustration but calculated moves to outwit her opponent. Lena's eyes never left hers, and in that moment, Elisa realized that she wasn't just fighting Nina; she was fighting for herself, her career, and her pride.

Lena quickly gains the upper hand and drives left to Elisa’s chin, snapping her head back. Elisa’s eyes water, but she doesn't go down. She takes a step back and re-centers herself. "Thanks for the wake-up call," she murmurs, her voice low and even.

The crowd around them had grown, their cheers and catcalls spurring Elisa. She took a deep breath and focused, her eyes locking onto Lena's. The red-haired girl didn't back down; her blue eyes filled with a competitive fire mirrored Elisa's.

Elisa, getting lucky with her right, lands a hard punch on Lena’s head, and Lena stumbles and falls to one knee. The crowd gasps. Eric's heart races as he sees Elisa's fist clenched and ready for another hit.

"That's enough," Elisa says, her voice firm but not cruel. She knew she had made her point to Lena and herself. She had faced her fears and anger head-on and had come out the other side, still standing.

Jody goes to Lena. “Are you okay, babe?” Eric follows, grabs Elisa, and hugs her. “You were amazing,” he says into her ear, his voice thick with passion. Elisa feels a strange mix of pride and vulnerability as she hugs him back, her heart racing from the spar.

Jody looked at Eric. “So that’s your interest, giving a smile. Hey Lena, this is Eric and his girlfriend Elisa. Guess what? He loves watching women fight just like me.”

Lena gets up and dusts herself off with a smirk, "Well, Eric, you picked quite the feisty one," she says, her voice laced with respect.

"I know," Eric says proudly, holding Elisa in his arms. "But she's more than just feisty; she's got heart."

Elisa looked shocked. “Eric, you never told me that!” Eric blushed red now. “Well, I figured it's not something you'd be into."

Lena laughs, “It’s alright. I don’t judge. Besides, it’s clear you two have a good relationship.” She extends her hand to Elisa, “Now that we’ve had our little spar let’s start over. I’m Lena. It’s nice to meet you officially.”

Elisa takes Lena's hand, her grip firm but not aggressive. "Elisa," she says, her voice still slightly raspy from the exertion. "And yes, Eric and I are together."

Lena nods, her smile genuine. "Well, Elisa, Cool Jody and I are also together, aren’t” we, Babe?" giving  Jody a light punch.

Jody nodded, "Yeah, and we're into many things, but watching two strong women go at it is one of them."

Elisa couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by Eric's revelation, but she also felt a strange thrill. It was as if he had peeled back another layer of himself, revealing something raw and primal she hadn't seen before.

"So, you guys like to watch?" she asked, trying to keep her voice casual despite her racing heart.

Jody nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's like poetry in motion," she said, her gaze flicking to Eric before returning to Elisa. "And you two seem to have quite the chemistry."

Elisa felt a blush creep up her neck, but she held Lena's gaze. "I suppose we do," she conceded. "But I've never really thought about it like that before."

Lena says, “Hey, let's all go and get a drink and decompress." She winks at Eric, who nods eagerly.

They leave the gym, and the cool evening air is a welcome relief against their flushed skin. The walk to the nearby bar is filled with easy banter, the tension from their earlier encounter dissipating with each step. The dim lights and low murmur of conversation create a cozy atmosphere, a stark contrast to the intense workout they had just endured.

Elisa, Eric, Lena, and Jody grab a booth in the corner, their muscles still humming with the aftermath of adrenaline. Eric orders a round of drinks, his eyes darting between Elisa and Lena, his excitement peaking at the thought. As they wait, Lena leans in, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "So, Elisa, what's the deal with this intern at your bank? She's got you all riled up."

Elisa takes a deep breath, feeling the tension seep from her as she recounts her week with Nina. "She's just so confident, so sure of herself. It’s like she’s playing a game, and everyone else is just a pawn.” She takes a sip of her water, her eyes distant. And she's got the boss eating out of her hand."

Lena nods, her expression thoughtful. "Sounds like she's good at what she does."

Elisa can't help but feel a twinge of annoyance. "Too good," she says, her voice tight. "It's like she's trying to take over my life's work."

Jody nods sympathetically. "It's tough when someone new comes in and shakes things up," she says, her voice soft. "But maybe it's a good thing. Competition can make us better, right?"

Elisa looks at her, the question hanging like a challenge. "Maybe," she says finally, sipping her drink. "But it's not just about being better. It's about...surviving."

Jody smiles, “It sounds like Mary was trying to move in on Lena when we first started together, doesn’t it, Lena?”

Lena nods, taking a sip of her drink. "It does," she says, her eyes meeting Elisa's. "But you know what? Sometimes, you've got to play their game to win."

Elisa raises an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Lena leans back in the booth, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glint. "Well, you can't let her control the narrative. You need to find a way to use her strengths against her."

Elisa frowns, intrigued. "How do I do that?"

Lena leans in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You play her game, but better. Make her think you're on her side, learn from her, let her underestimate you."

Elisa considers this for a moment, the wheels turning in her head. It's a risky strategy, but Lena’s words make it sound almost fun. "But how do I do that without losing myself?" she asks, her voice tinged with doubt.

Lena shrugs, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "You've already started," she says, gesturing to the bruise forming on Elisa's cheek. "You're not just fighting for your job anymore; you're fighting for yourself. And that's the most dangerous kind of opponent."

Jody smiles, “You know it’s getting a bit late, and I got an early start. Let’s exchange  numbers, and we can meet soon.” She slides a napkin with her number across the table to Elisa, who smiles.

Elisa's mind raced with thoughts of Nina and the newfound strategy Lena had suggested. As they finished their drinks, Eric's eyes remained glued to Elisa, filled with a mix of admiration and something else, something that sent a shiver down her spine.

"So, what do you say, Elisa?" Lena asked, breaking the silence. “Are you Ready to show this intern who's boss?"

Elisa's eyes narrowed, and she took a deep breath. "I think I am," she said, her voice steady. "Thanks for the advice."

They all exchanged numbers, the promise of future meetups, and maybe even more sparring sessions hanging in the air. As Eric and Elisa walked home, the cool evening breeze carrying the scent of the nearby ocean, Elisa felt a sense of clarity she hadn't had in days. The spar with Lena had been more than just a physical release; it had been a mental one, too.

"You know," Eric said, his arm slung casually around her shoulders, "you're pretty badass."

Elisa couldn't help but laugh, the sound bubbling up from her chest. "Thanks," she said, leaning into him. "I guess I had some anger to work out."

Elisa looked at Eric. “ You surprised me tonight. You never mentioned that you like watching women fighting?"

Eric shrugs. "It's not something I usually bring up, but it's always been a thing for me. I've just never had the chance to see it in person."

Elisa looks at him thoughtfully. "Well, it's not something I'd have thought you'd be into," she says, a hint of a smile on her lips. "But I guess we all have our quirks."

When he arrives at their apartment, Eric opens the door. “ You don’t think I’m weird or anything, Elisa?” he asks nervously.

Elisa shakes her head, "No, I just didn't know that about you." She walks in and starts to take off her shoes. "But it's alright. Everyone has their things."

Eric smiles. “What kind of things do you have that have been hidden?" He says teasingly as he locks the door behind them.

Elisa pretends to be offended, but she can't help the smirk that forms on her face. "Maybe I'll show you sometime," she says, her voice a playful challenge.

Eric started to show another erection. "Why don't you show me  now since you got my attention." He says with a smirk.

Elisa looks at him with a mix of surprise and amusement. "Well, if you insist," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She walks over to him, puts her hands on his chest, and pushes him playfully against the wall. "But first, I need to get changed."

Their apartment is filled with the sound of their laughter and the rustle of clothing as they move to the bedroom. Elisa pulls on a pair of shorts and a sports bra, her body still humming from the sparring match. Eric watches her, his eyes lingering on the bruise on her cheek and her muscles flexing as she moves.

"You sure you're okay?" he asks, genuinely concerned.

"Yeah," Elisa says, turning to face him. "It's just a bruise. Nothing serious."

"Hey Elisa, have you ever wanted to fight topless? I mean, you definitely would be an interesting opponent to someone like Lena or Jody,” Eric says with a hopeful smile.

Elisa stops in her tracks, looking at him with surprise. "What? Fight topless?" she repeats, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Well, yeah," Eric says, his face growing red. "I mean, if you're comfortable with it. I just thought it could And maybe it would help you feel more empowered like you're not hiding anything."

Elisa stares at him for a moment, her mind racing. "I've never thought about it like that," she admits, her voice low. "But it's not something I've ever done before."

Eric nods, his eyes on her, hopeful. "I just think it could be a way to take your power back," he says, his voice earnest. "To show everyone, including Nina, you're not afraid to be yourself."

Elisa bites her lip, considering his words. It's a bold move that makes her heart race just thinking about it. But as she looks at Eric, she feels a flicker of something. Excitement? Dare? Whatever it is, it's enough to make her say, "Alright. But just for a bit, okay?"

They return to the living room, Elisa feeling a strange mix of vulnerability and power as she pulls her top over her head, revealing her sports bra-covered breasts. Eric's eyes widened slightly, his gaze hungry, but he quickly reined in his expression, nodding for her to continue.

"Okay, here goes," she says, taking a deep breath. She reaches behind her back and unclasps her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her breasts bounce slightly as she turns to face him, her heart racing.

Eric's eyes are glued to her, his arousal apparent, but he manages to keep his gaze respectful. "You're beautiful," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire.

Elisa feels a thrill run through her as she steps closer to him, her bare chest rising and falling with each breath. "Thanks," she says, her voice a little shaky. "Now, let's do this."

They move to the center of the room, and the space suddenly feels much more minor. Eric's eyes never leave hers as they start to spar again, their movements slower and more deliberate. Each punch and block is a silent conversation, a dance of power and submission.

Elisa's mind is racing with thoughts of Nina, her fears and anger coming to the surface with each hit. But she can feel the shift in herself, the way she's reclaiming her space and strength. With each hit she throws, she feels a little more in control.

Eric, on the other hand, is trying to keep his cool. He's always had a thing for watching women fight, but having Elisa right here, in their living room, topless and powerful, is more than he could have ever hoped for. He tries to focus on her words and her emotions, but his eyes keep drifting to her breasts, the way they move with every punch and block.

Elisa notices the distraction her breasts are having on Eric and allows her to dominate the sparing session. She takes the opportunity to land more punches and blocks, her confidence growing with each successful move. Eric tries to maintain his composure, but the sight of Elisa's bare skin and the way her breasts bounce with every hit is a potent aphrodisiac.

Elisa gives a wicked smile, and with a sudden punch, she aims a bit low and hits his erection, sending Eric to the floor. "What the hell, Elisa!" He exclaims, writhing in pain.

Elisa laughs. “ It looks like you’re the one who’s not in control now,” she says, standing over him. But don’t worry; I'll make it up to you."

Her eyes glint with mischief as she reaches down to help him up. Eric takes her hand, his face a mix of pain and embarrassment, but the desire in his gaze is unmistakable. "I'd like that," he says, his voice strained.

Elisa looked at him. “Would you, big boy?” she asked as she started to undo his buckle. “What would you like me to do?” she asked with a playful smile.

"Anything," Eric manages to get out, his eyes glazed with pain and desire.

Elisa's smile widens as her hand moves from his buckle to his zipper. "How about we take this to the bedroom?" she suggests, her voice a sultry whisper.

Eric nods, his eyes never leaving hers as they stumble towards the bed, his hard-on leading the way. The pain from the hit had morphed into a strange kind of arousal, and he could feel his blood pulsing through his veins.

In the bedroom, Elisa straddles him, her breasts bouncing slightly as she does so. She leans down, her breath hot against his ear. "You liked that, didn't you?" she whispers, her voice a seductive purr.

Eric's face is a mix of pleasure and pain, his body responding to her touch despite his bruised ego. "I-I don't know," he stammers, trying to regain some semblance of control.

Elisa smiled and started stroking his cock. “Sure you did; I can sense in tin my fingers as she slowly ran her nails up and down his now pulsing cock. "You want me to be in control, don't you?"

Eric nods, his breath hitching. "Y-yes," he whispers, his eyes hooded.

Elisa's smile widens as she leans down to kiss him, her breasts brushing against his chest. The kiss is gentle at first but quickly turns passionate, their tongues tangling as they explore each other's mouths. She can feel his cock growing harder in her hand, his desire for her overpowering the pain from earlier.

Elisa pulls her head away and starts to explore  Eric's chest with her hot breath and tongue. Finding one of his nipples, she starts teasing it with her wet tongue and then nipping it with her teeth. Eric's body arches in response, his cock now fully erect.

Elisa slides down his body, her shorts and panties already forgotten on the floor. She takes his cock in her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head before taking him fully in. Eric groans, his hands finding her hair and guiding her movements.

Her eyes look up at him, filled with a fiery desire that's both new and exhilarating. She's no longer the shy girlfriend; she's a warrior claiming her prize. The taste of victory from the spar with Lena lingers on her lips, and she takes that energy into her intimate battle with Eric.

His hips buck upward, urging her to take him more profoundly, but she maintains control, her teeth grazing his sensitive skin. The sound of his moans and the feel of his hands in her hair only serve to spur her on. She's the one in charge now, and she relishes the power.

Elisa's hand slides down to cup Eric's balls, gently massaging them as she continues to suck him off. His breathing grows ragged, and she knows he's close. She increases her pace, her mouth a warm, wet vice around him.

With a guttural moan, Eric explodes, his cum filling her mouth. She swallows it; the taste is salty and warm, a delicious reward for her dominance. He collapses back onto the bed, panting heavily.

Elisa climbs up his body, straddling his waist. She leans down to kiss him again, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You're mine," she whispers against his lips.

Eric nods, his eyes hazed with pleasure. "Always," he murmurs, his hands gripping her hips. He can feel her wetness, and the sight of her naked body above him sends a jolt of desire through him.

Elisa smiles a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Good," she says, positioning herself over his erection. She sinks onto him slowly, savoring the feeling of him filling her up. Eric's eyes roll back in his head as she starts to ride him, her movements deliberate and in control.

With each thrust, Elisa can feel the tension from the day slipping away, replaced by the building heat between them. The bruise on her cheek reminds her of the fight she's been dealing with, but here, in this moment, she's the one in power. She leans forward, her breasts pressing against Eric's chest as she grinds down on him.

Their bodies move together in a familiar and new rhythm, each stroke bringing them closer to the edge. Eric's hands roam over her body, exploring every inch of her bare skin. He's never seen her like this before, so fierce and uninhibited. It's intoxicating.

Elisa's breath hitches as she feels Eric's thumb brush against her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. She leans into his touch, her hips moving faster as she chases her orgasm. The room is filled with their skin slapping together and their ragged breaths.

"Harder," Eric whispers, his voice strained. She complies, but her movements become more erratic as she approaches the peak. She can feel the tension in his body, the way his muscles tense beneath her. Knowing she has him at her mercy is a heady feeling.

Elisa's eyes squeeze shut as the orgasm crashes over her, her body convulsing around Eric's cock. She lets out a moan that's half-pleasure, half-relief, and he follows her over the edge, his climax shaking him to the core.

They lay there momentarily, their breaths mingling in the room’s quiet. The only sound is the distant crash of waves outside their window. Elisa rolls off Eric, her body slick with sweat and satisfaction. She turns to him, her hazel eyes soft.

"Thank you," she says, her voice gentle. "I needed that."
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.