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A Fine Milk

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Offline DottiD

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A Fine Milk
« on: May 19, 2024, 01:07:05 AM »

(Hey all just a quick story while i am working on another installment of Extreme and Pam a mothers champ)

A Fine Milk

Gloria was a 42 yo woman, married once and since divorced. Gloria after a rough marriage was content to stay single. Her occasional fling never went past a few weeks of fun .

Gloria was being pursued by a lot of men. Her body was thick but shapely, at 5’10” 150 and a 36 H-28-38 figure. A slight soft tummy and wavy black hair with blonde highlights, other wise a solid woman.

Gloria was a proud woman and sexy, she knew how tog eat what she wanted. But she loved her freedom from being tied to a man . Gloria was known in her neighborhood as a caring but stern woman. And if she wanted something she knew how to go get it.

Kim a 44 yo. Woman was never married but did have an affair that resulted in a child. But like Gloria , Kim was happy not being tied down to a man. She enjoyed coming and going as she wanted and dating who ever she wanted.

At 5’9” 148 and a sexy 36H-28-38 she considered herself fit but also a soft tummy, she had long wavy light red hair  to her shoulders, but both women could still wear a bikini or very skimpy one piece .

Neither woman knew the other, they never met or were seen at the same functions. But it was not going to stop them from getting very personally acquainted when they would meet.
The unplanned meet came about one Sunday afternoon. It was a clear day mild temperature and not a cloud was in sight. A couple that both women knew more as in passing then as true friends.

Each woman received an invitation for a wine tasting affair . Neither was sure she would attend, but knowing the couple and their generosity , it seemed silly to pass up on the event, plus they could take a dip in the heated pool if they wanted.

Gloria was in a bright peach French one piece that may as well have been a bikini. The thin straps were so taught hey had no play from her heavy breasts. She had matching peach heeled sandals and a sarong around her hips. Her robe and a towel, she wore a pair of shorts and a top with her hair up.

Kim decided on a neon lime one piece, a high hip cut and a deep v cut, with taught straps from her heavy bust. A sarong as well and shorts with her hair up. Both women drove to the couples home and though not overly excited to be here, they were determined to make a day of it.

Kim arrived first and after her hugs and smiles for being asked to the party, she set her things down by a longe chair and set off to start the wine tasting. Mingling about and a few laughs Kim was glad she agreed to come.

Gloria arrives a bit after wanting to be fashionably late , she strut in and smiled as she met up with the couple. A few laughs and then invited to make herself at home, Gloria set her things down by a lounger  as well.  She grabbed herself a glass and strut about mingling between other guests.

As the party went on and the women were mingling about, something made them catch the others eye. Their eyes scanned the other slowly and the stares were not very pleasant .

But neither took it any further, slowly the day became a bit warmer. And other guests were taking dips in the pool, the clear water was becoming inviting and Gloria decide to take advantage of it.

She set her wine down and slowly wiggled her shorts down till they fell at her heels, then she ease her sandals off. Her hands grabbed he top and she lifted it up over head, she smiled as her one piece suit hugged her figure and tried to contain her large bust.  She slowly saunters to the pools steps and walks in, the water a little cool, brought her thick nipples to attention tenting the thin suit.

Gloria walked about then dipped her bust under then set her back on a wall and slowly kicked her legs under the water as her arms laid along the pools edge. The sun beating down on her veiny swelling bust.

Kim was still talking when Gloria stripped and the woman she was chatting with noticed Gloria first. She nodded to Kim to look and as she did, Kims eyes took in every inch of the other busty woman.

Her self pride made her inhale as she was comparing in her mind, the other woman picking up on the jealousy smiles and softly whispers, “i hear she is trouble and can really use that bust of hers”.

It wasn’t a fight starter , but it lit the fuse for certain. Kim saw the inviting water as a small bead of sweat ran down her chest into her deep dark cleavage. She excuses herself and struts by Gloria lounging along the pool wall enjoying the cool water.

Gloria turns her head to see Kim strip to her sexy one piece , and took notice that Kim was every bit as busty. Glorias eyes linger a bit then she turns her head back to the sun. Kim now swaggers to the pool steps and walks in, then dips her chest under. She does a little up and down bounce that causes a few waves.

Gloria feels the pool waters motion and opens her eyes, she rolls her eyes at Kim and softly says to herself but so Kim hears, “ anything for attention “.  Kim her back to Gloria hears the comment, she turns “excuse me, you have something to say?”. Gloria her eyes still shut basking in the sun, “i do, how about you act like a child in the deep end, some of us like to enjoy the quiet .”

Kim looking at Gloria , “well then maybe those who want it quiet should leave and go enjoy it someplace else , that or get over it and yourself”. Gloria slowly opens her eyes, she sees the wet glistening cleavage swelling in the water , and her nipples tenting the thin suit. She gives a sly smirk, “i agree and if others want to act like a child they should leave and go get a grip”.

The two women just glare, Kim bobs closer to Gloria and now the two lower their voices. Kim huffs “you have a big mouth it seems”. Gloria stares, “yes i do why think you can close it for me?”.

Kim looks around, then says “if we weren’t here i sure would love to”. Gloria raises her head and breathes in, “well maybe you and i can slip off and discuss it, but i seriously doubt your woman enough”.

Kim her face gets red in anger, “well if you are willing , I’ll be more than happy to find us a spot we can talk woman to woman”. Gloria looks around now and then to Kim, “you run along little girl and let me know if you find a spot , I’ll be right here waiting for you”.

Kim slowly turns, “be sure you are, I’ll be right back”. Gloria opens her eyes as Kim slowly climbs from the water, she sees how thick and busty this woman is. After a about a minute Gloria feels the still water of the pool ripple again then a soft voice near her , “if your woman enough i found a Lovell little spot for us “.

Gloria swallows , she was sure Kim would just blow it off, but now she has no choice, she looks to Kim. “I hope you know what your getting yourself into honey”. Kim smirks, “you really think i would go this far if i didn’t”.

Gloria eases off the pools wall, the water between them swelling their huge busts, the pair stare a moment then Gloria in a soft voice, “ok have it your way, lets dry off and go have this chat privately “.

Kim turns , “with pleasure”.the two limb from the pool slowly . They each go to the lounger and grab their towel and dry off. Then each squirts a bit of lotion in her palm and slowly caresses the lotion on their chests, necks and busts. Their slightly red skin darkens and glistens.

Kim lays her towel out to dry then grabs her robe and loosely ties it on, slips into her heel sandals and as she sips her wine , looks over at Gloria.

Gloria does the same as she stares ahead she holds her wine glass high as she sips it, seeing Kim is ready she silently nods as a sign to lead the way. Kim then sways her hips as she walks from the pool area alone and with no one realizing it, is leading Gloria to a place they can be alone.

Gloria waits just long enough then follows Kim. Both women know whatever happens they will finish it here and now. Kim walks lazily around the party tent and seems to vanish as she finds the stone path down to the supply shed.

Gloria follows and sees Kim close the sheds door slow and knows this is where they will have the privacy they need. Gloria follows the path and as she reaches the sheds door, looks back to make sure no ones watching.

Gloria opens the door steps in and pulls it closed behind her. There in the silence of the shed, the aroma of chlorine still obvious, the two busty women stand glaring . Gloria a hand on her hip, “so you chose a place that doesn’t leave you and much room to really see who will get mouth closed”. Kim hands on her hips, “well the problem is honey, if we go at each other like we want , everyone will run to break us up and that solves nothing, so at least in here alone we can use our bodies and who ever can’t take it, will get her mouth shut by pleasuring the other”.

Gloria breathes out slow, “i see well by all means lets not waste to much time, i want to go enjoy that warm pool , after you pleasure me”.

With that said both women by sheer instinct pull the sash knot on their robes and let the robes drop open, they ease them off and hang them on a nail as a hook.  They now without any prompt, reach up their chests and pull the cups of their one piece suits wider till finally their round breasts spring free.

Making sure the cups and straps are apart enough they won’t interfere, both women stare a moment. Their thick legs, heavy haunches and full asses widen to shoulder length, their soft tummies held in by the one piece suits as their large breasts stand out.

Nipples stiff and aureolas a taught wrinkled look from the pool water swell outward. Kim breathes in, she now like Gloria realizes her new rival is every bit as busty. Kim sets her hands to her hips and eases closer to Gloria, who meets her and they stare eyes locked as nipples stab together. Both inhale sharply at the contact then Kim starts to press her breasts to Glorias and rolls and smears into her rivals.

Gloria matches the move and slowly their large breasts bulge, and conform to others pair, as they swell from any free area as the two women close in tighter . Kim softly huffs, “uhh uhhnn cmon more’’. Gloria wants to be all business, but the feeling is so arousing she moans “uwww nmmm more yes fight my tits “.

With the soft sound of music, chatter and laughter from outside, the two women are making enough noise to drown it out. Their fleshy firm heavy breasts CLOP and CLAP together as each jams her breasts against the others then drags, smears or pumps as firm as her own can.

Both feel their own breasts deliver solid contact, only to feel her rivals deliver as much. Slowly the arousal feeling slips away, as the two women start to get rougher and more determined to show her tits are more powerful and better.

Though still secure in the one piece suits , their slight tummies are pressing together as their flabby thighs rub, each woman stutter stepping in her heel sandals as she tries to get her adversary off balance or make her feel the power she is fighting with.

They both start to sweat but neither lets up, even after 40 minutes of solid contact and pushing along with grinding and smearing roughly.

As the two women have a free exchange it slowly turns to a methodical rhythm for both. Gloria and Kim begin to pump firmly head on into other, their full breasts start to slap head on as they jam together. Their veiny mass jostling and quaking, their lips drop open as they both grunt and  whimper from the action.

Gloria steps a bit wider then grabs hold of Kim’s hips. She looks to slow Kim’s rotation as she drives her own breasts more aggressively, “uuhh cmon bitch ummff umfff umfff feel my tits now hmm fight Bitch “.

Kim turns her head , she can feel the forceful head on get slowed and now her small side to side add in, is nearly not at all. As a result Gloria is starting to take over the fight, “uuggg uggg bitch let me go and fight you bitch, ohhh uuhnn uhnn uhnnn oh my tits you bitch”.

Gloria swelling as much as Kim hears her rivals grunts and feels this fight will soon be all hers, she smirks as she plows her breasts into Kim’s then undulates in a up and side to side motion. Kim feels her breasts being hit and pulled by force on her chest, her muscles in her chest getting more painful as they are hyper stretched out.
 Between the heat, and their combined body heat, and now Gloria starting o really use her body weight and heavy breasts , Kim knows she is in real trouble.

Gloria is controlling the fight fully, she even releases Kims hips and grabs hold of Kims hair to keep her close and fighting, she has a sly smirk as she looks in Kims eyes tugging her rivals head by the hair , “cmon bitch, wanna fight or you ready to give hmm?”.

Kim is beyond panting int now, she is being hurt and moved at will, her only country move is to grab Gloria by her hair and try to grind her rivals tits back as much as her own are. As Kim tries to mount her own attack, the two women stagger about the room, bumping the walls and door.

Both are huffing for fresh cooler air as they relentlessly fight tit to tit with hands in others hair . The seesawing action drags on for another 40 minutes , both women are looking up begging in silence to god , the other give up. Gloria now feeling her rival fighting back gasps out, “uuuhhhnnn mff mff mff oh you bitch my tits give damn you”. Kim as ready to drop to her knees gasps, “cmon you cow, give if your tits hurt i am getting the better of you “.

Just as it seemed neither could make the other give, a screech from one of them rings out, both bodies stiffen and freeze a moment. They growl a whisper at each other’s face, “feel my tits now bitch ready to give?”, Your the one hurting bitch just say it”, as their hands twist in others hair making them hold tit to tit.

Then slowly Kim starts to drag a figure eight across Glorias breasts with her own. The damp sweaty flesh clings together making the skin pull as breasts are pulled agains the will.

Both women sweating but tears welling up in their eyes slowly as they both part their lips it comes. Glorias body spasms, her knees buckle and she releases Kims hair to try to push her away.

Kim now despite being sore feels her rival breaking and hugs her tight as she uses her breasts to really drag and rough up Glorias. Kim looking into Glorias face as she tries to turn her head, “you ready to give bitch hmm, or you want more ?”.

Gloria tries to straighten  her figure, but a sKim roughly drags side to side Gloria lips trembling shakes her head no, then suddenly drops on to her knees. Her tears drop freely on to her red bruised breasts, one arm cradling her sore breasts the other covering her mouth and face.

Kim stands over her rival thighs apart looking down at her defeated foe, she grabs Gloria by her bangs, Gloria whimpers “stop please i give “, Kim snarls “thought you were better cow , now your going to please the winner right here “.

She tugs the bottom of her one piece suit=t aside exposing her wet folds, she yanks Glorias face closer, “do it cxnt please me or I’ll beat the hell out of your tits”. Gloria tears streaming inches between Kims thighs and as Kim sets a heel on the side of the wood frame other planted firmly , she rolls her head back as Gloria sinks her tongue in and starts to suck on her engorged clit.

Kim caresses her hurt tits then as she feels the desire building she reaches down and starts to milk Glorias tits from the top front. Her hands dig and pry and squeeze and twist her rivals breasts. Gloria cries harder but just allows the torture till suddenly Kim starts to shake and spasm, her head thrown back, “uuhhh uhhh oh god yes you whore do it bitch”.

Kim smiles as she is brought to orgasm, Gloria shamefully wipes her face and tries to get Kims hands off her breasts, “let go Bitch my tits hurt “.

Kim straightens up her body, she eases her snug one piece suit back on and over her breasts then she grabs Gloria by the hair again, stands her up by the hair and spins her around, standing behind Gloria , Kim grabs her right arm and twists the arm up behind Glorias back high and hard. Her other hand holding Gloria by the hair, she marches Gloria out of the room, and back to the pool area, everyone turns as Gloria is in tears, and Kim a huge smile.

She looks at ally he women and in a sexy tone, “this cow thought her tits could beat mine, now she is milked , made me orgasm and is going to get her fat saggy tits beat up , anyone who can’t watch get out now”.

Gloria crying pleads for this to stop, Kim spins her again to face her, they stare then Kim pushes Gloria back a step and proceeds to start slamming rights and lefts into Glorias breasts firmly.

Side to side Kim batters the bruised red breasts like two small punching bags, “cmon bitch say my tits are the best or I’ll keep hitting yours”. Gloria crying openly “ok ok your tits are the best please stop”. Kim shoves Gloria backward, she stumbles then hits the patio ground and rolls onto all 4’s . Kim straddles her bare back and reaches under Gloria, she tells the hostess to hand her an empty bottle of wine. Once set Kim forces more milk from Glorias breasts into the wine bottle. Having nearly filed it, Kim raises the bottle sets it on the table with the other wine bottles , then using her heel shoves Gloria sideways into the pool.

Kim sets her hands on her hips, her nipples tent the thin one piece bathing suit, she smiles at the heap that was her rival woman at her  feet . Then slowly Kim turns to the other women and hostess, “this was a wonderful party, and the wince was delicious, i do hope you throw another party soon, and if you can do invite the cow in the pool i would love to talk with her privately again”. Kim starts to swagger to the exit , she looks in the pool at Gloria, “see ya around little girl”.

Kim leaves and Gloria finally exits the pool dresses again as she cries ashamed and hurries out as other women chuckle at how badly she lost.

The End


Offline TexFan1

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Re: A Fine Milk
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2024, 02:09:38 AM »
Thanks for this.  Glad to see you are still giving us stories.  Really enjoy the adventures of Pam and looking forward to more.  Thanks for letting us know there will be another.


Offline Titfight_fan67

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Re: A Fine Milk
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2024, 06:55:10 AM »
As always a great story


Offline Bustyannette

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Re: A Fine Milk
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2024, 04:50:33 AM »
love the story,,,, feel like i was there   


Offline Rocko23

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Re: A Fine Milk
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2024, 12:42:37 AM »
A really good and hot story. Thank you.