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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation

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Offline Becky Sunshine

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I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« on: May 26, 2024, 11:55:41 PM »
I Am A Queen, Not A Princess!

Part 3 of 7: Initiation

By Becky Sunshine

Magdalene had been the reigning victorious queen for generations…

But I was something new she could neither expect nor fathom.

Generation after Generation, one thing was sure,“The Initiation” weeded out most of the young women easily because if for any reason you retreated from the Queen’s  tongue’s torture and got off The Royal Bed your contest was suddenly over.

In fact if you passed this test and went on to an actual match with The High Queen herself if either of you fell off the large circular bed onto the floor, you forfeited the match.

Even if you were the reigning queen, it did not matter.

My first test consisted of a sexual torture to the  body of the challenger by the reigning queen for a certain amount of time using her obscenely long serpentine tongue, I would not be allowed to fight back I simply had to endure her dominance of me to prove I was worthy to challenge her.

There is no place to run and no place to hide from a queen’s tongue in her huge circular bed. A tongue that curves up into a hook on its sharply tapered and pointed tip. I knew all about hers because it was just like my own. And if I could get past my initial ordeal I planned to thoroughly use it on her and take my revenge for the suffering I was about to experience..

Now I was about to try to endure an ordeal of both torture and pleasure only a royal queen can dish out.

If I passed “The Initiation” by not cumming for The High Queen, then and only then woul I have  proven myself worthy and then become a Queen of Lesbia myself.

I will receive lands, wealth, and servants appropriate to my new station. Most wise women settle for this coveted position and never go on to challenge High Queen Magdalene and risk losing everything only  to lose and to become her royal sex slave.

But for me it was only a stepping stone to bring me to my ultimate goal of sexfighting Evil Queen Magdalen for The High Throne Of Lesiba itself.

But first I must pass my initiation from Royal Princess to Royal Queen..

For only a Queen may challenge The High Queen, whether she is a Queen of some foreign land or a Queen of Lesbia.

There had never, over her long reign, been any woman who tried to wrest the crown from Magdalene who did not spend the rest of her life on her  leash or if she tired of her her fate would be the gruesome slave pit. To fight other women like animals for her cruel enjoyment.

Or to be sold as a Lesbian Queen Slave, a treasure beyond price to evil men. Rich ruthless males would pay a Queen’s ransom to have a Lesbian Queen to fuck and abuse.

To fall into the hands of evil men to be raped, molested, and abused by them, then sold once again after they tired of you and your looks were all gone.

If you are woman enough to pass the The Initiation, and there are few who ever are, you will be given a gold tiara as a crown for your great achievement and welcomed  into the queendom as an equal peer.

It shows that you are a woman of great character and endurance, You will be widely respected by all who also know how to endure and rule wisely.

However the Crown of The High Queen, The Crown of Lesbia, even after your first crowning was far far from your grasp and Queen Magdalene jealousy coveted it.

Yes your first crown would be won if you passed The Initiation. Stop there and your place at court would be assured as a Queen of Lesbia from that moment onward for the rest of your life and so you would live out your days in luxury and splendor.

But I am already a Princess in line for my family's throne and I already have a life full of luxury and splendor.




If I wanted to rule the nation my ordeal was to duel The Reigning Queen by the  trial of the 3 royal sexfights. Lose twice and you were the queen’s slave forever!

Win twice and you dethrone the evil Matriarch and become The New High Queen with her as your new royal slave!

Yes, fighting for The High Throne was serious business. You must be willing to risk everything and put your life and your freedom on the line to prove you are the greatest woman in the land and worthy to be The High Queen Of Lesbia.

Many great champions had tried but no one had ever succeeded before.

But first I must be tested to see if I am fit to be a Queen by The High Queen herself with all her erotic arts and skill.

If she makes me cum in the time allotted I must go back home in shame and disgrace.

But if I don’t cum for her in the allotted time I will become a new Queen and have the right to challenge High Queen Magdalene for The High Throne itself.

It is my most fervent desire and my life’s goal to dethrone her and ascend and become the new Matriarch of my beloved nation. All my training has led up to this moment and my ordeal,, “The Initiation”, is about to start.

In this  first test of initiation into the royal fold of The Queens Of Lesbia, it is my choice whether my ordeal will be an erotic attack on my breasts or an attack on my vagina by The Queen’s Wicked Tongue. I chose to set my large 36DD cup breasts against all of her tongue and mouth’s skill during the allotted time of  testing.

Now I am laying in the large round royal bed with her, in the royal bedchamber, with all the Queens Of Lesbia gathered in large wooden chairs all around the great bed. They will all be witnesses to what transpires today.

At last I have arrived at the beginning of my journey to fulfill my destiny to become The High Queen of Lesbia.

All these Royal Ladies who have also passed “The Initiation” before me sit with circlets of gold upon their heads around the great round bed. Proper Queens as witnesses to this and all my trials to come.

Of course, the Lesbian Queen’s Guard were represented and were fully armed. No one would be allowed to enter, exit, or stop this sensual test once it began.  No one could ever come in or go out as long as any royal contest was taking place.

And so we were finally face to face.

In the flesh.

The High Queen of Lesbia and I.

At first she looked even more beautiful and stronger than I had imagined.

Yes at 41 she is still beautiful and clearly a strong powerful regal lady.

A woman very much still in her prime.

Her hair is shimmering black and she has a lovely olive complexion which contrasts with my own fine white porcelain skin and my honey colored hair.

Her eyes are brightest blue whereas mine are sea green with golden flecks throughout them.

Like me she has a voluptuous body with large heavy breasts that can crush another worthy pair to mush in The Royal Titgight. Which is only one of the 3 contests that must be fought to win the throne from her.

Her hips are broad, wide, and full. They look very powerful. I have seen all her recorded victories and she is a mighty tribber. I must be wary that she does not trib me down beneath her in The Royal Tribadism Contest, which is another of the 3 contests, 2 of which must be won to gain the throne and keep your freedom.

Her body is very toned and fit. Her chest is 38C whereas my own is 36DD. She is a bit larger than me at 5’8'' and 145 lbs compared to me at 5’6” and 135 lbs. She is taller yet I am stockier. I feel if we go muscle to muscle, body to body, tit to tit, I can take her. I'm a very thick girl, with plenty of tits and ass,  and I'm very strong.

We both are wrestlers. She’s a real pro, but so am I. I’ve fought all the way up the ranks from amateur to now being the pro champ just to get her. She has defended her throne successfully from all takers. I think The Royal Sex Wrestling contest will be very tough and very close. It could probably go either way. We both have similar builds and similar size and though she weighs a little more than me I am younger and probably more agile.

As I lay in the bed with her now she has a sensual allure and is a temptation that some evil women managed to cultivate, even though she is completely corrupt and evil.  Somehow she makes that sexy.

I am a pure girl with a pure heart. I stand for truth and good. Love and kindness. My beauty is wholesome, both coveted and hated by evil.

Magdalene is very seductive. I can see in her eyes she wants to taste my feminine, strong, young pure flesh and to seduce, enslave, then to utterly corrupt me to her will.

She is lusting for me towards this evil end.

There can be no doubt that she is royalty any more than there can be any doubt of my own pedigree.

But I think at her age I can find some chinks in her armor. 

Her eyes are on me now. Hungry bright blue eyes, already full of anger and lust, contrasting with my own beautiful green

In her eyes I see her  jealousy and hatred of my youth and perfect young female form. Yes she is full of jealousy, and enormous pride. My perfect young body is an affront to her pride because though still beautiful time has placed lines upon her regal face and gravity has had some slight effect on her beautiful heavy tits.

Now she seethes with anger at me as we look deeply into each other's eyes. Angry that yet another younger woman has come to challenge her and question her authority.

You can learn so much about a person by looking deeply into her eyes. I see jealousy and lust now in hers for my generous full curves. My 36DD-24-36 perfect hourglass figure whose shape she can no longer match.

Lust for my youth.

Lust for the perfection of form my body has that is her’s no longer.

Yet she is still mighty and strong, but now I, a superior beauty, lay beside her in the arena of The Dominant Queen’s Bed.  An invader in her most sacred territory. One she fought for and won 20 years ago when she was the same age that I am now. A fact that is not lost on her.

The wicked Queen and I are finally face to face.

In my heart I know I have prepared and been bred to be better and stronger than her.

In my heart there are no doubts that I am “The Better Woman”

I am completely confident that I am more than a match for her and I showed it.

I could see it in her eyes now, she sensed there was something different about me. I have the classic beauty of the women of ancient times. Curvaceous with a proud countenance and bearing suited to rule.

She is just starting to understand who and what I am now that we were face to face.

We tested each other’s will with our eyes as we lay on the bed together. After what seemed an eternity I saw her blink ever so slightly and I must confess a wry smile appeared at the corners of my mouth.

Had she heard the rumors about me which had of late been whispered in royal circles I wondered?

She must have known the official record of my never losing one match as I sliced through all the other contenders for her throne.

Those rumors that I possessed new and different magical skills and spells previously unknown to this isle. Skills a learned Mistress from the Orient had taught to me and me alone.

But she held all the cards for our first meeting. I still had to prove my self control and worthiness to challenge her for the throne. It would be the supreme test of endurance of my entire life so far.

She was eager and ready to put me through the ordeal I must master.

Once past the first test as far as being warriors were concerned I would become her equal.

But that is not why I am here…

My intention is to become her Mistress and pay her back for all the misery and suffering she has caused our people.

She can both see my confident smile and feel my eyes cast condescendingly upon her now, looking her up and down with disdain. Letting her understand that I know she is inferior to me.

I want her to hate me and I want to feel the full might of her power released upon me so the songs that will be sung about me will bear witness to my utter domination of all the greatness she can muster.

I wanted my rise to the throne to be something that will be remembered for all the days to come.

A battle where the greatest monarch in a nation's history was cast down and enslaved by a stronger young lioness. A lioness who will ttake from her The Pride Of Lesbia.. Those elite women of royal rank who are warriors of both martial fighting and supreme erotic skills. The very Queens who now encircled the royal bed as witnesses.

I have been trained by the absolutely best sexfight instructor. Sensei Kimiko, who was not only a martial artist but also a Lesbian Geisha. She was the first instructor to immigrate to Lesbia from Japan.

There is so much mystery which shrouds my Japanese Sensei and the strange arts she possessed and taught to me. I have learned all her secret knowledge she so freely gave to me and me alone. Some believed they might include an element of new magic not seen in Lesbia ever before. 

Magdalene knew if this were true it would make me the rarest of opponents.

Only once in a lifetime would a Lesbian Geisha teach a worthy novice all her secrets and prepare her to rule a nation of supreme feminine beauty, honor, and power. I was that beauty and I was prepared to rule.

As I mused about all these things and my confidence continued to rise, we continued to stare eye to eye. Then I saw a moment of doubt in her eyes and she finally blinked.


My smile must have gotten wider as her face reddened..

But as she thought of what would happen to me if she won the ordeal ahead she returned my smile to me with her own growing confidence. She knew as far as women who try to pass this test go that the odds were in her favor.

If I failed this test I would be forced to live in shame knowing I had lost my one chance to dethrone the evil woman I had first loved and admired as a girl, then hated and lusted for as a woman for so long!

It seemed like it had taken an eternity to arrive here but finally here I lay The High Queen.

After this test I planned to show her many new things my teacher had hoarded, if perchance such a young woman as I became her protegee, and give them all freely to me.

I remembered my training and how to control my body and my emotions.

I would not fail.

I would not fall to this “royal has been”.

I would pass this test and then I would deliver my challenge to her face to face. It would then  be mine by right.

I am a very curvy woman. My breasts are young, full, and ripe.

I knew my initiation will consist of the tongue rape of them by the queen. And it is said the queen has a very wicked tongue indeed. Long and serpentine. Able to flick flick flick not only upwards but downwards in a double stroke as well.

Just like my own she idid have this “queens tongue” and she had devoured an untold number of challengers with it. But soon, I thought to myself, I would be using mine on her.

I could see now in her eyes that she thought I was a young upstart of lovely woman flesh for her to take and make her own. Already she was making plans for the unspeakable acts I must perform on her in this very bed if I went on to challenge her for The High Throne.

The Royal Bed was a place of victory or defeat. A lasting memory and a constant reminder.

She was underestimating me.

Good I thought, let her.

Once this torture I must endure was over I will show this other woman how much woman I really am.

More woman than she has ever fought before!

Certainly more woman than her!

But first the test…

For five minutes I must allow her to have her way with my breasts. She could drive me insane or drive me out of her bed. Either would mean my defeat.

Then suddenly the first bell sounded and the reality of the situation suddenly dawned upon me.

At last it was here,

It was now.

“Come here little kitten and experience the unrivaled power and majesty of a queen cougar such as you have never met before.” she said condescendingly

I jutted my chest out to her and confidently said “It is you who will feel my power in this very bed Magdalene, and I don’t think a woman your age can endure it.”

She was now 41 and I was 21 but she was a woman still in her prime and we both knew it regardless of what was said between us.

 She had herself taken The High Thrown at age 21 as I intended to.

She began to unbutton my blouse one button at a time. It must have seemed like an eternity to her and she anxiously waited to see how I was made. What type of titties would I have? How were my nipples shaped and made?

One button...


now Three.

Her keen interest was visible on her face, that hunger for young perfect woman flesh was increasing more and more inside her.

Four buttons…


“Come here little one and let me feast on all that power you are always boasting of…” she cooed

Then I laughed at her open desire for me and the way she could no longer make a pretense to conceal it.

I removed my own blouse and profoundly stuck my enormous breasts out in a challenge to her lust and skill. I was ready to take any torture she could dish out. I had been thoroughly trained in all the lesbian arts. I knew my business.

The second bell rang and she pounced, pushing me backwards and down flat on my back. I had intended to proudly endure my torture upright or on my elbows but she denied me this dignity.

Then I felt her power for the first time. Her lips clamped down on my left nipple, the sensitive one, how she knew I had no idea but she did.

As she sucked so forcefully I could feel my thick pink nipple elongating. My entire wide round areola was taken into her mouth. With her hand she pawed me and sucked as a cat paws and sucks its mother.

I felt the demon queen drawing my power and strength from me with her own dark sorcery. .

This was to be expected.

My breasts were large and full of powerful magical energy and lifeforce.

This is what she craved and she meant to take and weaken or cripple me before the initiation would be finished, so I could not continue with my plan to utterly dethrone and humiliate her.

Casting her down the mightiest queen that ever ruled our realm to a piece of property for me to own and lend to my Princess sisters to enjoy and humiliate unceasingly.

She squeezed my tit so skillfully to milk me of my power and strength. I resisted strongly and felt a sudden relief as she disengaged her hot mouth from me, she had been unable to take any more power from me that way.

“For every attack there is a counter and a cure," I heard my Sensei say in my mind.

She stared at me, and I knew she thought I would be cowering and covering myself by now.

To become sullen and introverted, but she did not know me at all

I gazed into her eyes defiantly as a regal proud woman warrior of Lesbia..

Then I smiled at her, sat up big, strong, and tall with my chest pushed out proudly and erotically,

I shrugged my right shoulder inviting her to come for my right breast now. I was more than ready for her this time.

When she saw my smile her lust momentarily abated but her anger grew. This was good I thought, because I am a sturdy young wench, built to out fuck a royal queen in her own bed.

As I stared proudly at her with my big chest stuck out to her, her anger became mingled with sudden fear and I realized she finally knew “physically” I could out fuck her in her own royal bed.

Then there was sudden panic in her eyes which betrayed her thoughts of”


Never had she yet met someone as equally physically gifted as herself.

She had always had that physical advantage and was always the bully of any contest.

On her face was the realization that all that had changed. She must do me in now during the initiation so I would not have the chance to duel with her woman to woman and fem vs fem.

Now she didn’t look so condescending. Now she was not so proud.

Here was a young woman who had no fear of her despite her record, reign, and reputation.

Here for the first time was a worthy challenger…


She had only one last chance to take all of this away from me.

Slowly she approached my breast this time.


She placed her palm under my right tit and gave it a little bounce. Testing it for weight. Secretly comparing it with her own and hating what the ravages of time and battle had done to her mammaries.

She slowly bent down to breast level. She lifted my right tit to mouth and out came her sensual serpent..

Her Queen’s Tongue!!!

The greatest royal weapon of sensuality and power any woman can ever possess!!

 It was the sister of my own tongue…

Thick and wide at the base, then tapering sharply down to a very dangerous point….

Like a scapula….

And it was very long and serpentine…

It was her love muscle, her greatest weapon,  and she was a queen who knew how to use it!!!

I held my breath and waited. It seemed like an eternity. And then I felt her.

Her hot flame traced my right areola. Around and around she went. I gasped at her serpent's touch and almost lost my breath and my composure.

Around and around and around that hot pointy fleshy weapon enticed me. Filling me with pleasure and the anticipation of my nipple being sucked. But the pleasure didn’t come as it was supposed to.

Instead she continued to torture me. Around and around and around…


then counter clockwise.

So close to my thick now engorged nipple that I could feel the heat of her magical tongue..

And it burned me!!!!!!!!!

It was filled with magical dominant power built up from defeating countless challengers before me.

Despite my building anticipation of the normal pleasure of being sucked that follows such a teasing erotic act, the pleasure still did not come.

I became conscious that my panties were soaked with my own sweet juices. It occurred to me that she might be draining all my cum and my power from me by keeping me in a clenched tense state of anticipation.

She continued to edge me so close. It was a tactic I often used.

Was she preparing me to gush all my power into her waiting mouth the moment she gave my nipple the sucking it so thoroughly deserved and desired?

I thought to myself “I am in trouble” and at that very moment, as if she knew, she sucked my aching nipple into her hot wet mouth and began to suck me like an animal!


I felt the relief of all the anticipation and tension melting away.

I was experiencing an almost indescribable amount of pleasure. She knew her business.

The magical power was flowing uncontrolled out of me now and into her.

She was intent on overpowering my will with hers.

She sucked me wickedly, this demon queen.

I was trying so hard not to cum, then my juices ran down my ass, and it momentarily shook my confidence.

Against my own will I grabbed her head and pulled her to my breast.

She was giving me so much pleasure, after enduring so much teasing, pain, and distress,

She was irresistible to me now!!!

It was maddening and perhaps that was her intent. To drive me mad. She had done it before to other’s many times.

My arms started to shake as I realized what I had done and I tried to pull her away from my breast.

My body had betrayed me for the sensual pleasure she was exchanging for the pain and torment she had inflicted.

I began to shake,

I didn’t know how much longer I could stave off the orgasm she had been building inside me by clenching.

I knew there was nothing I could do,

I was going to cum for her.

With her great skill this queen was ravaging my young tender ripe breast in a way that caused me to have a deep desire for her and her pleasure giving skills.

And with that realization a wave of hate and renewed power and determination came over me!!!

I slowed my breathing,

deep breaths,



just as Sensei had taught me….

Seeing her advantage start to slip away she poured out all her erotic pleasure giving breast skills on me now!

Suck suck suck…

Flick flick flick…

Around the areola we go again

Then worst of all an expertly placed nibble pinch…


I fought her for control.

It was touch and go….

If I could only touch her smaller tits, or her dripping vagina,  if I could just fight back!!

But this was The Initiation!

This was a test of endurance to see if I were fit to be a queen and fit to fight a queen!!!

I gained my composure only to have it taken away with a different attack!

She was switching things up so fast it was hard to respond defensively…

“SHE IS AN EVIL cxnt!!!!”  I thought



And then…

The 3rd bell rang and my ordeal was finally at its end!!!

Now I was also a worthy Queen!!!!!.

And now she had tasted the power which burned inside my great white breasts.

She had taken the bait and I knew she would make any sacrifice in an attempt to feast on more of my magical love potion and power.

She had tasted my power and it was strong, young, and sweet.

Now she knew what lived in my breasts, my sensual magic and power, and it was greater than her own and so she lusted greedily for more of it.

She had tasted pure womanhood for the first time in her life. “I will have her on her knees before me when I’m done” I thought to myself.

But there was more to The Dominant Queen besides her hunger and lust for my youth, power, and beauty..

She was still a mighty woman and strong.

But with that thought another entered my mind.

One that carried more weight and with even greater conviction.




My test is over now.

It is time for my reward.

I smiled at her condescendingly and her face reddened again. I thought her head would explode.

Finally she could hold my victorious gaze no longer and only looked down and gritted her teeth in defeat.

Then unexpectedly, her own favorite handmaiden, who was also her favorite lover (and for good cause) came to me with a beautiful golden circlet on a red velvet pillow which I had earned at the queen's expense.

It was the first crown I had earned, on my way to completing my utter dominance of this angry woman warrior.

It cost her much.

Soon it would cost her more than either she or I had expected…

The beautiful young maiden had a look of pure admiration for me in her eyes for she truly knew Madalene’s power more than anyone else, having felt the brunt of her anger and lust many times.

She set the pillow on the bed on which I was still kneeling, took the golden circlet in her hands and lightly placed it on my head.

Then she bent her head to mine and gave me a most pleasurable passionate long kiss.

The kiss was optional.

Upon seeing her favorite handmaiden do this to me, Queen Magdalene’s raging anger was hot.

But the ceremony was not over so she must endure it. The Queen’s Guard Barred even the Queen’s way out of The Royal Bedchamber.

That’s when I gave Magdalene my most regal smile.

A smile of confidence and of victory.

And that’s when The Dominant Queen in a rage pushed her guards aside and  ran out of The Queen’s Chamber, pulling an ancient tapestry down angrily as she left.

In that moment I was “The Dominant Queen” and now one of my prizes for winning was to be pleasured by her favorite handmaiden, Cherie, who was of french lineage and who loved french kissing just as I do. We would spend many hours using only our tongues in each other’s mouths and our tongues on tongues outside each other’s mouths trying to make each other cum with no vaginal stimulation. A skill Sensei and Mistress Kimiko had already taught me.

We both were so good at it that we made each other cum again and again just by kissing.

That night after my ordeal was finally over, it was customary if one passed The Initiation and defeated the Queen's erotic arts and skills to be allowed to use The Queen's Bedchamber and all her servants as a reward and acknowledgment that a new Victorious Queen had been born.

Sweet Cheri was eating my pussy most expertly to relieve all my pent up lust, and I could not help but notice what a pretty little thing she was there naked in the Queen’s Bed with me,

Her red pussy hair was shining brightly in the firelight.

I thought her red haired pussy was most attractive.

She gladly and expertly gave me multiple orgasms with her talented French tongue.
At last my lust was satiated.

I lay back upon The Queen’s Bed and to my surprise she was soon on my shoulder. Her pretty long red hair draped over one of my breasts. It was soft and delightful.

I felt content.

“Soon I might have this all for my own, every night!!!” I thought to myself

“When you are The High Queen Of Lesbia will you keep me?” she asked in anticipation with a pretty smile on her face.

“I promise it will be so…..” I whispered and kissed her tenderly

Then we began to cuddle. She was curvy like me, she was soft and I found her to be a delicious unexpected incentive to take her from her Mistress.

But in fact, she was already mine…

End Part 3.
Please be aware I'm definitely a Queen, not a Princess...


Offline YuriLesboLover

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2024, 04:56:55 PM »
Nice to see someone who likes oral as much as I do. Love what I’m seeing and can’t wait for more.


Offline Becky Sunshine

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2024, 09:57:17 PM »
Nice to see someone who likes oral as much as I do. Love what I’m seeing and can’t wait for more.

Oh I really do

Thanks for your encouragement Yuri

My numbers on this series have not been very good.
Please be aware I'm definitely a Queen, not a Princess...


Offline StefanieKTX

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2024, 03:19:20 PM »
I'm enjoying the series, but this chapter was less my thing than the others. I'm looking forward to the real competition... Please don't be discouraged by the response. Some of us do appreciate your efforts!


Offline Becky Sunshine

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2024, 11:43:28 PM »
I'm enjoying the series, but this chapter was less my thing than the others. I'm looking forward to the real competition... Please don't be discouraged by the response. Some of us do appreciate your efforts!

Thanks Stefanie :)
Please be aware I'm definitely a Queen, not a Princess...


Offline Cathrin_sexfights

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Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2024, 10:19:12 PM »
will there be more?

Re: I Am A Queen, Not A Princess! Part 3 of 7: Initiation
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2024, 05:03:55 AM »

"I became conscious that my panties were soaked with my own sweet juices."

I believe that says it all! 

Please continue.

