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Hedgerow Hijinks/ The Suburban Showdown"

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Hedgerow Hijinks/ The Suburban Showdown"
« on: July 25, 2024, 05:43:12 AM »
Here another story involving Alice. enjoy....

Hedgerow Hijinks/ The Suburban Showdown"

The morning sun baked the sidewalks of Maplewood Lane, casting a warm glow on the meticulously manicured lawns. The scent of freshly cut grass filled the air, hinting at the quiet battles waged beneath the veneer of suburban tranquility. In one such corner, a sleek black sports car purred to a stop in front of a house with gleaming white shutters and a perfectly edged garden. Rachel, a 40-year-old ex-military with an athletic build, stepped out of the car, her muscles rippling under her sleeveless tank top. She stretched her arms overhead, her breasts bouncing gently against the fabric.

Alice, 62 but looking at least a decade younger, paused in her meticulous hedge trimming. Her eyes narrowed as she took in Rachel's figure. Rachel's breasts, while smaller than Alice's, were high and firm, a testament to her strict workout regimen. On the other hand, Alice had invested in the finest silicone enhancements money could buy, giving her a look that could turn heads at the beach. Despite the differences in their assets, both women knew that it was all about appearance in the cutthroat world of neighborhood politics.

The rivalry between the two had been simmering for months, ever since Rachel had moved in with her three rowdy teenagers. Alice, the self-appointed neighborhood watchdog, had instantly disliked Rachel's casual disregard for the community's stringent rules. Rachel, for her part, found Alice's perfectionism suffocating. The tension grew with each unmowed lawn and un-pruned bush Rachel ignored, each a silent declaration of her independence from the neighborhood's stifling standards.

Alice watched Rachel's jogging routine with a mix of envy and disdain. Rachel's natural grace and youthful energy were a stark contrast to her own meticulously maintained beauty. The former military woman's confidence was arresting, as if the air around her was charged with it. Every stride Rachel took was a challenge to Alice's carefully constructed dominance, and every time Rachel's sports bra failed to contain her breasts fully, it was a reminder that no matter how much Alice worked out, she couldn't replicate Rachel's youth.

The rivalry had begun innocently enough, with passive-aggressive notes about lawn clippings and overhanging branches. But as Rachel's popularity grew among the other neighbors, Alice felt her grip on the neighborhood slipping. Rachel's casual charm and can-do attitude made her the go-to for neighborhood watch and block parties. The whispers of admiration grew louder, and Alice's resentment grew with each compliment Rachel received.

One evening, as Rachel returned from her daily run, her breath coming in short, rhythmic bursts, Alice couldn't resist. She called out, her voice laden with feigned sweetness, "Dear, I noticed your lawn looks a bit fuzzy. Would you like me to recommend a landscaping service?" Rachel, barely breaking stride, shot her a grin and quipped, "Thanks, Alice, but I like it wild. It's more natural." The smirk on Rachel's face as she disappeared into her house was like a dagger to Alice's carefully curated image.

The next day, Alice upped the ante. As Rachel set up for a garage sale, Alice brought out her pristine, antique teak lawn furniture for an impromptu tea party. The juxtaposition of Rachel's second-hand knick-knacks and Alice's opulent display was deliberate. The whispers grew to murmurs, and Rachel felt the heat of the competition for the first time. But Rachel was no pushover. She had faced down more formidable opponents than a petty neighborhood squabble. She decided to host her event, a block party that would outshine any gathering Alice had ever thrown.

For weeks, Rachel worked tirelessly. Her military precision and organizational skills were fully displayed as she coordinated the event. The invitations were simple but elegant, and the menu was a fusion of gourmet dishes and comfort food that would appeal to all. The night of the party, Rachel's house was a beacon of light and laughter, the sound of music and chatter spilling into the night. Watching from her perfectly manicured lawn, Alice felt a twinge of something she hadn't felt in years: inadequacy. Rachel had thrown a flawless event with the entire neighborhood in its thrall.

But Alice was a woman who had faced the ravages of time and came out on top. She wasn't about to let Rachel beat her without a fight. The following week, she began her counter-offensive. She organized a series of neighborhood beautification projects, ensuring that her own house was the gleaming centerpiece. Each day, Rachel would come home to find another part of the street transformed, the natural chaos of her yard looking more and more out of place. Alice's influence spread, and even Rachel’s closest allies soon participated in her initiatives.

Alice thinks to herself maybe it's time to step it well up a notch as she works out in the gym, feeling the burn in her muscles as she lifts heavier weights than ever before.

Alice, at 62, still could take down most women half her age. Looking at herself in the gym mirror, why not invite her over and find out Rachel’s true colors? Rachel had always been so confident, so sure of herself; it was unnerving. But Alice knew that if she could somehow best Rachel in a physical challenge, she could regain the upper hand.

The opportunity presented itself when Rachel's eldest son, a skinny teen with a mop of hair, accidentally kicked a soccer ball over Alice's fence. Alice marched over, ball in hand, and found Rachel elbow-deep in motor oil in the garage. Rachel looked up, wiping her hands on a greasy rag. "Hi, Alice," she said, her voice dripping with forced pleasantry. "I'll send Alex to grab that."

"No need," Alice replied with a smug smile. "I thought we could have a little... chat." Rachel's eyes narrowed, but she nodded. "Sure, what's up?"

Alice tossed the soccer ball in the air, catching it with a practiced ease that belied her age. "I've noticed you've been getting quite cozy with the neighborhood, Rachel," she said, her voice as smooth as honey. "I mean, your block party was quite the spectacle." Rachel's hand paused on the engine part she was about to reattach, but she said nothing. "It's just," Alice continued, "I've been wondering if you're up for a friendly competition."

Rachel wiped her hands and stood up, her eyes never leaving Alice's. "What did you have in mind?"

Alice's smile grew more calculated. "How about a little athletic challenge?" she suggested. " Just between you and me. I have some wrestling mats I could put in my backyard.” Rachel’s eyes lit up with curiosity. What kind of competition?"

"Wrestling," Alice said. "A little throwback to our high school days. Just a few rounds to see who's still got it." Rachel's eyebrows shot up, but she couldn't hide the spark of excitement in her eyes. "You're on," she said, her voice steady despite the sudden acceleration of her heartbeat.

The day of the challenge arrived, and the anticipation in the neighborhood was palpable. Word had spread like wildfire, and even the most stoic neighbors couldn't resist peeking over their fences to glimpse the unfolding drama. Alice had transformed her basement into a makeshift wrestling arena, complete with a scoreboard and a table of snacks that would put any PTA bake sale to shame. Ever the sport, Rachel had invited a few of her closest allies to cheer her on.

The two women faced each other on the mats, Alice in a leotard accentuating her sculpted physique and Rachel in shorts and a sports bra barely containing her natural assets. They circled, sizing each other up, and Alice took the first shot, trying to catch Rachel off-guard. Rachel deftly dodged and countered, her years of military training evident in every swift move. The match was evenly matched, with each woman trying to outdo the other in strength and agility. The air was thick with tension and the smell of sweat as they grappled, their breaths coming in harsh gasps.

The crowd of neighbors watched in a mix of shock and awe, whispering to each other about who would come out on top. Rachel's teenagers cheered her on while Alice's more mature admirers clapped politely, their eyes glued to the display of power and grace. As the minutes ticked by, it became clear that this wasn't just a friendly spar but a battle for the title of neighborhood queen. Each time Rachel managed to pin Alice down, she felt a surge of victory, but Alice's determination was unyielding. With a grunt, she'd push Rachel off, and the fight would continue.

Alice noticed that one of her beautiful puppies was almost out of the leotard. She smirks and decides to use it to her advantage. Rachel, however, is not easily distracted; her eyes never leave Alice’s. Rachel’s son Alex, noticing the tension, whispers to his friends, "This is gonna be good."

Their bodies locked in a fierce embrace, the two women struggled for dominance, their muscles straining against each other. Rachel's breasts jostled with each move, but she ignored the discomfort, focusing solely on the task at hand. On the other hand, Alice felt annoyed that Rachel's natural endowments seemed to hold their own against her augmented ones. Rachel's strength was surprising, and Alice found herself rethinking her strategy.

Suddenly, Rachel managed to flip Alice over, sending her onto her back with a thud. Rachel's eyes gleamed with triumph, and she leaned down, her breasts dangerously close to Alice's face. "Looks like you're not the only one who's still got it, Alice," Rachel taunted, her voice laced with exertion. Alice's cheeks flushed with anger, and she summoned all her strength, pushing Rachel off and flipping her over in one swift move. Rachel's breath hitched, and the crowd gasped.

The two women were now both on their backs, breathing heavily and ragged. Rachel's eyes searched Alice's, and for a moment, there was a flicker of something other than rivalry—perhaps admiration or even respect. But it was fleeting, as Alice took advantage of Rachel's momentary distraction to wrap her legs around Rachel's waist and squeeze. Rachel grunted and tried to wriggle free, but Alice's grip was like a vice.

The crowd grew tense, the whispers turning into hushed cheers as Rachel managed to roll them both over, reversing the hold. Alice's face contorted with the effort of trying to break free, her enhanced breasts bouncing with each movement. Rachel leaned in, her voice low and intense. "Alice, this isn't just about who's got the best body. It's about who's got the heart to back it up." Alice's eyes flashed angrily, and she bucked with renewed vigor, pushing Rachel onto her side.

Their bodies tangled together, a dance of power and agility. Rachel's arm slipped around Alice's neck, applying pressure in a chokehold. Alice's eyes widened, her grip on Rachel's waist tightening. Rachel's face remained calm, her training keeping her focus sharp. Alice's breath grew raspy, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red. Rachel's supporters shouted encouragement while Alice's small group of friends watched with bated breath, fearing their leader's defeat.

With a sudden burst of strength, Alice broke free, sending Rachel rolling across the mat. Rachel's sports bra had shifted, and for a moment, one of her breasts was exposed. The crowd murmured, but Rachel was unfazed. She was used to the chaos of combat and knew the importance of not letting a momentary distraction get the best of her. She quickly repositioned herself and lunged at Alice again, their bodies colliding with a thud.

The wrestling match had turned into a full-blown battle of wills; each woman was determined to prove her superiority. Rachel's military training gave her an edge in strategy, while Alice's years of discipline and vanity made her a force to be reckoned with in sheer determination. They rolled across the mats, their bodies a blur of muscle and sweat. Rachel managed to get on top of Alice again, her muscular thighs pinning Alice's arms to the mat. Alice felt a surge of panic—she hadn't expected Rachel to be this good.

Looking for any way to regain control, Alice grabs Rachel’s right leg. With a quick reaction, Rachel lifts her leg up and over Alice's neck to trap her in a headlock. Rachel's breasts, now free from the confines of her sports bra, bob in the air as she applies more pressure. The crowd gasps, and Rachel's children exchange proud smiles. Rachel whispers in Alice's ear, "You're not so perfect now, are you?" Alice grits her teeth, feeling the heat from Rachel's body and the unforgiving grip on her neck.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Alice bucks her hips, throwing Rachel off balance. Rachel's grip loosens, and Alice slips out, rolling to her feet. She takes a moment to regain her composure, smoothing down her leotard and adjusting her breasts. Rachel stands up, too, a smirk playing on her lips. "You're not so bad for an old lady," she says, her tone light but her eyes glinting with competitive fire. Alice's eyes flash with anger. Rachel's words had hit a nerve.

Rachel looked at Alice. “ Why don’t we fight topless? That's what  brought all your friends here anyway." Rachel says with a smirk as she removes her sports bra, letting her substantial breasts bounce free. The crowd gasps, and Rachel’s teenage son, Alex, blushes and quickly leaves the room, muttering something about needing a drink. Rachel's friends cheer her on, and Alice's face turns red with embarrassment and anger. Rachel's breasts were smaller, but they were natural and bounced with an authenticity that Alice couldn't match. Rachel's confidence was like a slap in the face, a stark reminder that Alice's beauty was not entirely hers.

The room grew hotter, the air thick with the scent of sweat and the electricity of unspoken tension. Rachel's breasts swayed slightly as she stepped closer to Alice, her eyes never leaving hers. Alice felt the pressure to perform, to prove that her beauty wasn't just bought and paid for. With a huff, she followed Rachel's lead, pulling her leotard over her head. The crowd's reaction was mixed—some gawked, others clapped politely, but all watched with bated breath. Rachel's bare breasts were indeed more petite, but they were high and firm, a testament to her fitness and youth.

Alice looked at Rachel. "OK, bitch let's finish this and give them a show they never forget."

With their breasts now bare, Rachel and Alice faced each other in the makeshift wrestling ring. Rachel's were a perfect handful, with tight pink areolas and perky nipples that stood erect from the chill of the air. On the other hand, Alice’s were more prominent, rounder, and artificially enhanced to perfection. Despite Rachel's confidence, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of inadequacy next to Alice's voluptuous figure. But Rachel knew that in a real fight, it wasn't the size of the assets that mattered but the strength of the woman behind them.

The crowd grew quiet; the only sounds were the heavy breathing of the two women and the occasional murmur of excitement from the neighbors. Rachel's friends chanted her name, while Alice's supporters were equally vocal. The tension was on fire as Rachel and Alice circled each other, their eyes locked in a silent challenge. Rachel knew she had to end this now before Alice had a chance to recover from her surprise move.

With a swiftness that belied her age, Alice lunged at Rachel, aiming for her midsection. Rachel anticipated the move and twisted to the side, grabbing Alice's arm and twisting it behind her back. Alice gasped in pain, but Rachel didn't let up. She bent Alice's arm further, her breasts pressing against Rachel's firm abs. Rachel's grip was like iron, and Alice could feel Rachel's strength as she tried to break free. Rachel leaned in, her voice a low growl. "You think you can buy respect, Alice? It's earned, not bought."

Alice, fueled by pride and pain, managed to wrench her arm free and pushed Rachel away with a snarl. The two women stood there, chests heaving, their bare breasts bouncing with the effort. Rachel's confidence was unshaken, her breasts moving freely with each breath, while Alice's implants remained unnaturally still. Rachel took a step back, her eyes scanning the yard, looking for anything she could use to her advantage. Her gaze fell on the table of snacks, and a wicked idea formed in her mind.

With a swift move, Rachel dashed for the table, her breasts bobbing with each step. Alice followed, her eyes narrowed in determination. Rachel grabbed a handful of jelly beans and tossed them into the air, catching Alice off guard. The candies rained down on them, sticking to their sweat-slicked bodies. Rachel laughed, a wild, uninhibited sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of Alice's composure. "You think you're so much better than us, right?” Rachel taunted, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Let's see if you can keep up with the rest of us."

Alice's grip on her pride was slipping, and Rachel's words stung. She lunged at Rachel again, this time with a ferocity that took Rachel by surprise. Rachel stumbled backward, her bare feet slipping on the sticky jelly beans scattered on the ground. Alice seized the opportunity, pushing Rachel down onto the mat, her enhanced breasts pressing down on Rachel's chest. Rachel's friends gasped, but Rachel's eyes never left Alice's. The taste of victory was sweet on Alice's lips, but Rachel wasn't ready to concede.

With a surge of adrenaline, Rachel bucked her hips, sending Alice rolling off her. Rachel was on her feet in an instant, her breasts bouncing wildly as she advanced. Alice tried to stand, but Rachel was too quick. She grabbed a handful of jelly beans from the floor and flung them at Alice's face. Alice squealed in surprise, the candy sticking to her cheeks and hair. Rachel took advantage of the momentary distraction to jump onto Alice's back, wrapping her arms around her neck.

Alice struggled, her enhanced breasts bouncing in Rachel's face as she tried to break free. Rachel held on tight, her legs locked around Alice's waist. Alice's supporters began to murmur among themselves, their cheers turning to worried whispers. On the other hand, Rachel’s friends were going wild, their shouts of encouragement echoing through the night. Rachel tightened her grip, her breasts pressing into Alice's back as she squeezed. Alice's face grew red, and Rachel could feel the woman's strength waning.

Rachel drives the air out of  Alice as she uses her thighs to crush Alice’s neck in a tight head scissor hold. Rachel's breasts smother Alice's face, her nipples grazing Alice's cheeks with each pulse of Rachel's heart. Alice's breasts are smashed into the mat, a stark contrast to Rachel's, which bounce and jiggle with the exertion. Rachel's grip is unyielding, and Alice's hands claw at Rachel's thighs, trying to pry them apart. Rachel's breath is hot and ragged against Alice's ear as she whispers, "You can't win with money and plastic, Alice. You need heart and guts."

Alice's nails dig into Rachel's skin, drawing blood, but Rachel doesn't flinch. Instead, she squeezes harder, her muscles bulging. Alice's eyes were watered, and she could feel a bruise around her neck. Rachel's friends cheer louder, urging her on. Alice's supporters look on in horror, realizing the gravity of the situation. Rachel's son, Alex, has returned, his eyes wide with shock and arousal as he watches his mother dominate the woman who had always looked down on them. Rachel feels a strange mix of satisfaction and discomfort at her son's gaze, but she doesn't let it distract her from her goal.

Alice's struggles become weaker, her breath coming in shallow gasps. Rachel knows she has her in a compromising position, but she's not done yet. She wants to prove a point. "Admit it, Alice," Rachel pants, her breasts pressing into Alice's face with each word. "I'm the better woman. I've got what it takes to be the queen of this neighborhood." Alice's eyes dart around, desperately seeking an escape, but Rachel's grip is too firm. With a snarl, Alice taps out, her hand slapping the mat in defeat. Rachel releases her hold, standing up and allowing Alice to gasp for air.

The crowd goes wild, Rachel's friends and supporters jumping up and down, hooting and hollering. Rachel's breasts bounce in victory, and she knows she's made her point. She extends a hand to Alice, who takes it begrudgingly, allowing Rachel to help her to her feet. Alice's face is a mask of fury and embarrassment, her breasts heaving as she tries to catch her breath. Rachel knows she's won, not just the wrestling match but the battle for dominance. The neighborhood will talk about this for weeks.
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.