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E girl's competition part 2 (end)

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Offline Styraxx

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E girl's competition part 2 (end)
« on: July 29, 2024, 06:08:34 PM »
Tala's eyes narrowed, and she tried to kick Ami's head with her free leg, but Ami was quicker, yanking her ankle with all her might.

Tala's balance wavered, and with a cry, she toppled over, landing hard on her side. The impact knocked the wind out of her, leaving her momentarily stunned.

Ami took advantage of the opening, scrambling to her feet.
She lunged for the fallen Tala, but Tala had anticipated the move.
She bringing her legs up and planting a foot firmly in Ami's stomach.

The force of the kick sent Ami reeling backward, crashing in to bathroom door.

With a grimace, Ami pushed herself off the doorframe, feeling the bruises already forming.
Her vision swam, but she couldn't let this bitch win.
Ami lunged again, her movements more calculated this time.

As Tala swiped at her with a kick, Ami caught her legs mid-air, using her own momentum against her.
Tala's eyes widened in surprise, and Ami felt a brief flash of triumph.
Dragging her rival by the ankles, Ami pulled her into the bathroom.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, but she had no intention of letting Tala escape.
Tala's eyes were wild with fear and anger as she clawed at the floor, trying to find purchase.

The bathroom was small, the walls lined with shelves of makeup and beauty products.

Ami straddled Tala's back, her thighs digging into the other girl's ribs as she pulled her head back by the hair.
With a savage grin, she slammed Tala's forehead into the cold tiles of the bathroom floor.
Tala's eyes rolled back in her head, and she let out a guttural moan of pain.
Her hands shot up, trying to grab Ami's wrists, but Ami was too strong.
She continued to bash Tala's forehead into the tiles.

Tala's body convulsed beneath her, and Ami felt a twisted sense of satisfaction with each hit.
Tala's struggles grew weaker, and Ami knew she was close to victory.
Her own breathing was labored, her chest heaving with the exertion of the fight.
But she didn't stop.

With each sickening smack, Ami felt a twisted sense of satisfaction.
Tala's forehead was now a mess of blood and bruises, and she had stopped moving altogether.
Ami leaned back, panting, and let go of Tala's hair.
Her rival's lifeless body slumped to the floor.

Ami's breath came in heavy pants as she looked down at Tala.
Her heart  thudded in her chest as she grabbed Tala by the hair and dragged her limp body across the floor to the toilet.

Ami felt a twisted thrill as she hoisted Tala's head over the toilet bowl.
She shoved it down, water meet Tala's face with a splash.
The water was clean, but the symbolism of the act was not lost .
This was her way of marking her territory, of showing Tala who was the true queen.

Ami watched with a mix of triumph and disgust as her rival's nose and mouth filled with water, bubbles rising to the surface as she struggled to breathe.

Tala regained consciousness immediately.
Her' body stiffted with the effort to break free, her legs kicking wildly.

Ami held her down with a grim determination, her hands tight around the back of Tala's neck.
Each time she lifted Tala's head for a brief moment of air, she saw the fear in her rival's eyes, the desperation to escape.
But it only fueled her own sadistic desire to keep her there, to watch her suffer.

Ami  eyes  fell on the bottle of pipe cleaner next to the toilet, and a wicked smile curled her lips.
With a deft move, she snatched the bottle and flipped it upside down, pouring the liquid over Tala's head.
The chemical scent filled the room, The pipe cleaner burn Tala's scalp then it mixed with the water and fell into her eyes and mouth.
 Ami didn't relent, watching with a sadistic glee as the girl writhed beneath her, her perfect hair now a matted mess of pipe cleaner and blood.

The chemicals stung Tala's skin, her eyes burned,
Ami watched with a twisted sense of satisfaction, feeling the power of the moment as she held Tala's head down..

She held Tala's head down longer, watching the bubbles form.
But suddenly, Ami felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.

Tala had managed to get hold of the metal toilet brush that was lying next to the toilet.
With the last of her strength, she had driven it into Ami's flesh with a ferocity that took her by surprise.

Ami howled in pain and releasing her grip on Tala's neck.

Tala took a deep, desperate gulp of air, coughing and spluttering as she pulled herself free from the toilet.

Her eyes were red and streaming, but the hate in them was stronger than ever.

Ami stumbled back, clutching her bleeding abdomen the wound was rather shallow but very painful

Tala, though weakened and in agony, had managed to land a blow that could change the tide of the fight.
She took this opportunity to scramble to her feet. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed the toilet brush, now smeared with blood, and swung it wildly at Ami.
The metal handle hit Ami's face with a sickening crack, sending her staggering backward.

Tala's vision was blurry, but she could see the shock and pain etched on Ami's once-beautiful features.

Ami's nose was now a bloody mess, and she was doubled over, gasping for air.

Tala took a moment to catch her breath, the pain in her eyes and scalp nearly unbearable.

She felt a sense of victory, but she knew the fight wasn't over yet.
Summoning what little strength she had left, Tala threw herself at Ami with the brute force of a cornered animal.

The two girls crashed into the shelf with a cacophony of breaking glass and the sound of cosmetics bottles shattering.
Ami's back hit the wall, her breath knocked out of her as Tala's elbow connected with her ribs.
ala took advantage of the momentary distraction, her eyes honing in on a profusely bleeding wound on the Ami's bdomen
She kept pushing Ami into the wall, using her own weight to keep her pinned.
Her fingers found the gap in Ami's defenses and she dug her nails into the wound, ripping it wider.

Ami screamed in agony, her hands coming up to protect herself, but it was too late.
Tala's fingers dug deep into the gash, her nails scraping against the muscles beneath the skin.
Ami's legs gave out from pain, and she slumped to the floor, taking Tala with her.

The floor was slick with a mix of blood and shattered glass, and Ami felt the shards cutting into her bare skin as she tried to push Tala away.
Tala's nails dug deeper into the gash on Ami's stomach, and Ami's screams grew more desperate with every movement.

Tala's teeth were bared in a snarl as she pulled back her hand, now covered in Ami's blood, and plunged her fingers into the wound again.
Her eyes were wild with the thrill of the fight and the need to win.

Spotting the hairspray on the floor, Tala's thoughts raced.
This could be her chance to gain the upper hand.

With a grunt, she rolled off Ami, grabbed the canister, and brought it up to Ami's face.
Her thumb pressed down on the button, and a stream of chemical mist shot into Ami's wide eyes.

Ami shrieked in pain, her eyes burning and blurring with tears.
Ami's screams reached a new pitch as the hairspray burned her eyes. She thrashed wildly, trying to escape the pain.

Tala felt a twisted sense of satisfaction as she watched Ami writhe in agony, the roles now reversed.
"This is for the toilet and the pipe cleaner, bitch," she spat.

Ami's hands flew to her face, desperately trying to wipe her. eyes  that stung like hell.
She couldn't see a thing.

Tala took this opportunity to push herself up, her legs trembling with effort.
She knew she had to end this naw.

With a roar of rage, she brought her knee up with all the strength she had left and slammed it into the side of Ami's head.

The impact was so intense that Ami's skull thudded dully against the wall, sending a spiderweb of cracks shooting through the plaster.

Ami's eyes rolled back in their sockets as stars danced before her, and she felt the world spinning out of control.
Tala's knee connected with Ami's head once more, and then again, the sound of bone on bone echoing through the room.

Each time, Ami's body jerked violently, her skull smacking against the wall, leaving a crimson stain that grew larger with every hit.
Each hit sent shockwaves through Ami's body, and her once graceful limbs trembled uncontrollably.

The third knee to the head was the final straw. Ami's eyes rolled back in her head, and she went limp, the light of consciousness fading as she was consumed by the dark abyss of unconsciousness. her body falling to the floor with a thud.

Her legs trembled spasmodically, a final protest against the pain before giving in to the sweet embrace of oblivion.

Tala stood over her, panting heavily, her own body a canvas of bruises and gashes.
Her eyes were red and streaming from the chemical, and she could feel the sticky warmth of her own blood.
But she had won. The bitch who had tried to ruin her had been defeated.
Tala's hands trembled as she reached down to feel for a pulse. It was weak, but it was there.

Ami was still alive.

Tala mind raced as she stumbled out of the bathroom, leaving the shattered remnants of their battle behind.

Her eyes stung, and her scalp felt like it was on fire, but she couldn't waste any more time.

Tala knew she had to get out of here.

She made her way to Ami's bedroom, her eyes searching for something, anything, to wear.

The room was a mess of lacy lingerie and discarded clothing. Her gaze fell on a black lace bra and thong set that lay carelessly on the floor, and she grabbed it, slipping it on quickly. It was a little tight, but it would have to do.

Her hands trembled as she rummaged through the closet, pulling out a pair of Ami's tight black jeans and a red crop top.
They smelled faintly of the other girl's perfume, but Tala didn't care.

Her thoughts were racing as she pulled on the jeans and struggled with the button, her bruised fingers fumbling with the zipper.

Her heart hammered in her chest as she surveyed the array of weapons Ami had prepared for her.

The sight of the sex toys made her stomach turn. How could someone be so twisted.

But then a wicked thought occurred to her.

If Ami wanted to play games, she could play them too.

With a grin that was equal parts pain and triumph, Tala staggered back into the bathroom.
Ami was still sprawled on the floor, unconscious but breathing. Tala took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come.
"Let's play, bitch," she murmured.

With a grimace, Tala start dragged Ami to the room, the weight surprisingly heavier than she'd anticipated.
Each step she took was a battle against tired muscles protesting every movement, but she ignored it, she had to finish what she started.
When she finally got Ami to the center of the room where she had set up her twisted stage, Tala was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling in erratic patterns.

Ami was still unconscious except for a quiet moan that slipped out from between her swollen lips every few seconds.

Tala got to work with newfound determination.
She found the handcuffs and snapped them around her rival's wrists, securing them tightly behind her back.
With a grim smile, she reached for the leg spreader. She attached the cuffs to Ami's ankles, one by one, savoring the moment as she tightened them to the last notch.
The spreader rod clicked into place, and with a twist of her wrist, she began to crank it open. Ami's legs stretched wide, the handcuffs at her ankles digging into her skin as she was forced into a full split.

Ami's moans grew louder as Tala continued to crank the spreader rod, her legs forced into a painful and vulnerable position.
Once Ami was secured, Tala stepped back to admire her handiwork.

The other girl's legs were spread wide, her body a perfect 'T' that showcased her most intimate areas. It was a humiliating sight, one that made Tala's chest swell with a dark sense of triumph.

"This bitch is flexible," Tala murmured to herself,.
Let's see how much more flexible she can get, Tala thought with a smirk.

Her eyes roamed over Ami's prone form, taking in every inch of her rival's body.

A twisted idea began to form in her mind.

First she reached for a thick rope lying nearby then grabbed the spreader rod, and with the effort she started to push it towards Ami's head, forcing her body into an extreme arch.

Ami's back bent at an impossible angle, Tala's own muscles burned with the effort, but she didn't stop.
When she was sure she couldn't bend Ami any further, Tala used a rope to tied the bar to the handcuffs.
Now the entire weight of Ami lower body was weighing down on her spine bending it unnaturally and was threatening to break her shoulders.

Ami's  whimpers grew louder as Tala tightened the knots, ensuring she remained in this painful and humiliating pose.

Tala took a step back to admire her work.
The handcuffs and leg spreader had done their job well.

Her rival's moans grew louder.

Tala felt a surge of satisfaction as she surveyed the scene. She had never felt so powerful, so in control.

Before the grand finale she wanted Ami fully conscious to feel the full extent of her defeat.

Tala took a deep breath, her hand rising in the air. She brought it down onto one of Ami's bruised cheeks, but Ami's only response was a muffled groan.
Tala eyes narrowed with frustration, she slapped Ami again, harder this time.
Her hand left a red imprint on the pale skin, but Ami remained unresponsive.
She continued to slap Ami's face, each hit harder than the last, still, the girl on the floor didn't wake up.

But Tala was not one to be denied.

Her hand hovered over the wound on Ami's stomach, with a vicious grin, she dug her fingers into the gash, twisting.

Ami's eyes shot open, and a scream tore from her throat, echoing through the room like a banshee's wail.

Her body jerked, but the handcuffs and leg spreader holding her in place with an iron grip.
The pain was like nothing Ami had ever felt before.

"Wakey, wakey," Tala whispered, her voice a mocking caress. "You're going to love what I have planned for you."

Ami's eyes snapped open to see Tala's twisted smile, and the sight of the two massive dildos in her hand made her stomach churn.

They were the largest she bought for her collection , each one thicker than her wrist.

Her mind raced, trying to find a way out of this nightmare, but she was trapped, her body held in a position that left her completely exposed and vulnerable.

Tala held up the dildos, one in each hand, and twirled them around.

"I know you like to keep your fans satisfied," she said, her voice thick with sarcasm.
"Always talking about how much you love having your holes filled. So, I figured, why not see what you are really capable of?"

Her eyes gleamed with a sadistic excitement as she approached Ami, who could only whimper in fear.
The pain from her stomach was a constant reminder of the brutal beating she had endured, but the thought of what was to come was almost too much to bear.

With a wicked smile, Tala positioned the first dildo at Ami's entrance.

"Let's start with this one," she said, with excitement .

Ami's eyes widened with horror as she felt the cold, hard plastic press against her, and she tried to struggle against her restraints, but it was no use.
Tala began to push the dildo into Ami's ass.
Ami's screams grew louder with each inch, her body trembling with the effort to resist the intrusion.
But Tala was relentless, her grip firm as she watched the pink toy disappear into her rival's body.

Ami's eyes bulged as the dildo filled her completely, the pressure intense and overwhelming.
She could feel the cold plastic against her insides, the sensation both terrifying and humiliating.

Tala leaned in, her breath hot against Ami's ear as she whispered, "You always talked about loving big cocks. Now you've got one you can't get off ."
With a sadistic grin, Tala grabbed the second dildo, the inflatable one that looked monstrous in her hand.

"This one's for your tight little pussy," she said, her voice a taunting purr. "I've heard you say you can take anything. Let's see if that's true, shall we?"

Tala began to push the second dildo into Ami's pussy, the plastic stretching her open as she went deeper.
Ami's body tensed, the pressure unbearable, as Tala chuckled at her struggles.
"Relax," she said, her voice mocking.
But Ami couldn't relax, her body was a battleground of pain and fear.

The inflatable dildo was so wide that it pushed against her insides, the pressure building with every inch.
Tala took her time, enjoying the sight of Ami's suffering, her ego soaring with every scream that left the other girl's lips.

Once both dildos were in place, Tala stepped back to admire her handiwork.

Ami's body was a grotesque work of art, her legs spread wide with the two toys sticking out like obscene decorations.

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps, her eyes pleading for mercy that Tala had no intention of giving.

Tala turned on the vibrating function of the dildo in the butt, the sudden jolt of pleasure-pain making Ami's body convulse.
The buzzing filled the room.

Ami's body was already stretched to its limits, the two dildos inside her creating an agony she had never experienced before.

"Now, let's get you ready for the grand finale,"
Tala leaned down, her mouth close to Ami's ear.

"You wanted to be the biggest slut on the internet, didn't you?" she whispered, her voice a taunting hiss. "Well, now you've got your chance to prove it."
Her hands trembled with excitement as she reached for the pump attached to the dildo, watching Ami's eyes widen with horror as she realized what was coming next.

With a sadistic grin, Tala began to pump the device, the dildo growing larger and larger inside her rival's body.

The pressure was unbearable.
Her eyes rolled back in her head, as the dildo grew, filling her completely.

Tala's breath grew ragged as she watched the dildo stretch Ami's pussy.

With every pump, the dildo grew, the pressure building until Ami's body could take no more.
Her screams grew hoarse, the pain so intense that she could feel her sanity slipping away.

Ami's eyes rolled back in her head, her teeth clenched as she felt herself being torn apart from the inside.

The inflatable dildo, stretching her to the brink of what was possible, and the vibrations from the other toy only served to amplify the pain.

Tala watched with a mix of horror and fascination as the dildo grew, her hands shaking as she pumped it to its maximum size.
"You're going to take it all," she whispered, her voice filled with a dark excitement. "You're going to scream for me."

With a final pump, the dildo was as large as it would go, and Tala stepped back to admire her handiwork.
Ami's body was a twisted mess of pain and humiliation.

Suddenly Tala's eyes noticed the gag, the cock-shaped silicone toy.

"Oh, I see," Tala said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I forgot about your dirty mouth."
Ami's eyes widened in horror as she realized what was about to happen, but she had no voice to protest.

Her mouth was open, a silent scream of despair as Tala pushed the gag in, the rubber cock filling her mouth until she could feel it at the back of her throat.
he gag was large, one of the bigger ones  she had ever used in her own shows, and the feeling of it stretching her jaw was almost as unpleasant as the dildos in her ass and pussy.
Tala's hands were firm, pushing until the gag was fully inserted, the straps tight around her head.

Ami could feel the rubber cock pressing against her throat severely limit her ability to breath, and she panicked.
Her eyes bulged, and she tried to shake her head, but it was no use.
Tala just chuckled, securing the gag in place with a cruel twist of the knot. "Now you can't scream, slut."

The room grew quieter, only the buzzing of the dildos and the sound of Ami's muffled whimpers filling the space.

Tala stepped back, admiring her handiwork with a sadistic smile.

But she knew she couldn't stay here forever.

With a final slap across Ami's face, she grabbed her phone and snapped a few pictures of popular e-girl, bound and filled with dildos.

"Time to say goodbye, bitch," she murmured with satisfaction.

I think it will take a day or more before someone starts looking for you, so get used to the new situation

"Don't struggle too much," she warned, her voice dripping with mock concern. "You'll either choke on that cock or break your spine. And I don't want you to miss the full experience."

Tala's thoughts wandered to the videos she would make later, detailing her victory over the girl who tried to ruin her.

The idea brought a smile to her face

With one last look, Tala turned and sauntered out of the room.
The sound of Ami's muffled cries grew softer as she moved through the apartment.

In the living room, she found Ami's computer still streaming live to her devoted fans.
A wicked idea took root, and she couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of their reactions when they saw what had become of their queen.

Her hands danced over the keyboard, typing out a message with gleeful malice.
"Surprise!" she wrote, attaching the photos she had taken in the bedroom. "Your sweet little Ami isn't so perfect anymore, is she?"
Her fingers flew across the screen, posting the images to Ami's social media accounts.

With a final, click, she turned off the computer.

Tala walked to the front door, her heels echoing in the quiet apartment.
Ami's whimpers grew fainter as she approached the exit.

The door slammed shut behind her, the sound reverberating through the empty hallway.

Her heart raced with the thrill of victory, and she took a deep breath.

Tala stepped into the cool evening air, the stark contrast to the stifling heat of the apartment making her feel alive.

She took a moment to compose herself, smoothing her hair and straightening her clothes.

The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving her with growing pain.

But the thought of Ami, bound and gagged, filled with pain and humiliation, brought a smile to her lips.


Offline Zach4444

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Re: E girl's competition part 2 (end)
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2024, 12:26:23 AM »
Loved the story! Very hot ending to it. I was wondering if the images you used for the two e-girls were AI generated or not?


Offline Styraxx

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Re: E girl's competition part 2 (end)
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2024, 04:31:44 PM »
Loved the story! Very hot ending to it. I was wondering if the images you used for the two e-girls were AI generated or not?
I'm glad you liked it. Yes, the images are generated by AI


Offline SunnyB

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Re: E girl's competition part 2 (end)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2024, 06:18:54 PM »
Awesome!  ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!