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AGW RIng Queen Semi-Final 2/2: Lee vs Vergara (short and complete versions)

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As the two wrestlers continue their vicious brawl, they rip and tear at each other's swimsuits, shredding them to pieces in their single-minded pursuit of inflicting pain. In a matter of seconds, they're rolling around the ring completely butt naked, their bodies a blur of limbs and fury. The crowd is stunned, watching as these once-glamorous competitors devolve into a primal, naked brawl, their only focus on destroying each other. It's a shocking turn of events that leaves everyone breathless, wondering if there are any depths these women won't sink to in their quest for victory.

Just when it seems that Sofia has the upper hand with her tit smother, Suni manages to pull off an incredible reversal, transforming the move into a small package pin. The crowd holds its breath as the referee's hand slaps the mat, counting out "one... two..." But Sofia kicks out just in time, narrowly escaping defeat. Suni, though momentarily frustrated, is energized by her near victory, and the crowd roars in anticipation of what's to come. It's clear that this match is far from over, and both women are willing to go to any lengths to secure the win.

Despite her damaged hand, Suni refuses to back down, taking a swing at Sofia. But Sofia's experience shines through as she catches the punch and turns it into a painful wrist twist, momentarily bringing Suni to her knees. However, Suni's not one to stay down for long, and she quickly recovers, using her incredible agility to leap onto the side apron top rope. In a lightning-fast move, she bounces off the ropes and catches Sofia in a stunning sunset flip, sending her crashing over the rope and landing headfirst onto the unforgiving apron. The crowd erupts in cheers as Suni's creativity and athleticism steal the show, turning the tide of the match once again. Like a coiled spring, Suni bounces back to her feet after her sunset flip, wasting no time as she propels herself onto the side top rope once again. In a breathtaking display of agility, she launches herself into the air, her leg dropping down like a thunderbolt onto the back of Sofia's head. The impact is devastating, sending Sofia's body convulsing in pain as Suni lands gracefully back in the ring. The crowd is on their feet, roaring with approval as Suni's relentless onslaught continues, her determination to win driving her to greater and greater heights.

With Sofia's body limp and unresponsive, Suni summons every last ounce of strength to drag her opponent back into the ring. As Sofia sways on her knees, Suni flips behind her, locking her in a rear-naked chokehold. But she doesn't stop there, using her impressive flexibility to wrap her legs around Sofia's, pulling them apart in a painful submission hold. Sofia puts up a weak fight, but it's clear that she's already beaten and she finally gives in, tapping out in defeat. The crowd explodes in cheers as Suni is declared the victor, her determination, creativity, and sheer force of will securing her the hard-fought win.
As the adrenaline fades and the reality of her victory sets in, Suni breaks down, overcome by the sheer physical and emotional toll of the match. But it's not just the exhaustion that brings tears to her eyes—she's also overcome with the knowledge that she'll now face off against Octavia Spencer in the Ring Queen final.
Despite the elation of winning, Suni can't ignore the throbbing pain in her injured hand, a constant reminder of the sacrifices she's made to get this far. She clutches her hand gingerly, trying to mask the agony as she celebrates with the crowd. But even as she revels in her success, a small part of her is already looking ahead, wondering how she'll fare against Octavia with such a debilitating injury.


The bell rings and Sofia immediately slaps the shit out of Suni
 Suni's taken aback by the sudden burst of aggression, the sharp sting of Sofia's palm on her cheek echoing through the arena.
Sofia is the favorite to win and she knows it. She tit smothered her way into these semi-finals. As she advances on Suni, there's a glint in her eye that says she's ready to give the gymnast a taste of her signature move, hoping to overwhelm and incapacitate her with the generous helping of her famous curves.
The crowd erupts as Suni suddenly unleashes a powerful gymnastics-style kick, her foot connecting with the side of Sofia's face with a resounding smack. Sofia stumbles backward, caught off guard by Suni's agility and skill. Suni seems not content to be smothered or outmatched, and she's determined to show Sofia—and the rest of the world—that she's a force to be reckoned with, even with her injured hand.

Sofia hits the mat hard, her shapely ass taking the brunt of the impact as Suni's kick sends her reeling. Dazed and seeing stars, Sofia tries to regain her composure, but Suni's not about to give her a break. The gold medal gymnast seizes the opportunity, delivering yet another solid kick to Sofia's head, making sure her opponent stays down for the count. The crowd roars in excitement, realizing that Suni's not just a pretty face—she's a fierce competitor who's not afraid to take on a taller, older, and more experienced opponent.

With Sofia sprawled out on her back, her massive breasts jiggling in her bikini top, Suni pounces on the opportunity. Unleashing a barrage of unrestrained stomps, she aims to flatten Sofia's chest, each thunderous impact sending shockwaves through the arena. Sofia winces in pain, struggling to protect her assets as Suni's relentless onslaught continues. It's clear that Suni's not content with just keeping Sofia down—she wants to take away her opponent's most potent weapon, one stomp at a time.

Sofia, struggles to defend herself, as Suni's kicks come fast and furious, each connecting with devastating force. Sofia curls up in a desperate attempt to shield herself from the relentless assault, but Suni's not showing any mercy. The crowd watches in awe as the petite gymnast unleashes her pent-up fury, kicking Sofia from every angle and showing her just how dangerous she can be when pushed to the limit.

With Sofia's hands tied up in the ropes, Suni's got her opponent right where she wants her—and she's making the most of it. Suni unleashes a ruthless barrage of kicks, targeting Sofia's ample derrière until her foot goes numb from the sheer force of the impact. Sofia squirms and cries out in pain, her cheeks growing redder and more swollen with each devastating blow. It's clear that Suni's determined to make Sofia regret ever underestimating her, and she's well on her way to doing just that! The crowd goes wild as Suni takes her showmanship to the next level, displaying her incredible gymnastic skills and agility. With Sofia still helplessly tied up in the ropes, Suni steps outside the ring and does a handstand on the top rope, balancing precariously above her opponent. Then, in a jaw-dropping move, she swings down and delivers a powerful kick straight to Sofia's face, sending her flying out of the ropes and crashing back onto her back. The impact is deafening, and the crowd erupts in cheers as Suni establishes her dominance in the ring.  With lightning-fast reflexes, Suni swings back onto the top rope, her feet finding their balance in an instant. Then, in a breathtaking display of agility and power, she leaps off the top rope, soaring through the air before crashing down onto Sofia with a thunderous forward backflip. The impact sends Sofia's body jolting violently, the full weight of Suni's attack driving the air from her lungs. The crowd is going ballistic, marveling at Suni's athleticism and sheer determination to take down her larger opponent.

The tension in the arena is palpable as Sofia's voluptuous body jiggles from the impact of Suni's crushing attack. Sensing victory is within reach, Suni goes for the pin, the referee's hand slapping the mat for a two count. But Sofia's not ready to give up just yet! She manages to kick out at the last possible moment, breaking the pin and leaving Suni momentarily stunned. The crowd erupts once again, realizing that this battle is far from over, and both wrestlers will have to dig even deeper to secure the win.

Frustrated by Sofia's resilience, Suni quickly regroups and executes a stunning standing backflip, crashing down onto her opponent once again. Wasting no time, Suni goes for another pin, desperately hoping this will be enough to put Sofia away. The referee's hand slaps the mat for a second two count, and the crowd holds its breath, wondering if this will finally be the end. But once again, Sofia kicks out, narrowly escaping defeat and showing that she's still got some fight left in her.

In a desperate attempt to finish off Sofia, Suni rebounds off the ropes, hoping to catch her opponent off guard with a lightning-fast attack. But Sofia, ever the opportunist, is ready and waiting, catching Suni in her arms and pulling her into the dreaded breast smother. Suni struggles and squirms, trying to free herself from Sofia's ample chest, but the older woman's hold is unrelenting. The crowd gasps as the tide of the match seems to turn, wondering if Suni's incredible momentum is about to be snuffed out by Sofia's signature move.

Despite the brutal beatdown she's suffered at the hands—and feet—of Suni, Sofia still has plenty of fight left in her. With Suni trapped in the breast smother, Sofia tightens her grip, trying to squeeze the life out of her smaller opponent. Suni kicks and screams, frantically struggling to escape, but Sofia's determination only grows stronger. The crowd watches in awe as the two women battle it out, with Sofia's strength and experience clashing against Suni's agility and tenacity.
 As if the breast smothering wasn't bad enough, Sofia takes things a step further, bouncing up and down as she holds Suni in her grip. Each bounce adds insult to injury, both figuratively and literally, as Suni's face is buried deeper and deeper into Sofia's chest. The crowd is a mix of shock and awe, watching as Sofia exerts her dominance in the most demoralizing way possible. Suni, meanwhile, can do nothing but endure the humiliating ordeal, her body being tossed about like a ragdoll by her larger, stronger opponent.
Despite Suni's valiant efforts to fight back, Sofia's had enough. With a fierce roar, she hurls Suni out of the ring, sending her crashing to the floor like a discarded backpack. The crowd gasps as Suni lands with a thud, her body sprawled out on the unforgiving floor. Sofia stands tall in the ring, chest heaving and sweat glistening on her skin, the picture of dominance as she gazes down at her fallen opponent.

Sofia, having asserted her dominance in the ring, takes a well-earned breather, falling to her knees to catch her breath. Meanwhile, Suni lies broken on the floor outside the ring, her body aching from the punishment she's endured. The crowd waits with bated breath, wondering if Suni can somehow find the strength to get back to her feet and continue the fight, or if Sofia's brutal assault has finally put her down for good.

Spotting her fans in the crowd, Sofia gestures for them to join in the fun. With a wicked grin, she encourages them to pelt Suni's prone body with their food and drinks, adding insult to injury. The fans, caught up in the heat of the moment, gleefully comply, hurling their concessions at Suni as she lies helpless on the floor. Sofia watches with satisfaction, enjoying the spectacle as her opponent is pelted with everything from popcorn to soda, making a complete mess of her once-pristine bikini. Sofia's determination to utterly destroy Suni knows no bounds, as she zeroes in on her opponent's injured hand. Dragging Suni to a nearby guard barrier, Sofia holds her hand against it, presenting it as a target for one lucky fan. The fan, caught up in the moment, eagerly obliges, swinging a beer bottle at Suni's hand with all their might. But in a cruel twist of fate, the bottle doesn't shatter, instead delivering a sickening thud as it impacts Suni's already damaged hand. The crowd winces in sympathy as Suni cries out in agony, her hand throbbing from the brutal blow.

With Suni's hand thoroughly pulverized, Sofia drags her back into the ring, growling taunts and insults as she goes. She's reveling in her dominance, reminding Suni that she's the fan favorite for a reason—and it's not just because of her killer curves. Sofia's been a force to be reckoned with throughout the competition, and she's determined to prove that she's the one to beat by utterly humiliating her smaller, weaker opponent. Her words cut deep as she promises to humiliate Suni even further, vowing to shove the gold medals that Suni holds so dear right up her toned rear end. The taunt is a low blow, targeting not only Suni's physical being but also her greatest achievements and sense of pride. Suni, however, is not one to back down easily. Despite her battered and bruised state, she glares defiantly at Sofia, letting out a growl that promises she's not done fighting yet.

Desperate to avoid another suffocating breast smother, Suni uses her foot as a barrier, pressing it hard against Sofia's toned abs to keep her at bay. Sofia, taken aback by Suni's resistance, struggles to pull her in, but Suni's strength and agility work in her favor. It's a battle of wills and muscles, with Suni refusing to give in to Sofia's taunts and determination. The crowd watches with bated breath, eager to see if Suni can turn the tide and mount a comeback, or if Sofia will once again assert her dominance in the ring.

Sofia, determined to maintain her hold on Suni, finds herself in a frustrating loop as Suni continues to push her leg away with relentless persistence. Every time Sofia manages to knock Suni's leg away, Suni quickly recovers, resuming her defensive stance and pushing back with all her might. It's a test of endurance and willpower, with both wrestlers refusing to give an inch. The crowd is on the edge of their seats, waiting to see who will come out on top in this intense back-and-forth struggle. As Suni fights to keep Sofia at bay, her toned muscles flex and ripple beneath her skimpy bikini, putting her impressive physique on full display. Meanwhile, Sofia's curves tighten and jiggle with each powerful movement, showcasing her unique blend of strength and sex appeal. The contrast between Suni's lean athleticism and Sofia's voluptuous power is mesmerizing to watch, adding an extra layer of tension and intrigue to their intense showdown in the ring.
Exasperated by Suni's resilience, Sofia abruptly lets go, but not before delivering a stinging slap that leaves Suni reeling. In response, Suni unleashes her fiery temper, and the two women transform into hissing cats, rolling around the ring in a frenzied attempt to destroy each other. Their movements are fast and feral, limbs flailing and nails scratching as they claw and snarl with unbridled rage. It's a wild, chaotic scene that sends the crowd into a frenzy, watching as these fierce competitors unleash their primal instincts on each other.

As the two wrestlers continue their vicious brawl, they rip and tear at each other's swimsuits, shredding them to pieces in their single-minded pursuit of inflicting pain. In a matter of seconds, they're rolling around the ring completely butt naked, their bodies a blur of limbs and fury. The crowd is stunned, watching as these once-glamorous competitors devolve into a primal, naked brawl, their only focus on destroying each other. It's a shocking turn of events that leaves everyone breathless, wondering if there are any depths these women won't sink to in their quest for victory.

Just when it seems that Sofia has the upper hand with her tit smother, Suni manages to pull off an incredible reversal, transforming the move into a small package pin. The crowd holds its breath as the referee's hand slaps the mat, counting out "one... two..." But Sofia kicks out just in time, narrowly escaping defeat. Suni, though momentarily frustrated, is energized by her near victory, and the crowd roars in anticipation of what's to come. It's clear that this match is far from over, and both women are willing to go to any lengths to secure the win.

Despite her damaged hand, Suni refuses to back down, taking a swing at Sofia. But Sofia's experience shines through as she catches the punch and turns it into a painful wrist twist, momentarily bringing Suni to her knees. However, Suni's not one to stay down for long, and she quickly recovers, using her incredible agility to leap onto the side apron top rope. In a lightning-fast move, she bounces off the ropes and catches Sofia in a stunning sunset flip, sending her crashing over the rope and landing headfirst onto the unforgiving apron. The crowd erupts in cheers as Suni's creativity and athleticism steal the show, turning the tide of the match once again. Like a coiled spring, Suni bounces back to her feet after her sunset flip, wasting no time as she propels herself onto the side top rope once again. In a breathtaking display of agility, she launches herself into the air, her leg dropping down like a thunderbolt onto the back of Sofia's head. The impact is devastating, sending Sofia's body convulsing in pain as Suni lands gracefully back in the ring. The crowd is on their feet, roaring with approval as Suni's relentless onslaught continues, her determination to win driving her to greater and greater heights.

With Sofia's body limp and unresponsive, Suni summons every last ounce of strength to drag her opponent back into the ring. As Sofia sways on her knees, Suni flips behind her, locking her in a rear-naked chokehold. But she doesn't stop there, using her impressive flexibility to wrap her legs around Sofia's, pulling them apart in a painful submission hold. Sofia puts up a weak fight, but it's clear that she's already beaten and she finally gives in, tapping out in defeat. The crowd explodes in cheers as Suni is declared the victor, her determination, creativity, and sheer force of will securing her the hard-fought win.

As the adrenaline fades and the reality of her victory sets in, Suni breaks down, overcome by the sheer physical and emotional toll of the match. But it's not just the exhaustion that brings tears to her eyes—she's also overcome with the knowledge that she'll now face off against Octavia Spencer in the Ring Queen final.
Despite the elation of winning, Suni can't ignore the throbbing pain in her injured hand, a constant reminder of the sacrifices she's made to get this far. She clutches her hand gingerly, trying to mask the agony as she celebrates with the crowd. But even as she revels in her success, a small part of her is already looking ahead, wondering how she'll fare against Octavia with such a debilitating injury.