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The Barn

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Offline man-of-sea

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  • May be in my younger days
The Barn
« on: July 09, 2024, 05:46:21 AM »
Here  one I been working on hope you enjoy it

The Barn

As the summer sun beat down on the sprawling fields of her family farm, Jan felt a wave of relief and restlessness wash over her. The past school year, she had been a relentless whirlwind of unruly students, demanding parents, and an administration that seemed more focused on paperwork than actual education. She needed a break, a release, a way to channel the pent-up frustrations that had been simmering beneath the surface.

One day, while exploring the dusty corners of the old barn, an idea sparked in Jan's mind. What if she transformed this forgotten space into a makeshift boxing ring? She'd always been fascinated by women’s boxing’s raw power and athleticism, and throwing a few punches seemed the perfect way to vent her anger.

Jan spent the next few weeks hauling hay bales, hanging heavy bags, and rigging some makeshift ropes. The barn slowly morphed into a gritty, sweat-stained haven, a sanctuary where she could unleash her inner fighter.

Once the ring was ready, Jan reached out to Sue, an old friend from college who'd always been up for an adventure. After hearing about Jan's boxing plans, Sue eagerly agreed to visit for a weekend of sparring and sisterhood.

The anticipation grew as the days ticked by. Jan envisioned the two of them, gloves strapped on, dancing around the ring, trading jabs, and hooks, and laughing until their sides ached. It was the perfect antidote to the stress and monotony of the past year.

As Sue's weathered VW sputtered to a stop in the farm's dusty driveway, Jan emerged from the barn, wiping sweat from her brow. A broad grin spread across Sue's face as she took in her friend's transformation. Gone was the slightly frumpy, bookish teacher she remembered from college. In her place stood a lean, tanned powerhouse with muscles rippling beneath her sun-kissed skin.

"Holy moly, Jan!" Sue exclaimed, leaping out of the car and engulfing her friend in a bear hug. "You look amazing! Did you lose weight?"

Jan chuckled, flexing her biceps playfully. "About twenty pounds, give or take. All thanks to my new training regimen."

Sue whistled appreciatively. "Well, it's paying off. You've got guns now!"

They walked arm-in-arm towards the back deck, their laughter echoing through the warm summer air. Sue couldn't help but marvel at Jan's transformation. Her friend had always been intelligent and kind, but now there was an undeniable air of confidence and strength radiating from her.

Jan fetched two ice-cold beers from the fridge and handed one to Sue. As they settled into worn wooden chairs, the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the fields.

"So," Sue began, raising her bottle in a toast, "tell me everything. What inspired this incredible makeover?"

Jan took a sip of beer, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "Let's just say I've been channeling some pent-up frustrations," she replied. "And I've found the perfect outlet for them."

Sue leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "Do tell," she urged.

Jan gestured towards the barn, a sly smile playing on her lips. "It all started with a crazy idea and many hay bales," she began. "Welcome to my summer sanctuary – the Fight Club for Frustrated Teachers."

Sue bowed her head and roared with laughter, echoing through the twilight. "You always were a bit unpredictable, Jan," she said, wiping tears. "But that's why I love you, you crazy woman! And honestly, I'm not surprised you thought I'd be up for a little... payback."

A sly grin spread across Jan's face. "Oh, so you remember that little incident with Tom back in college?"

Sue rolled her eyes playfully. "How could I forget? You were devastated."

Jan nodded, a hint of nostalgia in her voice. "I was. But in retrospect, I think I dodged a bullet. Tom turned out to be a real dud."

"Tell me about it," Sue agreed. "He still owes me fifty bucks."

They shared a knowing look, a silent understanding of the past, and the bonds of friendship that had endured through the years.

Jan leaned forward, her gaze locking with Sue's. "But seriously," she said, her voice softening, "I knew you'd be into this. You've always been a fighter, Sue. In every sense of the word."

Sue nodded, a warmth spreading through her chest. It was true. She'd always been drawn to challenges, to pushing her limits. And Jan had always been the one person who understood that about her.

"So," Sue asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, "what's the plan for the weekend? Are we going to spar, or are we going to fight?"

Jan smiled, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "A little bit of both," she replied. "I've got a feeling this will be one unforgettable weekend."

Sue chuckled as Jan tugged her towards the barn, a wave of excitement washing over her. "Last record?" she mused, a playful glint in her eye. "Well, if that counts, I’m undefeated in the office breakroom brawls."

She paused, then added with a sly grin, "But seriously, I haven't been in a real ring since college. I dabbled in kickboxing for a while, but life got in the way."

Jan swung open the barn door, revealing her summer masterpiece. Sue gasped, her eyes widening in awe. The makeshift boxing ring, bathed in the warm glow of the overhead lights, looked surprisingly professional. The dirt floor, red and blue stools, and strategically placed gloves all exuded raw, unfiltered energy.

"Wow, Jan," Sue breathed. "This is... incredible. You went all out."

Jan beamed with pride. "I told you I'd been busy. It's been my therapy, obsession, and escape from the mundane." She gestured towards the stools. "So, what'll it be? Red or blue?"

Sue surveyed the scene, her heart pounding with anticipation and nerves. "Red," she declared firmly. I've always been a fan of the classics."

Jan grinned, a spark of challenge in her eyes. "Good choice. Red is for the bold."

Sue chuckled, a warmth spreading through her cheeks as she took the red spandex shorts from Jan. "Oh, I'm sure you have," she retorted with a playful smirk. "But it's been a while since I've been in fighting shape, so be gentle."

Sue followed Jan's lead, shedding her clothes and slipping into the surprisingly snug red trunks. They clung to her curves like a second skin, highlighting the muscle definition she'd worked so hard for.

"No tops, huh?" Sue quipped, eyeing Jan's toned torso. "Trying to distract me with your impressive physique?"

Jan winked, her gloves already laced up. "Maybe a little," she admitted with a mischievous grin. "Besides, it gets hot in here. And I, for one, love the sound of leather hitting bare skin."

With a final flourish, Jan hopped into the blue corner, her movements fluid and confident. Sue watched her friend, a mix of admiration and anticipation swirling. This wasn't just about venting frustrations or settling old scores. This was about pushing their limits, rediscovering their strength, and embracing their bodies’ raw, unfiltered power.

Taking a deep breath, Sue slipped on her red gloves, the leather molding perfectly to her hands. She stepped into the ring, her gaze locking with Jan's across the expanse of dirt. A silent challenge hung in the air, a shared understanding that this was more than just a friendly spar. This battle of wills was a clash of two forces, ready to ignite the summer night.

Jan's smile transformed into a focused intensity as she faced Sue across the dirt-floored ring. The timer ticked down, the silence amplifying the anticipation thrumming between them. Sue echoed in Jan's mind: "Don't bounce too much and try to distract me." This was a playful challenge, a reminder about more than just throwing punches.

The timer buzzed, signaling the start of the first round. Both women moved with surprising grace and agility, their bodies intuitively finding a rhythm amidst the flurry of jabs and hooks. The sound of leather on the skin filled the barn, each impact punctuated by grunts and moans. It was a dance of aggression and respect, a delicate balance between power and control.

Sweat beaded on their foreheads as the minutes ticked by. Jan's movements were sharp and precise, her punches landing with a satisfying thud. Sue countered with a relentless barrage of jabs, her footwork keeping her opponent off balance. The air crackled with energy, the atmosphere electric with the unspoken promise of more to come.

The first round was a whirlwind of punches, dodges, and feints. Both women tested each other's defenses, searching for weaknesses, their movements a blur in the dimly lit barn. As the timer beeped, signaling the end of the round, they retreated to their corners, chests heaving, a mixture of adrenaline and exhaustion coursing through their veins.

The cool water cascaded over Jan's skin, a refreshing contrast to the heat generated in the ring. As she wiped her face with a towel, she noticed the red marks left by Sue's gloves – a testament to her friend's power and accuracy. A surge of pride swelled within her. She was holding her own against a formidable opponent, which felt exhilarating.

Sue, too, sought refuge in the cool water, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "You're getting better, Jan," she admitted, wincing as she examined her body’s welts. "Those punches are packing a serious punch."

Jan smirked, a playful challenge in her eyes. "Round two is about to get much more interesting," she warned. "I'm not holding back this time."

They returned to the ring, the air thick with anticipation. The second round promised to be a brutal ballet of fists, a test of endurance and willpower. As Jan restarted the timer, their gazes locked, each woman searching for a chink in the other's armor.

Sue, fueled by a mix of adrenaline and competitiveness, decided to up the ante. She unleashed a flurry of punches, her movements faster and more aggressive than before. Jan, however, was ready for her. She bobbed and weaved, deflecting blows with newfound agility, her punches finding their mark with increasing frequency.

The barn echoed with the rhythmic thud of leather against the flesh, punctuated by grunts and cries of exertion. The intensity escalated with each minute, blurring the boundaries between playful sparring and all-out combat. This was more than just a friendly match; it was a primal dance of strength and defiance.

The barn's atmosphere intensified as the rhythmic thud of leather against flesh filled the air, mingling with the raw scent of sweat and adrenaline. Fueled by determination, Sue focused her attacks on Jan's midsection, hoping to weaken her opponent's resolve. Jan, her face contorted with a fierce grimace, absorbed the blows, her resilience tested with each strike.

But Jan was not one to back down. With a sudden burst of speed, she unleashed a series of lightning-fast jabs connected with Sue's face. A sharp crack echoed through the barn as Sue's nose erupted in a crimson flow, a cut opening above her left eye.

The sight of blood ignited a primal fire within Jan. Jan craved – the thrill of the fight, the surge of adrenaline, the intoxicating feeling of control. It was an escape from the mundane, a release of pent-up frustrations.

Empowered by this newfound energy, Jan pressed her advantage, her punches becoming more forceful and precise. Dazed by the impact on her face, Sue stumbled backward, her vision blurring. Jan saw an opportunity and seized it, unleashing a powerful left hook that connected with Sue's temple.

The blow sent shockwaves through Sue's body. Stars exploded in her vision, her legs wobbled, and her world tilted on its axis. As darkness closed in, she collapsed onto the dirt floor, a defeated warrior at the feet of her triumphant opponent.
Jan's heart pounded with triumph and concern as she looked down at Sue, sprawled on the dirt floor. For a fleeting moment, she glimpsed the raw, unfiltered anger that had fueled her transformation. It was a powerful, intoxicating force, but one she knew she needed to control.

Bending down, she extended a hand to Sue. "I'm so sorry about that last punch," Jan said, her voice laced with genuine remorse. "I got carried away. I should have held back."

Sue blinked, her vision slowly refocusing as she took Jan's hand. "No worries," she mumbled, rubbing her temple. "I just... underestimated you, I guess. You've got a knockout punch now."

A wry smile tugged at the corner of Sue's mouth. "I never thought I'd see the day when timid, bookish Jan would be knocking me flat on my ass," she chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief. "You've certainly found your inner fighter, haven't you?"

Jan's smile widened, a hint of pride flickering in her eyes. "I guess you could say that," she replied, flexing her biceps instinctively. "It's been a long time coming."

Sue rose to her feet, a newfound respect in her gaze. "Well, I'm glad I came up here to witness it firsthand," she said, brushing the dirt from her shorts. "You've always had it in you, Jan. You just needed a little push."

Underneath the sparkling expanse of the night sky, Jan led Sue out of the barn. Their bodies buzzed with the aftershocks of their intense sparring session. The cool air was a welcome refreshment on their heated skin, a soothing contrast to the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere of the ring.

Jan steered Sue down a winding path illuminated by moonlight, their bare feet padding softly on the dewy grass. The path revealed a picturesque dock jutting out into the tranquil lake. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the surrounding trees, carrying the faint scent of pine and damp earth.

Jan kicked off her spandex shorts without a word, revealing a mischievous grin. She took a running leap off the dock, her body slicing through the air before plunging into the cool embrace of the lake water. A moment later, Sue's startled shriek pierced the stillness, followed by a satisfying splash as she, too, surrendered to the refreshing depths.

Sue surfaced beside Jan, her laughter bubbling up as she shook her head, sending droplets of water flying. "You always did love a good spontaneous dip," she sputtered, wiping her face with a dripping hand.

Jan grinned, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight. "It's the perfect way to cool down after a heated exchange, wouldn't you agree?"

Sue nodded, a playful glint in her eye. "I'll give you that," she conceded, splashing Jan playfully. "But next time, warn a girl, will you?"

They floated side by side, their bodies buoyed by the gentle current, the tension of the fight melting away with each passing moment. The lake enveloped them in its peaceful embrace, washing away the sweat and adrenaline, leaving a sense of camaraderie and shared adventure behind.

Dripping from their invigorating swim, Jan and Sue strolled back to the farmhouse, the moonlight casting long shadows on their intertwined path. The porch swing beckoned with its promise of rest. The gracious host, Jan, produced two chilled beers from a hidden cooler.

"To a good fight and an even better friendship," she declared, clinking her bottle against Sue's with a cheerful smile.

Sue raised her beer in response, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "I'll drink to that," she agreed, taking a long, satisfying sip.

As the moon cast ghostly white light, the two friends settled into the porch swing, recounting the highlights of their boxing match. They analyzed each punch, dodge, and strategic move, their laughter filling the quiet night air.

Sue's eyelids began to droop as the night wore on. "As much as I hate to be a party pooper," she yawned, "I think I need to hit the hay. That fight took a lot out of me."

Jan nodded understandingly, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. "The guest room is all yours," she offered. "Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you can take my bed. It's up to you, darling."

Sue met Jan's gaze, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Well, I did technically win," she said, her voice barely a whisper. I’ve earned the right to sleep in the winner’s bed.

Jan chuckled softly. "Fair enough," she conceded, standing up and offering Sue a hand. "Let's go get you settled in, champ."

Together, they walked towards the house, their bodies brushing against each other in the dimly lit hallway. As they reached Jan's bedroom door, Sue paused, her eyes searching Jan's.

"You know," she said softly, "that was one hell of a knockout."

Jan leaned in, her voice a low murmur. "I think you deserved it."

With a shared smile, they stepped into the room, the door clicking shut behind them, leaving the rest of the night to untold possibilities.

The morning sun streamed through the bedroom window, casting a warm glow on Jan and Sue as they stirred from their slumber. A comfortable silence hung in the air, broken only by the occasional yawn and contented sigh. They rose from the bed with a shared smile, their bodies still bearing the marks of their passionate encounter.

Jan, ever the early riser, brewed a pot of coffee as Sue padded barefoot to the kitchen. "Morning, champ," Jan greeted her with a playful smirk.

Sue chuckled, her cheeks flushed with a rosy glow. "Morning yourself, slugger," she replied, accepting a steaming mug of coffee from Jan.

After a quick breakfast of toast and fruit, they decided to venture into town for a change of scenery. Jan's sleek BMW purred to life, its engine a stark contrast to the rustic charm of the farmhouse. As they pulled into the parking lot of Jan's favorite coffee shop, a few heads turned their way.

Sue, noticing the curious stares, self-consciously tugged at her midriff-baring shirt, her bruises peeking from beneath the fabric. Jan, however, seemed unfazed. She held her head high, a confident swagger in her step as they entered the cafe.

Mary, the barista and Jan’s close friend spotted them immediately. Her eyes widened as she saw their disheveled appearance and the colorful bruises adorning their bodies.

"Jan!" she exclaimed, beckoning them over to the counter. "Who's your friend? And what in the world happened to you two?"

Jan grinned, introduced Sue, and launched into a lively retelling of their epic barn brawl. Mary listened intently, her jaw dropping as Jan described the intensity of the fight, the adrenaline rush, and the unexpected intimacy that followed.

When Jan finished her story, Mary was practically bouncing with excitement. "Wow," she breathed. "That sounds amazing! Can I come and watch next time?"

Jan laughed, a warmth spreading through her chest. "Maybe," she replied with a wink. "But only if you're willing to enter the ring yourself."

Jan, ever attuned to the cafe’s social dynamics, nudged Sue's arm, her eyes narrowing as she spotted a familiar face. Julie, a fellow teacher and known gossip, sat in a booth across the room, her gaze fixed intently on Jan and Sue.

Jan rose from her seat, a confident smirk playing on her lips. "Stay here," she whispered to Sue before strolling over to Julie's table.

"Well, well, well," Jan drawled, leaning against the table casually. "If it isn't Julie. How's your summer going? Staying busy, I hope?"

Julie rolled her eyes, her disdain evident. "I guess so," she replied curtly. "Who's that with you and Mary? I haven't seen her around before."

Jan's smirk widened. "This is Sue, a friend from college. She's up for a visit."

Julie scoffed, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. "A visit?" she repeated, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Or something more?"

Jan's patience began to wear thin. "What's it to you?" she retorted, her tone hardening. "I'm allowed to see whoever I want, remember?"

Julie raised a single finger in a defiant gesture. "Whatever," she muttered, returning to her coffee.

But Jan still needed to be finished. "If you have an issue with it," she challenged, leaning closer. Why don’t you drop by my place this afternoon, and we can resolve it in front of Sue? Unless, of course, you're scared."

Julie's eyes widened, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her face. "Fine," she retorted, her voice barely a whisper. "I'll be there at three. I have an errand to run first."

Jan turned her back on Julie, a triumphant glint in her eye. "Don't chicken out this time," she warned, her voice echoing through the cafe.

Returning to Sue and Mary, Jan recounted her exchange with Julie, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Looks like we've got ourselves a challenger," she announced, a mischievous grin spreading across her face.

Sue and Mary exchanged excited glances, their anticipation palpable. This unexpected turn of events promised to add another layer of excitement to their already eventful weekend.

As Jan and Sue stepped out of the cafe, the summer sun warming their skin, Mary's voice rang out behind them. "I'll see you two at three! Wouldn't miss the show for the world!"

Jan couldn't help but grin, knowing Mary's well-timed announcement had reached the intended audience. Julie, accompanied by her friend Shara, looked up from their table, their expressions a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Intriguing by the exchange, Sue nudged Jan as they walked towards the grocery store. "Okay, spill," she demanded. "What's the deal with Julie? She seemed a bit... hostile."

Jan chuckled softly. "Let's just say she's a bit of a scorned lover," she explained. "We were involved for a while, but things didn't end well. She thought she knew what I needed, but I guess I had different ideas."

Sue raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Different ideas, huh? I don't know, but are you building a boxing ring in your barn and inviting your college friend for a sparring session?"

Jan laughed, bumping her hip against Sue's playfully. "Something like that," she admitted.

They navigated the grocery aisles, filling their cart with essentials and indulgent treats. As they approached the checkout, they were greeted by Sally, the friendly cashier who knew everyone in town.

"Well, well, well," Sally chuckled, eyeing their bruises with amusement. "Looks like you two had quite the adventure last night. Did you get your barn up and running?"

Jan beamed with pride. "We sure did," she replied. "Sue here came up to christen it, and let me tell you, it was quite the christening."

Sally winked conspiratorially. "Sounds like fun. I've always wanted to try my hand at boxing."

Jan grinned. "Well, you can drop by and check out the ring anytime. Mary's coming by at three. Why don't you join her?"

Sally's eyes lit up. "I'd love to," she exclaimed, then added with a playful swat to Jan's backside, "I'll bring some beers and maybe some bandages. Just in case."

Jan and Sue left the store, their arms laden with groceries, laughter echoing through the parking lot. The anticipation for the afternoon's events was building, promising an unforgettable showdown in the heart of Jan's rustic haven.

With a final wave goodbye to Mary, Jan, and Sue left the coffee shop, the morning air buzzing with anticipation for the afternoon's events. Mary's parting words, "I'll see you two at 3," resonated through the cafe, ensuring that Julie and her friend Shara had heard them.

As they settled into Jan's BMW, Sue turned to her friend, curiosity evident in her eyes. "Okay, spill," she demanded. "What's the deal with Julie? She seemed a little... intense."

Jan chuckled, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Julie and I had a fling a while back," she explained. "But she had this idea of who she thought I was, what I wanted. And let's say her vision didn't quite align with my reality."

Sue nodded, a knowing look in her eyes. "Sounds like a classic case of mismatched expectations," she commented.

Jan smirked. "You could say that. But I'm looking forward to setting the record straight this afternoon."

The scenic drive back to the farm was filled with the hum of the BMW's engine and the buzzing of an idea taking shape in Jan's mind. The encounter with Sally at the grocery store sparked a new possibility, a way to channel their shared passion for fitness and empowerment into something bigger than themselves.

"You know," Jan began, her eyes fixed on the winding road ahead, "the women in this town are... something else."

Sue chuckled, recalling the intrigued stares and playful banter at the coffee shop. "That's one way to put it. They certainly seem to appreciate a good brawl."

Jan's grip on the steering wheel tightened a spark of excitement in her voice. "That's what I've been thinking," she continued, turning to face Sue. "What if we started a business here? A women's gym. A place where women could feel safe, empowered, and free to unleash their inner fighters."

Sue's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A gym?" she repeated, her interest piqued. "Like, a real gym? With treadmills and weights and stuff?"

Jan nodded eagerly. "And a boxing ring," she added, a mischievous grin across her face. "Just for us girls."

Sue's eyes lit up. "Now you're talking my language," she said, leaning forward in her seat. "But why here? Why not back in the city with a bigger market?"

Jan shook her head. "The gym in town is a total sausage fest," she explained. "Women here deserve a space to work without feeling objectified or intimidated. And besides," she added, her voice softening, "didn't you say you were looking for a change in your life?"

Sue paused, a thoughtful expression on her face. It was true. She'd been feeling restless lately, yearning for a new challenge, a chance to make a real difference.

"I did," she admitted, her voice barely a whisper.

Jan reached over and squeezed Sue's hand. "Then let's do this," she declared, her voice filled with conviction. Let’s build a sanctuary for women—a place where they can sweat, spar, and discover their true strength."

Chapter Two

Back at the farmhouse, Jan and Sue quickly stashed away the groceries, their minds already focused on the impending showdown. Jan retrieved a fresh pair of spandex shorts and matching leather gloves while Sue hoisted an ice chest filled with beers and towels.

"So, Sue," Jan inquired, a playful glint in her eye, "would you like to be my corner lady this afternoon?"

Sue grinned, accepting the challenge without hesitation. "You bet your ass I do," she declared. "I can't wait to see you put Julie in her place."

Jan chuckled. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she cautioned. "But I appreciate the enthusiasm."

With a shared look of anticipation, they returned to the house to await their guests. The clock ticked closer to 3 p.m., and right on cue, Mary and Sally pulled up in Mary's beat-up pickup truck. Both women were dressed in casual summer attire: T-shirts and jean cutoffs. Sally emerged from the car carrying a box brimming with beer bottles.

"Figured you might need some extra refreshments after the fight," she said with a wink, handing the box to Jan.

The four women exchanged pleasantries, their excitement palpable as they discussed the upcoming match. The tension thickened as Julie and Shara arrived in Julie's sleek pickup truck. Both women wore similar outfits to Mary and Sally, their faces etched with apprehension and determination.

Sue, ever the observant, surveyed the scene with a wry smile. "Well," she quipped, "it looks like we're all dressed for the occasion."

All eyes turned to Jan and Julie, who stood facing each other in the yard. The air crackled with unspoken animosity as they locked gazes, a silent challenge passing between them. It was clear that this was more than just a friendly sparring match; this was a battle for pride, respect, and perhaps even a bit of revenge.

A hush fell over the group as Jan's words broke the silence. "Glad you could make it, Julie," she said, her voice laced with a calm confidence. "Follow us down to the barn, and let's get this show on the road."

Her jaw was set in determination, and Julie replied with an evil smirk, "I've been waiting for this for a long time, Jan. Now I can finally humiliate you in front of our friends."

Mary and Sally exchanged knowing glances, the anticipation building in their eyes. "This should be good," Mary whispered, her voice barely audible.

The group descended the moonlit path, the air buzzing with anticipation. Jan and Sue, acting as ushers to this impromptu spectacle, pulled open the barn doors, revealing the makeshift boxing ring illuminated by a single spotlight.

Sue stepped forward, holding two cards concealed behind her back. "Alright, Julie," she announced, her voice echoing through the barn, "pick left or right."

Julie, her smugness unwavering, didn't hesitate. "Left," she declared, her eyes locked on Jan.

Sue handed Julie the card she had been holding in her left hand. The card read: "Blue - 5 rounds, 3 minutes each, 2-minute rest between rounds." Julie's smirk widened. "No problem," she scoffed, confident in her abilities.

Jan, unfazed by Julie's bravado, stepped forward, extending a pair of blue spandex shorts and matching gloves towards her. "Here's your gear," she said, her voice laced with a hint of challenge. "And by the way, it's topless here."

Both women shed their jean shorts and slipped into their respective spandex shorts without hesitation. Jan opted for red, while Julie donned the blue. In a final act of defiance, Jan yanked off her T-shirt, her toned physique gleaming in the spotlight. Sue stepped in to help Jan secure her gloves, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of encouragement.

Julie’s face was a mask of determination, and she followed suit. Shara assisted her with her gloves. The air crackled with tension as the two women faced off, their eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Mary and Sally took their positions beside the ring, their faces a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The stage was set for a showdown of epic proportions.

The barn fell silent as Jan and Julie settled into their respective corners. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation. The only sounds were the rhythmic thump of their hearts and the shuffling of their bare feet on the dirt floor.

Her eyes fixed on Jan; Sue began to massage her shoulders, her fingers kneading the tension from her muscles. "You've got this," she whispered, her voice low and reassuring. "Just do what you did to me last night. Don't get cocky, let her bring the fight to you."

Across the ring, Shara echoed Sue's sentiments, whispering words of encouragement into Julie's ear. "Take your time," she urged. "Pace yourself. Use your left hook as we practiced. Show me you want to win."

The buzzer blared, shattering the tense silence. Jan and Julie exploded from their corners, their bodies colliding in the center of the ring. Fists flew, each woman eager to land the first blow. Heeding Sue’s advice, Jan remained composed, bobbing and weaving, her movements fluid and efficient. Fueled by adrenaline and anger, Julie unleashed a barrage of punches, her form slightly wild and unfocused.

Mary and Sally, perched on the edge of the ring, erupted in cheers for Jan. "Come on, Jan!" Mary shouted, her voice hoarse with excitement. "Show her who's boss!"

Sally, not to be outdone, added her encouragement. "You've got this, girl! Knock her lights out!"

The barn became a symphony of grunts, shouts, and the rhythmic thud of leather against flesh. The first round was a whirlwind of action, a blur of fists and feet as the two women tested each other's mettle.

Sue’s concern grew in the red corner as the first round raged. Julie, fueled by adrenaline and a thirst for revenge, managed to land several powerful blows to Jan's ribs and a particularly stinging punch that lifted Jan's breast. A pained moan escaped Jan's lips, but her fighting spirit remained undeterred.

With a swift and determined counterattack, Jan retaliated, unleashing a series of forceful punches to Julie's ribs. Julie's pained moans filled the air, fueling Jan's determination. Each grunt was a symphony of satisfaction, a testament to her growing strength and resilience.

The final seconds of the round ticked away, the tension in the barn reaching a fever pitch. As the buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the first round, the two warriors separated, retreating to their respective corners, their chests heaving with exertion.

Sue sprang into action in the red corner, tending to Jan with practiced efficiency. She wiped the sweat from Jan's brow with a damp towel, offering words of encouragement and a reassuring smile. "You're doing great, girl," Sue affirmed. "Just watch out for her left hook. It's a nasty one."

Jan winced, clutching her right breast. "Tell that to my boob," she grumbled, a wry grin tugging at her lips. "I thought it was going to detach from my body."

Meanwhile, in the blue corner, Shara assessed Julie's condition, noting the red marks left by Jan's punches. "Stay focused," Shara urged, her voice steady and unwavering. "That left hook was perfect. A few more of those, and she's yours for the taking."

The buzzer blared, signaling the start of the second round. Mary and Sally's voices rose in a chorus of cheers and encouragement as Jan and Julie again met in the center of the ring.

"Come on, Jan!" Mary hollered, her enthusiasm infectious. "Show her what you're made of!"

"Finish her!" Sally chimed in, her fists pumping the air.

Fueled by their friends’ cheers and the lingering sting of the first round, both women charged forward, their bodies a whirlwind of fists and fury. The barn trembled with the force of their blows, the air thick with the scent of sweat and determination.

The second round began with a clash of wills. Both women stood their ground, trading blows with fierce determination. Jan, fueled by the pain in her breast and a desire to assert dominance, unleashed a relentless assault on Julie's midsection. Unleashed a series of punishing blows to Julie's midsection. Julie, surprised by the intensity of Jan's attack, struggled to defend herself, her arms raised in a futile attempt to shield her body.

From the blue corner, Shara's voice cut through the din. "Back off, Julie!" she screamed. "Regroup!"

Sue, in the red corner, countered with her advice. "Uppercut, Jan! Use your uppercut!"

Jan, hearing Sue's words, saw her opening. With a swift and decisive motion, she launched an uppercut that connected squarely with Julie's nose. A sickening crack echoed through the barn as blood spurted from the impact.

Julie staggered backward, her head snapping back from the force of the blow. A wave of dizziness washed over her, but her fighting spirit refused to yield. In a desperate attempt to regain control, she lashed out with a low blow, her fist connecting with Jan's abdomen just below her belly button.

Jan gasped in pain, doubling over as the buzzer blared, signaling the end of the round. The two women stumbled back to their corners, their bodies battered and bruised, their resolve tested but unbroken.

The barn's atmosphere remained charged as Jan, visibly shaken, made her way to the red stool, her legs wobbling with each step. Sue rushed to her side, a wave of concern washing over her. As she gently dabbed at Jan's sweat-drenched brow, Jan gasped, her voice husky with fury, "I'm going to kill her for that dirty punch!"

Sue, ever the voice of reason, tried to calm her agitated friend. "Easy, Jan," she soothed, her hands firm on Jan's shoulders. "She's trying to goad you into making a mistake. Don't let her get to you. Stick to the plan, use that uppercut again, and make sure it connects."

Across the ring, Julie reveled in her underhanded tactic. "I got her good with that cheap shot, didn't I?" she boasted to Shara, a triumphant smirk on her face.

Shara, however, was not amused. She fixed Julie with a stern look. "Don't get too cocky," she warned. "And try to fight fair. Trust me, cheating never ends well."

The buzzer's shrill sound shattered the momentary lull, signaling the start of round three. The tension in the barn thickened as Jan and Julie rose from their stools, their eyes locked in a fierce, silent exchange. Mary and Sally’s cheers were now laced with a hint of apprehension as they watched the two women approach each other once more, the air crackling with unspoken animosity.
The third round commenced, and a fire ignited in Jan's eyes as she witnessed Julie's smug smirk. Julie's taunting words, "Come on, let's finish this here and now. I'm getting tired of your girly hits," only amplified Jan's resolve.

Jan unleashed a whirlwind of punches with a primal roar, her fists finding their mark on Julie's midsection with relentless precision. Each blow carried the weight of Jan's anger, frustration, and determination. Julie, overwhelmed by the onslaught, stumbled backward, her defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.

Seizing the opportunity, Jan channeled the raw power she had discovered within herself. With a guttural cry, she launched her signature right uppercut, her fist connecting squarely with Julie's jaw. The impact echoed through the barn, a sickening thud that silenced the cheers and taunts alike.

Julie's eyes fluttered, her body crumpling as she collapsed onto the dirt floor. A collective gasp swept through the spectators as Sue rushed into the ring, raising Jan's arm in victory.

"And the winner, by knockout, is Jan!" Sue proclaimed, her voice filled with pride and joy.

Mary and Sally erupted in cheers, their voices echoing through the barn. Jan stood tall, her chest heaving with exertion, a victorious smile spreading across her face. She had not only defeated her opponent but had also conquered her demons.

The fight was over, but the impact lingered. Jan had proven her strength, both physically and mentally. She had faced her fears, embraced her anger, and emerged victorious. Humbled and defeated, Julie was left to contemplate the consequences of her actions.

The barn buzzed with energy as the friends gathered around Jan, offering congratulations and words of encouragement. The air was thick with the sweet smell of victory, a testament to the power of perseverance and the unyielding spirit of a woman who had found her voice, strength, and true self in the most unexpected places.
 Jan, her heart still racing from the adrenaline of the fight, approached the groggy Julie, extending a hand of sportsmanship. "No hard feelings, Julie," she offered, her voice surprisingly gentle. "I won fair and square."

Shara, who had been tending to Julie, nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll get her home," she assured Jan. "She's not exactly in party mode right now."

Mary stepped forward, offering to help Shara guide the dazed Julie toward their waiting truck. As the two women disappeared into the night, Sally reappeared with a triumphant grin, brandishing two ice-cold beers.

"Damn, Jan," she exclaimed, handing a bottle to both Jan and Sue. "That was one hell of a fight! You showed us what you're made of."

Jan accepted the beer with a grateful smile. "Thanks, Sally. And thank you, Sue," she added, turning to her corner woman. I couldn't have done it without you."

Sue patted Jan on the back, her eyes twinkling with pride. "My pleasure," she replied, a sly grin across her face. "And for your victory reward," she continued, producing Julie's blue spandex shorts from behind her back, "a new trophy for your collection."

Jan's laughter filled the barn as she accepted the offering. Returning from her escort duties, Mary joined the group, her face flushed with excitement.

"That was incredible!" she exclaimed, raising her beer bottle in a toast. "To Jan, the champion of the barn!"

The four women clinked their bottles together, echoing through the night air. The barn, once a silent sanctuary, was now filled with the warmth of friendship, the thrill of victory, and the promise of many more empowering nights to come.

With the thrill of victory lingering in the air, Mary and Sally bid farewells, leaving Jan and Sue to bask in the afterglow of their shared triumph. The setting sun cast a warm, golden light on the lake as the two friends made their way down to the dock, hand in hand.

They settled onto the edge, their legs dangling in the cool water, the gentle waves lapping, creating a soothing rhythm. Sue, sparkling with newfound purpose, turned to Jan. "I've been thinking about our business plan," she began, her voice filled with excitement. "I'm ready to take a leap of faith. I will cash in some of my 401K and invest it in our dream."

Jan's heart swelled with gratitude and admiration. "Are you sure?" she asked, her voice laced with concern. "It's a big risk."

Sue nodded, her resolve unwavering. "I know it is," she replied. "But I believe in us, Jan. I believe in this idea. And I'm willing to bet on it."

Jan smiled, reaching out to squeeze Sue's hand. "Then let's make it happen," she declared. "I'll meet with Gale, my attorney, tomorrow if you agree.”

Sue beamed, her enthusiasm contagious. "Absolutely!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy. In a sudden burst of playfulness, she leaned forward and shoved Jan into the lake, a surprised shriek escaping her friend's lips.

Jan resurfaced with a sputtering laugh, shaking her head in mock annoyance. Sue couldn’t contain her giggles, extending a hand to help her up. But just as Sue reached the edge of the dock, Jan grabbed her outstretched hand and pulled with all her might. Sue, caught off guard, tumbled into the water beside her, her laughter echoing across the lake.

The two friends splashed and laughed, their bodies intertwined in the cool water. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant hues of orange and purple. As darkness settled over the lake, Jan and Sue emerged from the water, their bodies shivering but their hearts filled with warmth and a shared sense of purpose. The future was uncertain, but one thing was clear: their journey together was beginning.

retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.


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Re: The Barn
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2024, 06:02:24 PM »

Superb flowing story.  I'm a great fan of backstory and buildup - your descriptions put me at the heart of the action. Thank you :)
Fighting is not for everybody, but it's something we've pretty much all been exposed to at sometime.  It's just how it affects us and what we feel about it.