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Body Language

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Offline man-of-sea

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Body Language
« on: August 18, 2024, 08:31:59 AM »
Here is a new story I have been thinking about hope you enjoy the story....

Body Language

Maya looked out the cafe window, watching the rain patter against the cobblestone street. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the cozy space, mingling with the faint aroma of baked goods from the display case. She sipped her cappuccino, savoring the warmth as it spread through her. She was in a town she had never been to before, a brief stop on her travels, but the comfort of a good cup of coffee remained a constant. Her laptop sat open on the small table, the screen's glow illuminating her focused eyes as she scanned through emails and documents.

The bell above the door jingled, and calm, damp air swept in. Maya looked up as a young woman, Lily, brushed the rain from her hair and scanned the room for an empty seat. She was the picture of youthful vitality, with a radiant smile and muscles rippled beneath her damp workout gear. Maya couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy—how easily she embraced her body and the world around her.

Lily spotted the open chair across from Maya and sailed over, dropping a damp towel onto the seat before claiming it. She seemed to float through life, unburdened by the weight of self-doubt that Maya often felt.

"Mind if I join?" Lily asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Maya nodded curtly, noticing Lily's toned arms flexed as she set down her smoothie. She felt a pang of self-consciousness, her arms feeling less than adequate under the scrutiny of the younger woman's gaze.

"I'm Lily," she said, extending a sweaty hand. "I just came from the gym around the corner. You looked like you could use some company."

Maya hesitated before taking Lily's hand, noticing the firm grip and the strength behind it. "Maya," she replied, managing a polite smile. "Nice to meet you."

Lily's eyes lit up as she recognized Maya's laptop. "Are you working on something cool?"

Maya chuckled. "Just going through some emails. Nothing glamorous."

Lily leaned in, her curiosity piqued. "I get it. Sometimes I feel like I live in my inbox, too."

Maya couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of annoyance. "You don't look like you spend much time behind a screen," she said, her gaze flicking over Lily's athletic frame.

Lily grinned. "Oh, I manage to fit in plenty of adventure. I'm a fitness influencer, so my work inspires others to get moving and love their bodies." She sipped her smoothie, her eyes never leaving Maya's. "But enough about me. What brings you to town?"

Maya shifted in her seat, her self-consciousness growing. "I'm a freelance consultant," she said, trying to keep her tone even. "Just passing through."

Lily's smile didn't waver. "That's so cool! You know, I've always admired people who can work from anywhere. It must be so freeing."

Maya's defenses began to soften. "It has its perks," she admitted. "But it's not all rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes, you miss out on the community aspect of a traditional job."

Lily nodded thoughtfully. "I can see that," she said. "But you get to make your schedule. And hit the gym whenever you want?"

Maya's eyes narrowed slightly. "I suppose," she said, feeling the conversation veer into uncomfortable territory. "But I've had to work hard to get here."

Lily's smile remained unchanged. "I bet you have," she said. "But tell me, Maya, do you ever feel like you're working against yourself?"

Maya's gaze sharpened. "What do you mean?"

Lily leaned in closer, her voice gentle. "Well, I couldn't help but overhear you earlier, talking about how you wish you had more time to work out. And I noticed how you looked at me when I sat down."

Maya felt a flush creep up her neck. "I didn't mean anything by it," she said, her voice tight.

Lily held up her hands. "Hey, no judgment here," she said. "But I've seen that look before. It's the same one my mom gives herself when she thinks no one's watching. You know, that 'I'm not good enough' look."

Maya stiffened. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said, her voice calm.

Lily leaned back, her expression earnest. "I'm not trying to be rude," she said. "It's just that I've been there. I used to obsess over what I looked like, too. But then I realized that it's not about that. It's about what your body can do, not what it looks like."

Maya took a deep breath, her eyes lingering on the rain outside. "It's easy for you to say," she murmured. "You're young; you're fit. You don't have to deal with the same pressures I do."

Lily cocked her head to the side, studying Maya with a thoughtful expression. "What pressures are those?"

Maya's eyes flicked to the laptop screen, her fingers tightening around the warm porcelain of her mug. "You know, the pressures of looking a certain way, especially in a place like that gym."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Oh, you mean the one with all the mirrors and judgmental stares?"

Maya's gaze snapped back to Lily, her expression tightening. "Exactly. Everyone's watching, waiting for you to make a mistake."

Lily's eyes searched Maya's, and she reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand on her forearm. "You know, Maya, I've been to many gyms, and I can tell you, no one's watching that closely. They're all too busy worrying about their reflections."

Maya looked down at Lily's hand, feeling the warmth and the strength beneath her touch. She took a moment to process the words, trying to let the truth of them sink in. "Maybe," she conceded. "But it's hard to shake that feeling."

Lily nodded. "I get it," she said. "But here's the thing. Something amazing happens when you focus on what you can do rather than how you look doing it. You start to feel powerful, not just look it."

Maya's skepticism was palpable. "It's not that simple," she said. "I've spent years climbing the corporate ladder, and how you're seen is just as important as your work."

Lily leaned back in her chair, her expression contemplative. "I've heard that before," she said. "But here's the thing: strength comes from within. And if you're constantly trying to fit someone else's mold, you'll never find it."

Maya's jaw tightened as she considered Lily's words. "You make it sound so easy," she said, her voice laced with a hint of challenge.

Lily's smile was understanding. "I know it's not," she said. "But it's about choosing to change your perspective. Start valuing yourself for what you can do rather than how you look."

Maya took a deep breath, her eyes flickering to the gym bag at Lily's feet. "And what if I can't do what you can?" she asked, the challenge in her voice unmistakable.

Lily's smile grew. "You'd be surprised," she said. "Why don't you come with me to the gym tomorrow? I'll show you that age is just a number regarding strength and ability."

Maya hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Alright," she said. "But don't expect any miracles."

Lily's grin widened. "I'm not," she said. "I just expect you to surprise yourself."

The next day, Maya stepped into the gym with trepidation and curiosity. The space was vast and gleaming, filled with the clang of weights and the hum of cardio machines. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and determination. Lily led the way, her confidence unshaken by the sea of muscles and Lycra surrounding them.

"You okay?" Lily asked, noticing Maya's tight grip on her water bottle.

Maya nodded, trying to swallow her nerves. "Just not my usual environment," she replied, her eyes darting around the room.

Lily looked around the gym, her gaze unfazed by the fitness enthusiasts. "You'll get used to it," she assured her. "Everyone starts somewhere."

Maya followed Lily to the weights section, feeling the regulars' eyes upon her. She self-consciously adjusted her gym clothes, which she had meticulously chosen to cover as much of her body as possible. On the other hand, Lily was wearing a sports bra and shorts, showcasing her toned abs and sculpted legs.

"Let's start with some deadlifts," Lily said, pointing to a barbell loaded with weights. "It's a great full-body exercise."

Maya's eyed the barbell warily. It looked heavy and intimidating. "I don't know if I can handle that," she admitted.

Lily laughed lightly. "Trust me, you're stronger than you think," she said, guiding Maya to the bar. "Let's start with an empty bar to complete the form."

Maya took a deep breath and bent her knees, her hands gripping the cold metal. Lily demonstrated the technique, her body moving gracefully, making the heavy bar seem weightless. Maya watched closely, mimicking her stance.

"Ready?" Lily asked.

Maya nodded, gripping the bar with both hands. She took a deep breath and lifted it off the ground, her muscles straining. The weight was surprisingly manageable, and she felt a flicker of pride as she stood straight, the barbell hovering just above her knees.

"Perfect," Lily said, her voice filled with encouragement. "Now, just lower it back down slowly."

Maya did as instructed, feeling the burn in her hamstrings and lower back. She set the bar down with a gentle thud, her heart racing from both the exertion and the realization that she had done it. Lily high-fived her, her eyes alight with excitement.

"Great job," she said. "Now, let's add some weight."

Maya's heart rate spiked as Lily added plates to the barbell, the clanging sound echoing through the gym. She watched Lily flex her muscles with each plate, her movements precise and controlled.

"Don't worry," Lily said, noticing Maya's apprehension. "We'll start with just a little more. Nothing you can't handle."

Maya took a deep breath and nodded, returning to the barbell. She gripped the bar with renewed determination, feeling the cool metal against her palms. She focused on Lily's instructions, bending her knees and keeping her back straight. She lifted the bar with a grunt, the added weight making her muscles protest.

As she brought the barbell back down, she heard a murmur of approval from the nearby weightlifters. The sound was surprising, and she felt a glimmer of something she hadn't felt in a long time—pride in her physical capabilities. Lily beamed at her, and Maya couldn't help but return the smile.

"See?" Lily said, her voice filled with excitement. "You're already stronger than you thought."

Maya couldn't argue with the evidence of her own body. She felt a surge of energy, a reminder of her athletic youth. "Okay," she conceded, "maybe you're onto something."

Lily's smile grew. "Just wait," she said, leading Maya to the climbing wall. "This is where the real fun starts."

Maya's eyes widened as she took in the towering expanse of colorful holds. "I don't know about this," she said, her voice filled with doubt.

"Don't worry," Lily said, her eyes shining excitedly. "I'll spot you. Just trust me."

Maya took a deep breath and approached the climbing wall, her heart thumping in her chest. She had never done anything like this before—it starkly contrasted with the corporate boardrooms she was used to. The wall loomed over her, a daunting challenge representing all her fears and insecurities. But with Lily's encouragement, she reached for the first hold, her grip surprisingly firm.

Lily called out instructions, her voice a steady stream of positive reinforcement. "Good, Maya! That's it! Keep your core tight and reach for the next one."

Maya's breath came in ragged gasps as she scaled the wall, each handhold and foothold a battle against gravity. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her arms quivered with the effort, but she pushed on, driven by a fierce determination she hadn't felt in years. The voices of the gym patrons grew fainter, replaced by her breathing and the rhythmic thump of her heart.

"You're doing amazing," Lily called out, her voice a lifeline from the ground below.

Maya's fingers searched for the next hold, her palms slick with sweat. She could feel the gym's eyes on her, but something had shifted. The pressure to conform to their standards of beauty had been replaced by a newfound desire to prove herself—to herself.

"Almost there," Lily said, her voice steady and encouraging. "You've got this."

Maya's muscles burned, but she refused to give up. She found the next hold and pulled herself up, her feet searching for purchase on the textured surface. The top of the wall was in sight, and she pushed herself harder, driven by a sudden, fierce need to conquer this challenge.

As she reached the summit, Lily's cheers grew louder, and the gym fell away beneath her. For a moment, Maya was suspended in time; the only thing that mattered was the feeling of triumph in her chest. She had done it—she had proven to herself that she was more than the image she saw in the mirror.

Maya's descent could have been more graceful. Her legs wobbled as she stepped down from the wall; Lily was there to catch her, her arms strong and sure. "You rocked it," she said, her eyes gleaming with admiration.

Maya couldn't help but laugh, feeling a lightness she hadn't experienced in years. "I can't believe I did that," she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Lily is studying Maya: "Well done, Maya. You were amazing. Do you want to try something a bit different tomorrow?"

Maya felt a mix of emotions—exhaustion, exhilaration, and a newfound respect for herself. She looked into Lily's eyes and nodded. "Alright, you've got yourself a deal."

Lily smiles, "Why don't you meet me at my place, and we could  do a different strength test by wrestling?"

Maya's eyebrows shot up. "Wrestling?" she echoed, not quite sure she had heard correctly.

Lily nodded, her smile infectious. "Yeah, it's a great full-body workout and totally empowering. You'll love it."

Maya hesitated, the thought of wrestling feeling ludicrous and slightly terrifying. But something in Lily's eyes—excitement and earnestness—made her consider it. "Okay," she said, her voice tentative. "But I'm not exactly a wrestler."

Lily waved off her concerns. "Don't worry," she said. "It's just for fun. And who knows, you might discover a hidden talent."

Maya couldn't help but feel skeptical. "Alright," she said, her voice laced with a hint of doubt. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

The following evening, Maya stood in Lily's living room, which had been transformed into a makeshift wrestling ring with a thick, cushioned mat across the floor. Lily's apartment was a riot of color and energy, starkly contrasting with the minimalist hotel room Maya had been staying in.

"Ready to rumble?" Lily asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Maya looked around the room, taking in the bright lights and the strategically placed pillows around the mat. "I guess so," she said, trying to keep the skepticism out of her voice.

Lily handed her a pair of knee-length yoga pants and a sports bra. "Wear these," she instructed. "They're more comfortable for wrestling."

Maya took the clothes, feeling a bit self-conscious. She had never been one to wear such revealing workout gear, but she didn't want to back down. She changed in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. She felt exposed, but it also had a strange thrill—a reminder that she was pushing her boundaries.

When she emerged, Lily was already dressed in a similar outfit, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She looked like a warrior, ready for battle. "You're up," she said with a playful smack on Maya's shoulder.

Maya took a deep breath and stepped onto the mat. The material was excellent and grippy beneath her bare feet. Lily gave her a quick rundown of the rules—no biting, no hair pulling, and no moves that could cause serious injury. Then, without warning, she lunged forward, catching Maya in a headlock.

Maya's instincts took over, and she twisted out of Lily's grasp, landing a light shove that sent the younger woman stumbling backward. Lily's laughter filled the room, and Maya admired her opponent's good-natured spirit.

Their wrestling match was a whirlwind of giggles and grunts, with Lily's nimbleness often overcoming Maya's brute strength. Despite the physicality, their sparring was playfully playful, something Maya hadn't experienced in years. Her body moved in ways it hadn't since college, and she enjoyed the challenge.

Lily's earlier words about inner strength resonated with her as they grappled. With each move, she felt the tightness in her chest ease a bit more, her insecurities fading into the background. The focus was on the present, the struggle, and the victory of each successful escape.

Maya noticed something else beginning to emerge: the feel of another woman's body pressing and rubbing against hers. It was something she had never experienced with such intensity before, and it was making her body respond in ways she hadn't anticipated. She felt her breath hitch as Lily's leg wrapped around hers, and she felt the younger woman's muscles against her own.

Maya couldn't help but admire how Lily's body moved—so fluid and powerful as they continued to wrestle. It was clear that Lily was enjoying the physical challenge just as much as she was, and Maya found herself getting lost in the moment, her mind clear of the usual worries about her age and appearance.

Lily smiled as she. see Maya's nipples pressing out against her sports bra ."Hey, it's getting a little hot and sweaty. You want to try  wrestling now without our tops?"

Maya's heart skipped a beat. She felt a sudden rush of nerves and excitement. She knew it was unconventional, but something about the intimate setting and Lily's carefree attitude made it almost natural. "Alright," she said, her voice a little shaky.

They both stood up and removed their sports bras. Maya felt a wave of self-consciousness wash over her, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the thrill of the challenge ahead. Lily's eyes were focused on the task at hand, her competitive spirit undiminished.

Their bare skin slid against each other as they circled the mat, looking for an opening. Maya's breasts bounced slightly with each step she took, and she felt a strange sense of liberation as she embraced the sensation. Lily, seemingly unfazed by the lack of clothing, danced around her, her breasts firm and high, the result of years of dedicated training.

"Ready?" Lily asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Maya took a deep breath, feeling the cool air kiss her bare skin. "As I'll ever be," she said, her voice steady.

The match resumed, their bodies even more intertwined as they sought dominance. Maya felt the heat rising in her cheeks as their breasts collided, but she pushed the thought aside, focusing on the tactics Lily had taught her. The physical contact was surprisingly electrifying, and she enjoyed its raw power and intimacy.

Lily, sensing Maya's new arousal, worked her firm, erect nipples across  Maya's and could feel Maya trying to press her into Lily's. Lily grinned; she knew she had hit a nerve, and it was turning into an erotic dance of strength and agility. She had done this before with other women, but something about Maya made her want to push it further.

Maya felt the electricity between them, and she couldn't ignore how her body responded. She tried to focus on the wrestling, but the sensation of Lily's bare skin against her own was too much. Her mind was racing with thoughts she had never allowed herself to have before.

Their movements grew more deliberate, each touch lingering longer than necessary. Lily's eyes held a knowing glint, and Maya realized that she wasn't the only one feeling the sexual tension in the air. They grappled, each trying to overpower the other, but the playfulness had become more intense.

Maya found herself caught in a leg lock, her breath coming in shallow gasps as Lily leaned over her, their breasts almost touching. The heat from Lily's body was palpable, and Maya could feel the younger woman's breath against her neck. She swallowed hard, trying to ignore how her body was reacting.

Lily's eyes searched Maya's, and she could see the hunger there—a hunger for more than victory on the mat. "You okay?" she asked, her voice low and sultry.

Maya nodded, unable to find the words to express the tumult of emotions inside her. "Yeah," she managed to croak out.

Lily's grip tightened around her leg, and she leaned in closer, her breath hot against Maya's ear. "You know, I've been watching you," she murmured. "You're so much more than you give yourself credit for."

Maya's pulse quickened, and she felt a warmth spreading through her body that had nothing to do with the exertion of their match. "What do you mean?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Lily leaned closer, her breath warm and sweet. "You're so strong, so powerful," she said. "And you're more than just your age or your job. You're a warrior, Maya."

Maya's eyes widened, and she felt a jolt of something she couldn't quite name—desire, perhaps, or a deep connection she hadn't felt in a very long time. She didn't know how to respond, so she did the only thing she could think of—she lunged forward, her body colliding with Lily's.

Their breasts pressed together, and Maya could feel the younger woman's heart racing. Lily's grip on her leg loosened, and they rolled together, their limbs tangling as they fell to the mat. For a moment, the wrestling was forgotten, their bodies moving in a different dance—one driven by passion and need.

Lily, making the move, grips  Maya's yoga pants and starts pulling the pants down her hips, exposing her firm round buttocks; Maya is caught off guard by the sudden turn of events but doesn't resist. Her body responds with a rush of heat as she feels the cool air against her skin.

Maya's mind was racing; she had never been in such a situation before, but she couldn't deny the feeling of desire building inside her. She looks into Lily's eyes, which are dark with lust, and she feels herself leaning in, her body acting on instincts she didn't know she had.

Their lips met in a fiery kiss, all pretense of a friendly wrestling match forgotten. Maya's arms wrapped around Lily's neck, pulling her closer as their bodies melded together on the mat. Lily's hands roamed Maya's bare back, tracing the contours of her spine and sending shivers down her body.

Maya's hips rolled into Lily's, and she felt the younger woman's arousal pressing against her. It was a heady sensation that made her feel alive in a way she hadn't in years. Lily's legs were like steel around her, holding her in place as their kisses grew more urgent.

Their breathing grew heavier, their bodies slick with sweat as they explored each other. Maya's hands found Lily's breasts, cupping them gently before teasing the erect nipples. Lily gasped into her mouth, her own hands finding Maya's hips, her nails digging into the soft flesh.

Maya felt a sense of power she hadn't experienced in a long time. The societal pressures she had carried with her to the gym had been shed along with her inhibitions. Here, with Lily, she was free to be herself, to revel in the strength and beauty of her body.

Lily works to get Maya's yoga pants off and, standing, quickly rolls her yoga pants off completely. She takes a moment to appreciate Maya's naked body, her eyes lingering on the older woman's firm ass and strong legs. "Wow," she whispers, "you're so sexy."

Maya's cheeks flame with color, but she can't help the smile that spreads across her face. She had never been one for casual flings, but there was something about Lily's raw honesty and unabashed appreciation that made her feel desirable. She returns the favor, her eyes roaming over Lily's toned form, her hands itching to touch the smooth skin she had only felt through fabric moments ago.

With a newfound boldness, Maya runs her fingers along Lily's collarbone, tracing the line of her neck down to her breasts. Lily's skin is hot to the touch, and she arches her back, pushing herself into Maya's caress. Their kiss deepens, tongues tangling as Maya explores the younger woman's body with growing confidence.

Lily's hands are everywhere, caressing Maya's breasts, her stomach, her thighs. Each touch sends a bolt of pleasure through her, making her ache for more. They roll over, Lily on top, her strong legs straddling Maya's hips. Maya can feel the wetness between her thighs, a testament to her arousal.

Lily looked into Maya's eyes and could feel Maya wanting her to use her hips on her, and she knew just what to do.  She shifts her weight slightly, grinding her hips against Maya's in a slow, sensual rhythm. Maya's eyes widened, and she gasped, responding instinctively to the pressure. Lily's thighs are slick with sweat, making the contact even more intense.

Maya's hands find Lily's firm ass, gripping it tightly as she lifts her hips to meet each of Lily's movements. Their skin slapping together fills the room, mingling with their ragged breaths. Lily's eyes never leave Maya's, her pupils dilated with desire. "You like that?" she murmurs, her voice a low purr.

Maya nods, unable to form words. She had never felt so alive, so desired. Lily's confidence was infectious, and she let go of her fears and insecurities. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, each movement bringing them closer to the edge.

Lily's hand slid down Maya's body, her fingers finding the wetness between her thighs. She teases Maya's clit gently, eliciting a moan that echoes through the room. Maya's hips buck upward, seeking more pressure and more contact. Lily smiles, her teeth gleaming in the dim light, and obliges, her touch growing firmer, more insistent.

Maya's body responds to Lily's skilled ministrations, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. She can feel an orgasm building, a pressure that starts in her core and radiates outward. Lily seems to sense it too, her movements growing more urgent, her eyes never leaving Maya's.

Maya's nails dig into Lily's back, her body arching off the mat as the pleasure becomes almost too much to bear. "Don't stop," she whispers, her voice hoarse with need.

Lily's eyes blaze with passion as she leans down, her teeth grazing Maya's neck. "I've got you," she murmurs, her breath hot against Maya's skin. Her fingers continue their delicate dance, bringing Maya closer and closer to the brink.

Maya feels a wave of sensation wash over her, her body tightening as the orgasm builds. It's been so long since she's felt this alive, this wanted. Her eyes squeeze shut, and she lets out a low, keening moan as it crashes through her, her muscles spasming with the intensity of it.

Lily watches Maya's face as she brings her to climax, her arousal heightened by the sight. She slows her movements, letting Maya ride out the last waves of pleasure before leaning down to kiss her softly. "Beautiful," she whispers against Maya's cheek.

to be continued…….
retired and self exploring daring to leave one's comfort zone.


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Re: Body Language
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2024, 11:45:23 AM »
More please!
Beware of Project 2025! Read it! At least read the highlights! The radical religious right are coming after us who like sites like this one. Vote, while you still can, to stop Project 2025.


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Re: Body Language
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2024, 06:39:41 PM »
Amazing story! Really hope to see this one continue. Would be awesome to see Maya hit the gym hard and try to match Lily's strength.