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Kelly Monaco vs Lindsey Hartley

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Kelly Monaco vs Lindsey Hartley
« on: July 29, 2024, 07:06:34 PM »

Sara Jean Underwood was holding Kirsten Storms against the wall by the throat “GET MONACO”

“She was challenged by someone and isn’t here.”


“Melissa Claire Egan, she had a long-time challenge to Kelly, please let Kirsten go.”

“That’s in LA… I’ll have friends watching reminding Kelly that I’m coming for her… No one texts her or I come back and one by one kick every single female ass on this show… Do you hear me.”

Sara’s cadre of friends got the fight between Kelly Monaco and Melissa Claire egan delayed a few days.  Starting by convincing agents that a fight on Melissa’s former set made no sense.  Then they went to work on finding a place for them to fight.

Monaco and Egan were getting anxious and would meet up each day and punch the other in the stomach and give one slap to the face. 

One day Melissa never showed up, but her friend did.  “Melissa found out why the delays, go to her house and find out who is the toughest soap star of all time.  There can only be one Queen of the soaps”

Kelly did and Sara Jean Underwood showed up later found out what happened and by force found out what was going down… Monaco was to fight Egan and she had to get there.

Kelly Monaco was at Melissa Claire egan’s house with five former co-stars.  Melissa had five former co-stars there as well “We going to do this here”

“No outside.  Its easier to repair a lawn then fix what we break in here”

“When we go outside, you’ll tell me why”

“Underwood wants you and does not want anyone else ending you.”

Kelly stretched and Melissa began.  Kelly started to laugh “I don’t think anyone believe you will end me”

Melissa laughed “Yeah, I’m just going to kick your ass.  I’ve no interest in making you stop fighting because its all you really have.”

“Oh, I have a lot but I do love being the absolute best.  You are one of the few who I thought in soaps could challenge my claim so I’m going to write you out of the claim like you get written out of shows.”

“You’ve been fighting for years and there isn’t a person alive who doesn’t know your reputation but for the last few years your losses are what get talked about.  All those years ago against Angela Little, or how Sara Underwood dominates you and today when you lose to me.  Reality is you also should be challenging Lindsey Hartley”

“Whys that?  On everything Why bring up  Angela Little? Why lie and say wimpy Underwood dominates me when she’s never ready to say yes to another fight and is always cheating to win and why is Hartley who I should be challenging and not you?  Because she is my backup on GH?”

“Lindsey always wanted to fight you and is in the shape and body type to embarrass you and she kicked my ass.”

“I did.  I kicked her ass and I’ve wanted to fight you for years.”  Lindsey Hartley walked in

“This isn’t what I agreed to Lindsey.”  Melissa said before Kelly could protest.

“I don’t really care.  I love you but on this I don’t care.  You brought up Little and Underwood to get an advantage over her and it didn’t work.  She knows they kicked her ass, but she also kicked Sara’s, and do you know what else she knows.  She knows she has avoided me for ten years.  You challenged her one time and she’s here because she claims she doesn’t know who would win.  Ten years I’ve challenged her and heard nothing because she is well aware there isn’t a question on who could win because I would.  Sara there’s a chance for a win so they fight and well she hates her.  Theres only two women she avoids because no matter what she says to herself she knows she can’t win.  Those two are of course Angela Little and myeself.”
“You began to ramble a bit there and it made no sense… Well really it never made sense.  I had no idea you ever challenged me.  She has I know she has and shes my challenge. The other parts that make no sense and are flat out delusional is my knowing I can’t beat you.  Really.  Really.  I can’t beat…You.  Yeah, you look like a challenge even more than just about anyone.  All that I could let go but you mention Angela Little…I’m getting tired after all these years of her being thrown back in my face.  If you said where to find her Id settle this right now about whether or not I fear her.  I don’t and as for you…”

“Which one of us do you think presents you a greater challenge?  For me I think Lindsey does and …”  Melissa said in a brutally honest statement

“So, then I officially challenge you.”  There was a seriousness in Lindsey’s voice that caused Melissa to look over at her

Kelly pointed at Melissa “She is first in line.  We’ve had to wait for days.”

“You two met up how many times and did a punch and slap…. Kelly be honest now with all your experience.  After feeling what Melissa will do is it like Sara how about Rycroft or Milano.”

“She’s stronger than Milano…”  Kelly bit her lip looked at both women and had to admit the truth “I can beat her after some initial trouble, so you want to fight me and I hear you have been gunning for my role because you replaced me a couple times.”

“So, what we don’t fight.”  Melissa was actually smiling.

“Wait did you two set me up.”

“God no I wanted this but hold on that’s what you said she would do to beat me and its what you did when we had a fight.”

“Kelly is looking for an excuse out.  She knows it would have been a struggle with you but then she would be getting revered by all of soaps and our movie scene.  She also knows when it comes to me.”

“You don’t shut up for someone …”

Lindsey walked down was in Kelly’s face “I’ll shut up once everyone says this is the fight and you, I’m the fight.  Then I’ll shut up and fight you then shut you up but don’t worry I’m not here to retire you.”

Kelly met Lindsey to intimidate her, but it just ended up with them pressing chest and Kelly brought her lips over to Lindsey’s right ear.  “Does this feel like I fear you and I don’t even want you to shut up.  I will shut you up if you want to cut the line on your friend.”

Lindsey stared straight ahead “I’m not skipping a line I’m not doing anything but making it known I challenge you and if you give me the word ‘Now!’ we do it now and if you want later then say that word and if you…”

“Now.”  Kelly said at a whisper.

They pushed away from each other, and Kelly threw a punch, but Lindsay ducked low and took Kelly Monaco down.   That got the oohs and ahhs from the crowd especially as Lindsay sat up and hit Kelly Monaco with three hard slaps.

Forehand, backhand, forehand then Lindsey went for Kelly’s hair to slam her head.  Kelly grabbed the shirt collar and pulled Lindsey away.  Kelly was so quick she was on Lindsey’s back and hit three right handed slaps to Lindsey’s right ear.  Lindsey arched her back and pulled inward flipping Kelly Monaco.

Lindsey then did a little leap and sat on Kelly face looked at everyone “How many knew this was what you’d see?”  That moment was all Kelly needed to get her hands on Lindsey’s ass push up send her forward and get calves around Lindsey’s head.


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Re: Kelly Monaco vs Lindsey Hartley
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2024, 07:09:25 PM »

Kelly hoped Lindsey would try to flip out instead Lindsey got both her legs to Kellys right kept on her feet hands on both sides she crab walked to Kellys feet.  Head slid slightly away from the calves and was easier to pull out.  So, Lindsey pulled her head out and leaped forward and got Kelly in a headlock.  Rested her back on Kelly’s tits then put pressure on leaning her tit into Kelly’s face.

Kelly grabbed the back of the hair got her leg over the face pulled down breaking the head lock.  Lindsey got her knee on Kelly’s calf pressed down got away from the legs. Both up and Kelly got a head lock in and grinded Lindsey’s face into her boob then tried to take Lindsey over the hip but Lindsey got a wide stance pushed down on the elbow broke the head lock threw a leg over and got her thighs around Kelly’s head.

That got Kelly to pull out as quickly as she could only to get a soccer kick to the forehead.  Not a hard kick, she just raised her foot to see if it would connect.  It did and it bounced Kelly onto her ass.  Kelly got up and immediately put her hands out stopping Lindsey from coming at her. 

Kelly looked Lindsey who stopped just before the hands and then backed up stretched her neck bobbing it to the right shoulder then left.  Lindsey untucked her shirt and wasn’t stepping forward “Never got you enough.   Think I got enough to..”

“Get some respect…Hell of a move was not expecting that.”  Kelly said

“Theres a reason you never looked to hard for me.  I got respect for you but I don’t fear you and can do what you can.  When this is over your producers will know they have someone that can step in for you.”

Both had the lefts extended “Only I play Sam McCall.”  Kelly threw a punch at the tit then brought her left inward but threw the elbow.  Lindsey blocked most of that and parried Kelly down to the ground.

Lindsey enjoyed that sight then jumped down on Kelly but the split second of enjoying seeing her parry Kelly down allowed Kelly to move.   Kelly spun around on her hip and went for her own kick but it got blocked and now both were on one knee on the ground staring at the other.  Something about Lindsey was making Kelly nervous.

They started to get up and Lindsey dove at Kellys waist bringing her down then headbutted the stomach.  Lindsey was fighting to keep her legs free and leaped upwards on Kelly so her tits were on Kellys.

Kelly was quick to roll Lindsey and pressed her tits down on Lindseys “That what you wanted.”  Lindsey was not flinching or showing pain yet

Instead Lindsey drove her left arm up between Kellys left arm and body hard into the arm pit.  She was able to turn Kelly and Kelly slid onto a hip and kicked Lindsey away.  Both got up to their feet.

A brief break and Lindsey looked at Kellys tits then smiled “Yeah Kelly… That’s and this is exactly what I want and now I know everything I ever said and thought is real.”
“All the things you said and thought to these people are holding up but we’ve just begun and trust me…”

“Trust me you get going I wont be able to handle it.  Trust me now you are taking me more seriously.  Trust me… Kelly I trust you are tough as hell and a legend but I trust I’m the best of all time in soap operas and will kick your ass.”

Kelly stepped in threw a combination then went for a kick.  It got trapped and Lindsey shifted her hips and threw Kelly onto a table and quickly grabbed her shirt and ripped it open.  Before Lindsey could attack tits Kelly kicked her away.

Kelly got off the table and side stepped a fake attack by Lindsey who just smiled “Yeah you taking me seriously now.”

“I take every fight seriously because everyone wants to knock off a queen.”

“you actually called yourself the Queen and I’m assuming its of the Soaps as you and Sara.. Have you figured out who is Queen Playmate yet.?”

“Queen of Soaps is a major title, more competition than playmates maybe not as stiff but if you are the one who thinks she should have that title… I prefer that title over the playmate one but sara is not allowed that one either.”

“Enough talk.”  Lindsey ran at Kelly got her arms around her and Kelly shifted her hips and both went over the table.

They wrestled got up and graded punches to the stomach “ Fuck.”  Kelly said pushed Lindsey away and backed up with a new look on her face.

“Ok yeah … Ok.”  Kelly said she had things she wanted to say but that tie up and the punches.  It felt like Lindseys punch went further into her stomach than her fist into Lindseys

“Ok you want to keep going because I sure do.”  Lindsey could feel the crowd focused on both bodies.  This was exactly what she always knew deep down would happen if she got Kelly one on one.  That shed earn respect and people would know she is the true Queen of the Soaps.

Kelly stood up so did Lindsey “Well Kelly do you…”  Kelly put her hand up to stop that then removed what was left of her shirt.  Lindsey did the same.  They studied the others body, both were exquisitely put together through years of hard work and genetics.

They took the big step went for hair Kelly ducked under.  Kelly grabbed the pants spun Lindsey and drilled her with a punch in the stomach that dropped Lindsey.  Kelly stood over a gasping Lindsey Hartley “Yes Lindsey I do and know why because I’m a winner.”

Kelly grabbed Lindsey by the back of the bra began to lift her and her ego was returning she pointed at Melissa Claire Egan.  “You made the right move look at the fear in your….”

Lindsey lifted Kelly up ran her across the inside coffee bar.  Lindsey threw Kelly into the counter top her back hitting hard.  Then Lindsey grabbed the front of the pants pulled and hit her own gut punch that dropped Kelly.  She picked Kelly up “I don’t care about looking tough in front of others I care about beating you and I..”  Another punch to the stomach then threw Kelly to the ground.


Lindsey thought about all the stories she heard about Kelly how she tried to replicate them fighting other soap stars over the years.  She was as athletic and mean and skilled as this bitch but she had to work on getting this body that Kelly was blessed with and just had to maintain.  She dropped down on Kellys back unclasped the bra “Its about messages.”

Lindsey was sliding the bra upward with the intention of choking Kelly with her own bra.  The vision of Kellys tits hanging down as her face contorted from being choked out was a fantasy Lindsey intended on making real.

Kelly felt the body move and immediately pushed back.  She slid out from under Lindsay and grabbed her shins when standing which caused Lindsay to go face first to the ground.  Lindsay was tough and immediately pulled her feet away from Kelly who knew what was happening let her bra fall awaited Lindsay to push up and grabbed her by the back of the hair.

Kelly got the back of hair and threw Lindsay at the bar.  Lindsay was off her feet and h it hard and groaned then ate a upper cut to each tit.  “Want to make it about everything… Lets go bitch.”  Kelly ripped the bra clean off.

Lindsey taught herself if you lose the bra in a fight, you throw your head forward and that’s what she did cracking Kelly good.  Kelly backed up shook her head and Lindsay removed what was left of her bra and leapt at Kelly with it to choke her out.

Kelly caught Lindsays wrists.  Lindsay stepped forward with her right foot, Kelly defended the power getting her right foot forward.  They both got on the toes of their left and struggled arms up in the air and the crowd going crazy.  They made eye contact then both looked down at the tits of the opponent.

Kelly knew she wasn’t going to be able to use her tits to win this yet.  Those tits of Lindsays were close to her equal.  Lindsay wanted to smile she knew she the slightly better tits but there was determination in Kelly, and she was more determined to win and let everyone see their bodies struggle at the same move.  Let them debate whose tits and body was superior


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Re: Kelly Monaco vs Lindsey Hartley
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2024, 07:11:51 PM »

They dug their feet in tightened their bodies .  The tits tightened up the stomachs went inward and muscles on ribs became so apparent they nearly jumped out of the skin.  They continued to push hoping to force the other back and neither was moving, they smiled at the battle then bit on the lower lip.

They weren’t budging they couldn’t kick or knee the other because that would cause a loss.  It would seem the other was more powerful, and they were fighting for so much in front of so many peers.  So, they began trying to bring their arms down to a side and out technique the other.

They needed to power back up and asses dropped then pushed back upwards.  Arms were trembling, stomachs were burning from all this, and legs were beginning to shake.  The two brunettes were determined, not budging though.

“Youre strong.”  Kelly said

“So are you.”

They threw their arms down to the same side.  That caused them to flip they got up spun and Kelly took Lindsay down hit a slap went for the hair but she was thrown off then Lindssay was up.  Lindsay dove pushed Kelly down hit her own slap then went for Kellys tits and Kelly powered her off and they both got up to their feet.

Their hair was sweaty and body was glistening with a lot of sweat.  This was a terrific equal battle of very equal women and they knew it.  They had a silence as they stared at the other more confident then ever that they would win this fight.  This was a fight that showed a lot about what both thought they were and truly were.

“Bet you wish it was Melissa who you were fighting?”

“It would be over if it was… I need to know at this point and I need to prove why its always me.”

“Bring more heat I’ll bring even more and watch  you melt under my heat.”

“You have enough of a break.?”  Kelly asked and Lindsay smiled gave a nod.  They needed a break after that stalemate, their muscles were on fire and they didn’t hate the other enough to get into the reservoir to talk and fight.

Lindssay had her fist back but threw a up kick that hit Kelly in the tit.  She had to do what was unexpected. Go against her instinct and do what she wasn’t comfortable with.  Punches were what she liked but standing up she wasn’t as good with that kind of striking but she knew it.  She just did it

There was a arch after the foot sent the tit shaking.  Lindsay hit a left hook that dropped Kelly she was not going to lose this fight for over a decade she told her friends if she got this opportunity, she would seize it.

Lindsay grabbed Kelly by the top of the hair got a arm around her throat.  Went for the choke but Kelly dropped her shoulder and flipped Lindsay who landed on her ass.  Kelly scratched Lindsays back stood up stepped back shook her head then as Lindsay got up Kelly threw a drop kick both feet getting Lindsay in the tits.

Lindsay went flying over some tables. Kelly thought about kipping back up to her feet but wasn’t sure if she could do that at the beginning fo a fight at this point in her life.  Yet alone after what had been a stamina draining fight.

“Its not over.”  Kelly heard people say, “I never said it was but it will be soon.” 

Kelly liked what she did, but more was needed.  She had to assume this girl was as tough as her and as resilient.  She knew how felt in that stalemate of pushing and saw it in the eyes of Lindsay Hartley she felt the same way.  So, this wasn’t over.

Lindsay kicked one of the fallen tables at Kelly as she got close.  Kelly caught it then gave the silent fuck knowing she got caught.  Lindsay was up grabbed Kelly by the back of the head and slammed her face down on the table.  “Not over until I am the QUEEN”

Clubbed Kellys back just under the neck.  “I don’t fight this hard to lose.”  She lifted Kellys face up to slam it again, but Kelly powered her head out then grabbed Lindsays head and slammed her down and clubbed her in the back below the neck.

“You will be disappointed you stepped up to the Queen of all.  Queen of you will kneel and “ Kelly went for her own slam and Hartley broke free hit a big right hand got hit with a big right hand.

The impact of each right haymaker made the other spit out blood.

They both threw the table away and hit another right haymaker.  Then a left hook to the tit and a right cross between the tits then grabbed the back fo the head and both hit a sick uppercut .  The uppercut sent them on wobbly legs dancing on a ice skating rink they fell

They got back up fell back a step and got their footing.  “Come on with it.”  “Oh I’m coming” No one knew who said what.

“You want more Kelly.”

“Youre still standing and talking so god damn right I want more and will give even more.”

“Then Lets fucking go for more.  The Queen of soaps the real queen says so.”

They were going back at each other, hands up tight but they were trading punches.  Both were just in the pocket they hit punches to the body and head stopped.  They pointed at the ground saying they weren’t going to move.

The cracks and thuds made people watching wince.  They’d connect  hard with face or dig into flesh, tits got hit, obliques, leg kicks , uppercuts but they were so determined right now and concentrated on keeping a strong stance and chin tucked so they could take these punches.

They both got rocked with a uppercut and tied the other up and were blocking uppercuts while trying to push the other woman.  Again, in a test of strength, again in a stalemate.  “I will move you and I will knock you out.”  Kelly said struggling against Lindsay

“I’m so confident I’m going to tell you what I’m going do.  I’m going to haul you down and knock you out with a knee to that face of yours.”

They were facing the same as before.  Bodies facing a stalemate this time they’d sneak a tit twist in to try and finish the other off.  “Egan you fucking weak bitch you do not fight Monaco before I end that ego of hers.”

“What” Kelly said then got pulled down into a Lindsay Hartley knee and knocked out cold.  Kelly Monaco was first on the ground ass up in the air and Lindsay Hartley standing over her victorious.

“I fucking said I said it for years this is what would…” Lindsay slowly turned around and saw a shocked Sara Jean Underwood “What the fuck are you doing here?”  look back down at her masterpiece of a ko and victory “No… No you all saw me beat her ass I won and …”  She ran at sara jean underwood, and everyone caught her “You took this from me I took so much and you show up and take my credit… I beat Kelly Monaco I need to be Queen of Soaps… Damn you Sara Jean Underwood you will pay for this… You will pay I have friends who can make you pay.”

(Upcoming:  Jenna Dewan vs Megan Fox rematch; British Fight Pit; Katherine McNamara vs Kathryn Newton, Janet Montgomery vs SArah Butler)