This event happens every July on the third week on a Thursday. Y on Thursday
who knows. I will try to cover what I remember about these fights were fun to me!
The answer ya"ll wanna know I am sure is I fought in 3 and never won anything.
But it was fun!. One of the instructors, Georgia D coordinated all activities with
this event. The event was held in a wrestling in a local club and was limited to 15
female students. Entry fee was $100 and the money breakdown went like this,
$1000 to the winner, $200 to rent the ring and the club it was in and $300 to Georgia
who had to arrange and keep track of everything else. I was good with this. Winning
$1000 would help with tuition, school fee's uniforms we had to purchase ect. After
paying our fee to enter we wer told when and where the event would happen.
Upon arriving at the place where the event was I would strip down to a bra & thong.
Attire was 2 piece's of clothing as in bra, thong bikini or some combination of such. I liked
to arrive say maybe 15 minutes before the fight. After entering the rings we were allowed
to touch other students if we wanted to. Since we were allowed to touch each other I
preferred to kiss other students. I stood in front of the female student I wanted to kiss
looked her in the eye and I licked my lips. If she licked her leps in return that said she
wanted to kiss too andf yes there were female students not interested in kissing at all
no problemo here its a personal choice. We also are " looking over" who has entered and
"checking out their shapes and sizes.