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[Story] My wife vs the roommate

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Offline Abacust

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[Story] My wife vs the roommate
« on: July 31, 2024, 03:00:37 AM »
As I lay in bed, basking in the afterglow of intimacy with my wife, the soft glow of city lights filtering through our open window, the last thing I expected was for our evening to be interrupted by a catfight between my wife and our roommate. Our living situation had been a delicate balance; we shared what was essentially a one-bedroom apartment with this woman to help with rent, but it came with its share of discomforts. My wife, who disliked the exhibitionist tendencies of our roommate—often walking around naked despite our rules—had tried to establish boundaries that seemed to go unheeded. On this particular night, as my wife and I were lost in an intimate moment, the sound of someone stirring in the apartment caught her attention.

My wife, a vision of seething beauty with not an ounce of clothing, pulled herself off of me and turned towards the noise, her eyes narrowing in frustration. "You're supposed to stay in your room," she called out, her voice laced with irritation. "What are you doing out here again? The rules apply to everyone!"

The roommate, unphased by my wife's ire, retorted with a nonchalant shrug. "It's my apartment too; I pay rent. I should be able to go where I want." Her tone was defiant, her stance brazenly naked as she leaned against the doorframe leading to our shared living space.

The tension in the room thickened, a palpable silence that spoke of unspoken words and growing resentment. My wife, her usually calm demeanor frayed at the edges by both the interruption and the disrespectful behavior, rose from our bed with a purposeful stride. Naked as the day she was born, she marched across the apartment with an air of authority, her hips swaying with each determined step.

As my wife confronted the roommate face-to-face, I sat up in bed, drawn to the unfolding drama like a moth to a flame. The contrast between their bodies—my wife's olive skin against the roommate's pale complexion—was stark under the dim lighting. My view was partially obstructed, but I could see the tension building, the muscles in my wife's back taut with anger.

The arguing continued, each word exchanged loaded with venom. The roommate's nonchalant attitude seemed to egg my wife on, who had now placed her hands firmly on her hips, her breasts heaving with each breath. I could sense the power struggle between them, a dance of wills that was about to descend into something more primal.

Suddenly, without warning, my wife was shoved back, her bare feet sliding against the rug floor. The force of the push sent shockwaves through the room, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. My wife's eyes widened in surprise, her hands instinctively reaching up to cover her breasts and for a fleeting moment, time stood still.

The roommate, her expression now one of fierce determination, exploded forward, her movements urgent and deliberate. I could hear their breaths quicken, the sounds of struggle muffled by the close proximity of their bodies. My view was limited, but what I could see was a battle of wills turning physical, with no holds barred.

Then, in a sudden twist, my wife was forced to bend over, the roommate's grip on her wrist tightening like a vice. It was then that I witnessed a scene that left me breathless—from behind I could see the roommate's hand diving between my wife's legs, her fingers probing and poking with a clear intention to cause pain, her manicured nails disappearing between my wife's pussy lips. My wife's scream pierced the air, a sound that was both agonizing and exhilarating as she curled her butt out, trying to get away from our roommate's sharp nails. Her soft labia stretched and pulled painfully in the short tug-of-war.

My finally my wife managed to pull her delicate petals away from her aggressor and with a jiggle her pussy snapped back into place. With a primal scream that verged on a roar, she sought to get the roommate back in-kind. There was no way my wife would let her hurt her there and get away with it.

The fight continued, each woman grappling for dominance, their naked bodies twisting and turning under the glow of the city lights. My view was obscured by the intensity of their struggle, but the sounds—the grunts, the gasps, the slapping of flesh against flesh—echoed through the room, creating a cacophony of carnal combat.

My wife, her eyes blazing with fury, managed to twist out of the roommate's grip, push her breasts into the nearby wall, and deliver a sharp slap to her bare ass. The sound was loud and satisfying, accompanied by a yelp from the roommate that only seemed to fuel my wife's aggression. The roommate, attempting to free herself started to bend her knees and sink down the wall. My wife, however followed up with another strike, this time aiming for her roommate's crotch from behind, which she then followed up by sinking her own sharp nails into her softness.

The roommate reacted with a howl of pain, her hands flying to cup her pussy as she stumbled away, a painful wince on her face, giving my wife a moment to catch her breath. But the fight was far from over. With a cry of rage, the roommate charged back, their bodies colliding once again in a tangle of limbs and aggression.

As the fight raged on, I realized that my own arousal was building to an uncomfortable level. The sight of two beautiful women, both naked and engaged in a physical struggle, was more than enough to stir my passions. My wife's cries of pain and pleasure mixed with the roommate's equally intense vocalizations, creating a symphony of carnal combat that echoed through our open-plan apartment.

I watched as my wife, her back muscles rippling with exertion, managed to pin the roommate once again against the wall. Their breasts pressed together, nipples hard and erect from the friction and the adrenaline. My wife's hands were like steel bands around the other woman's wrists, holding them above her head as she leaned in close, their faces only inches apart.

"You think this is a game?" my wife hissed, her voice a low growl. "You don't get to disrespect our rules and think there won't be consequences!" With that, she brought her knee up hard between the unsuspecting roommate's legs, eliciting another scream of pain as the air was driven from her lungs.

The roommate's eyes widened in shock, but she refused to submit despite being pushed into the wall. My wife tried to knee her again but this time her opponent was ready and even tried to get her back. The two women struggled against each other, each trying to knee the other in their most sensitive place, their bodies sliding sensuously as they fought for dominance.

I could see my wife's determination reflected in her eyes, a primal urge to protect our space and assert her authority over the situation. She used her superior strength to push the roommate down onto the floor, straddling her waist with a fierce intensity. My heart raced as I witnessed the raw power of my usually gentle wife being unleashed in this unexpected display of dominance.

The roommate was not without her own fighting spirit. Despite being pinned beneath my wife's weight, she reached up and grabbed hold of my wife's breasts, her fingers digging into the flesh as she sought to inflict pain, while at the same time wrapping her legs around her waist. My wife gasped at the sudden assault but did not relent and managed to push her legs down, digging her elbows into the roommate's thighs until she relaxed her grip on her waist. My wife screamed as the sharp sting of the roommate's nails tore into her boobs with one of her nails being pushed hard into her nipple, but she did not let up. Instead, she drove her knee hard between the other woman's legs.

The two women were a tangle of limbs and lustful aggression, their naked bodies slick with sweat and the evidence of their struggle. I could see my wife's resolve harden as she pumped her knee into the roommate's most sensitive area, a primal desire to dominate overcoming any sense of restraint. The wet smacking sound of my wife's knee driving into her opponent's open vagina was a spectacle. The roommate writhed beneath her, her cries of pain turning to pleas for mercy that went unanswered as she tried in vain to cover herself with her hand. The sight of her bare ass cheeks clenching with each thrust of her knee was almost too much to bear. I could feel the heat building between my legs, a testament to the carnal spectacle unfolding before me.

My wife's eyes were wild with passion, her movements fueled by a mix of anger and arousal that was almost animalistic in its intensity. The roommate, despite her initial defiance, seemed to be weakening under the onslaught, her struggles growing sluggish as my wife's knee continued to strike freely on her most vulnerable spot. The roommate, growing desperate under my wife's relentless assault, reached up with a last vestige of strength and grabbed hold of one of my wife's breasts again, her nails raking across the sensitive nipple in an act of both retaliation and desperation. My wife cried out in pain but did not let up; my wife's knee continued its brutal assault on the roommate's exposed pussy, the wet smacking sound accompanied by the roommate's increasingly desperate pleas for mercy that fell on deaf ears. My wife was in her own world now, a world where the line between pain and pleasure was blurred beyond recognition. She drove her knee harder with each thrust, her movements becoming more frenzied as she sought to break the other woman's spirit, the force of each slam inching the roommate's body toward the wall with her neck now craned awkwardly into it.

The roommate's cries turned to sobs as her resistance waned, her body betraying her as it succumbed to the overwhelming pain and the humiliation of being dominated in such a visceral way. My wife showed no signs of stopping; instead, she increased the pace and force of her knee strikes, her own pleasure now evident in the low moans that escaped her lips with each thrust.

The air was thick with the scent of sweat and sex, the atmosphere electric as the tension between them reached its peak. The roommate's struggles became less frequent, her body going limp beneath my wife's weight. My wife's breath came out in ragged gasps, her eyes closed momentarily as she rode the waves of pleasure that washed over her with each punishing knee blow.

I watched in awe as my wife's eyes opened, a mixture of satisfaction and lust burning within them. She leaned down once more, her lips brushing against the roommate's ear. "That's what happens when you disrespect our rules," she whispered, her voice low and dangerous. With that, she stood up, her body still trembling with the aftermath of battle.

I could see the pride in my wife's eyes as she surveyed the scene she had created. The roommate lay slumped against the wall, her naked body a testament to the power of my wife's fury, her hand covering her obviously reddened and sore pussy. My own body ached with desire, and I knew that the night was far from over. As my wife turned to look at me, her gaze intense and filled with unspoken promises, I realized that this fight had awakened something primal in both of us. The night would be long, and the aftermath would be explosive.