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My New Life – Part 3

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My New Life – Part 3
« on: August 08, 2024, 06:54:14 PM »

This is a continuation from part 2 that is linked below. If you haven't read it, I suggest you do so. If not, enjoy.

My New Life – Part 3

Well… Let me just start this out with a book of emotions. I was standing there, in the middle of a cage with my hands taped, standing before a muscular woman who is built like a brick shit house. We are about to square off as she stretches to prepare. How I got here you ask? You can blame this one on Stephanie, sort of, I mean I wanted to fight more but she pulled the strings, maybe. I wanted to have sex with her on the glorious day of me coming out of the closet, so to speak. She wanted to start an underground fight club and… she won. HOW? Well… it was quite simple really. She had sex with me, over and over. I could not say “No” to that, right? SO… here I am, standing in this cage, ready to get my ass handed to me for the sake of view ship. ON the plus side, I learned to control my horniness, with the help of Stephanie of course. We are now… FWB. If you don’t know what that is, it means, “Friends with Benefits”. I think she is… warming up to the fact that I AM the best of both worlds.

So, I get back to this moment, right here. The woman best known as Lilith, was a beast in the ring and she doesn’t hold back, AT ALL. Stephanie is cheering me on as she set up this fight. She said and I quote, “Win or lose, this will be big for you.” I think she was being nice to buff my confidence. Either way, it was really working.

I just look the woman that stands before me; I am a bit intimidated to say the least. I slowly take a step forward with fist raised as Steph and I practiced but this wasn’t practice as this is my first fistfight, in a cage, with an audience.

The “Ding, ding” sounded and it is on, can’t turn back now. It is now time for me to nut up, so to speak as she makes her way towards me. I can hear Stephanie in my mind saying “Wait for an opening” but she came in like a wrecking ball. She was throwing punches right out of the gate, wild ones too and hard. I put my arms up as the punches connected with my forearms with a smacking sound. She sends a perfectly executed front kick that connected just above my boxing shorts. That is Stephanie’s idea to wear them as they are baggy and will hide my “wood”, as she called it.

The kick sends me back to the cage wall and she jumps in the air with a punch aiming at my face. I shuffle out of harm’s way as her fist smacks the cage. I send a roundhouse kick to her open abs as the impact was loud. She was lifted into the air as her arms waved about wildly. Her mouth went “O” as she landed back down to the so called mat but she didn’t drop though. She is bent at the waist and sends a side heel kick to MY open belly. My abs is nothing like hers as her heel caves in my guts as I swore I felt her foot touch my spin. The kick sent me flying back as I fell to my front and gagged. She turns and rushes in and goes for an ax kick, trying to KO me with a well placed kick to the back of my cranium. I quickly rolled out of her lethal weapons as her foot smacked the mat. I am on my knees as I perform a leg sweep. My shin connects with her ankle and she loses her footing, dropping her to a knee. I jump up real quick and rush in but she was ready for me. She lowers her shoulders and wraps her arms around my waist as I get in close. She squeezes hard as I yelp with my arms out to my sides. She tries to stand but I send a knee into her chest multiple times and then an elbow into her back. She grunts, drops to her knees and it causes her to release the bear hug. She pulls her arm back and I quickly jump backwards as she pauses. I have lowered my hand as I thought she was going for the goods but it gave her time to get to her feet.
We raise our fist and tip toe in the middle. I start off with a quick jab that connects with her nose. Her mouth closes as her head snaps back, spitting a little blood in the process. I bring my right arm back and connect with her jaw, causing her head to spin with the punch.

Stephanie is really cheering me on as I catch a glimpse of her in my peripheral. I took my eye off the ball as Lilith sends an upward knee strike to my bosoms. It caves in my chest and sends me flying backwards. I am spread eagle with my left arm cradling my bruised breast. She wastes no time and attacks like a cheetah on an antelope. I have just enough time to rise to a sit as she starts raining punches to my face. I was able to block them but I was being pushed back into the cage. She leans in and wraps her arm around my neck in reverse choke hold and squeezes. I place my hands on her sides as she lifts up, pressing her forearm into my jugular. I am having hard time breathing as I hear her giggle. I start sending punching to her side and I hit a good solid punch to her ovary. The punch smack hard as she screams and releases the hold. She falls to a knee as I pull my leg up and kick her in the face with my foot. He head snaps back as she falls like a tree to her back. TIMBER!

She rolls to her side just holding her face as I am slow to recover. She is on her knees facing me as she has both hands over her nose. She pulls them away to show they are covered in blood. I get to my feet as she is still kneeling, I send a huge knee to her already bloody face but she was able to get both arms up to block it. She pushes off with her arms, knocking me off balance. I am spread leg in front of her as she sends a huge uppercut to my girl jewels. The impact was devastating as I feel both my balls and vag get crushed.

My mouth is wide the f*ck open as I bend at the waist with both hands glued between my legs. I am bending over as my eyes are closed and all I could do is whimper. The crowd winced at the site of what happened as I cannot even think straight. I wobble back on my toes as she stands and sends an upward kick right under my chin. My mouth slams shut, my head snaps back as I do a 180 and land on my back. I thought my teeth went flying into the crowd, or maybe just a couple did. I just lay there as she dances around me, telling me to get up. I barely open my eyes as I place a hand on my jewels and the other on my chin.
I just lay there as I accept my surrender. She jumps up and down as she just won yet again. My first match and I got my ass handed to me. Stephanie crawls in to check on me as I am still nursing my womanhood and chin. I lay my head down as blood drips from the corner of my mouth. Stephanie touches my shoulder to check on me.

Stephanie: How you feeling, bae?

I whimper and fight back tears: I think I swallowed a nut.

She does a nervous giggle: Well… that just leaves one more to swallow back down.

I raise my head and squint: F*ck you.

Lilith walks over to check on me: You doing okay, pudding?

I look up at her: Just… peachy.

She shrugs: This is your club and you said, “Anything goes”.

Stephanie rolls her eyes: We got it. Piss off.

Lilith holds her hands out in front and walks off.

She tucks her hands under arms to try and help me up: Let’s get you up. You need some ice, yeah?

I wince at the thought of it. “Ice, on my vag? Is she effing crazy?”

Welp, here I am, with ice on my vag and balls. F*cking perfect, what else could happen, I thought. I am looking down when I glance up to see Lilith in the doorway just leaning on it.

I roll my eyes: You kicked my ass, I know. Want to rub it in some more?

She smirks: NO.

She slowly walks over to me as I lean back and eye balls her.

I squint as I look her up and down: What… do you want then?

She smiles: That was a good match. You fought hard.

I look down: Thank you, I guess.

She kneels in front of me and looks into my eyes: Sorry about the punch to the goods. I had to get an advantage. You know how it goes, Right?

I sigh and shake my head: Yeah. I probably would have done the same if given the chance.

She smiles: Exactly. I wouldn’t have held a grudge.

I move a little and bit my lip: Good to know.

She looks down and smiles: Here. Let me help you.

My eyes go wide as she pulls the ice off: No, NO, NOOOO!

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow: WHAT? No use in hiding it, I can see it waving at me, even in your trunks.

I look down: Right.

She smiles: Let me make it up to you. I promise I won’t hurt you.

I turn my head a little and squint: What are you….

She fished my cock out of the top of my shorts and gently touches it. I bite my lip and close my eyes as she looks at me.

Lilith smiles: This won’t hurt a bit.

I stammer as she has it in her hand: Please don’t, I want to be with…

My eyes go wide as she puts it in her mouth. My balls ache but my cock is rock hard. The pain and pleasure combined is too much. I am trying to fight the temptation but she is good at what she does, really good. She is going up and down as I grab the back of her head. I am moaning as she is getting faster and faster.

She pulls off and strokes it: I knew you were hiding something but I had NO IDEA just what. You have…both?

All I could do was sputter an “Uh huh, Uh huh”.

She giggles and goes back to giving me a bj and I wanted to push her away but the head in my pants wouldn’t let me.

I was rocking my hips up and down and then she slipped her fingers inside my wet canal and started wiggling them around. My rolls rolled in the back of my skull and that was all it took when I felt the sensation again. Yeap… I was going to nut in her mouth. I leaned over her as she gripped the base of it as she knew what was coming. I grabbed her hair as I heard her start to swallow as I was shooting my load deep in her throat.

I heard 4 or 5 big gulps before I started to come down from my orgasmic cloud 9 as she now only has the tip in. As she licks it clean that is when I hear a loud… “HEY… WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON HERE?”

I whisper “Oh shit” as Lilith slowly stands, wiping her mouth.

It was Stephanie and she looked pissed, really pissed. I am struggling with my shorts as she points at me.

Stephanie: There is no need to hide it. I saw your dick down her throat and I suppose it is okay for her to know your “secret”. She had her fingers so deep in your glory hole that she was tickling your ovaries. I was even on time for the grand finale.

I was nervous and scared as I had my hand out: It is not what you think. She came on to me.

Lilith shrugs: And then she came IN me.

Stephanie punches her in the face hard, dropping her to her hands and knees. She spits blood as Stephanie kicks her up and under the belly, knocking her to her back.

I sit there, mouth open as I didn’t know what to do. Stephanie got on top of the girl, grabs her by the hair and starts punching Lilith in the face a few times. Lilith just doesn’t take it as she head butts Steph in the nose. Steph yelps and staggers to her feet, holding her nose. Lilith rushes and knocks Steph in to the wall with a huge kick, slamming her against it. Lilith screams and sends a hard right to Stephs jaw, snapping her head with it. She hits her with a left and this time, blood flies against the wall. Steph is staggering but she puts her arms above her head but Lilith starts sending punches to her belly, just over and over. I get up and wrap my arms around her waist to pull her off. I spin her around and away from Steph as Lilith turns and looks at me. She is facing away from Steph as she points.

Lilith: This is your bitch girlfriend? I am WAY… better than this ass licker. She can’t even fight for you.

Steph is up and standing right behind her. She pokes her on the shoulder as Lilith rolls her eyes and turns to see who done that.

Steph has blood on her chin and mouth as she smiles. She hits her with a throat thrust bringing a big gasp from Lilith. She grabs her throat as she is trying to breathe. Stephanie smiles and starts sending punches of rights and lefts to the woman’s face. She hit her with some many punches that I lost count. Stephanie punches and then spins with a big elbow that connects with Lilith’s nose, square on. Lilith’s head snaps back as she leans against the wall. She is barely standing as she looks at Steph and smiles.

Blood is pouring down her face as she mummers these words: F*CK… YOU… C*NT!

I was like, Oh f*ck. She just called her the “C” word. I raise my arms in front of me as I see Steph turn around to look at a giggling Lilith. Steph sees red as she runs up and punts her right in the cooch. I wince and lean back as I heard the pop. It didn’t take long for Lilith to crumble to the floor. She sank faster than the Titanic. I look at Steph with pure fear and then back down at Lilith who is in a ball, holding crotch as she is crying.

Stephanie points down at her: NO ONE… calls me that, EVER!

She turns away and motions at me: Let’s get the f*ck out of here.

I stutter: Ye.. ye… yeah. Rig… right away… babe. Yeap umm, Right behind you. 

As I walk start to walk away, I turn back to look at Lilith and whisper, “Sorry” but she just lays there. Rumor is, she is still there to this day. I learned something new about my girl Stephanie. Do NOT, get on her bad side and don’t call her the “C” word, if you want to keep you baby maker that is.

The ride home was quiet as Stephanie was driving. I was heartbroken about what happened and wanted to apologize but didn’t know how too.

Stephanie sighs: Just f*cking say it.

I am looking at her as I have my hands over my lap: I am sorry… for what happened in the locker room.

She sighs: Not your fault. She came on to you, right?

I shrug: yeah.

Stephanie: It is not like we are married or anything, right?

I shrug again: Yeah.

Stephanie: Than what is the problem?

I glance at her: You were pissed off. I mean… REALLY… pissed off.

Stephanie slams on the brakes, in the middle of the street as she turns to me: It is not that you got your rocks off, it is the fact that I was… jealous.

She is inches from my face as I have to hold my head back some: Explain, please?

She sighs again: I want that dick to be mine and I was pissed off to see another c*nt sucking it.

I squint: I thought you didn’t like that word?

She grunts in frustration: NO, idiot. I don’t like being CALLED that.

I reply: Right. So…?

Just then a horn blows from behind.

Stephanie: I… I really care for you and don’t want you hurt.

I turn my head a little: I am fighting, in cage matches, and you don’t want me… hurt?

Stephanie: That is not… UGHHH… you are so annoying. That is not what I meant.

The horn blows again as she gets mad and rolls down the window: HEY, ASSHOLE! I AM TRYING TO HAVE A CONVERSATION WITH MY GIRLFRIEND HERE. DO YOU MIND?

I say to that random comment: Girl… friend?

She leans back in and points: Yeah. Got a problem with that?

I tilt my head a little: Nope. Not at all.

The horn blows longer as she is pissed again: Oh for f*ck sake.

She opens the door and I start to freak out as I do the same. She gets out and starts back to the car as I rush to stop her. I make it to her as the guy is getting out with hands out to his sides. I wrap my arms around her waist as she yells at him…

Stephanie: What is it, asshole?

Man: I want you to stop blocking the damn street.

I turn to him: I apologize, she is having a really hard night.

He laughs as he notices the bruises on my face: Yeah. It seems that way. Did your girlfriend give you the black eyes?

Stephanie elbows me in the belly to free herself and walks back to him.

He laughs as she approaches: What? You gonna spank me now?

She hauls off and kicks him in the balls. He crumbles to the ground as I start to freak out. I pick her up by the waist and turn and as I do, I speak to him,
“I am so sorry sir. I hope you… put some ice on those.”

I carry her to the car as she is still kicking and screaming. I push her in and I get behind the wheel and take off.  She is turned around in the seat and is still cursing the man. I watch in the rear view mirror as I drive away. I sigh a relief as she turns around and sits down.

I look over at her: You feel better?

She leans back: Oh hell yeah. She giggles and spreads her legs. She unbuttons her pants and sticks her hands in the front and moans as she closes her eyes.

I look over with a weird look: What… are you doing?

She smiles with closed eyes: I am fingering myself, what does it look like?

I reply: Umm… okay. We are not far from home if you want…

She reaches over and grabs my crotch and starts rubbing it. I look at her as she is biting her lips.

Stephanie: Umm… I am horny as f*ck now.

She giggles as she lowers her head into my lap and pulls out my cock. I moan with excitement and shock to her new found attitude. I am still driving as I am accelerating as her head goes up and down. She moans deeply and sits back in her seat and looks at me with a smile again. She lays the seat back and starts removing her clothes. She is kicking her underwear off as she tosses them out the window.

I am in shock: What… are you doing?

She bites her lip and crawls over and straddles my lap: This…

She starts kissing me, note that I am still driving, and she reaches down and grasp my hard cock and moans in my mouth. My eyes are wide as I am looking over her shoulder to watch the road. She slowly slides on it as she lets out a deep soft moan as she does.

Stephanie: Pull… pull over silly.

I am stuck in drive as she starts going up and down faster: I can’t… I…

I say as she sits all the way down: Yeap… let’s pull over.

We end up in a back alley as she is still on my lap. She is just riding like a cowgirl trying to break in a stud, and I am the stud. She is being rough as hell as she grabs my long blonde hair and pulls it. She has this huge grin on her face as she holds her head back. She smiles and starts moaning a loud. She pulls my hair and her movement slows. She raises real quick and then slams her ass on my pelvis. I can feel her wetness running down and then I feel the tingle in the area I have been neglecting, my own vagina. I lower my hand and she is wet as fight night.

She smiles and whispers in my ear: I know baby, I will fix that for you. I have something lined up that will blow your mind.
I was all smiles as she said that. She shivers as she slides back down and rest at the base. I feel her muscles tighten as she moans. She slowly opens her eyes and looks into mine and smiles.

Stephanie: You didn’t cum.

I didn’t even realize but, she was right. I think both are starting to work as one now. I should call it… Dick-gina from now on. I have a surprise for you, so go where I tell you. Can you survive till then?

I smile: Oh yeah.

She giggles: You won’t get blue balls now?

I stammer: I… umm… I don’t know.

Stephanie: Well… let’s get this surprise before it happens.

When she said “she didn’t want to go home”, she wasn’t lying. She insisted on going somewhere off the beaten path, somewhere creepy as shit.

I am looking around: Hey, where the hell are we?

She smiles: You will see. This is your surprise.

She smiles as I put the car in park and glare at: Um… okay.

We exit the car and slowly walk to a big metal door where she knocks three times. A man opens the door and motions for us to enter. I slowly step inside as I am a bit nervous, to say the least. It is a little dark as the room is huge. She grabs me by the hand and leads me to the back. We get there and there is a big red curtain as she pulls it to the side and there is a Wrestling ring, an actual wrestling ring. I stood there confused when all of a sudden, something caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

There was a muscular guy in a speedo, a very small speedo if I may add. My eyes went right to his carry on. I stood there starring momentarily, thinking, “Not bad. The things I could do with him”. Stephanie wrapped her arms around my waist and whispered, “Happy Birthday”.

My eyes light up and I completely forgot about that. I turn to her with a surprised look, “How could I have forgotten about that? I am… Oh no… “

She replies with a big grin: You are…

I place my finger over her mouth with a “SHHHH… I know how old I am.”

I smile and remove my finger: “So, what is my birthday thing again?”

She grabs my chin and squeezes causing my lips to pucker as she smiles and leans in and kisses them. She turns my head and points at the handsome man, “THAT… is your birthday gift, as long as you share.”

I squint and look at her and talk through puckered lips: Share? What do you mean?

She gets in close with a serious look: Share, as in You… me… him. Do I need to remind you…

She grabs my balls firmly: That you cheated with the woman that kicked your ass?

I tilt my head to the side and open my big mouth: I really wouldn’t call it that as if we aren’t dat… ING…

She gave them a little squeeze with my idiotic remark and looked at me with wide eyes: What… was that?

I wince and flash a crooked smile: Nothing… nothing. I’m sorry.

She smiles and let go: That’s what I thought.

I relax as I cup my girl marbles when a thought crashed into my head like race car. The man will see what I got going on with my body. I was shaking in my boots like Shaggy and Scooby. Stephanie notices and stands in front of me and gets close.

Stephanie in a concerning voice: Hey, what’s wrong?

I respond nervously: He will see my “Borl” parts. (Boy and girl parts together.) I… I can’t do this.

I turn to run but she grabs my ear and when I walk away, she pulls jerking my head back.

I yell silently: OWW, OWW, OWW!

Stephanie: Oh no, missy. You are staying right here and besides, he knows.

I freak out: He… KNOWS, as in he “knows- knows”?

I love her sarcastic smirk: Like… DUH. I told him everything.

I grab her shoulders: WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? I thought you got over that?

She giggles: Relax, He is into the futa stuff. He is VERY… excited about the whole thing.

I squint and tilt my head back: OH… I totally forgot about that word.

Stephanie: SO… shall we get ready for this heavenly experience?

I reply with my sarcasm AGAIN: I think this is not heavenly…

She back hands my bag causing me to flinch and grab myself as she points: DON’T… RUIN… THE MOMENT!
I clear my throat as she walks away. I watch as her hips just sway back and forth, putting me in a trance.

I drool these words: YES… MA’AM.

I think having this has also changed my other brain chemistry, some. I am thinking with that head now. I shake my head with a sighed response, “I am turning into the horny boy down the road from my parents, great.”

I followed her to the back room to where she is already striping and she is bent over in her thong.

I sigh: I miss those, sadly.

She turns and smiles: Your outfit is there, babe.

I question: Umm… when did you bring the clothes in?

She giggles: I brought those earlier, silly. I had this all planned for weeks.

I scratch my head: Oh, right.

I slowly walk over to the duffle bag and look in and what I saw shocked me. It was a Speedo and nothing else.

I lift them with my fingers and just glare at this tiny man thong: These?

She laughs: Oh yes. You might as well embrace your gift. You are one of a kind.

I raise an eyebrow and look up: I… never thought of it that way. I AM one of a kind.

She hugs me tight: You have no idea. NOW… get dressed… “Woody”.

I open my mouth to say something but I look down instead to see, I am Woody. I close my mouth and turn to change into my man thong.

I am still nervous as I crack the door open and peek out. I just scan the room when Stephanie scares me as she was standing by the door.

Stephanie: Come on now, he is waiting and I paid for full treatment.

I reply almost shouting: WHAT? PAID? I thought you said he was into “futa”.

She shrugs: He is. He also has to make a living.

I am hyperventilating: What? I am paying for this, like a prostitute?

She smiles: No, silly.

I sigh a relief: Thank god.

She smiles big: I paid for it.

I sigh and lower my head to whisper: Thanks. That doesn’t make me feel better.

She rolls her eyes and grabs my hand: Oh nut up girlfriend. We have a man-outain to climb.

I just love the words she uses, very creative.

We are in the ring as Stephanie is over the moon about this. I am starting to think it is more for her than me but… I am a woman still and know that is how we get what we want. Say it is for someone else but in reality, it is for you. Well play girlfriend, well played.

We are in the ring when Stephanie goes over the rules…

Stephanie: It is a f*ck fight and the one…

I raise my hand with a sarcastic grin when Stephanie responds: You… don’t have to raise your hand.

I lower it: Right, so… what is a… “F*ckfight”?

Stephanie: Oh sweetie, you have so much to learn. The last person to orgasm wins. Simple, right?

I flash my big grin: A pie of cake.

Stephanie smiles: It is a wrestling match, so simple holds, you know, professional wrestling. Do you understand the rules, bae?

I smile: I think so.

Stephanie rushes the man and wraps both arms and legs around him. She is trying to take him down as I just watch.

Stephanie: HELP ME!

I flash an evil grin and rush in and tackle both to the mat. Stephanie straddles his chest as she buries her cooch in his face.

Stephanie: Get the shorts, bae.

I look down and grab them by the waist but he kicks off, sending me flying backwards.
Stephanie looks back at me and laughs: That is not how you do ITTTTT…

He rolled her over and was on top of her. She wraps her legs around his waist as he turns and lies down on her body. He reaches his hand under her small panties and starts rubbing her vastly. She is giggling and moaning as he is going to town, so to speak. I rush over and wrap my arms around his neck and pull him a top of me. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto his arms. Stephanie smiles and crawls over and starts pulling on his trunks. He is fighting and he wraps his legs around her waist to prevent her from pulling them down. She yelps as he squeezes her sides and chest with his massive thighs. I start pulling on his arms when he raises his hips and slams them down on my pelvis. His ass smashes my girl balls, bringing an “OUFF” from my lips. He keeps his ass there and just grinds it in, bringing moans from my lips. I thought I was going to squirt right then until Stephanie grabs his package. I release his arms and put an arm around his neck and pull back some.

He arches his back as Stephanie is grinning. She is grasping his balls and then grabs his cock and starts stroking it.

Stephanie: HA… got you now.

He starts moaning as he wraps his legs around her neck as she lowers her head. Her eyes go wide as she cups the outside of those man thighs. He reaches underneath him, feeling around my lady cellar. I thought he was going for my girl pearls but he found my vajayjay. He moved the crotch of my shorts to the side and inserted his two middle fingers. I make an “EKKK” as I flash my white teeth. He inserts his fingers all the way to heaven and rubs my button with his thumb.
I tell you what, this man, knew exactly what he was doing. He was fingering my tight puss and working his thumb so nicely that I forgot what I was doing. I release his neck and he sits up, pushing Stephanie to the mat. I lay there for a few seconds just taking it all in when Stephanie starts moaning with a, “HELP… ME”. I look up as he is sitting on her waist and he is slamming his fingers deep inside Stephanie’s pussy. She is rocking back and forth trying to get free but she is having trouble. She tries wrapping her legs around his shoulders but he catches them. He rolls over and lies on top of her with both her legs around his waist. He gets to his knees as his cock is now out and standing at attention. He pushes her ankles all the way to her ears. She yelps as he slides his cock into her pussy.  I see her mouth open as he slides it all the way in. He starts pounding her and it looks like she just gave up trying as she is moaning a loud now.

I rush up and push him to his back to get him off my girl. I am on top of him and I want some action. I quickly reach down and grab his cock and slide it in my already soaking wet passage. I go up and down really fast as I taunt: You will nut in my pussy.

I was wrong, I felt an arm wrap around my neck and pull me to a stand. I look over and it was Steph. I am on my toes as she chokes me.

Stephanie giggles: That was my cock…

She reaches down and grabs my balls and starts getting rough with them. I am blinking with my mouth open and I ask: What are the rules for contact attacks?

She laughs: I don’t give a fuck.

I look in front: Good because he doesn’t either.

He walked up and sent an uppercut between my legs. My cheeks puff out when I hear Steph let out a very high pitched squeal. He just racked up both as we fall backwards. I will say that it wasn’t a death blow but it was enough to hurt, a little. He wraps his arms around my waist and flips me over and slams me on top of Stephanie. I am within inches of her beautiful face and she doesn’t waste time and kisses me.

My eyes go wide when I feel the man insert his cock into my pussy. I am moaning into Stephanie’s mouth as she smiles. The sexy man is giving it to me as I am almost to the edge of ecstasy and when I say that, he is balls deep inside. He pulls out and Stephanie rolls me over to where I am on my back. She slams her pussy down on my face as she is faced away. Her labia is hugging my nose as I smell her sweet aroma.

I hear Stephanie laugh as she grinds her pussy on my face. I can’t see what is happening but I think this was all planned out as the man lifts my legs and starts ramming me harder than a piston cup. Stephanie is moaning as she then grasps my cock in her hand and starts squeezing it. She lays on my belly and wraps her thighs around my neck, to keep my head in place. She uses her other hand to grasp my bouncing balls as she watches his cock slam in and out of me.

Stephanie: Eat it, like you love to do.

She didn’t have to tell me twice as she would apply pressure on my neck.

This isn’t a f*ck fight, this is just a f*ck and I was the doll.

I try to breathe and talk at the same time: This… this isn’t fair. I thought… this was a… f*ck fight…

Stephanie clamped her thighs around my neck: Get out then. AND DON’T YOU DARE BITE ME!

She started stroking my cock really fast as she squeezed my girlie balls. Not extremely tight but just enough to cause discomfort.

Stephanie: Get out baby or let it go.

I am holding back my excitement as I close my legs around his waist. I do have some strong thighs, I will say that. This stops his penetration as I now have to get Steph off me. I reach my hand up and grab her ass cheek and I insert my finger. I start nibbling on her clit as she is moaning as I insert my finger. I know JUST how to her over the top. She is fighting fire with fire as she lowers her head and starts bobbing her head up and down on my girl cock. I tense up as she knows how to get me over the top as well. Damnit, we know each other to well. She grabs my balls and pulls up some to get me on my toes and this allows Hunkie to continue his jack hammering. She is sucking me off as she leans on her elbows and wraps her arms around my ass and holds my balls in both hands, one in each. She is blowing me as she watches the guy go in and out. This was way too much for me as I give in. He is slamming into me as my vagina just… blasted all over his massive tool. Stephanie moans out as she knows I just creamed all over him.

Stephanie: One down, only one to go.

I open my eyes: WHAT?

Stephanie: But first… she pulls the guys cock out and starts sucking on it. He rolls her over to her belly and as she gets to her knees, he lays his body on top and inserts his cock into her pussy. She gasp as her eyes and mouth goes wide. She was not ready for it as he starting f*cking her nice and hard.

I look up as I am almost spent: That’s how it feels.

I just lay there and watch as I laugh. She is taking it like a champ and is probably fighting the urge to climax but it is a sight to see. I am amazed at what is going when I hear the man grunt and reach down below. My sexy, crafty girlfriend just grabbed his balls from under her. I look down and see her fingers squeeze as the sack mushroom out from between her fingers. She rolls him over and still had the grip and ended up on top, I have never seen anything like that before. She has skill and I am thinking, she has done this before but it wasn’t on me. He is on his back as he is scratching at her wrist but I know there is NO way to remove this woman’s grip. She turns as she is faced away from him and puts him in the infamous scissors. She puts out an evil laugh as she grabs his balls with both hands and squeezes while sucking his cock at the same time. He lays there for a few minutes and SOME how he rolls over. I hear her yelp as she goes flying off with his cock still in her mouth. During all this, he managed to free himself from the nut crusher. He spins her around with ease and grabs her hips and starts pounding her from behind.

I squint as now it is just f*cking in general. I then hear Steph let out a deep moan as she just lubed his piston. I get up and I am now a little upset. I tackle him off my girlfriend and now it is no longer a f*ck fight. It was a fight, fight.

He tosses me off him and stands up, as he thinks it is part of the game. I rush in and punch him in the face as hard as I can. He turns his head a little and just looks at me.

Man: What the f*ck was that?

I snarl: You are f*cking my girlfriend, dick.

I run at him as he defends himself as Stephanie is still on her belly, breathing hard. 

He turns to leave but I stop him: Hell no.

He is walking away from me as I try to tackle him but he is freakishly strong. I am trying to take him down but he turns back to face me and wraps his hands under my arms and tosses me like a big fluffy pillow. He doesn’t want to fight but I sure do. I rush I as Steph is now coherent. She gets in front of me and starts yelling.


I look over her shoulder: He wanted to wrestle, so let’s wrestle.

Stephanie smiles: Okay.

She jumps up as her arms are around my neck and puts her feet into my belly, monkey flipping me over. I yelp as my back slams against the mat, causing me to slide a little. She rushes over and hits me with a splash, crushing my TT’s. She grabs me by the hair and tosses me into the corner. She turns me around and does a big chop, right across my chest. I scream and hold my breast as I whimper.

My lips quiver as I reply: BABE… You have killing my boobs.

She licks my ear: Okay. I can change it up.

I look at her: WHAT?

I got my answer when my eyes cross and my knees close around hers. She just sent her knee crushing my Gen V.

I try to nurse my injuries but she grabs my hands and holds them out of the way. I yelp as I feel the pain again. She just knee me AGAIN. She steps backwards and lets me crumble to the mat in a heap. I am in a ball as I feel her roll me over to my back. She splats her wet pussy on my face and grabs my cock in her hand. I feel the hunkie thrust his cock in me again as she spins around to face me. She slides her pussy down on my cock.

THIS… is something I could not fight. I was f*cking Stephanie while getting f*cked. It was just too much for me to handle as both my she-cock and pussy exploded at the same time. I was twitching and moaning like a demon as I have NEVER felt such sensation. Stephanie holds her head back and moans in her smile as she feels my girl seeds fertilize her garden. I am twitching with each release as it pushes her over the edge. She follows suit as she is now lubing my piston. She twitches a little and looks in my eyes as they are white. My mouth is a slight ajar as she giggles and leans down to kiss me.

She whispers: Congratulations babe, you win. It was never about winning, it was always about giving you the f*cking of your life. Happy Birthday.

I just smile with closed eyes as Steph rolls off me and Hunkie climbs on top. She gets to her knees and starts sucking his cock. She smacks my tits and I come to as she grabs my head to lift me up. I am now on my knees as we share this beautiful specimen of man and cock.

We take turns giving a BJ when we hear him moan. I pull off as we hold our mouth and tongue close. She starts stroking it as he shoots his man seed all over our faces. She is stroking it hard and stops at the end to squeeze all the deliciousness out. It is just like Folgers, Good to the last drop. She looks at me and giggles as she leans in and kisses me. She is licking my lips as I do the same to exchange kisses and clean our faces. The man is on his knees as he watches.

He finally speaks: (In Italian) Thank you for the fun.

I turn to look at him: What?

Stephanie giggles: Oh yeah. He is Italian.

I glare with mouth ajar: That just made it 100X hotter. I am in love with Italian men.

She smiles: Can we keep him?

I laugh: I don’t know If I can handle so much hotness.

Stephanie smiles: He loves to wrestle, everyday.

I giggles: DEAL!

To be continued…