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Offline topgear15

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« on: August 04, 2024, 03:40:49 AM »
       Zoe is the 19 year old daughter of Ann and Dale. Ann has been wrestling or cat fighting since she was a young girl. It did not surprise her when Zoe took an interest in fighting at a young age. She had a lot of talks and she showed her videos to see her reaction. She realized her little girl was growing up. She knew how it could be at school with young girls from when she was there. She told Zoe if she ever had any confrontations at school or any where else to let the other girl know they had an area at their house where they could fight. She told her never to fight at school or in public where she could get into trouble. She also told her to tell the other girl that she could bring her mother. Ann knew if she did the chances of  her and the other mother were good that they would probably fight. Over the years this has led to a couple of long term rivalries for her and Zoe. Zoe has obviously been fighting for a while now and wants to see who is better. She was on the internet and came across some one asking women if they had ever fought someone just to see who was better? This got her thinking is she better then her mom. She has seen her fight many times. Zoe thinks she is and there is only one wat to find out.                                                                                                                                             
     Later that evening Zoe and Ann were watching TV and Zoe said " Mom do you think I am good enough to beat you? "   Ann " What do you mean? "   Zoe " In a fight"   Ann " You got to be kidding."   Zoe " No mom I am serious, I think I can beat you."   Ann " Well there is only one way to find out, are you sure you want to do this?"   Zoe "Yes, I do I need to know."   Ann " OK, this weekend we will do this, same rules that we always fight by."   Zoe " Good I want nothing less."   Saturday  afternoon Ann and Zoe are getting ready they will fight in bikinis. Dale will be the only witness.. He has watched Ann wrestle and fight since before they were married. As her boyfriend he watched her oil wrestle at frat parties, and saw her fight an other girl at a party. He has enjoyed watching her arranged fights since getting married. He has also seen Zoe in a few of her fights, mostly in just the past year. Zoe, like her mother, has no inhibitions about fighting topless in front of a crowd and has been topless in front of her dad many times. Dale feels a little uncomfortable seeing his daughter topless but looks mainly  at her opponent.  He was not happy when dating Ann because when wrestling at the frat parties she would get topless along with her opponent. He quickly got used to it since these events went a long way in paying for books and tuition. He was also pleased that the sex after these parties was incredible. He got to enjoy watching her matches and the girls she fought, a couple even married his buddies and yes they stay in touch. Those that still live close by still fight and their daughters are getting into it as well.   
     Ann was very good and in high demand and it didn't hurt that she is so nice looking. Dale knew his friends envied him because he got to go home with her after these events. When they would ask him about last night he would just smile. Ann learned that she not only enjoyed wrestling other women but the money was a great benefit. One night at the frat party the girl she was wrestling got a bit pissed and it turned more into a cat fight. Dale knew not to interfere unless things got really out of hand. There was face and body slapping, hair pulling and breast attacks, and yes they were both topless by now. The crowd went wild. After the match when the girls were collecting their bonus they were very surprised at how big it was. Both girls, who had regained their composure, decided that they would  do this at the next party to see what would happen. The same result if not even more money. Ann and a  couple of other girls who were also in on this were now in high demand. This allowed Ann and a few others who were wise with their money to graduate with little or no dept. Ann and a couple of the girls out of the 8 or 10 she wrestled stayed in touch and would recreate those nights for their husbands only without the oil. It was a big turn on for all involved.                                                       
     When Zoe got interested Ann, over time, filled her in on what she had done in college and how much fun she had. She taught Zoe all she could and hoped Zoe would have as much fun as she did. It is apparent she is with all the fights Zoe has had over the years. Ann is glad most have been arranged, some had been rematches from girls she had fought after school. Ann liked those because most of them brought mom and this gave her a rematch as well. All of these were in private since Dale was at work  Ann would tell him about them and how they had done. They always went to bed early on those nights. Girls at school knew Zoe fought and sometimes would get a challenge. The girl would come over with her mom and the fight would take place. The moms always fought after their daughters and some of these fights could get a little rough. Zoe and mom won most but not all. Now that Zoe was in college she wanted to follow in her moms footsteps. She had gotten a few girls interested in the oil wrestling idea but had not had any matches yet. When she inquired at the frat houses to find out that not only were they very interested, but that some of the members said their dads had told them about the wrestling events at some of the parties and the girls who wrestled, and how exciting it was. Zoe did not tell them one of the girls was probably her mother. They all wanted to set up dates for their parties. Zoe now has her own small business.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
     Zoe not only remembered her mom telling her a little about this and that a couple of the women her mother had fought over the years were girls she had wrestled at the frat houses. Over the years her mom had fought them from time to time and Zoe had fought their daughters starting a few years ago, and still does. She has also recruited one to wrestle for her in the oil wrestling shows. With all this going on is it no wonder Zoe wonders if she is as good or better then her mother. She knows her mom does not fight as often as she used to. Having seen her mom fight she knows she is still very good, and going against mom will be no easy task. The idea to challenge mom was not taken lightly but she feels she has to know. Zoe is feeling a bit nervous and excited. She has to prove to herself that she is at least as good as mom. She has noticed mom does not seem to be to concerned. Zoe is not sure how to take this. She knows mom will not be easy on her. she never was even in training. Mom would slap her face, pull her hair and grab her breasts and even slap or grab her pussy. She would do this to let her know what to expect or could happen and know what it will feel like.                                                                                                                                                           
     The night has come and Ann and Zoe are getting ready. Dale is ready in the fight room and has the video equipment ready. Zoe gets to the room first with her hair in a pony tail. She is wearing her favorite white bikini. Ann arrives also with her hair in a pony tail and in a yellow bikini. Both have fought many times in these bikini's. Both have stretched and are ready. The bikini's are very revealing with a large part of their breasts exposed. Ann looks more like Zoe's big sister then her mother. She still looks good enough to wrestle at the frat parties. They approach each other almost standing nose to nose. Hard nipples straining against their tops Dale can not believe this is about to happen. He has been watching his wife for almost 25 years now and his daughter off and on for about 5 years.                       
     Zoe pushes her mom back and it is on. They both go for headlocks and have each other around the neck. They are stepping in front of each other to try to trip the other. Ann hip tosses Zoe to the floor. She has her on her side as Ann is on her back. She still has Zoe in a headlock using both arms. Zoe pulls her mom's hair by the pony tail as she also slaps at her body. She then tries to pull at her mom's arms trying to get free, Zoe has her mom's head pulled back by the pony tail  as she is thrashing her legs. She is twisting and finally uses both arms to pull Ann's arms free and get out of the headlock and get free. Zoe tries to get away but Ann is to fast and has her from the back she grabs her by the pony tail. She pulls Zoe back to her, and wraps her left arm around her neck. She reaches around with her right hand and grabs Zoe's left tit and latches on. They are both on their knees. Ann has Zoe pulled in tight. Zoe is trying to pull Ann's hand from her breast as she does it pulls her top leaving her partially exposed. Zoe now pulls with both hand trying to get away from Ann again. Ann grabs Zoe's pony tail and pulls her to the side. Zoe is now on her back and Ann jumps on her stomach. Zoe tries to wrap her legs around her but Ann blocks her attempt and slaps her face. As Ann tries to move forward to face sit Zoe she pushes up on Ann's butt and gets out from under her as Ann falls to the side. Now it is Zoe's turn to grab Ann from the back. Ann had just started to move when Zoe got her in a scissors. Ann is now on her back and Zoe is trying to squeeze the air out of her. She slaps her mothers face and grabs one of her breasts. She is also pulling her pony tail as if to remove it from her head. Ann's scalp is burning. Ann slaps at Zoe's legs and reaches for her hair. Zoe lets go of Ann's hair and tit and moves out of reach. She continues to squeezes her mom hard with her legs. Ann is struggling to breath and pats the floor Zoe lets up and releases her mom. She stands and smiles as she adjusts her top She goes over and takes her seat towels off and gets some water. Ann is still on the floor catching her breath. Her chest is heaving. She finally gets up and takes her seat next to Dale  Zoe is feeling very confident but knows her mother is tough and do not under estimate what she can do  Zoe looks over at her mother and is thinking that she is as tough as most of the girls she fights now, Zoe is thinking how  tough was she at my age?  In this first round Zoe has gained a lot of respect for her mom. She wonders if mom has the stamina for this fight. She has seen her fight other women recently and some were long fights but how tough were they?  Zoe knows now this fight will be tougher then she had anticipated.                                             
                                                                                                          TO       BE        CONTINUED
« Last Edit: August 04, 2024, 04:10:13 AM by topgear15 »
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.


Offline DaveLovesFights

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« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2024, 04:13:40 PM »
Great beginnin. Thank you  ;)