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Pride 8

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Offline Gradius

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Pride 8
« on: August 20, 2024, 11:39:27 PM »
Pride 8

Mind Games[/i]

Back up in the vents Yuffie moved carefully, having to restrain herself after everything she'd been told by Tifa.

"...not Cloud?" Yuffie regarded her friend doubtfully. While she was glad to see her spirits had returned the kunoichi had trouble accepting what she was being told. But something niggled in the back of her mind as she tried to focus on what was being said.

"We all heard him," Tifa nodded at Jessie who's head bobbed in the affirmative, Siren floating placidly above them. "Cloud said very specifically not to believe what HE said and that it wasn't him."

"I heard about the tape from Viola...but you're suggesting they did something to his mind." Yuffie scrunched up her face. "Like what you talked about when the two of you fell in the Lifestream?"

"I don't know if it's exactly like that." Tifa rubbed her nose, a flicker of surprise on her face at Viola's name. "Cloud's personality was split up pretty badly back then. He said HIM...singular. Maybe they put another one...another Esper inside him?"

"I've never heard of anyone being host to more than one of us at a time." Siren now spoke up. "And despite what's happened there are few that could rival Bahamut in sheer power.I don't think Cloud's mind, let alone body would be able to handle the strain."

"Wait...I got it." Yuffie said suddenly, face lighting up. "I've been thinking about something weird I've noticed. Cloud's always been able to sense me. Whenever I try to stay hidden he always picks me out. But I've been above him in the ducts and he's not reacted to me. What if..."

"Just guessing isn't going to help us." Tifa said firmly. "Yuffie, you stay out of sight. We'll let them take us to wherever it is they're going. Once there you find a way to get in touch with the others."

"What...and leave you to that bitch's tender mercies?" Yuffie jumped up, furious. "You haven't seen what she's been doing to you! We have to get you out..."

"I haven't seen...but I've felt it. Felt...EVERYTHING!!" Tifa growled, interrupting her young friend, the light around her darkening for a second before she got back under control. "Every bite, every scratch, every...violation. It only made me sink deeper. But if we run now they'll just disappear and Scarlet with them. And who knows what they'll do to Cloud before we find them again. What SHE'LL do..."

"Then I'll take care of Scarlet first." Yuffie said rapidly. "I know where her room is. Next time she's alone I'll just..."

"NO!" Tifa grabbed the kunoichi's arm, body flaring in a green light. Then she took a step back, visibly composing herself. "No. there's no guarantee that will get Cloud out from what influence they have over him. You'll get your shot at her Yuffie, I promise. But for now just watch. Keep an eye on both of them. Maybe you'll be able to see just what has him acting like he is."

Nostrils flaring, Yuffie felt a thread of anger. But at herself. She so badly wanted to pay Scarlet back for everything the blonde bitch had done she'd almost forgotten herself. Getting revenge on Scarlet wouldn't matter if she lost two of her dearest friends. Taking a deep breath, the kunoichi scuttled through the vents, casting her eyes through each grate to try and spot either of her targets. First they save Cloud.

Then, if she was lucky, she'd get first swing at Scarlet. But beyond that Yuffie continued her original thought. They'd grown bodies for the other Espers. They regrew Vi's leg.

Could they have GROWN a clone of Cloud?


Tifa and her counterpart grunted fiercely, struggling against one another, muscles straining. The only their only spectator, Jessie, could tell them apart was that one had slightly lighter hair. Shifting her hips, Tifa forced her lighter haired version over in a hip toss, only to feel herself dragged along as the other kept a firm hold on her arm and shoulder. Hitting the ground she immediately bridged, foot cracking against the brunette's cheek, making her gasp, and hold weaken enough for the martial artist to pull free.

Twisting around on their knees, both Tifas grappled, an elbow from one having the other see stars before a punch to the stomach had the former curl over. "Shit!" The darker haired brunette cursed, feeling herself dragged down, fighting wildly until a blow to the face dazed her and a pair of strong arms went around her waist.

"NNNNGHHH!" Tifa groaned loudly at the bearhug digging into her spine, before throwing her hands around her doppelgangers head, pulling her face deep into the cleavage. Her twin struggled briefly, then refocused her attention on the hug. It was now a race to see if Tifa would quit first, or would she pass out.

A minute...then a second past and all that could be heard was the shuffling of knees and Tifa's moans. It occured to Jessie that considering where they were, Tifa's gambit was doomed to fail, then the lighter haired Tifa sunk lower onto her haunches. Hands that were once locked around the other's waist now pushed frantically against stomach and shoulder, but Tifa held on like a leech until the arms went limp.

Panting, Tifa never released her hold, murmuring lightly as the two merged back together. She struggled to rise, falling back on her rear until Jessie came over to help her up. Even then, her legs were unsteady as the area transitioned back to the Seventh Heaven.

"Why are you doing this exactly?"

"Hmmm?" Tifa cocked her head, circling behind the bar.

"You're already in top shape. And you easily outclass her in martial ability." Jessie remarked, sitting on a convenient stool. "But you're not gonna just knock her around and kick the old bag's teeth you should by the way...are you! You're still gonna fight Scarlet on her terms."

"Our terms." Tifa corrected. "Make no mistake. I want this as badly, if not more at this point, as she does."

"Why'd you do it?" Jessie asked, staring at her friend intently. "I'm sure you've thought about it...been asked about it. Why did you fight her like that? Even if you didn't throw her off the gun, you could've just knocked the bitch on her ass."

"I..." Tifa scrunched up her face. "I used to say it was because of the gas, and how weak it left me. Cloud says it's because I didn't have it in me. But I think it was because I wanted to."

"We all felt the same about the Shinra higher ups whenever they appeared on the screens. But when I met her in person it was much...much worse." Tifa busied herself behind the bar. Though this was all entirely mental the clinking of the glasses made it clear this was very real to her. "Her casual dismissal of what they did to the slums, what she did to Barret and Dyne and then when she tried to kill me as a scapegoat for what they'd done. I...hated her. I hated her in a way I hadn't felt for anyone since Sephiroth killed my dad and Nibelheim burned. Then she slapped me and I just..."

"Tifa..." Jessie started.

"'s alright." Tifa interrupted. "She came for me alone, like I couldn't do anything to her. As if I was no threat. That I would just stand there and let her do as she pleased. Shoulda seen her arrogant ass face when I slapped her back. And when she hit my my tit while we were slapping one another it just...felt appropriate. But I didn't expect her to take the bait...though I wanted her to."

"You WANTED her to?"

"Yeah...we've both taken part. Is there a more humiliating way to lose a fight to another woman?" Tifa gave a shaky chuckle and a shrug. "I didn't get just how bad it felt until much later, but I could see it on the faces of those I beat. That's why I never gloated, there was no point. I wanted that for her, and more. What I didn't count on was for her to still be chasing me a decade since."

"Always heard she was a vindictive bitch," Jessie nodded sympathetically. "Dad sooner had good things to say about Heidegger than her."

"Ouch, but I do suppose you're right." Tifa came back around the bar, the scene fading again, this time back to the ring Jessie bounced eagerly, bringing her gloved hands up. "Now. Show me how you were going to kick my ass back in the day."

"You sure you want to do this now?" Jessie tempered her excitement, the sweat streaks still apparent on Tifa's face. "Shouldn't you rest for a bit? Don't want to hear any excuses when I put you on your rear."

"I'll rest when we're all safe and that bitch is locked in solitary for the rest of her life. However long Shiva makes it." Tifa grunted, then grinned. "Besides, I got more than enough rest while feeling sorry for myself."

Jessie grinned back, rushing at Tifa who made no attempt to avoid her. The initial collision had her fist meet Tifa's face, while the air hissed out from between lips as Tifa's dug into her stomach. Jessie swayed away from a kick, tackling her friend to the ground.


"Hmm..." Schroeder nodded at Alexander, who carefully lifted the girl into a sitting position, while the doctor pressed his stethoscope to her back. Frowning slightly, Schroeder removed the flat device to wipe at Tifa's back, before reapplying. Finally done, he moved away, allowing the Esper to reapply the straps that held Tifa down. "Just what are you planning?"

"Doctor?" Alexander looked across at the grey haired mortal, who raised a hand for silence.

"I know you can hear me." He continued, running a hand across Tifa's flat stomach, feeling the moisture and heat emanating from the woman. He was sure that if he was to just stay and watch, he'd see Tifa's body change before his eyes. "You aren't even being subtle my dear. You'd have to be blind not to see what you're doing."

No response, other than the steady rise and fall of her chest to indicate she was breathing. With a grunt of irritation Schroeder reapplied the gag and turned, gesturing for his assistants to clean the woman. Dipping rags into ice filled water the women scrubbed Tifa's body firmly from head to toe, twice, before simply drapping a cooling blanket over her. Alex remained outside the closed door, not even sparing the pair a look as they exited the room. His eyes were fixated Tifa.

Eyes narrowing, Alexander peered through the bars of Tifa's cell. He could see it. The changes the girl was undergoing. Full cheeks slowly shrank back into the face, fat melting from hips and waist and muscles becoming more defined. Yet, he couldn't see her...or even sense her.

Siren. And that concerned the Esper. Sinking that deep into a host's consciousness was dangerous. His eyes continued to roam across Tifa's covered body from head to toe, feeling a now familiar stirring at the woman's femininity. Then his head jerked and swung back to Tifa's head. Throwing open the door, he stood over Tifa's body, eyes narrowed. He hadn't been mistaken.

For his part Schroeder head back to his office, peering into the long tube that Diabolos floated in as his injuries were healed. The doctor examined the chart left by his subordinates, noting the lung transplant showed no sign of rejection. "Good," he grunted, jotting down the time of his inspection before moving on. Tifa's changes were far more dramatic than Scarlet's. Was it because Shiva had made the alterations more gradual, or was it that there was that much of a difference between Tifa now and in her prime.

The doctor massaged his temples. Was it really a coincidence that both Siren and Shiva would find hosts that despised each other as much as the two Espers hated each other now? He sat down in his chair.

Yes. Siren hadn't hated Shiva. And by all accounts Siren had stopped Tifa on more than one occasion from ending their rivalry in a more permanent manner. Shiva was the one who had finally pushed Siren too far. Or was it Scarlet. The doctor stared up at the pipe covered ceiling. It was getting harder to tell where one ended and the other began.


"You felt her too, didn't you!"

From his position spread-eagled on Bahamut's hide Cloud stared down at his counterpart. "I have no idea what you're talking about," he stated bluntly.

"I believe you might be telling the truth..." Cloud, down on the ground, said softly. The memory of that grief and the tears fresh in his mind. He scowled. Why now? Finally he'd taken back control after being shunted to the side and NOW...she chose to resurface. Bad enough coming to and finding himself resting on Tifa's body. Her firm, yet soft body. The need for her had been so strong that it took all he had to push off of her. Just to hold her...stroke her hair...

Then he was back in his room. Cloud gave a sharp grunt, head rising from he pillow as he spasmed. Bouncing in his lap, Shiva gave a prolonged moan, hips jerking spasmodically. Finally she collapsed onto him, kissing his chest and neck. Focused as she was on her adulation she never saw the look of irritation cross his face, cuddling up close to him, before eyes rose to stare at the piped ceiling. Ignoring her, his thoughts turned to Tifa and those nights together when it was just them. Nights when they could take their time loving each other. How they could spend an entire night building to one explosive climax that had him feel like he...Cloud groaned again at a twitch below the covers and a uncomfortable sticky feeling.

"Fuck this!" He muttered quietly, throwing off the covers and slipping from the bed. He paused momentarily, carefully covering Shiva with the sheets, before quickly dressing and slipping from his room.

Shortly after he left Shiva sat up suddenly, nostrils flaring, eyes flickering back and forth before dissipating and rising into the ceiling.


"Could you do it?" Floating just behind Yuffie, Siren minimized her power as much as she dared. The girl's idea was quite something, but the Esper couldn't deny it as a possibility. Cloud had never sought out other women, displaying a single minded devotion to Tifa that baffled the Esper. Even with all the willing sexpots, not least of all Joslyn, Mikoto and Yuffie, throwing themselves at him her never deviated.

As such it was not an impossibilty for him to have a negative, if not outright violent reaction to a perceived betrayal of that fidelity. And if she hadn't heard him herself she'd still believe that. And between there being another one of her kind in there with him and Bahamut, or their growing a body that perfectly resembled him, she wasn't entirely sure she could dismiss the latter. Ahead of her, Yuffie stopped.

"" The lithe ninja whispered. In the back of her mind she felt a now familiar tickle of Siren's presence. Down below, through the grille, Scarlet sat at her desk head thrown back. Yuffie gave a quiet curse and quickly pulled back before the woman's soft, rhythmic breathing reached her ears. Risking a peek, the kunoichi saw the blonde's eyes firmly closed and body relaxed. Asleep, and quite deeply too.


It would be so easy to just remove the grille and slip into the room. She had at least thirty different ways to kill the old hag with just her hands...Yuffie shook her head and clenched her jaw. "I'm it."

Gesturing with her fingers, Siren sent a small tendril out towards Scarlet. The blonde mumbled in her sleep as the spell took hold. It now arched back towards the expectant kunoichi who simply collapsed into a deep slumber.

Now for the hard part.

Siren wove the strands of the spell, linking a portion of herself to it, guiding Yuffie's consciousness to merge with Scarlet's. There was a brief moment of resistance as the two minds recoiled from one another, then mashed together eagerly. Touching phantasmal fingers to lips, Siren completed the binding. Leaving the kunoichi to snore softly.

Yuffie shook her head in confusion at finding herself back inside the Shinra tower. "Careful." She yelped at the appearance of chibi version of Siren perched on her shoulder. It quickly tapped her forehead and immediately the ninja remembered. "Okay?"

"I'm good," Yuffie muttered, glaring around the lounge. It made a kind of sense that Scarlet's mind would be structured like this. Now just to find what she was looking for. Approaching the first door, Yuffie started. It was sealed shut. Grunting, she pushed and pulled but it wouldn't budge. Whatever Scarlet had in there it seemed the blonde had no inclination to remember herself.

Moving down the corridor, Yuffie passed several doors in the same mold. Shut, with no way of entry. Muttering to herself, Yuffie entered an elevator, heading upwards. The next floor had doors that were wide open. Moving carefully, Yuffie caught snippets of past events. Scarlet joining Shinra and her first meeting with Rufus. It made the girl a bit green, what the two did to one another, attempting to establish dominance. Even worse was how, the rougher it got, the more Scarlet loved it.

Next floor.

Meeting Heidegger and his humiliating dismissal of her in front of the company as a whole. Yuffie flinched away from the rage that radiated from the woman at that. It was quite possible no one ever knew just how much Scarlet hated Heidegger after that, and would explain the constant failures of the mechs under his command.

Three more floors up and her promotion to Director of Advanced Weaponry. Yuffie quickly skirted past newly appointed staff. It was here her cruel streak really took off, with troopers under her command to do whatever she demanded. But it was also here, that the woman's mind seemed to pick up that it had an intruder. Yuffie noticed Scarlet seeming to follow her movements out of the corner of her eye.


Closing the door to Scarlet's room, Cloud felt a considerable irritation. The blonde was due for a bit of roughing up. She needed an occasional reminder that he wasn't under anyone's thumb. Though the main source of the irritation came from his other half's guilt by association. "By her own logic I would've done nothing wrong." Cloud grumbled, aggravated at the uncomfortable feeling. "If it was anyone else, I'd be expected to fuck them cause of her screw up."

"That's not true and you know it!"

"Shut it, bastard! You could've stopped it long ago, but you were too weak." Cloud paused, clutching his head. "And what do you think will happen when Elizabeth manages to get a win? You think she's just blowing smoke out her ass about wanting to her nymphomaniac hands on Tifa? Do you think she'll let us watch when she fucks our..."

"Our what?"

"Nothing!" He sullenly replied, immediately shutting down those thoughts. Just disappear, dammit! As long as he remained...

Without even thinking, he found himself back up on the deck, the cold air cutting at him even through his clothes. Whipping out Excalibur, he began swinging the blade in vicious arcs, as if imagining himself hacking these frustrating feelings to bits.

"You seem troubled." Cloud spun, Excalibur's bladed edge coming within centimeters of Titan's neck. The large man smiled widely, carefully pushing the sword to the side. "You're fast...for a mortal. I see now why Alexander had trouble with you."

"Had?" Cloud raised an eyebrow, replacing the sword across his back. He felt no animosity from, or even towards this Esper...and that disturbed him. "Considering our last encounter I think I gave the little bastard more than just...trouble!"

"Make no mistake, you haven't seen him at full strength." Titan warned, striding past him to the railing. "He might be one of the youngest among us, but even I would be reluctant to face him should he fully manifest."

"I'll remember that, next time one of you has to save him from me." Cloud snorted, unimpressed. "What are you doing here? The doc have you following me?"

"I was here before you actually." Titan replied, leaning against the railing. "You, however, seemed totally oblivious to it and in your own little world. Trouble in paradise?"

"If you're talking about Shiva, she can be a bit stifling." Cloud felt nothing in admitting that. "Was she always like that?"

"Depends. We take a lot from our hosts." Titan replied, waving his hands in an uncaring fashion. "The one she has this time around comes across as unwilling to ever let go of something she sets her sights on."

"Is that disapproval I hear?"

"Bias probably." The muscular creature admitted. "I still remember her for what she was and...what is that!"

Cloud followed a pointed finger, squinting in the distance at a dot that rapidly grew larger. Lips set in a grim line, he unlimbered Excalibur again. "Trouble. Big trouble."


Tifa groaned as Jessie's large tits slammed into her swelling boobs.

Jessie moaned when Tifa's monsters threatened to cave in her impressive guns.

Swatting hard at one another the brunettes staggered each other repeatedly, but they stubbornly retained their footing, bashing up against the fencing of the cage. Tifa winced at a particularly hard blow and grabbed her friend, pulling the woman into a hug, that Jessie swiftly reciprocated.

Grinding the orbs together, stiff nipples came into play tearing at the firm flesh that oozed out from between their double bearhug. The grimaces on the faces of both were telltale of the increasing discomfort. Finally, Jessie cried out in frustration and attempted to hook an ankle around Tifa's leg. But the busty brunette had no interest in another ground fight and released her hug, jumping away, then forward to hammer her breasts against Jessie's head to head. The lighter haired woman cried out, crashing against the fencing. Her eyes went wide and she scrambled to the side, avoiding another slam from Tifa who ran straight into the grille. Taking advantage of the sudden weakness, Jessie leapt onto the other girl's back, grabbing her tits and yanking them outward.

Tifa shouted in pain, shaking her body violently in an attempt to dislodge Jessie, who only held on tighter, which in turn caused the struggling brunette even more pain. Next she slammed the lighter haired brunette up against the grille, but that was even less effective as the metal simply bent each time they pushed against it.

"Called this one, the Sector Six nipple twist!" Jessie panted in Tifa's ear, thumb and forefinger firmly gripping the spikes and twisting them towards one another. Tifa's shriek was demonstrative. "Used it on the whore from the same sector that showed up on Wedge's birthday!"

Tifa yelled again, her struggles seeming to weaken, the Jessie's world got turned upside down, literally, as the martial artist flipped herself onto her back. "GUUHH..." Jessie croaked, bearing Tifa's weight fully across her entire front, arms and hands reflexively pulling away. Out of breath and stunned, she lay vulnerable as Tifa rolled off of her, then twisted around and pounced, pinning her hands under knees, Jessie's startled, sweating face between her thighs.

"Good name," Tifa growled, slapping her hands over the rival brunette's mounds, fingers getting a good grip. She grinned at the girl's frantic wriggles. "I might be able to use it. clear. You do it like...THIS!"


Tired, Yuffie quickly darted back into the elevator, tapping the buttons rapidly. "Don't know how much more of this I can take," the kunoichi gagged, looking blearily at the buttons. Twenty floors down. Fifty to go. Yuffie shook her head, squatting in the metal box, tapping her knees in thought.

Being systematic was taking too long. She glared at the buttons, thinking hard and trying to remember everything they'd learned of the woman since. Proud...arrogant...and shameless. If this was a reflection of her mind, the woman remembered every cruel, depraved and twisted act she'd ever done.


Yuffie slapped her head in irritation and punched the button for the top floor. If each room was a memory then the most recent ones would be up top. So better to work her way down, rather than up. At the soft DING, Yuffie exited the elevator and froze at the sight of Reno and Rude, standing on opposite sides of an opening door. Yuffie's movements were wary as she slipped between them.

Once inside though her eardrums were blasted by loud music and raucous shouts. This was far from what she'd expected. On an elevated platform opposite from where she stood Scarlet sat in a large chair, feet propped up. The woman's fists clenched as what the stiletto heeled feet rested on shifted. Cloud...naked. But before she could move the blonde tugged on a chain she held, dragging a similarly unclothed Tifa to the forefront. Yuffie saw red when Scarlet pulled her friend down to her level, dragging her into a dominating kiss, then forcing Tifa's face into her chest. A loud scream then drew Yuffie's attention down a flight of stairs to a stage where a small cage had been set up. The lithe ninja blinked at the pair of women writhing within it.

Mikoto and Elizabeth.

Because of course. Scarlet would know of Tifa's rivalry with the two of them and would feel a perverse sort of pleasure of making the women she felt threatened her position fight one another. Shouting curses that could be heard, but not made out, over the crowd Mikoto's nails left runs down Elizabeth's face even as her normally expertly coiffed hair was torn out by the equally furious brunette.

With a savage grunt Elizabeth rammed a knee into Mikoto's stomach, making the taller woman gag, before powering her back till her rear hit the fencing. A vicious one - two punch had the masseuse sag at which point the monstrously titted Liz pulled her into a breast smother. But an experienced fighter such as the Wutai masseuse knew how to make do with such a situation and Liz shrieked, pushing away as her boobs were bitten.

Hanging on with her teeth, Mikoto released her bite to deliver a fore and backhand slap that knocked Elizabeth towards the center, at the same time the Honeygirl got a foot up to push Mikoto back against the cage. Panting, Elizabeth massaged her violated breast before pinning Mikoto in a venomous look that the lush noirette returned. Shouting out a challenge, the two ran at one another, crashing their impressive chests together. Fists clenched at the hips both dark haired beauties strained, attemping to force the other back or flatten her tits. Whichever came first.

"Well, what do we have here." Yuffie recoiled. Scarlet's smiling face filled her vision, the woman appearing before her on the steps. No...she was up on the platform, Yuffie realized, Cloud at their feet and Tifa standing placidly to their side. A firm grip on her shoulder, then she was pulled into a hug. Scarlet licked her lips, eyes shining as Yuffie squirmed. "A new toy for me to break. A couple more and I'll have the complete set."

Yuffie stiffened, a similar rage to the one she felt before her fight against Vicky.

Toys...that's what this bitch considered her friends. Her original intention forgotten Yuffie merely gave Scarlet a wide grin. The blonde's head cocked to the side, expression becoming slightly confused before Yuffie threw her own arms around the bigger woman. With surprise on her side, Yuffie had no problem hefting Scarlet up and propelling them both back behind the curtain, into the darkness.


"Your plan is no threat to the planet, right!?" Cloud demanded, darting left, then rolling forward.

"As far as I know, that is correct." Titan crossed his arms in front of his chest, batting aside projectiles that came his way. He leapt from side to side, displaying a remarkable agility for his size, covering the deck gunners, that poured a steady stream of fire that was proving less than an irritant.

"Well either it knows something you don't, or didn't get the memo." Cloud retorted, taking a moment to channel his materia, then lashing out with a lighting burst at the attacking Ultima Weapon. "We need to land. Fighting this thing in the air is suicide."

"I agree, but there isn't any." Titan's skin darkened, becoming like stone. Slapping massive hands together, a boulder formed over his head. With a grunt, he hurled the rock to crash into the draconic Weapon's chest, just under the embedded red gem, causing it to roar and swipe at the deck guns. "NO!"

A beam of white light blasted Ultima, sending the massive Weapon tumbling. Cloud and Titan both whirled to find Alexander moving quickly beside them. "Was that all it was?" The short Esper demanded.

"Don't get cocky," Cloud warned, a roar reaching them even over the wind and rotors. Ultima reappeared, flapping it's wings strongly to catch up with the Airship. "It's never easy with these things!"


Yuffie gurgled at a punch to her midsection that had her curl up.

Scarlet grunted from the uppercut that snapped her head back.

Grabbing each other by the hair both beauties delivered a vicious headbutt that had them both cry out and stagger apart. Yuffie lashed out with a kick towards Scarlet face only to feel surprise when it was blocked. She jumped back quickly, barely avoiding a punch to her privates, giving a quiet gasp as her supporting leg hit something soft. A quick glance to the rear showed her the bed that seemed to have moved from where she knew it to be, before swinging her head back around to frantically throw her arms up.

Scarlet twisted in the air, one foot blocked, while the other cracked against the side of Yuffie's face. Spinning through the air, Yuffie landed on her stomach, immediately clawing at the coverlets to pull herself off, only to be driven into the soft mattress by a weight on her back. "Well look what we have here," a voice breathed in her ear, Yuffie gasping in outrage as her breasts were grabbed. A second later her left cheek was assaulted by a soft, perfumed mass. "I was distracted back in Gold Saucer, but I don't remember you being THIS big."

Twisting her head, Yuffie's teeth clicked and Scarlet GIGGLED. The kunoichi felt her skin crawl at the sound, then she was staring at the ceiling while the blonde's hands pulled outwards and legs squeezed around her waist. "Let GO! You old bat!"

"!" Yuffie screamed, what felt like nails being driven into her boobs. Pulling frantically on hands that were impossibly strong, all the while Scarlet sucked noisily on an ear. "You need to learn your place. Just like all the rest."

Yuffie squirmed desperately, the pain driving her wild, but Scarlet's hold was unbreakable and she could feel the woman begining to hump her. Her vision began to fade when she suddenly focused on the miniature Siren that appeared before her.

"Remember!" Siren's voice was insistent in Yuffie's head. "This is all in the mind. None of it is real. Here, she believes she can never lose. That she is in control. What do you believe?"

Looking up into the air, Yuffie's eyes went flat and her grip tightened on Scarlet's wrists as the ache faded. At first, nothing happened. Then, slowly, she began to force the fingers away from her swollen titflesh. The once purring voice in her ear began to gasp faster and faster until the kunoichi slammed the back of her head into Scarlet's face, the blonde crying out, hands clutching at her nose. Rolling away, Yuffie's hands grasped Scarlet's long, yellow hair yanking hard even as her body twisted. With a scream Scarlet hurtled from the bed to bounce and roll until she hit against the wall.

Not yet done, Yuffie leapt off the sheets, crossing the distance in two loping strides to pounce on the downed woman, punching furiously. One, two, three, four...her arm moved like a piston, drilling powerful blows into the hated face. Then her vision blacked out and she felt herself driven against a hard surface. "Now that was just rude!" A voice growled and she gagged, a fist, or a knee driven into her gut. "it's going to be painful my dear little country girl. But just like your backwater home, you'll learn your pla...UNGH!"

Yuffie kicked up, placing her feet against Scarlet's breasts and PUSHED! With that same momentum she propelled herself onto the blonde's shoulders, letting her body drop. With a shocked screech Scarlet flipped in the air once, landing on her face. Rolling over into a crouch, Yuffie froze as Scarlet sprang back upright with a dextrousness she never knew the woman possessed.

"You're making this fun, darling," the blonde purred, seemingly unfazed. "I have to admit, you had me fooled. Choosing such a form to come after me. But it was here I established dominance over Shiva. It was here we came to our current arrangement."

"What's she going on about?" Yuffie pulsed to Siren. The Esper's voice was soft in her head.

"She thinks you're me. That I've just adopted your shape to invade her mind." Siren murmured. Then loudly, her voice seeming to come from the kunoichi. "If you think that concerns me then you have no idea of our history. So now you have a choice. Either tell me what you did to Cloud...or I provide a demonstration and THEN you tell me what you did to him!"

Scarlet's laughter was low and cruel.

"What I did to him? Darling it was all you. It was simplicity itself to edit out the bits where your name came up. All he could hear was the sound of his wife acting like a bitch in heat." She snickered, strutting around the tense kunoichi. "I should thank you. The look on his face when I first started playing the tape. All his defiance...all that smug faith in Lockhart simply melted away. Nothing we did to him could compare to the torment he experienced when he heard you fucking that Rosa woman. But just to be safe we played it on repeat for a few it truly sunk in."

"You bitch!" Yuffie rasped, her breathing coming out hard and fast. She'd hoped that Viola had been exaggerating, or mistaken, or...

"Flattery will get you nowhere sweety." Scarlet's face suddenly lost the smile. "Now how about you get the fuck out of my mind. You aren't worth my time without Tifa."

"Cripple her." Siren hissed, not even bothering to try and tamp down the rage radiating from Yuffie. "Nothing you do to her in here will be permanent, unfortunately. But she will remember."


"I really lucked out." Jessie remarked with a sigh, sinking deeper into the heated water. "I'd always thought those stories of communal baths were a joke."

"No joke," Tifa replied, sitting on a stool and scrubbing her body with soap. "It was quite the change from the closets they made us use in the slums."

The two were relaxing in a large bath house reminscent of the one in Wutai. By Tifa's internal clock it felt like she'd be here with Jessie for at least a month, the two fighting off and on as Tifa waited for a sign from Siren. While Jessie had little to share in terms of actual fighting the woman fought with a stubborn, and wild, determination that had Tifa struggling to keep her under control. Pure cat, Jessie fought unrestrained, not hesitating to bite, scratch or even poke her fingers at Tifa's eyes. She'd had her pussy punched and mauled more times here than ever back out in the physical world.

And when they fought with their tits Jessie only went into overdrive smashing Tifa's glands to and fro as if the size disparity wasn't even there. Even managing to beat her in their last fight on the beach. Tired, Tifa had missed Jessie's leg snaking around her own until it was too late. Falling, the lighter haired brunette had ensured she landed her weight on top of her dark haired rival, Tifa yelling in pain and surprise as her boobs, softened by repeated strikes and squeezes, collapsed against Jessie's.

The fact that her friend had been too sore to even celebrate was no consolation.

"It's way better than the one back at my parent's place, no doubt." Jessie sighed, rubbing her arms. Even though she knew all this wasn't still felt that way to her. She glanced around again, before staring at Tifa. "So was this the first time you really just let go? Elizabeth I mean."

Tifa's motions froze and her hands absently brushed her breasts. "You mean lost control. Yeah, no need to try and sugarcoat it. Even before I found out Scarlet had set her on me, she just...felt wrong. I knew I'd fight her at some point."

"So my next question is pretty obvious. Why?" Jessie wrung out her hair, squeezing the long strands tightly. "You had no problem kicking out all those other women that came looking after you. You were the personal guest of the Shogun, so if she made a scene he'd probably have stepped in."

"And then what?" Tifa sighed. "If I did that, then she'd just find me somewhere else. And with my luck she'd show and demand I fight her in front of everyone. Even now, Barret's still uncomfortable bringing it up. And before you ask, yes. I did consider just kicking her ass in the bath. But that would've made a scene and..."


"And well...if you've been watching me, you've seen those guns she has on her." Tifa said, emptying a bucket of water over her head, rinsing off the suds. Rising smoothly, she walked quickly to the pool, sinking into it's pleasant heat. "I can count on one hand the number of women I've met that had a bigger pair than me, and she dwarfed all of them. If she had shown up at Seventh Heaven and I kicked her out..."

"Yeah, I'd probably have followed her out." Jessie admitted with a grin, before sobering up. "But was it worth it, considering how things turned out?"

"I don't think anyone could've predicted what came after. Especially considering Liza was in the dark about Siren as well." Tifa replied, dunking herself fully into the water before coming back up. "I'm not proud of how I lost control, but I have to admit Siren has been useful, even after the fighting stopped. Kinda like an annoying older sister, if you know what I mean."

"I suppose," Jessie cocked her head, then grinned. "But she can fight with those things, eh."

"Elizabeth? Yeah." Tifa gave a small smile. "If she wasn't such a bitch and always trying to get in my panties we'd be good friends I think."


With a loud splintering CRACK the door to Scarlet's Junon apartment exploded and Scarlet flew out flipping and rolling before coming to a stop. Tossing her blonde head the now half naked woman got an arm up to block a lunging fist, pulled Yuffie into a headbutt before lifting her into the air and flinging the dark haired kunoichi over the balcony. Yuffie shrieked as she bounced and rolled before flopping into the sea beneath Junon. "This would be more fun if you'd fight me as yourself," she called out to the sputtering Esper. At the girl's glare, she shrugged and smilingly leapt in after her.

Yuffie spat out seawater and dove under the surface. Despite the salt her vision was crystal clear as she floated, spinning slowly to follow an undulating Scarlet, the blonde's hair trailing behind her, swimming around her in a slowly shrinking circle. With a sudden motion she stopped and kicked out towards Yuffie like a torpedo. Her own legs moving rapidly, the kunoichi swept upwards, limbs opening in a split as Scarlet moved below her, rolling to then propel herself into Scarlet's back.

Arm going around the slim neck, Yuffie's strong legs kicked out, sending them to the bottom. An elbow from Scarlet loosened her grip, but the older woman had no thought of escape. A look of unholy glee on her face she instead swung a heavy fist through the water to smash into the Wutai ninja's cheek. Her own face a mask of concentration Yuffie's own arm made a circuit to slash across Scarlet's face. An uppercut followup saw the blonde flip, both of her feet clipping under Yuffie's jaw to send the girl tumbling as well. Before she could react a hand grabbed her ankles, throwing her hard back into the sand dunes and rocks or ocean floor.

A cloud of sediment obscured her vision, yet she somehow knew where Siren was, and Scarlet kicked rapidly to resume the beating. Then a small, hard fist dug into her stomach, causing her to gag. Then another punched into a breast and finally, eyes wide, an angry face appeared out of the silt to hammer a blow into her nose that sent Scarlet screaming out of the water...and onto her deck. "Fucking's on now!" Scarlet gasped, massaging her wounded tit, quickly rolling to her feet as the ninja shaped Esper pulled herself out of the pool.

Yuffie didn't let herself get distracted by the surroundings, at the implausibility of her location, but focused on her rapidly approaching yellow haired opponent. Scarlet threw her arms out, nails extending, and swiped left and right, hands curled into claws, Yuffie yelping at the sharp, burning pain of a series of scratches along her arm. Swatting Scarlet aside Yuffie involuntarily closed her hand causing the blonde to come up short as her hair was pulled. Instinctively pulling the yellow strands, a satisfied smile worked it's way across Yuffie's face until Scarlet responded by grabbing a covered boob.

The young ninja screeched at the unexpected pain, leaping away and leaving her top in the other woman's hand. "Oh, those are indeed as nice as Viola said." Scarlet remarked admiringly, tossing aside the strip of cloth. "I never had the chance to get a proper look, but they are quite impressive. Not small, but not too big like a pair of sisters or certain little cow. She was quite the late bloomer. I think I'd enjoy squashing those melons if given the chance."

"Nngh..." Yuffie growled, fighting back the urge to respond to the woman's taunts. Then smiled. Cupping her, now unencumbered, tits she shook them at the blonde. Scarlet cocked her head, expression turning curious. "Oh I doubt that. Yuffie's gone tit to tit with Tifa and even flattened her sister a couple times. Has a couple wins against Vicky under her belt to boot."

"Keep sweetening the pot darling," Scarlet replied, openly licking her lips. She hugged herself. "I was planning on dealing with the sister first but,more and more I want to feel those sacks going limp under mine. Even if it's just a facsimile."

"She's even creepier in here than out there!" Yuffie hissed quietly. Before Siren could respond the ninja approached the blonde boldly. Scarlet's arms went to her side, eager for a resumption of the violence. She was, however, surprised and gave a breathy moan when Yuffie thrust and jabbed a boob against her own.

"I thought you were going to wait and let Tifa deal with me," She panted, body trembling.

"Out there, Tifa will crush you. Again!" Yuffie growled. In a lurch she threw her arms around Scarlet. She was sure she'd trapped the blonde's arms at her side, and yet felt a pair of hands slapping at her back before squeezing around her waist. She tightened her own grip in response. "In here, I'll have my fun, first."


Marcus gritted his teeth, holding down firmly the firing triggers of his deck gun. The entire contraption bucked and, if not for superior strength and conditioning, his arms would've been broken in several locations by now.

"It's not mean't to be fired like this!" Another, lower ranked trooper who's name escaped him shouted. He didn't respond, only cursed and pointed at the dwindling ammo belt. During that brief distraction he felt a change in the air and quickly twisted back around. As if in slow motion he watched Ultima surge towards them, claws raised. In a single, swift motion he shoved himself back, away from the gun, towards the center of the deck.

Several other troopers spotted the movement and were able to jump away as well. Others were not so fortunate. The lucky ones died quickly from the force of Ultima's attack, while the unlucky could be heard screaming on their way down. The air then quickly heated up and Ultima's maw opened wide...before chilling rapidly and dozens of ice shards clattered across it's scaled face.

"FREEZE!" Shiva hissed, emerging from under the floorboards beside Titan. Ice began to form along Ultima's body, slowing the Weapon enough for it to fall behind the Airship. "All troopers, head inside!"

"Good of you to join us sister," Alexander nodded, taking up a position near the middle of the platform.

"I was resting," the blue Esper retorted, moving between him and Cloud. "Woke up sensing Siren. Ever since the doctor started caring for that woman, I've been feeling her energy moving about the ship. Possibly looking for ways off."

"Not likely." Cloud responded, cracking his shoulder. "Tifa won't leave."

"You sound very sure." Alexander's pale eyes looked at Cloud of the corner of his face. "Why is that?"

"Because I'm here." Cloud replied, then his face twisted into an unusual expression. "But more importantly, because Scarlet's here."


"Uhhh..." The hot air from Scarlet's breathy moan brushed across Yuffie's lower neck while the kunoichi squeezed her arms and thrust out her rounded, conical boobs. But once the shock of the initial pain faded the blonde raised her head to stare hard into the face of the younger woman. "Weak!"

Yuffie's teeth clenched, eyes squeezed shut and she moaned quietly as Scarlet's sizeable orbs pushed against her own. Breathing rapidly, lips peeled back in a silent snarl and eyes blazed, crushing the blonde's body. They both now cried out at the pain of their busts, squashed together. Breasts grew slick with sweat but were skept still plastered together, Wutai ninja and Shinra former director squeezing for all they were worth. Both grunted, watching as droplets slid from the other's face to patter onto their compressed boobs.

Their grunting grew ever fiercer, neither willing to relent as they crushed the breath from each other. Feet squeaked across the wooden deck, the pair staggering unsteadily to and fro, bodies tilting as first one, then the other forced expressive cries from their opponent. But one's voice began to dominate and her shouts of pain came more and more frequently.

Yuffie's lips curled into a toothy smile as she squeezed and drove her boobs hard against Scarlet's tits. The blonde had felt it too. It wasn't much...yet, but her pink tipped breasts hadn't resisted the push her taut orbs as firmly as before. Another squeeze and the bitch squealed loudly while her legs shuddered and knees bent lightly. "Who's weak now," Yuffie hissed spitefully, taking several wobbly steps forward. Scarlet's eyes were slitted and angry now, no longer radiating the contemptuous confidence of earlier. Arms tightened again and Yuffie felt her boobs slide slightly lower. "On your knees, you soft titted old cxnt. You know the position well enough!"

Scarlet's eyes blazed now, rage rolling off of her in waves. Her arms flexed powerfully, positioning her elbows on either side of her boobs, then thrusting forward. Yuffie now yelled in surprised pain as the extra momentum provided had Scarlet's nipples push under her own to force them upwards. "I beat Tifa." She growled, levering herself upright. "I beat Viola, and I beat Shiva. You think I'd lose to some little Wutai bitch, Siren? Face me yourself and let's do this properly!"

"Tifa had you at her mercy." Siren hissed, her voice coming from Yuffie's mouth. The kunoichi tensed, dragging her breasts down till her spikes crossed against Scarlet's. Even here, the sensation wasn't dulled. "Once again, you needed help to beat her. If Shiva hadn't come to your aid..."

"And Cloud." Scarlet sneered, rearing back as she began to lift the gyrating Yuffie off her feet. The smaller woman's legs kicked out furiously until the grimacing blonde lowered her back down. "Don't forget Cloud. Though I suppose, if I'm counting him, I have to count you. Since without YOUR help I wouldn't have gotten that recording."

With a scream that originated in the pit of her stomach Yuffie reared back, taking a wide eyed Scarlet with her, releasing the woman at the height of her flip. Rubbing the top of her head with a groan, she heard the crashing sounds of the woman along the platform. A moment of silence and then the sound of slapping feet. Quickly Yuffie got back to her feet, arms at her side.

"Well, that was fun," Scarlet remarked, slapping aside a broken chair. She kept her gaze firmly locked with Yuffie. "But I think I'll break you now. Unless you run away like a coward. Like Lockhart."

"Tifa is no coward, and far more woman than you could ever hope to be." Yuffie hissed, bouncing her boobs in her hands, demonstrating their retained firmness and slid a foot back. Before she could move, Siren continued. "No matter how long Shiva gives you. All you could ever hope to be is second best."

"I hate you all so much!" Scarlet abruptly hissed, charging at the smaller woman. Startled, Yuffie was open when Scarlet delivered a stinging slap to her left breast, making the girl scuttle back rapidly. "I worked my ass off, clawing my way to the top. After all the sacrifices I made the only use you worthless bitches serve is to be used for my amusement."

Spitting out a curse in a Wutai, Yuffie propelled herself at the blonde arm cocking to send her first deep into the tissue of her right boob. Scarlet was beyond pain now and grabbed Yuffie's shoulder, trying to shove the girl back. The kunoichi would be not be moved, however, and wrapped her hands around the blonde's neck.

Spitting in fury, Scarlet got her foot up and shoved Yuffie away, yelping at the scratches left in her neck. Yuffie presented her hands, nails, lengthening to a point. Scarlet hissed, Yuffie snarled, rage and hate arcing between the two as they flung themselves at one another, fighting without restraint.


Flying alongside the airship, Ultima reared back, mouth opened as it prepared another attack. Hurled by Titan, the boulder cracked several teeth lodging itself in the creature's maw before being crushed. Even as Ultima recovered ice shards, as long as a human arm, shattered along it's face, Shiva aiming for the eyes. A powerful flap of the Weapon's wings generated a gust that knocked everyone off balance, Cloud in particular struggling just to remain on the deck.

"What is it doing?" Cloud squinted, watching Alexander fire off another beam that knocked the monstrosity off balance again, giving them some breathing room. With a now familiar roar the Weapon re-aligned itself, angling for the airship again. "It's never been this single minded before."

Without realizing it Cloud shifted his feet to adjust his stance. This was to compensate for the gradual increase in speed from the Airship as it dove. Ultima gave another frustrated roar, body jerking forward with each powerful wing beat until it was once alongside them. "It pains me to end one of our mother's protectors." Alexander raised his hands, both glowing. "But if it will not cease in this foolishness then I won't hold back anymore."

But before he could fire, Ultima dove out of sight, beneath the ship.

"Where'd it go?" Peering carefully over the side, the three Espers and the one mortal clung to whatever was available. Titan's head jerked up. "Other side!!"

With an earsplitting bellow Ultima appeared along the undamaged side of the Airship, sinking it's claws into the deck. Lunging forward it snapped at Cloud and Alexander, the two diving apart. Rolling along the deck Cloud slammed against the entryway turning to stare into a wide yellow eye that focused on him. Twisting it's head around to face him properly, Ultima dislodged metal and wooden plating as well as what remained of the security railings. Swinging Excalibur, Cloud batted aside the debris that came flying at him.

"GET OFF!" With a bellow Titan appeared to the side, delivering a punch that sent shockwaves across the deck. Roaring, Ultima's claws tore up the deck as it slid back, managing to barely hang on, twisting it's head around to knock the approaching Titan into Shiva, who shattered on contact, then reformed to fire a gust of ice into the Weapon's face. Bellowing in clear frustration now, Ultima opened it's mouth, energy gathering there.

"That's enough of that!" Cloud shouted, finally able to move again. Leaping across the Weapon's jaw, he sliced through a lower fang causing a feral cry of actual pain and it slid back even further until it held on by a single forelimb. Alexander appeared, rapid firing beams of light across it's body, finally focusing on the wings, that seemed the most vulnerable. Ultima glared at the two of them, a feeling of primal fear making Cloud's body break out in a cold sweat. Gritting his teeth, the former SOLDIER shouted and swung his sword in a vertical arc, cutting through three claws at the tips until, with a final feral screech, the Weapon finally fell, tumbling through the air. The damage to it's wings making it difficult to fly.

But even in defeat Ultima's damage proved effective. Suddenly losing a massive windbreak, Everyone on deck stumbled at the abrupt increase in momentum. Unlike the Espers, Cloud didn't have any extra abilities to keep himself stable and fell, rolling uncontrollably before ending up on the far end.

"Watch out!" Cloud heard the shout and then everything moved in slow motion. He saw the claws, half as long as his arm and just as thick, fly out of their indentations towards him. The first went under his arm, the second ricocheting of the hilt of Excalibur to leave slice in his hip, but the third slammed into his left shoulder, knocking him back off balance. Tumbling he fell back, coming to a sudden stop, screaming in open agony as a piece of the shattered railing pierced his back to emerge out the front left side of his chest.


Twisting and staggering, Tifa and Jessie wrestled fiercely, the sweat coating them making holds precarious. In desperation, Jessie pulled Tifa into a bearhug that the other brunette reciprocated, both squeezing hard. Straining, in desperation Jessie attempted to hook Tifa's foot only for the girl to shove powerfully, causing her to take a step back. "That won't work twice," Tifa growled, eyes shining in glee at the increasing panic on Jessie's face.

Glands forced back into her chest the lighter haired brunette had trouble breathing under the intense pressure, and stare, from the other girl. Still she struggled gamely, wrenching her torso from one side to the other, until shaking legs finally gave out. As she fell, Tifa jumped back, letting go of the surprised Jessie who fell onto her hands. "UGH...OOF!!" She grunted, then shouted when Tifa jumped onto her back, driving the woman onto her stomach. "What're you...!"

Arms were pulled back to rest between legs and thigh, while hands went under her jaw. Jessie had a second of dread to realize what was coming when Tifa yanked her head back, putting pressure into the camel clutch hold. She held it for a long ten seconds before slackening. "You ready to give up?"

"No chance in hell!"

Jessie gave a muffled scream as Tifa pulled again, bending the brunette's neck and back. "You're not getting out of this one, Jess." Tifa warned, loosening her grip again but squeezing her legs to ensure Jessie's arms didn't slip free. "You know I'm stronger than you, it's..."

Jessie heard Tifa trail off and then fell to the ground as the woman simply released her and stood up. Entire body sore after the fight, and the camel clutch, she blinked sweat out of her eyes staring blearily at Tifa.

"He's hurt..."

"Wha...?" Jessie took a second, and slowly got up on unsteady legs, tottering over to rest a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Tifa?"

"Cloud's hurt...hurt bad." Tifa repeated, not even looking at her. "I could...I can hear him."

Closing her eyes and ears to Jessie's questions Tifa let her mind wander, calling to Siren, who's answer was not long in coming.


Hissing like a Thunderbird protecting it's young, Yuffie repeatedly banged Scarlet's head against the wooden door of her apartment until a harsh punch knocked them apart. A knee to the gut had the girl gag before she felt herself flung through the shattering entryway. Tucking into a roll, she still crashed against the wall on the other side of the hallway but was able to twist around in time to catch Scarlet sprinting at her.

Catching the blonde's clawed hands, fingers inches from her eyes, Yuffie kicked her foot into Scarlet's stomach and fell back carrying the woman with her. More loud splintering sounds and Yuffie leapt back to her feet and twisted around to follow the older woman. She leapt down the first set of steps leading into, what looked like, a sort of lab with a large clear glass container in the center. The kunoichi then spotted her prey getting up and rubbing her head on a lower platform behind a series a desks.

Scarlet shook her head, growling in frustration. She KNEW Tifa had sent the Esper to fight her battles. Damn cow was scared to face her now. It would be so easy to end this by just waking up would be something to have Siren under her thumb as well. With that she would effectively be the top bitch, of not just humans, but them as well. A grim smile spread across her face, turning to meet Siren-as-Yuffie, arms wide as the Esper leapt off a desk at her.

Coming together with a heavy SMACK Yuffie drove Scarlet to the ground, fingers scrabbling for the woman's face. "Fu...uck!" She shouted loudly as Scarlet retaliated by enthusiastically yanking her hair. Purely feminine instinct drove her own hands into the blonde's thick locks, and now the blonde screamed as clumps were torn out at the root. Yuffie's brain sluggishly attempted remind the kunoichi of better ways to hurt the cougar...but the trip through the layers of Scarlet's brain had affected Yuffie. She was being overwhelmed by the blonde's greater experience at maintaining her sense of self on this plane and so slowly gravitated towards fighting the way Scarlet wanted.

Body to body...tit to tit.

Wrapping her arms tightly around the smaller girl's body Scarlet pumped her boobs and hips. Yuffie yelped at the change in attack, but instinct overode intellect and she thrust back with breasts and rear. Panting rapidly, bodies rocked, then began to move. Rolling slowly, but steadily, legs locked around ankles while arms crushed their bodies into a tormented, warring vice.

"Fuuuck..." Yuffie cursed, struggling against the surprising strength of the blonde woman. Even moreso the incredible pressure on her bust. There was no way a woman her age could have breasts this firm in reality. Eyes narrowed and Yuffie focused, her boobs swelling outwards until their cleavages were even. Despite the surprised grunt from Scarlet, and straining effort from the kunoichi she felt their roll slowing, shouting as she felt herself held under the bigger woman.

"You made a bad choice." She breathed into Siren's ear, licking her lips in anticipation. Lacking Tifa's broader upper body and wider hips, Scarlet overwhelmed the girl in sheer size. Still, the ninja girl's slim figure felt exquisitely delicious against her own. Scarlet moaned as Siren continued to squirm beneath her and locked her legs around the kunoichi's ankles, spreading her legs until..."Oooohhhh..."

"GAAAAAHHHH!" Yuffie shrieked at the violation, bouncing her hips and releasing her hug. She had no idea how she knew, but a hand dug into the ground and slapped a handful of dirt across Scarlet's face. Now it was the blonde's turn to scream, tumbling off of the brunette, wiping frantically at her face. Yuffie rolled in the opposite direction, getting to her knees just as Scarlet removed hands from her face. Trading murderous stares Yuffie crawled in Scarlet's direction even as the blonde scuttled in hers.

"GAH!" Scarlet howled, Yuffie grabbing a fistful of her breasts, pinching the flesh around the nipple.

"BITCH!" Yuffie shouted as Scarlet clawed at her boobs, filling a hand with as much of the firm orb as she could.

Both also grabbed for hair with their free hands, tugging viciously. With a lurch Yuffie thrust a leg around, and onto Scarlet's hip, shoving the blonde into the dirt. Now hands left hair, to join the other in mauling the rival tits, both women wailing as they mangled each other's boobs. Scooting up higher on Scarlet's stomach, Yuffie pressed down hard on the blonde's breasts, tears mingling with the sweat running down her face.

"I won't lose to you!" Scarlet screeched, pulling savagely on the breasts hanging above her. Snarling in fury, she clicked her teeth and slowly began to drag the smaller woman down towards her.

"NO!" Yuffie panted, knowing only too well what was coming. In desperation, a hand shot out to grab another handful of dirt and grass, shoving it into the pale, sweat streaked face beneath her.

"GAH! Cheating cxnt!" Scarlet shrieked, distracted. Rolling onto her belly she scrubbed her face again, gagging, not even realizing what had happened. Then she gasped as a weight dropped onto her back and an arm went around her neck. "Uagghhh..."

Yuffie held on grimly to the stranglehold she held on Scarlet. "This is for Tifa," she whispered into the woman's ear. Slowly she moved her other hand up the woman's head. The blonde's struggles became increasingly frantic, her gasps shorter, realizing what was coming. "When she wakes up I'll make sure she does it for real!"

Yuffie's hands started to twist, when her head jerked upright, and behind her Siren flickered. She released her hold on Scarlet, letting her drop face first into the ground. Scarlet heaved, drawing in as much air into her lungs as she could, but Yuffie was deaf to that. "Cloud..." she whispered, his scream echoing in her ears. "We have to go!"

"You're not going ANYWHERE!"

"Shit!" Yuffie leapt up, tucking into a roll. As Scarlet lunged past beneath, she twisted to deliver a vicious kick to the back of her neck. "Go! Find Cloud. Warn Tifa."

"Not without you." Siren retorted. With an angry roar Scarlet leapt back to her feet, homing in on Yuffie again. The kunoichi dodged the woman's furious swipes, smashing a fist into her face, the tumbling to the ground from a clubbing right in retaliation. Rolling away from the kick the blonde aimed at her, Yuffie spun back up, delivering a trio of punches to Scarlet's mid-section, then dancing away with five red streaks on her face.

"I've got this. I'm back in control." Yuffie sent back. Darting back in she delivered another pair of swift blows that angered the larger blonde, ducking under punch, jumping up to smash her knee above the woman's nose. Scarlet's eyes crossed, then quickly refocused, grabbing the kunoichi's leg to slam her into the ground...twice, then hurling her to the side. "Ugh..."

Even as Scarlet grabbed for her, Yuffie lunged up to slam the heel of her hand against the woman's forehead. Groaning, dazed, Scarlet sank to kneel on the floor. Grabbing her hair, Yuffie prepared another blow, only for a fist to dig into her gut. Croaking at the sudden sharp pain the dark haired girl sank down opposite the blonde who had another fist cocked and ready to go.

Rising up on their haunches the two exchanged a blistering flurry of punches that had bodies tilt and breasts bounce. But in a simple toe to toe fight Scarlet's greater strength took effect and soon she delivered two blows for every one of the smaller woman. Grabbing hold of her short hair, Scarlet leaned into Yuffie, lips set in a ferocious grimace, as her fist thudded repeatedly against the girl's face.

"No...we're done here." Siren clapped her hands, generating a vortex that grabbed Scarlet and sent her, screaming threats all the way, far into the air leaving Yuffie to collapse onto her hands. "She's too experienced fighting in this environment compared to you."

Yuffie tried to protest, then yawned...

And woke up. And immediately groaned, curling up slightly as pain radiated from every part of her body in pulsing waves. Especially her face. Gritting her teeth against the worst of it, Yuffie started moving carefully away from Scarlet's room.

Down below said blonde twisted and squirmed, moaning in distress, face angry and frustrated.


"GGAAHHKKK...FUCK!" Cloud screamed, grabbing for the metal poking out his chest, trying to pull himself off of it. He shouted again, passing out when Titan grabbed the railing, and simply pulled it free with him still on it. "!"

"That would be dangerous," Titan warned, moving carefully now as he lifted the wounded man. To his back, Alexander's hand shone, cutting through the excess metal, the bulk falling free with a loud CLANG. To his side Shiva floated, pressing her hands against the bleeding area, radiating cold to numb it. "There's another in the small of your back."

Cloud started to respond but a loud CLANG had the blonde man stiffen and pass out again.

"It's for the best," Titan muttered, concerned at Shiva's muted, distressed murmurs. The female Esper moved ahead, ensuring their path was clear. He noticed more than a few hatches frozen shut while rushing past. Finally, they reached the doctor's office.

"On the table, sit him up." Schroeder ordered, briskly moving around Cloud rapidly, assessing the damage. "Hold him steady now. Alexander, help me, on three."

At the third count, Alexander yanked out the smaller rod, causing Cloud to spasm, but Schroeder was there, to quickly clap a pad over the leaking wound. "Shiva...just around the edges." He warned the Esper, a light crackling sound following his instruction. Schroeder looked at the longest piece, shaking his head. Reaching into the desk, he pulled out a needle and vial. The dose would kill a regular human but would, hopefully, be enough to reduce what Cloud was going to experience. He slapped Cloud's face as the drug took effect, the man's eyes glassy, slipping a coiled piece of leather between his teeth. "Bite down on this. It may still hurt."

Alexander and Titan swapped for this one, the larger Esper pulling slowly and carefully. Cloud's expression remained stoic, though his facial muscles twitched. However, the rod was bent at a slight angle and Titan was forced to maneuver it. By the time it finally popped out, Cloud's face and body was drenched in sweat. Now finally able, Schroeder snipped away the remnants of the shredded shirt, wiping down his upper torso and applying a fresh pad to the first wound and two the newly cleared. Breathing a sigh of relief he indicated to the Weapon's claw fragment.

Cloud's scream as soon as Alexander touched it was a sound none of them had ever heard. Even more concerning was when Schroeder inspected the blonde man and realized his heart had stopped.


He was floating.

Floating in the black.

Floating in a sea of pain. He wanted to curl up, in the hope it would lessen the agony but he couldn't move. The rumbling of the ground didn't help either. Each bump sending fresh spasms through his body.

Then, like flipping a switch, it was gone. Cloud found himself back, hanging heavily on Bahamut's hide. Down below his darker half pushed himself off the ground where he'd lain. "What...happened?"

"We died." Bahamut rumbled. The dragon rolled it's eye back to stare in his direction. "For ten seconds to be precise."

"Then...then why didn't we join the Lifestream?" The unchained Cloud demanded. "Why didn't we return to the Planet."

"The Planet doesn't want us. Or doesn't want me." Bahamut growled.

"What are you..." Cloud paused. As one the three focused on a resonating clopping sound. Cloud reached for his sword, that manifested in his hand. Like his counterpart, he recognized the sound...both of them.

"So this is where you've been." Zack remarked cheerfully, moving casually just ahead of Aerith. The long haired flower girl regarded both Clouds with green eyes that radiated compassion.

"Hello Cloud," she said softly, glancing upwards.

"I'm down here," Cloud growled, angling away from Bahamut. "So I wasn't imagining things. I did feel you earlier. Let me guess. You're why Tifa's been doing so much better?"

"I did visit her, yes." Aerith stared hard at him and shook her head. "I had some help and she's recovering quickly. I imagine she'd be even better if she felt you close by."

"And why would I do that." Cloud waved a dismissive hand and spread his arms. "If you were in her mind then you know what she's been up to. All we...I ever wanted was a life together. Instead I get dragged into her arguments and used as a stud for anyone that wants to fight her to bet on."

"I feel the need to point out that that would be a fantasy scenario for a lot of men." Zack chimed in. At a glare from Cloud and a stare from Aerith he merely shrugged. "Just saying. And...since we're in your head now...we know how you actually feel about it all."

"How HE feels about it!" Cloud shouted, pointing up at his chained counterpart. "I was just a passenger while HE allowed Tifa and the others to manipulate him. So weak he ended up actually feeling affection for them despite being their plaything!"

"Does that make you weak as well?" Cloud sputtered and took an unintentional step back as Aerith moved closer, clear discomfort on his face. "What we had, Cloud, will always be between us. But you could never have given up Tifa. It's why she was the one with you in Gold Saucer."

"Why did you..." He mumbled to himself, then stepped forward, grabbing a shoulder, shaking her gently. "Why did you have to die! If you had just...just asked me to come with you, we could've avoided all of that. Instead you ran off on your own..."

"In her defence you did just try to kill her." Zack pointed, grabbing Cloud's wrist. "Just like you did Tifa. They just took different routes to protect you."

"I wasn't...I wasn't myself. It was Sephiroth. And Hojo." Cloud's head jerked from side to side, face twisting as if in pain, then hardening. "And you'd better let go Zack. After everything we went through together I don't want to hurt you."

"If you were whole, that might be a concern." With a single smooth movement Zack squeezed Cloud's hand and, as it opened, tossed him to the side. "I promised to take care of you Cloud. I had to wait a decade to make good on that promise, but here we are."

"I thought we agreed to let me talk to him first." Aerith snapped, Zack positioning himself between her and Cloud.

"Yeah, so go do that." Zack gestured upwards before pulling out his own sword. "I talk this Cloud's language more than you do."

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh." Cloud spat, slipping into a defensive stance, both Buster sword users eyeing one another warily. "Should've figured. After all if you get him out, you don't need to worry about Aerith and myself."

"Buddy, I got over that when I died." Zack replied calmly, smiling cockily. "But I'm glad that if she had to fall in love with someone, it was the guy that did his best to mimic my style."

Like he expected, the call back to why Cloud had first intrigued Aerith was still a sore point. But Cloud didn't shout, or lose control. He was still a SOLDIER after all. The CLANG of their blades meeting echoed across the small area, then became a blur as they hacked at one another.

Cloud grunted, trying to keep the fighting pair in his line of vision. His style WAS a variation of Zack's, having witnessed him training or fighting, but a lot was also self taught after being experimented on by Hojo. It was a low rumble from Bahamut that distracted him, and brought attention to the fact that he wasn't alone anymore. Aerith sat on a protruding spike just to his left. He felt his heart give a long forgotten twinge at the smile she gave him. "How long are you going to just stay up here?"

"I know..." Cloud said softly. "I figured it out long ago but...he's not wrong. The longer it went on the more I found myself secretly enjoying it. The occasional tryst with Josy, Yuffie...even Mikoto, despite knowing how the three of them feel about her."

"It might've taken awhile, but you found yourself acting like an ordinary man." Aerith added a touch of scorn to her tone. "So!"

"So?" Cloud looked up at her surprised. "It makes me the worst kind of hypocrite. I gave her flack about getting into fights and yet when I learn about them I'd get so excited I can't wait to get her in bed. I'm like..."

"A. Normal. Guy!" Aerith stated, poking her finger at him to punctuate each word. "Seriously. Tifa is miserable because she thinks you hate her because of always getting into fights and you're miserable because you subconsciously LIKE that she gets into fights."

"Well...not always." Cloud admitted. "She could dial it down a notch and not let herself get so easily provoked by Elizabeth and M. "

"No excuses!" Aerith snapped. Cloud's head jerked back at the sharp tone and Bahamut's body shook as he gave a rumbling chuckle. "Do you know how close you came to losing her during the Pox? How..."

"How Rude had started openly courting her." Cloud smiled a bit at Aerith's surprise. "He's still in love with her, even after she gave me another chance. Gotta give the bald wonder credit. He's more loyal than I could ever hope to be."

"And still you're as self deprecating as ever!"

"No...just honest." Before her eyes, Cloud gave a grunt of effort and pulled an arm free, the chain shattering. "I was just lucky that Zack liked me as much as he did. Lucky that I was the one with him when he brought to Hojo. And lucky to have fallen in love with two women like you and Tifa."

With each sentence he freed a limb, hanging precariously on a scale, while giving Aerith a tired grin. Grunting, he clambered upwards to rest atop Bahamut's back. "I've always just been afraid of the other shoe dropping. Just hope she can forgive me for how I treated her...again."

"She knows how you feel, you big idiot," Aerith smiled fondly, standing on her toes to gently place her lips on his cheek. "Your words were what saved her."


Outside Tifa's cell the guards felt a rush of cool air, shivering slightly, but not reacting. Then the door exploded outwards and the pair were taken out by a flurry of kicks and punches.


"We've got a problem!"

"More than one?" Schroeder demanded, continuing to focus his attention on cleaning the hole in Cloud's shoulder. It was unlike anything he'd seen before, the claw eating away at the ravaged and healthy tissue equally. Cloud's heart had given out a second time before they'd finally gotten it out, by having Alexander sear away the flesh around it, making the wound bigger than it was initially. He reached for a phs. "Someone get me Viola. I need her in my lab."

"Lockhart's coming." Titan reported. "She's beating a line straight towards our location and..."


"And it seems she's not alone."


Siren lowered her hand, dropping the trio they'd run across from the roof to drop limply after having all the air sucked from their lungs. To the other side, Tifa rammed her knee into the gut of another, then backhanded him to the ground. "This way?" Tifa pulsed.

"Yes!" Siren sent back, floating just above Tifa as the pair took off down a corridor. At a junction Tifa skidded to a stop, nostrils flaring from the memories flooding into her from Siren. Unconsciously her hand traced numerous, now healed, bruises. Once she wouldn't have hesitated at making a slight deviation in her path.

Now it merely flickered in her mind before being brutally doused. Sprinting, twisting and turning, the girl took a path that seemed totally random if one didn't know they outline of the ship's inner workings. But Tifa knew, because Siren knew after being in Yuffie's mind. "There!" Tifa never stopped, a gust from Siren giving her an added boost, both of her feet impacting the door to send it off it's hinges.


"I wouldn't recommend it," Schroeder spoke warningly, wrinkles in his brow at Siren's appearance alongside Tifa. This was a development he'd not seen coming. Could the hate they felt for their respective rivals be so strong that it allowed them to resonate that perfectly? It was the only possible explanation. Both females crackled with energy, Siren trading venomous stares with Shiva. Fortune was with them that Scarlet wasn't here otherwise the ship would already be compromised. The doctor gestured at Cloud. "Anything starts in here and he's guaranteed to be the first casuality."

"Cloud!" Tifa rushed forward, pushing past Titan, to his side. She touched his face, eyes lighting up in concern. "He's so cold... What did you do to him? WHAT DID YOU DO!"

"They did nothing other than keeping him alive long enough for me to start working on him." Schroeder gestured at something white on the table beside where Cloud lay. "He experienced a bad reaction to being struck by a Weapon. It was so obvious it escaped my notice."

"What do you mean?" Siren glanced over at him out of the corner of her eyes.

"Weapons were created by the Planet in response to the Outsider...Jenova." Schroeder explained. "And SOLDIERS like Cloud, who received special attention from Hojo, were injected with her cells..."

"Cloud?" Tifa wrapped her hands over his face, pressing her forehead to his. A look of rage crossed Shiva's face at this, but before she could act Cloud sucked in a rasping breath. "Cloud!"

The young man moaned, trying to roll away from the pain, Titan holding him steady.

"So it would be obvious that they'd be devastatingly effective against them." Schroeder finished, flipping down a magnifying glass and working with a pair of tweezers, dipping it into the wound to pull out slivers of Ultima's claw that had broken off. "So if you two decide to fight, he will be the one that suffers the most. Assuming he lives long enough to suffer."

The last part was directed at Siren and Shiva, both who had been steadily gathering power. At the doctor's rebuke and warning, they both hastily extinguished their energies, not wanting to risk harming the man both had come to care for. With a rush and loud clanging, the door was shoved open and Viola rushed in. She paused to gape at Tifa being up and about, as well as the winged, half naked woman trading glares with Shiva. "What..."

"Later," Schroeder snapped, grabbing her hand and pressing it against the edges of Cloud's wound. "Focus on the area around the injury then slowly work inward. They'll need to rebuild the lost muscle tissue or his arm'll be worthless by the time we're done. You!!"

Schroeder now pointed at Shiva, startling the Ice Queen to look in his direction.

"Where is Scarlet right now?"

"She's...sleeping." Shiva said after a brief pause.

"Good, keep her that way." He snapped. "Just you and Siren are enough to make working difficult. The last thing I need is her here, provoking our guest."


"You shouldn't be here!" Cloud hissed, blocking a sweeping strike from Zack, kicking his leg out from under him. Before he could capitalize on the opening he found himself defending against his counterpart's swift blows, beating him away. "And you and I shouldn't be fighting again."

"And why wouldn't we?" Cloud countered, blades locking till their faces with inches apart. "You chained me up. Forced me to watch while you made Shiva your plaything."

"That was for us!" He growled in response, lashing out with a clenched fist to knock them apart. blades clashed again as they hacked at one another. "She is now so infatuated she'll willingly go against Scarlet if I ask her to."

"And then what?" Cloud demanded, catching him in the stomach with a kick. His opposite rolled with the blow, avoiding repeated swings before jumping back to his feet. "Once they're all dealt with then what?

"Who cares what happens after?!" He bellowed, slamming his Buster sword across Cloud's drving the blonde man to his knees. He glared around at all three of them, his face an open wound. "You think she'll change? Oh she might stop for a year, maybe two. Then she'll let herself get provoked into another fight and it'll start all over again. I'd rather take my chances with the Esper. At least she listens when we talk to her."

"You may be right about Tifa." Cloud growled, swinging his sword with renewed energy. "But that's not all she is. Though I realize it's my fault. I forced you to feed on my guilt, pushed all my negative emotions onto you. I didn't let you feel the joy I got being with her. Holding our children. Just being with one another. For that, I am sorry. But not this!"

Cloud's blade blurred, becoming a flurry that his counterpart seemed to be able to keep up with. He never noticed the other sword piercing his chest until he coughed blood. "How..." He gasped, then noticing Zack off the side, weaponless. He grabbed hold of the sword, struggling to prevent Cloud from withdrawing it. Then, with a savage yank, it came free in a splash of blood. Then the liquid began moving.

Slowly at first as Cloud sank to the floor, more and more gathered, sloshing together until it another facsimile of himself. Gagging, it rose slowly to it's knees, looking up at Cloud that thrust out an arm. Accepting the offered hand, instead of being helped to his feet, he flowed into Cloud, both becoming one. The blonde man shuddered at the union,dropping Zacks's blade,  thrusting his sword into the ground and resting both hands on it.

"Feeling better?" Zack remarked, retrieving his weapon, sliding it back into it's sheathe.

"A little," Cloud admitted. They both then turned their attention to the one on the ground. "Now...what do I do about him..."

"It's...not...fair." Lying on the floor now was young Cloud. The Cloud from before he left for Midgar. The one desperate to be Tifa's hero. Moving past the two men, Aerith knelt, cradling his head. "You know...she'll...hurt us...again. She can'"

"That's all part of life. Hurt and reconciliation." Aerith wiped his face, then waved a hand for Cloud to come over. Reluctance clear on his face, he hesitantly approached. "It's all what makes us human. Makes us grow."

"All...I...ever got was...the hurt." Cloud now knelt next to him. Forgotten for now, Bahamut slowly rose to loom over the four like a mountain of scales. "And the...guilt. It was...always...her fault. She just...couldn't...stop. No much...we...wanted...her too."

"Cloud..." Aerith looked up at him. He sighed, nodding his head. Kneeling beside his younger half, Cloud placed a hand on his chest and focused. His body immediately jumped several inches off the ground, an expression of awe on his face.

"You never actually felt it did you." Cloud realized, keeping his arm steady. "Despite everything you did with Shiva you never felt a moment of joy. You couldn't. It's not what you were made to experience. And now that you have..."

The younger Cloud sobbed freely and openly, clutching at Aerith like a mother. Even as he slowly faded from her arms. "He no longer had a purpose." She said softly. Aerith looked over at him, concerned. "This isn't quite what I was expecting. do you feel?"

"Lighter...actually." he replied, wringing his arm, looking up at Bahamut. "Wouldn't exactly say I'm a hundred percent, but much better now that I have back control."

"I'm glad," Aerith took his hands, pulling them up to her lips. "Be happy Cloud."

"Take care, buddy," Zack slapped his back, making him stumble. Following Aerith he turned back once more. "Next life I won't lose."

"Your body will be weak," Aerith warned. "The damage you took from Ultima would have nearly crippled you, and even magic can't heal everything. Bahamut will have to still lay tow to avoid putting a strain on you."

"You underestimate what I'm capable of," Bahamut snorted. He slowly shrank down to stand near Cloud in his draconic form. "Not surprising, not many really know."


"Good...I think that's the last...piece." Schroeder said wearily, rubbing his reddened eyes. Rather than the effort to remove the splinters from the wound, the tension in the room came from Tifa and Siren's presence. A far cry from the shell she'd been for the bulk of the trip, her steady gaze disturbed both Alexander and Titan, while Siren and Shiva only had eyes for each other. Daring one another to make a move.

"Can't..." Viola stumbled, eyes rolling back into her head, barely prevented from falling by Tifa.

"Mana exhaustion," Schroeder nodded, laying a pad over the greatly diminished hole in Cloud's shoulder and pulling out a roll of thick gauze. TIfa's eyes turned to him. "While he's not entirely out of the woods, his odds are much better now. When Viola's recovered enough, he'll need another round of healing."

"You're lucky, for now." Siren growled. "If anything happens to him..."

"You don't have any right to talk about hurting him," Shiva hissed. Siren whirled on her, but before she could say anything else, she flickered, floating to the ground. "!"


"She's...Alex...she's coming!" Shiva's mouth opened in a silent scream before abruptly exploding into glittery snow.

"Well now..." A voice purred from the doorway. "Imagine my surprise waking up to discover Shiva actively monitoring my thoughts."

Strutting in, one leg set firmly in front of the other, Scarlet walked over to Tifa, pressing her chest against that of the younger woman. "Too bad for her, I've had plenty of practice hiding my thoughts during my time in Shinra and Gold Saucer. Did you have a good sleep my pet? We have a lot of time to make up for."

"Titan stop..." Schroeder spoke fast, but Tifa moved faster. A clenched fist jabbed at Scarlet, staggering the blonde. Laughing, Scarlet slammed her own fist across Tifa's face, only for the brunette to respond with a vicious uppercut. Staggering towards the open the door, the blonde managed to grab hold of the edges of the frame, trying to pull herself back in before Tifa kicked her in the chest, following the older woman out. The two male Espers shared a look before turning to stare at the doctor. "Get them, if either of them loses control now we'll all be at risk!"

Scarlet swung her fists, getting as much power behind each punch as she could. While she missed two out of every three, the ones that connected drew out a grunt from her young adversary.

Tifa drilled repeated punches into the body of her older foe, willing away the pain of the occasional blow that got through her defences or she failed to dodge. She lashed out with her foot, blocking Scarlet's attempt at a kick, spinning around to stab her leg at the blonde's stomach, knocking her back several feet.

Hands out at the sideto steady herself Scarlet never slowed, rushing back in to punch, slap and scratch. Tifa, likewise, didn't hesitate and the meaty SPLAT of slaps followed the crip THUD of punches mingling with the sharp yelps of nails digging into flesh.

Face contorting in a look of incredible rage, Tifa realized most of Scarlet's blows were aimed at her bust and slapped away the blonde's hands with almost casual disdain, slamming repeated punches and uppercuts into the woman's bouncing orbs.

Furious at the rising pain, as well as Tifa's resistance, Scarlet reached for the girl's long hair only for Tifa to duck out of the grab. Then Scarlet saw stars.

She shook her head, trying to understand what had just happened when Tifa hit her again. Stumbling back, she heard a snarled curse. Grabbing the staggering cougar by the back of the neck, Tifa slammed her face first into the metal structure of the airship, then swung her across the hallway against a closed metal door. Sagging, Scarlet powered through, grabbing Tifa around the waist and attempting to lift her. A knee between the eyes had the blonde drop to her knees, dazed.

"Sister...NO!" Alexander reached out, preventing an angry Shiva from manifesting herself. "You'll kill us all."

"You thought you could fight me?" Tifa dragged Scarlet upright, hand around her throat, lifting the mature off the ground.  Her hand squeezed, while the other delivered two swift punches to the stomach. "You thought you could be equal to me?"

Gagging, still defiant, Scarlet kicked out, catching Tifa in the ribs. Grimacing, the brunette growled, slamming her against the wall. She reared back and delivered the hardest punch she'd ever unleashed in her life. Time froze for a second at the explosive echo of her fist leaving a gouged dent to the side of Scarlet's face.

"Oh, we are going to fight again. I'll give you the fight you've been hounding me ten years for." Tifa hissed, dragging the blonde's face to within inches of her own. "I'll even fight you the way you want, in the only way you'd have a chance against me. But this time, I'm not going to handicap myself and you're not going to have any outside help."

Spitting in the blonde's face Tifa tossed her to the side and, with a final look of contempt, turned away. She found her way blocked by both Titan and Alexander.

"You are between me and the one reason I don't just let Siren cut loose and crash this entire ship." Tifa stated quietly. She stared hard at both Espers. "Move."

The two shared a quick look, before taking a step to the side. Grunting Tifa, strode between them, heading back to the doctor's office. "Alex..." Titan started.

"No!" Was the smaller Esper's quick and immediate response. A small sound caught their attention and they turned towards Scarlet. Alexander moved towards her, intending to help her up and, if necessary, console the woman. Instead he paused.

The snuffling sounds he'd taken as the woman weeping after being manhandled became clear as a low chuckling. Scarlet rubbed her face, staring at the blood that streaked her palm and giggled all the harder. Then, as if realizing how she looked, the noise immediately stopped and the blonde pulled herself upright, wobbling slightly as Alexander helped her remain upright. "Such a thoughtful boy." She stroked his face and turning to leave. "Come see me later."

"Why did you restrain me!" Shiva demanded, floating ahead of Scarlet. "We could have destroyed them, then and there!"

"And what would've been the point of that?" Scarlet retorted calmly, pausing to regard herself in the glass. She wiped primly at the streak of blood running from her nose, turning left and right to observe the dissipation of the bruises dotting her face. "Rumors would no doubt circulate of how I beat her through foul means and just embolden and enrage her friends. As well as your new lover, regardless of what you think."

"He is mine!" Shiva insisted, gradually regaining her full form to float delicately alongside Scarlet.

"Oh really, then why was it we found him on top of Tifa after her priming?" Scarlet glanced at Shiva out of the corner of her eye. The blue skinned woman's metal bikini clinked as she frowned, movement jerky. "Siren's been up to something. She came after me in my dreams. Who's to say she wasn't doing the same with Cloud?"

"Because if she did, I would have dealt with her!" Shiva spat.

"Well you'll have your chance. You can have Siren, while I humble Lockhart because..." Scarlet punched a door, giggling again. She then cracked her knuckles pulling her hand from the indentation. "Maybe she's feeling full of herself with what's happened with Siren, so I think she's forgotten just which of us is the stronger now."

Back at Cloud's side, Tifa winced, rubbing her ribs gently as the doctor turned away.



Offline Augur

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Re: Pride 8
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2024, 03:06:27 PM »
Firstly, I'll have to admit that I'm not really a Final Fantasy fan or connoisseur, and much of this series therefore flies right over my head. But the "meat" and main course of the stories - i.e. the titfighting sequences themselves - is always superb! I really like the plentiful variety in breast size, shape and firmness between the competitors, their close and evenly fought back-and-forth action, as well as the constant competitive tension that is maintained even afterwards, with real potential for rematches to lead to a different outcome. Tifa may be good, but is far from unbeatable, and there seem to be plenty of women who can at the very least give her rack a good run for its money.

While there are loads of interesting characters in the series, I'd be especially interested in seeing more of the buxom redhead MILF (whose name escapes me just now, lol...). Madame M's little helper, who managed to give Tifa's sister plenty of trouble, might also deserve a bit more screen time...  :P

Anyhow, love these stories! Thanks for taking the time and effort to craft them.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2024, 03:13:54 PM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline Gradius

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Re: Pride 8
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2024, 11:10:38 PM »
Firstly, I'll have to admit that I'm not really a Final Fantasy fan or connoisseur, and much of this series therefore flies right over my head. But the "meat" and main course of the stories - i.e. the titfighting sequences themselves - is always superb! I really like the plentiful variety in breast size, shape and firmness between the competitors, their close and evenly fought back-and-forth action, as well as the constant competitive tension that is maintained even afterwards, with real potential for rematches to lead to a different outcome. Tifa may be good, but is far from unbeatable, and there seem to be plenty of women who can at the very least give her rack a good run for its money.

While there are loads of interesting characters in the series, I'd be especially interested in seeing more of the buxom redhead MILF (whose name escapes me just now, lol...). Madame M's little helper, who managed to give Tifa's sister plenty of trouble, might also deserve a bit more screen time...  :P

Anyhow, love these stories! Thanks for taking the time and effort to craft them.

Well...jesus. Not I got pressure on me to try and up the quality  ;D .