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The Not So Friendly Skies

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The Not So Friendly Skies
« on: Yesterday at 06:19:48 PM »
In the bustling metropolis where the world's airlines converged, an unassuming gym tucked away in an alley off the main strip held a secret. Inside, the scent of sweat and the faint echo of grunts filled the air. The walls were lined with mats and a single rope hung from the ceiling, a stark contrast to the polished interiors of the planes these women called their workplace. This was the clandestine domain of the "Sky-High Grapplers," a covert club where flight attendants from across the globe met to indulge in a unique form of combat.

The latest match had been arranged with meticulous care. Whispers of the upcoming bout had spread through the tight-knit community of cabin crew, and the anticipation was palpable. Two of the club's most formidable members, Elena, a statuesque Russian from Aeroflot, and Lila, a lithe Brazilian from TAM Airlines, had agreed to settle an ongoing rivalry in the ring. Both women were known for their fiery personalities and their willingness to push boundaries. Elena, standing at 5'9" with a muscular frame and a weight of 140 pounds, boasted a background in sambo and favored brutal leg locks to overpower her adversaries. Lila, on the other hand, was a 5'5" force of nature, weighing in at a deceptive 125 pounds. Her judo expertise allowed her to be swift and precise, with a penchant for throwing opponents off balance.

The night of the match, the gym buzzed with an electric tension. The air was thick with the anticipation of a battle that would be both fierce and intimate. The rules were simple: no holds barred, no time limits, and no mercy. The only spectator was the club's enigmatic founder, a former British Airways flight attendant named Victoria, who maintained order with a stern gaze and a whistle that could cut through the thickest silence. She had seen it all, from the most vicious catfights to the most technical wrestling showdowns.
Elena and Lila entered the dimly lit arena, their eyes locked in a silent challenge. They were both naked, their bodies gleaming with sweat and oil, a testament to their commitment to leave nothing to chance. The sight of their bare skin, unmarred by clothing, heightened the stakes of the contest. Each woman's physique told a story of discipline and strength, honed by countless hours in the gym and the constant need to maintain their composure in the air.

Elena's muscular legs flexed as she approached the center of the mat, her hands balled into fists at her sides. Lila, ever the strategist, circled her opponent, her lithe body weaving gracefully as she searched for an opening. The tension in the room was palpable, the silence only broken by the occasional slap of skin on skin as they warmed up.
Without warning, Lila lunged forward, aiming for Elena's midsection with a swift judo throw. However, Elena's sambo instincts took over, and she managed to catch Lila's wrist, pivoting and using the smaller woman's momentum against her. The Brazilian found herself thrown to the ground, her breath knocked out in a whoosh. Elena loomed over her, a smug smile playing on her lips as she delivered a stinging slap to Lila's toned stomach.

"Is that all you've got, little bird?" Elena taunted, her Russian accent thick. Lila's eyes narrowed, and she rolled to her feet, her body a blur of motion. She shot back with a flurry of punches and kicks, her agility allowing her to dance around Elena's more powerful but slower strikes. The Russian's grin never wavered, though, as she absorbed the blows with her muscular frame.

The first few minutes of the match were a blur of fists and feet, each woman trying to establish dominance. The mat beneath them grew slick with their combined sweat, adding an extra layer of challenge to their already intense combat. Elena's strength was evident in every move she made, but Lila's speed and precision kept her on her toes. The Brazilian ducked under a wild punch and darted in close, wrapping her arms around Elena's waist in a blistering attempt to take her down.
The Russian, however, was not so easily overpowered. She grunted with effort and lifted Lila into the air, her biceps bulging. With a mighty heave, she tossed the Brazilian over her shoulder, sending her crashing to the mat. Lila's back arched in pain, but she was quick to recover, rolling away and popping back to her feet. The crowd of one, Victoria, watched with a critical eye, noting the strengths and weaknesses of each fighter.

Lila's anger was now a tangible force. She charged again; her eyes alight with determination. This time, she aimed for Elena's legs, seeking to trip the towering woman with a well-placed foot sweep. Elena anticipated the move and leapedfrogged over Lila's outstretched leg, landing behind her. Before Lila could react, Elena had her in a tight headlock, her bicep pressing into the Brazilian's throat.
"Tap out, or I'll make you wish you could fly home," Elena hissed, her breath hot against Lila's ear. Lila's eyes bulged as she struggled to break free, her fingers clawing at the unyielding arm around her neck. The pressure mounted, and she felt the beginnings of stars dancing before her vision.

In a desperate bid for survival, Lila drove her elbow into Elena's ribs, causing the Russian to grunt and loosen her grip momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, the Brazilian slipped out of the headlock and spun around, driving her knee into Elena's stomach. The impact was like a cannonball, and Elena stumbled back, wheezing for air.

Now it was Lila's turn to take the offensive. She rushed at Elena with a feral yell, her hands outstretched like claws. As they reached the corner of the mat, she grabbed the Russian's generous breasts, squeezing and twisting them mercilessly. The pain shot through Elena's body, and she buckled, her eyes watering. Lila's teeth gleamed in a vicious smile as she took advantage of Elena's momentary weakness, hammering her fists into her opponent's chest, her knuckles connecting with the sensitive flesh around her nipples.

Elena roared in fury, her face contorting with pain and humiliation. She shoved Lila away and charged back in, driving her shoulder into the Brazilian's midsection. The impact sent Lila sprawling, her legs flying out from under her. As she lay on her back, gasping for breath, Elena pounced, straddling her hips and raining down blows onto her face and chest. Each punch was punctuated with a grunt of exertion, her powerful arms delivering a symphony of pain.

But Lila was a fighter to the core. She managed to slip her hand between Elena's legs, her fingers finding the sensitive mound of the Russian's sex. With a cruel twist, she elicited a scream from Elena and rolled her over, reversing their positions. Now it was Lila's turn to reign supreme, her knees pressing into Elena's shoulders, her hands wrapping around her opponent's neck.

The room echoed with the sound of Elena's agony as Lila's knee began to grind into her crotch, a sadistic smile playing on her lips as she watched the larger woman squirm beneath her. With a sudden burst of speed, she fired off three rapid knees, each one connecting with a sickening thud directly onto Elena's exposed pussy. The scream that filled the room was one of pure, primal pain, a sound that sent a shiver down Victoria's spine.
Elena's mind was a whirlwind of fury and humiliation. She had never felt so vulnerable, so utterly at the mercy of another. The stinging slaps to her breasts had been one thing, a challenge to her pride, but this...this was an assault on her very essence. Her hands flew up to protect herself, but Lila was relentless. The Brazilian's eyes burned with an intensity that Elena had never seen before, a hunger for victory that seemed to override any semblance of humanity.

With a cunning twist, Lila hooked her legs around Elena's neck, locking in a tight scissor hold. The Russian's eyes bulged as the pressure mounted, her airway constricting. The pain was unbearable, a vice grip that seemed to tighten with every passing second. Lila's thighs, honed from years of judo training, were like steel bands, unyielding and unyielding. Her grip on Elena's neck grew tighter, and the Russian's arms flailed, desperately seeking anything to grasp onto.

As Elena's struggles grew weaker, Lila leaned back, arching her body to increase the torque on the scissor hold. She watched with a mix of satisfaction and sadistic glee as the color drained from Elena's face. The Russian's eyes began to glaze over, her body going limp. It was the perfect moment to strike again, to remind her opponent who was in control. With a sudden jerk, Lila released the hold and swung her body around, planting her knee squarely in Elena's face. The sound of bone crunching against bone was sickening, and Elena's nose erupted in a spray of blood.

Lila's heart raced with excitement as she watched Elena writhe in pain, her hand flying to cover her injured nose. She knew she had the upper hand now, and she wasn't about to let it slip away. She pounced again, this time wrapping her legs around Elena's head in a figure-four headscissor. The pressure was immense, and Elena could feel her vision swimming as the blood rushed to her head. The Brazilian tightened her grip, her thighs squeezing like a vise as she whispered sweet nothings in Portuguese into Elena's ear, her breath hot and moist.

Elena's body jerked and spasmed as she fought to break free, her mind racing for a way to reverse the hold. But Lila was a master of leverage, and she knew just how to apply pressure to keep her opponent trapped. Each second felt like an eternity, and Elena could feel her strength waning. Her hands scrabbled at Lila's thighs, trying to pry them apart, but the Brazilian was like a python, inexorable and unforgiving. The pain was unbearable, and she knew that she had to act fast if she didn't want to pass out.
Summoning every ounce of power left in her, Elena bucked her hips, lifting her body off the mat. With a grunt, she managed to roll Lila over, reversing the hold. Now it was the Brazilian's turn to feel the agony of being trapped, her own head caught in the crushing vice of Elena's thighs. Lila's eyes widened in surprise and pain, and she clawed at the mat, desperate to find a way to escape. But Elena was not about to let her go so easily.

The Russian's thighs squeezed tighter, the sound of Lila's muffled cries of pain music to her ears. The taste of victory was sweet, and she reveled in it, her teeth clenched with the effort of maintaining her grip. She could feel Lila's body tense and quiver beneath her, the smaller woman's legs thrashing wildly as she tried to break free.
With a sudden burst of brute strength, Elena yanked Lila to her feet by her hair, her body a blur of motion. The Brazilian's eyes widened in shock and pain as she was hoisted into the air, her feet dangling uselessly. Before she had time to react, Elena's powerful arms wrapped around her waist, scooping her up into a crushing bear hug. The air was forced from Lila's lungs, and she felt the strength in her legs drain away as she was hoisted off the ground.
With a savage snarl, Elena brought Lila's body down, her own hips thrusting upward in a devastating pussy pounding knee drop. The impact was explosive, the sound of Lila's pussy landing on Elena's knee echoing through the gym. Lila's back arched in a silent scream, the pain radiating through her body. She felt as though she had been split in two, the agony so intense it threatened to overwhelm her.
Elena, now in a dominant position, didn't waste a moment. She spread Lila's legs wide, her own knees digging into the mat on either side of her opponent's hips. The Brazilian's pussy was exposed and swollen from the relentless assault, and the Russian couldn't resist the temptation to continue her punishment. She brought her hand up and slapped Lila's cxnt with a resounding crack, the sound of flesh on flesh making Victoria's eyes widen slightly.
Lila's body convulsed, her teeth clenched against the scream that threatened to tear from her throat. She tried to buck her hips, to close her legs, to do anything to escape the pain, but Elena's grip was like iron. The Russian leaned in, her breath hot against Lila's ear as she whispered, "You're going to scream for me, little bird."
And scream she did. Each slap to her swollen sex brought a fresh wave of agony, her body jolting with every impact. Tears streamed down Lila's face, mixing with the sweat and blood already there. She had never felt so helpless, so utterly at the mercy of another. But she was a fighter, and she wouldn't go down without a fight. Her hands shot up, grabbing Elena's wrist and trying to pull it away from her vulnerable flesh.

Elena, however, was enjoying herself too much to relent. She leaned back, her hand coming down again and again, the sound of her palm connecting with Lila's pussy echoing through the empty gym. Each blow was calculated, aimed to cause the maximum amount of pain and humiliation. She watched with cold satisfaction as the Brazilian's body twitched and writhed beneath her, her cries growing louder with each hit.

The Russian's eyes gleamed with triumph as she delivered one final, brutal slap. Lila's body spasmed, and a scream of pure agony. “Oh my god, please stop!!  No more!”  Lila’s submission ripped from her throat. It was the sound Elena had been waiting for, the sweet symphony of submission that sang of her dominance. With a wicked grin, she leaned down, her mouth mere inches from Lila's ear. "Who's the better woman now?" she growled, her voice thick with victory.

It was then that Victoria stepped in, her heels clicking against the mat as she approached the two panting, sweat-slicked fighters. In her hand, she held a 12-inch strap-on, the harness already fastened around her waist. The sight of the imposing toy brought a mix of horror and fascination to Lila's tear-stained face. Elena, however, met Victoria's gaze with a fiery challenge, her eyes never leaving the British woman's.

"This is your chance, Elena," Victoria announced, her voice carrying the weight of a woman who had seen countless battles. "Prove your dominance. Make her submit fully."
Elena's eyes lit up at the sight of the strap-on, her grin growing more sinister. She took it from Victoria with a sense of eager ownership, the coldness of the silicone a stark contrast to the heat of the room. She stepped back, admiring the weapon of power now attached to her hips. It was a symbol of her victory, a tool to drive home her superiority.
With a grace that belied the brutality of the match, Elena straddled Lila's chest, the strap-on jutting out between her legs. Lila's eyes widened in horror as she took in the full length and girth of the toy. "Beg for it," Elena sneered, her voice low and demanding.

Lila's pride was in shambles, but she refused to give in so easily. She spat in Elena's face, her voice hoarse from the screams of pain. "Never," she rasped, her body trembling with the effort of speaking.
The Russian's eyes flashed with rage, and she slammed the strap-on into Lila's mouth, forcing it deep into her throat. The Brazilian gagged and choked, her eyes watering as she struggled to breathe around the thick intrusion. Elena leaned in, her voice a seductive purr. "You'll beg for it, or I'll make you," she promised, her words muffled by the gag of her own making.

The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the metallic tang of blood as Elena began to pump the strap-on in and out of Lila's mouth. Each thrust was a declaration of victory, a reminder of who was in control. Lila's body fought against the invasive object, her eyes bulging as she tried to push it away. But Elena was relentless, her hands gripping the back of Lila's head to keep her in place.

Finally, Lila's resolve broke. She gagged out a garbled plea for mercy, her eyes begging Elena to stop. But the Russian had only just begun. With a cruel twist, she pulled the strap-on out of Lila's mouth and flipped her onto her stomach, the Brazilian's face pressed into the mat.
Elena's hand caressed the cheeks of Lila's ass, the tender flesh red and bruised from the battle. She lined up the strap-on with Lila's tight, puckered hole, feeling the heat radiating from her body. Without warning, she plunged it in, the sound of Lila's muffled cry lost in the gym's cacophony.

The Brazilian's body bucked and writhed as Elena began to fuck her, each thrust sending shockwaves of pain and humiliation through her. She could feel the strap-on filling her up, stretching her to the limits of endurance. But amidst the agony, there was a twisted thrill, a dark pleasure that she had never experienced before.

Victoria watched the scene unfold, her expression unreadable. She knew that this was the moment of truth, the point of no return for both women. The air was charged with tension as Elena drove the strap-on deeper and deeper, her hips moving in a rhythm that spoke of pure domination.
Lila's whimpers grew louder, her body trembling with each violent penetration. Her eyes squeezed shut, she could feel the beginnings of an unwanted climax building within her. The thought of Elena bringing her to orgasm in this state of defeat was almost too much to bear.

But the Russian had no intention of letting her opponent find any semblance of pleasure. With a final, brutal thrust, she reached around and squeezed Lila's clit, the pressure unbearable. The Brazilian's body arched, and she screamed into the mat, her orgasm forced and unwelcome.

Elena felt the tremors of Lila's climax around the strap-on, a victory that surpassed any she had ever known. She pulled out with a wet pop, her face a mask of triumph. "Look at you," she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. "Cumming like a whore for your conqueror."
Lila lay there, panting and defeated, her ass still quivering from the forced orgasm. She couldn't meet Elena's gaze, the weight of her humiliation too much to bear. Elena stood, the strap-on still erect and glistening with Lila's fluids. She looked down at the Brazilian, a cold smile playing on her lips.
"This is what happens when you mess with the wrong woman," Elena said, her Russian accent thick with satisfaction. She grabbed a handful of Lila's hair and yanked her up to her knees. "Now, let's see if you can take it like the bitch you are."

With a savage growl, Elena pushed the strap-on back into Lila's mouth, filling it once more. Lila gagged, her eyes watering as she struggled to breathe around the thick shaft. Elena's other hand found its way to Lila's breasts, twisting and squeezing until the Brazilian's nipples stood erect with pain. She laughed, the sound echoing through the gym.
Victoria nodded in approval, her eyes gleaming with a mix of arousal and authority. She knew that the true test of dominance was not just in the physical prowess but in the mental and emotional breaking of one's opponent. And Elena was proving to be a master of all three.

The match continued, the air thick with the sounds of pain and pleasure. Elena's powerful thighs flexed as she pounded into Lila's mouth, her own orgasm building with every moan and gag from her adversary. Lila's eyes rolled back in her head, the strap-on a constant reminder of her defeat.

Finally, Elena could take no more. With a roar, she pulled the strap-on from Lila's mouth and straddled her once again, this time aiming for her pussy. The Brazilian's body tensed, but she had no strength left to fight. The silicone monster slammed into her, the pain and fullness overwhelming.
Elena rode Lila hard, her hips moving in a frenzied dance of power and pleasure. The Brazilian's body was limp beneath her, her cries of pain now replaced with muffled sobs. With each thrust, Elena felt herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her orgasm building like a volcano ready to erupt.
As she reached her peak, Elena leaned down and whispered in Lila's ear, "You're mine now, little bird." She could feel Lila's body convulsing around her, the woman's own orgasm ripped from her in a torrent of submission.

The room fell silent, the only sound the harsh panting of the two combatants. Elena stood, the strap-on still attached, and offered a hand to Lila. The Brazilian took it, her eyes filled with a mix of defeat and something else, something that made Elena's stomach flutter.
"Now," Elena said, her voice low and commanding, "It's time for your punishment." She led Lila to the center of the mat, the woman's legs barely able to hold her own weight.
With a cruel smirk, Elena bent Lila over, her hands on her hips, and whispered, "You're going to take this, and you're going to thank me for it."

The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room as Elena brought her hand down again and again, painting Lila's ass a dark shade of red. The Brazilian's cries grew louder, her voice hoarse from the abuse. But she never said the words Elena demanded. Instead, she took it, her body shaking with each blow.
Victoria watched, her eyes never leaving the pair. This was the moment she lived for, the moment when the strong broke the will of the strong-willed. The air was thick with the scent of power and submission, a heady perfume that made her own pulse race.

When Elena was satisfied, she stepped back, her handprints clear on Lila's bruised flesh. "Look at me," she demanded.
Slowly, Lila raised her head, her eyes meeting Elena's. The Russian leaned down and kissed her, a kiss filled with dominance and possession. Lila's body responded despite the pain, her arms wrapping around Elena's neck as she deepened the kiss. It was a strange mix of anger, desire, and defeat that surged through her veins.

Elena broke the kiss and stepped back, a smug look on her face. "On your knees," she ordered, and Lila complied, her legs trembling. The Russian unbuckled the strap-on, her own pussy throbbing with need. She grabbed a handful of Lila's hair and forced the Brazilian's face into her wet, swollen folds. "Clean me up," she said, her voice laced with triumph.
Lila's tongue darted out, tentatively at first, tasting the musky flavor of Elena's victory. Her jaw ached from the earlier assault, but she obeyed, her tongue lapping up the evidence of Elena's climax. The Russian's legs trembled as she felt the warmth of Lila's mouth on her sensitive flesh. She pushed the Brazilian's head closer, grinding against her face.
"That's it," Elena purred, her hand tightening in Lila's hair. "Like the good little slut you are."

The words stung, but Lila found herself responding, her tongue moving with more urgency. She could feel the beginnings of another orgasm building in Elena, the Russian's thighs quivering around her face. The taste of victory was bitter in her mouth, but the dark thrill of submission was undeniable.
As Elena came again, her body shaking with pleasure, Lila felt a strange sense of accomplishment. It was a twisted kind of victory, one that left her feeling both used and powerful. She had given her all in the fight, and now she had given her all in submission.
Victoria approached, her eyes gleaming with approval. "Excellent match," she said, her voice a low purr. "Elena, you truly are a force to be reckoned with."
Elena stepped back, her chest heaving with exertion. She looked down at Lila, who was still kneeling, her face flushed and bruised. "Thank you," she said, her voice cold. "But the night isn't over yet."

The British woman nodded, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "No," she agreed. "The real fun is just beginning."
With a wink, Victoria disappeared into the shadows, leaving the two flight attendants alone in the harsh glow of the gym lights. Elena reached down and yanked Lila to her feet, her eyes gleaming with a sadistic hunger.
"Let's see how much more you can take," she whispered, her voice a promise of pain and pleasure to come.
Elena led Lila to the edge of the mat, where a collection of restraints and whips lay neatly arranged. The sight of them sent a shiver down Lila's spine, but she didn't resist. Some part of her craved the pain, the complete surrender to Elena's will.

The Russian secured Lila's wrists to the posts, her breasts hanging heavily as she struggled to stand tall. Each breath she took only served to pull her bruised and battered body taut against the ropes. The anticipation was almost unbearable, the ache between her legs growing with every passing second.
Elena picked up a leather crop, running the tip along Lila's spine. The Brazilian's skin goosebumped at the touch, and she bit her lip, waiting. The first strike came swift and sharp, landing across her shoulders. The sound of leather on flesh echoed through the gym, a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play.
Lila gritted her teeth, refusing to make a sound. But as the blows rained down, she couldn't help but whimper, her body jerking with each impact. The pain was exquisite, a symphony of sensation that played across her nerve endings. Yet, amidst the agony, she felt a strange thrill, a sense of belonging that she had never experienced before.
Elena stepped back, admiring her handiwork. Lila's body was a canvas of red and pink welts, a testament to her dominance. She knew the other women would see the marks and know who had claimed victory tonight.

With a wicked smile, she grabbed a bottle of lube and a butt plug, her eyes never leaving Lila's. "You're going to wear this," she said, her voice a mix of challenge and desire. "And you're going to love it."

The plug was cold as Elena smeared lube over it, and Lila's body tensed as she felt the pressure at her back door. But she didn't protest, didn't beg for mercy. She wanted this, needed this, to prove her worth, to show Elena she could take it all.
The plug slid in with a pop, the sensation of fullness making her gasp. She felt a thrill of fear and excitement, her body betraying her once more. Elena's eyes gleamed as she stepped back to admire her handiwork, her own arousal clear as she stroked the strap-on still attached to her hips.
"Now, let's see how much you can handle," she said, her voice a seductive purr.

The Russian approached, the strap-on glistening with lube. Lila felt a mix of dread and anticipation as she felt the coldness of the silicone at her entrance. But she didn't fight it, didn't flinch. She was Elena's now, to do with as she wished.
The strap-on slid in with ease, the plug opening her up for the full invasion. She moaned as Elena began to thrust, her hips moving in a rhythm that spoke of possession and power. The pain was intense, but it was also a strange kind of relief, a reminder that she was alive, that she had felt something beyond the confines of her usual life.
The two women moved together, their bodies locked in a dance of dominance and submission. Each thrust brought Lila closer to the edge, her orgasm building like a storm within her. She could feel Elena's grip on her hips tighten, the Russian's own breathing growing ragged.

And then it hit her, a wave of pleasure so intense it almost brought her to her knees. She screamed out Elena's name, her body shaking with the force of her climax. It was a sound of surrender, of ultimate release.

Elena pulled out, the strap-on still hard and slick with Lila's juices. She leaned in, her breath hot against Lila's ear. "You're mine," she whispered, her voice filled with a possessive pride. "Mine to use, mine to claim."
The words sent a shiver down Lila's spine, a mix of terror and exhilaration. She knew she was in too deep, that she had given herself over completely to Elena's will. But she couldn't find it in herself to care. Her body craved the release, the pain, the humiliation that the Russian offered her.
Elena stepped back, admiring her handiwork. The plug was still lodged deep inside Lila, a constant reminder of her victory. She unbuckled the strap-on and tossed it aside, her own desire now demanding to be satiated. She stepped behind the Brazilian, her hands tracing the contours of her body, feeling the heat and the tremble of submission.
"Turn around," Elena ordered, her voice thick with need. Lila complied, her eyes never leaving the floor. Elena's hands found Lila's ass, squeezing and kneading the tender flesh. "Look at me," she demanded, and Lila's gaze lifted to meet hers, a mix of defiance and longing.

With a swift motion, Elena unbuckled the butt plug, watching the Brazilian's face contort as it was removed. She stepped closer, her own arousal pulsing through her veins. "You want more?" she taunted, her hand tracing the line of Lila's ass crack.
Lila's breath hitched, her body trembling with a mix of pain and need. She nodded, unable to form words, her eyes never leaving Elena's. The Russian chuckled, the sound sending a shiver down her spine. "Good girl," she murmured, her voice low and husky.
Elena stepped closer, her body pressing against Lila's. The Brazilian could feel the heat of her, the wetness of her desire. The anticipation was unbearable, a delicious agony that made her whimper.
Elena's hand moved to her own pussy, her fingers sliding through the slick folds. She was so wet, so ready to claim her prize. "Beg for it," she murmured, her voice a siren's call.
Lila's throat was raw, but she managed to croak out the words. "Please, Elena."

It was all the invitation the Russian needed. She grabbed a fistful of the Brazilian's hair and yanked her head back, exposing her neck to hungry kisses and bites. Lila's eyes rolled back in her head as Elena's tongue traced the line of her throat, her teeth nipping at the sensitive flesh.
Elena's free hand slipped between Lila's legs, her fingers finding the other woman's swollen clit. She stroked it gently at first, teasing and tormenting, watching the reaction play out on the Brazilian's face. Lila's eyes widened, and she gasped, her body arching into the touch.
With a wicked smile, Elena inserted two fingers inside Lila, the Brazilian's pussy clenching around her. She pumped them in and out, her thumb pressing down on the sensitive nub, driving Lila closer to the edge. The room was filled with the wet sounds of their passion, the slap of skin on skin, and the harsh breaths of two powerful women pushed to their limits.
Lila's body was on fire, the pain from her earlier punishment melding with the overwhelming pleasure Elena was now giving her. She moaned, her legs threatening to buckle, but the ropes held her in place. Her eyes never left Elena's, the two of them locked in a silent battle of wills.

The Russian's thumb circled her clit with increasing pressure, her fingers curling inside her, hitting that magical spot that made her toes curl. Lila's hips rocked back, trying to get more, trying to take all that Elena had to give. It was a dance of power and need, a dance that she knew she would lose, but she didn't care.
Elena's mouth moved to Lila's ear, her breath hot and ragged. "Beg for my cock," she whispered, her voice a seductive taunt. "Beg for me to fuck you like the whore you are."
Lila's eyes widened, but she didn't protest. Instead, she whispered, "Please, Elena. Fuck me."
The words were like a key, unlocking something primal within Elena. With a roar of triumph, she grabbed the strap-on once more and pushed it into Lila's dripping pussy. The Brazilian's body stiffened, a scream of pleasure and pain ripped from her throat as she was filled completely.
The two women moved together, their bodies a blur of motion and passion. Elena's hips slammed into Lila's, the strap-on disappearing into her over and over. The Brazilian's eyes rolled back in her head, her mouth open in a silent scream as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.

This was it, the ultimate surrender. Lila knew she was Elena's, that she had given herself over completely to the Russian's dominance. But as the orgasm built within her, she realized that she didn't just want it; she needed it. She needed to be used, to be claimed, to be owned.
The room spun around her, the pain and pleasure becoming one, indistinguishable. She could feel Elena's climax building, the Russian's hips moving faster, more erratically. And then it was upon her, a tidal wave that crashed through her body, leaving her trembling and gasping for air. Elena pulled out, her own orgasm spilling out onto Lila's bruised and beaten body. She stepped back, her chest heaving with exertion, and smiled down at the Brazilian. "You're mine," she said, the words a declaration of victory.
Lila nodded, her eyes glazed with passion and defeat. "Yes," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm yours."

The two women stood there, panting and sweaty, their bodies a map of their battle. The gym was silent, the only sound their harsh breaths and the occasional clink of the restraint chains.
Elena stepped forward, her hand tracing the line of Lila's jaw, tilting her head up to meet her gaze. "You fight well," she said, her voice still filled with that seductive power. "But you know who's in charge here."
Lila nodded, her eyes never leaving Elena's. "Yes," she said, her voice clear and strong. "I know."
The Russian leaned down and kissed her, a kiss that was both tender and possessive. It was a promise of more to come, of a future filled with pain and pleasure, of a bond forged in the fires of battle.

And as the kiss deepened, Lila felt something within her shift. It was more than just defeat; it was acceptance, a willingness to submit to the woman who had conquered her. She didn't know where this path would lead, but she knew that she would follow Elena to the ends of the earth, to the very depths of submission.


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Re: The Not So Friendly Skies
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 11:27:55 PM »
Wow... this story was amazing! I especially love it involving a couple of muscular women. Very well done and very captivating. Would love to see where it goes from here if you plan to continue.


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Re: The Not So Friendly Skies
« Reply #2 on: Today at 12:00:28 AM »
Wow... this story was amazing! I especially love it involving a couple of muscular women. Very well done and very captivating. Would love to see where it goes from here if you plan to continue.
I agree muscular women going the distance stories are the best!
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