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Whose stronger? Alex Vs Wild Kat

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Offline DarkKnight9980

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Whose stronger? Alex Vs Wild Kat
« on: September 11, 2024, 09:06:13 AM »
Links9911 Inspired me with a poll he ran in the fictional poll section. I asked him if it was ok I wrote a story on the two competitors and here is the story finished after a few days. I hope everyone enjoys it and thank you to Links

Whose Stronger? Alex Vs Wild Kat
Summer was in full flow with people enjoying the sun, getting tans and enjoying going out before the inevitable cold front came on its way to ruin people's fun. In a small neighborhood one of the locals decided to have a garden party to get the community together.

The party was getting warmed up as more people came in. With one of the longest running members of the street coming in with her husband Carl. Alex was seen a bit as the matriarch of the street, the fifty eight year old would help the younger members if they had problems and she had even fought some of the younger women if they stepped out of line. She strutted in wearing a white bikini with gold coloured sandals.

See Alex wasn't just some typical grandmother, though she'd been blessed to become one in recent years. She'd been a body builder in her younger years and had even fought in bars with other women for money. Even as she'd slimed down a little, she was still 158lbs on her 5'8 frame. She'd grown a reputation as the toughest bitch around the neighbourhood.

Though people had been talking over the past month. The subject of those talks came in ten minutes after Alex. She was named Kat and the sixty year old was a strong woman in her own right. Standing 5'9 and weighing 160lbs. She'd moved into the street over a month ago. Walking in wearing a red bikini with a beaming smile.

See Kat had earned the nickname Wild off several people on the street. She'd told people tales of her younger days oil wrestling and doing topless boxing in her younger days. She keep in phenomenal shape with intense training and as one of the young women called her bluff, Kat beat them up in a fist fight that saw them crawling away in fear regretting what they'd said.

While people enjoyed the atmosphere, chatting to each other about life, the weather, etc. Most had eyes on the strong older women. They'd heard that neither cared for the other. People had put bets on them who would win if they fought it out. Both had made clear when the subject had been brought up that they'd fight the other if they wanted it but saw no reason to go looking for it. Neither feared the other at all but saw no reason to get involved in a fight unless it was on their doorstep.

As the party grew and drinks were flowing. Kat ended up chatting to Carl, who certainly wasn't going to turn down the chance to speak to her. The husband of Alex was good looking in his own right. He kept himself in shape for being fifty nine, black hair had grey mixed in now. Alex wasn't happy as she spotted Kat looking over her husband. Neither was it helped that Carl seemed to enjoy the attention of her rival.

Heading over to the pair, Alex made sure to embrace her husband from behind and give Kat a hard stare to show her to keep her eyes off her man. Kat stared right back as she had no fear for Alex. Their nipples hardened under their bikini tops as they could feel the primal urge to compete growing by the second.

"Hello Alex, I didn't see you around, thought you'd stayed at home" says Kat as she puts her hands on her hips smirking. Alex glared at that, looking over Kat from behind her husband as he felt his cock growing due to being between these two powerful proud women.

"No I was talking to friends, I trust my man not to go around fucking anyone that bats their eyes at him" replied Alex sternly. Carl could feel his wives heart racing and smiled knowing she was fired up. Kat chuckled before she said "well that's good to know." Winking at Carl after looking at his white shorts tenting at the front.

Before things could really explode, a few guys had been arm wrestling and one of their wives with a few drinks in them came over to the group. She asked "mmm Alex, Kat would you be interested in arm wrestling each other? Just well... You know we'd all love to see you compete."

Alex and Kat looked at the young woman before gazing back at each other. They felt their bodies tense up as they knew a conflict was coming. Each nodded that they'd do it with an intense staredown taking place. Carl licked his lips as the two women moved towards a set of tables where the arm wrestling had taken place.

While the guys had a small crowd, it seemed like the entire neighborhood was surrounding the tables. The combatants took a seat each and rolled their shoulders to loosen up. Kat firmly placed her right arm on the table to show she was keen to get going. Alex gave a low growl as she kicked off her sandals to be barefoot too, their toes touching as they bared their teeth.

The grip of their hands was firm with muscles already bulging. One of the men who'd been arm wrestling before counted them down from three as they squeezed their bums ready to drive their rivals hand down. Each surprisingly felt butterflies as could feel the others power already.

Then the contest begun. Grunts could be heard along with loud cheers, some were neutral, others cheered for Alex after all her help over the years, others cheered Kat after they'd been beaten by Alex in fights. Everyone could agree though this was proving a hell of a contest. Each fighters arm would move slightly before going back to center. A few beads of sweat was forming on their brows along with cheeks flushing. Hearts pounded in their chests as this was one of the toughest contests they'd ever had.

"Come on bitch.." hissed Kat as she started to move Alex's arm downwards. Sweat dripped onto the table as loud roars from Kat's supporters rung out. She smiled as she saw a hint of weakness in her rival. Thought she would break like other women had against her.

But Alex was tough, she roared and managed to push back Kat to the center, then begun to bend her arm down as Kat's smile disappeared for a grimace. Alex fired back "this all you got bitch..." Carl cheering loudly for his woman as he had guys complimenting him for being a lucky bastard being with Alex.

Instead of quitting, Kat managed to drive back Alex to the center. Their arms were visibly shaking. They could feel the lactic acid burning inside their muscles as for several minutes they went at it. Till one woman could feel her arm starting to go, the dominant woman roaring "got you.." as she shut her own eyes to ward off the tension in her arm. A loud cheer rung out as Kat pressed Alex's right arm down to the table. Carl looked surprised by his wife's loss as some of Kat's friends congratulated her on her victory.

Before Kat could get up though Alex shaking her right arm said "how about our left arms?" Making Kat grin as she replied "if you wanna be humiliated again then so be it." With both rubbing their right arm to numb the aches and soreness. They placed their left arms in position.

What followed was another tough contest. Sweat now coated their bodies under the heat. Eyes half shut as their left arms switched position from being on top to being pushed back the other way. The girls were feeling a burning hate for each other, till Alex pressed Kat's hand down to the table. Both were panting and growled at each other like two feral cats as the Alex supporters cheered her on.

They would have went again but both had to admit their arms were not in any state to break the deadlock. Kat put out her right hand for a handshake to show Alex some respect. Alex shook the hand but as they got up and hugged, Alex took Kat "this isn't over between us. I wanna fight you." Kat gave her a hard hug back as she replied "feeling is mutual, I am going to take your title off you."

Carl smiled knowing it wasn't over between them. They broke apart and went about the party at separate ends of the garden. Stealing glances at each other throughout the party as they wanted so badly to fight now but didn't want to disrespect the host of the party or fight in front of kids.

Instead as Kat was leaving Alex told Carl "I'll be back in a moment" before rushing off towards her rival. Alex patted Kat on her shoulder before leaning in to tell her "Saturday night. Come to mine, we settle this bitch if you are woman enough." Making Kat shudder as her pussy tingled.

Turning around so they were pressing tits as she leaned in to Alex. Kat answered "challenge accepted. Bare breasts, winner take all." Kissing Alex's left cheek to pretend as if they were friendly for others. Alex gritting her teeth before nodding. Kat strutting away pissed off Alex untold as she thought "arrogant cxnt.." to herself before rejoining her husband.

The week went by with people still mentioning the arm wrestling to them both. Each said it was fun but wouldn't admit that they were going to fight. This was a private affair for right now. Though they would have loved to have taken each other on in the street, they needed to have no one drag them apart and in Kat's case she wanted to humiliate Alex in her own home.

Saturday night came and Kat dressed up in a red blouse, leopard print skirt and black heels went over to Alex and Carl's home with a bottle of wine. Anyone nosing thought that maybe the two rivals were becoming friends. Little did they know what was about to come that night. Alex answering the door wearing a white silk dress and white heels. They shared a kiss on the other cheek and Alex took the bottle of wine with a smile.

Heading inside the house of Alex, Kat could see a few trophies in her rivals home. Alex told Kat "I know you have your own trophies for boxing. I have mine for boxing too but tonight there won't be any gloves." Making Kat smirk as she thought "you think this intimidates me?"

Carl was in blue jeans and a black shirt as he welcomed Kat in, offering a drink but Kat replied "no I think me and Alex want clear heads right, no excuses for the loser." Alex nodded as Carl chuckled to himself and sat down on the chair facing the windows of their living room. The rest of the furniture had been moved apart from one white sofa pressed against a wall.

Alex started unzipping her dress after kicking her heels off behind her. Telling Kat "let's get going you bitch. I have had enough of hearing about how tough you are. I fucking run this neighborhood." Carl smiled as he unbuckled his jeans and slide his black boxers down so his cock could grow without any hindrance.

Smirking as she unbuttons her blouse. Kat replies "honey day I heard all about you I wanted at you. You don't run fucking shit around her." Showing she has no bra underneath as her tits are bared making Carl instinctively lick his lips seeing them.

Growling at each other as clothes come off. Seeing the raw power of each others bodies. Alex wearing a white thong, Kat showing her wild side with a leopard print thong. Both wearing what they did during their topless fighting days. With Kat challenging Alex "how about this, winner truly takes all, that includes if I win that thong of yours. I heard the stories that you love wearing that to fight, it'll hang on my bedroom wall." Alex bared her teeth at that remark.

"Your cheap thong will make go nicely on my trophies. So will a picture of you eating my pussy after I own you bitch" says Alex in response. Now it was Kat's turn to growl as both women's nipples became like daggers. Hearts were racing and their pussies had a little juices all over smeared over them. They'd met proud powerful women before of course. Something about each other though was fuelling their emotions more then they'd ever felt. Jealousy, hatred, pride all bubbled up.

Looking at Carl, Kat said "honey strip off because once I deal with your wife, I'll give you the best night of your life." Blowing him a kiss, which set off Alex as she charged Kat and the fight was on in earnest.

Hands went for hair as they grunted. Alex took the early lead with her charge allowing her to push back Kat a few steps. Kat got her feet under her and twisted them around to drive Alex back towards a wall. Swinging each other around by hair, they crashed side by side into a wall with a groan escaping their lips.

"Get your fucking eyes off my man!" Roared Alex as she let go of Kat's hair with one hand and slapped her across her face. Kat let out a cry of pain as her eyes shut. She fired back with a slap of her own as they traded nasty cracks of palms on cheeks till they pushed apart.

Only to slap body to body as they tried to power each other backwards in a clinch. Arms trying to wrap around the others body to squeeze them. Heads grinded together and even gave little butts as this was truly a hate filled battle for supremacy. Nipples scratching at their rival set as Carl stroked his cock lightly watching these two Amazon's fighting muscle to muscle.

Grunting as sweat started to drip off their brows. Kat decided to change tactic and show her power by lifting up Alex to her tip toes. Alex's eyes went wide for a moment and she soon found her back driven into a wall with a loud thud before a cry of pain escapes her lips.

Releasing her hold, Kat fires a right knee into the abs of Alex. Hissing into her face "you're a pretender honey. I am the fucking real deal and your man knows it." Carl grunted out at that as he loved what he was hearing. Loved what he was seeing as Kat started to pound the abs and tits of her rival to make his wife cry out with each clean shot.

Alex wasn't going down that easily. She reaches up and claws the cheek of Kat with her right hand to make Kat back off her with a surprised yelp. Rubbing her stomach for a moment before she fires a kick into the stomach of Kat. Alex fires back "you think you're the only wild bitch here! Come on you fucking whore!"

Back went Kat as she got slapped across her face with a wicked left handed slap. Carl watched as now his wife battered back her enemy towards the window. Anyone nosing would soon see Kat covering up as her back was pressed against the cold glass. Alex snarling "I'll fucking ruin you bitch." As tempers had more then boiled over.

Like Alex, Kat wasn't one to submit so easily. As Alex was running her mouth, Kat saw her chance and cracked her bitter rival on her ear with a right handed slap. Alex stumbled back with her ear ringing. The two Amazon's going toe to toe slapping it out. Cheeks turned bright red and sweat flew off them as Carl could hear the cracks of flesh on flesh. Surprised both were standing as they slugged it out.

Soon they fell into a clinch after missing with their next shots. Sweat dripped down their majestic bodies as they panted into each others ears. While they were supremely fit for their age, still they'd been fighting for ten minutes at a hard pace and they were beginning to feel it.

"I hated you... Moment I saw you" admits Alex. Back comes Kat as she replies "likewise... cxnt." Both feeling their pussies start to burn as they love the violence. Love having a real challenge after being so dominant for years. They didn't exactly respect each other as burning hate was all they felt for each other.

Digging short punches into each others kidneys as they held each other close by gripping the others thong with their left hands. Both shuddered and groaned as their eyes shut from the impact. Pain coursed through their bodies, going to their heads and even their toes. Insulting each other before throwing their next punch.

Kat then pulled Alex's thong desperately up as she wanted to win at all costs. Alex howled as the material bit into her bum and pussy, making her go to her tip toes. She responded in kind and Carl could see both of their labias eating the material. Till the material broke off and they stumbled apart with tears in their eyes.

Rubbing their slick pussies with their left hands, rights hand their rivals prized possession. Alex threw Kat's thong down angrily as her eyes burned with hate. Kat spat on Alex's thong before dropping it to show how little she respected her. Carl even wondered if he should break them up as he saw how personal this was and could see how dangerous they could be to each other.

After a minute to catch their breath. Stepping together they growl before they go back to each others hair. Strands are yanked out in the vicious hair pulling duel. Tits slap against each other and toes are stepped on. All the while their pussies would sometimes slap into their rivals set. They were giving it everything to conquer the woman that they hated the most in this world.

Starting to sling each other around by their hair. Carl was wide eyed in amazement by how nasty this was. He let out a gasp moments later as Kat surprised him and his wife by rolling to her back, placing her right foot into the stomach of Alex and flipping her over in a monkey flip type movement. Alex crashing on the carpet with a thud and a whine as her eyes shut with tears in them.

Turning around so she can mount Alex. Kat whacks her across her face with nasty slaps. Desperately Alex is trying to push her off but Kat truly has a wild look to her as she beats up her rival. Carl feels his cock throbbing as he watches his wife being smacked around.

Grabbing Alex by her throat with her left hand as she sees Alex won't submit that easily. Reaching back with her right hand, Kat scratches the thighs of her enemy. It soon becomes clear why as Alex is forced to open her legs up. Kat seeing the clit of Alex emerging, digs her nails into it to make Alex scream loud enough to cause the neighbours dog to start barking. Her eyes are streaming tears as she has never suffered like this before.

"No!!! Christ.... Please..." Pleads Alex as she turns her head side to side, gripping her carpet with both hands as she wants something to ease the pain she is in but can't find anything to help. Her mind flooded with pain as Kat smirks looking at her rival be so helpless. Spitting on Alex's face to show how weak she really is.

"I submit!! Please fucking get off!" Howls Alex. Kat releases the grip her holes on Alex. Standing up and placing her right foot on the chest of the beaten woman. Kat flexes her arms as much for Carl as it is for Alex to look up and see. With Alex putting her right hand between her legs to try to numb her pain by rubbing her pussy. Sobbing as she shuts her eyes.

Outside the house a neighbour is peaking through a gap in the curtains to see what the hell is happening. Imagine their surprise when they see Kat is on top of Carl. Her pussy gripping his cock as she fucks him. Kissing passionately as Alex is laying crying her eyes out. The neighbour gets their phone out to video what they are seeing, sending it to the others in the neighbourhood so they can see that Alex has been dethroned.

Inside Kat is screaming "yes Carl! Get in there deep you stallion!" Grinning as she loves nights like this. Beating a rival and getting a good fucking. Carl is grunting as he thrusts upwards and matches the rhythm of Kat. Kissing her neck as he worships her body tenderly.

Alex can only turn around slowly to her side and look at what is happening. She cries the hardest she ever has in her life. Her heart feels broken even though she has fucked rivals men before after a victory. This feels more personal then any of those ever did. She wants so badly to get up and tear Kat off her man to break her nose and kick her out her home.

Instead Alex has to watch the shuddering orgasm of her man and her rival. Kat panting hard as she is light headed. Kissing Carl's neck as she says "you stallion.." In a hushed tone as she is trying to get her breath under control. He has his eyes shut in bliss at what happened.

Soon Kat gets off Carl with a little stumble as she is tired. Placing her right foot on Alex's right cheek. Kat tells her "I own the neighbourhood now you weak bitch. If I want I will fuck your man. You are just second best in every department, you can ask him that to confirm it." Getting off Alex's face before slipping slowly back into her clothes.

Picking the broken thong of Alex up. Kat leaves the house and places it on the post box of Alex outside to show the street the queen is dead, long live the new queen. The neighbour who had been spying skillfully in their eyes rushed to hide in a set of bushes. Kat notices them and winks in their direction as she laughs. This is her neighbour now.


Offline Dude64

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Re: Whose stronger? Alex Vs Wild Kat
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2024, 02:45:19 PM »
Another awesome story