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Michele my wife vs Sophia her rival at work

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Offline Marti Clovis

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Michele my wife vs Sophia her rival at work
« on: December 21, 2010, 11:41:16 PM »
This is the story, or one part of it at least of the feud between my wife Michele and a co-worker friend of hers Sophia. How they got to hate each other so much, I don’t know but it’s been going on now for 3 or 4 years.  I guess they are both so different and also a little bit the same which is very competitive and not willing to admit defeat.

My wife was always going on about Sophia at home and how she hated her and how she would punch her lights out or beat her up if she had the chance.  Well her chance came up one day after a little celebration from her office at a local restaurant where employees were invited and where husbands or spouses were also invited.  About 50 people were present and we were all separated into tables of about 8 or 10 and of course both rivals were siting down at the same table.  I noticed the tension between those two right from the start.  Sophia was alone that night, apparently she didn’t ahve a steady boyfriend.

At one point anyway my wife came back from the bathroom with the look of a woman ready to kill and I know my fiery wife, she was pissed, she just told me in my ear, ‘’let’s go were leaving’’, I started to argue and to tell her we didn’t have desert yet but just by the look in her eyes I knew I couldn’t argue with her.  Anyway we left and in the car I asked what was going on and she told me that  Sophia and her had this big argument in the bathroom and they almost fougth right there in the bathroom of the restaurant, but they were stopped by another woman named Isabella, who is a stunner by the way. Isabella who is friends with both of them suggested they settle this woman to woman once and for all at a near by hotel where we could all rent a room and let the ladies settle their differences. I quickly forgot about desert and immediately I could feel a lot of excitement in my pants if you know what I mean, I always loved to see catfights and my wife gave me a few in the past, nothing too serious because she really never found a suitable opponent, but now to see her in actiona gainst the little Sophia was really a treat.

Sophia who is 30 years old, is 5’0’’ tall, long blond hair, about 120 pounds, nice ass, nice c-cups breasts I would say, beautiful blue eyes and very beautiful face and smile.

My wife Michele is 26 years old, is 5’7’’ tall, weighs 135 pounds, has a 36D-30-38 figure, pretty face with long brown hair and brown eyes. She has very nice legs and a cute plump ass, she has a great figure and is in very good shape, she is also very strong physically and can handle herself in a fight, she wont backdown to anyone.
We arrived at the hotel and rented the room, we all went up and placed the furniture and breakables on the side, Isabella who is a beautiful blonde of about 35 years old, incredible body and very cute face, she had just divorced took charge of the arrangmeents and she seemed to know what she was doing.

The rules were to be the following:
-   No biting, no scratching, no eye gouging.
-   In order not to do too much damage, they are allowed to punch the body and kick the body but only use slaps on their faces.
-   Anything else is allowed.
-    They will fight to the finish until complete submission by one of the 2 fighters,  except both ladies are allowed a break of 60 seconds that they can take anytime even if they are in trouble and then they resume the fight after the 60 second break.
-   Isabella will kind of referee the fight, I get to sit and watch and to not interfere.
-   Since they both wear gareterbelts and stockings underneath their dress, they will fight in their garterbelts and stockings with bras and panties as well.
-   The winner will have 30 minutes to toy around with the loser at the condition it doesn’t interfere with her health or safety.

Finally the room was ready, the rules were expalined by Isabella and they started to undress in front of each other with daggers into each others eyes, it was quite a sight to see them undress like that, my tall and statuesque wife and the lovely but petite Sophia.

They faced each other about 3 feet apart when they were in their garters and bras and my wife Michele told sophia;

‘’I’m gonna kick your ass, I was so looking forward to this, finally I’ll shut your big mouth, you tiny bitch.’’

‘’Myabe i’m smaller than you but I always told you I was better for sure, I’m gonna rip those sorry tits of your’’ said Sophia.

‘’Yeah yeah, you wished you had big tits like mine, yours are much smaller and probably sagging like an old cow even if you’re still young’’ said my wife.

With that sophia undid her bra and let go of it on the ground, ‘’let’s ask your hubby if he thinks I have sagging tits’’.

She had magnificent tits, although a little smaller than my wife’s but perky, pear shaped, perfectly staring at you with nice long pink nipples, her tits were magnificent. My wife then undid her bra too to show her perfectly round shaped tits who were a good size bigger than Sophia’s but they were bigger than most women for that matter.

‘’So still think your tits are better tnam mine tiny bitch’’ said my wife.

Looking a tobth ladies, the tale of the tape so to speak was the following between them:

Michele                            Sophia
25                               30
5’7’’                               5’0’’
135 pounds                            120 pounds at the most maybe a little less
36D                               36C
Longer than shoulder length brunette hair        Mid back long blond hair
Brown eyes                             Beautiful blue eyes

Both women had magnificent tits but Michele’s were bigger but Sophia’s were very pretty, she had bigger than medium sized tits, perfectly shaped, they looked magnificent and absolutely delicious.

Looking at them like this, it was obvious to me Sophia was out classed physically by my Michele but she didn’t seem to mind, she looked confident even arrogant, either she was careless or she was maybe better than we think.

The ladies continued to insult each other with their hands on their hips and at one point Isabella said, ‘’you’re gonna talk or you’re gonna fight’’.  

To be continued...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2010, 09:42:18 PM by rmclovis »


Long Hardone

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Re: Michele my wife vs Sophia her rival at work
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2010, 06:43:04 AM »
Nice start.  You may want to tighten up some details.  You list your wife as 36CC and then 36DD just a few lines later.  Still a good start and it's always nice to see authors here who can form sentences and break things into logical paragraphs.