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RQT Qualifying match 3/4: L. Gaga vs JLO

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RQT Qualifying match 3/4: L. Gaga vs JLO
« on: September 09, 2024, 10:23:00 PM »

The bell rings, and the two women lock up, their bodies pressing against each other as they struggle for dominance. Lady Gaga gets the upper hand and shoves J-Lo back. J-Lo retaliates by wrapping her arms around Gaga's waist and taking her down with a powerful body slam.
Gaga hits the mat hard, but she's quick to recover. She rolls out of the way as J-Lo comes in for another attack, and jumps to her feet, ready to fight back.

They lock up again, their bodies pressed together as they struggle to overpower each other. Their muscles strain, and their faces contort as they try to gain the upper hand. J-Lo grunts with effort as she pushes against Lady Gaga, her feet digging into the mat for leverage.
Gaga grins, her eyes determined as she resists J-Lo's advances. She pushes back, and the two women are at a stalemate, neither one willing to give an inch.

Gaga sees an opening and takes it, pushing J-Lo hard into the turnbuckle corner. J-Lo lets out a surprised yelp as she's slammed against the corner post.

Gaga doesn't hesitate. She closes in, a wild look in her eyes as she starts to rain down hard slaps on J-Lo's face. Each slap lands with a loud, stinging SMACK that echoes throughout the arena. J-Lo's head snaps back with each hit, and she lets out pained grunts as Gaga's relentless assault continues.

Gaga keeps up her relentless assault, switching between left and right-handed slaps like a crazed prizefighter. J-Lo's head whips back and forth, her long hair flying in all directions as she tries to shield herself from Gaga's attack.

Gaga's slaps land with a stinging impact that echoes throughout the arena. J-Lo's face is already red and swollen from the barrage of hits, and she lets out pained cries as Gaga shows no signs of slowing down.

J-Lo may be battered and bruised, but she's not going down without a fight. She gathers her strength and seizes an opportunity, grabbing Gaga and hurling her into the corner turnbuckle with surprising force. Gaga lets out a cry of pain as she slams into the corner, her body crumpling to the mat.

J-Lo doesn't give her a moment's respite. She moves in, her face set in a determined snarl as she starts to stomp on Gaga's prone body.

Gaga can do little but writhe and moan under J-Lo's relentless assault. Her body is being pounded into the mat with every stomp, and she cries out in pain and humiliation. Her bikini top offers little protection, and her breasts bounce and jiggle with every hit, threatening to spill out.
J-Lo shows no mercy, her eyes gleaming with a fierce light as she grinds her heel into Gaga's flesh. The crowd is going wild, chanting and cheering as the battle intensifies.

Gaga kicks out, desperate to escape J-Lo's brutal attack. She manages to shove her off and scramble to her feet, but J-Lo is hot on her heels.
The two women meet in the corner, their bodies pressing against each other as they fight for dominance. J-Lo wraps her hands around Gaga's neck, squeezing tightly as she tries to choke the life out of her.
Gaga's eyes bulge, her face turning red as she struggles for breath.

Gaga digs deep, throwing punch after punch into J-Lo's washboard abs. The blows land with a sickening thud, but J-Lo shows no signs of letting up. If anything, she seems to relish the pain, her face contorting into a twisted grin as she squeezes even harder.
Gaga's hands claw at J-Lo's wrists, her fingernails digging into the skin as she tries to break the hold. She lets out a strangled gasp, her face growing even redder as the oxygen is cut off.

J-Lo changes tactics, bringing her knee up to deliver a series of savage blows to Gaga's stomach. Each knee connects with a resounding thud, and Gaga doubles over in pain.
J-Lo's grip on her throat loosens slightly, but she maintains her relentless assault. Her knee rises and falls like a jackhammer, each blow sending shockwaves through Gaga's body.
Gaga's eyes roll back in her head as she fights to stay conscious, her legs threatening to give way beneath her.

J-Lo seizes her opportunity. With a powerful heave, she lifts Gaga off the ground and suplexes her over the top rope. Gaga lets out a cry as she's flipped upside down and hurled to the mat, her body crashing to the canvas with bone-shattering force.
J-Lo wastes no time, pouncing on top of Gaga and pressing her shoulders to the mat. She hooks a leg, her eyes blazing with determination as she waits for the ref to start the count.

J-Lo holds her position, her body pinning Gaga to the mat as the ref slaps the canvas. "ONE! TWO!" The ref shouts, but Gaga manages to get a shoulder up before the count is complete.
J-Lo lets out a frustrated grunt, her face twisted in a mask of rage. She slams a fist into the mat, her muscles straining as she tries to keep Gaga down.
Gaga's chest heaves as she gasps for breath, her body slick with sweat as she fights to stay in the game.

J-Lo hauls Gaga to her feet, her arms still looped around Gaga's neck. But before she can deliver another devastating blow, Gaga strikes back with a powerful uppercut that connects squarely with J-Lo's breasts.
J-Lo lets out a surprised yelp as her boobs jiggle in their bikini top. The impact sends shockwaves through her body, and for a moment, it looks like her breasts might pop out of her top entirely.

With her breasts still smarting from Gaga's uppercut, J-Lo regains her footing and strikes back with a vicious straight to Gaga's jaw. The blow snaps Gaga's head back, and she stumbles backward, dazed and disoriented.
But Gaga is a fighter, and she's not about to go down without a fight. She shakes off the hit and comes charging back at J-Lo, fists flying in a furious flurry of punches.
Gaga goes low, focusing her attacks on J-Lo's ample breasts. She hammers away at J-Lo's chest with a relentless barrage of punches, each hit landing with a sickening THUD.
J-Lo grunts with each impact, her breasts jiggling and bouncing inside her bikini top. She tries to shield herself from the onslaught, but Gaga is relentless, her fists flying like pistons as she rains down blow after blow.

J-Lo finds her second wind, and she returns fire with everything she's got. The two women exchange a flurry of punches, their fists colliding with flesh and bone in a deafening crescendo of violence.
The crowd is on their feet, screaming and cheering as the slugfest continues. Gaga grins through the pain, her body battered and bruised but still standing.

J-Lo presses her advantage, pushing Gaga back into the corner with a brutal series of punches. Gaga's back hits the turnbuckle, and she sags against the ropes. But Gaga isn't done yet. With a fierce growl, she brings her leg up and delivers a vicious kick between J-Lo's legs.
J-Lo lets out a high-pitched scream as she staggers back, her hands instinctively moving to protect her most vulnerable area.

Gaga seizes the opportunity, slamming J-Lo's face into the turnbuckle with brutal force. She hammers away at J-Lo's head, her fists a blur of motion as she rains down blow after blow.
Each hit is punctuated by a curse word, the venom in her voice adding to the brutality of her attack. "You bitch!" she screams, slamming J-Lo's head into the turnbuckle for emphasis.

J-Lo collapses to her knees, her face buried in the turnbuckle as she struggles to catch her breath. Her body is a vision of exquisite femininity, every curve and contour accentuated by the sweat and bruises that cover her skin.
As she breathes heavily, each inhale is punctuated by a moans The arena is silent, the crowd holding their breath as they watch J-Lo struggle to get back to her feet.
Gaga circles like a predator, her eyes locked on her quarry as she waits for the right moment to strike.

Gaga reaches under the ring and produces a steel chair, her eyes gleaming. She stalks back to J-Lo, who is still on her knees and raises the chair high above her head.
She brings the chair crashing down on J-Lo's back, the impact echoing through the arena like a gunshot.
J-Lo collapses to the mat, her body spasming in agony as the steel chair bites into her flesh.

Gaga rolls J-Lo onto her stomach, exposing her firm, round ass to the crowd. Without hesitation, she raises the steel chair and brings it crashing down.
The crowd gasps in shock, but Gaga shows no mercy. She continues to spank J-Lo's ass with the chair, each impact producing a loud, metallic THUD that reverberates throughout the arena.
J-Lo's moans are drowned out by the crowd's screaming.
J-Lo writhes in pain, her famous derriere jiggling with every impact as Gaga relentlessly spanks her with the chair. The crowd can't look away, their eyes wide with horror and fascination as they watch J-Lo's humiliation unfold.
Gaga seems to be enjoying herself as she delivers each punishing blow. "How's that feel, J-Lo?" she taunts, her voice dripping with venom.

Gaga tosses the chair aside like a discarded toy. She grabs J-Lo by the hair and roughly hauls her to her feet, then shoves her face-first into the turnbuckle.
Gaga bends her legs through the ropes, securing her in a compromising position. J-Lo is powerless to resist as Gaga adjusts her body, making sure that her most intimate areas are exposed to the leering crowd.
Suddenly, a golf club is thrown into the ring by an unseen hand.

Gaga smiles wickedly as she takes hold of the golf club, testing its weight and balance in her hands. J-Lo moans, her body trembling as she awaits the inevitable blow.
Gaga aims, drawing the club back like a woodsman about to strike a tree. With a mighty swing, she connects with J-Lo's ass, sending a wave of ripples through the fleshy globes.
The crowd goes wild, screaming and cheering as J-Lo's ass jiggles like Jello in an earthquake.

Gaga wastes no time, grabbing J-Lo by the arm and hauling her up to the top rope,her body limp and pliable in Gaga's hands.
Gaga steadies herself on the rope, then leans back and brings J-Lo crashing down to the mat in a powerful back suplex. Both women's bodies bounce and jiggle with the impact, the flesh on their curves rippling like waves on a turbulent sea.
Gaga rolls on top of J-Lo, pressing her weight down as she goes for the pin.
It's another two count; Gaga was sure she had it in the bag
The ref's hand hits the mat. "ONE! TWO!" Gaga grins triumphantly, sure that she's won the match. But J-Lo manages to get a shoulder up before the three-count.
Gaga's smile fades, replaced by a look of frustration. She can't believe that J-Lo is still fighting, her will to win is seemingly inexhaustible.
J-Lo lets out a cry of defiance, her eyes blazing

The arena lights dim, and the giant jumbotron on the ceiling comes to life, the camera zooming in on J-Lo's tantalizing ass cheeks. The crowd goes wild, their cheers reaching a fever pitch as they revel in the up-close view of J-Lo's ample assets.
Gaga glances up at the screen, a wicked smirk crossing her lips. She can't resist the opportunity to add insult to injury, and she reaches down to give J-Lo's behind a hard, stinging spank.
J-Lo lets out a moan, her body quivering with the impact.

Gaga grins at the crowd, relishing their reaction. "You like that?" she shouts, her voice booming over the din of the crowd's screams. "You want more?"
The crowd goes wild, their shouts of "YES!" filling the arena like a tidal wave of sound.
Gaga takes that as a cue to unleash her inner percussionist. She begins to beat J-Lo's ass like a set of bongos, her hands leaving red, stinging marks on the fleshy cheeks.
Gaga takes things to the next level, yanking J-Lo's bikini bottoms down to expose her bare behind. The crowd goes berserk, their screams reaching a deafening pitch.
Gaga smiles wickedly, relishing her moment of control. She starts to smack J-Lo's bare ass, her handprint blossoming on the soft, creamy skin.
J-Lo moans and squirms, but she's too weak to resist. The crowd roars its approval, the sound of their chanting blending with the echoing smacks of Gaga's hand.

Gaga punctuates her spanking session with a sharp smack to the back of J-Lo's head. "Take that, you c**t!" she snarls. She reaches down and grabs a handful of J-Lo's hair, using it to haul her opponent up to her knees. J-Lo, her body trembling with the effort of staying upright.
Gaga's grin widens, her eyes glittering as she surveys the damage she's inflicted.

Gaga starts to untie J-Lo's bikini top, her fingers working deftly on the knots. But before she can reveal J-Lo's breasts to the salivating crowd, J-Lo lashes out with a desperate elbow to Gaga's crotch.
Gaga doubles over, clutching her pussy and howling in pain. She drops to the mat, rolling around like a wounded animal as the crowd gasps in surprise.
J-Lo sways on her knees, barely conscious, but still lucid enough to strike back.

J-Lo manages to crawl towards the steel chair, her fingers digging into the mat as she pulls herself along. She hoists herself to her feet, one hand gripping the chair for support, and staggers towards the ropes. She climbs to the top turnbuckle, the chair held aloft in her hand. She pauses for a moment, gathering her strength, then launches herself off the ropes like a missile. Gaga, still dazed from the blow between her legs, never sees it coming.

The steel chair connects, the force of the blow reverberating through the arena. Gaga's body convulses with the impact, her eyes rolling back into her head as she collapses to the mat. Her curves jiggle and bounce, her breasts and ass quivering with the impact.
J-Lo lands heavily on top of her, the chair clattering to the floor as she hooks a leg and goes for the pin.

The ref hits the mat. "ONE! TWO!" The arena holds its breath, everyone leaning forward in their seats as the ref's hand rises for the three-count.
But at the last possible moment, Gaga manages to get a shoulder up. The crowd erupts in disbelief, their screams mingling with J-Lo's cries of frustration.

J-Lo's patience has snapped. She delivers a powerful kick to Gaga's stomach, rolling her over onto her stomach. She grabs the waistband of Gaga's bikini bottoms and yanks them off with one savage tug. Gaga's naked ass is now fully exposed, her cheeks quivering in the arena lights.
J-Lo stands over her opponent, the picture of dominance. She takes a moment to survey her handiwork, a cruel smile spreading across her face.

She grabs the golf club and beats Gaga’s ass cheeks over and over until her arms are numb. With a final attack, she shoves the club into lady gaga’s ass. The ref already knows it's over, but she has a job to do. As JLO stands on Lady Gaga’s back, her hand firmly gripped around the club, the ref picks up Lady Gaga’s limp wrist and then lets it go;  it drops to the mat with no protest.

 JLO has qualified and showed she will be a force to reckon with As she rolls gaga onto her back, twerking over her face.



Offline wheelman

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Re: RQT Qualifying match 3/4: L. Gaga vs JLO
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2024, 10:44:54 AM »
Most women really start to lose their edge physically after 50. But JLo still being so strong and athletic is definitely an exception to the rule!
« Last Edit: September 10, 2024, 10:46:38 AM by wheelman »


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Re: RQT Qualifying match 3/4: L. Gaga vs JLO
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2024, 05:53:46 PM »
Loved to read how J-Lo's big, famous bum got bashed by Lady Gaga! Would love to see it getting targetted more and worse in the tournament.

Again, lovely pairing, happy to see both these women clash.


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Re: RQT Qualifying match 3/4: L. Gaga vs JLO
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2024, 08:41:24 PM »
Bashed until the end...then I'd say Gaga got the worst of it