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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2460 on: May 26, 2024, 01:52:56 AM »
Ariana Grande vs Sabrina Carpenter



The blonde's voice trilled sharply, betraying her agony as her opponent viciously pinched and twisted her nipples.  Both singers had been taking a cruel delight in making the other "sing" in agony during their fight, and Ariana was especially pleased at how many scales she made Sabrina wail through just now.  "Can't wait to hear your encore, sunshine," Grande taunted her adversary.

But the brunette would be denied that, if only for now, as Carpenter swung her arms up and slammed the heels of her palms into her tormentor's temples.  Ariana let out a gasping grunt and, releasing her hold on the blonde' aching nipples, she stumbled backward with a moan, instantly glassy-eyed.

Ignoring her own pain, Sabrina slipped behind her dazed rival and reached around with her hands, until they clutched Ariana's bikini thong.  The blonde then began to savagely yank the garment up, subjecting Grande to a brutal front wedgie, the fabric disappearing up into her womanhood.  The brunette's howl of anguish started low but rapidly rose in both pitch and volume, until she was hitting a piercing note well beyond her normal register.  Tears streaked down Ariana's face as she continued wailing in sheer agony, until finally she began to screech "I GIVE UP!  I GIVE UP!  IIIIII GIIIIIIVE UUUUUUP!!!"

Sabrina kept tugging for a few moments more before releasing her grasp, and Ariana collapsed to the floor in a sobbing, whimpering heap.  Placing a foot on the back of her beaten rival, Carpenter now gleefully sang, "And the winner is...MEEEEEEEEE!"



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2461 on: June 18, 2024, 01:48:42 AM »

Patty Guggenheim vs Jameela Jamil

Jameela wasn't used to encountering women in the acting world that were close to her height and had boobs in her league. The disaster of She-Hulk was made deeper by such a woman appearing and portraying a character that gained much more favor with fans of the MCU. Patty was tall, pretty, and busty, and despite only moderate success in Hollywood thus far, this role was shaping up to be her breakout. A party for the cast, with everyone themed out as their character, was the first moment that brought the two tall actresses tit to tit. Jameela was annoyed that the brunette didn't seem intimidated by the bust contact, and downright angry when she got caught staring at Patty's tits while her opposite simply smiled right in her face. The lack of intimidation shown by Patty pushed Jameela to issue the challenge and they slipped away to determine who was better.

The titfight had definitely gone more Jameela's way but she could not get Patty to submit. Growing even more frustrated, she challenged the other woman to a sexfight to finish it off. The British actress struck the first blow, forcing the American down on her back and assaulting her clit to clit and bringing her off fairly quickly. Whatever advantage she thought she'd gained vanished as she looked down and saw Patty smiling back up at her.

"Thanks, I needed that."

Guggenheim then rolled her darker skinned opponent over and began bashing her clit into the now panting woman's love bud. Patty kept smiling as Jameela screamed out in orgasmic pleasure and then kept riding her opponent, quickly brining her to another orgasm. After the third, she shifted to a straddling position and began slamming her tits down into the pair that had been beating them not even an hour before. She then applied a light grapevine to her dusky opponent and whispered into her ear, "You will admit I'm the better woman and worship my body for the rest of the night, or I will not stop fucking your brains out and bashing your tits to goo until I'm satisfied. And THEN I'll still make you admit I'm better and worship me."

Jameela needed no further prompting. Fearing that she was going to be truly, thoroughly dominated by Patty she eeked out, "You're the better womand and I will worshp your body in any way you wish."
« Last Edit: June 18, 2024, 01:49:44 AM by HumanPerson »


Offline Nicole S

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2462 on: July 07, 2024, 08:32:37 PM »
Karen Gillan VS Jenna Coleman


Jenna Coleman had found herself in a precarious position early into the fight. Karen Gillan's thighs pressed down with unrelenting force, making it hard for the brunette to draw a breath. The Scottish woman's smug grin only grew wider as she leaned in closer, her voice dripping with mockery as she trailed her finger across the top of Jenna's heaving breasts. "Tell me, Jenna," Karen purred, her eyes gleaming with sadistic delight. "How big are these tits of yours?"

Jenna gritted her teeth, her face flushed with effort and humiliation. She tried to push Karen's legs away, but it was like trying to lift a vice. "34D," Jenna finally grunted out, her voice strained.

Karen's grin widened at Jenna's strained confession. "34D, huh? That's impressive... when I'm done, you might still be able to fill a B cup, at least."

Karen then tightened her grip, her powerful thighs clamping down even harder around Jenna's chest. Jenna gasped as Karen's thighs targeted her boobs specifically, tightened around her bust as Jenna's tits were squished beneath Karen's left thigh. Jenna's hands frantically tried to pry Karen's legs apart, but it was useless. She threw back her head and let out a banshee wail as she felt like her boobs were going to pop.

"AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHH!!" Jenna yowled as her body jackknifed as the redhead temporarily relented, and then bore down with a sudden squeeze.

"Oh, quit yer whining!" Karen taunted with a low growl, "C'mon, those big tits of yours can surely take some more!"

Jenna's face was turning red as she continued to push on Karen's thighs, tears stinging her eyes as she sobbed lightly. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, watching in awe as Karen dominated the match. The redhead relished in her control, her smile never fading as she maintained her vice-like grip. Jenna's strength was quickly fading as the Scot's thighs continued to wallop her chest as her boobs mushroomed under Karen's thighs.

"Now, in front of everyone," Karen demanded as she lifted her thigh finally, letting Jenna draw in some much needed breath. Karen's voice had begun as a low whisper, before she then raised her volume so the entire crowd could hear her question, "Who's the best Who girl?"

Jenna's voice quivered in both humiliation and frustration, her breath coming in ragged gasps. With the fight drained out of her by Karen's devastating tit-scissors, Jenna had no choice but to finally choke it out:. "You...are," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.

Karen's smile widened as she released her hold fully, letting Jenna collapse to the mat, gasping for air as her hands immediately massaged her flattened breasts. The redhead stood over her defeated opponent, basking in her conquest. She turned to leave, but not before delivering one final, cutting remark just to add salt to Jenna's wounds.

"By the way," Karen scoffed, her voice dripping with disdain as she eyed Jenna's heaving breasts, "Peri's were bigger."

Michelle Trachtenberg VS Kaley Cuoco


Michelle Trachtenberg and Kaley Cuoco had been going at it for what felt like hours, both giving their all in a brutal, no-holds-barred catfight. The arena echoed with the sounds of their grunts and the slaps of skin on skin as they wrestled on the mat, each trying to prove their superiority. Kaley, dressed in a simple black brassiere and matching boy shorts, had been holding her own well enough, but Michelle, in a black leotard that showed off her upper thighs, was a force to be reckoned with.

Kaley had managed to get Michelle in a few compromising positions, but the brunette always found a way to break free and retaliate hard. At one point early in the match, Kaley had Michelle in a headlock as Michelle pried on her arm. The blonde delved into some unprecedented cruelty as she dug her nail into Michelle's cheek, drawing blood and eliciting a sharp cry of pain from the Buffy alumni. Michelle could feel the warmth of the blood trickling down her face, but it only furled her determination to keep fighting.

Eventually, the tide turned permanently when Michelle managed to catch Kaley off guard, using her long legs to sweep Cuoco to the ground with a crash. Michelle wasted no time as she slipped herself into position, locking her legs around Cuoco's neck in her patented reverse headscissors. Kaley's face was pressed against Michelle's firm, toned thighs as she was forced to stare at the brunette's ass, and the pressure was immediate.

The blonde tried to fight back, hitting and smacking at Michelle's legs with all the strength she could muster. Her fists pounded against Michelle's thighs, but she was hitting pure muscle. Michelle barely flinched, her expression calm and composed as she simply grunted through the strikes to her figure. Cuoco desperately raked one of her fingers down Michelle's thigh to draw some blood, but shrieked as her nail broke as she tried to dig into the skin. Unlike Michelle's cute face, her thighs were much more durable.

"Nails aren't gonna cut it this time, you dumb bitch. See, you can claw my legs and hit my ass all you want--" Michelle purred with condescension in her voice as she looked over her shoulder, flexing her butt as her legs clamped down even harder around Kaley's neck as the blonde let out a loud groan, "-but I can squeeze a lot fucking harder than you can hit!"

Kaley's eyes were squeezed shut as she was being choked between Michelle's legs, her face turning red from the effort. She continued to smack and claw at the brunette's legs, but it was a worthless endeavour. Trachtenberg's grip was unyielding as ever, her thighs akin to a vice as they dug into Kaley's throat. Kaley's struggles soon grew weaker. Michelle's legs flexed and tightened with each passing second, her muscles taut with effort as she squeezed with just over half her maximum capability. Soon, the blonde's hits became pitiful slaps, her strength sapped under the relentless pressure.

Michelle held the hold for a few more seconds as Cuoco slumped between her legs, and then let go only once she felt the telltale sign of victory - some drool had escaped Kaley's lips and began to run down Michelle's thighs. Kaley Cuoco lay motionless on the mat, completely subdued between Michelle's thighs. Michelle stood up slowly, breathing heavily but victorious, her legs having proven their worth once again. She looked down at her fallen opponent, a satisfied smile on her lips as she savoured another win.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2024, 08:33:37 PM by Nicole S »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2463 on: September 01, 2024, 02:38:15 PM »
Sophia Bush VS Elizabeth Olsen


The crowd was stunned silent. Shook. Fanboys' jaws were on the floor. They were no longer cheering for fan favorite Liz Olsen. They were just staring.

Liz had also been the betting favorite. Bookies expected her to win. Fans expected her to trash Sophia Bush. Even Liz expected this to be a mere formality.

But now, as Liz sat in the corner of the ring in just her bra and panties, head resting against a turnbuckle, her eyes clearly showed her defeat. She stared up at Sophia, looking nervous, chest rising and falling mesmerizingly with deep breaths. "Wai..." Was all Liz could huff out.

Sophia turned and planted her plump ass right into Liz's face. Liz's legs kicked and her arms flailed, as Sophia aggressively rubbed her rump all over Liz's shocked, tired features.

When Sophia stepped away, Liz was left groggy and slumped on her ass, an arm laid over each bottom rope. Liz's left breast and bounced free of her bra from the violent struggling a moment before.

Sophia grabbed Liz's ankles and dragged her slightly out of the corner. Liz laid there on her back, one tit flopped out, sweaty hair matted to her face. Sophia climbed to the top turnbuckle. The crowd gasped in anticipation.

Sophia turned on the top rope to address the crowd. "Should I land on her face or her fat tits?" Sophia asked with a little giggle.

The crowd failed to respond. Sophia shrugged. "Well, she did make fun of my breasts earlier. So..."

Sophia leapt through the air and Liz watched as if in slow motion. Yet she couldn't muster the energy to roll away. Liz screamed as Sophia's sexy ass landed hard right on those Marvel-ous tits. The crowd was loud now, but it was hard to tell if they were excited or afraid.

Sophia remained on Liz's mushroomed and surely bruised funbags for the three count. And she didn't bother to move for moments afterwards, simply raising her arms and grinning.

"Thanks, Liz. There's nothing quite like silencing a crowd," Sophia laughed to her downed victim as she wriggled her ass against those flattened sacks, getting a loud pained, defeated groan from Liz.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2464 on: September 03, 2024, 03:24:46 AM »

They knew people had trouble telling them apart. Even friends in Hollywood would occasionally have to stop short and correct themselves when they saw one of them out in public or at an event. Finally, they showed up to the same dinner in the same jacket in only slightly different colors. There was no animosity, but a drunken question led to the current moment. One of them seemingly accidentally asked the other if she wondered which one of them was better. A few catty exchanges later and they had ditched their dinner companions and ended up back in one's bedroom stripped down to nothing but their birthday suits.

The battle commenced, and it was not competitive. One petite beauty was clearly better whether they were slapping, pulling hair, ramming their perky tits together, or trying to make the other cum. The loser's pride couldn't take it. The first time she came she almost growled in anger and then pounded the bed in frustration. The second time took her out of it physically, but her pride welled up and refused to acknowledge defeat. Her tormentor became angry at the loser for not admitting defeat.

That led to the current moment. The winning fighter had enlisted the use of both their bras, one for each wrist, to tie her opponent to the bedposts. She then took her panties and shoved them into the losing woman's mouth while riding her clit to clit. Feeling her opponent closing in on another orgasm, the dominant woman took her panties out of the other woman's mouth and flattened out so that their bodies were clit to clit and tit to tit. Looking into her foe's eyes she simply said, "I'm going to make you cum a third time. After that you have two choices. You can admit that I'm the better woman and I'll shove my pussy in your face since you liked the taste of my panties so much, or you can refuse and then I'll flip you over and get the biggest strapon you've ever seen and absolutely destroy your asshole with it no matter how much you beg me to stop. Now what's it going to be?"

"I'll admit you're the better woman, just don't hurt me."

With a conquering grin on her face the winner made her opponent cum a third time and just a few seconds later fulfilled her promise to sit her beautiful snatch on the bound woman's face. Looking down at her conquest, she had an almost bemused look on her face. "You did this on purpose, didn't you? You fished with that comment to see if I would bite. I bet you've brought plenty of women back here and you've probably beaten them, which is why you were so confident with me. Well, I'm sorry to say, but other than having slightly bigger boobs than me you're completely inferior Anna."

Kate Mara rode the loser's face for a while longer, came all over it, and then used her pussy to rub it all over Anna Kendrick's face. She untied her conquest, stood her up against a wall, and pressed her body in tight while making sure to line their breasts up. "Yeah, yours are slightly bigger but mine are way firmer. I bet I could beat them easy."
« Last Edit: September 03, 2024, 03:28:07 AM by HumanPerson »


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #2465 on: September 21, 2024, 05:10:28 PM »
I have loved these for years.
Thanks all who post these.