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The Clash: Kerry Versus Cassandra.

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Offline DarkKnight9980

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The Clash: Kerry Versus Cassandra.
« on: August 28, 2024, 05:21:19 PM »
The Clash: Kerry versus Cassandra
In Florida at an undisclosed location outdoors a fight club was starting to gather. Men and women would gather here to fight for thrills, some to gain confidence and others to release anger they held for how life how treated them like shit. The hundred dollars they got also helped as the fights were filmed and posted online to help the club gain notoriety.

The past few months a fight had been brewing between two strong females. One the twenty year old Kerry had joined the club because she needed an outlet for her rage. Working as a waitress in a diner she thought would be a fun way to get money when not going to college. She learned quickly that life isn't always the nicest, especially when working late shifts and having patrons who think her and her fellow waitresses were there for eye candy and to even give a spank to two to.

Seeing the club online on her phone made her eyes light up. While she wanted to quit the job, the tips helped out and she thought this would be a good way to earn a few bucks. Not caring if other students saw her as all she cared about was rent money and paying for her student fees. Fighting the first day she went to the club battering a blonde beauty to the ground to win her debut felt such a ride for her that she knew she had to come back.

But she had an issue with another fighter on that first day. Cassandra also would make her debut. The thirty four year old was a housewife who'd fought in her younger days. Her husband was let go from his job and while they fought more then they had, she still loves him with all her heart.

Now she worked out hard to stay in shape, priding herself on her looks. She'd run for miles, hit a punch bag they set up in their back yard and use the light dumbbells they'd bought. One day needing something to take her mind off life, she stumbled on the club, loving what she saw as her eyes went wide.

It just happened she decided to join up same as Kerry and a few other girls did. Cassandra would go on a few fights after Kerry and smack down her opponent. A young Asian woman who looked good at first till she got hit on her chin and started to crumble as Cassandra unleashed her rage on her till the girl laid flat on her back.

Strutting around the ring, Cassandra yelled "I'll fuck you all fucking up!" As she was fired up. Kerry stared at Cassandra like she wanted to climb into the ring to fuck her up. Cassandra noticed and stopped to stare daggers at her. Neither said a word but they both knew they had met someone they needed to fight.

Unluckily for both they had two more fights but weren't put together. The organisers had noticed some tension, they hadn't put two and two together though that they legit had it in for each other. Wanting to be the one to smack down the other and prove dominance as they kept seeing each other win.

Finally they chatted outside the ring after their last fights. Cassandra was the one to step up to Kerry, asking her "got a problem with me little girl?" Which was funny as Cassandra stands 5'7 and Kerry at 5'6, hardly noticeable to most as they looked at both chatting with keen eyes.

"Yeah I do you arrogant cow. We are here for a bit of fun and a little cash. You're just some arrogant bitch" replied Kerry. Her blood was boiling still from her last fight and Cassandra was not going to get in her face without getting told where to go.

Both squared up to each other. Noticing how similar they were built as Kerry worked out when she could. Cassandra at 143lbs to Kerry's 141lbs. Their boobs were evenly matched too as both deep down realised why they had such hatred for each other. They were so evenly matched that they desperately wanted to be the top woman.

"Me arrogant. You're the dirty hoe that's decided she is top bitch here, to me you're a little girl in my world and I'll happily fuck you up" hissed Cassandra as both bared their teeth to each other. They felt their nipples fence under their sports bras, eyes full of fire as their hearts were racing.

Both grabbed the others hair and while the club organisers would love to see them fight. Legally they had to break them up, also they saw money if they settled it on camera. Breaking them up as the girls screamed threats at each other. It was clear they had to settle this beef.

Leading to today. The sun was bearing down on the crowd. Instead of a ring the guys who run the events had gotten fencing to set up as an MMA cage style set up. With no mats but some grass in the field the fights were taking place in.

The fights earlier in the day consisted of boxing, MMA and even some grappling style fights for those who wanted to fight with a lower chance of coming home with a black eye or cuts. With each bout predominantly ending with the participants shaking hands with beaming smiles from enjoying the contests.

That didn't look to be the case with Kerry and Cassandra. They were kept apart by the organisers and the heat was pissing both off. They'd come with a few friends who were telling them they'd beat the hell out of the other woman as they'd agreed to boxing style rules. Wanting to stand and trade, no getting to the grass to roll around. Purely punch each others lights out.

Kerry told her friends "I can't wait to shut that stupid hoe up. Fucking acting like she is the queen around here. I'll fucking bust her up so her husband can have an excuse to dump her." Getting a loud whoop from her group.

Looking over with a glare at the group. Cassandra told her friends "look at that cheap ass bitch. Probably sucks cocks in alleyways to make a living. Thinks she is tough and all that shit. She is going to learn a lesson she'll never fucking forget." Making her friends cheer her on.

Soon it was time for them to step into the cage. First to walk inside was Kerry wearing white shorts, a white sports bra and white 8oz boxing gloves, her hair is tied into a braid. Her friends outside the cage were yelling "fuck that bitch up!" Making Kerry smile as she tells them "oh her ass is mine, she ain't fucking leaving here till I knock her out." Making others in the crowd cheer and whistle for her.

Then in comes Cassandra wearing a pink sports bra with black trim, along with matching shorts, red 8oz boxing gloves, hair tied into a ponytail. Her group are screaming "sent that whore back to the streets with less teeth!" As Cassandra says "oh I'll have her crawling out this cage on her hands and knees. Nothing new for her there right?" Making Kerry stare daggers at her as the crowd loved the animosity between them.

Both are waved to the middle of their battleground to be checked over by the referee. Showing they had gumshields in (red for Cassandra, black for Kerry) along with them being barefoot. They were reminded this would be five rounds of five minutes. They both nodded that they agreed to that.

Asked if either had any last words for each other. Cassandra tells Kerry "I am going to whoop you then I'll slap your mother for bringing a cxnt like you into this world!" The referee having to hold Kerry back as she sees red. Wanting to kill Cassandra for bringing her mother up. The grudge becoming a full blood feud as Cassandra laughs and jogs back to her side of the cage.

Back to her side of the cage goes Kerry as she takes a deep breath trying to cool off. It hasn't helped that her friends are telling her to beat the brakes off of her rival. Her heart is going a million miles an hour in her head as it races. She sees only red as the bell rings to start the opening round.

Out rushes Kerry but she is met by several stiff jabs. Cassandra dancing on her toes as Kerry is trying to bullrush her. The older woman clearly wanted this as she is boxing the head off her younger opponent in the opening going. Kerry not thinking straight as her adrenaline is running wild.

Kerry gets hit with a left hook on her jaw to twist her head around, a little saliva flying out her mouth before Cassandra rushes her against a fence. The older woman slugging Kerry to her abs when her punches are blocked up top. Kerry needing to hang onto Cassandra to slow her down.

"Thought this was going to be your fight didn't you black bitch... You're fucking nothing in here with me" whispered Cassandra to her rival. Kerry pushed her off with a venomous look to her face as those words stung her very being.

Again though Kerry wasn't fighting her best. Her bottom lip was cut open by a right cross landing flush on it. She started to land a few solid blows but Cassandra would move back and Kerry would miss with a follow up, leading to her being smacked clean on her face to the delight of the Cassandra fans as they wanted to see the young women beaten badly.

The bell dinged with the referee rushing between them. Kerry roared to the heavens a frustrated shout. Her friends telling her that she is playing Cassandra's game. It didn't help Kerry when she turned to see Cassandra grinning as she took a drink of water from her bottle.

Round two begun with both having sweat on their brow. Cassandra started strong again behind her jab but Kerry was starting to channel her anger better. A feint by the black woman made Cassandra bite and miss with a counter right that found air. Instead Kerry crouched under and lands an uppercut to rock back her rival a step as sweat goes flying.

Cassandra not liking being pinned against the fence. Hooks hammering her flanks as Kerry unleashes her fury on her. Cassandra grunting when she is hit flush as she hears Kerry's fans and friends behind her screaming for Kerry to tear her apart.

Pushing off Kerry; Cassandra moves around from the cage to her foes left. Both tasting left more as they slug it out at range. Cassandra soon feels blood trickling from her nostrils as a straight slams flush on her nose.

Both women had never really been tested like this in their previous contests. They felt blood on their faces running to their tits. Felt their hearts racing faster then they ever had before and both found themselves turned out. The thrill of the fight as defence went out the window in the last twenty seconds of the round. Feet were planted as they slugged it out. The crowd roaring them on.

Till the bell rung and the referee had to push both apart as they were still trading. Kerry screaming "I am going to fucking knock you out you white whore!" As her temper was blowing up like a volcano. Cassandra tried to get past the referee to keep fighting as her head was gone.

Once both were on their sides of the ring their groups tried to cool them off. Each poured part of their water over their heads as the heat and their hatred for each other was bubbling over. The crowd around them was amazed that these two women were going as hard. Hell even the people running the fight club didn't expect this to be as hard fought as they almost gleefully rub their hands knowing the viewership for this was going to be amazing.

"Ding!" Round three begun with Cassandra getting pegged back early on with a jab on her nose opening her up to a clubbing right to her jaw. Cassandra jabed nicely back when she could get her feet under her. She was feeling the pace of the fight starting to go up a notch as Kerry was walking her down. Both with blood staining their gloves when they landed flush.

Trying to land a left hook that found air, Cassandra was clubbed by an overhand right on her jaw that sent her down to her right knee to a roar from the crowd. Kerry had to be warned not to hit her as the right fist was drawn back. Kerry instead told Cassandra "get you bitch... I ain't satisfied yet." A slight chill ran up Cassandra's back as she hadn't been put down in her fighting career so far. Here she was being taunted by a foe to get back up so she could be hurt more.

The referee counted 1....2....3... As Cassandra shook her head. The sounds around her were mixing together, she could hear cheers but also people wanting to see her get battered more. 4....5....6... She got up with eyes full of fire as she saw Kerry looking at her. She hated these younger bitches who thought they could handle her. Kerry was the prime candidate for why she hated them and she'd prove to everyone here and online why she is the god damn best in this arena.

Back at it they go with Kerry wanting to batter Cassandra. Instead though she walks into a straight that lands on her forehead before a left hook smashes across her jaw. Kerry is backpedaling as Cassandra is throwing piston like shots into her face.

The turn of events are complete when with under fifty seconds to go, Cassandra knocks down Kerry to her right side with a right hook. Standing over Kerry, Cassandra yells "that all you got bitch?! All that fucking talk!" Needing to be dragged away to the opposite side of the cage so the count could begin.

1....2.....3.....4... Kerry shook her head as she pushed up to her knees from her right side. She felt some swelling around her left eye. 5....6... Looking at Cassandra with malice on her face. Kerry hated bitches like her, people who thought they were above everyone else. 7... Kerry stood up telling Cassandra "I ain't done you cxnt!" To loud cheers.

They stepped in and slugged it out in the remainder of the round. Sweat and flicks of blood flew off them. Grimaces etched on their faces as neither fighters toughness could be questioned as they were laying their shots in and taking them. At the bell they were nudged apart as a loud cheer rung out around them.

Both were feeling it as Cassandra leaned against the fence on her side. Blood was coming from a bloody lip now for her. Kerry meanwhile wasn't exactly thriving either as she tried to pace a little to keep from body from cramping. She was sore all over too as this was their toughest fights of their lives already.

Soon enough round four begun. Neither was up on their toes now, flat footed stinging each others faces with clean shots. They circled as the crowd bayed for more violence around them. All the world to them though was simply the two of them in it. Clashing in closer with hooks before they split apart with their chests rising faster. Bodies were soaked with sweat and from the water they'd use to make them glisten under the sun.

In close they fought with both going to the body. Circling in tight with foreheads grinding, hissing their warm breath into their opponents face when they took a solid shot. It was becoming a war of attrition as neither wanted to give an inch. Neither said a word as they focused on destroying this devil of a woman trying to beat them down. It didn't help they felt their pussies leaking juices and nipples rubbed hard against their bras to make them shudder at times.

A howl came from one fighter as they sagged towards their opponent. The referee tried to see what happened as their bodies were turned in a way his view was blocked. Cassandra suddenly had Kerry on the ropes as she was beating her backwards with no reply. Kerry had tears in her eyes as she had her gloves low. Left eye was shut by a nasty right hook across it that sent Kerry stumbling to her front onto the grass.

Some of Kerry's supporters were yelling foul as they'd seen what happened, Cassandra spitting at Kerry before smirking at the group. Nearly causing a riot as they grab the fence on their side trying to pull it out to get in the fighting area. Security or more the friends of the fight club organisers rushed over to stop them as Kerry all the while lay moaning as her right glove was between her legs.

The referee could only go off what he saw and begun counting 1....2....3.... Kerry was moaning with her eyes shut. 4....5... Turning her face so her right side was on the grass as her left eye was shut. 6....7....8... Her supporters and friends urged her to get up but 9....10 Kerry was done for! Cassandra had won this personal bout.

Over came the winner to press her right foot into the cheek of Kerry. Snarling to Kerry's group "I beat the bitch fair and fucking square! You can't take I beat this bitch!" The referee having to get Cassandra out the fighting area as Kerry's group weren't going to take that laying down. She grinned as she jogged out the way in amongst her group.

Kerry's group were able to get into the fenced area to check on her. Others were yelling at the referee calling him blind. Some even accusing him of fucking Cassandra on the side. Kerry was helped to sit up as a first aid kit was brought over to help clean her up. She was crying hard, rubbing her right glove between her legs as she weakly said that she'd been hit low and flush before she was beaten.

When Cassandra was asked about it on camera after her gloves were taken off. She replied "she just won't admit the better woman won. Making any excuses I see. I whooped her ass to prove I am the fucking queen here. She wants to teach her group manners because they were the real issue."

While after Kerry was cleaned up and had recovered enough to be able to walk gingerly around. Kerry said "the bitch hit me low because she couldn't beat me. She fucking knows it and the world fucking knows she ain't fucking shit."

The fight club organisers were ecstatic of course. They asked people if they saw a low blow or was Kerry weak. They loved the views that flew in to see this controversial fight between two women who simply wanted to be the best and wanted to smash the other to pieces. While Kerry stewed seeing people say she was losing and looked for a way to cause trouble. Others backed her up as Cassandra simply laughed that off and was proud that she'd taken down her rival. Even telling those around her there was no need for a rematch between them as she had proven her point.


Offline matfighter507

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Re: The Clash: Kerry Versus Cassandra.
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2024, 01:07:46 AM »
Another banger of a boxing match! Great fight and glad to see you're back! Looking for to your next boxing match!


Offline SunnyB

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Re: The Clash: Kerry Versus Cassandra.
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2024, 06:14:37 PM »
Exciting, hot boxing match!  ;) :D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


Offline Crimsonrash

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Re: The Clash: Kerry Versus Cassandra.
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2024, 08:11:01 PM »
Go ahead and consider this one a home run. I love the racial dynamic and the heel tactics to win.